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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((That's kind of funny about the L names, I didn't even think about that))

The journey back to Alydar is not very eventful. It takes under half a day, and as the party approaches town, they note that there are two guards standing watch at the gate, which is standing open (slightly unusual, but nothing to be alarmed over). Upon closer inspection, the guards are still zombified, but someone has attempted to make them look alive through use of makeup. It might be an effective ruse to an unassuming passerby, but to you it's not a very good disguise.

Passing through the gates, you notice that there is a very large crowd gathered around a stage that has been placed in a busy street juncture. You estimate that about half the town is here, but they're fairly spread out so it's not excessively crowded. Although the stage is still perhaps fifty to seventy yards ahead of you, you can make out a lone woman standing there. She has long red hair, and is wearing red clothes, but further details escape you at this point. You notice that her voice seems to be amplified somehow, and she is making a speech.

Until now, the crowd has been relatively quiet, and you might have been able to piece out what she's saying, but then someone recognizes the four of you and shouts out, "The Heroes have returned!"

This provokes a murmur to spread through the crowd rapidly, and people begin to clear out of the way for you; there is now a space buffer between you and the crowd. Within a minute, you are approached by Elric.

"Welcome back," he says, "Do you have the Rod?"

He acknowledges your answer, and then begins bringing you up to speed. "That's the royally-appointed Acting Mayor of Alydar. She just got here this morning with the official papers; apparently she was sent here to help get the town ready for the relief team that's getting here within the next few days. She says her name is Florentine Valero, I think."

The crowd begins trying to wave the four of you toward the stage, and as you're ushered ahead you see that it's the woman who probably started it, as she is looking directly at you and gesturing for you to climb on stage with her.

Perception DC 24
You notice that the woman makes direct eye contact with Kaff that lasts just an instant longer than it needed to, and you get the impression that there is a familiarity there

The four of you climb awkwardly on stage and look out at the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen," the woman says, "I present to you the Heroes of Alydar!" A large cheer erupts, unusually boisterous considering the undead nature of the crowd. When it dies down, she continues with her amplified voice, "As Acting Mayor, I am pleased to be working with these fine champions of justice! Once the relief work has begun in earnest, and a remedy can be found for the plague that has swept through this fine town, Alydar can begin to rebuild, and return to the glory of prosperity! Under my acting leadership, I hope to resume mining operations within a fortnight!"

This goes on for quite a while, as this woman piles platitudes onto the masses, who eat them up quite readily, as the four of you remain on the stage, not quite sure what to do with yourselves.

Finally, when it's all over and the crowd disperses, the woman turns to you and shakes each of your hands. "I understand that you all are weary from travel, but I would very much like it if all four of you would follow me to the Mayor's Manse so I could have a word in private!" She starts moving, and gestures for you to follow, periodically checking back to see if you're following.

((I know that there's a lot here; keep in mind that all of this happens within a span of about five minutes, so the onslaught of information is sort of by design))
The events are like a blur to him as they are pushed into being presented on the stage. He is only able to give a short nod to Elric in response. Once ushered onto the stage, he overlooks the crowd before him. He shyly murmurs to his immediate party members, "...What should we do?" Before smiling down at the crowd both in reaction and knowing that he will soon be working with them.

When shaking hands with the woman, he would take a good look at her, not having seen her before.
Quintus follows Florentine, "Well, they sure responded to this whole disaster quicker then I would have expected.... Sending you here and having a relief team already on the way I mean."
Sarm takes this opportunity to get a good look at this new, suddenly- important stranger. Her hair is long, wavy, and well-kept, and is a deep auburn; her skin is a healthy pink, and her facial expression hasn't yet strayed from an easy smile.

She is clad in a blouse and tailor-made trousers, each a shade of ruby red, and each very stylish and likely very expensive; this woman has an excellent fashion sense. She is also wearing small golden earrings and a gold necklace. A flower-shaped brooch is clipped to the breast of her shirt.

She appears to be somewhere between her mid twenties and early thirties; it's hard to discern a more specific range on account of her makeup.

Although she seems to be jolly and cheerful on the surface, you get a strong impression that she's not acting like her true self, and that she probably puts on this act whenever she's out in public.

Florentine smiles at Quintus, but seems to be too busy navigating toward the mayor's house through the crowd to be able to properly respond just yet.


