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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Quintus, for some strange reason, does not know invisibility, thankfully it doesn't look like they will need it to get in at least. "Alright, lets get this over with... if anyone asks, I'm just getting a Letter of Recommendation."
The roar of the crowd undulates in waves as Val, Sarm, Quintus, and a very distracted Tarkus wade their way around the stadium's bleachers in order to reach Headmaster Nash's private viewing box. On the lowest level of bleachers and in prime viewing range of the arena, the room is separated from the rest of the audience.

Tarkus can't seem to keep his eyes off of the arena; a female half-orc is fighting down below, with the fire of a thousand suns; her foes fall one by one before her, and Tarkus seems to have remembered his libido. He drags behind the rest of the party (though he does not stop entirely), and before long, he becomes separated from them. Unwilling to lose their momentum, Val, Quintus, and Sarm press on.

A single guard stands at the door, clearly agitated and trying everything he can to get a glimpse of the tournament without leaving his post - an impossible feat. When the three approach the doorway, he halts them. "Stop. You know you're not allowed in here."

Quintus pipes in, claiming that he is here to ask for a letter of recommendation. The guard shrugs noncommittally. "Rules are rules."

Val interjects with a ready-made story that sounds completely believable to the guard ((I'll let Mike M go to work here; no roll required, since this is a low-level dimwit who is already distracted)), and the three slip mostly unnoticed into Nash's private viewing box.

The Headmaster is sitting in one of four beautifully crafted oaken chairs, lined with soft cushions. He does not seem to be wearing his illusory disguise, as evidenced by the very slight visible imperfections in his clothing, but he is nevertheless a very careful, neat man who cares a great deal about his appearance. As (most of) the party enters, they are unable to keep their approach stealthy, and he turns to look at them.

He smiles and stands welcomingly, stepping forward with his hand extended toward Quintus, as though to shake it. "I hadn't thought you'd be bold enough to come here out in the open like this. Hats off to you, Mallory." The smile stays plastered on his face, and his body language suggests that he has just been reunited with an old friend. "Let's not make a scene, shall we? I'd wager that none of us care to have the crowd's attention focused on us. So why don't you all have a seat, pretend that you're friends who haven't seen me in ages, and we'll get down to brass tacks?

"I'll be honest with you, Mallory - personally, I don't give a damn about you, and I don't even much care about acquiring these so-called "holy relics" - not after hearing about what the Hand did to Little Miss Clementine. My guess is that they're more trouble than they're worth. As long as it looks like I'm putting forth a reasonable effort to my superior, I get to stay in power here - and that's what really matters to me.

"But when you take that bloody axe and shield right out from under the nose of the new, very-recently-appointed Headmaster, that makes him look bad, and could lead some to question his leadership - and I'm afraid I just can't tolerate that.

"So, now that you've wandered into the spider's lair, why don't you act like good little flies and tell me where you've stashed them? You may yet leave this arena alive, if you play your cards right."
((Tempted to say something, but for now I'm just gonna make a sense motive check to try and get an idea whether or not he is lying about the Axe and Shield.))

Sense Motive: 1D20+1 => [ 12 ] +1 = 13
((Will it be okay to try a sense motive of my own, since I have a good bonus for it?))

((Yes, go for it))

Quintus doesn't detect anything in the Headmaster's mannerisms that might suggest that he's being dishonest to the party, though the fact that his body language is clearly an act to fool the crowd is certainly making that harder to determine.

Mike M

Nick N
As they make their way to the headmaster's viewing box, navigating through the multitude of tournament viewers filling the walk ways, Val is suddenly aware that they've become separated from their muscle. "We've lost Tarkus," he murmurs to the others, "Here's to hoping we don't require physical intimidation."

