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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Quintus takes a sip of his drink and gets up to follow Elim, "Thank you for your hospitality... though really, anything is probably better then this swill."


bitch I'm taking calls.
The Half-Orc looks to be finishing up his fourth drink but appears no worse for the wear when Evaneth approaches. He nods at the man and continues to stare over his drink at nothing in particular.

"I am fine, just..." he pauses, looking frustrated for a moment before relaxing. He shakes his head.

"Not best judge of character or good for stealth. I leave that to others. Tarkus is rook in game of chess." he laughs and finishes his drink before turning to face Evan.

"Thank you to ask, friend. Let us catch up to others."
Elim leads the way to his house, chatting happily with Val all the way as the others follow behind. He opens the front door, and everyone piles in to the relatively small abode. "You'll have to excuse the somewhat cramped accommodations," he announces, turning on additional oil lamps as he does so. "There's more than enough room for just myself, but I'm afraid I was not prepared to host six guests this evening." He does his best to clear things out of the way and eke out slightly more room for everyone, and then sets about brewing a pot of tea.

"Now, I'm sure it's no secret to any of you that I am working with the Wormwood Initiates. I was informed that Elric would be sending a group to meet me shortly; it stands to reason that you are either that group, or you intercepted that group, in which case I'd find myself in quite a predicament right now, wouldn't you agree?" He looks over his shoulder and smiles at the group, shifting his gaze subtly from one member to the other, watching for reactions. He then turns his attention back to the the tea.

"It seems that the group I've been assigned to help has been tasked by... Woody...", and he cringes inwardly at mention of the name, "...To acquire the ten Holy Artifacts scattered about the continent. Which is, coincidentally, also the goal of the cult which goes by the title of the Arm of Vecna."

At this point, the water has come to a boil, and tea leaves have already been distributed along a line of teacups. He pours the cups full of hot liquid, carefully places them on a tray, and brings the tray to each member of the party, offering a cup. "Please, drink."

He makes it a point to stare down each member of the party until he or she at least takes a teacup into his her or hand before moving on; once all the cups have been taken, he returns the tray to the kitchen.

"Now, I don't know how familiar your group is with the Arm of Vecna, but they have proven themselves very capable of worming their way into places they shouldn't belong." His stare lingers on Val just barely long enough for Val to possibly grow a tad uncomfortable, then he resumes alternating his gaze. "So you can imagine that, not having been acquainted with your group in the past, I might be hesitant to divulge any information I have regarding the relic which is rumored to be hidden nearby.

"So, pray tell... how can I be certain that you are who I have been told to expect?"

((At this point, I need everyone in the room to give me a Fortitude save))

Mike M

Nick N
Val graciously accepts Elrim's tea and drinks it while his host speaks.

Fortitude check:  1d20 + 5 = 9

((That's not good...))

Realization comes to late as he comprehends what Elrim has done. "Oh, you bastard..."
Sarm is not sure what to think of the elf, but his accepting the hospitality would allow him a chance to see what information Elric would have wanted them to get from him. Sarm reluctantly takes a sip of the tea, but only for its unpleasant warmth which is a bit sizzling even for him.

Elim easily proves that he knows many of the same things the party knows, save for what they have already accomplished.

Fortitude - Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +10" : 9 + 10 = 19

Suvne (if what is affecting them isn't classified as a disease)
Fortitude - Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +9" : 16 + 9 = 25​
Quintus slips at his tea, then reaches for his backpack, and pulls out the treaty... assuming whatever he is fort saving for doesn't stop him.

Fort: 1D20+6 => [ 2 ] +6 = 8


Evaneth is still suspicious of Elim and cautiously sips the tea, but really does not want to but does see that he has no choice.

((I will printscreen this and paste the image in if needed))

Fortitude roll


Evaneth merely stares at Elim, and watches the others to see if anything happens.



bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus hates tea. Nonetheless, he accepts the cup from the staring Mr. Starwood rather than punching the elf in the throat.


Stepping back, he decides to leave room for the others around the table by leaning in the corner, as far away from Elim as possible.

He wonders if he should even really be here. Thinking back, he wonders how his name was already known..

Stupid! How could I forget that?!

His frustration rekindled, Tarkus grinds his teeth. He crosses his arms and holds his teacup with his right hand, resting it on his left forearm.

Failing to understand the idle and assumingly coded conversation, he stares idly, his eyes watching the steam rise in swirls from his tea.