Prodigal Son
In all honesty, Ivor does not find the attention unwelcome given that the curse is truly almost at an end. He greets Florentine warmly, finding her quite charming...

Perception: 16 + 8 = 24

...But decides not to bring up her and Kaff's hint of familiarity for now. He might just tease him later, about just how long they were staring at each other.

Mike M

Nick N
Kaff is visibly put out by this turn of events.  "Well, so much for trying to keep a lid on things..."

Lacking any better options, he follows the new mayor to the manse with the rest of the group, scanning the passersby in the hopes of spotting Arianna.  "The throne has responded to this crisis with uncanny speed.  Though I suppose that's not at all surprising considering the mineral wealth Alydar produces for the kingdom..."
Sarm can see by looking at her that she was not put under the Hand's spell (or so he thinks), which further causes him to wonder where she had come from. He follows along with the others, sure that will be the first answer they get.
The group finally makes their way to the mansion to which they had lain siege less than three days ago (and on the way, so far there is no sign of Arianna, which doesn't necessarily mean she's not there; it's just that there are a whole lot of people). There are guardsmen manning the front door; inside, the place has been tidied up very nicely. Apart from some very light burn marks on the carpet near where Ivor's firebomb had exploded, there are no signs that a struggle took place here recently.

You are led through the audience chamber, and then across a small hallway to an office. There is a man guarding the door, though instead of the gray-and-gold of the city watch, his garb is predominately red, like Florentine's.

"I don't wish to be disturbed," she says to the man, and leads you inside, then closes the door.

This office is slightly smaller than the Headmistress's at the Seminary, but there is still plenty of room for all five of you. She locks the door behind her, casts a spell on the door (Arcana DC 16
), and then her demeanor changes. Her entire body relaxes, including her facial muscles, and she now wears a smile that looks a great deal more genuine to Sarm. She is no longer standing quite so ramrod straight, and her posture is much more natural.

"Val," she exults, relief apparent in her voice. "Thank the gods." She flings herself into Kaff's arms and plants a long, passionate kiss square on his lips. She pulls her head back and says, "You have no idea how good it is to see you again, Brother."

She clenches him tightly in another embrace, and then finally releases him. "And not a moment too soon. We have a big problem, and I'm going to need your help." As she says that, she seems to be addressing all four of you.

((Pause for reactions))

Mike M

Nick N
Kaff's demeanor has evaporated like so much morning mist, speaking now with a much courser Ruby Keep dialect, absent of the cultured inflections of the upper class.  "Gods damn it, Valerie, what the shit?  You just outed me!"

He remembers himself and looks between the faces of his partners.  "Wow, this is really... Awkward..."
The woman looks somewhat stunned. "I... I had just assumed that they knew..." She looks at Sarm, Ivor, and Quintus, and back to Kaff. "You've been traveling and working with them for what, nearly two weeks now? And they still don't know who you are? Gods, Val, I suppose I don't blame you for being paranoid, and perhaps you'd know better than I, but from the information I've gathered, I'm fairly certain they can be trusted with the truth. After all, I think you can agree that we need all the help we can get, after what happened."

She takes a deep breath. "Still... I apologize for blowing your cover. Perhaps I should put a hold on my plea for your assistance and allow your companions some time to process what's going on."

((You left her abilities open to interpretation in your character write-up, so I decided to make her a Beguiler, which is a magic-using class that specializes in illusion and deception; you would probably be used to her using magic like this))
Sarm's eyes shift awkwardly, and one of his eyebrows raise. He takes a step back to allow for... More room. He places his hands behind his back as he awkwardly glances between the scene and the others' reaction.

His brows soon curl in perplexion at the speak of what Kaff truly is. Again, he looks over to the others if they have any idea, since on more than one occasion he has separated himself from the others in the past.
Quintus raises an eyebrow at the kiss, "Hmm. You two are very close I take it? Anyways, as much as I would love to hear the story of why you've been hiding the truth about yourself from us, unless its important, we should probably hear what your sister needs of us, so we can get to work on more important things... She isn't going to call us the chosen ones too is she?"

Arcana: 1D20+17 => [ 7 ] +17 = 24
Florentine/Valerie makes a face. "Chosen ones? Piss off with that shit. We're not in some bloody fairytale. The situation is serious."

