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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Tarkus gets a 49 on the d100, so he hits, and that copy of Nash also disappears, leaving just the two down in the sand of the arena))
Quintus suddenly finds his eyes cover in glitter,
Will saves: 1d20+9=13, 1d20+9=25
but is able to resist the effects, only to find the ground has been covered in magical grease!
Will (1d20+9=20)
This time however, he is able to see it for what it really is, nothing but an illusion. Then comes a huge ass fireball, holy
Will (1d20+9=14)
Reflex (1d20+8=23)
Thankfully he was able to avoid the full force of the attack by diving behind Sarm who is somehow unaffected by the spell? ...damn it, more illusions! After that, he takes a magic missile to the chin.
Will (1d20+9=18)

Somewhat upset and already feeling kinda worn out, Quintus finds the last two head masters clones out in the arena. He points a finger and blasts them both with a scorching ray.
Touch attack and damage (1d20+7=26, 4d6=17, 1d20+7=16, 4d6=18)

((if they are are out of range for that, just assume a fireball was cast, DC 20))
Though the duplicate of Nash in the doorway proves to be the most elusive of the bunch, deftly dodging successive blows from both Suvne and Val, Tarkus manages to take him out despite his unexpected handicap of burning eyes and blurred vision.

Sarm eliminates the three airborne copies with ease by clever use of a single spell, leaving a somewhat frazzled Quintus to deal with the final two.

He emits two beams of heat energy, one from each palm, directed at each of the remaining Nashes. The first cuts through its target like melted butter, and the target vanishes.

The second hits the Headmaster straight on and appears to make contact; Nash groans and immediately begins to sweat and pant as the heat washes over his body. A low, confused murmur can be heard coming from the crowd.

"Perhaps it was not the best idea to leave the kid-gloves on," Nash says through clenched teeth. He speaks a command word of an ancient, long-dead language, and something in the air immediately changes. The safety enchantments in the arena have been dissipated.

Nash lifts his arms as though to cast a spell, but he - along with everyone else - is distracted by a burst of energy coming from the crowd of tournament combatants. A sphere of dark purple, negative energy has encompassed them, and black tendrils seem to be creeping their way around each of them. Some seem to be resisting its effects, but for many of them, their lifeforce is being drained before your eyes. Their skin is shriveling and discoloring; their eyes are sinking into their skulls; their knees buckle.

When the last of their vitality is squeezed from them like water from a paper towel, their eyes turn coal-black and they turn to face their new master, reborn as zombies in his service.

At the front of the crowd is the necromancer Qyburn - Tarkus's final opponent in the Open Division.

The crowd in the stands begins to panic, and anarchy becomes the order of the day as a mad dash ensues to escape the arena. Some are lucky enough to be able to simply fly away, but some of those that aren't, are getting trampled.

Down in the sand, the combatants who were able to resist the necromantic assault immediately begin to fight the zombies, but they are outnumbered, and Qyburn casually beckons a group of five to follow him as he approaches the party.

"What the hell are you doing, Qyburn?!" Nash exclaims, clearly as taken aback by this turn of events as the party likely is. He begins to walk toward the old man, and the two meet in the center of the arena (the grand melee being on the opposite side from where the Headmaster's box is).

"Saving my little brother's life," the old man replies sternly. "Let's get this over with."

((For those who are blinded, just assume that you could mostly make out what just happened, even if your vision wasn't entirely clear. Nash's standard action was dropping the safeties, and Qyburn's was creating a bunch of zombies. They used their move actions to meet in the center, about fifty feet away from the Headmaster's Box, and they are flanked by five armed and armored zombies. They are currently all standing in a group. Begin Round 4))
((I have a feeling this won't be as simple as throwing Turn Undead at it.))

Sarm is horrified by the pure evil devouring the once lively forms of the competitors, all strong and energetic with much to look forward to. He struggles to keep his emotions controlled at this moment, the evil not simply just a long time enemy of tradition this time, but a blatant murderer of many just now.

Acting quickly and tensely, and still with the party, Sarm moves over to Tarkus and gives him the casting of Spell Resistance (gives 12 + caster level, so 19 Spell Resistance), saying to him, "I am counting on you for a win this time."

