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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Val watches from a distance with a scowl as Elric passes through the gate and officially skips town.  "Well shit..." Had he known what a waste that was going to be, he'd have gone straight to Valerie to exercise her executive authority to get the info he needed.  Still, they have a new lead on another relic, but he wishes it didn't come at the cost of access to an intelligence asset.

Hoping his compatriots have fared better, he heads to the Golden Griffin in the hopes of meeting them and talking to Arianna and Lysa.  

((Night's going to be just full of disappointments for this guy...))
Kaff enters the bar and spots Lysa chatting with Ivor at the bar. He approaches them, and she sees him coming. Her eyes widen. "Hey, you're the man who came to see us in jail!" she says. "Gryst, right? What are you doing here?"
((edit: scene above has been amended. Sorry about the confusion; I had forgotten a critical detail that makes this interaction worth playing out))
Sarm plugs the unfinished bottle of wine and would take it to store on their future trips. He says in muse, "It does seem wise to work secrets beyond what just a curse would provide. Vecna's mind will be difficult to compete with." He is regardless satisfied to confirm that Pelor's power trumps over Vecna's, and is ready to move on. "I will be heading to Klaus now." He is unsure whether Quintis wants to come to meet Klaus as well or perform a separate task, but would go regardless and let Quintis decide.

Oh, and somewhere in all this, he takes a moment to visit bones and heal him, even with just his innate Cleric level remove disease, bones doesn't join, then he goes to Klaus.
((I think it was stated that bones left town a while ago...))

Quintus thanks Leeta for the information and says good bye and leaves with Sarm. However instead of going with him to check on Klaus, he decides to find something to fix in town. He decides to check out the market area, checking to see if people is actively buying and selling stuff still and to see if any stores might need to be fixed up or if anything else needs to be done that he can help with.
((Bones did leave town, yeah. He was gone when you guys returned from the library. Also, jon bones the player has decided to stop participating in this game, so if you guys ever run into his character again, he'll be an NPC run by me))

Sarm makes his way to the constabulary, which, since his last visit, has been converted into a sort of sick ward. In the cells formerly used to hold prisoners are groups of zombies who appear to have lost their minds. There are approximately twenty of them, and after a few moments of visually scanning, Sarm finds Klaus, standing idly at the front of one of the cells. The guardsman whose job it is to supervise the cells allows Klaus to be let out of his cell.

Sarm approaches his former employer and lays hands upon him, chanting the holy words of Pelor while keeping the rod concealed within his robes. Just as with Leeta, a white light bulges forth from within and transfers itself to Klaus. The zombie exhales a frightened moan, as the light moves throughout his body, steadily cleansing him, healing his decayed flesh, and returning color to his grayed skin.

When the process is over, Klaus looks like himself again, though he seems slightly confused. "Sarm...?" he asks wearily. "Where the devil am I? What is this?" He then looks around and tenses up, noting all the zombies standing in the cells.


Quintus's survey of the town's shops district is disappointing to say the least. Half the shops are closed down, and the rest have half-empty shelves and precious few customers. Worse, the zombies in charge of these establishments do not seem to be in complete control of their faculties; many of them seem to be going through the motions and are zoning out to varying degrees.

One of the last shops that Quintus visits is a general store, and it's being manned by a gnome who is not a zombie. As Quintus walks in, the little man (who is standing on a stool behind the counter) raises an eyebrow.

"You're one of Ivor's friends," he spits unhappily. "That damned dwarf killed my brother. I ought to kick you out of here, and I would, if you bastards hadn't saved the town from that witch. Quintus, right? Of the Mallory family, in the Emerald Bay region?"

He hops from the stool onto the counter and crosses his arms. "My name's Rubio. Nice to meet you. Word around town is that you all are trying to find ways to fix up the town for some higher-ups from the Capital. I got a suggestion: How's about you convince our suppliers to start delivering here again? No one wants to make shipments here because all they see are a bunch of zombies, and they figure zombies don't want to buy anything. Plus I guess they're scared of zombies; I don't know.

