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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((I can only confirm to myself that Qyburn had appeared next to Quintis, and that Nash suddenly disappeared. Does that mean that Qyburn is close to Sarm because of appearing near Quintis, or did something teleport in front of Sarm himself?))
((I can only confirm to myself that Qyburn had appeared next to Quintis, and that Nash suddenly disappeared. Does that mean that Qyburn is close to Sarm because of appearing near Quintis, or did something teleport in front of Sarm himself?))

((Qyburn is close to you because of appearing near Quintus))
Sarm decides to hope that Quintis can handle himself, and yells out, "Suvne! Help Quintis! I need to cleanse the area of undead!"

Sarm promptly runs out towards the center of the arena (where Turn Undead can hit everything) and calls upon his god's power for help.

Suvne rushes back, and raises her sword to drop it down at the apex of her movement upon her opponent, imbuing the slash with a glowing light, fairly certain that all necromancers are evil, and even if they aren't, this one certainly is.

Turn Undead: 1d20=17 (Cleric Level + 2), 2d6+9=12
Suvne Smite Evil: 1d20+16=23, 1d8+12=13

Mike M

Nick N
Relatively alone and off to the side, Val seems to have been momentarily forgotten in the fever of combat. With Suvne and Quintus tangling with one of the invisible mages and another pilfered relic and Sarm racing to save the remaining combatants on the opposite end of the arena, that still leaves one unseen mage to account for.

Though Nash may disguise himself to the naked eye, he can't disguise the effects of his passing. Scanning the ground, Val frantically tries to spot any footprints without corresponding feet to account for them...

Perception check:  1d20+9=15
Though unaccounted-for footprints are in short supply, Val does notice blood dropping out of thin air over in that corner of the arena over there...

((It is within range - about 50 feet away - , and the Perception check was a free action, so you can go over there and attack (or whatever) if you want))

Qyburn didn't even resist Quintus's spells. He got a face full of Glitterdust and fell flat on his back, cackling maniacally and clearly too overjoyed at his possession of the Hand to be particularly concerned ((he actually failed both saves, but I like that image better)).

Three zombies from the crowd of 10 flee as far away from Sarm as they can get, climbing into the stands to do so.

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, not going to take any chances and use one of the potions of CMW he picked up last encounter.))

Potion of cure moderate wounds:  2d8 = 8
((Actually, not going to take any chances and use one of the potions of CMW he picked up last encounter.))

Potion of cure moderate wounds:  2d8 = 8

((Add 5 to that, and remember to cancel out all nonlethal, THEN add the full amount back. Also, Abolity Score damage needs a Restoration spell to heal it; otherwise it heals at 1 point per day. I forgot to answer that earlier))
((Back up a bit, Quintus, you already went this round (and the bad guys' actions might make you change what you just tried to do). I was waiting on Jackben, but I'm gonna assume he had a long weekend or something and take his turn for him.

Tarkus Charges at the nearest non-grappled zombie and attacks it, hitting for 19 damage.

Qyburn puts on the Hand of Vecna and uses it on himself, turning into an Undead.

Nash casts Scorching Ray on Suvne, thus ending the Invisibility effect. The rays are a 17 and an 18 vs Touch AC, hitting and dealing a total of 29 Fire damage.

Zombies do various things that are mostly irrelevant to the party, except for three of them that attack Tarkus: 23, 14, and 24 vs AC. The first one will deal 9 damage if it hits; the third will deal 8 damage if that hits.))

As Val takes a time out to heal up with a trusty magical potion, Tarkus, noticing that his invisible opponent has apparently disappeared, looks on and notices Garona in distress up ahead. He immediately charges straight past the three entangled zombies and slams his axe into the first free one he comes across, dealing serious damage but not quite taking it out yet.

Qyburn takes Quintus completely by surprise, wresting the Hand of Vecna out of his control. Quintus is able to respond, succesfully blinding the necromancer and making him fall awkwardly to the arena floor, and Suvne follows up with a painful stab with her holy-infused sword, but the old man keep an iron grip on his prize and, at the first opportunity, dons the artifact. The party witnesses the gauntlet convert into pure energy, dissolving Qyburn's flesh in a bloody mess that ends with only bones where his fully-developed hand used to be; he screams in a chilling mixture of agony and pleasured insanity.

"Behold and despair, mortals!" he bellows, his voice taking on a nearly demonic quality. He uses his skeletal hand to grip his other arm, and immediately his flesh turns pale, and then dark, and then it wrinkles even more than it already was. "ULTIMATE POWER!"

