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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

The Cleric tilts his head at Quintis, stepping a bit closer perplexed. Something is definitely wrong. He gives a slow single wave of his arm in front of Quintis' eyes only to find no reaction.
Quintus does in fact react saying, "Stop that, I'm trying to have a private conversation here... Err... Actually I need to go meet someone real quick, let's continue this later Sarm." he then takes his leave, for like the third time? However, this time if anyone follows him, that he is aware of, he casts Expeditious Retreat on himself. First, he makes a quick stop at the market place to find out how much a permanent protection from evil magic item would cost, then seeks out Val, asking him "Is there somewhere we could talk... in private?" once he finds him.

During his travels, he finds the time to ask a quick question though, "How exactly would the Arm improve my magic? I've never really delved into the necromantic arts, so unless its capabilities extend beyond such magic, it may not be so helpful to me..."
With Quintis gone, Sarm feels he can't stand doing nothing knowing that the others are likely doing their part. He finds Valerie and tells her that he wishes to help prepare the citizens for the upcoming evacuation and asks for how she may want it done.
No such item exists so it would be a custom job, but it could get done for 5000 GP.

"Additional and more powerful spells per day, more flexible than you're used to. Now Quintus, you must understand that I am a very busy deity, with my hands in affairs extending throughout multiple planes - the rest in which I am actually able to manifest myself. I cannot remain available as your personal assistant. You are a big boy, and you can figure it out for yourself, I'm sure. I shall now take my leave."


Sarm is directed from Valerie to Klaus, and notes that Suvne is in the Ranging Company Headquarters, taking inventories and preparing supplies for transport. When Klaus sees him, he seems surprised. "Sarm, my boy, what the devil are you doing here? I had assumed you'd be staying behind and fighting the incoming hordes. Not that I'd turn away an extra pair of hands, but... shouldn't you be preparing for battle?"


As Tarkus and the town guard work to dig trenches and wolf traps outside the walls, they spot a group of riders on horseback approach from the southeast. There are about ten of them, and they are wearing red full plate armor. "We are here to help repel the invasion," one of the mounted knights says when they draw near. "Who is in command of the town's defenses?"

Before Tarkus has a chance to look around, multiple guardsmen at once say, "He is," nodding respectfully toward Tarkus. It seems that the half-Orc has made a bigger impression on the men than he may have thought.

((Not sure where Ivor went; maybe I should have sent PMs out when I got back. I will assume that he's working on putting some traps together with which to surprise incoming invaders, and if he is, he'll be forced to work in a tense environment alongside Rubio, who is the only one in town with full access to the supplies he'll need))
"It is good to see you again Klaus. I am still strongly considering staying for battle, but I want to help with informing the people of the evacuation. Unless you would rather me wait with the soldiers."

Now noticing Suvne, Sarm speaks over to her, "Young Paladin. I need to speak with you for a moment..." When he has her attention, he unbuckles the pouch he has that contains the Rod of Pelor, "Should I stay here to help tend to the soldiers, I want you to carry this away from the town. I am sure it is what the cultists are after to begin with. If anyone from the Seminary asks why you have it, tell them that I have entrusted you with it for the time being. Consider it your first task in serving Pelor."

Mike M

Nick N
Val wanders off from Klaus and his men, wondering how he is going to spend the time before the assault begins.  He supposes he ought to prepare somehow, but he can't think of any of his supplies that need to be restocked, and he doubts he has coin enough to purchase better equipment.

On the off chance he might find a bargain anyway, he sets off for the market district, where he encounters Quintus.  Val is somewhat surprised at Quintus' request for an audience, as he never struck Val as the type to seek advice, least of all from the decidedly non-magical.  Gesturing to the nearest alley, he says, "After you."
"So uhh... not sure how to explain this, but I just had a little talk with Vecna. Obviously he suggested not telling anyone about it, so that was the first thing I decided to do. Apparently he can speak to anyone holding, or possibly just near, the Arm. I suspect he might be part of the reason I suddenly felt like I needed keep it away from you."

"Anyways, he wants us - well, he wants someone to gather the artifacts together and since we happen to be the ones with the Arm, I think he kinda prefers it to be us. And to that end... he has suggested using the the Arm to increase my powers, apparently its has no power that would allow him to make me go mad or allow him to otherwise effect my mind, beyond what it has already done to me at least. There is still the issue of me being left with a skeleton arm, but there is relatively simple way around that, just need some protection from evil magic and I should be able to put on and remove it easily."

"Well, that all brings me to why I'm talking to you... You're a smart guy, fairly level-headed I think and unlike Sarm, don't have the Rod of Pelor shoved up-... I mean he is a great guy and all, but its pretty clear what he would say. I just think your decision would be more tactically sound, and we are all in this stupid artifact collecting quest together so I can't make it on my own... or maybe just looking for someone else to blame if something goes wrong. So, do I use the Arm and potentially save several innocent people from being killed by the incoming cult or just hope we can succeed just as well without it?"

((Haha... Wow, this is just getting... yeah... I need to stop coming up with post after midnight))

Mike M

Nick N
His eyebrow arching higher the more Quintus explains the situation, Val contemplates their options.  "So the relics act as conduits to the gods they represent, eh?  Interesting.  I wonder why it is that only Vecna has bothered to make his presence known to us.  Wielding the Hand could have manifold benefits, not the least of which might be a significant leg up in our dealings with Vecna's loyalists.  Obviously Sarm would object, but even Vecna and Pelor are in agreement that the artifacts must be collected together.