1d20 [13] + 8 = 21

((After this I am totally suggesting detect evil / sense motive on ever new npc. Should have known from Clementine!))
((After this I am totally suggesting detect evil / sense motive on ever new npc. Should have known from Clementine!))
((Yeah, I was debating whether I should and I decided to be dumb. In hindsight the most appropriate timing would be just before sipping the tea since Sense Motive would give me reason not to.))
Val, Tarkus, Quintus, and Sarm suddenly start to feel extremely lethargic. Their limbs feel heavy, and they can't help but sink to a sitting/ laying position on the floor. Your minds are mostly alert, but your bodies scarcely want to move.

Evaneth and Suvne smell something funny in the air, but whatever it is, their bodies have resisted it. Suvne does not bother to pretend to be affected, though that is certainly the right of Evaneth.

"You'll find that your bodies are quite useless for the moment," says Elim, taking a sip of tea. "You see, when we came in, I took the liberty of releasing a potent nerve agent into the air by way of that oil lamp. The tea was simply a theatricality, designed to distract you. I am quite glad that you trusted me enough to taste it; it's delicious." He takes another sip.

"This particular nerve agent has an interesting side effect; it makes it almost impossible to lie." He turns to Suvne, who has been slowly pulling her sword from its scabbard. "I wouldn't recommend that, Suvne; I assure you I am quite dangerous, and you have only just begun your training as a loyal paladin of... Heironeous? Pelor? It's difficult to tell from those overlapping sigils. You really ought to get that taken care of, dear.

"As I was saying, this nerve agent is really quite something. Not only does it force you to tell the truth, it even compels you to answer any question asked directly to you, a fact that was all too uncomfortable to me as I was building a tolerance to it.

"So, let us begin the interrogation. Valgar, are you the one who betrayed our family to the Arm of Vecna? If not, then do you know who did? And if so, are any of these men also agents of the Arm? Which ones?"

He stares intently at Val, waiting for a response.

((If you want to resist answering or if you want to lie, you must make a DC 30 Will save first. If your bonus isn't normally high enough to reach 30, then a natural 20 will do it. Also, if anyone else wants to speak up out of turn, nothing is stopping you))

Mike M

Nick N
Feeling like his mind is trapped in a vaguely man-shaped sack of sand, Val's head lolls about upon his neck until he's facing his interrogator. He doesn't see much point in trying to lie, and decides to unload double barrels of the truth on "Elim" if that's what he wants so bad. "It's nice to see you too, Valance. I see you've succumbed to your tendency to go completely off the fucking rails without the rest of us around to ground your flights of paranoia."

Trying to assert command over his body and smile, Val manages a ghastly rictus grin. "You know what the best part is? You know that when I say you're a colossal gaping bloody asshole for doing this to us, you know I mean it. I'll also forgive you this time. You're family, after all, and given the circumstances this is actually a sensible response.

"Incidentally, nice disguise. Hiding out as the world's largest elf, very clever. Everyone looking for us would be seeking out a large human, not an enormous elf. Who else but you would think to remain inconspicuous by being highly conspicuous?

"In answer to your question, no I'm not the betrayer, and yes I know who was. I was simply going to tell you when we had a moment alone, but now you're making a scene of it in front of all these nice, decidedly non-Arm of Vecna agents, making me air out our dirty laundry like this."

Val closes his eyes and sighs. He attempts to tilt his head back, but impaired as he, his head falls back and makes a loud thud against the wall. "I had it revealed to me by an exceedingly highly placed source that we were sold out by Valentino. I caution though, while I don't believe this source is outright lying, they could potentially be omitting the possibility there was more than one traitor."

Summoning the last of his strength, he brings his head forward to meet Valance's penetrating eyes. "As soon as this fancy paralytic of yours wears off, I am going to punch you in the face." Val's head tilts forward so that his chin is on his chest and he has a view of the floor. "Love those boots. Make them yourself?"
Elim/Valance's face remains inscrutable until the very end, when he lets our a hearty belly laugh. He smiles, and this time, finally, his eyes are smiling along with his lips. "My dear brother, I suspect that I would be lucky to escape with a mere punch to the face if I were to remain here until the paralytic wears off." He gestures toward Tarkus, who is no doubt positively fuming right now.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that you are not the traitor, for in truth you were my prime suspect. Valerie is too kind-hearted, Valdemar lacks ambition, and the twins I thought were too young and inexperienced to be able to pull the wool over all our eyes. You, though... You are perhaps the best liar I've ever met - which is why I had no choice but to employ this handy nerve agent - and certainly the most ambitious of our lot.

"I am very much interested to hear more about this 'exceedingly high placed source' you've mentioned, but I am already outnumbered here, and I've never tested this nerve agent on a half-Orc so I can't be certain how long I have before he attempts to stick that sword of his in a place most unpleasant for me. I will be spending the night somewhere safe; you are all free to make yourselves at home here tonight. I shall return tomorrow morning, after you've all had a chance to cool down, and we shall discuss this holy relic I'm to help you find.