Arriving at their destination, a lone guardsman stands between them and their target. "Friend," Val implores of the steadfast sentry, "I don't believe you know whom you are refusing. This is Quintus Mallory, the headmaster knows him personally, and quite well. He will certainly be most wroth that you denied his star pupil the opportunity to receive his due letter of recommendation and to watch the tournament together. I suppose you could knock and confirm with the headmaster, but that would probably just make you look like a dullard in his eyes. I doubt you'll be getting many plum assignments after that. Oh well, it's you career. Come on, gentlemen, we'll just have to tell Headmaster Nash over dinner how we tried to accept his invitation but were rebuffed..."

Executing a neat little heel pivot, Val turns to lead the march away from the box seat doors, only to immediately reverse himself as the guard offers a stammering, rambling apology as a visible bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face. Val guesses the man doesn't have many career prospects, and isn't particularly eager to lose this position. Clasping his hand on the guard's shoulder as he passes, Val offers a beaming smile and a, "Thank you, good sir," as he passes through the door.


Headmaster Nash's seemingly warm reception doesn't exactly surprise, at least not to Val. The man is a high level player living a pretty deep fiction, he's unlikely to crack and expose his true nature in public like that.

Taking a seat with gracious smile and what would appear to be genuine gratitude, Val gazes out over the arena. "My, but isn't this a truly remarkable view. I can see being Headmaster has its perks, though I imagine for you they probably don't include getting to watch lesser minds batter each others' brains out on the sand.

"We've come to parlay. We're prepared to tell you where we've left the axe and shield in exchange for information of equal value to us. You retrieve the relics and return to the good graces of your superior, we walk away from Emerald Bay and leave you to your efforts. The reach of the arm is long, and we're but half a dozen random citizens up against a veritable army. I imagine the laws of averages will fell us sooner or later, you'd merely need to wait it out."

((Getting in on the bandwagon...))
Sense Motive check:  1d20 + 9 = 17
((Bluff check please, Val))

Nash turns his gaze from Quintus to Val and lets out a hearty belly laugh - ostensibly to continue putting on a show for any potential onlookers, but you also get a feeling that he is mocking your proposal. "I see that I was mistaken in thinking you were the brains of this operation, Mallory. Mister Reyneel, is it? Forgive my candor, but you are hardly in any position to negotiate. Consider that I could crush the lot of you with but a thought. Since we seem to have plenty of time," and he gestures to the chaos of the battle arena, where there are still dozens of combatants fighting it out, "I will hear your request, but you ought not get your hopes up. What is it you wish to know?"

As far as Val can tell, the headmaster is being completely truthful. He even seems to genuinely believe that he could easily destroy the entire party singlehandedly. Whether he is correct in that assessment is another matter, of course.

Mike M

Nick N
Bluff check:  1d20 + 26 = 40

Val takes Nash's mocking with a good-natured smile. "It gladdens my heart that there are still mysteries unknown to you. Yes, this is one those 'high-risk, high-reward' style gambits. Actually, I'm slightly disappointed that you don't fully appreciate the leverage. I'd imagined you to be someone highly placed in the organization of the Arm who would be up to date with all the latest intelligence regarding the efforts of our motley lot, but now I'm beginning to think you're merely a franchise holder who isn't party to the bigger picture. I'd hoped you'd be elevated enough to not be subjected that inconvenient curse that causes anyone who tips their hand too much to self immolate, but if you're just a high rent flunkie, this may all be for naught...

"Firstly, you might note that a good number of our party are not currently with us. It occurred to us that we might benefit from not making ourselves a one-stop-shopping location for all your holy relic needs since we've been enjoying such dramatic success in obtaining them compared to the combined multitude of Vecna's followers. So we've begun taking measures to minimize our risk, including stashing the relics in locations that even if you could detect them with the Monocle of Ioun, they'd be forever beyond your reach. If you kill us, the locations of these items die with us. If you let us live, you may entertain the hope of swooping in at the last minute when we eventually deem it necessary to reacquire them.