"Let me ponder this a moment..."

Thinking as loud as he can, "Let's talk bargain, god of secrets.  You clearly want someone wearing your Hand, I want to know who betrayed my family.  You share that secret with me, then I convince Quintus to put it on.  Those are my terms, you have three seconds."
Val only
Immediately a voice speaks into Val's head. It sounds slightly far away, but still more than clear enough to hear; it is somewhat raspy, and very strong. "How refreshing to find a human unafraid to engage in dealings with gods. Although it is not my policy to come calling at the pleasure of mortals, I will accept your terms, though I fear you will not like the answer. The one who betrayed your family is none other than poor, young Valentino. In his lust for power, I'm afraid he got more than he bargained for, and his sister paid the ultimate price for his greed."


Suvne looks to Sarm with an expression of intense solemnity. "I am honored that you've entrusted me with this task," she says quietly. "I will not let you down, Sarm. I shall guard the Rod of Pelor with my life, and will return it to you as soon as the town is safe to... return to."
Sarm nods, "Keep in mind that I don't believe this will make the rod completely safe, so I want you to be diligent. I apologize if I haven't been able to begin teaching about Pelor to you, but these current events leave me busy and I wish to help heal injured men during battle."

He says to Klaus, "I think you are right. I should station myself with the other fighting men for the time being. I think it's apparent at this point that I'll be staying in Alydar."

Mike M

Nick N
Val begins speaking again.  "I'm of the opinion that using the Hand probably provides enough benefits to outweigh the detriments.  It essentially would make you Vecna's chosen one, right?  It might turn the Arm from adversary to useful flunkies on occasion in addition to whatever magical augmentation you gain.  And if it can truly be made that it can be removed at will, it may be possible that Sarm needn't even know...

"One sizable caveat, though...  If this thing is the manifestation of a piece of Vecna's power, it seems... suspect that he would claim that it's propensity to bond with its user could be circumvented so easily.  Not saying he's lying, but he's a god of secrets after all.  He's practically guaranteed to be withholding something.

"This is going to sound really stupid, but... have you considered consulting your boots on the matter?  He might have insight into how trustworthy Vecna's offer is, if he bothers to respond."
Quintus nods, saying "Actually Vecna brought up that exact point himself, apparently they have decided to leave us to our own devices... though it is probably a fair assumption that Pelor has had some connect with Sarm. Strange that only Vecna has bothered to directly contact me, even if it is all part of some plan for him to gain power or something. In fact, you'd think they would be trying to put a stop to that. Hmm... that's not bad idea, Fharlangh may be busy with his 'godly' duties or what have you, but if I can contact Vecna just by carrying his Arm, reaching Fharlangh should be even easier. One moment..." He then focuses on trying to contact Fharlangh.

Hey Fharlangh, if you can hear me, mind if we have a quick little chat?


bitch I'm taking calls.

As Tarkus and the town guard work to dig trenches and wolf traps outside the walls, they spot a group of riders on horseback approach from the southeast. There are about ten of them, and they are wearing red full plate armor. "We are here to help repel the invasion," one of the mounted knights says when they draw near. "Who is in command of the town's defenses?"

Before Tarkus has a chance to look around, multiple guardsmen at once say, "He is," nodding respectfully toward Tarkus. It seems that the half-Orc has made a bigger impression on the men than he may have thought.
A bit taken aback, Tarkus straightens himself and hands his shovel to the nearest man before addressing the Alydar guardsman:

"Preparation moving smoothly, keep progress until nightfall and all should be ready." He turns to address the knights.

As Tarkus exchanges words he looks over the group, momentarily bewildered as he did not expect reinforcements.

"I am Tarkus. I see you wear red plate...do you ride from Ruby Keep?" Nonetheless it is a good sign. Tarkus nods his head. "I am grateful. Do you have word of King's party? Alydar direly need help. Glad to have your regiment." Hope grows by the hour. Alydar may weather storm yet! he thinks.

"These men dig fortifications now in preparation for siege." He points to the plots being dug and explains their purpose while also surveying progress, hoping they are making good time.

Tarkus dusts himself off and points through the town gates. "If you make for town square you no doubt meet Miss Mayor. She will see to horses, food and quarters. Tonight I hold a war council to finalize defense plan. Send your leader there and we brief you."

Tarkus excuses himself and mounts up to ride back into town to prepare his weapons and supplies. He is most focused on seeking out the rest of the members of the group so that the War Council may be organized and and they can all exchange information about the plans in the next few days. He leaves word at the tavern that tonight there should be preparations for a large group so they can discuss matters without interruption.
Fharlangh does not reply.

Arcana DC 25
Imagine if you suddenly found an ant crawling up your leg, and decided to just ignore it. Now imagine how that ant might feel in that situation. That's sort of how you feel if you tune your arcane senses just right: You perceive that you've been barely noticed, but ultimately, you're being ignored.


The man on horseback who spoke up - a middle-aged, gruff, dignified man with graying hair and sporting half plate armor - responds to Tarkus, "I am Corrigan of Ruby Keep. We received a message from the party of clerics that came here some days ago, and we happened to be stationed at the Great Library, southeast of here. These are all the riding horses we had on hand. I'm told that the Capital is aware of the incoming attack, but they are too far away to get help here in time. I've received no word of the King's Party as of yet.

