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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

The man snatches the Rod of Pelor from underneath Sarm's robes, and attempts to flee. He gets about twenty feet before the masses of angry undead citizens spring into action, overwhelming him, prying the rod from his grasp, and returning it to Sarm.

After some confusion, finally the pile of people is somewhat dispersed... and the man who tried to steal the Rod is nowhere to be found.

((Pause to allow for possible reactions.

Also, it wasn't applicable here, but normally you are unable to cast spells from a grapple, because most spells require a somatic component which cannot be done in that position))
Sarm's dark skin manages to lighten with fright as the worst had nearly happened. He almost can't breathe as the rod is being returned to him. He quickly those around him for getting him back the rod, and tells them that he is indebted. He knows that he would be devastated to have to tell Luna that he had lost the Rod that he was honored to be responsible for.

He informs those around him that he will need to speak to his friends before he can continue healing. It's clear to him that the Arm knows they are there.
Quintus sees the commotion and begins reaching for something in his cloak... but once he realizes that it has been taken care of he stops himself from doing anything stupid. He will make sure to talk to Sarm about what just happened after they are done here though.

Mike M

Nick N
Val spies the commotion from afar. Drawing his sword, he attempts to work his way through the crowd, but the incident has resolved itself by the time he arrives. He spins around looking for the perpetrator, but he seems to be long gone.

He grabs the nearest member of the Guard. "The Mayor. Fetch her. Now."
Florentine surprises Kaff by already being right behind him when he asks for her. "Report," she says to no one in particular, all business.

Once the incident is explained in detail, she orders some of the purified helpers to set up a screening booth for citizens approaching Sarm, and as that's under way, she addresses the party. "I am very sorry about that," she says sincerely. "We should have taken the matter of security more seriously. In addition to the screening booth, I am more than willing to implement whatever further measures you would deem necessary in order to continue."

Kaff, or Ivor if he passes a DC 14 Sense Motive
"We should talk in private soon, but it's not immediately urgent."


Prodigal Son
Sense Motive: 1d20 5 + 9 = 14 (pass)

As a response to the attempt to steal the rod, Ivor gathers a group of the strongest cured miners to stand watch with him alongside Sarm and generally appear threatening. Doing so, he hopes to give the impression to the public that their fellows are banding together - As a result more may be willing to help the cleric and replace them when the mine returns to working order.

After noticing Florentine's body language and signals, the rogue begins to consider sneaking along to their next private meetings. But first he has some morale to boost! With the stout folk behind him he calls out to both the cured and the line of afflicted.

"Three cheers for Sarm, hip hip hooray!"
Quintus decides to cast detect magic, maybe he'll be able to see something suspicious before it gets to close... though the zombies might make it a little harder if they all give off magical aura's as well.
Sarm would have said his opinion when he was with the others, "I believe that must have been a member of the Arm..." He then warns, "He had great strength. They chose their follower wisely. Now that he has failed, they may think of a different way to try to obtain the rod." He soon finally says, "I am thankful that I am surrounded by those that easily help."

He returns to healing those in need as soon as possible, not letting the incident dampen his progress or condition.
Quintus's Detect Magic reveals a telltale sign that teleportation magic was used to get the would-be thief out of trouble. It seems to have been a triggered spell, cast by someone else; you can't ascertain the trigger right now.

Ivor does an excellent job keeping things orderly and maintaining morale, and security is all the better as a result.

Florentine frowns a bit and decides that shed rather not wait to talk to Kaff, instead gathering the entire party and huddling them close.

"I'm not so sure that was an agent of the Arm," she says in hushed tones. "It's not like them to send a single agent to complete a job. All my experience with them has suggested that they always work in groups of at least four. Also, this person, whoever he is, was extremely sloppy in his approach, which is also very unlike the Arm. I'm not ruling it out, of course, but we may want to consider the possibility that there is another party who might be interested in the Rod."
"I saw a crest on his wrist, but was not able to make it out clearly, so I had assumed it must have been a member of the Arm. Regardless, if there is a third party as you say, then I will assume that they are just as much my enemies as the Arm is."
Sarm, make a Knowledge Planes check, DC 20
Now that you really try to recall it, you think you might recognize that symbol. You don't remember what the context is, but you think it originates from a different plane: the plane of Ravenloft, an evil place that preys upon the fears of its inhabitants.