"You're a clever enough man, if you're the headmaster of an institute of higher learning. I'm sure you could concoct a perfectly believable story about how our escape from your clutches was entirely of your design so that we might foolishly lead you straight to our cache of relics or something. You'd work it out, I'm sure. But if you're so sure of your position, certainly our threats ring hollow and you could merely vanquish us all without lifting a finger and collect the items at your leisure. In which case, what harm is there in telling us what we want to know?

"I have a great many questions to pose indeed, but first and foremost, there's the pesky matter of the curse. Are you subject to it?"
Sarm simply stands back for now, listening to the conversation taking place but is too expecting of conflict to accurately discern the Headmaster's true personality.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10, rolled 4 = 14​
((I'm gonna assume that's the same as Quintis'.))
The Headmaster is very hard to read right now, and it's actually quite impressive how adept he is at acting one way with his body language while adopting an entirely different tone with his voice. He listens to Val with an expression of excited interest, nodding periodically, and smiles when Val is done.

"Your thinly-veiled insults are every bit as ineffectual as you are, sir, and will hold no sway over me. I see through your poker face, and I am more than willing to call your bluff, as I hold all the cards. Your half-orc friend Tarkus has already been apprehended and is currently being questioned for the murder of Professor Ridley, and I have men hot on the trail of your curious and elusive human ally, whose name I have admittedly been unable to discern thus far.

"But let's say that all of you knew the risks, and are prepared to die for your cause in the name of foiling the Arm. Can the same be said for Mallory's poor parents? All alone in that great, big house, with no one to watch over them... I shudder to think what would happen if you continue to defy me." He shoots a challenging look at Quintus before returning his gaze to Val.

"That being said... to answer your question, no, of course the curse does not affect me. I created it. So by all means, what do you wish to know? I am positively on pins and needles."

Sense Motive DC 20
It's almost certain that what he said about Tarkus is not true, since you were literally just with him two minutes ago. Based on that, you feel safe in assuming that he has no idea where Evaneth is, either. It doesn't seem like he's lying about the curse, though.

Mike M

Nick N
((I hope we roll again, 'cause I got a 22 on this one, I was just holding off on spamming the thread with another write up))
((In that case, I rolled a nat 20.))

Sarm is not emotionally swayed by the accusation of Tarkus' fate. The Headmaster just made it clear to the party that he is a liar, as if that wasn't apparent before. He can assume that they will be looking for him, though. "We will carry on without them for the time being." he says, intending that as more of a message to the party not to worry about them than as a move of confidence. He continues to let Val and Quintis negotiate with the headmaster.
Sense Motive: 1d20+1 => 19 + 1 = 20
((now everyone starts rolling like a boss))

"Yes our friends can handle themselves just fine, as our previous encounters have proven."
Sarm (Natural 20 bonus)
In a moment of clarity, you realize that the Headmaster is attempting to use his exaggerated gestures to distract the three of you as well. He is significantly more concerned about this encounter than he would have you believe, and was probably caught severely off-guard by your sudden intrusion into his viewing box. It's not so extreme that he's afraid of you, but you sense that he is unsure of how an actual fight against you would turn out, and that he may actually be trying to draw things out in order to buy more time.

Mike M

Nick N
((As previously stated, rolled 22 for Sense Motive, rolled a 32 on a new Bluff check if needed.))

Val knows well enough that Nash is bluffing about Tarkus' capture, but sees no reason to let Nash know that. Instead he shakes his head and adopts an expression of sorrow. "I had sincerely hoped Tarkus might slip through, but I'm relieved to hear he managed to pass off his payload to our associates. Otherwise, you'd not be demanding its return, yes?

"Is that tea? I'm positively parched, may I?" Without waiting for a response, he plucks a cup off the table and pours himself a drink.

Sipping his tea, he pauses for effect. Or to buy time to figure out where he's going with this...