"And don't worry; it won't be more than an hour or two before you're all back to normal, and none the worse for wear." Elim/Valance nods to each party member, keeping an especially close eye on Evaneth and Suvne on his way out the front door. ((Suvne makes no move on her own; that might change if Evaneth tries to stop him))
Sarm's hands first tremble and loosen the tea from his grip, the liquid splashing as uncontrollably as the limbs of his body in a struggle not to fall limp. Effortlessly his body quits and he falls over in his chair, only barely managing to stay in it. He can't even look at Elim now, his head and eyes incapable but he can still hear his voice and think.

With everyone vulnerable he can now justify no longer trusting the man's words even if he claims he only set this trap to foil Val. During the time he tries to figure out what the man could possibly be thinking behind his voice, what his actual intentions might be.

Sense Motive - 10 + 10 = 20 ((I'm sure I failed this, his DC is probably 25 or something))​
Sarm gets the strong sense that Elim is paranoid and deeply troubled - possibly even having those traits ingrained in the fabric of his personality. He has no qualms about lying for what he perceives to be the greater good, and is a very skilled liar and manipulator, preferring to use his imposing presence and penetrating stare to intimidate those around him.

There was a shift in tone after Elim's conversation with Val, where Elim seemed to relax considerably, compared to how he was - though you get a strong sense that he is never truly at ease.

Sarm gets the distinct impression that Elim is the sort of person one should NEVER turn their back on.

You are fairly sure that if Elim considered you a threat, he would have killed you all while you're incapacitated, since as far as you know, he doesn't need you for anything; in that sense, he at least has some degree of trust toward you.

((For those of you who have watched Star Trek Deep Space Nine, I am basing this character heavily off of Garak. Hopefully I've gotten that across in portraying his personality))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Seeing Val and Sarm slump, Tarkus' eyes widen before he feels his own body begin to numb. His muscles falter, teacup falling to the ground, spilling its contents yet landing undamaged with a thud. At least until Tarkus body gives way, smashing the cup as he falls upon it in a heap.


Writhing on the ground for the majority of Elim's conversation with Val, he thrashes his upper torso around violently, crunching the shards of his cup underneath his armor and frothing at the mouth in rage. He moves about as much as he can before physically tiring out. Panting from fighting his unresponsive body, he takes a deep breath.


Face down, he struggles to peer up at the man now leaving their presence. "FOOL ME ONCE ELF-MAN! I WILL NOT MAKE MISTAKE AGAIN! GRAAAH!"

Tarkus takes to thrashing on the ground again for a few minutes before attempting an army crawl towards the door, ranting between deep breathes.

"Always Tarkus suspect...Gah...Always Half-Orc dangerous one. HAH! I rather face 3 orc blades at face than knife at back..I dive into swamp BLIND before I sleep here!"

As soon as he can he pulls himself up to a standing position and makes for the inn where he checks into his own room, slamming and locking the door behind him.
When Elim finally leaves and before Tarkus attempts to go, Sarm speaks up about what he could determine behind his words but also offering some opinion based on what he could make with it, "There is clearly something wrong with him, Val most likely knows what troubles him. I refuse to believe that he expects us to leave with the knowledge of who he is."

He pulls himself up using the chair to leverage himself, now very honest about what he thinks of Elim "My theory is that if he has some use for us, he will kill us after we are finished. Either that, or Elric is of some importance to him, but we have not seen him since before the battle at Alydar."

Mike M

Nick N
Val calls out to Valance's back as he exits the small home. "See you in the morning, you dick. Seriously, your own brother... Just because I'm completely untrustworthy and lie unceasingly, you use me as your lab rat for your incredibly inconvenient magic truth gas... Oh shit, nobody ask me any questions! My speaking the unvarnished truth isn't good for anybody!"

Val begins sits in place for lack of anything better to do and awaits for feeling to return to his insensate limbs. "Paranoid jerkass..."


((Man this makes me wish I'd saved like that and brought in a fighter class character lol))

Evaneth realizes something is wrong as the others begin to drop. He instantly prepares to go on the offensive to try and force the Elf man to leave, but holds back when the question Elim wants to know is if Val and the rest are traitors or agents of Vecna. Obviously since they are not he hopes Elim will leave them alone. Evaneth knows he is nowhere near as powerful as he used to be and he cannot simply order his shadow to grab this man and carry him to the plane of shadow anymore. He notices Suvne is ok as well, but is unsure if they could take this man by themselves.

"Well, this has went to the nine hells and back rather quickly.""