Suvne casts Divine Favor in preparation for the battle.

Mike M

Nick N
The phantasmal headmaster in the doorway having been dispatched despite his own ineffective efforts, Val turns his attention back to the arena when screams of terror and other commotions well up from below.

Ducking behind the wall facing the arena, he complains bitterly about the lingering remains of the glitterdust and other malign spells he was subjected to moments ago. "For illusions, they certainly seem real enough in their effects. I can't see for shit, but from the sound of things I'm going to guess things just got much worse for us.

"I'm open to considering proposals for how to proceed..."

((Seriously open to ideas, Val is already kinda banged up, and with the penalties to AC from the blindness, he'll get torn to shreds. I don't suppose there's a handy pit of lions he can set loose or something... Heh))
((Rules tip: currently all damage you guys have taken has been non lethal. Magical healing of any amount - even just 1 HP (ie, a Level 0 spell) heals all nonlethal damage you've taken. Keep that in mind if you decide to stay and fight))
Quintus casts haste on the party in perpetration for the coming battle, hopefully before Tarkus gets his magic resistance... "Hey Sarm, could I get a quick heal before we get down to business?"
((I'll have to wait until next turn since even casting Orisons/Cantrips costs a turn.))

"Ah.. Yes. I will. The illusion magic could still bruise the skin I see.."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((So it's confirmed we are still under the effects of glitterdust blind? Rats. I'll try and run interference.))

Tarkus smiles instinctively at the satisfying burst of energy that follows his solid hit upon the Headmaster marking the dispersal of arcane magicks. Relaxing his grip he prepares to regroup with the others when a fresh surge of adrenaline shoots through his muscles. The commotion in the arena having reached his ears he calls out to ask what is going on. From the sound of things, breaking illusions is now the least of their worries.

A familiar chill creeps down Tarkus' spine as the blood-curdling screams of the crowd echo in the stadium. Mixed just underneath the sounds of chaos is an undercurrent of dark familiarity. Recognizing the ominous hum of dark magicks, his feet become rooted to the ground, frozen as a flash back to the Open Division final courses through his mind. Stumbling back, he breaks his fearful reverie by bashing a nearby chair into small pieces in attempt to work his mind up to a vengeful fury.

Feeling a warm light envelope and surround his body, Tarkus attempts to still his mind as the cleric approaches him. "I am counting on you for a win this time." Concentrating his anger into discipline, he senses his spirit strengthened by Sarm's action. He nods "Many thanks" and prepares to follow the group as Val rushes them to the outer wall around the arena. "Victory today must be final."

As the group hides momentarily behind the wall and prepares, Tarkus deliberately separates and walks a few paces from their position to another section and yells over the wall: "HEADMASTER TRUE NATURE REVEALED TO ALL! NOTHING BUT TRICKSTER CONSORT WITH GRAVE DANCER. He raise corpse and you weave sparkle. Men of weakness to rely for tricks and dead to fight!"
((Qyburn casts Black Tentacles (also sometimes known as Evard's Black Tentacles) on everyone except Tarkus. Val, Suvne, Sarm, and Quintus make Grapple or Escape Artist checks; Val's is 29, Sarm's is 25, Suvne's is 29, and Quintus's is 24. If you fail, you are grappled and can't move, and can attempt another grapple/escape artist check on your turn to break free.

Nash casts a Quickened illusion spell that, to the party, doesn't seem to do anything, and then casts Wall of Stone and attempts to shape it to trap Tarkus. Tarkus, make a DC 19 Reflex save; if you fail, you are trapped in a dome of stone (which is breakable with attack rolls).

Zombies shamble forward, while the two magicians stay put in the center of the arena))

Sarm, Quintus, and Suvne spend their brief reprieve buffing up themselves and the party with various enchantments, and then Tarkus attempts to spread the party out a bit by leaving the Headmaster's tiny box and emerging at the edge of the stands, which by now have been vacated by the fleeing spectators.