"But if our shops don't start receiving supplies again, we're gonna have to close our doors soon. And if that happens, seems to be the town's gonna be in a whole lot worse trouble than it's already in. I hear your family's got some connections back from where you're from; why don't you pull some strings for us? Get the suppliers to start shipping here again."

Mike M

Nick N
Val enters the Golden Griffin and spots Ivor. Making his way over to him and what he still presumed to be Lysa. Smirking in response to her greeting, he clucks his tongue in a consolatory tone.  "Valiant effort, but no.  'Gryst' is even less a person than 'Reyneel.' Better luck next time.  I hope I haven't severely overestimated your talents for snooping, I have a job for you and your friends."

Looking smug as can be, he takes a seat next to Ivor at the bar, ready to order a drink before the totality of what she just said finished processing in his mind.  "Wait, back up," he says as he pivots on his stool,  "What was that part about me visiting you in jail?"
Sarm smiles when seeing that Klaus has regained his personality, and begins, "My god, Pelor, has just freed you from a powerful affliction given to you by the former Clementine's use of the Hand of Vecna. Much has happened that you may not be aware of." After that, he would allow Klaus a moment to recollect himself and not overwhelm him with the details of what is currently happening.


Prodigal Son
Ivor is immediately confused by what Kaff says to the woman. After hearing her exchange with Sarm and Quintus before her miraculous recovery ((I'll retcon if not the case)), he doesn't know why he would have needed to deceive Leeta. He looks at them both, hoping Leeta is not offended given her help at the manor.

((Sorry I've done nothing today. Felt really rotten.))
"Yes, that is I... As for the zombie problem, we are working on that as we speak, so no worries there. As for my families connections I'm not- ...I'll see what I can do. Any suggestion on which supplier I should talk to first?" Quintus hangs around getting whatever information he needs from Rubio.
"Lysa" looks confused for a moment, and then face palms herself. "I am really bad at this, sorry. It's me, Leeta. The human girl who had the curse on her, remember? You offered to help us delay our execution. This tiefling lady switched bodies with me using some kind of magic, in order to protect me from my enemies. It won't do much good, though, if I keep giving myself away." She thinks for a second, then eyes Gryst suspiciously and not-so-inconspicuously hides behind Ivor. "If you're looking for Lysa, she left on a special assignment. Her partner is staying in a room here though. Oh, and that curse on me got lifted, so you don't have to worry about that anymore."


Klaus has sat down, in an effort to regain his faculties. "Yes, I remember now," he says wearily. "It's like a bad dream; it's coming back to me in bits and pieces." He claps his hands to his knees and stands up. "We've got to get this town back in order. I trust you'll be busy enough just healing everyones' condition; I shall get to work and find some way to help... As soon as I get something to eat. I'm starving. Thank you, Sarm!" Klaus pats Sarm gratefully on the shoulder, and takes his leave.


Rubio nods approvingly at Quintus. "Thank you, Wizard. I know your family recently went bankrupt, but I'll bet my shop that they've still got a friend or three in high places. Ya might as well make it easy and start with the supplier in your hometown. Willoughby's Warehouse - surely you've heard of them. Oh... And here's a little somethin' to make it worth your while." He goes in the back for a moment and then comes back, holding an interesting pair of glasses, intricately designed and definitely magical. "A little something I've been saving for an emergency. Maybe you or one of your friends can use this."

Further study later on determines that he gave you a Mask of Lies (wearer gets +5 to Bluff checks, has a continuous Undetectable Alignment, and may cast Disguise Self three times per day).

((Most of you are probably out of things to do for this day, so you can just say you're done unless there's something else you want to do. I know Val still wants to talk to some people though. Btw, Val, it's not hard to determine that Arianna is also staying in her own room at the Griffin))

Mike M

Nick N
Val processes what Leeta-in-Lysa has disclosed.  "That... Seems like a very handy trick to have.  Certainly would have made my life easier on any number of occasions..."