If you got over 25 on that same Knowledge Planes check:
The symbol you saw branded onto the man's hand is branded onto every human who is unfortunate enough to be born on Ravenloft. There, humans are second-class citizens, subjugated by vampires (the predominant sentient race) and various other evil horrors.

If you didn't beat a 20, the symbol is one you've never seen anywhere before, neither on your home plane, nor on this one.

Mike M

Nick N
Val sighs.  "Of course there is, nothing is guaranteed in this world if not unexpected complications.  I don't suppose anyone is familiar with any other cults or secret clubs with crests on their wrists? Left Nut of Heironeous, perhaps? Bottom line, if we weren't prepared for this display of amateur hour audition night at the Thieves' Guild, we sure as shit would not have fared well against a legitimate threat from Vecna-ists."

Peeking his head above the huddle, he surveys the crowd and security arrangements.

"Valerie," he whispers, "This might be a good time for the two of us to go over my plans for the guard, as it will clearly be inextricably linked with providing Sarm protection.  We can flesh it out in greater detail as we get more of the town up and running, but we can at least do some preliminary work and set the bones of the thing in place.  If anyone knows how to spot gaps in security coverage, it's us."
Valerie concurs with Val, and together they take stock of the situation, pulling well-built volunteers from those who have already been cured and outfitting them with weapons, placing them in key positions throughout town, and generally replenishing the city guard. Before the day is out, they have found a robust fifty volunteers, most of them at least passably competent with a weapon.

Meanwhile, the others ensure that the line keeps moving, and Sarm continues to slowly mend the festering wound that has been inflicted upon the city of Alydar.

By the day's end, when Sarm can scarcely keep his eyes open and operations are ceased for the evening, estimates come in that roughly one third of the town's afflicted have been cured. Although that still leaves about 2,000 to go, the fact that the pace has increased despite the disturbance seems to be a great sign.

There are still five days remaining until the king's council is expected to arrive.


The next day goes very well, not just for the event, but for the entire town. At this point, there are enough citizens cured to begin breathing life back into the town, and you all notice people engaging in commerce, both in bars and restaurants, and in the previously-anemic shopping district.

Quintus receives a magically-transmitted message that Willoughby's Warehouse is prepared to take him at his word, and is sending a small caravan out to Alydar to test the waters; it ought to arrive in about a week.

The pace remains about the same; volunteers can only do so much to facilitate the progress of a line of precariously-close-to-mindless zombies. The pace is adequate, however, as approximately half of the town's inhabitants are cured before the day's end.

At around 1700 hours, however, something does happen. All four of you, regardless of how far apart you are, receive the following message, transmitted directly into your brain:

"Ivor Fireheart, Quintus Mallory, Sarm Santee, and Kal Frenelo ((sic)). By the authority of the King's Justice, you are hereby required to report to High Magistrate Thaddeus Birchheart, for questioning regarding the massacre at the Great Library of Ioun. His Lordship has established a temporary Office of Justice within the library until the investigation has been completed. You have the rest of the day to prepare for your journey, and will be expected to arrive three days from tomorrow morning. You may, but are not required to, reply to this Sending to confirm your intent to answer this summons; other replies will be ignored. If you do not arrive within the allotted time, warrants will be issued for your arrest."

The voice has a sneering quality to it, and the accent is very highborn, much moreso than that of even the Kaff Reyneel persona.

You all are intuitively aware that you can transmit a single reply back to the sender of the message, even if you aren't trained in magic at all; you simply need to will the message to be sent.

Knowledge Local DC 11 (trained only)
This is standard procedure for summoning persons of interest in criminal investigations. Generally, the Magistrate's Office DOES follow up on summons that are not answered on time, and makes a point to devote resources toward finding said persons of interest.

Arcana DC 20
Based on what you've inferred from the spell they used and the information they had, you estimate that they've used mid-level Divination magic to find out who you are, and based on the time table they've given you, they know approximately how far away you are, but probably not where you're located, or else they would have included more specific information related to Alydar in their summons.

Mike M

Nick N
Local Knowledge check:  1d20 + 6 = 10

Val hackles raise as he considers the proffered "invitation" to turn present himself for questioning.  Highly disinclined to voluntarily have a chat with law enforcement by the nature of his choice of vocation, the threat of a warrant doesn't mean much.  He probably has a whole host of warrants for various aliases, he's simply never bothered to check.  

