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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Taking direction from Quintus, Tarkus marches into the academy with enthusiasm. As they pass between the giant statues, the crowd begins to thin of revelers. There is an air of nobility and refinement as cloaked, pale-skinned mages carrying books walk by with determined faces. Surprised by the presence of students still on campus he wonders aloud "All work and no play for some...?"

As they come to what appears to be the center of the campus Tarkus stops as he hears the crash and clang of what sound to be weaponry. He turns and pauses a moment to observe several people practicing with exotic weapons, sparring against each other and alone in what appears to be a training area, the kind with sandbags and wooden practice dummies to whack. The half-orc watches with keen interest, his eyes sparkling. As Quintus pokes him forward he whispers "Memory...remembering when scarecrows were most targeted enemies to Tarkus' blade."

As Quintus quickly describes probable location of the tournament sign-up he has trouble concentrating but nods until the fiery-haired mage quickly departs. Making his way in the direction he thinks Quin mentioned, he wonders how such an influential and yet mixed disciplinary school came to be. "More to Emerald Bay than meets eye."

Looking around he notices that the main area appears to be split into two distinct schools: an observatory with a giant telescope, library with glowing door and many tightly packed buildings Tarkus assumes are classrooms appear to cover the land on one side; the other section is populated by far fewer buildings but the ones present are very large and surrounded by what appear to be athletic sport and the previously seen training areas.

Finally spotting several tables set up and people lined up he recognizes the fliers and gets in line to sign up for the tournament. While waiting to reach the front, he overhears some other participants talking about the tournament and asks what they know. One of them is helpful enough to pass along registration papers and he notices an addition to the categories: Team Slayer Tournament. He registers his own name: Tarkus Rook in a clean scrawl and also inquires about the procedure entrants and the deadline for Team tournament registration.
Quintus is no great story teller, but tells Ridley the story of his adventures as best he can. He doesn't leave much out as he trusts him and is pretty sure he'd know if he was lying anyways, as well as being fairly certain he'd be able to find out anything he left out if he really wanted to know. He saves one detail for last though... one of the artifacts is here, and he'd appreciate some help finding and securing it.

"I know the Academy has already been infiltrated, in fact when my group teleported here I felt like the presence watching us was getting closer, so if we can find it quickly... and quietly, that would be great. Also, if you know anything that could keep some as powerful as the Lens from being able to peek on us, that would be extremely useful."
Val's efforts to seek out a worthwhile gambling organization prove frustratingly fruitless, as small-potatoes dorm betting pools are the best option he can find; even the most extravagant among them only have a grand total of about 500 gold available in winnings.

As for the rules of tournament sign-ups, all events are still open for the next two days; after that is one more day to allow the organizers time to adjust to the lineup, and then the tournament begins. Each day, the combatants in the main tournament are expected to arrive in the waiting room of the Colosseum, where training grounds, refreshments, and rest areas are provided until the time comes for combat.

Powerful safety enchantment systems are in place, to keep anyone from getting seriously hurt; any magic weapon with an enchantment less than +10 will automatically deal non lethal damage, as well as any spell of a level lower than 9. Clerics are on hand in case any sort of unforeseen injury slips through the cracks. When a fighter is unconscious or helpless (or the entire team, in the case of the final tournament), the match is over and the opponent wins.

Most of the side events are mainly for people of specific disciplines to battle each other, for significantly smaller prize pools - usually no more than 1000 gold to the winner. These don't take place in the Colosseum proper; rather, there will be various staging areas around town and campus for these smaller affairs.


Ridley listens to Quintus's take with an indecipherable expression on his face. At the mention of the school possibly being infiltrated, he seems to grow sad. "Truth be told, my boy, I wouldn't be surprised. You've no doubt heard that we have a new Headmaster, and I don't trust the man one bit. I've no particular reason for that, mind you; something simply doesn't sit right in the pit of my stomach. I suppose I shouldn't talk poorly of my new superior without any proof, but to the Nine Hells with it - I'm an old man and have nothing to lose. I suspect he's at least had dealings with this Arm of Vecna cult; he has something of an air of dark magic about him. I can't confirm it without revealing my suspicions to him, though.

"As for the one spying on you, I can tell you right now that I can't help you unless you know who it is or have an item of his, or else I would've sensed it the moment you walked through the door. I also am afraid I can't do much to cancel out the magic of a god; I am, after all, only a mere mortal.

"I may be able to find out something regarding the artifact you suspect is hidden here, but I'll need time. Give me a day or three to do some research and I shall get back to you."


In their efforts to chat up the local population and tease out information that my be helpful in obtaining the relic, Suvne and Sarm stumble upon a professor who happens to be knowledgeable about the history of the College. It seems that this area, before the college was built, used to be home to two churches - one devoted to Erythnul, god of slaughter, and the other devoted to Mayaheine, goddess of justice and magic. An intense rivalry existed between the two churches, but for some unknown reason, over time the religious aspect of that rivalry diminished, and finally the two factions joined forces under the leadership of Caragon, who founded the Emerald Bay Academy.
Upon hearing of the gods known in this area, Sarm tries to recall any memory of his studies and if he remembers more in-depth personalities and powers of them, which might hint towards what the relic or relics might be.

Sarm's Knowledge: Religion for Erythnul & Mayaheine, 1d20 + 13, rolled 15 = 28
Another Knowledge: Religion in case you want separate checks for each diety, rolled 4 = 17​
Thanks Ridley and exits, then begins looking for Tarkus. He'll start with tournament sign up tables. Whether or not he finds Tarkus, he signs up himself into the Junior Alumni division then checks out the Open division and is surprised to see(or hear if Tarkus is there) there is a Team Tournament this year. Though not sure if the others would be interested, he has little doubt he and Tarkus alone could prove a formidable match for quite a few opponents so signs himself up as well. He also lets Tarkus know of Rubio's current location, the city of Southport.
Sarm recalls that Erythnul's favored weapon is definitely the two-handed great axe; he was (and still is) revered by the Minotaurs, which is why they tend to wield that weapon. He is less certain about Mayaheine's favored weapon, but at least knows that she is preoccupied with protecting and insulating herself and her followers from harm, and likes to employ barriers both physical and magical for that task.
Sarm knows about one god at least, the very warlike one of the Minotaurs. Knowing that the Minotaurs still hold Erythnul with such high regard implies that the Minotaurs themselves still exist. He thinks... Would Mayaheine even need a favored weapon with her protective magic? It seems unlikely to him. If she has one it's likely more of a defensive application or a catalyst for magic.