Evaneth watches as Elim begins to edge towards the door. He makes no overt move to stop him since he cannot likely take this man one on one in a fair fight, or possibly an unfair fight at that. Most of his abilities he has realized he still has makes him understand he is very limited now.
((I've got nothing more planned for this evening in-game, so I'll wait for intra-party conversation to develop, and once everyone says they're going to bed I'll proceed to the following morning))

Suvne looks at Sarm solemnly. "I will not let that jackal harm any of you, m'Lord," she vows. "I do think Sir Tarkus had the right idea; it may not be wise to stay here tonight."
Quintus eventually gets up and stretches, "Yeah, I'd prefer not to sleep the the house of the man who just poisoned us. Also Val, as nice as it is to meet your family and oh, am I glad you opted not to make out with them this time, how about next time you let us know so we can at least try to be prepared for events like this."

Mike M

Nick N
As promised by Valance, after a time Val's limbs begin to obey his commands again. Standing before a full length mirror, he recites a half dozen completely fabricated life stories in a variety of accents and dialects. Satisfied that his capacity for prevarication has been restored to fullness, he turns to address the rest of the group.

"Sorry about the lack of warning, but in my family an unsolicited outing is... something of a faux pas. Had I known he was going to pull that, I would have insisted we conduct our meeting some place more public."

Flopping down in a fashionable overstuffed chair, he offers what he can in way of explanation for Valance's decidedly lackluster hosting.

"While everyone in my family was talented in the same suite of skills, it wasn't an even distribution. As such, there tended to be a natural division of labor. As good as I am at forgery, Valerie is better, for instance. Being the best at disguise and talking, I was usually the point man in our schemes. Valance was our resident spymaster, capable of ferreting out seemingly every secret imaginable. He was also especially astute at seeing the gaps in our plans that the rest of us overlooked, a contribution I have been keenly missing of late. As you might have already deduced, he is not the type to take a step unless he's examined every possible outcome quite thoroughly.

"The Valance I knew, I would not hesitate to trust completely. Right now though, I get the distinct impression I'm on the outside of his circle of trust. At least partially, at any rate. I think he's been... Adrift without his family, without the ability to fully vest trust in anyone. It may be a while before I can get him on an even keel, presuming that I ever can. What happened between us was one hell of a validation of every impulse of suspicion he's ever held.

"I don't think I'm in any danger with him, but I wouldn't hold it against anyone if they want to keep their distance from him. I strongly advise against provoking him, however. In addition to his intelligence gathering and role as the voice of caution, he was also the muscle of our group, to put it delicately. Unapologetically, unsympathetically so. He fights well, fights hard, and perhaps most importantly, he fights dirty."

Eying the impeccably made bed, Val starts towards it. "I'm staying here for the night. You're all welcome to seek out your own accommodations as you see fit, but truly if he'd wanted us dead, we'd be so already. If he wants to pick us off one by one, I don't doubt he'd find a way no matter what fortifications we throw up to bar him. Just be back here tomorrow morning, as I doubt he'll reappear before we're gathered together in one location."
Sarm listens to Val's story, but can't really comment on what he had just said.

He then nods at everyone at their decision where to go, "I will be going to the inn as well, where most of us will be in the same building."


Evaneth merely listens to everyone's decisions before commenting.

"I agree that staying here is not a good idea. I will be at the Inn. "

Without another word Evaneth walks out to the Inn.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The next day a bleary-eyed Tarkus is having breakfast in the common area of the Inn and notes that most of the party booked a room last night as well.

He finishes his meal silently before reluctantly making his way back to Elim's house.

He finds the door locked and remembers that Val elected to stay for the night. He pounds loudly on the door and waits for a response.

Mike M

Nick N
Relatively certain that his brother wouldn't mind, Val passes the night sleeping in Valance's spectacularly comfortable bed. Val has almost forgotten what cozy, homey comfort feels like, and sleeps like the dead under a warm blanket of nostalgia.

Val rises early the next morning, significantly more so than usual. He feels fully refreshed, however, and spends his idle time washing himself up and raiding the larder. Well, attempting to raid it, anyway. Valance's palette always was more refined, and Val doesn't know how to properly prepare much of what he finds in the way of food in the kitchen.

He can manage to brew a pot of coffee though, so he settles for eating something more substantial later. Just as he finishes pouring himself a large mug of the aromatic brew, there's a knock at the door. A rather thunderous one, at that. Throwing open the door, he greets Tarkus ((and anyone else who decides to come along)), "Good morning to you too. Can I offer you a cup of coffee? My brother has a taste for the finer things in life, so I can assure you it's excellent stuff. I'm almost certain he hasn't poisoned it either."
Assuming that the night is uneventful, Sarm's morning is just as so. He would head outside to inspect his wagon to make sure that it will still be functioning and his horses still well. He had taken the chest that was inside the wagon up to his room the night before.