He continues to laugh maniacally, and carefully stands up as he does so ((20 on the Balance Checl)), incurring an attack of opportunity from Suvne in the process ((Critical Hit, dealing 17 damage)).

Nash decides to forego his invisibility advantage and attempts to protect his brother, firing off a double-Scorching Ray at the paladin threatening Qyburn. Both firebolts hit and ignite the cloth portions of her attire, causing her to partially bake in her armor and dealing some serious damage.

((I think this is Round 9 now. Fight!))

Mike M

Nick N
Val chugs down a potion of healing, and as the curative effects spread out from his core, he realizes he was never hurt particularly badly. Such is the suggestive power of illusionary magic.

Things have clearly gotten worse with Qyburn having turned himself into some sort of zombie sorcerer. That's definitely the purview of Quintus, Sarm, and Suvne, but they're going to have a devil of a time taking care of him so long as Nash is taking ranged pot shots at them.

Fortunately, Val no longer needs expend energy trying to find the mage, since he has resumed visibility once more. Rushing forward, he seeks to finish the job he started before Nash's vanishing act...

Attack roll:  1d20+15=22
Damage:  1d6+17=18


bitch I'm taking calls.
((My bad for the delay guys, got a bit confused and I didn't realize it was my turn. Not sure if haste is still active at this point. Gonna go with no.))

Determined to help the struggling combatants of the arena Tarkus nonetheless feels a twinge of regret as the assumed retreating mages each play their respective trump cards. And yet despite the chaos of Qyburn's transformation and Nash's ambush, Tarkus attention is already over committed.

Gripping his greataxe tightly as sweat and blood trickle down his muscles, it is all he can do remain standing as he fights off the trio of zombies that even now threaten to tear him limb from limb. The first and third tear respective gashes in his side while the second is thwarted by the strength of his armor. Growling in pain, he nevertheless regains his footing and strikes back against the horde of undead with as much ferocity as he can muster.

((58/88 HP))

Tarkus Vs Zombies
1d20+18 → [15,18] = (33)
1d20+18 → [9,18] = (27)

Damage v Zombies

1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)
1d12+12 → [9,12] = (21)
((Qyburn made both saves and Suvne only hit him once so he is still up, but he definitely got quite a beating from those Fireballs.

Haste is still active for 1 more round after this one, if my calculations are correct.

Sarm still has to take his turn this round (I'm going to start clarifying this during any mid-round status update from now on)
Suvne Hasted Attack: 1d20+13=28, 1d8+6=14
Sarm Standard Action Attack + Hasted Attack: 1d20+11=27, 1d8+3=6, 1d20+11=14, 1d8+3=4

Sarm looks back behind him quickly at the cackling that reeks of pride and triumph, and witnesses the same zombification that had happened with the cultist.

Eyeing that the Necromancer has been damaged greatly, and not confident that he could be able to summon his god's power enough to destroy him instantly, he decides to simply help attempt to finish him off normally. With a lift of his arm, the mace doesn't make much of an impact against the Necromancer's protection, it being much too outdated for this battle.
((One zombie attacks Tarkus: 25 vs AC; Tarkus takes 11 damage.

Nash casts a Maximized Shocking Grasp and attempts to touch Val with it: 15 vs Touch AC. With the reduced Dexterity that will likely hit (Touch AC is a flat 10 + your Dexterity modifier + any Deflection and Dodge bonuses). Assuming it does, Val takes 30 Electricity damage.

Qyburn approaches Quintus and attempts to touch him with the skeletal hand. 26 vs Touch. 22 on the Percentage die for the Blind penalty (because of Glitterdust), so that will hit. Make both a Will Save and a Fortitude Save, each of them DC 21. Remember to add the +2 bonus from Protection from Evil. If you fail either one, you turn into an intelligent Undead. I will wait and see if you actually do fail or not before I give you the mechanical details; either way, it won't impact your ability to act next turn))

Qyburn's mad cackling is finally put to an abrupt end as a pair of searing fireballs explode all around him, lighting parts of him on fire and burning away flesh to expose bone. Suvne and Sarm immediately follow up with melee attacks that don't appear to concern him much (though they are still dealing damage). Qyburn instead glares at Quintus and raises his arms as if to cast a spell; a foreboding, acrid mist appears to rise from the floor of the arena, similar to the stunt he'd pulled during the finals bout against Tarkus, and everyones' ankles begin to itch.