"Well, seeing as how our demise is imminent in the face of your overwhelming might, would you mind satisfying a curiosity of mind and tell me who has possession of the Monocle, and how it works exactly? Would have be immensely helpful to have arrived at the Great Library but a few hours earlier and spared ourselves this whole bloody conflict..."
With the Headmaster's movements, images of the person generously giving his personal commentary at the stands flashes in his head, the way someone like that would move their body expressively to add character to their words. The headmaster is doing the same thing. "We would like a direct answer." He gives a piercing gaze towards the Headmaster, looking him straight to the eyes in opposition of his facade.
Nash stays silent long enough for it to become suspicious. He finally continues.

"I am not responsible for the Monocle, and wouldn't be able to answer your question even if I wanted to. You'll have to see my superior about that - if you can find him, and if you live that long.

"Now it's my turn to make a request. Tell me where you've hidden the axe and the shield, or I will end you." He holds his hand slightly in front of him with the palm facing the party, and a very faint, barely-perceptible glow appears around it.

Will Save DC 20 (look at the spoiler if you made it; if not, nothing happens)
The glowing hand is a harmless illusion. He's not charging up a deadly blast or anything like that.
Sarm Will Save: 1d20 + 14, rolled 10 = 24
Suvne Will Save: 1d20 + 6, rolled 2 = 8 ((I like how it's so easy to forget she's in this scene))​

Sarm raises his brow at the light being emitted. He can sense that there is no real magic coming from his person. He simply shakes his head, "I see now that you have no real power in your chain. Just a figurehead. I am more interested to know where you are truly residing at this present moment." He says this confident that the Headmaster himself is an illusion, knowing that his appearance was suspicious from a distance.

Mike M

Nick N
((Not quite sure how handle failing the will check. If nothing happens, I presume there's no compulsion to tell the truth or anything?))
Will: 1d20+9 => 2 + 9 = 11

Quintus prepares to counter with a spell of his own, but once Sarm speaks up he stops himself before making himself look like a fool.

Mike M

Nick N
Val smirks as he continues to sip his tea. "Wherever did you learn to interrogate, Mr. Nash? We all know you can't kill us all, because then you'd never find the relics. You can't kill Quintus' parents, because then he'd have no incentive to cooperate. You can't kill us individually either, you have no way of knowing if all of us have the information you want."

Finishing his tea, he returns the cup to its saucer and folds his hands in his lap. "Tell me, who is this superior of yours that causes the great and mighty Headmaster of Emerald Bay to cower before him?"

((This is so going to blow up in my face, isn't it?))
((Uh Sarm, you got the wrong idea from my spoiler text. You may have seen my post before my edit, which is impressive because the edit was literally about 20 seconds after I first made the post. I wasn't saying that the Headmaster himself is an illusion, just the spell he was supposedly casting. Sorry about the confusion there.))

"You overestimate the importance of the information you're keeping from me," Nash says menacingly, "And since I can't even be sure you actually have that information anymore, I think this conversation has outlasted its usefulness. Have at you!"

Nash changes his charade, and a panicked expression overtakes his features even as he backs up and prepares to cast a spell.

((We are going into initiative here, but I would really like Tarkus to be back for this so I am going to delay the game until Jackben hopefully returns, assuming he got a 1-week ban (I haven't talked to him yet). You can roll your initiatives in the mean time though))
((Oh, I didn't get that from the spoiler text, I just figured if the spell is an illusion, Sarm wouldn't put it past the cult that the Headmaster would be one as well. I guess I was wrong! Heh.))

Sarm Initiative roll: 1d20 + 1, rolled 9 = 10
Suvne Initiative roll: 1d20 + 4, rolled 7 = 11​
((I got in touch with Jackben. He will be back on Thursday. Until then, he's taken his turn for the first round of combat; you guys won Initiative so you're going first))

Tarkus lets out a growl as sharp pain presses into his foot, snapping him out of his daze observing the blazing champion half-Orc Garona. Clenching his fist he moves to squeeze some sense into the clumsy passerby when he realizes they have melted into the crowd...along with the rest of his companions. Swallowing to relieve the burning frustration of falling behind, he forces his way through the crowd towards the Headmaster's viewing box. Glancing inside he sees the group tensed in battle stance with the man and wastes no time charging towards the door.