She takes a second to collect her thoughts. "Fine, if you three want to take things up with... "Kaff" on your own time, all the better. Here's the situation: I am not actually here on the Kingdom's authority, but in about a week, a group of the King's top advisers will be. The Chancellor, the Master of Coin, the Chief City Planner, the Minister of Health, and the Supreme General of the King's Armies are all coming to assess the situation in Alydar and determine whether the Crown needs to intervene and 'temporarily' assume operations in the city.

"Here's the problem with that. I'm fairly certain that the Chancellor is the mole within the King's cabinet, and I happen to have it on good authority that he would like nothing more than to appoint himself as the man in charge here, and if that happens then we may as well give up the entire city as a new base of operations for the Arm of Vecna.

"With the city in the state it's in, Chancellor Tabin will have no trouble convincing the rest of the cabinet that they ought to take over here. So, the task falls to us to either whip this city into shape within the week, or to create a grand deception to make them think everything is fine. Or, more likely, a bit of both.

"Now Elric told me that you all were just on some mission to the Seminary of Pelor, hoping to find some way to get rid of this zombie bullshit. If you happened to find a way to do that, it'd go a long way toward our goal."

She turns to Ivor. "And you are the only one among us who's actually from around here, plus you've plenty of experience in being a guide, so I imagine you know this city like the back of your hand, and could give the King's party a fantastic tour... while conveniently directing them away from anything that might look bad."

She surveys your faces for reactions. "So that's the story, and a very rough plan outline, which can readily be scrapped if you have a better idea. Any thoughts and ideas are welcome."

Mike M

Nick N
"Kaff" addresses Quintus.  "Our relationship is... It is exceedingly complicated.  Gods, I need a drink.  Anyone else?  No?  Alright then."  He makes a bee line for the mayor's wet bar, and deftly plucks a cut crystal bottle full of amber fluid and matching glass from among an assortment of spirits.  

Flopping down in the chair behind the mayor's desk, he kicks his feet up and pours an ample drink and listen to "Florentine's" explanation of the situation.  "A grand deception?  Involving the entire town, with just the two of us, and the added handicap that the Arm like as not knows who I am, and almost certainly has deduced your identity by now.  'Florentine Valero,' really?  And taking over the city, that sure was highly inconspicuous, yes.  Were you even trying to hide?"

Holding his drink up in a toast, he adds, "Nothing I love so much as a challenge.  When it comes to deception, even only one third of the legend outclasses all comers.  Cheers, sister."

He downs his glass in one draught and coughs a bit as the fine vintage burns its way down his esophagus.  Much of his apparent agitation leeches out of him as he says softly and not without affection, "Criticism of your sloppy technique aside, it is good to see you well.  I've... I've missed you considerably."

His shoulders slumped, eyes glazed with moisture,  "I've missed everyone."
Valerie winces audibly at the mention of her poorly-disguised alias. "Yes, that was regrettable," she agrees. "I was forced to create one on the spot, far earlier than I had expected to need one, and well... You know how bad I am at thinking of aliases. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with it now.

"I don't think the rest of the plan is as far-fetched as you make it out to be. We do have the resources of an entire town to make it happen, after all."

She sighs. "And it was the best plan I could come up with on my own." She snatches the glass from Kaff's hand and downs the rest, before pouring another. "I miss them too. When I looked into this mysterious band of heroes who had saved Alydar from the clutches of an evil Necromancer, I knew who you were immediately. Sarm also seemed to appear in town out of nowhere, not long after Kaff, so I was hoping that perhaps you had reunited with Valance and that he had dyed his skin as some sort of disguise, but I suppose that was just wishful thinking."

After a beat, she looks to Sarm, "No offense intended, I hope you understand."

She paces to another corner of the room and turns to face everyone. "So, I suppose it's time we got to work. What do you all say? Ready to put on the show of a lifetime?"

((And this is where you all can tell me a story. Tell me about the problems the town is facing in the wake of a zombie plague, and then go about solving them, OR hide them / make them appear to be solved. As always, I'll be here to assume the roles of NPCs and to answer questions. You can pretty safely assume that you have access to most of the resources you need, and that most townspeople will be cooperative. Also, any NPCs you've met in town previously are available, with the exception of Kempok and Davos. You'll have to find Lysa before you can get to Leeta, though.

Also feel free to use this time to role play amongst yourselves, as you guys probably have some things to iron out.