After Tarkus finishes his impromptu speech, the haggard old man calls back to him, "Then come and do something about it, pig-man. You and yours cower before us like rats, afraid to approach. If we are men of weakness, what does that make you? Now watch and despair as I immobilize your friends and leave them helpless for my servants to devour." Qyburn raises both arms and points them dramatically at the Headmaster's box; a black ichor spreads from a central location and coats all the walls and floor within, and from the ichor spring forth horrific black tentacles which lash out and grab any appendages they come across.

Nash, meanwhile, concentrates very hard as he casts two spells. The first appears to Quintus to be some kind of illusion spell, though to the party it doesn't seem to do anything (Arcana DC 30
It's meant to create an image that all the spectators in the stands can see, probably to help create a false narrative for later on
); the second causes the ground around Tarkus to spring up and create a dome made of stone, intended to completely cover and trap him. To his dismay, this phenomenon is NOT illusory.

The zombies, meanwhile, slowly advance 20 feet toward the Headmaster's box with their weapons drawn. At the other side of the arena, the remaining living combatants continue to battle against the freshly-created horde of zombies.

((This begins Round 5. The glitterdust is still covering the area in the Headmaster's box. The spell description is a little ambiguous as to what happens to creatures that leave its area. I'm going to rule that Tarkus will no longer be blind after this round, since he left the area. If Val stays in the box, he still has 4 more rounds, including this one.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((KM, quick question, when does spell resistance come into play?))

Wall of Stone - DC 19 Reflex Save
1d20+7 → [17,7] = (24)

Having stepped out of the Headmaster's box, Tarkus sight is returned allowing him to see the shuffling facade of Quburn standing next to the Headmaster, both surrounded by a small cadre of risen dead. Ducking beneath the outer wall he grips his Greataxe tightly and curses. As ugly as remembered. He turns to look for direction and sees Quintus eyes narrow, staring at the gesturing of the Headmaster. "Scarecrow call US rat wen still illusion you weave?"

The ground seems to rumble in reply and bricks of stone burst forth from the dirt as if some ethereal builder were creating a prison around Tarkus in the blink of an eye. The sky begins to darken as the stone spell attempts to completely envelope him. Quick on his feet, he rolls headfirst through an incomplete section of the dome, crashing through just in time. The rest of the group appears to be in a struggle of their own as black tentacles writhe and thrash around them like an angry serpent.

((Just so my options based on distance are correct, the zombies are close enough to reach and attack in a turn but if I wanted to head for the two spell casters I would have to spend my turn just getting within reach of them? I can edit in my action depending on if what I did is actually possible.))

Tarkus moves to intercept the shambling group of zombies. Disgusted by the decaying husks that are now little more than puppets, he strikes out at the first within range in order to relieve them of their mortal coil.

Attack v Zombie
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3877175/"]1d20+18 → [16,18] = (34)[/URL] [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3877176/"]Damage: 1d12+12 → [7,12] = (19)[/URL]
((Your assumptions on distance are right on track. As for Spell Resistance, Wall of Stone is a real, nonmagical thing that is conjured out of thin air, and as such SR doesn't apply. I made sure in the text under the spell just in case. It WILL protect from stuff that damages you or otherwise screws with your mind or body, as a general rule of thumb. When one of those kinds of spells is directed at you, the caster has to roll a caster level check (d20 + their Caster Level) and beat a 19 in this case, or else their spell fails to affect you in any way))

Mike M

Nick N
Escape Artist check: 1d20+11=17
((Womp womp))

Val's plan to stay down low and out of sight and reach of zombies and wizards seemed perfectly reasonable at the time. After all, when suffering a significant handicap like that, there's no sense in making things worse by flinging oneself into the thick of things, is there? No, of course not.

Regrettably, it would appear not every spell needs to have line of sight, as tentacles seemingly woven of the shadows themselves lash out through the glimmering cloud hanging over the viewing box and wrap him in a dark embrace.

"Jokes on you, my maleficent friend," Val shouts over his shoulder as he struggles against his bindings. "I didn't want to leave the box anyway."

Escape Artist check: 1d20+11=30

Freeing himself of creeping tendrils, Val vaults over the wall into the arena to escape their searching grasp lest they entangle him again. "However, if you are trying to keep me contained up there, I must presume that it is in my best interest to be down here. Simple logic, really."
Sarm's Grapple Check: 1d20+6+4=20
Suvne's Grapple Check: 1d20+12+4=28 ((Wow, I got robbed.))