"Sir, I'm afraid yo-" Tarkus wastes no time quickly shoving the stammering guard aside and forcing his way into the room. Drawing the Greataxe from his back he moves to keep up his momentum and strike as quickly as possible.

Opening Attack
Attack 1: 1d20 [17] + 18 = 35 Damage: 1d12 [3] + [12] = 15
Sarm would attempt to cast Hold Person on the Headmaster, and is also surprised to see Tarkus make an entrance like that.

((Is it alright if I see what Quintis does before acting with Suvne? I don't want to put her where his spells would be limited.))

Suvne would help Tarkus try to take out the spellcaster before he can get the spell off. I would also let her shield the others by being so close.

((Also gonna use Invisible Castle for rolls since I can just paste URLs to the rolls.))

Sarm Caster Level Check (in case the Headmaster somehow has SR): 1d20+9=21

Suvne Attack Roll: 1d20+12=31, 1d8+5=6
Suvne Crit: 1d20+12=26, 1d8+5=9

Mike M

Nick N
((Having this tense scene with the Headmaster getting increasingly nervous only to have Tarkus kick down the door and come screaming at him with a giant axe is a great mental image.

If Hold Person hits, does that make him vulnerable to a coup de grace attempt?))
Quintus points his finger and utters an incantation, releasing a black ray of crackling negative energy.

Enervation(touch): 1d20+7 → [16,7] = (23)
Levels: 1d4 → [1] = (1)

Mike M

Nick N
Tarkus' entry is fortuitous, as negotiations have clearly broken down. The viewing box explodes into a flurry of activity, and Val uses the element of surprise to his advantage. Remembering the difficulties Sarm and Quintus have had when grappling with an opponent, he prays that his limited understanding of magic is not about to betray him and tackles the Headmaster.

((Okay, never done grappling before, but I think I've got this... Just BAB + Str modifier, right?))
Grapple check:  1d20 + 14 = 29
((You also have to make an unarmed attack roll against the target's Touch AC. I did that for you, and you succeeded. Normally you would be subject to an opportunity attack, but he's not going to take one because it wouldn't do him any good.

Nash resists Hold Person.

Nash triggers a magic item that he is wearing as a swift action, and then uses his Standard action to cast a spell.

Guard 1 enters the room and draws his sword))

Although Nash didn't quite get the drop on the party, thanks in large part to the angry half-orc that just entered the picture and distracted him, he seems to be taking it well. Though Suvne's and Tarkus's weapons both connect on the Headmaster, the force of their impact seems to be supernaturally blunted by the enchantments that are meant to protect arena combatants.

"Guards!" Nash cries out in distress, "HELP!"

The guard that was just bypassed by Tarkus enters the room and draws his blade, but hesitates uncertainly. "I need backup!" he calls out behind him.

Sarm's attempt to magically restrain Nash fails to gain any traction, but he recoils in surprise when Quintus brandishes the Hand of Vecna and emits a dark ray of negative energy straight into the Headmaster's chest; the man seems to shrivel just ever-so-slightly, its magicks apparently having been unaffected by whatever barriers are otherwise protecting him. He cries out; this time, the distress is genuine.

Val uses this distraction to his advantage and barrels forward as best he can in the crowded space, successfully containing the Headmaster in a bear hug. Rather than try to escape, he utters some sort of command word, and the fancy bracers he is wearing light up faintly. Another few syllables are spoken, and a spell triggers.

Headmaster Nash immediately splits into seven identical copies of himself. Three of them fly out and hover over the arena, fifteen feet away; two hop over the railing that separates the box from the arena and land in the sand; one appears in the doorway, behind the guard who just came in; and the last remains grappled by a very surprised Val.

All seven copies appear to be acting independently of one another.

