((Lol at Val. Yeah, I'm finding that one of the greatest advantages of PbP gaming for a DM is the ease of selectively hiding information. I was shaking my fist at you for the Natural 20 on the bluff check, though

That could've been a delicious conversation, but a 45 is a 45.
You're all free to highlight each others' stories now if you'd like))
The Magistrate, after asking his initial questions, remains quiet as each of you tells your story, taking notes on a piece of parchment (though at Val's mention of "Kaff Reyneel", he does look up for a moment and mouths the name to himself, as though trying to remember what sounds familiar about it; eventually he gives up and keeps writing). When you stop talking, he looks up and waits a moment to make sure you are done, then thanks you and dismisses you, surprisingly without any further questions.
One by one, each of you are brought to a waiting room; those who have already given their statement are allowed to confer in private, no doubt hastily trying to compare the stories you told and check for inconsistencies.
Everyone has given a statement in the span of about an hour, and then another two hours passes as the guards perform the previously described process of comparing the prisoners in the Pit with the records. During that time, you are given refreshments.
Finally, the Magistrate himself comes to the waiting room. "Your statements all appear to have described the same series of events. Deviations were within the standard acceptable limits, and there is no one in the Pit who shouldn't be there.
"There is the matter of your attempted break-in to the prison. According to the letter of the law, that ought to sentence you to a week in a holding cell. However," and he looks at Sarm and Quintus specifically here, "Your heroic efforts in assisting Privates Frem and Garland during the ambush upon their wagon are enough to satisfy the provision for an official pardon, considering the nature of the infraction and its extenuating circumstances. You are all free to go." He leaves the room as soon as he stops talking, apparently believing this whole business to be concluded.
The six of you are escorted out of this particular hallway of the castle and are brought to the public area - a large room that's reminiscent of the first room of the old Mayor's House in Alydar, only many orders of magnitude larger: a long, very wide stone hallway leads up to a comfortable throne, meant for the King during scheduled audiences. Guards are posted at each entrance to most of the other rooms, in order to both monitor visitors and keep them out of adjoining rooms. Along the wall are display cases, showcasing various valuable artifacts from dynasties past.
There are quite a few people milling about in here, most of them obviously awe-struck tourists. Among them are elves, humans, tieflings, half-elves, dwarves, and even a full-blooded orc, at whom no one is even batting an eye.
The exit from the castle is a huge, wide-open door, and beyond that is a short, sturdy, retractable bridge over a moat; beyond that is the city proper.
The Capital City Rabanastre Ruby Keep
Ruby Keep is a bustling metropolis, with a more diverse population than some of you were probably expecting. Easily ten times the size of Alydar at a bare minimum, the cobblestone streets are filled with people. Vendors along the sides of those streets peddle their wares; entertainers perform, hoping to receive a silver or two for their troubles. Shops, pubs, inns, brothels, and countless other services can be found on every block.
((You can find anything with a book price of 100,000 gold or less available for sale without any trouble. If it costs more than that, it's rare and would take a bit more effort, but you shouldn't have to worry about that for a while anyway.
Also if you want to sell anything, you can get half of its book-price value without any trouble. A Diplomacy roll might get you an additional discount; if you use it, just make a single roll for the entire transaction. Roleplaying the haggle will probably help too))
Though there are quite a few taller buildings in Ruby Keep, the two obviously-tallest in the city are the Castle, which you just came out of, and the Church of Heironeous, nearly as tall as the Castle at the tip of its spire (but clearly not as wide by a long shot). The Church also appears quite ancient in contrast with the rest of the buildings in the city.
((You're all free to roam about the city. Oh yeah, and
everyone gain a level. This will put Suvne at Level 7, and everyone else at Level 9. At this point, Quintus, let me know which spells you're automatically learning, and which ones you might decide to buy here in town, because it will be important for me to know your capabilities when I plan out the plot))