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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Reflex save:  1d20 + 7 + 1 = 12

((Dat hurt. Still in the hunt, though it's looking like with this guy's damage capacity it's only for one more hit. And of course he has no healing items. Heh.))

Val's body is wracked with pain as the waves baneful of energy emitted by the bone devil slam into him. He feels somehow... Diminished. As though potential years of his life are ebbing away as the wounds on his adversary knit themselves back together.

"That," he says as he wipes away a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, "is grand scale cheating."

Redoubling his efforts, he attempts to remind the beast of the injuries he had inflicted only moments earlier.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 12 + 4 = 19
Damage:  1d6 + 11 + 1 = 14

Attack 2:  1d20 + 7 + 4 = 26
Damage:  1d6 + 11 + 1 = 17

Haste Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 4 = 29
Damage:  1d6 + 11 + 1 = 16
Quintus decides to do something stupid. He flies down next to Sarm, drawing his dagger as he goes, then drops his backpack on the ground next to him, and says "I've got three potions of cure light wounds in there, you probably won't need them, but Val might. Excuse me while I do something stupid." then he proceeds to cast Baleful Transposition on himself and Val, switching their places, assuming neither of them succeeds their will saves(dc 19). Quintus of course, fails his on purpose.

((Assuming Val doesn't try to stop it(and if he does try, he fails the save, here's the roll for that fear effect.))

Will: 1d20+8 => 5 + 8 = 13
((thankfully I don't plan on doing much attacking anyways...))
((Bone Devil resists Glitterdust and can't stop Suvne and Sarm from retreating.

Reflex save to keep from falling down in the Grease again: 24 passes.

Bite on Tarkus: Natural 1, miss (that's been happening a lot this battle...)
Claw 1 on Tarkus: 20 to hit, miss
Claw 2 on Tarkus: 19 to hit, miss
Stinger on Val: 24 to hit. Val takes 9 damage, and must make a DC 20 Fortitude save. If he fails the save, he loses 3 Strength))

The Bone Devil transmits a bone-chilling telepathic laugh as a sparkly cloud of glitter descends upon him. How I pity you, deigning to use such pathetic parlor tricks on an instrument of horror from the bowels of Hell itself. Allow me to relieve you of this mortal coil.

He has much less snarky commentary for Val and Tarkus, who both lay into him, and though Tarkus misses two out of three strikes and Val misses one of them ((the Devil's AC is 20)), the blows which do connect are chipping away at it.

At the same time, this provides cover for Suvne and Sarm to flee to relative safety (though they can't go too far, lest they get swallowed up in the free-for-all melee happening on the edge of the battlefield).

In retaliation, the Devil snaps and claws at the half-orc first, but Tarkus seems to be at the top of his game this time, deftly blocking and dodging the creature's advances; rather than chancing to waste his final attack on the same target, he instead switches to Val, piercing through his defenses with the stinger like a stick penetrates mud, and forcing Val to contend with the same poison that has already afflicted Sarm.

((All About Critical Hits:

Every physical attack in DnD has what's called a Critical Threat Range, which varies depending on the weapon being used. Most weapons have a Critical Threat Range of 20; some have 19-20. Certain enchantments and/or feats are capable of increasing this threat range further; I've personally seen someone get their Critical Threat Range down to 15-20 before.

When an attack roll is made with a weapon, and the natural result on the die is within the threat range of that weapon, that becomes a Critical Threat. When this happens, a confirmation roll is needed to determine whether it actually is a Critical Hit. The confirmation roll is exactly like an attack roll, and if the result (including modifiers) meets or beats the target's AC, then the original hit becomes a Critical Hit, dealing double damage - this means that you roll twice as many dice, and any modifiers (such as Strength, Magic Weapon, and bonuses such as from Prayer) are doubled. Some weapons actually deal 3x or even 4x on a Critical Hit; this would be listed in the weapon's description.

If the Confirmation Roll does NOT meet or beat the target's AC, then the original hit only counts as a normal hit, and you roll damage as normal.

This concludes today's tutorial on Critical Threats and Critical Hits. Any further questions are welcome :)

Begin Round 5!))
((oh man, I think I lost track of turn order or something... I guess what I tried to do can be done this turn instead?))

((Yeah if you want to go ahead and try that after Val takes his attack, that's fine.

Val, what Quintus is trying to do is cast a spell that will switch your position with his, in case that's not clear. You can attempt to resist it by rolling a Will Save, or you can just let it go and the spell will automatically work; if it does, you'll end up next to Sarm, who has just retreated))
((Then Val, you have the option of either attacking three times before switching positions, or switching first and then drinking one of the potions that Quintus left behind for you. Your call))
No I mean for the current round. Quintus's action this round is flying over to Sarm, dropping the potions, and switching places; you still haven't taken your turn yet (nor has anyone else). The attacks from last round are already on the books.

Mike M

Nick N
((Derp. Fucking reading comprehension, how does it work? Val will heal up. I'll have a write up of my turn in a bit, potion of healing light wounds is a d6 roll, right?))
Sarm will cast Cure Serious Wounds on himself, and Suvne will Lay on Hands for 16 HP worth of recovery (bringing her up to 18 HP).

Cure Serious Wounds: Result of the throw of dice "3d8 +6" : 8 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 28 (he is now at 40 HP)​

Sarm will then move about 30 feet in Tarkus' direction. Suvne remains where she is for now.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I feel like constantly attacking is pretty boring but the only other trick in my playbook would be a Power Attack, which I don't feel is worth the extra damage considering the penalties I'm already working with. Next level I may try and pick up a shield bash skill or something. But for now, I shall continue to hit the devil with my pointy stick until it dies!))

