harSon said:If you guys haven't seen it, Tarantino has been doing introductions to films on Sky Movies. They're all roughly 10 minutes or shorter and within them, he gives some fairly off the wall but interesting takes of the films. Pretty great stuff.
Tarantino on Taxi Driver:
Part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YGPfDk9_Yo)
Part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of9u8VeQVIg&feature=related)
Tarantino on Sunshine:
Tarantino on There Will be Blood:
Tarantino on Death Proof:
Tarantino on McCabe & Mrs Miller:
Tarantino's top 20 films since becoming a director:
Code:Battle Royale Anything Else Audition Blade Boogie Nights Dazed & Confused Dogville Fight Club Fridays The Host The Insider Joint Security Area Lost In Translation The Matrix Memories of Murder Police Story 3 Shaun of the Dead Speed Team America Unbreakable
This isn't part of the series but it's similar in format and equally interesting, it involves him talking about Chungking Express and its director Kar Wai Wong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX8aUixCpek
Whoa, that's great!
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