Evasion has become an issue, however.  For the foreseeable future, his lot is thrown in with Ivor, Sarm, and Quintus.  Able men all in their respective areas of expertise, but not as... fluid in their identity as required to be concealed adequately.

And what was with that way of addressing him?  Kal Frenelo?  Is that a jab, or garbled intel?  This smells like a trap, and he makes a mental note to advise everyone to leave any items obtained at the library in Alydar, lest they become "evidence" in a frame job.

In dire need of advice on how to respond, Val heads to the Mayor's Manse.  One more thing he needs to have an uninterrupted chat with Valerie about.
Local: 1D20+15 => [ 15 ] +15 = 30
Arcana: 1D20+18 => [ 4 ] +18 = 22
While Quintus thinks the timing is highly suspect, and terrible, but it seems to be official... and the last thing they need is more people coming after them and the magic they apparently have at their disposal won't make them too hard to find. When they next meet up, Quintus suggests they all go with the exception of Sarm who is needed here far more. He also thinks they may be able to get there quicker with his fancy new Phantom Steed spell(as long as only three of them go), so they may be able to get there earlier or leave later and still make it on time.

((Just had a great idea for this involving the fancy glasses, but not gonna suggest I feel it might require a bit to much ooc knowledge for Quintus to suggest.))
Sarm's prayers to call forth the spell to someone is interrupted by the message in his head. He is distracted from the world about him, and the message in his head nearly blocks out the person asking what is wrong. He soon looks back to the person he was starting to heal, and smiles, "Forgive me." And restarts his prayer to call forth the healing spell for the person.

During the eventual meet up, Sarm is very tired, but chooses to fight his fatigue in order to talk with the others about what they had heard that day. He would agree with Quintis and take a tired breath before speaking, "Yes. I would like to stay here if all possible. This seems like another means of impeding our progress, and they know far too much. I do not fear the authority of man if it would impede on what Pelor wishes."


Prodigal Son
Knowledge Local: d20 4 + 10 = 14 (pass)
Ivor reacts to the message with a blown raspberry and a rude gesture pointed at the sky. He knows that a response must be made intentionally, through some kind of magic, so he will do so only after meeting the party.

The day has been a positive one. With volunteers taking up the role his miners played, he is free to take them to the works and explain his plans: A cabinet of ministers from Ruby Keep is coming to Alydar in 3 more days from now. Unless they want their freedoms curtailed by having the city put in their control by royal order, everyone must work together. Ivor understands if they still feel weary, so the mine does not need to be 100% operational - Just ready to show off with the tough Alydarians he knows ready to shake hands. Time spent here stalling the ministers will make his perilous tour much shorter.

Tomorrow he decides to meet Leeta-in-Lyssa to see how she is doing and maybe rangle some staff of the Griffin to do business.
There seems to be a difference in opinion, so the four of you are seated around a table at the Golden Griffin that same evening. Talk it out.

((Also, be aware that as a DM I'm okay with the party splitting up in this format because I can still effectively address what everyone is doing, so if your in-character inclination is to split up, then don't let out-of-character conventional wisdom get in the way of it))


Prodigal Son
((That's fine. I'd imagine Ivor is of the opinion that while he would want to help any investigation the whole thing seems like a waste of time when we know who performed the attack.))
((Uh I missed the part in Val's post about going to see Valerie, my mistake. Let's take care of that first:))

At the end of the day, when the stage has closed down, Val goes to see Valerie in the Mayor's Manse, and is allowed in without much effort. Once they are alone, he explains the problem to her.

"Obviously your group was not responsible for the slaughter, but I take it that you arrived after the fact?" At Val's nod of confirmation, she furrows her brow, as though in deep thought.

"It's fairly apparent that they at least know you were there at some point after the murders," she says. "Probably used some Divination magic to figure out who's been there, and I'll bet my left tit that whoever IS responsible, made sure to cover their tracks, magically-speaking."

She paces around a bit before continuing. "Well, the gods know that I could really use you here when the council arrives, and if you decide to stay then of course I would be grateful. And, if this had happened to four members of our crew, I would laugh in the face of the royal fools who thought they could catch us.

"However... I somehow don't see your friends as being particularly effective at staying under the radar. The dwarf may be able to pull it off by sheer virtue of staying out of sight, but the cleric and the wizard are neither stealthy nor particularly savvy.