"I see that you and your men have some experience in siege warfare; that's fortunate. We shall accept your hospitality, and will attend the War Council tonight." With a polite nod, he leads the men through the city gates.


That evening, a war council is arranged at the Golden Griffin, which has been closed off from the general public for a few hours in order to have the meeting undisturbed. Valerie and Klaus are there, as is Corrigan, and all the captains from the city guard. One of the three clerics who arrived with Suvne is present, and Ivor and Rubio have also shown up ((I hope Songbird is okay, but until I hear from him or until he posts again, I'll be taking over Ivor's character in a roleplaying capacity)). Tarkus is standing on the stage inside the bar, facing everyone; they are all waiting for him to kick things off.

((Other party members are also free to be present if they want. Quintus, I have a feeling you probably wanted to take care of some other things around town before the council; feel free to address those before speaking up in the bar. Same goes for Val and Sarm. Suvne is not there unless Sarm specifically asks her to come.))
Arcana: 1D20+18 => [ 20 ] +18 = 38

Quintus returns to paying attention to this plane of existence, "It appears Fharlangh doesn't care to respond... I'm gonna go ahead and pick up some stuff from the market, then get back to work on figuring out how we're going to protect this town."

He then sets out to pick up that magic item of protection from evil(What is it by the way? I'm not quite sure, maybe a vest? idk...) and some simple gloves he could use to cover his Arms just in case. Afterward he heads out to the Golden Griffin where he finds a war council!
Sarm allows Suvne to remain with the evacuees as he follows Klaus to the Council. There he finds a spot to stand towards the edge of the gathering and keep his presence reserved.

Mike M

Nick N
Pantomiming doffing a non-existent hat, Val parts ways with Quintus.  While the shops in town are considerably more well-stocked than when they first returned from the seminary, there's nothing here of any interest for him.  At least nothing that he can afford at the moment.

Having other things on his mind than window shopping anyway, he makes his way to the Golden Griffon for the War Council and immediately seeks out Valerie.  Communicating in their hidden ways, he imparts that he has urgent personal news to discuss with her when she's free.  He maintains a close distance for the meeting, in case she has need of him somehow.  While she has taken on the role of mayor, she is still an imposter with little actual experience in executive government.  She may be as good at bullshitting as himself, but everyone could use some backup once in a while...
This is all information that Tarkus almost certainly would have gathered before addressing the council, so here's what the town has available to them:

-Approximately 300 able-bodied men of varying combat ability, including the town guard, all volunteers from the civilian population, the reinforcements from the library, and the members of the Ranging Company who specialize in hitting hard

-Trenches and other fortifications as per Tarkus's guidance

-Ample tar, for use in dumping down the walls, as prepared by Ivor

-Enough explosive proximity traps to cover one of the town gates

-Several thousand arrows and enough bows to fire them

-Enough melee weapons to supply all fighting men

-Enough armor to protect about half of them

-Enough available bards to keep the mood light and leave morale boosted during the battle

The town is severely lacking in spell casters, particularly of the arcane variety. There are less than ten clerics available for magical healing, though there is a decent contingent of mundane medics available.
Quintus ask what we know of the incoming army's magical capabilities. Any information would be useful if only to give him some idea of they will may be capable of.

((gonna go with a vest i guess... all that sweet cash, already gone.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val inwardly curses himself for not even having the thought of interrogating the remnants of the army he and Quintus found.  Tarkus provided a good head count, but they really could stand to use some idea of the proportion of magic users in their host.

Overall, he estimates the town is in relatively good standing.  They may not have the training of the Vecna army heading their way, but they have relative parity in numbers and the advantage of being situated in a walled city.  There is the problem of infiltration, however...  Those giant spiders had to have a master, after all.  If the fighting-capable men could all be trusted, evacuating the civilians may by happenstance remove the sleeper agents as well.  But then you have a large mass of helpless people at the mercy of a malevolent sorcerer with inadequate guard to protect everyone.

Gyah, suddenly fleeing combat in the company of the evacuees doesn't seem quite the refuge he initially thought.  Val wonders how feasible it would be to enact some sort of screening system...  Surely the culprit would bear the curse that ensures their silence, that could be detected, right?

Whispering into Valerie's ear, "Don't forget they likely have some manner of advance guard within the walls already.  The one's we've encountered previously were under a particularly powerful curse, can we arrange a large scale scan for it to root out potential sabotuers ?"
As Tarkus begins speaking, Valerie looks at Quintus and Val and whispers to them, "All we know about the invaders, we learned from you two and Tarkus. For all we know, half of them could be wizards who will rain fireballs down on us from afar. Gods willing, that's not the case. As for some screening process, we could do that, but time is a huge factor here. We'll have to get the civilians out of here tomorrow if we suppose that the army will arrive in two days. It's just not feasible, given our constraints."

Partway through Tarkus's speech, the front door of the bar opens, and two men enter. One is an elf wearing shining, bright red, full plate armor; for those who have met him, he is the spitting image of Bones, if Bones were twenty years older. There is an expression of excitement on his face. The other is an older human with a long white beard; he looks pale and worried.

They make no commotion, and quietly find seats, listening intently to Tarkus speak.