He stands up off his stool and starts towards the stairway leading upstairs. "Well if Lysa is indisposed, her partner will suffice.  Arianna too.  Ivor, you might want to tag along for this too."

Pausing at the foot of the stairs, he turns back and faces both of them.  "It's, uh... not what it sounds like..."
Sarm stands up as Klaus is about to leave, "Wait. Let me inform you on some things before you go." He would tell Klaus about the acting mayor as well as the situation with representatives of the Ruby coming.

After they are done speaking, Sarm would spend time healing the rest of the men in the constabulary of their ailments. If he is thanked and praised, he would tell them to give his god, Pelor, credit for the deeds being done.


Prodigal Son
Val processes what Leeta-in-Lysa has disclosed.  "That... Seems like a very handy trick to have.  Certainly would have made my life easier on any number of occasions..."

He stands up off his stool and starts towards the stairway leading upstairs. "Well if Lysa is indisposed, her partner will suffice.  Arianna too.  Ivor, you might want to tag along for this too."

Pausing at the foot of the stairs, he turns back and faces both of them.  "It's, uh... not what it sounds like..."

Ivor begins to gingerly follow Kaff until he stops to look at the disguised Leeta, as though he's asking her if she's okay with going up. "I know my friend has tried to mislead you as 'Mr Gryst' before, but I'm confident you can trust him. Later, I'd like to ask you what he has told you or asked you to do but only if that is alright."

He starts to walk up the stairs.
((Val, assume that whichever room you go to, the correct person answers the door, and is ready to hear you out. If your plan involves talking to Elmina and Arianna together, assume that you're able to easily arrange that as well))
"Ah yes, good old Willoughby's. I'll go look him up and hopefully get some supplies coming in before the end of the week." Quintus takes the glasses and stashes them in his backpack or something, "Hmm... yes I'm sure we can make good use of these." He then thanks Rubio and leaves for the tavern so he can begin planning how he is to get supplies running back into town tomorrow.

Mike M

Nick N
Val explains the situation to Ivor as they climb the stairs.  "Prior to our departure for the library, I visited Davos' group under the guise of being a legal advocate.  It was all flimflam and bullshit, my real intent was to get copies of their handwriting and signatures.  In case I wanted to forge missives to the Arm in their name to throw them off our trail, that sort of thing.  Didn't get everything I needed, and it's of even less use now that Davos and his pet orc took off.  I'm reasonably sure I can do a good imitation of Davos in a pinch though.  And I'd have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that nosy tiefling and her body-swapping magic.

"Seriously though, so jealous of that little skill.  To think of all the disguise material I could have saved over the years..."

Once upstairs, he gathers Elmina, Arianna, and Ivor into Arianna's room.  "I had hoped to get Lysa in on this, but I'm banking on the prospect that you lovely ladies have access to the same resources she did.  Maybe if she returns in time, you can bring her up to speed.

"The mayor and I are... Intimately familiar with one another.  We worked together back in Ruby Keep until the Arm of Vecna hit our crew where we lived, and hit us hard.  So know that she has as a vested an interest as I do in burning the Arm to ashes."

Val sighs heavily before continuing.  "There's also maybe a 50/50 chance she's an agent of the Arm herself.  The degree that my fam-- my crew was decimated required insider knowledge.  And once Lysa lets the Arm know 'Kaff Reyneel' is an alias, she's the one that comes calling?" Val shakes his head with a sad smile.  "I've spent far to much of my life arranging coincidental meetings to accept that at face value.

"It's possible her attempts to save the town from dominion of the Arm is just manipulation to cement her position as Mayor and thusly deliver the town into the dominion of the Arm.  I'm willing to play along if this is the case, as she is at least a known quantity that can be anticipated and countered.  If I'm wrong and she really is sincere, then we secure the town against the Arm entirely.  It's a gamble, but as safe a one as I've ever encountered.