Arcana DC 35
This is some variant of the spell Mirror Image, but it has been heavily upgraded. This is almost certainly a spell of Nash's own design, and there is likely metamagic involved. Nash seems to have separated his essence between all seven copies, and as such, as long as they all still exist, it will be impossible to hit the "real" one. It seems like dealing damage to one of the "copies" will make it vanish.

The copies will all be able to act on their own, but there will be an opportunity to ignore any attacks they make if a Will save is successfully made

At this point, the attention of the crowd, and of a few of the arena fighters, begins to divert from the tournament to whatever is going on in the Headmaster's box.

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, just when I think I'm okay to take a pass in the Quick Draw feat because I'll never use it, I want to take a guy hostage with my concealed dagger. Figures.))

Just when Val thought they finally had the upper hand on a magical opponent, their problems multiply. Gods damned casters... Still, the headmaster in his grasp feels corporeal enough, so he tries to keep him restrained.

Grapple check:  1d20 + 14 = 33
Damage:  1d3 = 2
((Let me know if I'm still doing this wrong.))

Locking eyes with the guard, he implores him most earnestly. "We have no quarrel with you, but I assure you the headmaster here is a deplorable piece of shit in league with the vilest sort one can fathom. Please don't give us cause to harm you as well."
Diplomacy check:  1d20 + 6 = 12
((Yeah, that's not gonna cut it.))
Arcana: 1D20+22 => [ 4 ] +22 = 26
((curse you dice!))

Quintus thinks out loud "Mirror Image... No that can't be it, they wouldn't be able to move like that."

Quintus, unsure of who to aim at, decides to just get them all... or as many as he can at once. He casts Slow, getting as many of the copies as he can in one shot, and possibly the guard too.(DC21)
Not sure what exactly the kind of magic item cast the spell or what the spell even is... Sarm decides to remove some doubt by taking a risk and casting Dispel Magic on the magic item in hopes that it is mundane enough to be affected. At the very least failure could help him learn something.

Suvne would move towards the guard and try to reason with him, "Sir! I implore you as well, this had only escalated because of the need to defend ourselves. Even now we are threatened by this new magic."

Sarm's Dispel Check: 1d20+9=27
Suvne Displomacy: 1d20+3=11 ((Sorry Val, I tried boobs and failed. :( ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Hey guys. Sorry about the absence. Not sure if I can reach any of the copies without pursuit so I'm gonna try to head off this guard for now.))

Tarkus blinks in confusion as he feels a supernatural force slow the speed of his strike. It reminds him immediately of how he felt in the arena of the tournament. But before he can swing again several headmasters suddenly appear and sprint in different directions! As the copies of the Headmaster begin to scatter, Tarkus attempts to head off the guard who has come to stop them in the commotion of the scuffle. "Lay down weapon or have it destroyed!" If the guard refuses to comply Tarkus strikes at his weapon with as much precision and strength as he can muster in an attempt to render it useless.

Improved Sunder
Sunder: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3870641/"]1d20+18+8 → [17,18,8] = (43)[/URL]
Damage: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3870647/"]1d12+12 → [5,12] = (17[/URL])

((Never done this before so I might have calculated it wrong but isn't it +4 for wielding a 2-handed weapon plus having improved sunder means no opportunity attack plus another +4? And thanks KM.))
((Slow hits all 6 remaining copies, but only 3 of them fail their save.

Tarkus's Sunder destroys the guard's sword.

Nash 1 (flying) casts Haste to dispel the Slow effect.

Nash 2 (in the doorway) backs up and casts Glitterdust on the entire party. Everyone make TWO Will Saves DC 19. If you pass either one of them, the spell doesn't affect you. If you fail both of them, you are Blinded for 7 rounds.

Nash 3 (flying) casts Grease, targeting Val, Sarm, Quintus, and Suvne. Make a Will save DC 19; if you pass, nothing happens. If you fail, make a Reflex save, DC 18. If you fail that one too, you fall down and need to make a DC 10 Balance check to stand back up.