Sarm speculates that if Erythnul had his own relic, it could be a two-handed axe that he's well known for, and if Mayaheine has her own, it would most likely be an exceptional magical item like most they know of. Again, speculation.

He then remembers based on Quintis' findings that these are two of the gods that are uncertain what their relics are. He then wonders the possibility that there could be a single relic connected to the both of them, due to the history of the college and "unknown reason" for the rivalry to end. Sarm then asks the professor, "So it was never known what caused the sects to eventually dwindle and the rivalry to end?"
((Forgot to mention that Quintus can easily find Tarkus around campus))

"Well," says Professor Langdon to Sarm as he strokes his short brown beard, "Just over two hundred years ago, a savage hurricane tore into the coast of Emerald Bay and brought with it an invasion of creatures from deep within the sea. With little choice if they wanted to survive, the two factions joined forces under the leadership of Caragon the Conqueror and fought off the invaders, then proceeded to rebuild and begin work on constructing this fine learning institution.

"I also believe - and this is just speculation on my part, mind you - that the rivalry between the two congregations was perhaps not quite so fierce as many believe. There is evidence that the two factions periodically collaborated in celebrations and rituals long before Caragon united them. It's actually on my back burner to write a thesis on this very topic. Perhaps during the next summer recess.

"I really must be going. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady." The professor kisses Suvne on the hand and smiles at her before turning around and moving on.
Smile smiles and gives a short bow to the professor respectfully, and says in genuine thanks, "Thank you kindly for your time. This establishment has proven to have interesting stories of its past. I wish you luck in your teaching endeavors." When the professor leaves, he gives a hearty pat on Suvne's shoulder like a man would to his son, and then moves on to find Quintis and Tarkus again.

He is glad he asked that last question, because he now knows there was a hurricane that brought an invasion of creatures, and there is also this Caragon the Conquerer. He isn't sure it would be a relic that brought a hurricane or simply the power of the invading creatures.

When everyone is finally at Quintis' house and completely regrouped, at some point he'll take the time to relay the information he learned to the rest of the party.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus is observing another group of students practicing in the training grounds when he feels a tap on his side. He turns to greet Quintus. "Hail. Good news from teacher?" Listening to Quin relay the information about Rubio's whereabouts he nods and cracks his knuckles menacingly. "Sneaky gnome due for nasty hangover. After business conclude here, should be next target."

Tarkus sees a few scrolls tucked into Quintus' cloak and recognizes the sigil. "You fight also?" He pulls out his own registration scroll and also a blank sign-up for entry into the Team Tournament. "Cannot wait to test mettle in such fights, most efforts never seen; this battle seen by many." While pitching the Team Tournament fight to Quin he finds him receptive to the idea, even if it ends up being a 2v2 effort.

"Haha! Twin terrors of emerald disciplines, green and red, axe and arcane." he laughs at his reverie and then puts on a serious face. "But no, sure we can convince at least V to join team, maybe E." He thinks a moment and scratches his chin. "Not sure how holy type feel about tournament." He paces a bit and pauses to watch one of the training students execute a rather devastating slash to one of the practice dummies.

"Worth ask for heals and protect magicks though."

Following their discussion Tarkus takes the lead, once more letting Quintus direct him in the direction of town to regroup with the rest of the party before congregating at the Mallory family home.
The party reconvenes somewhere in town, whereupon Quintus leads them all to his parents' house, near the middle of the city. Looking at it from the outside, with its smooth, arced stones walls and shuttered windows, it's not exactly a mansion, but it is larger than the average home. It is lacking in decorations for the celebration. When Quintus knocks on the black ebony-carved wooden door, it takes a few knocks before someone finally opens it.

"Quintus!" The woman looks incredibly young (and attractive) to have a child Quintus's age, but all the resemblances bear out: the fiery red hair, the facial structure, and the mannerisms. Quintus also never mentioned having any sisters, so this must be his mother. She steps forward and embraces him. "Rupert, come say hello to your son!"

"What did youvsay, Dahlia? Who's at the door?" A tall, lean man comes to the doorway. He has blond hair and bright green eyes. "Son," he says happily. "We were hoping you'd come calling during Tourney Week. Come in!"

Both of Quintus's parents are dressed like they are at the very forefront of fashion, with tailor-made garments made of the finest silks and linens, boots of crocodile skin, and assorted stylish accessories, no doubt made of precious metals and ivories(even though they seem to just be lounging about in their house). Their house is filled with finely upholstered furnishings, and the walls are lined with the works of skilled painters.

"Let's get you out of those rags you have on and into something more becoming of the Mallory n--" Rupert turns to look at Quintus and seems surprised to find the rest of the party following behind his son. "Oh my. Quintus, you didn't tell us you'd be bringing your servants in. I... Wait, is that an orc?! Dahlia, fetch my crossbow. Quickly, before it thinks to attack."

"An Orc? In my house? I..." Dahlia quickly trails off as she turns around and makes eye contact with Val. Her eyes widen and a half-drunk smile appears on her lips. "Why hello there," she says, making a beeline to shake Val's hand. "It seems my son has excellent taste when it comes to picking his servants." She is staring into Val's eyes dreamily now, apparently having forgotten all about Tarkus already.
Sarm's eyes flicker at the various decor improving the couple's perceived status. He feels very awkward and wary in entering the home with little room for politeness on his part.