Then he stops, as if to listen to something that no one else can hear. "Lord Vecna!" he shouts in awe, and subtly nods his head, still listening. "It will be as you say, My Lord!" He promptly stops casting the spell he'd started on, and charges directly at an unprepared Quintus with his hand outstretched. Despite Qyburn's obvious blindness, Quintus is unable to get out of the way in time, and the cold skeletal hand grips him firmly on the forearm as dark magicks begin to seep their way within...

Elsewhere, Val engages in one-on-one combat with the original target of this encounter, charging headlong at the now-exposed Nash. Though the wily wizard manages to elude the tip of the rapier, up close Val realizes that the Headmaster appears to be on his last legs. His clothes have been burned, stabbed, and slashed, and his body bears similar wounds; he is breathing heavily, and all manner of pretense is gone. This is a very different person from the cool, composed, and deceptive one that Val had met just a few minutes earlier in the Headmaster's Box.

"Why won't you DIE already?!" he shouts unevenly, charging his hand with lightning-magic and slapping Val across the face.

Tarkus is steadily whittling down the zombie horde with the help of the other arena combatants; by now there are only three left in the crowd, and the danger to them has mostly passed. Garona speaks in orcish:

Lok'Thar, Brave and Strong Warrior Tarkus Rook, we thank you for your help! You must help your comrades-in-arms; we will destroy the dead-walkers!"

((Begin Round 10 - the final round that Haste is active))

Mike M

Nick N
"I was about to ask you the same que--Gyah!" Val's banter (regrettably not particularly of the "witty" variety, but he's too busy to be wordsmithing right now) is interrupted by the current of Nash's electrified grasp coursing through his being.

Clutching his chest, he staggers as his heart stumbles with arrhythmia before it reestablishes it's customary beat. "Truthfully," Val says in between gasps of air, "I was really hoping you didn't have anything left in you but more tricks of light. Oh well, scarcely matters now. Farewell, Headmaster."

Here, in such close proximity and against a fully visible foe, Val takes advantage of the last lingering remains of Quintus' spell of hastening and hopefully delivers a final blow.

Attack 1:  1d20+15=32
Damage:  1d6+17=23

Attack 2:  1d20+10=29
Confirming critical:  1d20+10=17
Damage: 1d6+17=21

Haste Attack: 1d20+15=22
Damage:  1d6+17=21
((I wanted to wait to see what happens to Quintis but screw it. Also I keep forgetting bonuses so excuse me when my attack rolls look different from previous posts, gonna read up on Haste to help myself remember it, also was using the wrong strength bonus for damage last turn.))

Sarm and Suvne give each other a quick look in extreme alarm at the Hand of Vecna being used on Quintis, resulting in them both rushing to kill its user as quickly as possible, using the last of their Hasted abilities.

Sarm Full Attack + Haste: 1d20+12=24, 1d8+4=11, 1d20+7=20, 1d8+4=10, 1d20+12=19, 1d8+4=10
Suvne Full Attack + Haste (First Hit Gives Crit Threat): 1d20+14=33, 1d10+5=11, 1d20+9=11, 1d10+5=6, 1d20+14=25, 1d10+5=12
Suvne Crit Check: 1d20+14=30, 1d10+5=12

Suvne in particular would try to put her best effort to show that she can still be powerful in combat, even if she is not as great as Tarkus in ability.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Swinging his greataxe before him, dark clotted blood splashes onto the dusty ground along side the broken bodies of the undead. Wiping sweat from his brow he takes a moment to pause before hearing Val's tortured yell as a bright light flashes around him. Preparing to charge once more, Tarkus nods at the female half-orc, quickly replying in Orcish:
"Lok'Thar, Garona. May you and your kin lay waste unto all who oppose you."
Turning about face he musters his stamina and makes use of the fading haste enchantment to reach the decrepit and horrifying form of Qyburn.

His eyes burning with revulsion, hatred and fear for Quintus, Tarkus roars as he charges toward the skeletal sorcerer. "Those who raise the dead suffer eternal torture in defeat!" Closing the distance he yells "When finished, you shall have no piece of body or shard of soul to be raised!" Tarkus wills his strike true, throwing all his strength into a powerful arc aimed to cleave the abomination in two, his muscles aching but coursed with adrenaline.

Attack v Qy-ghoul
1d20+18, 1d12+12 → Attack Roll: ([15+18+1=34], Damage: [3+12=15])
Fort;Will (1d20+7=15, 1d20+9=14)
((not sure if the Protection from Evil stacks with my Cloak of Resistance(d20srd says they are both resistance bonuses, so i assume not), but even if it does, i still failed those saves horribly))

Not suite sure what to make of whats happening to him right now, Quintus decides to respond with a scorching ray to Qyburn's ugly face... assuming he hasn't already been chopped into pieces.