"That's the Chancellor and Supreme General Bonaparte," Valerie whispers urgently to Val and Quintus. ((Tarkus would have no idea who they are, though.))

It seems that the King's Council has arrived ahead of schedule.
((ThLunarian Ninja'd me while I was typing this. Oh well, there wasn't much for me to do anyway.))

Sarm steps forward to speak on his own ideas, "If at all possible, I can send a message to a Seminary to quest Clerical aid. However; I cannot guarantee this will resolve in my favor." He would need to purchase a scroll of sending in order to give a message, thankfully he has saved his gold until now.

He cannot suggest much more than that, and also decides not to impolitely speak for what the Ruby cleric in the room could do.

After a brief moment of pause, he asks "Also, do we know of any men in the city that are trained in the use of magical items? It would be possible to give them wands to compensate for the lack of spell casters."

Unfortunately his queries will fall on flat ears as suddenly the meeting is walked in upon by important figures. His gaze is taken just as everyone else's are.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((OK guys, another big wall of text from me. Map from a neat, free tool I found called Dungeon Painter via www.pyromancers.com -Generally colored squares are little houses with each district (clockwise, merchant district and guard barracks (dark blue), grainery (green building)and farmers district, church and upperclass townspeople (white), gold processing and distribution as well as mine workers quarter's (brown), regular towns people (red and bright red), Golden Griffon tavern, and the biggest red house is the mayor's mansion. The clear white square in the middle is a glitch. Rest will be explained shortly!))

That evening, a war council is arranged at the Golden Griffin, which has been closed off from the general public for a few hours in order to have the meeting undisturbed. Valerie and Klaus are there, as is Corrigan, and all the captains from the city guard. One of the three clerics who arrived with Suvne is present, and Ivor and Rubio have also shown up ((I hope Songbird is okay, but until I hear from him or until he posts again, I'll be taking over Ivor's character in a roleplaying capacity)). Tarkus is standing on the stage inside the bar, facing everyone; they are all waiting for him to kick things off.

Tarkus washes up and grits his teeth as he changes into his lighter weight scalemail. He reflects with reluctance the position he finds himself in: Fighting is easy. Talking...ugh. Why am I talking again? Kaff or Sarm should have- he cuts his thoughts off with a shake of his head. You shrink from no duty.

Tarkus grunts and takes a scroll. With the help of the mayor he notates all the information learned so far from interviews and consultation. He asks a local scribe to write down some basic facts for the entire council to read including fighting population and expected enemy forces.

He keeps the more sensative information including supply amounts, traps, outside help reinfocement and the make-up of Alydar's fighting forces to his own notes which he locks into his chest. Before the speech he briefs each member of the trusted party (Sarm, Ivor, Kaff, Florentine, Quintus) with the following and asks them to stay after the main speech for additional info:


Currently has approx 300 able-bodied men of varying combat ability, including the town guard, all volunteers from the civilian population, the reinforcements from the library, and the members of the Ranging Company who specialize in hitting hard.

Army of Vecna is approaching from the east, with 300-350 (possibly more) men of uncertain disposition/specialization.

Defenses include:

Trenches and other fortifications (X's on the map near gates are traps, trenches also present, the wood barriers are inside the town for when forces breach the gates).

-Ample tar, for use in dumping down the walls, as prepared by Ivor (represented by the circular bits on the gates, mostly positioned on the east gate as the enemy would have to travel in smaller force to reach the west gate or circle around in view of the town).

-Enough explosive proximity traps to cover one of the town gates (not decided where we should put these yet, as if we get ambushed somehow on the west gate they might be best placed there).

-Several thousand arrows and enough bows to fire them
-Enough melee weapons to supply all fighting men
-Enough armor to protect about half of them (thinking we focus most of the men with armor right near the gates bulk on east, put as many people on archery detail as we can so they can retreat instead of getting hit on the frontlines.)

-Enough available bards to keep the mood light and leave morale boosted during the battle

The town is severely lacking in spell casters, particularly of the arcane variety. There are less than ten clerics available for magical healing, though there is a decent contingent of mundane medics available.

He also provides to each a tactical map which shows the defenses and fortifications set up so far as well as the main staging area, the castra, set up to provide an area to retreat to and supplies for healing those wounded. He plans to go over a detailed breakdown with each member later.


- - -

Tarkus sets up early and prepares by arranging the tables in a semi-circle position with each of the group and several advisors accounted for. A tavern waitress assures him food and drink will be in steady supply.

As the group settles in a reserved silence passes over and Tarkus takes the opportunity to begin. He walks to the head of the tables and nods at those gathered before closing his eyes. He places his hands on the table momentarily and remembers past Storm Crow briefings. Think…how would Saren have done this? He clears his throat and speaks slowly, attempting to clearly enunciate each word.

“Heroes, trusted advisor and guard of Alydar. You here because Arm of Vecna forces march upon us" as he calls them he looks upon each group in turn.

"I am here because I am Tarkus, guardian of Tarley farmstead” Tarkus looks towards the ground. “…a farm that no longer is.”

He clenches his fists before placing them open-palmed back onto the table and facing the group with steely eyes. "Tarley holdings were raided. People and property not killed or destroyed was subjugated by green cloaks not two days ago.

From our friends Kaff & Quintus, already proved heroes of Alydar,” Tarkus gestures towards their position in the group "we learn they march for this very position, near 350 men strong.”