In addition to the couple of days training he put himself with Tarkus during the preparation of the tournament to keep his body in check, Sarm took some extra time to learn a new trick during the inevitable times like this.

He begins to cast a spell without moving his body by channeling extra magical power, to give himself the effects of Freedom of Movement to release himself from the bondage of the black tentacles. ((I'm gonna send a rules question via PM, btw.))

Suvne nearly brushes off the tentacle, but the black appendage manages to wrap around her ankle and pull her to the floor. She tries to yank her foot from the magical shackle.

Suvne Grapple Check: 1d20+12+4=29
Grapple Check: 1D20+5 => 19
Arcana: 1D20+22 => [ 6 ] +22 = 28

Quintus finds himself wrap in tentacles and doubts he will be able to break himself free using his own strength... but then, that is what he has magic for right? He notices Sarm was able to free himself with a spell, looks like freedom of movement with a still spell metamagic... smart move. While he doesn't have still spell himself, he does know a few spells that don't require a somatic component that could be useful right now... He just hope Sarm doesn't mind him using this one so suddenly, but he should be fine with his freedom of movement.

Quintus shouts "Hey Sarm, you don't mind if we swap places do you?" and casts Baleful Transposition before he can even answer, then attempts to escape the area of the black tentacles(moving at half speed, but haste doubles my current speed so...).
((Wow I didn't actually expect everyone to escape the tentacles this turn. Nice.

Nash casts Fireball on Val and Quintus. Reflex save DC 20; if you fail, take 27 fire damage and if you pass, take 13. This time it's actual damage.

Qyburn casts Fear on Tarkus. DC 18 Will save; if you fail, you become Shaken for 9 rounds (-2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks).

Edit: The Fear spell fails because Qyburn didn't pass his caster level check.

Zombies all surround Tarkus and attack. 27, 15, 29, 21, and 22 are the attack rolls; the damage for each attack if it hits will be 6, 11, 7, 5, and 4 respectively.))

Though initially all four members in range of the tentacles are grabbed and immobilized, each of them manage to wriggle free in their own way. Quintus's method of switching places with a newly-unassailable Sarm by means of teleportation is the flashiest of the bunch, but one way or another everyone is now free to move about (though Suvne is still directly in the middle of them, and may want to get out of there soon).

Tarkus narrowly avoids becoming entrapped in a tiny dome of stone, and uses the momentum from his dodge to jump the edge of the stands, land in the arena, and charge the closest zombie, hacking off one of its arms; unfortunately, it was holding its sword in the other hand. Tarkus is immediately surrounded and assailed by the group of mindless undead, each of whom are armed with longswords. Qyburn, looking to maintain his record in battle against Tarkus, piles onto the half-orc by way of attempting to magically activate his fear response. Fortunately, Sarm's protective barrier does its job, shielding Tarkus entirely from the spell and rendering it useless.

Nash, meanwhile, stays focused on Quintus, blasting him with another Fireball; the fact that Val is also in range is simply icing on the cake. This time, it does not seem to be illusory.

((Begin Round 6))
((Oh crap, I was accidentally adding too many bonuses to her escape roll I now realize, I think it's safe to say Suvne didn't actually escape.))
Reflex: 1D20+8 => [ 5 ] +8 = 13(14 with the bonus from haste i forgot)
((As long as I'm mentioning haste bonuses, might as well remind people on top of the extra attack and +30 move speed, everyone who got hasted also has +1 attack, ac and reflex))
Qunitus takes a fireball to the face putting him at 15 hp. Unfortunately with the previous 25 non-lethal damage he took, he is now down for the count.
((Quintus is just unconscious, not dead. Also, if you get healed, first delete all of the nonlethal damage, and then from there take off the normal damage equal to the full amount that was healed))

EDIT: Qyburn failed to penetrate Tarkus's Spell Resistance (16 on the caster level check), so the Fear spell has no effect. I forgot about that, my bad.

Mike M

Nick N
Reflex save:  1d20+10=24
((That takes Val down to 35HP, but 27 of that damage is nonlethal. No longer blinded, correct?))