At the mention of crossbow, Sarm immediately stands himself in front of Tarkus to shield him and also send a message through this action that he is not to be harmed. Sarm can heal himself from a single bolt, so it is not a loss if he were shot.

He eases up a bit when the mother calls Val a servant and seems to have forgotten Tarkus. He looks to Val to see how he plays it off.

Mike M

Nick N
Val doesn't seem to take much offense to being mistaken as a servant. It is a role he's played frequently, after all, no one has access to an estate's valuables like the help. He doesn't exactly disabuse them of this notion immediately, not wanting to embarrass Quintus.

"Charmed, madam Mallory," he says in velvet tones as he takes Dhalia's hand and bows graciously to kiss the back of it. "Kaff Reyneel at your service. I would humbly request that you stay your husband's hand against our dear friend Tarkus, however. Seeking fortune in the world is not without its peril, and we would all be the worse off for not having a good, loyal half-orc looking to intercede in altercations on the behalf of your beloved son."
Dahlia giggles and blushes like a school girl, clearly surprised by Val's way with words, and at a loss for her own.

Rupert seems to get the message, however, and relaxes considerably. "I see, so the beast has been trained. My mistake. Very well, it can take up with the dogs. Our own servants are off on vacation for the tourney festival, but I believe they left more than enough food for this Tarkus to not be left wanting. As for the rest of you, you may take up in the servants' quarters. The lady, of course, can share my son's bed." He gestures at Suvne, and all the color drains from her face; she looks briefly at Quintus, blushes, and then looks at Sarm, desperate for guidance of some kind.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I actually do forget that Suvne is female outside of these happenstances. We're just such equal opportunity ass kickers it's easy to forget!))

Tarkus is temporarily distracted by the luxurious fashion and interior decor of the home as the senior Mallorys embrace their son. Already feeling a bit out of sorts, his muscles tense rigid when Quintus' father mentions grabbing a crossbow and his mother exclaims at having an Orc in the house. As Sarm moves in front of him and speaks up on his behalf he lets out a slow breath, his eye twitching a moment before he looks away. Swallowing in place of speech, he steps back a bit as Val rolls with the servitude explanation.

As the Mallory's are temporarily distracted he whispers thanks to Sarm before speaking to Val. Before he can say a word, Quin's father speaks up and he takes another deep breath before nodding in a rigid mannery. "Fine...to stay with...dogs." He closes his eyes and stays near the back of the group for the remainder of the conversation while trying to appear as relaxed nonthreatening as is possible for an armored Half-Orc. Only listening a bit to save himself the frustration, his ears nonetheless perk up at the mention of Suvne's ladyship. He's never really looked at Suvne in that way, despite fighting many battles with her since Alydar and joining up with the relic hunters around the same time. A paladin of Pelor and a fierce and unwavering loyalty as a warrior but he supposes she is a woman after all and she does appear have a natural beauty.

Seeing her blush, he laughs and makes a mental note to tease about it later.
With her childlike need for guidance, Sarm is compelled to speak up, "Sir Mallory, Mr. Reyneel may be our servant.." Val just became much busier being the whole party's servant and not just Quintis', "but the rest of us are simply fellow companions, the Lady and Half-orc included."
"Yes, dad. These are my friends, not my servants... Expect Kaff apparently. Tarkus gets a room just like everyone else and Sauve can have one to herself, unless she'd wants some company... Ahem. And if it has to be my room, so be it." He then turns and looks at Kaff, mouthing the words 'Don't even think about it.'
((I've been waiting forever for an appropriate time to use this song: Suikoden - Theme of Perversion))

A smile, filled with pride, forms on Rupert's face. "Of course, son. It will be as you say. We're just happy to have you home, even if for a short time."

The evening marches on, with Quintus's parents continuing to offend and/or embarrass various members of the party one by one, usually not intentionally. Dahlia doesn't stop flirting with Val, and occasionally even turns her charms toward Sarm, citing his "exotic complexion" as an attractive quality. After dinner and tea, alongside a healthy helping of awkward moments, finally the party finds themselves alone and able to talk business and compare notes.

Mike M

Nick N
Val hasn't been chasing the same lines of inquiry as everyone else, and shares the greatest discovery he's made since arriving in Emerald Bay

"Your dad is a bit of a racist git, isn't he? Have your parents always been so... strange?"
Sarm would simply respond to Quintis' mom with an awkward smile and a quick nod. He would prefer not to hide in the closet again for several practical reasons.

Taking a breath, Sarm is able to sit down, pulling his cape up behind him as he does so. "In a city that has seen many full blooded orcs as well." He doesn't realize that is most likely WHY. "Thankfully we reasoned with them and earned their politeness."

When it is his turn to discuss his findings, he talks about his findings, "I have learned from one of the teachers that, about two hundred years ago, the followers of Erythnul and Mayaheine were opposing rivals due to their opposed gods. A great hurricane brought invaders to this land, and a leader by the name of Caragon the Conquerer joined the followers of Erythnul and Mayaheine, or at least who used to be followers due to the now diminishing faiths, into battle against the unknown creatures."

He clears his throat and begins to add, "There are details I was not able to ask further, such as how the hurricane was summoned, what the creatures were, and though I asked there has not been a real reason why the followers had become less devout and less caring of their faith to allow themselves to join forces. Now... I can't say for certain it was a relic, but a relic's power of a great god could certainly transpire such events if you asked me."