Tarkus notes the magical shenanigans going on to his side and hopes it buys his companions time to heal.

Stepping forth once more he wipes the trickling blood and sweat out of his eyes before unleashing another series of strikes.

Throwing his weight behind each swing of his bastard sword, Tarkus attempts to force the Bone Devil's attention where it truly belongs: on the heavily armored fighter!

Attack 1: 1d20 [19] + 11 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] + 1 [Haste] + 1 [Prayer] -2 [Shaken] = 32
Critical Confirm: 1d20 [12] + 11 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] + 1 [H] + 2 [Pr] - 2 [S] = 25

Critical Damage: 2d10 [7+10 =17] + 10 [2X Strength] + 2 [2X Prayer] = 29

Attack 2: 1d20 [13] + 11 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] + 1 [H] + [Pr] - 2 [S] = 26

Damage: 1d10 [9] + 5 + 1 = 15

Attack 3: 1d20 [14] + 11 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] + 1 [H] + [Pr] - 2 [S] = 27

Damage: 1d10 [4] + 5 + 1 = 10

((And the pointy stick performs to great effect apparently. Anyone here ever get dice guilt?))

Mike M

Nick N
Fortitude save:  1d20 + 5 = 9
((Womp womp.))

No armor is perfect, and unfortunately for Val, the venomous tail of the devil has found a gap in his. The burning as the barbed tip bites into his flesh is quickly supplanted by an alarming lack of sensation that spreads through his entire body. Suddenly his limbs feel abnormally heavy as he focuses on maintaining a grip on his rapier.

Wiithout warning, his perspective of the field of battle has changed. Now he is much further away from the terrifying fiend, witnessing Quintus standing in the space he was occupying a split second earlier. Momentarily confused, Val pieces together what's happened when he sees the glint of the bottles of healing potion refracting the fire and moonlight in their faceted glass surfaces.

Quintus is even more lightly armored than Val, and won't last long in direct combat with the raging monster. With nerveless fingers, he fumbles open a bottle and chugs the contents with vigor. He needs to get back into the thick of it.

1d8 + 5 = 12

The potion's effects spread through him like a wave of a warm, soothing balm. It's enough to take the edge off his injuries, but he's still far from peak condition and the sensation of profound weakness is still with him.

"Suddenly wishing Pelor had the forethought to leave a few more rods hanging around," he mutters to no one in particular.

((And the pointy stick performs to great effect apparently. Anyone here ever get dice guilt?))

((I've had a few rolls like that. Those saving rolls against Clementine were so clutch I thought for sure someone would think I was cheating to not get turned into a zombie. Heh.))
((I just saw Jackben's post about Songbird. I have no idea what happened with him; he was away from neogaf for about a week, but I didn't realize he's been posting recently. I sent him a PM during the time he was away, but he never replied. So I don't know. I actually am in talks with someone else to join the game too, so we will see how that goes.

Back to the battle: Yeah, Tarkus's critical hit takes out the bad guy He only had 4 HP left before that. I think that battle probably would have been very different if the Devil hadn't rolled poorly on his save versus Grease; the extra damage you guys dealt to him while he was standing up was very key.

We're out of combat now.))

In an effort to save Val from certain death, Quintus magically switches places with him, allowing Val to regroup and get himself healed up. Sarm and Suvne both take a moment to tend to their own wounds.

The Devil notices Quintus appear next to him and turns to face the wizard with interest. You wield the Hand of Vecna, it says with genuine surprise. Allow me to take it off your hands, Wizard. It rears back as though it's about to tear through Quintus...

...And Tarkus seizes the opportunity as it takes its attention off of him, cleanly slicing the head of the abomination from its body. The head rolls along a cobblestone path and slows to a halt in the middle of the courtyard.

As the party take stock of the situation, a curious sound reaches their ears: It sounds like cheering, which is decidedly out of place, given the burning mansion nearby and the town under attack all around them.

Further investigation finds that it's coming from the party nearby, led by the warrior-women, which had been battling invaders.

"We've won!" someone shouts, and as you really start looking around, you realize that this person was right.

The Battle of Alydar is over.

((This is sort of a fade-to-black type moment, where we would fast-forward the story a few days before picking back up. To assist in that, I will provide some information about what happened during the battle that you all would have learned during those few days.

-There were actually closer to 500 invaders, and their numbers included a fair amount of giants, as well as a lot of orcs, elves, humans, a few dwarves, and a few trolls. Some of their wizards were also summoning monsters to fight.

-They also were able to get very very close to the town before they were spotted, thanks to illusion magic that disguised them as they advanced.

-The enemy fought to the very last man; as far as you can tell, not a single one of them tried to retreat when things started going bad for them.

-Of the ~350 armed men and women charged with defending the city, less than 100 are still alive. Additionally, somewhere around 100 civilians were killed during the battle. The whole thing was a bloodbath. Approximately 10% of the buildings in the city were heavily damaged or destroyed.

-Tarkus's defenses were absolutely key to winning the battle; the enemy was completely unprepared to deal with the trenches and the castra, and it was ultimately their downfall.

NPC casualties:
-Valerie is alive and stable, but is paralyzed from the waist down; her spine was cracked on impact when Val landed on top of her.
-Ivor is alive but currently in a coma; no one is quite sure what happened to him.
-Klaus was killed in the heat of battle
-General Bonaparte is missing (meaning that his body can't be found; you all know what happened to him though). The bodies of the other four council members are all accounted for; they were killed in the explosion (this includes the Chancellor).