Clear of the cloud of shimmering obfuscation that claimed the headmaster's viewing box, Val is able to see that yes, things are precisely as bad as he had imagined. Slightly worse, even, as Tarkus is on the recieving end of a quartet of zombies weilding longswords.

While trying to formulate a plan of attack, Nash takes the opportunity to launch another magical attack against the party. Nash hurls another ball of fire in the direction of Quintus and Val, and while Val is fleet-footed enough to once again dodge the worst of it, Quintus is floored by a faceful of flame.

Turning to Sarm and Suvne, he shouts, "I don't suppose either of you can do anything about those zombies or get Quintus back on his feet? His... fashion accessory might provide some use."

((Gonna hold off on taking action until we know what the holy types are going to do))
((Normally I would have Suvne heal Quintis, but since I accidentally added her Str bonus Twice and a +1 to her grapple check because I'm an idiot and looked at the wrong thing on my character sheet, that would put her roll below the requirements, so she'll have to try again.))

Suvne would, well... Try to break free.

Sarm slips away from the tentacles and responds to Val, "I have to keep Quintis safe before I can fight the undead. I fear the headmaster will cast another spell that could kill him." He also may need to cast Freedom of Movement on Suvne eventually.

He moves over to Quintis, and casts Cure Serious Wounds on him.

Sarm Cure Serious Wounds: 3d8+9=19
Suvne Grapple Check: 1d20+11=15
((Yeah, go for it. You guys for the most part can take your own turns in whatever order is optimal for you. I should've made that clear earlier.))
Quintus awakens and thanks Sarm, then gets up and casts Halt Undead on three of the Zombies attacking Tarkus. "Forget them, we need to stop the guy controlling them."

((pretty sure they are not intelligent, but just in case they are, its a will save with a DC of 20))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'm actually only going to take 13 damage total from the zombies and I get 3 attacks thanks to Quintus Haste which I had forgotten about previously. Torn on what to do here. Should I use my 3 attacks on the remaining two unhalted dead or attack once and use standard action to head towards the spellcasters? Right now I feel like the dumb tank in an MMO who aggro'd the trash instead of going for the main bosses.))

Mike M

Nick N
((How far away is Val in relation to the zombies? Maybe he could finish them off with Suvne or Sarm while the others take on the big bads.))
Val is 30 feet from the zombie horde and 50 feet from the mages. He could either walk up to the zombies or charge to them. It's not a straight line to the mages (the zombies are in the way) so you couldn't charge them; you could only double move to get to them and be unable to attack them this turn.

Suvne is also still grappled by the tentacles, so it's unlikely that she will be joining the fray any time soon.
((Actually if he is only 50 feet away from the mages, he should be able to make it in one turn thanks to haste's +30 feet of movement, unless getting around the zombies takes more then 60 feet of course.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would be a bit risky for Val to provoke AoO or something rushing through them. But let's see what my turn does to things. I think for Tarkus the best choice is to eliminate as many in this round as I can while the others regroup. With the barrier down the casters are both extremely physically vulnerable, we just need to get within range. They really gimped us by taking out our main offensive range, definitely missing Evaneth at this point.))

((Unholy Assault mood music))

((Attacks v Tarkus: with haste AC = 22 so zombo 1 & 3 hit, 2 missed and 4 & 5 were just barely tanked. 6 + 7 = 13 damage. 75/88 HP))

Tarkus roars in battle fury, swinging his greataxe in a powerful chop that casts the targeted undead's arm down onto the sand with a splat of dark, putrefied blood. He pulls back his momentum just in time for his eyes to widen as the mangled but still functional zombie raises his sword with a gravelly moan. His vision grants him a fleeting glimpse of the shuffling forms moving to surround him before the handicapped zombie's cry is joined by four more groaning voices and raised blades, their cacophony of tortured moans punctuated by the din of their shaky but rigorous attack. The first blade strikes true and cuts a small gash into the half-orc's neck. Pushing past the pain Tarkus recovers quickly enough to dodge the second blade as it comes down, only to run into the strike of the third which punctures deep into a chink in his shoulder plating.

Only a flesh wound...