"We need eyes on the mayor.  If she really is working for the Arm, there are coded means if communication she might employ that I am familiar with, but I can't keep watch 24/7.  So I'm going to teach you all some of the more common hand signs.  Ivor, this may be especially important to you if you guide the delegation through the town and have the mayor and the alleged agent of the Arm in proximity, as it may be the only way for them to communicate in the open.

"Now then, let's get started...  It's important to remember that these signs are designed to be easily incorporated into every day gestures, so constant vigilance will be required to spot them.  If we're lucky, the fact she needs to use them with someone not brought up on this system will require her to be more blatant and therefore easier to spot..."

And so Val instructs the trio on recognizing some of the most common hand signs he believes "Florentine" might be using if she is playing everyone falsely...
Elmina seems melancholy at first when Kaff first approaches her, due to the fact that she was unable to accompany her partner in her undercover role, but when she is presented with a task - a task that she considers herself to be good at, no less -, her spirits improve dramatically.

"So," she says after Kaff's explanation, "You want me to watch these people from a distance, but close enough to be able to spot their hand movements, am I understanding that right?"

Arianna's mood improves immediately upon seeing Kaff appear at her door, and as he explains what's happening, and she realizes that her town's revival is becoming a serious possibility, she gets downright excited.

"Since sneaking around isn't exactly my specialty, I would assume I'll be taking a more diplomatic role in my interactions with the delegation. Is that a fair assumption? Or, if you'd prefer, I could always simply make sure the king's council is very well taken care of..."

The lessons get off to a rocky start, as Elmina seems to have a tough time learning how to make the signs, but once you realize that she doesn't need to be able to make them, and only be able to identify them, things begin to go much smoother. In perhaps an hour, you can have everyone reasonably ready to perform the task you've asked of them.

If Ivor consents with this plan, he doesn't have any trouble learning the signals either.

Quintus and Sarm meet again at the bar, and before long, Ivor and Kaff/Val come down the stairs, and the party reconverges.

By this time, it's nearly evening, with perhaps an hour of daylight remaining. You all can basically sleep wherever you like, as the tavern has plenty of available rooms, and there are also your beds at the Ranging Company. The Mayor's Manor also has extra bedrooms that the Mayor would be happy to let you use as honored guests, and Elric's room at the boarding house is paid up for the rest of the month.
Sarm was hoping to begin discussing plans to organize the town to be healed, but the night has outpaced him, and so decides to wait until tomorrow. He takes the time to do his usual nightly rounds, and prays for success.

In the morning, he would seek his party and ask, "I need to start organizing the people to be healed, but... I do not know what the best way to begin would be."


Prodigal Son
"Look here, Kaff..? Should I still call you- Nah."

He shakes his head.

"You really suspect her to be another agent of the Arm? It's not that I'm ignoring the possibility, I'm just not sure what she could try and do that she couldn't as an outsider. Organisation is a mess right now and she has nothing like the Hand with which she could force her will. I'll accept your lesson in her mannerisms regardless."

After which, he discusses what he found today and explains his desire to have the mine workers cured as soon as possible. The rogue has had the idea of welcoming the ministers at the mining grounds with music and cheer if he can motivate people properly. After all, he knows a lot of the staff very well.
Quintus tries to calm Sarm down, "Didn't Valerie say she would get word out today? Why not just talk to her, she probably has something prepared already." He then prepares too... leave town so he can get supplies sent from Willoughby's Warehouse.
((I'm guessing that is the best course of action as long as I don't get a random encounter or something on the way. Thankfully my boots let me walk all day and I can fly, so I guess I can avoid most potential trouble.))

Mike M

Nick N
With a shrug of his shoulders, Val replies to Ivor, "Like I said, it's a 50/50 shot.  I don't so much suspect her as I am unwilling to not consider every possibility.  Everyone I know in my line of work is either paranoid beyond all reason, or dead."

Val is amenable to Arianna's second suggestion, and informs her that the Chancellor is the prime suspect, but advises to consider that he may not be alone or may bed a red herring.  He lingers after Ivor and Elmina depart, and add, "This is really lousy timing, but I really ought to see Florentine tonight.  There're some things I need to get done that require the muscle of the mayor's office, plus... You know... There's history there."