I have to go suddenly, so I don't know if I wanted to include anything else in this summary or not, but I also didn't want to lose everything I've written, so I'm going to leave it like this. If you guys have more questions, feel free to ask. In the meantime, we are picking up 3 days after the attack; it's up to you guys what you want to do))
Eyeing that Tarkus with a powerful blow has won the battle, Sarm makes no hesitation towards Valerie with a jog whilst his hands work to unhook his armor to lighten the weight while his weakened body causes it to be inconvenient.

He kneels down afterwards for his healing magic to pull Valerie back to the shores of life. When he discovers her legs have betrayed her, he stands back to allow Val some room to have his own feelings on the matter.

The next day, he had already made a message to the Seminary updating them that the battle in question had happened prematurely and that an evacuation did not happen after all. He is leaned in a chair, his elbow propped on the desk, in his hand a fruit from downstairs torn apart from being half-eaten. He is still thinking about the events that had transpired and the mistakes he has made during planning.

At the very least, he now knows that they send invaders through portals which would explain the Library and possibly the figure known to communicate orders to the cult's under members. What of the disguised members? Could the wizard that summoned the spiders have been a person under an illusion? He would likely talk about his thoughts later that day.
Here are a few more important points. The townspeople have been in excellent spirits since the battle ended, and all of you, including Valerie, are being treated like royalty - particularly Tarkus, since he crafted the backbone of the town's defense. Rebuilding efforts have been underway constantly, and the whole town is bustling with activity. The town guard has already received many volunteers to fill the ranks left behind by the departed.

Also, everyone gains a level, bring you four up to Level 7 and Suvne up to 5.

The bone devil happened to be carrying 32,000 gold worth of platinum coins on him. Although the coins do have strange symbols on them, a thorough analysis has determined that they are not cursed, profane, or evil in any way, and are perfectly fine to carry around and spend.

Valerie seems to be taking her new condition in stride. She is employing someone to carry her around when necessary, and has people working on more permanent options. She is enjoying the attention that her heroism has granted her.

The Ranging Company is currently without a leader, since Klaus has passed away.

Most of the destroyed buildings were residences and small shops; however, the Church was specifically targeted for annihilation early on by Vecna's followers, and so there is nothing left where the building once stood.

Lysa (still in Leeta's body) was incognito, posing as part of the invading force, but once the battle started, she began to fight for Alydar's forces, and managed to survive the battle; she's back in town to stay, for now. Arianna has taken a break from prostitution for now, focusing her efforts on helping the wounded and rebuilding.

((Sorry about the fragmented nature of these posts; tonight has been a little strange for me. I'll do better when I have you guys's responses to play off of))
((Rolling hit die))

Sarm: Result of the throw of dice "1d8" : 3
Suvne: Result of the throw of dice "1d10" : 6 (hopefully this is enough to make her not as fragile as Shinji Ikari's self-esteem.)​

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolling hit die: 1d10 = 8
Really hope we didn't offend Songbird somehow, I enjoyed his contributions quite a bit))

For the duration of the three days following the battle, Val is almost never far from Valerie's side. Some of the townspeople doubtlessly question why a museum curator (Well, former curator. He hasn't actually been to work for some time now and likely no longer actually has a post there) would be spending so much time with the mayor, but inevitably it's chalked up to their shared efforts in bringing the town back from the brink of utter destruction. No one could possibly dream the complex nature of their relationship save those in which he has already confided.

The cost of saving the city has been high. Not in just the faceless list of casualties, but on a much more personal level. Valerie. Ivor. Klaus. A sizable list of associates he's known that he does not yet know the fate of.

Reading by Valerie's bedside while she sleeps, Val reflects on the irony of how prior to this whole escapade he was a staunch atheist. And now that he knows the gods not only exist but are actively mucking about in the affairs of mortals as they are, they have thus far withheld their power in fully healing Valerie's injury, despite Sarm's best efforts with the relic of Pelor himself.

Valerie is seemingly of good cheer, and if she's hiding some other internal pain, she's doing it at a whole new level beyond even Val's ability to detect. Val clings to hope that their quest may yet yield a means to restore Valerie to fullness, but he's still suffering some degree of survivor's guilt.

Eventually he and what remains of his party will have to move on to their next objective. He's come through to much to consider giving up now, but for the time being he's content to be there by Valerie's side.
((hit die: 1d4+2 => 3 + 2 = 5))
((Also, we still have 11250 gold left(3750 each split four ways, not including Tarkus who got the fancy +2 weapon worth 8k gold) over from what Quintus and Val found in that mountain side base or w/e(Quintus already spent his share getting his fancy new vest... speaking of, does it provide all the effects of protection of evil to him? or just keeps him from getting a very fancy, very permanent, new bone arm?)))

Quintus has trouble figuring out something useful for him to do, so he just goes with this crazy idea to ask Leeta and Lysa if either of them, or even both, would like to try taking over The Ranging Company. They both seem to be pretty capable adventurer types and have experience in the type of stuff it was built to do.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((1d10 [5] + 3 = 8; 64 + 8 = New HP: 72/72...No idea what the spend the money on so I'm going to hold onto it for now. I really need to get a treasure/item book sometime.))

Thanks to Quintus distraction, Tarkus is able to channel his fear and fury into a final strike, beheading the demon and ending its threat. As the foul creature's head rolls down the pavement, he flicks its dark blood from the blade of his sword dismissively before sheathing it, gritting his teeth in grim satisfaction.