After waking up the next morning, Evaneth would have went with Sarm just in case something happened to the wagon or any items inside it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus stares down Val before responding to his cheerful greeting in a grumpy voice. "No. Already ate." He walks into the house warily and peers about the room. "Elim?" After he is relatively certain the slug man is not yet back he turns to Val. "So he brother of yours? Not much like sister." Tarkus frowns. "Must we stand him for long? I'd rather learn what he knows and be away."

"We still need his informations. But since he is a craven fool and you are family, you will inherit gift for him, from me."

Tarkus punches Val in the shoulder, not hard but strong enough to sting, before taking up a spot in the corner to await the rest of the party and Elim's arrival.
((Thanks for picking up the next morning, guys. Sorry I was away all day. School and girlfriend got away from me))

Not long after everyone has recongregated in the cramped living area of Elim's house, the front door opens, and the large man walks in.

Yesterday, Elim had been wearing very elegant and colorful, loose clothes. Today his outfit is decidedly more utilitarian: a grayish-black, form-fitting long sleeved shirt and pants. He has a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Good morning," he says cheerfully and confidently, marching directly to the middle of the room and taking center stage. "I do hope you all made yourselves at home and had a good night's rest. We'll all need to keep our strength up for the journey ahead. Before we get down to business, however, allow me to make a peace offering for my deception last night. While I still believe it was a necessary precaution, I'm not blind to the... inconvenience it caused you."

Valance/Elim reaches into his bag and comes out clutching a handful of something. He opens it, and in the palm of his hand are six shiny, silver rings. "I have a feeling that in the course of your travels, these will come in handy." He hands one to each of you. "These trinkets are endowed with a powerful protective enchantment, and are likely to keep you alive in an emergency. Use them well."

((Everyone gets a Ring of Protection +1. This gives you a +1 Deflection bonus to your AC. Deflection bonuses stack with Armor and Dodge bonuses, and are also applied to both your Touch and your Flat-Footed ACs.))

"Now, getting down to business. I'm going to prepare enough breakfast for all of us; you are welcome to partake, or not, at your pleasure. I promise you that my feelings will not be hurt should you refuse me." He proceeds to remove ingredients from his cabinets and produce various cookware, and begins whipping up a meal.

"The artifact we'll be retrieving today is called the Belt of Ao. I don't know how much you've heard about it, but it's currently located in a monastery, long-sunk at the bottom of a swamp in the Zagros Marshlands.

"Until recently, a local company here in town was offering tours to show people around the ruins, and when I joined the Initiates and received my assignment to guard this relic, I made good use of the touring company's services to familiarize myself with the area.

"Some months ago, the touring company ran into some... trouble, and is no longer offering tours to the Marshlands. This is quite fortuitous for us, you see, for that means the Arm of Vecna now has no way of finding the monastery. This has no doubt bought us the time we've needed for the six of you to arrive here and retrieve the Relic for its true purpose."

He pauses to devote his full attention to the eggs currently scrambling in a pan, then flips over a few slices of ham before continuing his diatribe. "Now, the retrieval of the artifact will not be easy. Number one, the environmental hazards are significant. The touring company would provide its clients with magical rings that allowed them to breathe and move underwater with ease, but unfortunately I currently only have one of these rings in my possession.

"Additionally, crocodiles have been known to make their home in the area surrounding the Monastery. And then of course, there are the ghosts." He produces a tool designed to squeeze oranges, and gets to work on pouring seven glasses of fresh juice. "Spirits of the monks who chose to stay behind have been known to make appearances in the main hall of the Monastery. Whenever that would happen, the tours would end immediately, so I don't know how the ghosts will react when we don't leave."

The food is done cooking by this point, and he prepares seven plates, leaving them for the party to partake as he digs into his own. "I believe that just about covers it. The floor is now open for comments and questions." His smile is easy, and his eyes are smug.
Quintus helps himself to some eggs and asks, "Do you have any idea what spells were cast on the rings? If so we may be able to duplicate the effects, temporarily at least. Even if you don't, I should be able find out for myself with a little time."

Mike M

Nick N
Val slips the proffered ring onto his hand. "Well I can't vouch for anyone else, but this certainly goes a long way with me towards smoothing over last night's... Unfortunate misunderstanding."

Resting his chin on his steepled fingers, Val listens intently to Valance's customary thorough analysis of the situation. When the spy finishes his presentation, Val tucks into the meal he is served with gusto, a smirk playing most unsubtly upon his mouth.