After finishing with Arianna, he heads downstairs to regroup.  Once assembled, he shares the same information about Elric, the new relic, and the mayor he's already disclosed to Ivor with the rest of the party, as well as his intent to head to the Mayor's Manse to see what he can't find out about the state of the city guard.
((I am confused, is it the next day or are you guys still speaking with each other last night? Because Sarm doesn't catch up with you guys until next morning.))
((oh almost forgot!))
Before leaving, Quintus decides to have a little talk with Kaff... or w/e his real name is, "So yesterday I got this nifty little item from a shop keeping and I figured if anyone could use the help of such an item, it would be you!" He then hands him the glasses and explains what they do "Enjoy!"

Mike M

Nick N
((I was still talking last night. Val's talk with the mayor can wait until morning, that would help sync things back up.

Incidentally, with that Mask of Lies, almost makes it seem like cheating. Heh.))
((I'm gonna assume that Quintis is speaking to him in the morning. I should seriously get a post in.))

Sarm looks to the side a bit, his mind hit by Quintis' reminder, "Yes, you're right. I have completely forgotten. I did not wish to pause for too long during the short time we have." Sarm would inform the others that he plans on meeting Valerie. He then has someone confirm where she is currently at, and would soon depart to seek her out.
((Sorry I didn't post yesterday guys... it was mostly a case of me being lazy.

First of all, at the end of the first night, Everybody Gains a Level.

Yes, I know we've only had one combat since the last level-up, but you guys have done some great role-playing, and that counts about as much as combat as far as I'm concerned.

Remember that you each may pick a new Feat at Level 6. Additionally, Val, during combat if you choose to take a full-round action to attack, you get an additional attack for free (at a -5 penalty to hit, but the penalty is only for the 2nd attack). This is because your Base Attack Bonus becomes 6 at this level (no one else's does).

Quintus: The average time it takes for a traveler's wagon to reach Emerald Bay is about a week. Even if you hustled as much as you could and walked through the night, flying over obstacles for the most direct route and such, it would still take you about four days.

Some alternative options would be to either send a trained raven with a message to either your parents or to the company itself (5 gold, but there's a random chance something might go wrong during the raven's journey); or to purchase a Scroll of Sending for the same purpose (you can get it for half price here, since you're hailed as the town's saviors; after the discount it would run you 500 gold); or you could purchase two Scrolls of Teleport to zip over there instantaneously and then come back. (Each one would be 500 gold).

Sarm: Valerie outright said that she would take care of organizing the event and getting people to show up; your only job is to show up at the stage and be ready to work your magic.))

The next early morning, Val and Sarm find "Florentine" busily overseeing the stage and directing people where to go. Kaff, you can tell that she's mildly frustrated, but only because you know her very well; to everyone else, she is the very picture of calm and self-assured.

"Mister Reyneel! And Sarm!" she greets you both warmly, as she deploys a city guardsman to perform herding duty on the masses who have already gathered. "It's good to see you this fine morning. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Though you would probably prefer to speak to her in private, it doesn't look like it will be possible, given the position that she's in. ((This is still prior to the actual event.))
Sarm steps up the stairs to the stage, and explains, "I am ready to begin asking my god to heal the people of their curses. Please, if you can have them come one at a time." He is eager to begin, despite the lengthy task it will be.

Whenever the Cleric is ready to begin, he pulls up a seat for himself. His display to the people are very low key, and are not meant to entertain the people despite the presentations all about him.

He takes the task very seriously, but also appropriately show politeness to the thankful people that he manages to heal. He tells many to remember that the sun god has shined upon them that day, to ensure that Pelor will make a mark in history.