Good luck, and use your imaginations. When everyone feels like the town is ready, we will deal with the arrival of the King's party))


Prodigal Son
((story pending))

"A grand deception, eh?"

Ivor finds his gaze fixed to "Kaff" as he flops into his seat, downing whatever drink he seems to have found. He isn't sure if this attitude is down to his exasperation, but the rogue might just find this persona more fun to be around. Alas, the tinge of sadness from Valerie hits Ivor.

"You make it sound like the two of you have lost so much. Valance... A friend of yours?"

He decides to lighten the mood. "Well you are correct, madam! Ivor Fireheart at your service. We also come bearing good news, not just your friend. The Rod is in our possession and the zombie bullshit should be over before the ministers arrive. And on that note our preparations will be a piece of cake with my local knowledge, although keeping "Mr Reyneel" sober is also important."
Valerie smiles at Ivor's good spirits. "I like him," she says to 'Kaff' before turning to Ivor. "I have no idea what this Rod is that you're talking about, but if you say it can cure the zombie disease then you're right - that IS excellent news. If you need the Mayor's help in distributing the cure, then she is at your service." She bows. "As for Valance... Well, I'll let Val - I mean Kaff - tell you that story. I think it would be more appropriate than hearing it from me, a relative stranger."
"This puzzle of you and Kaff still eludes me, but I will let it pass for a later time." He then returns the glance, "It is fine."

"I hold the item which to cure the people with, but I would only be able to cure a person one at a time. The town will need to be organized, and we will have to act quickly if I am to accomplish this task before the King's Advisories arrive."
She nods to Sarm. "I will spread word of an important announcement tomorrow morning, where you will demonstrate your remedy, and from there we will set up a queue. It won't be pretty, but it will get some work done, and allow us to better prepare for the next session - likely the day after, but it depends on you, I suppose."

She turns to everyone else. "Between the two of us and the manpower afforded to me by my position, I believe that we have the distribution of the cure covered. I might suggest the rest of you go about town and see what requires attention, and then determine what can be done about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some politicking to attend to. Sarm, meet me at the stage tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp." She kisses 'Kaff' on the cheek and then exits the room promptly.
Quintus watches Valerie leave then turns to Sarm, "Alright, you should probably see if you can find our old employer and get him fixed up as soon as possible, and if I can find Lysa, I'll try and set up a meeting with Leeta to remove that nasty curse... Maybe if were lucky, she'll know something about this minister and be able to confirm Valerie's claims that he is a mole, unlikely perhaps, but I'm sure she'll have some kind of useful information either way." Quintus then heads to the exit of the room to find Lysa, but I'll go ahead and give people time to stop him if they want to talk to him before leaving.
Sarm takes a moment to think, then says, "Perhaps it would be best if I went with you to find Lysa, so that she can tell us the whereabouts of Klaus once we find her." He had just realized that Valerie had not updated them on his status.

Mike M

Nick N
Kaff (Or rather Val) is content to let story time wait, and is energized at the prospect to be putting his skill set to full use for a change.  Digging through the drawers of the desk, he says  "I'd not lift Leeta's curse until the townspeople are cured, and under heavy guard at that.  No one ever died from too much paranoia, I still maintain she could be a honey pot.  Klaus has suffered enough though, by all means see to his care as soon as possible.  Ah, here we are."

He pulls out a detailed map of Alydar and spreads it out on the table.  "Royalists' only cares of a town this far removed from the throne is that the guard has fealty to the crown and that we produce our taxes on time.  I'll survey the town, see where things stand, and start coming up with ways to paper over the deficiencies."

He rolls up the map and puts it in his backpack.  When he speaks again, the elocution and mannerisms of "Kaff" have reasserted themselves.  "I should speak to Elric directly, though I would have words with Lysa and her partner as well.  Meet you gentlemen at the Golden Griffin in a few hours?"
((Kaff, it was a little unclear whether you planned to do that survey during the immediate next few hours, or first deal with Elric and then Lysa, and tackle the survey later. If you want to look into it now, give me a Gather Information check - and good descriptors of exactly how you're trying to find this information will give you bonuses.

If you planned on waiting, then just give me the check whenever you want to set about it. In the meantime, you're able to find Elric fairly easily around his boarding house, and he greets you amicably.))