"I'm smiling, Valance. Do you know why I'm smiling? I'm smiling because I think for the first time ever, I might actually know something that you do not. And boy is it a big one."

Gesticulating casually with breakfast fork in hand, Val fills his apparently self-satisfied brother in on what he perceives is missing in Valance's calculations. "The Arm has in their possession a relic -- a monocle, to be precise -- that allows them to detect the location of the prizes of our spectacular little scavenger hunt. I'm not entirely certain what level of resolution it affords its user, but we must assume that they know exactly where the belt is. I fear whatever advantage you perceive we have is significantly less than you might think."

Val eats some more of his breakfast while he allows that little factoid to be absorbed. "I've a few questions, though I fear I may already know the answers... Firstly, could you please specify exactly what sort of trouble befell the touring company? Secondly, if Quintus cannot duplicate them, do you know the fate of the other rings? If we know their location, I'm sure between the two of us we might arrange some sort of... Clandestine temporary realignment of ownership..."
Sarm at least figures that if Elim wished to cause them ire, he wouldn't use items and food that they could choose not to wear much like how the last trap worked. He goes ahead and eats, not knowing that one should never eat before swimming.

Still, the sudden change in heart seems unexpected to him, but Sarm is an easy person to win back. "I accept your apology. I cannot imagine how difficult your life must be to require such precaution."

Sarm takes the ring, but the bad memory of being touched by the Hand of Vecna gives him pause. Obviously that isn't Elim's fault. After seeing Val put on the ring, he does so himself.

((What should we roll to see what we know about ghosts? Like how they might have came to being, their properties, etc...?))
Elim/Valance's smile shrinks somewhat at Val's news of the monocle, but only a little. "That is most unfortunate, and suggests that we may want to make haste to our destination. As for the fate of Pietro's Touring Company, I'm afraid they ran afoul of a local dilettante of considerable influence in this town. It was quite a regrettable incident, from what I hear. They were forced to vacate Northport when their offices were vandalized. In the resulting explosion, most of their equipment was incidentally destroyed. This is the only surviving relic, which they left behind in their haste to flee the city."

He pulls a blue ring from his bag and hands it to Quintus. "The inner workings of magical artifacts are beyond my purview, Mister Mallory. You are more than welcome to study the ring, but I suggest you do so while we are on our way to the Monastery."

((The ring is a custom-item that I made up. It grants water-breathing and gives the underwater benefits of Freedom of Movement (meaning, just the second half of the description found here). You would need the Craft Wondrous Item feat and some ranks in a Craft skill in order to make more, plus probably more time than it would take to reach the monastery.

Sarm - A Knowledge Religion roll would tell you more information about ghosts))
Knowledge: Religion - Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +9" : 17 + 9 = 26​

((Whatever you describe about the Monk ghosts, I will hear it in Dan Akroyd's voice.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Before my in-character post, just wanted to recap that we do have 3 water breathing potions I purchased though I could use clarity on how long they would last. Also just wanted to confirm since I never did, that Tarkus is going to start wearing the relic boots that grant freedom of movement. That might change depending on whether everyone gets to go underwater or not.))
The potions each last 10 hours. Quintus and Sarm also both have Breathe Water (or whatever it's called) available to them as 3rd level spells, so no one in the party should have to stay behind.

Info about ghosts incoming
Okay. Ghosts are what gets left behind when someone dies while believing that they have unfinished business. That connection to the material plane allows them to manifest themselves there in a partially incorporeal form.

Ghosts count as Undead creatures for the purposes of Turning and Rebuking. They can only be harmed by magic weapons, other incorporeal creatures, or spells; there is a 50% chance that a ghost will ignore all damage from a corporeal source (meaning, the magical weapons, or any solid object conjured by a magical attack).

Ghosts can have different special qualities that vary from one to the other, but you're not well versed enough in them to have a comprehensive knowledge; all you can remember is that some have fear-related abilities and some have telekinetic abilities (and some have neither, and some have both).

Burning the physical body from which a ghost arose will sever its connection to the material plane, and it will no longer be able to manifest there if that happens.

Mike M

Nick N
Okay. Ghosts are what gets left behind when someone dies while believing that they have unfinished business. That connection to the material plane allows them to manifest themselves there in a partially incorporeal form.

Ghosts count as Undead creatures for the purposes of Turning and Rebuking. They can only be harmed by magic weapons, other incorporeal creatures, or spells; there is a 50% chance that a ghost will ignore all damage from a corporeal source (meaning, the magical weapons, or any solid object conjured by a magical attack).