"Also, although we've had a bit of a rocky start, things seem to be progressing rather well here, and if Sarm were to stay behind and finish up with the population, I can easily see us curing everyone before the big day. Perhaps it wouldn't be the worst idea to go see what these royal buffoons want?" She sighs. "Honestly, it's a tough situation, Val. I'm sorry I don't have a good answer for you. Obviously if it were up to me, I'd have you stay, but I'm trying to look out for the best interests of you and your new associates."

Mike M

Nick N
Later, Val sits at the table at the Golden Griffin, arms crossed, looking dour.  "Well I'm open to suggestions.  If it were only me, I'd have no qualms with just ignoring the summons.  Warrants for my arrest aren't exactly a deterrent, especially when they can't even get my name right.  But we do stand apart as a group, and I can't carry everyone's water in evading detection.

"Valerie seems to think things have progressed to the point our direct supervision is no longer necessary, with the exception of Sarm.  We can't really spare him from his task.   I also not about to voluntarily put myself in the custody of the law without an exit plan or three."
"Well, perhaps it'd be better if Sarm came instead of you... or at least let them believe that is the case. You still have those glasses I gave you right?" Quintus says with a slight grin on his face. "Also, perhaps now would be a good time to hear your story. Unless Sarm here wants to get some rest already, which I would not blame him for."
Sarm looks towards the suggestion of glasses, while not knowing what they do, but picks up on the suggestion being made, "A disguise?" At the suggestion of being told the story, Sarm says, "I can stay and listen."
((I don't know what happened to Mike M, but since the spotlight is sort of on him, we can't really move on until he returns. I'll try PMing him))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry, rough day. Long winded exposition dump, coming up.))

"Hm, no longer able to keep curiosity at bay?  Very well, I suppose I owe you all an explanation, and I do so loathe being in debt..."

Val glances about the tavern, to make sure they are out of earshot before leaning in and continuing in a quiet voice.  "Gods, how to keep this simple...  Okay, in Ruby Keep 'Val Fierno' is a legendary name, probably a generation of two from being considered a minor godling or something by the street folk.  To hear them tell it, Val Fierno is some ageless shape changer of immense power, able to appear in any form, able to penetrate any defense.  No amount of security will protect you, for when the dreaded Val Fierno wants what is yours, he takes it.

"The truth is much more mundane.  There are... There were six Val Fiernos.  My name is Valgar.  Valance, Valdemar, and Valentino, my brothers.  Valerie and Valentine, my sisters.  Siblings in spirit, if not blood.  Well, Valentine and Valentino actually were twins, but you get the idea.

"We were urchins and cut purses living on the streets and in the winding alleys of the Keep, but we were lifted out of our situations by the previous holder of the Val Fierno name, as he had been by his going back unknown generations.  In each of us he saw something that distinguished us from the countless other ragamuffins, and it was he who taught us our trade.  Refined us.  Gave us a purpose in life and a family in which trust could be placed.  When he took us in and gave us our names, we all became Val Fierno.  And when he passed, we carried on in his name as he had taught us.

"The foundation of any theft is misdirection." In demonstration, he reaches behind Ivor with his right arm, taps him on the opposite shoulder, while producing one of Ivor's daggers with his left hand when Ivor turns away.  "I think you dropped this, Ivor.  We'd take things further with theatrics.  Half the time our targets would simply end up giving us what we wanted under false pretenses.  Much of the time, they wouldn't even know they were missing anything.  The same skill set that lets me peddle myself as an appraiser makes me quite an accomplished forgery artist for paintings, sculptures, etc.  

"We were doing well in those days.  Thieves Guild and the City Guard alike doubted our very existence, each accusing the other of either  being responsible for our exploits, or fabricating them.  We gladly performed our sacred task of easing the burden of those weighed down with an excess of wealth.  Not because we were destitute, but for the sport of it.  The challenge.  The art of the con, the precision of the heist.  And we were very, very good at it.

"The downfall of most gangs is that ultimately thieves do not -- cannot -- trust each other.  Having transcended that particular weakness, we got complacent.  Arrogant, perhaps.  We believed our organization impregnable and inscrutable,  our protocols foolproof, that we were untouchable. And perhaps we were in the conventional sense, but the reach of the Arm is highly unconventional.