((Need to go to bed but I'll go ahead and roll my HP))
Hit Die roll: 1D8 => [ 6 ] = 6

((It also just occurred to me that I forgot to add my Con modifier to my HP for my last level since I was so floored by getting a 1 roll that I translated it as getting 1 HP.))
((So, while thinking over my options, I realized I don't really have enough money to pay for any of those scrolls... then it occurred to me I have a raven familiar who can talk(and has 8 int so he should be able to follow basic commands pretty easily at least)! Admittedly I never really use the thing before, but I like to think good old Poe(randomly decided that was his name just now, not all that original, but oh well) is always watching from above, where he won't die make me lose xp... so I'm thinking I could send him.

OR I could use this fancy Phantom Steed spell I just got from leveling up. At 120' per round and lasting 6 hours per cast(i also have extend spell, but can't use that on it quite yet...), this may be the way to go, as even without flying(which it can do later on) its probably faster then my (or any other)raven.

Of course if neither of these are an option for whatever reason, I'll just pay the 5 gold for the raven. Whichever one I end up doing, I'll probably go straight to contacting the company.

Almost forgot the best part... rolled a 1 for my hp. yay.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fortunately for Val and Valerie, they have a system that allows for a private conversation anywhere.  Coded in a series of mundane, everyday fidgets such as dusting off his cloak and plucking lint from his sleeve are the hand gestures to ask her what's wrong.

Audibly, he says, "Ms. Valero, I have a plan to heighten our appearance of law keeping capacity.  To complete it though, I need an accurate accounting of the assets of the City Guard.  Numbers of men, equipment, that sort of thing.  I was hoping that with you currently filling in as the head of the executive branch of our fair city, you might be able to facilitate my acquisition of the data I need."
Valerie responds to Val, including a series of hand gestures which augment the meaning of her words.

What she actually says outloud: "Yes, of course. Although I don't have the exact numbers available, I believe that we are adequately staffed, despite the slightly diminished numbers resulting from the crisis. All of our key positions are manned at all times; if I had to put it at a number, I would estimate that out of the 100 members of the guard who were on the books before the crisis, there are between eighty and ninety still on hand, of sound mind, and accounted for. We are also not lacking in equipment; there are more than enough suits of armor and a varied storehouse of weapons with which to keep the city safe."

What she's actually saying: (Val can just read this, or if Ivor is around, he can decode it with a DC 18 Sense Motive check)
"We are severely lacking in manpower. The key positions are manned at all times, but only because the few men we have, currently do not require sleep or food due to their undead condition. At most, there are 30 men still showing up for duty, and as you've no doubt noticed, they are slowly losing their grip on sanity. There is ample equipment available - enough to arm 150 men -, but there is no one to wear it. The reason I am stressed right now is because I can already see that this event is not going to go very smoothly."


Sarm shows up as requested at 9am. A large, cushy, comfortable chair has been arranged on a pedestal directly in front of the stage, with stairs leading up on one side; the other sides have been partially walled, to avoid any possibility of the crowd attempting to overwhelm him from all sides. Measures have been taken to attempt and arrange a queue, but from the very start it doesn't look like it's working very well. The zombified people have already knocked down most of the partitions, and are sort of milling about aimlessly.

Nevertheless, after "Florentine" makes a speech that seems to go roundly ignored (and is barely audible, even with her amplification device), Sarm gets to work. Thanks to Ivor's influence, it has been arranged for the gold mine workers to be the first group cured, and that's exactly what happens.

Ivor, after they eat, you are welcome to gather and address the miners, separate from the rally.

And so the long, grueling string of faith healing continues. After the first hour, Sarm begins to feel very tired; he hadn't expected this to take so much out of him. ((give me a Concentration check please, Sarm)). Nevertheless, for the time being at least, he's able to soldier on.

Unfortunately the crowd is getting progressively more rowdy as the day wears on. You've all already seen evidence that the mental state of the people in this town has been deteriorating at a disheartening clip; now, as the entire town is tasked with actually waiting in line and being patient, the level of their mindlessness really begins to hit you. There have already been at least two incidental deaths by accidental trampling. City guards are being overwhelmed and/or are forgetting that they're even posted at all, joining the masses.

Essentially, things aren't going very well.


