bitch I'm taking calls.
Taking direction from Quintus, Tarkus marches into the academy with enthusiasm. As they pass between the giant statues, the crowd begins to thin of revelers. There is an air of nobility and refinement as cloaked, pale-skinned mages carrying books walk by with determined faces. Surprised by the presence of students still on campus he wonders aloud "All work and no play for some...?"
As they come to what appears to be the center of the campus Tarkus stops as he hears the crash and clang of what sound to be weaponry. He turns and pauses a moment to observe several people practicing with exotic weapons, sparring against each other and alone in what appears to be a training area, the kind with sandbags and wooden practice dummies to whack. The half-orc watches with keen interest, his eyes sparkling. As Quintus pokes him forward he whispers "Memory...remembering when scarecrows were most targeted enemies to Tarkus' blade."
As Quintus quickly describes probable location of the tournament sign-up he has trouble concentrating but nods until the fiery-haired mage quickly departs. Making his way in the direction he thinks Quin mentioned, he wonders how such an influential and yet mixed disciplinary school came to be. "More to Emerald Bay than meets eye."
Looking around he notices that the main area appears to be split into two distinct schools: an observatory with a giant telescope, library with glowing door and many tightly packed buildings Tarkus assumes are classrooms appear to cover the land on one side; the other section is populated by far fewer buildings but the ones present are very large and surrounded by what appear to be athletic sport and the previously seen training areas.
Finally spotting several tables set up and people lined up he recognizes the fliers and gets in line to sign up for the tournament. While waiting to reach the front, he overhears some other participants talking about the tournament and asks what they know. One of them is helpful enough to pass along registration papers and he notices an addition to the categories: TeamSlayer Tournament. He registers his own name: Tarkus Rook in a clean scrawl and also inquires about the procedure entrants and the deadline for Team tournament registration.
As they come to what appears to be the center of the campus Tarkus stops as he hears the crash and clang of what sound to be weaponry. He turns and pauses a moment to observe several people practicing with exotic weapons, sparring against each other and alone in what appears to be a training area, the kind with sandbags and wooden practice dummies to whack. The half-orc watches with keen interest, his eyes sparkling. As Quintus pokes him forward he whispers "Memory...remembering when scarecrows were most targeted enemies to Tarkus' blade."
As Quintus quickly describes probable location of the tournament sign-up he has trouble concentrating but nods until the fiery-haired mage quickly departs. Making his way in the direction he thinks Quin mentioned, he wonders how such an influential and yet mixed disciplinary school came to be. "More to Emerald Bay than meets eye."
Looking around he notices that the main area appears to be split into two distinct schools: an observatory with a giant telescope, library with glowing door and many tightly packed buildings Tarkus assumes are classrooms appear to cover the land on one side; the other section is populated by far fewer buildings but the ones present are very large and surrounded by what appear to be athletic sport and the previously seen training areas.
Finally spotting several tables set up and people lined up he recognizes the fliers and gets in line to sign up for the tournament. While waiting to reach the front, he overhears some other participants talking about the tournament and asks what they know. One of them is helpful enough to pass along registration papers and he notices an addition to the categories: Team