Scorching ray (1d20+8=17, 4d6=18, 1d20+8=10, 4d6=11)
Apparently under orders from Vecna himself, Qyburn grasps Quintus's arm, and the chill of undeath spreads through his body, turning his skin pale and making his mouth dry. Sarm, Suvne, and Tarkus all rush in to converge on the necromancer and hack his limbs off, but the damage has been done: Quintus is no longer "alive" in the traditional sense.

Seeing that Qyburn isn't quite dead yet, Quintus finishes him off with two heat rays; the skeletal portion of his arm breaks off from the rest of his body and morphs back into the familiar black, scaled gauntlet.

Elsewhere, Val stabs an apparently-fatal wound into Headmaster Nash, but as he falls unconscious, his body immediately disappears, so it's impossible to determine whether it was ACTUALLY fatal.

Garona, Loras, and the unnamed armored elf also finish off the zombies who had been threatening them, and then easily pick off the remainder who are still entangled in Quintus's black tentacles.

Guardsmen can be seen filtering down through the still-panicked crowd, and are approaching the arena with weapons drawn.

((Quintus, you now have the Necropolitan template. The specific details can be found here, but here is a list of effects:

Hit Dice: Increase to d12.
Special Qualities: A necropolitan retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.
Resist Control (Ex): Necropolitans have a +2 profane bonus on their Will saving throws to resist the effect of a control undead spell.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A necropolitan has +2 turn resistance.
Unnatural Resilience (Ex): Necropolitans automatically heal hit point damage and ability damage at the same rate as a living creature. The Heal skill has no effect on necropolitans; however, negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals them.
Abilities: Same as the base creature, except that as undead creatures, necropolitans have no Constitution score.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature.

You also count as being undead, of which the complete list of attributes can be found here.

You have no Constitution score as an undead, but your hit dice increase to d12s, so roll 9d12 and add 12 to that for your new HP total (this is including the new level everyone is gaining). You will probably want to keep track of your current HP for if you get turned back to life though.

Also, your Concentration skill will be keyed off of your Charisma bonus for as long as you're undead.

Qyburn has on him a Cloak of Charisma +6 and 50,000 gold, and we are officially out of combat. Everyone gain a level. This puts Suvne at 8 and the rest of you at 10.))
undead hp (9d12=40)
((Why the hate dice? Why? Well, at least my hp still looks kinda like I'm a normal wizard I guess.))

Quintus reacquires the hand and gives Qyburn lifeless... undeathless...(?) body a swift kick to the head in anger. "Great... Just great..."

Mike M

Nick N
((So, there's like... prestige classes to consider now, right?))

Val tentatively kicks the air in front of him where Nash should have fallen, seeing as how it wouldn't be the first time the mage has unexpectedly vanished from sight.

The toe of his boot encounters only air. Not entirely sure that his foe has been vanquished, but satisfied that he'll likely not be returning to continue the fight in the immediate future, Val wipes his blade off and resheaths it.

Regrouping with everyone else around Qyburn's desiccated corpse, he begins with, "Quintus, you're looking a bit... unwell there." Then, more seriously, "Clementine's victims in Alydar started to lose their mental capacity after a while, I don't suppose anyone kept note of the time elapsed?"

Suddenly aware of the approaching guards, he rests his hand nonchalantly on the pommel of his rapier. "Company. Hopefully the headmaster's actions were unambiguous enough that we needn't try to talk our way out of charges attempted assassination..."
((I assume Quintis keeps his alignment?))

Sarm slowly straightens his body while gazing at what Quintis had become.. "Quintis.." He is not entirely horrified, having seen this before, but it still pains him that massive misfortune had befallen his ally.

He looks at his personal mace and slides it back into his buckle. As much as he's favored his long time weapon, he feels that this was the last battle he will have it. He remains silent after that, unsure of what the guards will do.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus looks sad upon regrouping with the others, his eyes flickering nervously from the broken dead strewn across the arena to Quintus new haunting visage. He spits on the charred remains of Qyburn and crushes the necromancers skull beneath his boots in angry defiance. At a loss for words he holds his greataxe tightly in a battle-ready stance should the guards make trouble.
((Quintus's alignment is unaffected, and mentally he feels the same as he did before. The changes are entirely physical. Oh and remember to add 12 to that number, Quintus; Level 1 always maxes out your HP. Sorry about the crappy rolls though.))