As Tarkus heartbeat slows and his breath calms, he wipes the sweat from his eyes before before spitting blood onto the ground.

"Alydar judgement has found you, beast of dark."

Despite his bravado, Tarkus would recommend carrying the demon's corpse outside of town and burning it to ash...just to be sure.

As the emotions of battle begin to subside he limps to the sidelines amidst the cheers of the townspeople. Determined not to rest until seeing the extent of the damage, he waves off assistance from Sarm and the surviving clerics until he has made the rounds one last time. His eyes surrounded by dark circles soak in the sorrow and hope of the town, given the chance for a bright future but at a terrible cost. He smiles as he finds the rambunctious archer from before wounded but still alive and insists on drinking a toast in his honor, before collapsing in his bed to a fitful sleep sometime around mid-day.

- - -

Over the next few days he would reflect on the situation. The town is outstandingly grateful to him for his fortification and militia organization, but Tarkus is too embarrassed and stubborn to really bask in the limelight. He can hardly believe it himself, never having been someone with amazing social skills and yet he found himself stepping up to the plate for such an important figurehead role.

But there are things regret as well. Tarkus curses himself for never having considered the council to have been a target all along and seeks Val and the mayor's advice on how their death might affect the kingdom as a whole. When he finds them he notes Val's quiet reflection on the mayor's bedside. She has been very active of late and just as loud and commanding despite her injury. But he has found them in a quiet moment and it is clear Val has not left her side since the injury. Tarkus decides to ask them later and not to disturb them now.

While changing the bandages on his wounds he considers the sacrifice of the townspeople. While the rebuilding effort is heavily underway it will be some time before Alydar returns to its former self. He makes a point to visit a comatose Ivor and the other wounded. He can only hope that whatever dark realm the General fell into with the mad conjurer, that he at least met a swift death.

Tarkus thinks back to the battle and considers Sarm and Suvne's effectiveness in the battle towards weakening the demon. He also cannot deny the great power Quintus appeared to command. Perhaps even his coming to this town and the hope and courage he was able to give was also the work of a god. He makes it a point to ask of Sarm what he believes about the gods taking a role in the lives of mortals the next time they are together.

He feels for the first time companionship in their small band and it is something he would like to preserve. He knows not much of the gods or the purpose of men who serve them but knows they all found their way to Alydar's defense for some purpose...and he would like to see that purpose through, to whatever end.
During the new found peace time, Sarm is finally able to discuss with Suvne many of the things she has wished to learn about Pelor. He is sure that the Clerics from Ruby Keep are more than able to help with the men in the infirmary. As he walks he gazes over the city that they were able to protect, and allows the soothing breeze that carries away the smell of ash and cinder hit his face.

When the two meet Tarkus out in public be it inside or outdoors, Sarm does his best to explain, "It does seem the gods are using mortals to war over artifacts that are on this plane. Even before finding out that the items have a greater purpose we have begun collecting them in order to prevent the cult from taking them. At the Seminary, the headmistress spoke of 'Chosen Ones', but it is difficult to be sure if that is necessarily us, or if we are simply to make way for the true Chosen Ones. Either way, I am simply hoping to serve my own god, and he has brought me to Alydar."

((I will most likely grab an item that boosts Suvne's Constitution at the very least especially since I was meaning to do that last time.))
((Sorry about not posting yesterday. Like I said earlier.... Weird weekend))

The seminary sends a note back to Sarm, delivered by raven, expressing its relief, congratulations, and condolences about the results of the battle, and explains that they will still send a few clerics to town, in case there is a need for relief workers. Suvne, meanwhile, absorbs the teachings of Pelor like a sponge; she has already begun work on replacing the Heironeous symbols on her armor with the markings of the Sun God.

Quintus, Leeta, and Lysa meet to discuss the fate of Klaus's Ranging Company. It's very clear that both women are extremely happy in their new bodies: Lysa for her increased physical prowess and ability to blend into a crowd, and Leeta for her new and exotic Tiefling body, and the chance to live a life that doesnt require her to fight all the time.

For that reason, Leeta is completely uninterested in running the Company. Lysa is a different story.

"Sure, I could use something to do," she says in that characteristically care-free manner. "I doubt I'd have much success whoring about in this body anyway. Don't get me wrong - it's in great shape. Let's just say that Leeta never really grew out of her ugly duckling phase." This is all well within earshot of Leeta, which makes this a sort of awkward moment.

Lysa leans in close to Quintus. "If you don't mind the new body, I wouldn't mind another romp in the hay before you leave town. Free of charge, of course. I'll be staying at the Boarding House if you're interested. I've got paper bags if you need them." As she walks away, you note that all of that was still heard by Leeta, who looks mildly disturbed, but says nothing before walking away herself.


Valerie calls for the four conscious party members to meet in her private chamber. When everyone arrives, she clears her throat and speaks. "Words can't express how much I owe you four. Although I get credit for being the mayor of this town, the truth is that I would quote literally be dead if not for you. If Sarm hadn't been able to heal the townspeople, or if Tarkus hadn't come along and improve our defenses and inspire our people, or if Quintus hadn't closed that portal in time, or if Val hadn't discovered the enemy's plans in time for us to prepare... Things could have turned out very, very differently. Even Ivor, gods protect him, was instrumental in keeping up both morale and security when we were at our most vulnerable.