Quintus and Sarm set about finding Lysa, and it's fairly easy to do; she seems to be waiting tables at the Golden Griffin. She is wearing the standard serving wench's uniform of a white blouse and long, pleated skirt; her tiefling tail pokes out from the back of the bottom of the skirt. At this time of day, the bar is fairly empty, and she sees you enter and motions for you to sit at a table. After a quick word with the bartender, she comes to you with a flagon of ale and a small bottle of summer wine.

"Welcome," she says, and you immediately notice something is different about her. The way she speaks is timid and vaguely scared. "These are on the house... for helping me. You haven't found a way to lift the curse, have you...?"
"It is good to see you again, Lysa." Sarm would ask for a small glass to pour some of his wine in, to save the rest for later. He takes a sip and responds softly, "Yes, but I wish to be discreet about it. Have you any knowledge of where Klaus is being kept?"
Lysa gets obviously excited, but works to keep her cool, and fetches Sarm a glass, and then bites her lip. "Klaus... he was one of the people who lost his mind when he was released from Clementine's control, right? Part of those rangers I think? He's being kept in the cells of the constabulary with the others who were acting the same way. But..." and she lowers her voice, "When do you think you'll be able to cure me?"
((This isn't working so well through text, and also because I unfortunately gave them very similar names, but from your recollection, Leeta the human was the one who had the curse that was keeping her from talking, whereas Lysa was the cocky tiefling woman who seemed to be working for herself. However, now Lysa seems to be the one acting like she's cursed with something, which would seem strange to you.

Sorry about the confusion here!))
Lysa stares at Quintus and Sarm, who are looking very confused, and then a realization hits her. She leans in very closely and speaks barely loudly enough for you to hear her.

"I'm actually Leeta. Lysa used some kind of scroll that made us switch bodies. The curse stayed with me, though; Lysa said it was because the curse is on my soul, not on my body, so it got transferred over too. She said she wanted to pretend to be me so she could infiltrate my uh... former employers. And plus, now I'm protected from them because they don't recognize me."

Whenever everyone is ready (which could be after further conversation, such as if Quintus has something to put in), Leeta (in Lysa's body) leads Sarm to an isolated broom closet, where he is able to perform the necessary steps to lift the Vecna curse from her.

((Go ahead and describe what that looks like. Be as dramatic and flare-ful as you like.))
Sarm ahhs, taking the explanation well, knowing that magic is quite flexible in what it can do. "I hope she will be okay." he says about Lysa, knowing that she is undergoing a mission of her own now. He soon remembers Kaff's request not to cure Leeta, but Leeta's eagerness manages to convince him otherwise.

He would wait to see what Quintis has to say, and then when he is ready to leave, he will say, "We will be quick. You may have some of this wine if you like."
Quintus chuckles "Well, that explains why I though Lysa was acting unusual... Anyways, yes, lets get this over with."

((sorry meant to post sooner, but was busy with some random stuff and then the site was down for maintenance))
He looks over his shoulder as he follows Leeta into the broom closet. It wasn't what he was expecting and is sure he'll be teased about it later. When the door is shut he pulls out the everburning torch from his backpack and places it where he would not need to hold it.

He reaches into a sachel and he pulls out the sceptre-like relic and grasps it tightly in his left hand. "Are you ready?" He asks. When given permission, he begins to pray to Pelor, asking to give him some of his higher power through the rod to free the girl from the evil god's grip. The thin sceptre begins to glow in his hand, before the light moves to Sarm. Sarm would take a deep breath, and hold his hand out, channeling the light to the focus of his fingers, and then would gently touch the girl's face to allow the spell to become a part of her and work against the curse.


Prodigal Son
((Just so I know for certain, what is amiss in the town that Ivor needs to solve or direct the ministers away from? I can imagine a lot of the signs of struggle from the assault and Clementine's insurrection have been cleared away, so what more is there to do but cure the curse?))

Setting off on his own, Ivor takes a tour of Alydar to see what must be fixed. Surveying damage and inactivity in areas of import he notes down what needs to be done, also asking concerned citizens. First on his list: Rebuilding the confidence of the town's mining force, a tricky feat for someone with a mixed history in this enterprise.

Before everyone had set off on their tasks, Ivor raised a point: "If we suspect a mole in the Ruby Keep government we must also be wary of sabotage. The ministers are looking for reasons to take control so I am concerned that the Arm will make reasons through subterfuge or...worse."