He looks to Quintis, "Do you know anything about this Caragon, seeing as you are familiar with Emerald Bay?"
((Unless Quintus is trained in Knowledge History and rolls very well (I can't access his character sheet on my iPhone so I don't know), he knows even less than what Sarm just told him))
"M'Lord," Suvne chimes in after Sarm, "Don't forget the bit about the Axe and the protective item that could be possible relics. Gives us a place to start looking while the tournament is going on."
Sarm says, "Well, I only surmise the specific relics could be those based on the personalities of the two gods here but it does seem likely in any case. However, the story I was told seemed to have nothing to do with any relic at first glance. I feel much is still to be learned."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus is relieved for the reduced tensions thanks to Sarm but remains quiet for the rest of the evening of roller coaster family fued. Once they are alone he sighs in relief and loosens the straps on his armour as the party gathers to speak. When Val pipes up with derision he grunts in reply. "Is what it is, V. Can't choose parent and Quin lucky to have family alive. Double so as many of us don't..."

He listens carefully as Sarm describes what he's learned about the ancient disciples and followers united under Caragon the Conqueror. "Admit was surprise to learn of split discipline. Never know Emerald Bay place of arcane AND martial student. When on campus with Q, witness strong student training. Fierce fighters indeed."

Remembering the tournament sign-up he pulls out the registration papers he got earlier and smooths them out upon the table. "Speaking of fight, Tarkus and Quin sign up for solo battles. Also find this" Tarkus taps the team tournament registration. He looks around the room and pauses on Sarm and Suvne. "Not sure how feel about participate but..." He looks at Val "heavy prize pool and..." he looks back to Sarm "maybe chance to learn more from tournamnent."
Knowledge History: 1d20+11 => 9 + 11 = 20

((I'm guessing that is a no on that bit of information!))

Quintus responds to Val "First off, that's my dad. And second, yes, they are strange. But then, aren't parents always a little strange?" then turns to address Sarm, "Hmm... Caragon? Sorry I'm drawing a blank here."

Mike M

Nick N
Val holds his hands up before him in apology to his slight to Quintus' father. "I didn't mean to offend, I just expected to see a little more of you in your parents and a little less... xenophobia. Dhalia was kindly enough, though. If she weren't your mother, I'd probably be well on my way to wrecking their home and sifting for baubles of value in the rubble. Er... What I mean is... Sarm! What was that part about hurricanes and monsters from the deep again?"

After listening to the result of everyone else's investigations (since he never got further than unsuccessfully trying to ferret out illicit gambling), he muses aloud. "Like Tarkus, I had thought the academy to be chiefly the magical variety. This being the seat of veneration of two gods raises the possibility there may actually be two relics here.

"The relics that we actually know where they were hidden prior to their acquisition were all located in places of great import to their respective gods. I'll bet the lot of you that what we're looking for is in the bowels of the academy, probably some place long forgotten. Else wise the Arm would already have it -- or them -- in their clutches.

"We need free run of that campus. Even better if we can get access to their archives and see if we can't find some sort of map or blueprints of the buildings." Eying Tarkus' registration form, Val weighs that option carefully. "The tourney prize is most substantial, and I'm currently traveling much lighter in the wallet than usual. It'd give us a reason to be wandering around, though I am uncertain if it would afford us more excuse than any other spectator. It's sure to draw a large crowd, which could mean other areas of academy would be left sparsely populated. I may actually be of more use outside the arena if we need to be doing some breaking and entering..."
Knowledge History: 1d20+11 => 9 + 11 = 20

((I'm guessing that is a no on that bit of information!))

Quintus responds to Val "First off, that's my dad. And second, yes, they are strange. But then, aren't parents always a little strange?" then turns to address Sarm, "Hmm... Caragon? Sorry I'm drawing a blank here."

((Eh, 20 isn't too bad. You pretty much knew everything Sarm said, but you also happen to know that the hurricane was the result of wizardry from a freakishly powerful Merfolk mage who used his powers to become the leader of his people, and then went insane and tried to wage war on the land-walkers. Unfortunately for him, Caragon stopped him before he could make any headway, uniting the religious factions under one banner and putting the merfolk-wizard to the sword (or, in this case, to the axe; Caragon's weapon of choice was a two-handed great axe, which some say was infused with the power of the gods). The rest of the merfolk retreated back to the depths of the ocean, and haven't been heard from since that attack, over 200 years ago.

Also I'm going to assume that you share this info with everyone, so you don't have to restate it, and everyone else can act like they already heard it))
Sarm repeats what he had said about the hurricanes and creatures to Val, agreeing that it's a fantastic backstory at play. Hearing Quintis' story, Sarm nods, "Your knowledge does bring much light to the story. Then it is settled, we will be looking for a great Axe with great power. We still need to find out what Mayaheine's relic is and its role in the story, though."

When handed the registration pamphlet, Sarm nods, "The tournament doesn't interest me still, but I will still help you in the team competition. Sunve, do you wish to enter?" ((I actually wouldn't mind entering her in a solo tournament as well, that might be interesting.))
((I don't know what's happened to Ganyun. Hopefully he's okay, but I'm going to move along without him for now. If he shows back up then cool, he can just jump back in))

Suvne gives some serious thought to the question. Finally she answers, "If we are staying for the tournament and you do not require my services in some other way, then yes, I would like to enter the competition, M'Lord."

Before the night is over, Quintus recalls one more fact about Caragon the Conqueror that had escaped him until now: He was a Minotaur. Minotaurs are relatively rare in this world, but there is a small community of them, spread out over the continent.

With some semblance of a strategy worked out, the party retires for the evening, and spends the next few days leading up to the tournament (plus the first few days of the tournament, presumably, unless they would like to watch the student competitors battle it out) either training, or scouting.

((Gonna give everyone an opportunity to describe their activities over the next few days in-game, and if anything requires further exploration then we'll deal with it as it comes. Once that's done with, we will move on to Quintus's competition in the Junior Alumni Division))

Mike M

Nick N
((Hoping it's just taking longer than expected for him to get his internet back up and running.))

"Well, I would be remiss in my status as a gentleman if I were to eschew the tournament battle when the fine lady in our party is going to be participating," Val declares as he signs his pseudonym to the registration form along side Quintus' and Tarkus' names. He's still a bit nervous about the idea of combat after the thorough thrashing he received in his last encounter, but that's why there's spells and clerics on site, right?