"There is dark times ahead to ensure Alydar future. But if you are here, you know that Alydar...Alydar will overcome."

Tarkus straightens and speaks louder, each event punctuated with dramatic pause.

"It began when foul magicks befell from within....but this darkness was held back and defeated in flames."

"Corruption turned the peoples into bleak zombies, spoiling all away...but they were healed by Light and restored from unlife, returning growth and trade to community."

"Arcane monsters assailed town grounds and fear struck...but they were pushed back and hope was restored."

Tarkus slams his fist against the table. "Now battalions of forces rally to breach Alydar gates, threatening to plunge town into darkness again. But Alydar is strength against darkness. Its champions and guardians proven capable of great things. You are here because you believe in Alydar and with your help, Alydar will stand against darkness once more."

Pausing for a moment of silence, Tarkus continues in a quieter tone, reading off the basic facts provided to all who gathered, asking the group for input and suggestion.

He hears Sarm and Quintus mention magical capability and plans for reinforcement and quickly states the prepared bit he practiced with Florentine earlier: "Thanks to reinforcement we have special influence in magicks. After we done here Sarm & Quintis can connect with our forces and devise a specific plan of defense." Tarkus looks on Sarm & Quintus with a look that suggests there is more to it that he would say later.

Just as he is to continue, he sees two official looking humans walk into the tavern, one obviously a high rank official by their polished ruby military adornment. Tarkus narrows his eyes but nods, his mouth set in a hard line, not yet certain they bare good news or ill.

"As you see, plan are underway for defending Alydar townhold and evacuating peoples unfit for battle. I call on leaders present to voice needs and advise further on all." Tarkus steps back and allows others to take the floor while also looking at the trusted party group with a hard stare, silently reminding them to stick around after the main for a further briefing.
When Tarkus finishes his speech and steps down from the stage, the man in shining armor rises and applauds; the rest of the room soon follows suit. After the round of applause dies off, he speaks in a clear, carrying voice. "Very well said, Commander." He addresses the crowd in aggregate. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Eladamri Bonaparte, Supreme General of the Kingdom's armed forces. I come bearing a bit of good news: We have arrived with a small bit of reinforcements. Apart from myself, twenty armed and experienced knights are at your disposal in defending this town.

"I want to thank the mayor," and he pauses to see where the crowd's heads turn, then correctly identifies Florentine/Valerie, "For her hospitality. Your aides have seen to it that the rest of the King's Council have all found their rooms; the Chancellor and I wished to attend your meeting to assess the situation. I apologize for interrupting; I simply wanted to make it known that you have our support."

The General sits back down, and a flurry of discussion about troop logistics ensues. Sarm's idea does not go unheard, and Valerie makes arrangements for him to be given access to a Scroll of Sending on Alydar's dime, with her endorsement to request clerical aid from the Seminary.

After people begin filtering out of the bar, Tarkus, Valerie, Quintus, Val, Sarm, Ivor, the General, and the Chancellor find themselves in a loose gathering among two or three tables. The General says to Valerie within everyone's earshot, "I really must compliment you, Ms. Romero. When we set out for Alydar, I expected to find a devastated town in shambles, and then when word came that an invading force was on its way, I was certain that all would be lost.

"But seeing how things have been turned around here, I am now quite confident that Alydar will endure this assault, and will prosper under your leadership. Of course, the Council still must confer to make a final decision, but at the moment, I don't think we'll have to assume governance of Alydar unless things go catastrophically wrong in the coming battle."

The Chancellor is still very pale, and though he no longer looks worried, he has not spoken a single word since entering the bar.

((If Tarkus wishes to wait until the General and the Chancellor leave the bar before addressing the rest of the group, just specify that before doing so and it'll be fine. They won't stay too much later than everyone else who filtered out.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus coughs and waves away the applause. He would honestly rather face a bugbear than give another speech. Though hopefully neither will be neccesary.

"Thank you, Supreme General" Tarkus straightens and crosses his arms in a casual military salute. "And your reinforcements are most welcome."

He eyes the Chancellor's pale expression suspiciously, but, remembering Valerie's words on his character, he can't help but break momentarily into a vindictive grin before returning to a stoic expression.

"There not much else to impart. Plan are underway as you hear for evacuation and reinforcement of Alydar. I can plan and build for present action so there is future for Alydar..."

Tarkus admits that he doesn't know much beyond preparing for the current reality.

"As to nature of that future...I do not know. Questions about origin of enemy and why so many disaster curse Alydar of late, I cannot know. My role is best at protection."

Tarkus steps back to allow the others to elucidate, not intending to layout all his plans with the General and Chancellor present but giving enough information to impart to the General that his reinforcements will be well put to use and listening to any advice he would impart.
Sarm can't help but feel much honor as Tarkus gives his inspiring speech in stressing the fight against evil. He would admit to himself that it brings a sort of legitimate pride even above receiving the Rod of Pelor which while a highly important item of his god, has brought much pressure and burden of not losing it and having to face up to Luna.

Just after sitting down, Sarm smiles and thanks the person that gives him a scroll. He quickly stuffs it into himself for now as his time rightfully belongs to the nobility at this moment.

When Tarkus is referred to as commander, it does not come as surprise after the well formulated plans and the ability to lead the soldiers in the city.