((Quintus, I forgot that you had the Raven familiar; you can definitely use that and avoid the chance of failure, too. The Phantom Steed would still take at least a few days to reach Emerald Bay, and despite its faster land speed, the raven's ability to simply fly in a completely straight line, rather than having to navigate around obstacles, will be preferable to you. If you can specify whether you're sending the message to your parents or to the company itself, and a brief outline of the points you want to make, that'd be beneficial))
Concentration: 1D20+9 => [ 16 ] +9 = 25

Sarm would continue to heal the people despite the pressure that is being put on him, only intending to stop when his body will wane in function for the day.


Prodigal Son
((Damn, I guess I was too late. I was hoping to have the miners be the first up or at least have Ivor argue for that...))


Prodigal Son
((Not too late, that's how it went down))

((I am apparently suffering something horrible indeed, as I missed that :p ))

Sense Motive: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s):  1 + 9 = 10 (crit fail) :(

Misunderstanding Florentine's motions, Ivor is taken wildly by surprise as the mishap begins. He struggles to set up a triage to heal those who are hurt in the trample, though his efforts are likely set back by his misunderstanding.

Heal: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s):  15 + 5 = 20
((Alright, raven familiar it is!))

Quintus send his raven familiar off with a message to Willoughby's Warehouse, reading:

Dear Sir or Madam of Willoughby's Warehouse,

As you most likely know, the people of Alydar were recently stricken with a terrible curse and as an unfortunate side affect many suppliers, including your fine establishment, have discontinued their dealings with the town. However, I am now asking you to resume your your business with this fine town as even as I write this, the people are being released from their curse and will likely be in need dire need of the supplies you can offer... And I don't think I have to tell you how good that can be for your own bottom line.

Quintus Mallory

Mike M

Nick N
Val chews his lower lip in agitation, unsure as to what to do.  He's had some experience causing such commotions, but not much in quelling them.  This is nothing like the crowd that gathered after Clementine was slain.

It occurs to him that the Hand might have been useful for crowd control today, if not for its aesthetically displeasing side effect of reducing one's forearm to bare bone. 

((Character Sheet updated. Rolled a 4 for HP, took Flexible Mind to add Perception to trained classes and bought skill ranks accordingly. Let me know if those should have been at cross-class cost, and I'll update accordingly.))
The party spends the entire day attempting to wrangle the crowd the best they can, and unable to do a very good job of it. Quintus does take some time to send out his letter, and Ivor does all he can to mend the wounds of wounded zombies (which amounts to basically just setting their bones into place and sewing their necrotic skin together), but for the most part it's just a matter of keeping people where they're supposed to be.

Sarm is extremely tired for most of the day, but, emboldened by the holy mission set upon him by his god, he makes it until after dark, at which point he is no longer able to keep his eyes open.

At that point, the stage is closed down, and word is spread that the conversions will continue the following day at 9am. Sarm collapses onto the nearest bed he can find, and presumably so does everyone else (though if you have business to conduct, you can). Between all of you, you estimate that of the 3,000-some who had to be healed, you were able to cure just over an eighth of them today.

It occurs to you that crowd control would be several orders of magnitude easier if you were to simply put on the Hand of Vecna and exercise mental control over the zombies. It would be for their own good, after all; the bony hand issue would only be an aesthetic matter which could easily be solved by a simple pair of gloves.
((Hmm, is the Leadership Feat allowed? I think it'd be easy to explain how Sarm would have a cohort, and it might be interesting especially at this very point.))
((I hear a lot of GM's prefer to avoid the leadership feat completely for various reason... not sure how ThLunarian feels about it though.))

Thinks that is a fine idea, but due to its, uhh... permanency, he should probably save it for a last resort.
((DMs tend to disallow Leadership because it enables players to abuse it and do ridiculous things, such as building functional Death Stars in a fantasy setting by getting all of your thousands of followers to aid you in an Engineering check (which actually sounds kind of badass, but makes life hard for DMs).