The next morning, Val gets down to business of teasing out whatever details of the location of the presumed artifact he can. Donning his scholar's clothing and secreting away his lock picking set, he stashes his rapier and leather armor in the fathomless haversack along with the rest of the party's gear. Gazing into the plain, unadorned mirror of the servant's quarters in which he is temporarily residing, he again looks the part of the original presentation of Kaff Reyneel he made to the company seemingly so long ago. Only now with a beard.

"Kaff" is more than just the clothing though, it's the gait, the cadence, the elocution, a thousand little details that go into being a person and not just a name. Wrapped up in the disguise of his alter ego, Val heads to the campus in the hopes of investigating the location and fate of the fabled minotaur's axe, along with any other information that might prove valuable.

If one were to ask Val how to go about an infiltration in plain sight such as this, he would advise the same thing that has been drilled into his mind over the years: The biggest component to success is looking like you belong. If you present yourself in a manner that you expect people to know who you are and what you're doing there, people's minds tend to fill in the blanks of their own accord and comply, almost eagerly even. Despite having never before visited the campus, a lifetime of spending idle hours in libraries and museums has familiarized Val with the way learned institutions tend to order themselves, and he's largely able to navigate the buildings and their contents over the days in search of information with a fairly good idea of where to go to find it.

Gather Information check:  1d20 + 2 = 22
((Dat cloak of charisma + 2!))
Val's efforts pay dividends, as he immediately stumbles upon a lead in one of the on-campus libraries. There is an entire specially-prepared section of books all about Caragon the Conqueror, since as it turns out, this tournament (along with its accompanying celebration) is actually called the "203rd annual Caragon the Conqueror Memorial Tournament".

The section is manned by a lonely-looking lady wearing a large pair of glasses; she hasn't had many visitors, and is eager to answer any and all questions that Val might care to ask. Upon mentioning the fabled magical battleaxe that was used to decapitate the mad merfolk wizard king, the woman produces a book that comprehensively outlines in great detail the history of the battle and exactly what transpired.

An entire chapter of the book is dedicated to the weapon, but Val only needs to look at the first page of that chapter to find all he needs to know. On that page is a picture of the Minotaur statue at the entrance to the campus - the one holding the axe -, and the caption under it reads in tiny print, "Pictured: Statue honoring Caragon the Conqueror and his legendary battle axe."
Sarm considers spending the first days of the week performing traveling cleric duty for those in need and for those who wish to let the good within themselves overcome their vices, but he decides it is time to to explore the other side of the story, the one of Mayaheine's followers and her philosophy and methods. Since Val is already gathering information and he is not a student at the academy, he decides to take a different approach by seeking out any remaining worshipers of Mayaheine left in the very secular city and ask about her followers' roles, and maybe even important figures. If he manages to find a church, he would observe the imagery presented there to learn of her particular symbols and events that are depicted in picture.

He brings Suvne with him again both because her beauty and authority tends to make men more polite in her presence, and because this could be a learning experience for both of them.

Sarm - Gather Information: 1d20, rolled 17
Suvne - Gather Information: 1d20 + 3, rolled 4 = 7​
Quintus first heads out and buys what he thinks will be a useful spell, Mirror Image, Greater, which he will alter copy into his spell book, after that, he decides to go do some research... on the his up coming opponents in the Junior Alumni Tourney, and general tips on how to win one on one battles like this.

Gather Info(using K local): 16 + 10 + 1 = 27


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus decides to spend the few days prior to the tournament exploring the superb training facilities and sparring pits on the Academy campus. He intends to utilize and socialize, exercising as much as possible and using the information imparted by Sarm and Quintus towards speaking with martial students about Caragon and the Minotaurs. Meaning to use his newly acquired greataxe +3 in his training and the tournament, he tries to practice as much as possible and bring it up in discussions concerning how Caragon himself once wielded such a weapon. He intends to try and push his limits the first day and then settle into endurance training and discussion in the subsequent time so as to be in fit shape by the time of the events.

Knowing the truest way to earn the respect and comradery of a warrior is through demonstrating strength and courage, he trains as hard as he can, savagely going through each routine with gusto and verve; saving his fiercest moves for when other students are training nearby. Finishing his sets he times his breaks to coincide with other training students for maximum chance at questioning.

Intimidate: 1d20 [14] + [11] = 25
Quintus uses his free time to find and chat up some old acquaintances to see what he can find out about his competition. He learns that there are over a hundred junior alumni, comprised of roughly equal numbers between the two halves of the academy, so it would be impractical to scout everyone participating; however, there are two combatants who are generating buzz: A barbarian named Grozoth, who has somehow managed to tattoo himself with arcane symbols that allow him to replicate magical effects. One of those magical effects is an Anti-Magic Field, which would be deadly against any caster opponent. He is a favorite to make it pretty far in the competition.

There is also a Cleric in the competition, which is odd, because the school doesn't have a curriculum for aspiring clerics; looking into it further, it seems that he studied wizardry while at the Academy, and then began to study Divine magicks once he ventured out into the world. He is only noteworthy because of his unusual class, and does not appear to be a favorite.

The event is single-elimination, and the pairings are entirely random each round. After round four (roughly halfway through the tournament, depending on how many participants there are), there will be a break, long enough for wizards to replenish their spells and for barbarians to replenish their Rage allotments. The same will happen right before the finals, so that the finalists can both be at their full strength.


Tarkus's stint in the training grounds seems to go well. His attempts to show off his combat prowess are mostly successful, especially to the non-Orc trainees; some of the Orcish and half-Orcish trainees are somewhat less impressed, and take the opportunity to put their own abilities on display. Though Tarkus notes that they tend to hit much harder than he does, they also frequently leave themselves wide open when they attack; that will be useful to know during the competition.