"The agony of it all is that we were warned.  We were gods-damned warned, but we didn't believe.  And when we at last believed, we thought ourselves more clever than all and paid a dear price.  We first heard of the Arm of Vecna from one of our usual informants, by the name of Mott.  Vecna was the stuff of legend... No, we were the stuff of legend, this Vecna business was more relegated to the realm of superstition.  The idea that an organization in Vecna's service, with this much funding, organization, and influence could operate in the shadows, infiltrating all social strata and institutions in the blink of an eye without calling attention to itself?  Laughable on the face of it.

"Or so we thought, until Mott wound up dead on the doorstep of our hideout.  A hideout no one but the six of us could possibly know the location of, least of all poor Mott.  

"Now the sensible thing to do, the thing that most any other person in that situation would do, would be to pack up shop, skip town, and never look back.  But not us.  Not just because it would mean an end to the venerable institution of Val Fierno, by killing Mott they had gone and made this personal.  So we plotted our grandest scheme yet; we were going to take the Arm for all that they had.

"It was the grandest, most sweeping of targets in the history of Val Fierno, but never had there been an incarnation as capable as we.  It was also an unmitigated disaster.

"As impregnable and inscrutable as we had believed ourselves to be, the Arm outclassed us by orders of magnitude.  We trotted out every alias we ever had (made up some new ones too), spread vast quantities of our accumulated treasure, all of it to search in vain for some crack in their edifice to slip our way in through.  At great cost, we finally uncovered was that there was an agent of the Arm installed as an advisor to the king, which we can assume at this point is the Chancellor.  But before we could redirect our efforts to act on this information, the Arm struck.

"Their retaliation was swift, thorough, and merciless.  Simultaneously (or near enough not to matter), every safe house and bolt hole we had ever established in the city was set to torch.  Our vaults ransacked.  Even our previously compromised base of operations, abandoned since our unheeded warning, was reduced to ashes.  The city guard was out in the streets in force, and they knew our faces.  Knew them when we never set foot outside a safe house without extensive disguise.

"The twins did not survive the holocaust, their sacrifice buying precious time for the rest of us to escape.  Those of us that remained were faced with the fact that given the knowledge demonstrated by our adversary, it was highly probable that one of our number had betrayed the lot of us.  We divided what meager remains of our belongings we could recover, and went our separate ways.

"Since then, I've made my way to Alydar, and... Well, you know that part.  Valerie seems to have made progress in identifying the mole.  Valance and Valdemar, I only hope are still out there.

"Well now.  I hope that was worth the wait.  At least now I don't have to remember to do that damnable stammer, I really didn't think that through..."

((Incidentally, Kaff/Val is actually a swashbuckler if anyone cares.))
"That was... quite the story. I'd give you mine, but its not anywhere near as interesting and involves the Arm in no way... I hope." Quintus stops a moment to do a little chin rub, "So, I take it you haven't ruled out your 'sister' as the one who ratted you all out? If she got us doing all this work just so the Arm wouldn't have too once they took it over, I will not be happy. Anyways, what do you think of my plan were you take Sarm's place during our little library visit? Assuming it works you just have to change you identity again, which is no big deal for you right, mister Val Fierno?"

Mike M

Nick N
Val winces at the use of his true name.  "I'd appreciate it if we just didn't speak the 'Fierno' part aloud.  Even if I never... Return to my previous vocation, there are any number of well connected and powerful people who would like nothing so much as to see me dead, and they're the ones I've pissed off the least.

"And as Ivor can attest, I do suspect Valerie is the mole, now more so than ever.  And if she isn't, she doubtlessly suspects me more so than ever.  I've already arranged some surveillance... She's careful, but if she is in league with them, she may be forced to work with some that aren't so careful.  Bottom line, if we are being manipulated into delivering the town into the control of the Arm, I'd much rather it be governed by someone I know as well as myself than a stranger.  I can... Deal with her... Should it come to that."

Staring at his hands, he flexes his fingers while lost in thought or memory.  His reverie is short lived, however and his attention returns to the party at the table after a moment.  "Anyway, to the matter at hand.  Yes, I could pose as Sarm.  Frankly, at this point I could probably do a better Sarm than Sarm, provided the audience isn't more well versed in the lore of Pelor than myself.  As for this 'Kal' person they're looking for, I hear he may have been trampled to death trying to control the crowd the other day.  Tragic.  I may have his death certificate in my room, if you give me some time to look for it..."


Prodigal Son
Ivor does nothing to stop Kaff making a point with one of his weapons. Now was not the time for an argument, especially after that unfortunate tale. The circumstances of this group's betrayal, being perhaps taken down from within, helps him decide to sneak to Kaff and Florentine's next meeting (and not bring the plan up).