Nash 4 (flying) casts Fireball on the entire party. First make a Will save DC 19. If you pass, nothing happens. If you fail, make a Reflex save DC 20. If you fail, take 27 nonlethal Fire damage. If you pass, take 13 nonlethal Fire damage.

Nash 5 (in the arena) casts Magic Missile on Quintus. Make a Will save DC 19. If you pass, nothing happens. If you fail, take 12 nonlethal damage.

Nash 6 (in the arena) casts Magic Missile on Val. Make a Will save DC 19. If you pass, nothing happens. If you fail, take 14 nonlethal damage.))

Chaos erupts as the Headmaster's duplicates go to work, slinging magic spells in all directions with reckless abandon and creating a fireworks show that makes the actual tournament battle pale in comparison. By now, the tournament has paused itself, and all eyes are on the battle occurring around the Headmaster's box.

Val, having the original Headmaster in his clutches, headbutts the man for lack of a better option. As soon as the top of his head makes contact, Nash disappears in a wisp of light, leaving Val nonplussed and grasping the air.

Tarkus and Suvne focus on attempting to get the presumably-innocent guard out of harm's way. When Suvne's and Tarkus's pleas fall on deaf ears, Tarkus decides to show the guard he means business, and with one mighty heave shatters the guard's sword into dozens of brittle pieces that clatter all over the floor. The guard takes the hint and flees through the doorway; the copy of Nash standing there deftly steps out of the way for him.

Sarm, having noticed the bracers on Nash light up, targets a pair that one of the other duplicates is wearing, and as the spell does its job, he can sense that the item's powers seem to have been suppressed on all of the copies for the time being - whatever it is. This does nothing to affect how many copies there actually are, however.

Quintus attempts to give his party an advantage by slowing the others to a crawl, but even though it appears to work on some of them, one of the copies has a Haste spell ready to cancel out its effects.

((It's impossible to narrate the effects of all those spell without knowing how you guys do on your saving throws, so feel free to describe those effects in your own words. Round 2 begin!))
"Sarm will have none of your crap" dice rolls: 1d20+14=26, 1d20+14=21, 1d20+14=22, 1d20+14=20 ((I accidentally rolled too many times forgetting that the last two are just for Quintis & Val, so just ignore the last two if you actually click the URL.))
Suvne Will Saves: 1d20+6=8, 1d20+6=24, 1d20+6=20, 1d20+6=22 ((She did really well.))

Even though the Rod of Pelor has been lost in the great distance, that doesn't stop their faith in their god from granting them the ability to see through the false but still dangerous magic. Sarm's eyes in particular, already a striking shade of orange glow faintly while standing in the midst of the spells helplessly passing through him, giving him sight that makes the spells appear invisible to him.

Suvne pulls out her sword to strike at the copy standing in the doorway to physically dispel the clone just like Val was able to dispel the one in his grasp.

Suvne Attack: 1d20+12,1d8+5=[4, 12], [3, 5]

((Before I have Sarm act, I want to know, how close are the flying ones, and how clumped together are they?))
The flying ones are fifteen feet away, hovering 20 feet above the arena (level with the headmaster's box), and are in a line, with 5 feet separating each one.

Also, Suvne missed on both of her attacks, to help the others take their turns.
((Oh, she only did one attack since I assume she would have needed to move action to get to the one by the doorway, for some reason Invisible castle decided to show it as [4, 12] instead of showing the total which would be 16, the other roll would be damage if she hit.))

EDIT: Sarm casts Holy Smite on the line of flying Headmasters (20 ft. radius)

Holy Smite Damage: 4d8=16, 4d8=6, 4d8=10

Mike M

Nick N
((Jesus, do you realize I have type all this out on my phone during the day? Incoming Wall of Saving Rolls...))

((Glitterdust save))
Will save 1:  1d20+4=11
Will save 2:  1d20+4=18
((Missed it by that much...))

