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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((I wasn't expecting the level of surprise all of you guys had about a godless cleric, but it's actually working out pretty well for roleplay dialogue so that's cool. As far as the lore behind it goes though, usually clerics/paladins without a deity have faith in a particular cause in lieu of a god. This is very applicable here.

Also, since I doubt it's going to come up in dialogue, and your characters would probably have already figured it out by now... Ith is actually a Mystic Theurge, which is a prestige class that combines Cleric and Wizard.))

Sarm actually gets the sense that Ith is being mostly honest. He was probably stretching the truth as far as his own personal diet is concerned, but apart from that one white lie, he seems to be impressively forthright in his body language and tone of voice.

Ith addresses each member of the party in turn. "Yes, Mister Santee, it's true that my people are more confined than I'd like. Still, their degree of freedom is several orders of magnitude greater than it was previously. You see, the vampires here treat humans as an approximate hybrid of a house slave and a cattle. The level of cruelty varied depending on the household, but in all cases it was at a level that any of you would consider sub-human. Many - perhaps most - of them haven't a clue what to do with themselves because they've never known freedom. We as a collective are doing our best to see to those peoples' needs and acclimate them to their new reality, but of course these things take time."

Turning to Quintus, Ith pauses to think. "Well," he says, "I don't know about any 'secret' libraries, but there is a fairly extensive collection of books on the third floor. I'm afraid that the actual library proper is still consigned to the shadows, though certainly not inaccessible for your crew. As far as I'm aware, however, the vampires have never shown much interest in traveling between planes; there was a trade route established between this town and some of the others in Ravenloft, and that's how they managed to find variety in their... their diets."

Ith meets Tarkus's gaze and only slightly tenses up, not turning away. Finally he nods. "Then it appears we've reached a tentative truce - that is, presuming that your companions feel the same as you. If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I've had my fill for now. There is still much work for me to do today. I've had rooms prepared for each of you if you'd like to take them, but of course it's your choice where you'd like to set up camp, so to speak. If you decide to begin hunting vampires in earnest and would like guidance, you need only speak to any of the soldiers here in the Palace. Good day to you."

Ith stands from the table and walks back to the door he came from. Soon after, serving girls come and take up empty plates - and you notice that they are very careful not to waste any of the leftover food.

Mike M

Nick N
Val plucks one last morsel from the tray of a passing serving girl as they clear the table. "Well, that went about as well as could be expected. I doubt we're likely to acquire much leverage to budge his position, short of Quintus zombifying the whole town so they no longer need fear being preyed upon by vampires and Ith might take out a longer lease on his soul. Which I would honestly file away under 'so crazy it just might work,' but the logistics... Ugh.

"Speaking of which, do you suppose he might be willing to cede enough control over the rod to let Sarm clear up Quintus' skin condition here? We may even be able to get the Arm off without... Taking off his arm..."
((If Quintus wants to pursue what Val just proposed (to be honest I forgot to have Ith address it; it would've made sense, so that's my bad), we can back up a bit, because really Ith should have offered to do that himself and it just slipped the DM's mind))
"I would like that very much Val, but I've been thinking... we are probably gonna be dealing with vampires at some point, whether we like it or not, so being dead may actually prove to be an advantage when dealing with them, for now at least."

Knowledge - Religion: (1d20+12=32)
((for the vampires, mostly to make sure Quintus completely wrong about the above remark and because it could be useful anyways... this is of course assuming I have already made this check, which I can't really remember right now...))
Quintus just so happens to be an expert on vampires.

They are intelligent undead, so they can be turned and rebuked, but it's more difficult than it would be on a mindless undead (they have Turn Resistance).

A common ability of theirs is to temporarily drain the life force from their victims (negative levels), and Quintus is correct that as an undead zombie, he would be immune to that.

Though vampires in general take damage normally, they always regenerate, with two exceptions. A wooden stake through the heart kills them, and direct sunlight just disintegrates them to oblivion.

Vampires do have some weaknesses, such as holy water, but they are all superficial except as noted above.

Vampires are immortal, and therefore their power levels, and abilities, vary wildly. These include but are not limited to shapeshifting, flying, spell-casting, teleportation, and hypnotic suggestion just by looking victims in the eyes. Vampires are more than capable of taking levels in classes and gaining those abilities as well.
Sarm begins to quickly eat some of his food, despite his lack of motivation to do so, so that later tonight he will not find himself unnecessarily hungry. He gives up the rest of the plate when it is to be taken.