Incensed by his own blood trickling down his chest and flowing with adrenaline, Tarkus parries the fourth attack with a yell "HURAK!". The fifth is barely absorbed into the plated torso of his armor when he feels the hair prick up on the back of his neck. Hearing the necromancer chant and feeling the old man's haunting presence about him his body begins to stiffen. "Nooo!" Suddenly it feels as if a spring awakes from within him and pours rays of light into his muscles as bright and warm as the midday sun, throwing off the dark chill from his presence with ease.

Laughing he bellows "With my friend, you shall be one who kneels in fear!"

With the rest of his energy he directs his hastened fury towards an all out attack on the remaining unfazed/halted zombies with a killer instinct.

Full Attack v Zombies

1d20+18+1 → [6,18,1] = (25)
1d20+18+1 → [14,18,1] = (33)
1d20+18+1 → [17,18,1] = (36)

Damage v Zombies
1d12+12 → [6,12] = (18)
1d12+12 → [6,12] = (18)
1d12+12 → [7,12] = (19)

Mike M

Nick N
((Right then, zombies it is.))

Realizing that his combat strategy of standing behind Tarkus would be greatly imperiled if the half-orc warrior were to be felled by some poor saps who had already had their chance at life, Val covers the distance to the undead mob surrounding his friend as quickly as he can, freeing his rapier from its scabbard along the way.

Val's weapon of choice is designed for puncturing wounds. Highly effective against the living, who are veritable bags just chock full of fragile organs needed to sustain life. The undead are a bit more durable in this regard, but still have need of a brain, right? He takes aim at the nearest zombie's eye and makes his thrust.

Attack roll: 1d20+17=34
Damage:  1d6+13=14

((If that'll finish off an active zombie, go ahead and apply it to that one and declare dodge bonus on the other. Otherwise, damage and dodge applied to whichever one has the highest remaining HP))
((I completely missed Quintus's casting of Halt Undead before everyone else took their turn, so that would probably affect how Val would have taken his turn, since three of the zombies were basically frozen in place and Tarkus took out the other two.

I will assume that Val took the most tactically sound approach and charged one of the mages for his turn, since the path is now clear. I will tentatively assign the damage to Nash, but if you want to change it to Qyburn instead then just let me know, since they're standing next to each other.

Suvne takes 9 damage from the tentacles.

Three zombies are halted by Quintus's spell. Tarkus kills the other two.

Qyburn casts Shivering Touch and attempts a touch attack on Val with the spell. 23 versus Touch AC, which I am pretty sure hits. Val, take 9 Dexterity damage. This will decrease your armor class and your to-hit bonus if you use Weapon Finesse (though you can opt to use Strength for that instead), as well as whatever Dexterity-based skills you might want to use, and it will render any feats with a minimum Dex requirement obsolete if you no longer qualify for them, until the damage goes away.

Nash steps out of Val's threat range and casts a spell (Arcana DC 21
Mass Invisibility
). Nash and Qyburn disappear.

Three more zombies move from the other end of the arena toward the party.))

Things begin to happen quickly; though Nash was able to knock Quintus out with a fireball to the face, Sarm comes to the rescue with a heavy-duty Healing spell to rouse the young wizard back to consciousness. While scrambling to his feet, he reaches out his hand and casts a spell, rendering three of the zombies currently embroiled in battle with Tarkus immobile. Two of them fall stiffly to the ground; the third happened to be in a relatively balanced state when the spell is cast, and remains in place.

Tarkus takes advantage of the suddenly-open flank and dedicates his attention to the two remaining abominations, finishing off the one he'd already partially dismembered and cleanly lopping the head off of the other.

This opens up a path for Val to charge straight down the arena and take a stab at ((either Qyburn or Nash)). The magician winces in pain and backs up instinctively; in retaliation, Qyburn mutters some unholy syllables, and his hand lights up with a pale blue energy. He thrusts his palm forward and lands it directly on Val's heart, and Val feels a sinister, icy coldness creep its way through his body, stiffening his joints and making it significantly more difficult to move.

Nash, meanwhile, casts a spell of his own, and both himself and Qyburn shimmer out of sight.