"As much as I would love you all to stay though," and she squeezes Val's hand, "You all have a higher purpose. I know that now. The gods have somehow tasked you with collecting their toys, and you have wasted enough of their time in this backwater villa." A smile plays across her lips as she says that. "Tarkus, I have a favor to ask. I believe our defenses here are fairly solid, and so I would like you to travel with these men and protect them on their journey. Perhaps you might even take this quest up yourself alongside them, but of you could at least protect them then I will ensure that a hefty sum of gold is deposited into your bank account here."

She pauses a moment before shifting her tone to one of excitement. "So, which holy artifact are you going after first? Or is that only on a need-to-know basis?"
((I want to work out purchasing stuff before I continue RP'ing, but how have we decided to distribute our new money from the Bone monster? 6,400 between the five of us?))
((Anything you buy in Alydar is at a 25% discount from book price due to your status there - this goes for all of you. The shops do have Pendants of Constitution available; a +2 would cost 3000 GP after the discount, and a +4 would cost 12,000.

Quintus, the Protection from Evil is still in effect. It's suppressing the bone-hand and also providing any normal benefits that the spell would give you.

I feel like someone else asked a question that I haven't addressed but I can't find it. If that's the case, ask again please, so I can answer it))

Mike M

Nick N
((In so far as upgrading our equipment, can we sell the older stuff at half listed price? I've got enough one way or the other, just don't want to leave money on the table...

Also, I could probably stand a refresher on the other known locations. There was Ruby Keep, then I think a place under water and one in the mountains? Doubtlessly forgetting something.))
((I will be purchasing Gauntlets of Ogre Power for Sarm, and an Amulet of Health for Suvne which costs 6000 GP total. Assuming that they each got 6400 split from the last battle, that would leave Sarm at 6,233 GP and Suvne at 4,391 GP.

EDIT: Since I'm typically conservative with how I spend my money, I can lend my gold to anybody that needs to buy a helpful item.))
Yeah, sell at half the listed price.

Good point about the possible locations. Here's a summary of the leads you guys have so far:

-Woody hinted strongly that there were artifacts in Ruby Keep, the underwater monastery (location currently unknown to you guys, though a good Knowledge Local check could jog your memory), Iron Hill City, and the Emerald Bay Academy, which is Quintus's old school (and where Theon also came from).

-Quintus may want to review the story he decoded out of Curzon's journal one more time

-Elric suggested that there may be a lead in Northport, which is straight up the river from Alydar; he mentioned a contact named Elim who might be able to tell you more

I've been procrastinating on this, but tonight I'm finally going to draw a map of the continent and scan it for you guys. It won't be pretty, but it should help you going forward.
Campaign map (only with locations you guys have been to or know about. I accidentally put Shifter Woods on there even though none of you have been there, but oh well)

Trying again...


Awesome, it's a respectable size now. So yeah, the scale on this is way off, but at least now you know how the locations relate to each other spatially.

Oh and the remains of the Tarley Family Farm are somewhere between Alydar and the Secret Hideout. Tarkus, you originally came from a cluster of islands somewhere north of this continent
((Don't worry too much about how well you drew it, it just makes it more authentic to imagine that some NPC might have drawn it for them in about 5 seconds.

I am personally up for a change in scenery myself.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, character sheet has been updated with skills and equipment))

In the brief periods of time where he's dared to venture from Valerie's presence (or on occasion been banished from the room by her for her own sanity), Val has been calling upon the market district. The sting of the bone devil with its otherworldly venom still fresh in his mind, he has sought to significantly increase the protection offered by his armor if he's going to be doing this whole risking his life thing on a recurring basis. The smithy looked at him queerly when Val requested that it be the same shade of green as the Vecna armor he'd been wearing to this point, but took his coin just the same. At a discount, as it turned out much to Val's pleasant surprise.

Likewise, the swordsmith was more than generous in his pricing, and Val was able to acquire a rapier even better than the already quite respectable one he had been wielding. Factor in the coin he made on selling his older gear in the bazaar, and he's managed to come out with a respectable sum of gold coin in the end, though he's not going to be making any large purchases any time soon.

The morning of Valerie's summons for the party naturally finds that Val is already by her side. In his frequent and restless rummaging through the mayoral residence, he's discovered that the previous occupant (Well, previous to the most recently previous occupant, if you're counting the brief administration of Clementine) was something of a dart aficionado. Summarizing what he knows for Valerie, he takes aim at a large map of the region mounted on the wall and lets a dart fly for each location he knows.

"Well, if that kook in the woods is to be believed, there's currently a relic in Ruby Keep." The dart lands squarely below the Great Library. "Son of a... Anyway, Ruby Keep's not my vote. As far as I'm concerned, that's practically Arm of Vecna HQ, and with what's happened here it will be in utter chaos. Either the Chancellor wasn't the mole after all, or the Arm has a truly terrible severance package. Plus there's the little matter that there's a large cross section of every social strata in the city wanting me dead. So yeah, let's not go there just yet."

"He also mentioned something about Iron Hill City." Another dart flies, this one landing in the middle of the river. "Oh come on... Never been there, don't know much about it. I presume there's some iron, and some hills, and likely a city. It does have the benefit of being close to..."

Another dart, this time landing in the area they know to be Worm Woods. "Well, I was aiming for Northport. The fletching on these darts is off-balance, I swear. Elric filled me in that we should pay a visit to someone named Elim in those parts. Like I said, close to Iron Hill City as the crow flies, but I'd expect getting from one to the other might prove difficult.