Ghosts can have different special qualities that vary from one to the other, but you're not well versed enough in them to have a comprehensive knowledge; all you can remember is that some have fear-related abilities and some have telekinetic abilities (and some have neither, and some have both).

Burning the physical body from which a ghost arose will sever its connection to the material plane, and it will no longer be able to manifest there if that happens.

((I know the answer to this is obvious, but can I assume that an enchantment bonus is all that's needed to count as a magic weapon in the case of Tarkus' great sword and Suvne's Longsword? Also would casting "Magic Weapon" on, say, Val's weapon cause it to count as a magic weapon?))

Sarm is surprisingly more knowledgeable about ghosts more than he honestly would be expected to. There was probably a point in his younger life where the subject intrigued him. "I... Do not believe the ghosts would be completely immune to many of our powers. I may even be able to scare them away." He immediately dismisses the idea of burning the bodies for the more than one obvious reason there is.

He immediately theorizes based on the story of the monks and what he knows about the incorporeal forms, "They exist in this plane to continue guarding the relic long after their demise, I am sure of it. It is possible they will be brought to peace when they know the Belt of Ao will be used for its intended purpose."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus turns to Evaneth. "You have affinity with Ao...right? Maybe not enough to talk to ghosts but help navigate temple?"

"I wear boot of Flaggerman which let me move easy in water, yes? And we have 3 water breathe potion. Movement for others might be hard...hope that temple has air pockets once inside."

Tarkus mentally notes before they venture to the swamp he will switch out his field plate and change into his breastplate medium armor. A lighter fit should help a bit underwater.

((AC:18 with breastplate vs 22 with field, but has lesser penalty.))

((Oh, also I found some dice today! So I will be playing with some physical dice for a while, just for fun. They are all cheap plastic though and my d20 is bright orange. We'll see if they prove lucky or not soon enough.))


"I worship Ao yes. As far as navigating this temple I am unsure how that will go. I merely hope that my presence does not cause us problems with the spirits. I imagine a worshiper of Ao has not set foot in that temple in a long time."

Evaneth looks to the others.

"So, since time is obviously of the essence, shall we go?"

((I already had a +2 Ring of Protection. The +1 one wont stack correct? Sorry, I always forget these rules as the groups I play with in person usually house rule that they can stack as long as the rings don't touch. Of course, we also allow 3 rings per hand and per foot. lol))

((Jackben: I hope the dice roll well for ya!))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's shoulders slump as he slouches back into his seat. "Such a shame that the rings were destroyed. Still, I suppose it's a better scenario than my fear that the Vecna cultists burned down the shop to cover up their theft. Of course the timeline of events and the modus operandi don't match up, but we don't know what the Arm knows or who's working for them in this neck of the woods."

Lifting his glasses, Val rubs his eyes. Whereas moments ago he was feeling bright and refreshed, suddenly he is feeling somewhat tired. "I confess that I am ill-suited to your station as resident paranoid, Valance. The burden of trying to account for ever foreseeable outcome and permutation is a heavy one, and I'm not so strong as you. I never fully conceptualized how we were all interdependent upon one another until I tried to be fill every role myself. I've... been sloppy. Like carrying six buckets filled to the brim with water, sloshing more of their contents over the side the more I try and prevent it. Valerie, she's..."

Val's voice trails off as he gazes out the window, face screwed with emotion. Abruptly his face and voice become inscrutable as he stands up from the table. "Well there's no sense in my sitting around wallowing in my own self pity while some deranged green goon squad is likely beating a path to your doorstep to put us all to the sword as I speak. Hopefully Evaneth's faith or the Treaty will grease the wheels as well as at Pelor's seminary. The sooner we convince these monks' spirits to depart this plane, the sooner we retrieve the belt, and the sooner we acquire the means to flog misbehaving children."

Marching towards the door, he whistles an upbeat tune as he exits the domicile and readies himself for the journey in the wagon.

((Technically Val is equipped with a +2 rapier, I've just been RPing the upgrades as him just buying mundane swords))
((Oh, also I found some dice today! So I will be playing with some physical dice for a while, just for fun. They are all cheap plastic though and my d20 is bright orange. We'll see if they prove lucky or not soon enough.))
((I might try doing the same. I never got to play IRL so my dice are criminally underused.))

((Technically Val is equipped with a +2 rapier, I've just been RPing the upgrades as him just buying mundane swords))
((Ah, okay. I wasn't sure I would actually use the spell even if he didn't have a magic weapon, I was just wondering if it could be used in that way.))
"About the Treaty... While it does have some power, I'm not sure bringing it under water would be the best idea. Probably best I leave it behind with my spell book." Quintus does not look to happy as he says this, really not liking the idea of not having his spell book with him.