When the guards make it down to the sands of the arena, initially they are almost hostile toward the party, and are prepared to make arrests; however, after talking it out for a bit (and with some assistance from the three remaining arena combatants, who were able to offer corroborating stories), it becomes clear that there was deception afoot; it seems that early on during the battle, Nash constructed an elaborate illusion that made it appear as though he was trying to fight against Qyburn while the party continued their assault on the Headmaster.

The illusion wasn't perfect, however, and parts of it didn't make sense; this is why, with the contradictory stories from both the party and Garona & friends, the guards agree to let the party go, with the understanding that they are persons of interest, and that they should be expected to undergo further questioning at a later time - especially once the Headmaster has been found.

((I decided to abstract this scene because it would have taken some time to act out and it didn't seem like it would be very interesting, especially with the predetermined outcome (which was the reward for saving the imperiled fighters). However if there are any specific one-on-one interactions anyone would like to play out, then go for it. Otherwise, it's up to the party on what to do next))
((It might be later tonight before I finally get around to leveling up Sarm and Suvne, I have to level up a third character today as well.))

Sarm is somewhat relieved that they are free for now, but still feels unsure that will last.

He regroups with the party and discusses Quintis' condition, "My ability to use divine powers has grown since I first received the rod, but I worry that I still may not be strong enough to remove Vecna's curse without the Rod."

Mike M

Nick N
Val quickly relieves Qyburn's corpse of his valuables, though perhaps not as deftly as he could have managed. Turning to Sarm, he inquires, "And what about whatever he's done to me? I had hoped the effect might fade when he did, but it's disconcerting to have such a lack of command of one's limbs..."

((Anyone actually want the cloak of Charisma +6? It'd be a nice bump to some of Val's skills, but nothing core. Also, need to go back and figure out how much of Val's share of the $50K goes towards everyone else. Character sheet is otherwise updated.))
((He's talking about the 9 Dexterity damage. You can get rid of that with a single casting of Restoration (Level 4 spell), or a series of Lesser Restorations (each one cures 1d4 points of ability damage).

Edit: The spell that did it was called Shivering Touch, from the book "Frostburn", for those curious))
((Ah, okay. Thanks for the reminder, I'll definitely be preparing that spell. My spell list has been needing of being badly updated and I'll do that on level up.))

Sarm looks over to Val, a little flustered, "Forgive me for my lack of concern. You fought well enough to appear in condition. It is within my means to heal the affliction the first opportunity that arrives."

Sarm HD: 1d8=3
Suvne HD: 1d10=7


bitch I'm taking calls.
Eyeing the cloak procured by Val, Tarkus stiffens as the rogue slides it into his pack. "Be care it not cursed." He shakes his head at the decrepit corpse of the dark mage "Even in death he plague us" before he shuffles unsteadily to the edge of the arena.

Even though they all came out still alive, Quin's state and the disappearance of Evaneth with the artifacts, the theft of the rod and the escape of the treacherous Headmaster makes it hard for Tarkus to see the silver lining. He would outline this to the group while they weigh up their next options. What started as a bright entrance into the college town of Emerald Bay in celebration now feels like a depressed departure into a stormy future unknow.

And yet the solution in Tarkus mind seems simple: "We need sun rod of Sarm's god to heal Quin. Gnome can wait."

As the gang discusses their options Tarkus makes a mental note to meditate tonight on all he's learned since reaching Emerald bay.
Quintus gives a creepy zombie smirk and says "I don't know Tarkus, having a little talk with with Rubio while I'm like this could prove quite entertaining... however I don't want to risk suffering from the long term effects of this condition, so yes, well head out tomorrow and track that old man down."
((Last chance to do stuff before entering the portal to another dimension, because nothing important happens on its own that evening or the next morning))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Might buy some stuff before we go. I have my winnings from the tourny but still uncertain how the gold on Qyburn is being split up. Either way I'll do a proper post tonight.))
((I know I want a better Mace for Sarm. With Evaneth gone, we'll get 10,000 each right? That should be enough for a fairly good one since once we get the Rod back I'm passing it down to Suvne.))

EDIT: ((I might just use both Sarm & Suvne's money to get a +2 Morningstar with Shock, or just a normal +3.))
((with Evaneth gone shouldn't it be 12500 each? Anyways, either way I'm probably picking up a Blessed book because i gotta be close to filling my book up. After which I'm copying all my spells over of course.))
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