He notices the Chancellor's paleness and silence, then remembers the suspicions first brought up by Valerie. It becomes immediately apparent to him that the cult already knows how prepared Alydar has become. He begins spending the meeting at unease but doing his best not to show it. He begins to lean in his seat with his mouth leaned into one hand and his other hand rested on the table as he watches the others speak.
((I don't have anything else scripted for NPCs until after everyone disperses, so Tarkus, go ahead and assume that only the people you want to talk to are around. If someone else wanted to talk to the General or Chancellor before they leave, they can also do that; it's okay if we go a little out of order))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus clears his throat and assumes a more casual stance, chugging an ale before addressing the guys.

"The magick situation is...bit more complicated. Besides Quintus, Sarm and Valerie...we got nothin." Tarkus gestures apologetically. "Hopefully by implementing wards we stand better, and we do have many healers at least."

Tarkus unwraps the map and points out some more detailed plans. "Basically since force marches from east, most like to take eastern gate. Otherwise, troops come in sight of town and we prepare other side before they reach."

He lowers his voice to a whisper. "Still, I smell treachery which why maybe west gate should have explosives, magic power and quick responders.." he looks at Ivor and Quintus as he says this. "Also a contingent of light skermishers, probably most experienced of reinforcements, such as riders from Ruby keep and cleric or two." He points to the purple star as the magick/dagger squad and the red & yellow multi-point stars as reinforcement riders. Tarkus sweeps his finger over to the middle of the map. "For the main square with castra tent, keep most healers (yellow stars) so wounded can fall back." Tarkus gestures to the barriers erected near the east gate. "These set up to push enemy into bottleneck, station armored melee forces (orange hexagons) near choke points and archers (green pentagram) on high position to fire on incoming force. I am near front line and have Sarm stationed near too for powerful healing and magicks."


"That's all I figure so far, any ideas or changes you think? And what news of evacuation group?"

Mike M

Nick N
Val's blood runs cold when the general identifies his companion as the Chancellor.  If Valerie's intel was correct, they just gave away their entire plan to an enemy operative.

Suddenly, joining the evacuation to save his own skin has lost some of its appeal...  He may not want to be engaging on the front lines, but at least he can keep his eye on this viper and prevent him from sinking his fangs into the operation and poisoning the effort from within.

Grabbing two tankards of ale from the bar, he approaches the chancellor.  Proffering one of them, "May I offer you a drink, Chancellor?  I would think this situation is very... Far removed from your comfort zone."
"Well, if need be, I can use my phantom steed spell so that I, or someone else, could cross the town rather quickly, so that their capabilities could be used where, and when, they are needed most. I could actually summon a few for us to use, though that would not only limit what other spells I would have available, but may be problematic if they don't know how to fight on horse back..."
(This exchange is taking place BEFORE Tarkus reveals the most detailed parts of the plan)

The chancellor smiles hollowly at Val. He speaks softly, as befits his age. "I am an old man, and I'm afraid my body doesn't handle alcohol well, thank you. And yes, you're right... when I left the Capital, I certainly never thought I'd be walking into a war zone. It seems your commander has crafted a formidable defense plan, though. Gods willing, it will be enough.

"Goodness, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Barnaby Bixby, Royal Chancellor to the throne at Ruby Keep. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

((Bluff roll will be required here, to respond with anything other than the truth. You can go ahead and make it yourself. You may also make a Sense Motive roll here.))


(This is AFTER they leave the bar. Sorry about the time-split; it's the best way to keep things moving at a decent clip, I think.)

The Mayor's eyes seem to slightly glaze over as Tarkus explains the map and battle plan; she seems to be a bit out of her element here. "Yeah, um... that sounds great. As for magical wards... that's not exactly my specialty, but I'll see what I can come up with," she says somewhat vaguely, and she looks to the rest of the party, hoping they'll have more insights.

Ivor chimes in, "Well, wherever we decide to put the bombs, we need to start getting them in place by tomorrow afternoon. It'll take time to properly arm and disguise them. As for the placement of our forces, I don't see a problem with that. Seems like once we know which side they're coming from, we'll be able to reposition ourselves before they even come close to penetrating the walls."
Sarm takes a moment to listen to the chancellor's opinion given on the activities being presented.

Sense Motive roll: 1D20+10 => [ 13 ] +10 = 23​


During the tactical plan meeting, Sarm nods at where Tarkus has assigned him, and asks, "How are you distributing the number of clerics for each side including myself? Three on each side?"

Once he is absolutely sure that only his allies are in the room, he says, "The chancellor arriving early bodes ill, even if we did not reveal our plans to him. There is surely an answer as to why an early visitation."

Mike M

Nick N
Sense Motive check:  1d20 + 8 = 12 ((Blah...))
Bluff check:  1d20 + 23 = 30

Val puts both tankards down.  "I was raised to never imbibe if the other party declines."

Extending his hand to the chancellor, he continues.  "Julius Joubert, at your service.  I hail from Ruby Keep myself, thought I would strike it rich out in the Alydar gold rush, but it turns out I'm not much of a prospector.  I'm just another man with a sword plying his services to get by.

"Currently I'm vaguely attached to the ranging service in town, but the pay isn't the greatest.  Actually, they're not paying me at all, but it would be quite crass to seek to profit from the given situation, so I can't complain much.  So until a paying job comes along, here I am.