The holy duo of Sarm and Suvne spends quite a bit of time navigating through the giant party that is Emerald Bay, in search of a church or shrine to Mayaheine, and after a few hours of asking for directions and wading through seas of people, they come upon a small shrine, perhaps the size of the Magistrate's office back at Ruby Keep - it's a very small building. Upon their entry, a woman steps out of a doorway to greet them.

"Welcome," she says pleasantly, "What can I do for you? I should warn you that we have no alcohol here; you may want to go back outside for that."

Though the room is small, the space within is used well. A small statue of a female deity is on the altar near the back wall, and it holds a shield - a shield very similar to the one held by the enormous statue at the entrance to the campus. Similar shields are also hung along the walls, amid painted depictions of what must be the goddess Mayaheine - always holding a shield. The artwork doesn't seem to display any specific events, though there is one painting that seems to be cut off at the edge, as though its other half was cut off. In that picture, Mayaheine is facing toward the cut-off edge, with her shield lowered and her arm outstretched.

Mike M

Nick N
Val returns to Quintus' childhood home and shares his discoveries.

"Caragon's axe is quite well described in scholarly literature, it's clear that the weapon holds a great deal of importance for the citizens of Emerald Bay. Every depiction of Caragon seems to portray him holding the axe, and they are consistent with one another. I believe it's safe to say we know what it looks like.

"Unfortunately, nothing I read today made mention of where it is. If I had to guess, the works I perused today probably assumed the reader already had some familiarity with its final disposition. My guess would be a tomb or museum. I can begin again in the morning."
Sarm smiles back, explaining who they are "Oh, that is fine. We are followers of Pelor curious about a goddess of good."

Looking to the symbols, Sarm realizes that he had forgotten about the shield on the statue from awhile back. Regardless, he would probably come here anyhow to learn more about it. He looks to one of the drawings inscribed on the wall and asks, "I see that the symbol of a shield is featured prominently. Was it something the goddess used to defend others?"

He walks around the shrine a bit more, before finding the incomplete picture that is seen. Mayaheine seems to be making herself vulnerable and making a gesture of good will and peace. Remembering the stories about Caragon which most likely depict the unseen half of the picture, he decides instead to ask the woman about what he can see, "Did the goddess Mayaheine ever visit this plane at any time in history?"
The woman seems surprised that she's not dealing with drunken party-goers who wandered into the church by mistake, and gladly fields Sarm's questions.

"Well you see, there is no record of the Goddess visiting this world herself; these depictions are merely artists' renderings of what they believe her to look like." Upon glancing again at the various representations, they are all slightly, yet noticeably, different in the finer details.

"As for the shield being put to good use, it is the belief of this church that the Shield of Mayaheine has always protected Emerald Bay, whether in physical form or simply by virtue of its presence. You may or may not be familiar with the tale of Caragon the Conqueror," and the woman gives a brief overview of the story that Sarm is already familiar with, "But it is said that Caragon wielded the Shield of Mayaheine in his battles against the relentless forces of the Mad Merfolk King. What became of it is, of course, anyone's guess; after the battle was won and the denizens of the deep retreated, it is said that the Shield was put on display for all the world to see, but the rest of the tale is lost to history."
Interesting, Sarm thinks. Caragon is revered here the most even above the god of the minotaurs but Mayaheine still holds credit for the shield despite Caragon apparently having used it. Wait.. "On display for the world?" he asks.

He also ponders that the two items were used at once. With the incident of having touched the Hand of Vecna, he remembers conflict between the gods within him, so the two must surely have been in agreement to allow Caragon to use both relics. Either that, or there is truly something special about Caragon. He'll be sure to point that out in the meeting.
Quintus decides to buy more spell scrolls! Orb of Fire, Shrink Item, Telekinesis and Wall of Force... must have... all the spells... for a total of 3325 gold((i should really telelport back to Ayldar for the discount or something...)) and then another 2100 writing all these spells, including greater mirror image, into his book.((damn i need that blessed book))

While at home, he tells Sarm, "I doubt he is that special, at least in this particular case. I had both the arm and the boots for a while and never had a problem, I think in the case of the arm and the rod, they just really don't like each other and your connection to Pelor only made it worse for you."


bitch I'm taking calls.
With the sun setting at the close of the week, Tarkus views the orange hue of the clouds in the sky with the relaxed calm brought on by physical exertion. Taking a deep breath of afternoon air, he relishes the warm burn in his muscles and body, testament to having tightened his reflexes and tempered his strength through his regiment of training. With a final hefty wrench, he pulls his weapon out from its embedded nest in the torso of an oak training dummy. He proceeds to douse himself with a bucket of water and dry his face with a rag before making his way out of the Academy training grounds.

Now confident in practice with the greataxe, he begins to think of his strategy going into the solo tournament having scoped out some of the competition. 'Competition not like to stand still as training scarecrow' he muses. Tarkus makes a point to return early to the Mallory family home so the group can convene and share what they have learned. He finds Quintus information about the other competition and Sarm's additional insight into the lore of Caragon interesting.

"No luck here for anything to share about minotaur or Caragon besides tales we know." He listens to Sarm & Quintus discuss the divine nature of the artifacts and furrows his brow, curious that the artifacts sometimes channel their deity's speech and will. "Not experience that with Boots so far." He shuffles his feet awkwardly, wondering if the travel god has a will for who is wearing his boots or if he is simply pleased with those who travel far in their footsteps.

In discussing the tournament, Tarkus pulls out a whetstone to sharpen his greataxe while recounting what he saw. "Training heavy with other warrior. Many are powerful combatant enrolled in tournament. Attacks have savage power but less discipline, leave them open for counter." He eyes Quintus studiously copying into his spellbook from a nearby scroll when the conversation lulls. "Should of know you have magick plan already working!" he laughs and asks about the tournament schedule. "Student event first to fight?"
((I'll just go ahead and assume that she doesn't actually know where the shield was put on display. Her hint is more than good enough anyway, IMO.))