Mike M

Nick N
((I'll do the survey after talking to everyone, figure I could use the conversations to give direction to what he looks for.))

Val-as-Kaff greets Elric warmly.  "I'm glad the town has survived your stewardship until the arrival of our... duly appointed executive.  She tells me of a delegation from the Keep coming our way to evaluate whether Alydar should be placed under their direct management.  The mayor is understandably eager to retain local governance.

"Royalists do so love displays of martial power, particularly those of forces protecting their vested interests.  But I imagine the City Guard does not number even what it did a month ago.  I'm tasked with... Accentuating our apparent capacity.  It should be a rudimentary endeavor, but I require head counts and inventory listings.  Uniforms, weapons, duty rosters, that sort of affair."
((Just so I know for certain, what is amiss in the town that Ivor needs to solve or direct the ministers away from? I can imagine a lot of the signs of struggle from the assault and Clementine's insurrection have been cleared away, so what more is there to do but cure the curse?))

((I'm leaving it up to all of you to imagine what problems might have arisen in the town, and finding ways to fix them; it's sort of a creativity exercise. Your idea to investigate how mining operations have been affected is a great one to build off of, so let's play off of that.))

Ivor's foray into the mines confirms his suspicions: Everything has deteriorated severely from when he was last here. There are a few zombie workers idly chipping away at veins that may or may not have already been depleted, and there is unused equipment laying about everywhere; beyond that, there's not much else. The facilities that had been constructed within the mines to accommodate the large numbers of workers (such as restaurants, lodging facilities, bars, and Ivor's former post at the lantern oil lab) have been abandoned and are in disrepair, and not much mining, or commerce of any sort, is going on at all.

All is not lost, however; the equipment still seems to be in working condition, having only been out of service for a week and a half, which means that with an adequate number of trained and/or eager people willing to work, the mines could be back in operation potentially within a few days.


A white light moves from Sarm's open-palmed hand into Leeta's face and illuminates her entire body for a moment. She opens her eyes and emits a tiny gasp, and gradually the light fades. Her mouth slowly curls into a joyful smile. "I'm FREE!"

She throws her arms up victoriously and then wraps them around Sarm, planting a kiss onto his lips before he has a chance to react. "Oh, thank you so much! I'll do anything you want now! Tell you whatever you want to know! You've saved my life!"

Without waiting for a reply, she bursts out of the broom closet and starts prancing about the dining area as she tends to the few customers lounging about, refilling Quintus's ale and fetching another glass of wine for Sarm, and also providing them with a large hock of ham, insisting that it's all on the house.
The Cleric is nearly pushed against the closet shelves when given the kiss. His eyebrows raise in surprise and his eyes dart left and right for a moment. When she lets go and leaves, he pauses with a content look on his face, his eyes wandering upward, and shrugs for a moment when placing the rod back into his sachel for it. He makes sure to grab the everburning torch as well.

He returns to Quintis, and thanks Leeta for her hospitality, despite what she is doing being her own form of thanks.
Quintus watches Leeta prance around the tavern, then turns to Sarm when he approaches swallowing a piece of the free ham, "So, did it work?"


Prodigal Son
((I'll do the survey after talking to everyone, figure I could use the conversations to give direction to what he looks for.))
((Ivor will join him then, if that's okay. When you begin I will add to the findings made and conversations had.))

The rogue is happy to see that with some minor work, the mines may be operational by the time the cabinet arrive. If not operational, then by the gods will it be presentable! He hatches a plan for inspiring the workers and getting everyone ready to show off the facilities, but first he must make the case to the party and Florentine that the mine staff (including those in supportive roles) should be among the first to be cured.

Before he continues on his surveying, he speaks with any miners present and encourages them to take a break. Now it's time to pay a visit to the Griffon to ask about providing entertainment fit for nobility!
Elric seems pleased to see Kaff at first, mentioning something about how pleasantly surprised he is that the Rod was acquired with such apparent ease, but his mood quickly turns as Kaff begins making demands.

"It seems to me that Alydar is in the more-than-capable hands of Ms. Valero. I'm afraid I have no interest in this town's political intrigue, nor the desires of its current management; you'll recall that I'm not even from here originally, and have been put here on assignment for the much more urgent task of securing the Relics.

"Rather than worrying about making the town presentable for a group of out-of-touch royal fools, I would suggest we all make haste in helping return the people of this town to their natural state as soon as possible, so that we can go to work procuring the remaining artifacts. Leave the finer details to the people who make a living here."