"The irony is I'm working for free and I don't even much like this town.  Ruby Keep has its own share of problems, but it's a world class city.  Alydar is a backwater jumped-up hamlet populated by people desperately digging in the dirt constantly beset by disasters.  I think I shall take my leave at the next available opportunity, but I bear little hope one will present itself in the next 24 hours."

Val hopes he's gotten a good enough read on the man to calibrate his story enough to subtly convey one simple concept:  He can be easily bought.  If the chancellor IS the mole, let's hope he rises to the bait...
The Chancellor nods at Val's story impassively. "Considering how poor your fortune has been in this town, it's quite impressive that you've somehow become privy to a war council of such high clearance. And if you're looking for a way out, I hear the vast majority of Alydar's citizens are evacuating tomorrow morning. I'm surprised you haven't heard. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll be taking my leave. The hour is late, and I am quite tired from traveling."

The General also rises. "Yes, I must try to catch Sir Klaus before he retires for the night. He may have news of my son." He bows graciously toward Valerie. "If you'll excuse me, My Lady." The two men leave the bar.

Sarm, with your Sense Motive check, you couldn't tell much about the Chancellor's intentions, but it was pretty clear that he didn't buy a word of Val's story.

"Val, that was terrible," Valerie says, though her tone is considerably more kind than her choice of words. "Are you feeling alright? I've never seen you slip up twice in the same breath before." She leans in closer and lowers her voice. "What was it that you wanted to talk to me about? Have you decided to stay?" She sounds - and looks - careful, yet hopeful.

Before he gets a chance to respond, Tarkus calls everyone around to the table and outlines the plan in more detail ((see above)).

Valerie then responds to Sarm's declaration, "I don't think there's any mystery as to why they got here early. They probably realized that a large army wasn't far behind them, and picked up the pace, that's all."

((Okay, I think everyone is now in the same time period now, even if getting there was a little ugly))
Sarm gives a simple response, concluding his concern briefly, "Still, we should remain unsurprised if something goes awry. The arm has worked in ways we have not been able to fathom thus far."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus doesn't attempt to examine the Chancellor's motive, believing his companions more capable in such areas, simply treating his presence and motive with cautious skepticism.

After the briefing he nods at Sarm, clearing his throat with a grunt. "Not possible to know unknowable or think what is unthinkable. But treachery expected...we only can prepare."

He rolls up the map quickly and stuffs it under his shirt. "We still planning to evacuate civilian?" He sighs rubs his temples before ordering an extra stiff drink, exhausted more from the nervousness of public speaking than any 10 mile trek he's ever marched.

"My ideas all spent. If unexpected occurs now...can only rise to meet it." He drains his cup and pauses a moment to consider the idea that the Vecna forces originally expected to be capturing a zombie infested town with little resistance and recalls how easily they took the moderately defended Tarley farm.

"More likely green-cloaks reconsider plans now. Remain to be seen if they still attack or not. If they do, let them come. We are ready."
Edit: ((somehow I managed to forget to answer this question twice)) "The evacuation is on schedule to happen tomorrow morning. There are only 2000 going; the rest are either defending the town or have refused to leave their homes.

"Well, it sounds like we're as ready as we can be with the information we have," says Valerie. "I think this meeting has served its purpose. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to bed. Kaff, may I have a word?" As the meeting adjourns, she pulls Val to the side. "Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?"
Quintus goes to his room and figuring he has to do this sometime... he puts on the vest of protection from evil and slips on the Arm of Vecna. This should end well.

Mike M

Nick N
"First off, that went exactly as planned.  I've planted the seed of suspicion, now I make an approach with a different disguise and confirm his worst fears, make him feel I am the only one he can trust.  I'll have him eating out of my hand, relax.  I know what I'm doing."

Val has no idea what he's doing.

Lowering his voice, he tells her his other bit of news.  
"Secondly, an exceedingly highly placed source has revealed to me who betrayed us.  Or at least one, I wouldn't put it past them to omit important details like there being a second traitor.  Regardless, they claim it was Valentino, and his and Valentine's death was the Arm's reward for his services.
Sarm would leave to seek Suvne to check up on her and to give her an update on what he has heard that would be relevant to her. He remembers the scroll but has decided to talk to Suvne first about it just to not get ahead of himself.
Valerie smirks and rolls her eyes and Val's attempt to save face, but her expression quickly turns somber upon hearing the news. "Well... I suppose that explains a lot, if your information is accurate." She sighs. "Nothing to do now but move forward." She embraces him tightly. "I'll be in my room if you need anything, Val. If not... good luck on your journey in the morning. We probably won't see each other before you leave." She kisses him on the cheek before leaving the bar; on her way out, she turns her head to steal more than one glance.


Quintus slips the Hand of Vecna onto his fingers, and immediately feels fantastic. A tantalizing energy begins flowing through his body, and although the magicks of the vest prevent it from flaying his hand, he almost wouldn't mind if that had happened, the power is so great.

He can feel the presence of Vecna, somehow both on another plane and all around him simultaneously, and yet there is a certain separation there, preventing the deity from exerting direct influence over him.

Quintus sleeps a quiet, dreamless sleep that night, confident that with the power of the Hand, nothing will be able to stop him.