"I see.. I guess I did not think the idea through.. But I still think it is still significant that it symbolizes the unification of the two powers to fight a common foe. I heard the shield was put on display for the world to see, but I don't know if that still holds true today."

He turns his gaze to Tarkus, "I think I did all I could do to research more. I should spend the rest of the week training to keep my strength up for the team battles." He normally keeps his exercise a private matter, but it might be time to hone his combat abilities especially since he has been reliant on magic for the past several battles. "Tarkus, can you show me to where you have been training?"
((Jackben is out of town for the weekend and will be returning in a few days I think))

The cleric of Mayaheine only reiterates to Sarm that the Shield and the Axe were put on display in a very public location, but she doesn't know where exactly; that was a long time ago.

After two days of he party attempting to figure out where the artifact(s) are located, the student tournaments begin, and the celebration migrates from the streets of Emerald Bay onto the campus of the academy itself. The Colosseum is directly in the middle of campus, and is an impressively large structure, capable of holding thousands of spectators. During the first two days, the stands aren't particularly packed, since it's only freshmen and sophomores clumsily duking it out (the martial students dominate these early battles for the most part). On the third day there's a more respectable turnout, and by day four, as the senior students have their competition, the stands are almost completely full - and the students of the arcane arts are starting to hold their own.

During all of the events, the Headmaster attends and sits in his specially-reserved box. He is a neat man, just barely on the cusp of middle-age, with a strong jawline and a meticulously-trimmed black goatee. His robes are exquisite and befitting of the Headmaster of a prestigious academy. He remains silent and allows the professional announcer to narrate the battles, but rumor has it that he is scheduled to make a speech on the final day of the competition.

Finally, the Senior Division is over (a Wu Jen manages to best a Samurai in the finals), and the Junior Alumni Division Tournament is set to begin....

((Quintus, make up to five Arcana rolls, each one representing a round in the tournament. The DCs for each are 15, then 20, then 25, then 30, then 35. If you fail any of them, stop (and a natural 1 fails no matter what). Use the results of your tournament rounds to tell the story of your run in the tournament. Feel free to make up opponents for yourself, and consider this a narrative exercise; don't feel bound by your spells per day or anything like that. Dramatic flair is encouraged.

The rest of you are welcome to continue describing your search, and/or your training.))

Val, so far you've ventured into most of the important-looking buildings on campus without finding much of use - and in fact, most of them are very easy to get into, since they're essentially open to the public. Basically the only juicy target that you haven't infiltrated yet is the Headmaster's estate, toward the back of campus, and judging by the guards posted around the doors, that will require some finesse.

Evaneth, although physically present, has been somewhat distant lately, mostly keeping his own counsel, and so far has been hesitant to commit to entering the team tournament with the rest of you. None of you see him around town or campus during the day, though each night he has returned to Quintus's house to sleep.
((silly me thought these would be actual fights... though this make sense as watching us do several 1 on 1 fights in a row would probably be boring for the others))

Quintus resists the urge to face palm as he see his first opponent walk into the arena. This guy... he can't remember the name, but he sure remembers the face, or lack there of, as he always wears that stupid tribal mask and probably still calls himself a shaman too. Of course he starts casting summon monster, like always, so Quintus responds with a Black Tentacles and watches them squeeze him till he's finally knocked out.

Battle 1 results:
1D20+22 => [ 3 ] +22 = 25

A loud roar is heard, as a fighter carrying more weapons then Quintus suspects the guy can even count to, begins charging at Quintus. With out even missing a step though, Quintus casts Baleful Polymorph turning him into a squeaking little squirrel. While he'd rather not beat up the little guy now, if that what he has to do... oh well! Quintus hopes his luck continues.

Battle 2 results:
1D20+22 => [ 9 ] +22 = 31

Well, so much for his luck. Fortunately Quintus has never been one to depend on luck so is quite prepared for this particular battle. Before Quintus stands Grozoth, the favorite to win this year... Heh. Not Quintus Mallory has anything to say about it! Quintus begins with casting scorching ray, one of the two misses, but thats no big deal, hitting was never that important anyways. He follows up with Expeditious Retreat, using is rod of Quicken magic and tries to keep a lot of space between him and the barbarian. As expected, Grozoth responds by activated his anti magic field, certain he's already won he slowly approaches Quintus. "Just as planned..." Quintus then takes a small bag and tosses it at Grozoth, he's not the best shoot, but he doesn't need to be in this case, because as soon as the bag enters the anti magic field several large objects, such as boulders and logs, explode out of it, crushing Grozoth under them. Quintus begins cheering for himself a little too soon as moments later, the barbarian roars as he pushes a boulder off of him and charges Quintus in a fit of rage. Unable to move in enough time, Quintus gets a taste of the barbarian's large weapon a few times, but before going down, he is able to escape the anti-magic field and cast telekinesis on the once again tiny objects and fling them at Grozoth, accidentally clipping himself with one in the process, but this time, the big guy stays down.

Battle 3 results:
1D20+22 => [ 4 ] +22 = 26

Quintus thinks to himself, "Why?" as he begins to black out. Everything had been going so well up to this point, but the battle with Grozoth proved he could take this lightly anymore, so why did he go easy on this guy? It's not like Sarm hasn't proven a cleric can be quite the opponent, so why did he go easy on this guy? Quintus catches a glimpse of the man, in his giant form, a product of the Righteous Might spell if memory recalls... Magically, he was sure he had him beat, but in close combat Quintus just didn't stand a chance. Of course he tried to avoid that, but one failed spell and suddenly the guy was on top of him. Thanks to his large size, getting out of range of his melee attacks was tough, which mean casting more spells was nearly impossible, Quintus tried to use his Ring of Silence, but at that point, the cleric wasn't even casting spells anymore, so all it did was allow him to not have to listen to himself scream in pain. Finally he gives in and closes his eyes to rest...