"Woody also hinted at some sort of underwater monastery." This dart lands almost directly dead center below the map, embedding itself in the wall. "Huh, I guess that's actually kind of appropriate. Know less about that than I do about Iron Hill City, and seeing as how none of us have gills, I don't think we're going to be having an easy time finding it and getting there. The upside is that Vecna's fan club probably won't either, but as long as they've got the Monocle, they likely won't have trouble finding it.

"And finally, there's supposed to be one in..." The dart flies wildly askew and hits a grand portrait of the venerable and highly respected former Mayor Such-and-So square in the pupil of his left eye. "Oh shit! I can fix that! Or just... make a new one... Kinda my thing... Anyway, the last one I knew about was in Emerald Bay, which is more in Quintus' wheelhouse. He can fill us in on what that might entail."

Prying the darts from their misguided destinations, he adds his own analysis of the situation. "The Arm still has the Monocle, so until we can secure that, we best assume they're on their way to wherever we decide to go. I think it's a safe bet that they'll put aside whatever they might plan at any given moment to come after us since we're carrying so many damned beacons that allow them to home right in on us. Doubly so since they're probably still smarting from the thrashing we've been giving them thus far. I've already stated my concerns about heading towards Ruby Keep, but going by what that flying fellow with the fabulous hair was raving about the other night, I think Quintus' alma matter might be similarly infested. My vote is to head north to Northport and Iron Hills, then reevaluate from there. Maybe what we find there will better prepare us to take on what awaits in Ruby Keep or something."
Knowledge Local: 1d20+16 => 20 + 16 = 36
((That was for the underwater monastery...))
Quintus speaks up one Val is done, "I imagine the artifact at my old academy is relatively safe, for now we can probably let it be. Besides a tournament will be coming up soon, and that would probably be the best time to try and acquire it, as it should provide plenty of distraction, assuming we have to remove it... discretely."

((I'll see what i know of the monastery before continuing))
The Monastery is as ancient a structure as any in the world, having been constructed thousands of years ago by an order of monks who followed the teachings of Ao, the god of balance.

A few centuries ago, gradual climate change and the formationof an underground river caused the terrain surrounding the monastery to become marshlands (now known as the Zagros Marshlands, northeast of Alydar), and it slowly began to sink. The process took well over a hundred years, but finally it became completely submerged. The monks, believing that this was simply the way of things, never rebuilt, and their order died out within a decade after the monastery became uninhabitable.

Now it serves as a tourist attraction for the very wealthy, who can afford the necessary equipment and/or enchantments required to safely traverse the submerged stone behemoth. These tours tend to run out of Northport, the closest town to the Marshlands.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Used http://www.d20srd.org for prices and added in the 25% discount, let me know if any of these are too exotic to get in Alydar. I have about 3000GP leftover from the take that I would be find contributing towards a party purchase or of someone doesn't have enough for something I can chip in for that too. In regards to destination, DeadPhoenix, Quin's crazy ex-classmate also said regards from the Headmaster which maybe means Vecna has already moved on Emerald Bay. Do we know when the Tournament begins? I say either Emerald Bay or Iron Hill.))

Tarkus thanks Sarm for his words and ponders the situation at hand. He doesn't know for what purpose the cult is gathering the relics, but considering on their own they have demonstrated such power, he can only image what a force with all of the relics under their command might achieve.

Can mortals be trusted with such great and terrible power?

Tarkus does not come to an answer for this question but decides collecting the relics can only increase the group's strength, keeping them out of the wrong hands and at the very least allowing them to use their power to protect the realm from further harm.

A few hours before the group meets, Tarkus decides to go on a bit of a shopping spree. He beckons and enlists the help of a townsperson to navigate around the merchant quarters and purchases some healing potions first and foremost. It is now that he decides to relent to the hero worship the group has been getting if only just this once, for the discounted price.

Having previously heard about the sunken temple from Quin, Tarkus looks over some of the notes Ivor had in the party's wagon and seeks out some of his former contacts. He requests to buy some exotic potions, including 3 potions of water breathing and 3 potions of endure elements. "Can't hurt to be prepared" he rumbles, to no one in particular. He stashes the healing potions in his own chest but puts the exotic brews into the party inventory for general use.

Finally he ends his shopping spree selecting a brown cloak with gold trimming which he has magicked with a Resistance +2 enchantment. He dons the garment and makes some adjustments so that it fits smoothly with his armor before nodding approvingly.

At the gathering Tarkus flashes his sharp teeth in a side smile and nods at Miss Mayor's request, having already decided himself to embark to journey's end with the relic seekers.

The idea of a lot of wizardly types makes Tarkus a bit uncomfortable remembering the maniacal conjurer they only just dealt with. "Northport seem like best choice for now. Can learn more and decide on Marsh or Iron Hill. Also I bought waterbreathe potions for 3..." He then pauses and makes a pained expression, "though heavy armors not so good for swamp" he states plainly, rapping on his plate mail with a knuckle.

Overall Tarkus is pretty ambivalent on the situation. If he could choose it's clear he would hope to head for Iron Hill after getting more information at Northport. Attached as he has grown of Alydar he is anxious to hit the road and explore something new.
Sarm already has purchased the equipment he has decided on the day before, but he does not enjoy appearing war-like during moments of peace so his new gauntlets remain hung at his side.

During the meeting with Valerie he stands behind the other party members idly with silence and passiveness that suggests that he has little he can contribute. His unfamiliarity with the continent shows well in his expression. Learning about the underwater monastery piques his imagination: a cold, forbidden, and lost home belonging to the natural darkness. It is completely opposite of what his home is like: warm, welcoming , and painted with sand by the sun's light.