((While wearing the Hand of Vecna, all Necromancy spells are known to you as though they were in your spell book. You have an extra spell slot for each spell level you've unlocked, with which you can spontaneously cast any spell from the Necromancy school (you don't have to prepare it beforehand).

You also have an at-will ability to, on a successful unarmed Melee Touch attack, attempt to turn any living target into a zombie. The target must make both a Fortitude and a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier + 1/2 your Character Level; if it fails either save, it gains Undead characteristics.

You also have the Rebuke Undead ability, as a Cleric (or a Dread Necromancer, if you have access to that class's listing). You automatically succeed at controlling any undead creature you've created yourself, even if it has more than 1/2 your HD.))


Suvne is still at the Ranging Company, getting things ready for tomorrow's trek, but gives Sarm her full attention when he comes to see her. She listens to him impart information to her, and nods in approval when he mentions the sending. "An excellent idea, m'L.... Sarm," she says. "If the Seminary does send help, we're like to cross paths on the road. I'll see to it that they're well-prepared for what they're getting into."

((I have more exposition, but I'll pause here to allow Sarm a chance to respond to Suvne first))
Sarm nods, "I will mention your arriving with the couple of thousand persons."

Just before he starts creating the message, he tells her, "I do have reason to suspect that that an attack on your party is certain which worries me greatly. Though I have entrusted you with a relic, if it comes down it I believe putting the safety of the others higher is more important, so feel free to use it as a weapon if necessary."

The message he send would be to Luna as he doesn't know anybody else personally in the Seminary and would apologize that he wasn't able to send it through any proper channels. He would ask for Clerical aid as well as tell them that the city is evacuating a mass of people their way with a Paladin seeking to learn about Pelor overseeing them.

Once he sends the message, he says to her, "I do not think they will like that so many people are walking into their seminary, but at least they will be more prepared for it."


Whenever it is nighttime and Sarm is in his room to rest for the night, his prayers ask for victory and the safety of all of the men tomorrow and the safety of the people being evacuated. He would give hope that Suvne would find what she seeks. He would then start to express concerns as he prays.
Has he offended Quintis in some way? Perhaps he has held the Rod in too high regard and failed to convey that Pelor is great even without it? He feels that his character may be in question but isn't sure why.
Sarm neither feels nor hears any reply to his prayer, and in fact feels rather far removed from Pelor since relinquishing the rod to Suvne. He drifts to sleep, troubled by the events which are soon to unfold.


A blaring cacophony of horns wakes you ((and by "you", I mean everybody)) from your slumber. It feels like it's two in the morning, and for those of you with time pieces, it is indeed 2:23.

The horns are coming from outside; as you regain lucidity, you recognize them as the town's emergency warning system. You rush to equip yourself as best you can, and hurry outside.

You are met with chaos. The streets are swarmed with hapless, blurry-eyed civilians and frantic soldiers scurrying to get into position.

"They're right on top of us! Coming from the east!" you hear someone say.

You see the archers on top of the walls hard at work, firing arrows into the night at some unseen foe, while men with melee weapons barrel into the defensive structures that were just built earlier in the day. Some of the soldiers are attempting to get civilians to take refuge inside, but that's a losing proposition as long as the horns are blaring.

A black lightning bolt strikes from the sky, and where it hits, a portal - a jagged rift in space - is torn open. A stream of orcish berserkers charges through it, clad in green, and they begin attacking every living creature they see.

The siege of Alydar has begun.

((I am going to try an experiment here: I'm going to give each of you narrative power. I want you to tell the story of the siege. Imagine what happens to your character during the struggle, and have him react to it. You can describe anything you want as happening to the city and it's people, and you can put dialogue into the mouths of NPCs. Think of it as having DM authority, with the following rules:

-You have to follow the perspective of your character the entire time
-You have to remain standing and conscious by the end of your post
-You can't end the battle; it will still be in progress after all of you finish your chapters

You can describe yourself as performing whatever heroic acts you like, without needing to roll for them, and anything you describe will not count against your spells per day or anything like that.

So, for example, Valerie could say that she goes around town creating spectral illusions to distract hostiles from the real people, and that wouldn't use up any of her spells if she were to get in an actual combat afterwards.

Have fun with it and be creative. I'm interested to see how the battle goes :)


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'd say treat it as more of a basic guideline and not 100%. All those features included, like the shopping district, tavern, mayor's mansion and church all actually do exist and I tried to position them according to TheLunarian's instruction. But the rest was just freeform really, so if you want to add or change something on the map feel free, it's not something I went over in super detail that you have to stick to or anything. My post coming soon tonight. Also lol @ Val looting, what an incorrigible rogue.))
The portal is in the middle of the city, yes. And Jackben's map is fine to use, but like he said, it's subject to change for narrative convenience.

Mike M

Nick N
((Last question... I would understand it if it were declared cheating, but Val *is* a glorified thief, and would probably have little little difficulty justifying to himself looting the market district for better gear if the opportunity presented itself...

Okay, guess that's more of a leading statement than a question...))
((You are welcome to do that by describing what sort of gear you're looting in general terms (such as "A sword"), and when we get to a place where you would need hard stats, I'll tell you exactly what you got. Just remember that we've established that armor is in short supply, and none of the vendors would have any in stock))
((There honestly isn't much heroics I want to do besides healing stuff and maybe a fire spell, I am probably going to wait and play off of somebody else's post.))
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