"So remind me when you are both going, please. I fully intend to see this state visit through, for the sakes of Sarm and Leeta as well as Alydar. I believe I am capable of staying undetected from hunters, and if our 'court date' lands before or on that day I can arrange to have someone skilled be the guide and look out for Sarm."
((So it seems like everyone is in agreement that Val, Ivor, and Quintus will travel to the library to see the Magistrate, while Sarm stays behind and continues to heal people. Anyone who has business in town before leaving, go ahead and address that, and unless you all object, I'll assume that you leave the following morning.

As for the Mask of Lies. The book where that item comes from doesn't specify the caster level of the Disguise Self spell, so I'm just going to rule that the caster level is equal to your character level. This means that each use of Disguise Self will last for an hour. I'll allow that you can sustain it without recasting if you wish, meaning that you can use it for up to 3 hours continuously per day. This is knowledge that your character would be aware of (or at least Quintus would, so by extension you all know it).

A note on travel time: If Quintus uses three 3rd-level spells to summon a Phantom Steed for each of you (as he's implied that he'll do), that means you will all be moving SIGNIFICANTLY faster than you were when you were using a horse-driven wagon. So fast, actually, that you'll get to the library in a little less than a day's travel (you'll recall that on the wagon, it took you 3 days). This is because the Steeds move somewhere between 4-6 times faster than you were on the wagon. I thought you might all want to be aware of that, in case it changes your plans at all. ))
((you only use UMD for stuff like scrolls and rods I think, this isn't anything like that though, so you should be fine. As for whether or not Ivor goes with us, they are expecting us in three days, so we could just wait, do anything we might need to do in town and just leave the day before they expect us.))
((No ranks in skills required for using the steed. Exactly who goes and when they go is up to you guys.

And Ivor, sorry; I misunderstood what you said in your last post. It makes sense now.))
((Sorry for the lack of posting.))

Sarm quietly listens to Val's story, and like the others cannot ever hope to match such intrigue even working to serve his god. "I don't think I'll ever be able to understand the pain you must feel losing many around you and having to live a life like that. I can only pray that you will not have to face even minor anguish in the future."

He later does mention, "I am still used to you being known as 'Kaff'. It may take some time to get used to your new... Old name I mean."

"Since you intend to imitate me, remember what I have taught just before arriving at the Seminary."
((Just to align the timetable, the King's party is scheduled to arrive on the same day that the Magistrate gave you as a deadline to show up at the library. So, since Ivor has insisted that he be present to meet the incoming visitors, and has things to do to prepare beforehand, there's no way he'll be able to come see the Magistrate if any of you expect to get there on time))

Mike M

Nick N
"Well we've previously established Sarm can't leave, Ivor raises a point about how we need him on site to lead the delegation around by their noses, and I can't be them both at the same time.  I mean, I'm good --great, even-- but I have limits.

"Maybe if we wrote them a polite note telling them we're running a bit behind?"


Prodigal Son
"Just how fast do these whimsical ghost-ponies of yours go, wizard? If I can successfully meet the ministers in the morning and then ride to - No, it's too far away, just too far away."

He groans in exasperation, resting his face in his hands.

"At least we have another day or so to decide. Is it out of the question that more moles exist within the Keep's government? They're giving us a horrible choice; either fail the town or fail our efforts to unravel the cult. Either outcome helps the Arm of Vecna."

Ivor has a thought.

"If I come with you to Ruby Keep... I could do some sleuthing and fact finding on my own. It's not an area I'm familiar with and that's not something I'm trained to do, but I can open locks and eavesdrop well.

Leeta is someone I have come to trust. If I can convince her tomorrow to rally the staff and entertainers at the Griffin to occupy the ministers with my miner friends for muscle, that could work. It still leaves the Arm able to sabotage this whole thing, even if we get our cleric-lady back somehow to keep you from being alone Sarm..."

He does another double facepalm.

"There's something else I should mention. It feels wrong but I suspect the sole survivor of the library. I can see it now! The sole survivor of that atrocity testifying against us. Please tell me I'm not being paranoid, friends."
((We are going to the library, not Ruby Keep))

"I highly doubt that Ivor, given how they contacted us, I suspect they used some divination magics to place us at the library at roughly the time of the attack. The Arm was just far more careful about covering their tracks then we were. We should be fine, unless the Arm's agent are shoved so far up the king's arse that they are able to plant evidence against us..."
Sarm, when suggested finding Arianna, takes a moment to come up with an original saying on the spot, "Being lonely is not enough to put me to death... But being alone may be, but that is a risk I am willing to take for this moment. I have not seen Arianna lately, now that I think of it. I had assumed she is working presently."