The obvious difficulty in traversing the sunken world does give pause to the idea of going there next, but it makes him consider that it is possible that the cult has access to means of travelling underwater with ease as well as Val mentioning the Monocle.

He finally gives voice to the conversation, "I agree with moving North." He looks to Tarkus briefly when he starts to speak, but then gradually carries his message to everyone, "I hope this does not offend you, Tarkus. But after the attempt that was made to draw us from Alydar before the battle and the Chancellor's involvement with the cult, I lack confidence in the idea that we are in a position to stay in Ruby Keep without conflict even for saving this city."

It is also true that Sarm will have to consider his armor choices, and doesn't know what Suvne will do. "We may need a couple of more of the potions, but I should be able to cast a similar spell."

((If we ever get into combat underwater, I could prepare one casting of Freedom of Movement for such an occasion. The area is also surely too large for Control Water to be useful but it would be ridiculous if I COULD lower the water level with ease. D:))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That would indeed be bad ass. The whole thing kinda reminds me of the Water Temple from Ocarina of Time, though hopefully a lot less frustrating. IRL I am a bit anxious about sending Tarkus into underwater combat as heavy armor even with magic sounds extremely dangerous. I do have a lighter breastplate I can wear but regardless I think Tarkus will be the first to volunteer as lookout rather than dive in whenever we do first approach the sunken temple.))
((Oh, if you're talking about Sarm hoping Tarkus isn't offended, he said that because it seems like Tarkus came from Ruby Keep's military, unless I'm mistaken.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((He actually has a bit more of a rough history than that and got his military training from a mercenary group. He respects the Ruby Keep military but doesn't have any special affiliation to them. I haven't really had a good opportunity to bring it up yet in-character but I wrote some back story that goes into further detail. Maybe during a campfire sometime soon.))
((okay bought a bunch of crap. lesser rod of extend, 1 level 4 scrolls and 4 level 3 scrolls(including water breathing), plus a few potions of CLW, leaving me at 1206 gp left. Quin will be spending time copying the scrolls into his spell book of course. ))

"Yes, Northport seems like a good place to start for now."

((btw, if someone in heavy armor needs them, Quintus has no problem letting someone use his freedom of movement boots, he likes them and all, (not being grappled is very nice for a wizard) but someone else could probably make a little better use of them...))

Mike M

Nick N
"Well then, seems like we've decided we're bound for Northport. Either there are two relics in the vicinity, or Elric's tip is somehow related to this monastery."

Taking one last shot, Val manages to sink a dart squarely in the map's representation of the seaside city. "'Bout gods damned time..."
The party gears up to leave, taking care of some last minute business (doubtlessly including a heartfelt farewell between Val and Valerie, and possibly a visit to see Ivor in the hospital) before loading up their wagon and preparing to hit the road.

No sooner have they left the city walls, however, than a human man quite literally falls out of the sky directly in front of them, crashing awkwardly on the road, but appearing not to have been harmed, beyond a few bruises and scrapes, perhaps. Quintus notices that this man has a magical aura, suggesting he's a caster of some kind... but it's different somehow than that of any caster he's ever come across.

((Cue the entrance of Ganhyun into the campaign, playing the part of Evaneth. Ganhyun, in your introductory post, describe what your character looks like as well as what he does and says.

If anyone else sees this before Ganhyun has had a chance to reply, feel free to have your characters react to it, and possibly give Ganhyun something to respond to.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would it be possible for Tarkus to wear the Boots of Fharlanghn? Would help offset movement stuff for the heavy armor. Also I could use a refresher on known artifacts and what they do.))

Tarkus packs his chest and personal belongings onto the party wagon and bids farewell to Alydar, promising to return some time in the future. He hopes to find the town in better prosperity by the time he returns. Packing his shield and bastard sword, Tarkus decides take his whetstone to the bequeathed Greatsword outside the city gates for a while as he waits for the other party members to head out. As they approach he hefts it onto his shoulder as they move out onto the open road.

Before they've made much headway a shadow appears on the road ahead and grows smaller before suddenly a figure man tumbles to the ground, kicking up dust from the trail. Tarkus jogs forward to check but stops a few feet from the stranger.

As the man dusts himself off and begins to rise, Tarkus steps back a few feet and narrows his eyes, placing both hands on the hilt of his Greatsword, challenging the stranger:

"What are you and why you here?"

((Hi Ganhyun!))
Artifact refresher:

Hand of Vecna: Makes zombies and grants casters extra necromantic powers

Rod of Pelor: Heals diseases, cures curses, and if the wielder worships Pelor then they can use it as a +5 Mace

Boots of Fharlangh: Grant Freedom of Movement, and prevent exhaustion from forced march.

Monocle of Ioun: essentially an extra-powerful Locate Object on a stick. Other abilities unknown.

Those are all the artifacts the party is aware of, I believe

Mike M

Nick N
Val lingers a bit as the rest of the party members depart Valerie's chambers. "Look, I... I want you to know I've been thinking about what you said, about running away our entire lives. I'm... I'm not ready to hang up the hat on the old life. Not yet. But at the same time, it's not like I can just drop all this relic business and set up shop in some new city and carry on the tradition. Maybe by the time all this is over, I'll feel differently, but that's where I am today.

"You've... You've got a good thing going here, Val. If you're calling it quits for good to go on the straight and narrow, I won't judge you. You were -- you are worthy of the name. I just hope you can say the same for me when my own story ends."

Without awaiting a reply, he nods curtly and quits her residence, gently closing the door behind him.