I very much doubt that Sarm is planning on doing something that ridiculous and is probably only wanting it for role playing purposes (and maybe to help in combat), so as long as that's the case, I will allow it. However I reserve the right to change my mind down the line and ask you to pick something else if it starts to become a problem. What character would you like as your follower? Race, class, and background if you please. Also, I'm inclined to play the part of your cohort during role playing, to avoid you having conversations with yourself, but you would control him/her during combat.

Val: if Valerie's time table is accurate, you have 6 more days. I plan on fast forwarding through the days where nothing interesting happens though, unless you all decide to make something happen yourselves.

I'll come back and post again a little later today and move to Day 2 if no one else has business to conduct))

Mike M

Nick N
Val does the math, and it's not good.  Even if Sarm can keep this pace, at this rate a sizable portion of the populace will still be zombified by the time the royal delegation arrived.  Having anticipated this, he was planning on cloaking some of the remaining zombies in the garb of the City Guard and positioning them high up on the wall, to conceal both them and the small number of actual guardsmen remaining.  But you can't bloody well put a quarter of the population up on the walls, now, can you?

Val sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at how little he accomplished today.  Things were so much simpler when he was just lying low at the museum.  On that thought, he should probably sleep in his own quarters tonight.  Arianna and Valerie both are complications he doesn't need, regardless of how appealing each of them may be.
((I don't intend to do anything ridiculous with it, and right now my leadership level would only allow me to have a cohort, and not armies of hamsters in wheels generating power for a ray cannon. If anything, if you feel the need to nerf Leadership I wouldn't mind. If Sarm ever gets any followers in the future, it would because of his success in spreading Pelor's influence.

I am thinking:

Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Background: One of the young Paladins from the Seminary given the opportunity to aid Sarm's quest to aid Pelor. It is unknown whether he knows about the Rod of Pelor, but his being sent likely has to do with ensuring the Rod's safety. The young Paladin would set off about a day after the party does to try and catch up.

Either that or a Cleric that has gained interest in Sarm's quest, though a Paladin would be less redundant I think.))
((Sarm, you can have a Paladin, that's fine. I'll handle how to work him into the story; he'll be available by the time of the next combat))

The next morning starts out on a much better foot than the first. You all find that Valerie has enlisted help from many of the cured populace that Sarm had healed the previous day; all it took was a good meal and a night's rest, and they were good as new, and many were actively looking to help.

With the extra manpower, combined with what everyone learned from the previous day, things actually move quite a bit faster than yesterday. The crowd is still rowdy and still difficult to control; however, everyone is able to handle it much better.

About halfway through the day, Sarm notices that one of the people in line to be cured looks somewhat... suspicious. He is wearing a cloak to shroud his head, and his clothing is mostly gray and brown, and his body movements - although they are a little off, in the same way that the other zombies' movements are off - seem more manufactured than the others.

However, Sarm is both fatigued and rather distracted, having to cure the people ahead of him, and is only able to keep it in the back of his mind until the strange man is directly in front of him.

The man looks up, and now you can partially see his face, which does look ashy and gray, but that's all you can make out. "You have.... the Rod...?" he says in a hoarse voice. "May I... see it...?" He holds out his hand, and you notice that there is a strange symbol engraved onto the back of his hand., but you don't have time to think much about it as he suddenly moves much quicker than he has any right to.

d20 + 10 = 13 to touch; Hits.

Before Sarm knows what's happening, the man has reached deeply into Sarm's robes, obviously probing around for the rod.

((Sarm, I need you to make an unarmed attack roll, which will be a d20 + your Strength modifier + your Base Attack Bonus. This man is trying to disarm you, which is an Opposed Attack Roll. If his roll beats yours, he will take the rod from you.))

d20 + 10 = 17
Str + BAB check: 1D20+6 => [ 4 ] +6 = 10

Sarm, before he knows it, is thrust into a wrestle to prevent the person from stealing the rod from him. And then the worst happens, it is managed to be freed from his grip, the man is much stronger than he is!

((I'll be able to cast Hold Person despite being grappled, right?))
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