He says to Quintis, "Let us hope that this task does not take too long, for your mind's sake." He soon asks, "And we need to obtain some stakes."

((I suppose now is a good time to obtain some Holy Water, though I don't know how much it will help.))
((Sarm, if you want to use Holy Water then I'd strongly recommend just using it as flavor text (thus having no cost). Mechanically-speaking, it wouldn't be worth it because it deals less damage than your weapon and is less reliable to hit with.

About the next part of the plot: I'll be honest, I know exactly what I want to happen, but I'm not sure how to implement it stylistically.

So I'm going to have you guys do it for me.

For the next few days in-game, you guys are going to go out hunting vampires. This will be a narrative-based exercise (kind of like the Battle of Alydar and the arena matches in Emerald Bay), except this time it's taking place over the span of a few days (less than a week).

You all can cover things in as much or as little detail as you like. I think you know enough about the mood and thematic overtones here to fill in the blanks appropriately. You can also either focus on an internal monologue, or stick to detailing the events, or a combination; whatever suits you. Think of it kind of like a montage.

All you need to know is that during the time period that you're covering, so far you've been successful in your efforts, but you've only really made a small dent in the vampire population.

I'll pick up after everyone has a go of it, but this part is important in order to establish some context for what happens afterward, and I enjoy hearing what you guys come up with.

Happy narrating!))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'll save this for tomorrow since I'll actually have time to sit down at a computer and type something instead of tapping it out on my phone :D

Does everyone want to just take turns describing a day each or something?))
((I'm assuming we come up with our own scenarios (I already have one in mind, but I just want to make sure now that Mike M asked) of our characters' encounters with vampires.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I like the idea of each of us taking a day. I was going to write a scenario involving the entire group initially but focus on Tarkus alone for narrative reasons that will revealed. The involvement of the others should be minimal and hopefully I don't step outside of character for what you guys would be doing.))
((Not to butt in too much here, but I also like the idea of each of you covering a day and doing as Jackben suggested: writing a scenario for the entire party, but focusing mostly on your own character. It makes the most sense for you all to stick together anyway))

Mike M

Nick N
True to Ith's word, Val finds that staying in the "Palace of Suns" is indeed a comfortable affair, and he wants for nothing during the party's stay there. That's not say they're not living in the lap of luxury unduly though, as their days (Or rather the period of wakefulness that passes for a day in this realm of time deprivation) are spent in some of the direst peril imaginable.

This morning begins like so many of the others these past few days (how long has it been now, anyway?), with the party gathering around a broad table covered with a map of Immol. A circle in a fixed radius centered on the palace in which they currently dwell has been drawn upon the map to designate the area that currently enjoys the protection of the Rod of Pelor. It nearly--but not quite-- encompasses the entirety of the city, the remainder of the map marked with a series of red X's to designate known or suspected reservoirs of the remaining vampire population.

Progress thus far has been slow. They need to be thorough in their eradication efforts, and the resulting cleared out area needs to be secured to prevent reinfestation as the vagrant population migrates from other areas that are targeted at a later time. Their target for the day decided and armed with the implements of vampire slaying, the party heads out for the day.

The light emanating from the palace is still as painfully bright as always, and Val has by this point accepted the fact that he's likely never to acclimate to the harsh, unnatural way that the light acts this close to the tower itself. It adopts a more customary behavior as they venture further away from the palace, but with the lack of penetration and saturation, their protection is diminished. Soon they find themselves in the area that is deemed uninhabitable, though it could still conceivably provide enough safety for the humans to dwell. Ith, however, insists on maintaining a buffer zone between the very outer sphere of his influence and the inhabited area of the city, and Val can hardly fault him for his caution.

Outside the protection of the Rod of Pelor's brilliance, they venture forth into a particularly dilapidated section of town. Suvne in particular seems on high alert, and somewhere in the recesses of Val's still begrudging mind, he figures that these daily crusades against evil must literally be what she lives for. Rising out of the gloom stands the remains of what once may have been an ancient cathedral of sorts. All granite, obsidian, and flying buttresses, the mind's eye can easily trace the contours of what must have stood on this spot long ago, before so much of the facade was reduced to rubble.