On the other side of the arena, the crowd has already thinned out quite a bit - though, regrettably, in the zombies' favor. On closer inspection, it seems that every time a living creature in the crowd is struck down, it rises from the dead as another ghastly undead. Among the few remaining combatants still fighting the good fight are Garona, the female half-orc, and Sir Loras, the jousting knight with whom Tarkus had competed the previous day; the sheer numbers of zombies are threatening to overwhelm them, however.

With so few remaining living targets in the crowd, a few of the zombies spot Val and begin to drift toward him (( there are three of them and they are 30 feet away)).

Poor Suvne, meanwhile, is still stuck in the Headmaster's box, as progressively more and more of the otherworldly black tentacles slither and wrap themselves around her. At this point, there are so many that they have begun to crush her from all the pressure...

((Begin Round 7))
Sarm is tempted to help the others by destroying the zombies, but decides that he needs to risk that the others can handle themselves for now.

He moves back to Suvne, not having travelled as far as Val & Tarkus so far, and casts Freedom of Movement on her. Suvne promptly begins to head out to the battlefield.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Unless Quin has a handy dandy spell to show invisible people, Tarkus isn't going to be helpful against invisible mages. I'll wait and see what DeadPhoenix does but I'll probably use my intimidate feat to aggro the zombies ))
Quintus quickly opens his bag, and pulls out his Rod of Quicken Spell. He proceeds to cast a quickened Black Tentacles near Nash's and Qyburn's last known location, hopefully grabbing a few zombies in the process, while also avoiding getting his allies stuck in it. He then casts Detect Magic and begins trying to pin point the location of their invisible enemies.

((also, kinda silly even rolling with my arcana bonus, but here it is anyways Arcana (1d20+22=27)))
((It will take 3 rounds of concentrating in order to hone in on an aura of Illusion magic before you can pinpoint their location with Detect Magic))

Quintus's tentacle spell spreads out in a radius that just barely misses Val. It does catch all three zombies, as well as one invisible creature near the center of the writhing mass of appendages; it is clearly struggling against them, but remains invisible. In order to get in range to attack the creature up close, one would have to enter the mass of tentacles and risk getting grappled. The target will also have full concealment against the attack (50% chance of missing).

((I need a Grapple check for the Tentacles on each of the four targets))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thanks thlunarian, surprised I hit even though that roll was terrible!))

Despite the husked corpse warriors falling to the ground, there is still no time to think. Tarkus eyes dart between the remaining arena combatants beginning to lose ground and Sarm's attempt to rescue the grappled paladin. As the form of the two magicians suddenly wavers and disappears into thin air, he curses aloud. "Rat gut bastards!" As he is about to abandon the pursuit, Quintus gestures quickly and the same dark tentacles used against them fly in front of him with an unholy speed, ensnaring all before them.

His mind set, he yells out to Val "Save arena fighters!" before charging into the writhing black mass. Knowing his feet are always planted firmly on his path thanks to the influence of Fharlanghn's boots, Tarkus moves towards the struggling but invisible voice. Deftly moving through the writhing abomination of dark appendages he strikes out in two wide arcs at the struggling voice, hoping to fell the trickster within.

Attack 1 v Invisible Mage
1d20+18 → [2,18] + 1 [haste] = (21)

Damage v Invisible Mage
1d12+12 → [3,12] = (15)

((Rolled a 2 and now a 3...gee wiz. Good thing he is a squishy mage.))
((You can only do the extra Haste attack when you perform a full-round action.

The Mage gets AC penalties for being grappled, so you actually hit his AC, and I rolled a 47 on the miss-chance, so you hit him and can roll damage))

Mike M

Nick N
((How far away is Val from the other fighters in the arena, and how many zombies would he have to contend with to get to them?))
50 feet away is a crowd made up of 10 zombies, 3 living fighters (the half-orc female, a human male, and an elven male wearing fancy light armor), and lots of dead bodies strewn about the ground. With Haste active, you could get to that crowd in a single move action, but the fighters are pretty much surrounded by the zombies right now. You could only get adjacent to any one of the fighters by suffering multiple opportunity-attacks from the zombies.