((Ganhyun, assuming we are going by the core rules, you can only wear two rings and two rings of protection do not stack. In fact, two of the same type of bonuses from different sources, almost never stack, dodge being one of the few exceptions.))
"Yes, time is indeed of the essence. Shall we?"

Valance leads the group out of his house. When Sarm starts in the direction of the stables, Valance stops him. "I'm afraid where we're going, a horse and cart won't be much use. The ground, where it exists, is far too wet for the wheels of a cart to be effective, and horses don't like it much either. The first leg of this journey will be on foot."

Valance leads the party west out of town, and they quickly leave the beaten path. The air is moist, and the day is cloudy. There is a lot of vegetation, but very few trees, and the view to the horizon is clear, if a little hazy.

On the way, Valance approaches Valgar. "You heavily implied earlier that something happened to Valerie," he says, betraying more emotion than usual. "I'm assuming the worst," he says delicately, "And I have some troubling news about Valdemar. You see... not long after we fled Ruby Keep, Valdemar and I found each other. We were working against the Arm, but we were reckless. I sent him on an intelligence-gathering mission out west, and...." He trails off for a long moment before finishing.

"That was four months ago. He hasn't been seen since." He sighs. "So it appears the Great Val Fierno Clan is down to two. We're almost extinct, and in these dire times I somehow doubt we'll find a worthy successor to carry on our name." He says nothing for a long while, and eventually he drifts to the front of the pack to lead the way again.

The marshlands encroach on the party, and as they move, the mist grows thicker and solid ground becomes more and more wanting, and ultimately the party is up to their knees in watery mud. Just when it looks like everyone will have to start swimming, two small watercraft come into view out of the fog.

"From here on, we paddle. We'll reach the monastery in a few hours; if we're quick about it, we'll be on our way out of here before the sun has set."

The boats are little more than canoes, and each has space for four people. ((You guys choose who goes in which canoe; regardless of the split, Elim will be in the front spot of the front canoe, in order to lead everyone. And Quintus is correct about the ring rules))

Mike M

Nick N
Strapping on his green armor, Val cocks his head to the side and gives the wizard an incredulous look. "Quintus, I doubt we could inflict damage on the Treaty if we tried. It's imbued with the power of a whole gaggle of gods, or forces powerful enough so as to pose as them. I most sincerely doubt simply getting it wet will have any deleterious effect, but feel free to dab a bit if water on a corner of it and put my hypothesis to the test."


Marching through the marshland, Val sticks close to Valance in the lead. The flat, misty expanse around them seems to absorb all sound except that of the wet footsteps of the party as they traverse the swamp. He speaks quietly, so as to keep things as much between him and his brother as he can manage.

"The worst has not befallen Valerie, but she's a stone's throw from it. She arrived in Alydar while I was out of town, and promptly conned her way into the mayor's office. Ballsy, and incredibly risky, but she did so with the intent of preventing the town from falling under the control of the Arm and becoming their forward base of operations.

"But her intel was incomplete. We thought we'd identified the agent of the Arm in the king's inner circle, and thought they would use the recent events as a cover to declare martial law and name him the reagent of the city. Instead, it turned out to be an assassination.

"The Arm marched on Alydar in force. We kept them from taking the city, but they succeeded in taking out the entirety of the king's council. Valerie was caught in the blast... She lives, but save for divine intervention, she'll never walk again. She'll never take up the name of Val Fierno again either, but that was a decision made prior to her injury anyway. For all her flimflam and bullshit, she's proven a capable executive. The people are grateful to her, enough so that even if her true identity were ever revealed, they'd likely forgive her.

"The further loss of Valdemar is... Distressing. I can only hope he's merely been forced to go to ground and is unavoidably out of communication. He was always the sneaky one, if anyone can avoid detection, it's him."

His piece said, he falls back behind Valance so as to not distract him further from his pathfinding. When the boats materialize out of the fog, he eyes them warily. "What was that part about there being crocodiles again?"

Figuring Valance knows what he's doing the most, Val hops into the same canoe as him.
Sarm remains quiet throughout the trip though his face shows a constant displeasure at the chill murkiness of the swamp environment. It is comparable to the continent's worst storms. He considers casting light to slice the fog but it apparently is not necessary with Elim's familiarity with the lands.

He doesn't bother keeping his cloak above water, letting it comb the water behind him rather ungracefully in its new found heaviness. When they reach the canoes, he takes the next one over while Val and Elim are climbing into the first one.


Evaneth climbs in behind Sarm and Suvne. IF anything, the murkier and darker it seems to get the lighter his step seems to be.

"Hopefully we don't run into these crocodiles."
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