He goes on to say as suspicions are being thrown into the air, "Vecna is a god of secrets and we have only seen the surface of how far their presence lies. I would not be surprised if anybody that is working against us does not even know they are doing so for Vecna."

Mike M

Nick N
"I don't think Linka is an agent of the Arm, she was pretty knowledgable about things only a true librarian would know.  If the Arm had a mole in that deep, they'd just have had the mole pull a vanishing act with the monocle in hand.

"I think leaving the town in the hands of Sarm and what allies we have while the remainder of us make the trip to the library is the least terrible option we've got."
((It sounds like the most agreeable option for everyone in aggregate is for Ivor and Sarm to stay behind, while Val and Quintus take the trip to the library, with Val disguising himself as Sarm and presenting a forged death certificate for Kal Frenelo (I'm guessing that's the name that will be put on it).

Unless someone is vehemently opposed to that plan, let's assume that that's what will happen, in the interest of moving things along. Go ahead and make preparations before leaving, and when everyone has done what they need to, we'll proceed))

Mike M

Nick N
Val returns to his room and gets to work on forging the death certificate.  Filigreeing the details as to poor "Kal's" death in his mind gives rise to an idea about how to explain away Ivor's absence by claiming he was injured in the same event, and required a few more days before being cleared for travel.  Hopefully the appearance of Quintus and "Sarm" alone in response to the summons will buy some measure of good faith.

He spends the rest of the evening familiarizing himself with the Mask of Lies and practicing his impersonation of Sarm.
Quintus, not quite sure what else to do, decides to go check in with Rubio((sp? terrible with names and i'm up way to late right now to bother looking...)) and let him know supplies are coming((as for some reason I didn't do that before... maybe it was assumed though)) and if there is anything else he can help with that can be dealt with before he must leave, he'd be glad to help.
Rubio looks up from whatever he's fidgeting with behind the counter and nods respectfully at Quintus. "You've been a big help, Wizard," he says. "I already got a message from Willoughby about reestablishin' a contract. All the merchants in the city thank you."

He strides to a drawer and reaches up to open it, then pulls out a stack of paper. "In fact, it worked so well that I've taken the liberty of writing up a few more letters in your name, to some o' the other suppliers. All they need is your signature, and I'll send 'em out myself." With the papers in hand, he hops on a stool so he can plop them down on the counter in front of you, along with a small bag which, if you look through it, contains 1000 gold. "For your trouble," he winks.


Prodigal Son
That night, Ivor began sketching out a plan for the inspection in his notebook. Knowing that he cannot be seen by the officials as he is expected to be present at the investigation, he prepared a route for someone he can trust while he can watch from the rooftops. From good vantage points he can monitor the reception, Sarm's healing and the tour. Maybe he can arrange some makeshift planks or walkways from building to building? Sketching a route through Alydar to keep as many people as possible un-harrassed, he finalised a plan to bring to Leeta the next day.

Knowledge Local: d20 10 + 10 = 20
Stealth: d20 16 + 12 = 28
Heal: d20 2 + 5 = 7

His plans may just work. The back up plan of faking his injuries? Maybe not.
Sarm has no change in his nightly routines, continuing to pray each night and fall asleep, mainly preparing himself for more healing duties tomorrow.
Since Ivor has lived most of his life in Alydar, he has no trouble drafting a route for Leeta to follow, and he also has an easy time of prowling about the rooftops without alerting any of the people in the buildings. He spends the rest of that evening, and then a good portion of the following day, making arrangements (a plank-bridge here, an escape ladder there) and ensuring that he'll be able to monitor the proceedings effectively.

((Faking an injury would be more of a bluff roll, though your Heal check could have given you a bonus if it had been higher. If it does come down to that though, save the Bluff roll for when you will have to use it))

For Sarm, the routine hasn't changed at all from the rest of the week; he wakes up and reports to the stage, and the steady stream of afflicted townspeople flows forward to be healed.