Battle 4 results:
1D20+22 => [ 5 ] +22 = 27

((I really wish I had only done one roll at a time instead of all 5(well 4) at once, at least then I would have been surprised when I lost...))

Mike M

Nick N
Having exhausted all other avenues, by a process of elimination Val concludes that the Headmaster's estate is the last possible location that might hold the information he seeks, or perhaps even the relics themselves.

Spending a day casing the joint, however, proves discouraging. The security is not remiss in any way that he can determine, and while he may be able to take it on together with his siblings, he lacks the time and resources to mount a solo incursion. Besides, it's almost certainly awash in magical alarms and traps and what not, and Val has no aptitude for detecting such safeguards.

Lacking anything more constructive to do, Val attends some of competitions. Sitting in the nosebleed seats, he watches with interest through his spyglass. Only he's not watching the combatants, he's studying the Headmaster. One way or another, the man is almost certainly key to achieving their goal, and Val intends to discern all that he can about him.
Val's method of intelligence-gathering would provide scant details, if Val did not have an aptitude for reading between the lines. Headmaster Nash is almost too spotless. There is not a single crease on one garment of his clothing; his facial expressions are always entirely in line with the mood of the crowd and the goings-on in the arena; his movements are controlled and disciplined to a level that Val has never before witnessed even around the most implacable person he has ever known - his brother, Valance.

In short, something is amiss, and if Val had any money to put on it, he would guess that there is some magical chicanery afoot - though without a more thorough understanding of the arcane arts, the finer details of it escape him.

Upon consulting with Quintus one evening during the tournament, however, Quintus guesses fairly easily that there are two possibilities: One, the Headmaster is not actually present in his seat and is in fact entirely an illusion; or, the other possibility would be that he is projecting an illusion over himself to either conceal something, or simply to put his best foot forward.

After Quintus's rather upsetting defeat in the semifinals of the Junior Alumni Tournament, he and his wounded pride walk away with a consolation prize of 5,000 gold and a platinum medal, honoring how far he made it (the Cleric - who in actuality turned out to be a Mystic Theurge with some slight training as a Barbarian on the side - ended up winning the whole thing).

The Senior Alumni Division is a spectacular display of sorcery and swordplay alike, as many of the instructors from the Academy have entered, and they seem to be competing for showmanship as much as for the win. The casters use their flashiest spells, and the warriors unleash their fanciest footwork, and the crowd drinks up every drop. Quintus does note that his old mentor is not enrolled in the Senior Alumni Division this year, which is odd; he recalls having rooted for Ridley during this tournament in all four of his years as a student. During those tournaments, Ridley made it a point to predict his opponents' actions before they took them, and mock them as he deftly outflanked them every step of the way. This year, Ridley is nowhere to be found.

The next day is the day that much of the attending audience has been waiting for: The Open Division, where anyone - student and non-student alike - is free to enroll. Tarkus and Suvne are the two party members who have enrolled in this division, and as they wait together to determine their pairings they silently size up the competition. There are wizards, samurai, monks, clerics, Paladins, rangers, druids, ninjas, and countless other disciples, whose skill levels run the gamut from novice to master.

It is therefore to Suvne and Tarkus's great dismay to find that, out of all the opponents they could've had, they are scheduled to fight each other in the very first round!

((Sorry you guys, but I'm sure you knew I had to make this happen :) Suvne and Tarkus roll initiative, and whoever gets the highest will go first. I'm not going to interject with my own commentary between rounds like I usually do, so you guys take care of all the flavor text, and also provide your current HP total at the end of each post so that we know when someone gets knocked out. Good luck! Oh and KittenMaster, feel free to actually roleplay as Suvne for this, since Sarm will be in the stands and there won't be any weird "I have to interact with myself" situations.))

As for Val and Quintus, sorry about the lag time here. Usually I try to have something for everyone to do, but this is one of those times that I couldn't quite work it out... though if you can think of something interesting to do during the fights down below, go for it))
Sarm manages to find himself a seat in the stands to watch the events. He doesn't want to be disrespectful by not being around to watch. His watchful gaze is soon stolen by what appears to be a bard by his cheaply dyed clothing and rather thin facial hair lining the face, introducing himself and commenting on Sarm's own semi-classy appearance, and begins talking about past fights for no apparent reason at all. Sarm tries to shake his head, but the bard insists on giving his own commentary on the fights in a storytelling fashion clearly meant to imitate how great epics are told, using broad body language and exaggerating the drama of each move.

Sarm is going to have a long day.


Down below, Suvne walks quietly up to her opponent and looks up to the much taller being. She smiles and nods at him, "Sir, if there is anything I think of how we are matched up, it is that I wish for you to not hold back. I want to see you climb the ranks of this competition."

She politely bows, and then moves back to become prepared to fight herself. She doesn't expect to win, but that is probably for the best. Tarkus is a great enough opponent to have an honor fighting so it will not feel like a waste.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4, rolled 3 = 7​

Mike M

Nick N
Val's eyebrow peaks at Quintus' assessment of Val's surreptitious observations of Headmaster Nash. "Well that hardly inspires confidence now, does it? My mind boggles with the sheer myriad of unseemly activities one could be obfuscating with that sort of trick. At least it's more than what we knew a moment ago, but I can hardly say that it's very helpful on it's own at the moment."


The day of the Open Division competition, Val is once again taking up surveillance of the arena. Watching the headmaster yields nothing that he hasn't already noted before, and he finds himself unable to pay much mind to the competition featuring a familiar paladin going up against an equally familiar half-orc. He has a puzzle to gnaw on in his mind, and as is his habit he can't focus on anything until he's proven how clever he is by unraveling the mystery.

Drumming his fingers on the rail, he tries to step back from the situation and see if there's any other angle that he hasn't come at this problem yet. It may be time to bring in some outside help. What was Quintus' teacher named? Ridley, was it? Val wonders if he can track him down in short order and bounce some ideas off him...
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