((Grease save))
Will save:  1d20+4=9
Reflex save:  1d20+9=23

((Fireball save))
Will save:  1d20+4=18
Reflex save:  1d20+9=21

((Magic Missile save))
Will save:  1d20+4=6

Val delivers as vicious a headbutt as he can muster against his captive copy of the headmaster, only to have him evaporate like so much morning mist under the noon sun in midsummer.

Regrettably, his now dissipated hostage was the only thing standing between him and the magical duplicate in the doorway, who unleashes a dense cloud of sparkling dust on the occupants of the skybox. Val's glasses offer scant protection, and in short order his vision is occluded by bits of shimmering glitter.

Blinded, he takes cover behind the elegant chair that had previously been host to the headmaster's rear and hopes that the duplicates haven't altered their positions too much. Crouching low and gripping the chair for support, he maintains his balance as a grease slick blossoms beneath his feet, though the high-backed seat only offers partial protection from a subsequent explosion of fire.

Singed and coughing on smoke, Val fails to realize that on this side of the chair, he's exposed to the duplicates hanging in the air above the arena. One of them forcibly reminds him of their presence with an arcane bolt that strikes Val square in the back like a circus strongman hurling a shot put.

Remembering how poorly they did the last time they encountered aerial foes, Val thinks to deprive them of the advantage by rushing into the hall. Charging ((narratively, not mechanically)) the headmaster's doppelgänger in the doorway, he blindly lashes out in hopes of vanquishing another phantasm.

((So if I'm understanding Blindness correctly, attacks are rolled as normal, but then there's a percentage dice roll to determine if they hit, right? Presuming the headmaster is within half my move distance too))

Attack roll:  1d20 + 16 = 30
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 17
((I rolled a d100 with 0-50 being a hit, and the result was an 80, so Val missed.

Sarm's spell hit all three of the fliers though, and they all disappeared))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Registered for InvisibleCastle, linked rolls in the code box. Good shout KM, they have really nice organization tools. I don't expect the headmaster lasting much longer, the ones in the sand of the arena will probably try and escape or goad guards or fighters into stopping us.))
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3872365/"]Glitterdust Saves[/URL]: 1d20+7 → [6,7] = (13) 1d20+7 → [2,7] = (9). Fail. Blind 7 rounds
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3872375/"]Fireball Will Save[/URL]: 1d20+7 → [18,7] = (25). Passed.

As the box guard scrambles over the rubble of his shattered blade and out the door, Tarkus begins to approach the Headmaster standing by the door. Before he can reach him a bright burst of light and color explodes into the room. Crouching to the ground and attempting to cover his eyes proves unsuccessful. As he stands he begins to blink rapidly, his efforts failing to keep the bloom from obscuring his vision, his eyes blinded and useless from the unexpected flash. "URGH...BLIND!" he yells in frustration.

Determined to push through this handicap Tarkus closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and stands very still, his muscles taut and poised to strike. As the adrenaline rushes his hearing and sense of smell into overdrive he jumps. Having heard the vacuum rush of air that frequently accompanies a ignited torch and smelling the acrid, burnt aroma of arcane magicks Tarkus deftly rolls to the side, sliding against the wall of the spectator box before springing back to his feet. He pauses curiously when there is not the expected rush of heat to accompany the magickal blast.

"Illusion?" he spits on the ground and hefts his Greataxe gesturing in the direction he believes is towards the door. "Paltry man, nothing more than tattered coat upon a stick!" Hearing his companions battlecry and chant spells in attack and defense against the other Headmasters he feels a rush of air and a voice that sounds like Val grunt in attack. Intending to aid him against the doorway Headmaster Tarkus adds his axe to the strike, aiming as best the senses he has left allow.

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3872418/"]Attack 1 vs Door Headmaster[/URL]: 1d20+18 → [13,18] = (31) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3872420/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+12 → [9,12] = (21)
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