Early that morning, Quintus and Val meet at the city gates, prepared for departure. Quintus summons two impressive, muscular steeds which have an ethereal quality to them; semi-transparent and emitting the slightest dull blue hue, their hooves seems to just barely brush against the ground, but don't quite rest upon it. For Quintus, having graduated from the Emerald Bay Academy, this is old hat; Val is somewhat less familiar with phantasmal equines, and is therefore slightly apprehensive, but he maanges to fight through it, and is soon comfortable enough on the horse to make this journey.

And it is quite a journey - perhaps the ride of Val's life, as he has never traveled as fast as he is right now. The horses are moving at an incredible clip - exceeding 50 miles per hour - and Val is clinging desperately to the semi-tangible reins to keep from falling off and breaking his neck.

The journey takes just over half a day, and as the library becomes visible and rapidly larger on the horizon, Quintus and Kaff slow their approach to prepare for what lies ahead. Two guards can just be made out in the distance, and at this point Val activates his Mask and assumes the guise of Sarm Santee.

The guards are standing watch over the perimeter of the library grounds, and are clad in chainmail with ruby-red adornments (different - and more authentic - than those worn by the people Valerie had accompanying her, you notice), and when you get close enough for them to see you clearly, they seem to know who you are. "Go on into the library. One of the men in the lobby will take you to the Magistrate's office."

Proceeding through the courtyard, you notice that all of the bodies from the massacre are in the same spots they were - though now they're surrounded by various implements, magical and non-magical, which you assume are part of the investigation. Various people are milling about, analyzing things and generally looking busy, and everything seems to be labeled in a very orderly fashion.

Everything is much the same in the lobby, and when you get inside, it's just as the first guard said. One of the men inside (this one is dressed in robes of the same ruby-red hue) comes to you and asks for you to follow him.

He brings you upstairs, and it's not long before you realize that you're being led to Curzon's former office - the one where Ivor had found the encoded journal. This time, the door is flanked by two armed guards, dressed in full plate.

"These are the persons of interest in the investigation," the man in robes explains, with a barely-perceptible hint of disdain in his tone, though you're not sure whether that tone is meant for the guards or for yourselves.

You are brought inside, and the robed man closes the door behind you. There is a man seated at Curzon's desk. He is a small man, with pale skin and a thin goatee. He seems to be reading and writing intermittently on some scrolls, and so far has not even looked up from what he's doing. He makes a gesture for you both to sit down in the chairs facing him, and when you do, he continues doing paperwork.

There is a silence that continues, and continues, and continues, and becomes evermore awkward as the only audible sound is the scratch of a quill against sheets of parchment. It feels like you've been there for half an hour, but when you check your timepiece it's really only been five minutes.

Finally, the man puts down his quill, rests his arms on the desk, and raises his head to look at you.

"Sarm Santee and Quintus Mallory, I presume," he says, and it's a statement of fact, rather than a question. You also note that his voice is not the same voice that you heard in your head and which originally summoned you here. "My name is Thaddeus Birchheart. To begin, I have three questions.

"One, where are Kal Frenelo and Ivor Fireheart, and why have they chosen not to join you here?

"Two, what were you doing here at the Great Library just over one week ago?

"Three, what do you know about the murders which were committed here at approximately the same time?"

His tone, and his facial expressions, are completely neutral and devoid of any emotion, and you figure that he must be very practiced in the art of hiding his feelings - if he even has any feelings at all.

Mike M

Nick N
Val-as-Sarm wastes absolutely no time, hoping Quintus can play along uncoached as he launches into his spiel. 

"A few weeks ago, the city was attacked by a militia force wearing green armor.  After they were fought off, we received a tip that the head of the Great Library might know something about them somehow.  We arrived here hoping to speak to him, but found much the same scene that lays outside this office.

We did find one survivor, she told us her name was Linka.  She described to us that the library was assaulted by more agents of the green-clad militia group that attacked Alydar.  Unwilling to leave her alone, we took her back with us to the city, but she went off on her own shortly after our arrival, and we lost touch with her.

"A few days ago, there was an... Incident in Alydar.  The citizens have been through much recently, and trade had dwindled significantly, which are ingredients for panic.  Kal and Ivor were both trampled.  Ivor, I was able to stabilize, but requires more time before he is well enough to travel.  Kal... Regrettably Kal was beyond even the powers of my divine patron to save."

Val produces the death certificate and offers it to the magistrate.

((Presuming another secret forgery roll, let me know if you want a bluff roll for the parts that are lies))
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