Having been living out if his trunk and pack for several weeks now, it takes little time for Val to collect his things and load them in the wagon. Sitting in his customary position towards the back, he has a good view as a man-shaped projectile plummets from the sky and crashes into the road in front of them. As it turns out, it actually is a man.

Outwardly non-plussed at this unusual change of events, he inquires almost casually, "Another classmate come calling, Quintus?" Beneath his cloak, however, his hand has a death grip on the hilt of his sword.
Sarm purchases three sets of Leather Armors and has them delivered to his wagon. He is not sure if they will be used, but with how inexpensive they are compared to how much money he has he figures it is not a harmful investment.
((Based on Freedom of Movement's description, it doesn't sound like it removes armor check penalties so I'm going ahead and purchasing these.))

The horses secured to the wagon lose control for a moment while Sarm is next to them, making him the most startled out of all of the characters out of fear of a horse related incident. The others may feel a bit of turbulence in the wagon if they are in it. Luckily the horses are secured enough that it limits their attempts to run off, and thus they eventually calm down with a bit of a snort.

Looking to the person, If there is any reason for Sarm to believe he is influenced by magic without sensing his aura, it is because he just fell from the sky.

((And yeah, giving the boots to Tarkus sounds like a great idea. I haven't seen them come into play for Quintis especially since he can fly on a disc anyway. Also, I was wondering about the possible new recruit ThLunarian was talking about, so welcome!))


Slightly dizzy and disoriented, Evaneth begins dusting himself off and trying to stand up after being dropped unceremoniously on his butt as it were. Looking down, he notices the remains of his once mighty sword, now broken in half.

Standing about 6'2" and weighing 180 pounds, Evaneth is pretty tall for a human, if a bit on the skinny side for it. His skin is a bit pale, as if he doesn't get as much sun as most people. His hair is black and wavy but short. He is in leather armor that has black streaks of what looks to be a type of silk running through it. He reaches to his side and finds his old trusty morningstar is still with him.

"My sword! Gods dammit! Oh..."

Evaneth looks as this group that appears to be challenging him and where he came from

Evaneth "safilhgreog reojnepoguihjeg voijre[g Grod?.... wait a minute... whats going on?"
Evaneth scowls and begins trying to speak in many different languages. Most come out as gibberish instead of what he believes they should. Some do work just fine however..

Common, Elven, Draconic, and Shadian work, so if any of you speak these you hear him say in these languages: "Is this language working? Or did I suddenly forget this one too?" Otherwise, those are gibberish too.

Evaneth turns to the party and offers a smile.

"Well, I guess common it is then. I apologize to you half-orc. I was going to converse with you in a language you might be more comfortable with but I have apparently forgotten it, along with several others. I mean you and your friends no harm. I take it you were the ones my god mentioned to me on the sacred quest?"

Evaneth grabs the broken pieces of his sword and winces at the damage done to the blade. The blade itself is jet black and is broken in two.

"This is gonna be difficult to repair..."
Evaneth looks at the group and waits to see their reactions before he makes a move towards them or anything else.

((Anyone doing a sense motive check doesn't have to roll very high to see that he is telling the truth as he believes it. Also, Im glad I get to play with you guys. Thanks for the welcome :) ))

Mike M

Nick N
((Welcome to the... Whatever it'd be called!))

Val speaks up from his spot on the wagon. He doesn't move, but he's not gripping his rapier quite so tightly any longer. "Your Elven sounded fine to me, if that's any consolation. Can't say I'm familiar with your god or quest, but given the trajectory fate has sent us all careening on lately, you can't possibly be far off."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Welcome to the Relic Hunters club. Please submit your address for complementary hat and whip. We still need to fill the position of Laura Croft though. Maybe Val has a wig in his disguise kit...))

Tarkus scrunches his face up in confusion at the man's flurry of foreign languages, but manages to catch bits of Draconic and understands the Common easily. He loosens his grip on his sword and examines him to be quite a tall human, if a bit scrawny and pale looking.

Must be book worm, like Quintus. he thinks.

He notes the stranger's dismay as he picks up a broken sword that otherwise looks quite well-crafted. He sympathizes due to his great admiration for master weaponry.

Shouldering his Greatsword once more he offers the man his left hand. Doubt he would do much harm against us with just morning star...

"Val is right. Gods work in mysterious way lately. What's name, stranger?"


Evaneth looks up towards the wagon where the man mentions his Elven is working. He also claps his hand into the half-orc's with no hesitation or such at all.

"My name is Evaneth. I take it the man on the wagon is named Val. What's your name?"

If anything Tarkus actually seems to comfort Evaneth somewhat and make him more at ease. Evaneth also looks around to the others in an inquisitive manner. He also looks really worried though.

"I wonder what else is gone."
((Right now, canonically, I think we're considered the Heroes of Alydar because the party is no longer taking orders from the Ranging Company. We should probably have Val come up with a unique name to use as a front though.))

The Cleric of the team, the one seen at the reigns of the wagon, makes a mental note that he may need to prepare a Comprehend Languages spell if this apparent newcomer will be speaking in unfamiliar words frequently.

He easily sees that the unexpected visitor wouldn't mean harm. Even if he did, such an entrance would be counter-intuitive anyhow. He comments as an addition to the conversation, "Your god seems to have blessed you with convenient timing, as you have met us before our leaving, and yet late enough to avoid a gruesome battle."

When the newcomer speaks his name, the Cleric returns his own, "I am Sarm from the faraway deserts." and motions over to a young female Paladin who may or may not be on her new mount, "And this is lady Suvne who will be joining us on our quest."
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