Mike M

Nick N
((Ick, don't like those odds, especially with a dexterity penalty to Val's AC. If he were to try and find the other invisible mage, I imagine that'd just be a search check with a high DC? Maybe perception?))
((Yes, a Perception check would go against the other guy's Stealth check to try and pinpoint him through non-visual senses. Any of you can try this, by the way. I'll roll it now; that's a DC 20 Perception
The other mage is closing in on Quintus and Sarm's end of the arena; you know exactly which square he is in, and it is 30 feet away

Sarm, you are 100 feet away (on the opposite side of the arena), so you could take a double-move action to get there in 1 turn, though you wouldn't be able to act if you did that. With a single move action, you'd be within 40 feet of them.
With a single move action, you'd be within 40 feet of them.
((Would Turn Undead be able to reach the zombies on the opposite side of the arena if I did a single move action? There seems to be a 60 ft range but I want to know if since the zombies around Nash and Qyburn are probably closer if I would only be able to target those at all?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Thankfully with the belt of strength, Val's STR and DEX modifiers are equal, so his attack rolls won't be affected. But that's gonna put a ding in his AC. Does regular healing take care of that, or does it take something special?))

Val takes advantage of the hole Tarkus hacks in the defensive line of zombies the fraternal mages have arrayed against the party, and lunges forward to take a shot at Nash, managing to stick him in a regrettably non-lethal location. Nash falls back from his blade, but before Val can press forward with his attack, Qyburn intercepts him with some dark, arcane attack. The blood in his body feels as though it has turned to ice water, and the unrelenting cold makes his movement cumbersome and awkward.

And then, just like that, Nash and his wizened brother vanish from view, seemingly leaving nothing but an advancing horde of additional zombies shambling towards the combatants. Suddenly, a second host of black tentacles erupt from the sandy floor of the arena, stopping just short of Val's foot. Three of the zombies are stopped dead in their tracks, but the writhing protrusions seem to have ensnared an unseen fourth. Before Val can give thought to how to approach without being entrapped himself, Tarkus charges forward with the benefit of his divine boots and delivers a blow to the invisible opponent.

That still leaves one concealed wizarding type unaccounted for. Val grabs a handful of sand and flings it in a wide arc, hoping to discern where the hidden caster is standing.

Perception check: 1d20+9=10
((Instead, he apparently knocks his glasses off))
((Sarm: If you do as you described, every single zombie in the arena will be within your Turn Undead range.

Qyburn attempts to Disarm Quintus. He is still invisible when he instigates the attack, so Quintus does not have a chance to make an Opportunity Attack. Disarm attempt: 22. Quintus, make an unarmed melee attack roll at a -4 (since you're unarmed; Qyburn incurred the same penalty). If you get less than a 22, you lose the Hand of Vecna.

Nash activates a magic item and then casts a spell. He is no longer where he had just been standing.

The three zombies attempt to break free from the tentacles, and fail.))

The party switches tactics when the pair of spell-slinging siblings pull their disappearing act, and go all out in an attempt to find them. Quintus's tentacles do the job of revealing one mage's location, and Tarkus barrels forward in a bid to end things as quickly as possible. The tentacles lick ineffectually at the half-orc, as he is protected by magic of the gods; he nevertheless feels a fleeting chill run down his spine as they brush over his skin.

His axe strikes true, though, and the gratifying sound of tearing flesh rings like music in Tarkus's ears as a spatter of blood jumps from the wound, returning to visibility as a voice winces in distaste and pain. A flash of magical energies crackles briefly, and then the tentacles that had been holding him captive close around air; he seems to have disappeared.

Quintus, noting the magical discharge - almost certainly coming from the same magical item that Nash activated earlier -, raises an eyebrow in curiosity, and is abruptly jarred from complacency as an invisible hand grabs at the unholy gauntlet of Vecna without warning. Qyburn appears next to Quintus, and the stench of death-magic fills Quintus's nostrils as the necromancer does his best to yank the Hand of Vecna away from him.

After Sarm frees Suvne from her own tentacled dilemma, freeing her to charge toward the zombies (she will be able to get to one on her next action), he surveys the battleground and notes the imperiled combatants on the other side of the arena. Though he decides it's time to go help them, the sudden appearance of the necromancer only a few feet away may (or may not) alter his plans...
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