Ivor arrives at the Golden Griffin (presumably after Sarm and Quintus have already left on other business, but they can also be present if they like). There are a few people here, but not many; Ivor spots Lysa serving drinks to a pair of zombies. She seems to be the only serving girl on staff at the moment; she seems to be on cloud nine, and waves at Ivor excitedly.

The zombified bartender is the only person that Ivor spots behind a counter, so he approaches and inquires about entertainment.

"Well," the man says, with a somewhat strained voice, "We lost most of the uh... the..." He scratches his head in search of a word. "The prostitutes," he finally manages with some difficulty. "And the bards haven't shown up since the uh... the... yeah." As he speaks, he absentmindedly wipes a cloth in a small circle on a section of the bar that is completely dry (this does not stop at all during the entire conversation, and continues even after the conversation is over), and his eyes seem a little on the vacant side as he looks at the dwarf. "We still have alcohol," he offers up, as though he's presenting a consolation prize.
Quintus responds to Sarm "Heh. That's good to hear." then turns to Leeta, "You keep doing your thing here, we'll talk later after we take care of yet another problem only we can take care of... Oh wait, now that you aren't cursed, do you know anything about a minister working for the king who is mole in the Vecna cult?"


Prodigal Son
Upon hearing of prostitutes, Ivor blurts out "Well I didn't mean entertainment like that! I - Forget it. The bards, where did they go, sir? Do you remember?"

((If Sarm and Quintus are still here he can chat with them.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val-as-Kaff purses his lips and folds his hands in his lap.  "I see Ms. Valero has failed to illuminate the situation in full.  My apologies, I should have realized that she would have no way of knowing you and I were in league and would not have imparted the rationale for these requests.

"Ms.  Valero and I are acquainted, as it turns out.  We attended many the same classes together, and our respective lines of work intersected frequently.  We... Both became aware of the existence of the Arm in Ruby Keep at the same time.  I fled here to Alydar out of fear of becoming a target, she apparently remained behind for a while.

"But now that she's here, she brings news that she believes the Chancellor is an agent of the Arm.  I had previously learned that the Arm had placed someone in the King's inner circle, and now we seemingly have positive ID on who.

"That same Chancellor will be most eager to place Alydar under his direct control if things are not up to expectations, effectively turning it into a forward base of operations for the cult and routing us from our last even remotely safe haven.

"So as you can see, the success of her designs and our own are inextricably intertwined.  We are concerning ourselves with curing the populace, I believe Sarm is on that already.  It's merely a component of a larger task, though"
((Lol, it's not showing up like that for me. But if you want, I can give Kaff a purple pony to use as a mount. I'll even make it sparkle))

Elric grows pale as Kaff imparts the bad news. "If the Arm has succeeded in infiltrating the Ruby Throne, then there are no more safe havens. At least not in towns and cities. We must leave here at once, to avoid putting the Relics at risk. I don't think we can even afford to cure these people; it will be a telltale sign that the Rod has left the Seminary." He begins packing his things. "I have been in touch with a contact in Northport. He may have a lead on another of the relics. He's working as a tailor, and goes by the name Elim. I would suggest going to see him as soon as you can. And good luck." He finishes putting together an emergency travel bag, and then leaves his room. If you follow him, he proceeds out f the boarding house, toward the west city gate, and out of town.


Leeta bounces to Quintus and Sarm's table and has a seat. "We only ever reported to one person, and the identities of members in other cells were kept a mystery to us," she explains. "Davos was the field leader of our cell, and he reported to someone we only knew as The Whisperer. He would give us our assignments and compensate us for completing them. I'm pretty sure he reported to someone else even higher up. But as for this mole, no, I'm sorry, I don't know of him."


((We will assume that Quintus and Sarm have already left the Griffin by the time Ivor completes his inspection of the mines, since that probably would have taken a little while))

The bartender looks at Ivor uncomprehendingly. "....Bards haven't been here since.... uh...."

Lysa saunters up to the bar and joins the conversation. "Please excuse Frank. He hasn't been feeling so well lately. Maybe I can help? I could ask around and find out where the bards are. And if not, I can dance pretty well! Especially in this sultry new body! It's the least I can do in gratitude for your friend lifting the curse on me."
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