Tarkus grunts and juts his chin up towards the roof of the massive building. "Up there. Man." Following Tarkus' gaze upward, Val does catch sight of what appears to be the flutter of cloth as a figure darts behind cover.

"Well then," Val says cheerily, "I guess we're going to church today."

The interior of the cathedral is deeply unsettling. The proportions seem too large for use by any race that Val has ever known, as though this place were a remnant from a previous civilization that the vampires of Immol had built upon and around but never fully incorporated into the city. The imagery is abstract and alien, yet at the same time there can be little doubt that it is profoundly profane to the sensibilities of civilized peoples.

Instinctively, the group tightens into a circle with their backs to one another. There are numerous hiding places in the corners and shadows of this place, and the stakes are too high to risk allowing themselves to be ambushed. Vampires are a deadly lot, and highly resilient to damage, as they've all personally experienced at this point. "Movement," Suvne quietly announces after a moment, pointing in the direction of a statue with too many limbs carved of onyx that dominates the front of the building. True enough, Val could pick out at least three individuals sulking about the outsized pews, attempting to remain unseen.

"Alright then, let's get this over with," Val says as he draws his rapier and checks the point on a wooden stake. "I hate spending time in church." The group slowly advances down the central aisle, approaching the presumed vampires. Their presence is not unnoticed, however, as the three up front clearly act in concert to split up and try and edge around the outside edge of the cavernous room. Only there's at least five of them, contrary to earlier estimation. "What are they doing?" Val wonders aloud. If it were a smaller space, it could perhaps be said that they were trying to surround the party, but they were so spread out that such a tactic seemed unlikely.

"I think they're just trying to get away from us," Sarm opines. "They don't seem like they want to fight at all, and we can't possibly go after them all if they split up."

"Well that makes sense, I suppose," Val agrees somewhat hesitantly. "But they've been cut off from humans for so long now, you'd think they'd be mad with--"

"Behind us!" interrupts Quintus, as another vampire drops from the gaping wound where the ceiling once was so many years ago and rushes at the party. Eyes sunken into pale skin with hollow cheeks, the vampire is scarcely recognizable as having once been human as its lips curl back to reveal its unnatural dentature. With a roar of fury, Tarkus intercepts the rushing assailant and body checks the undead creature into a broken column supporting nothing but the air above it. As Tarkus attempts to batter the ambusher into submission against the carved column, Val notes that more than five--far more than five-- forms are scurrying and clambering over the pews in their direction, screaching and wailing in their blood lust.

In the blink of an eye, the swarm of vampires is upon them. Though weakened by their lack of feeding, they are maddened with their hunger and they have the advantage of numbers. For everyone one that Val strikes down with his rapier, another takes its place, and then the first rejoins the fray after it regenerates from the damage that he has inflicted. He simply can't keep them down long enough to drive his oaken stake through their hearts to finish them off for good, but at the very least he's holding his own. He couldn't speculate as to how long he would be able to manage that feat, however.

With a thunderous crack, the fluted column that Tarkus was beating his opponent against fractures along the base. Like a swarm of malevolent insects, the crowd of ravenous vampires scatters at the noise and regroup a few paces back as the heavy masonry tips over. With a deafening roar, it falls to the ground and plunges through the rotten architecture below, opening a yawning chasm as the great carved stone tiles of the cathedral floor cascade into it. Val scrambles for safety, but loses his footing as the tile collapses beneath him, sending him careening into the pitch black depths below.


Conciousness comes, and with it comes its good close personal friend, pain. Groggy and unfocused, Val makes note that his leg is currently pinned beneath one of the massive tiles of the cathedral above, but otherwise he can't discern any serious injury. It was a long enough fall to hurt like a bitch, but judging by the splintered wood lying about, he crashed through enough floors to break his fall enough so as to not be fatal. Not that it would do him much good to survive that, only to find himself imobilized in the apparent basement of a nest of frenzied vampires.

Grunting with effort, he attempts to dislodge the massive tile, but to no avail. Throwing himself back and cathing his breath, he becomes acutely aware of sounds that indicate that he's not down here alone. Sitting back up, he glances over the tile to see that one of the vampires is down here with him, though its legs have been severed just above the knees, apparently not having had Val's luck with how the tiles from above landed on it. Still, it seems unaware of its injuries, and is crawling slowly and inexorably towards him, a feverish look of desire painted on its sexless, hollowed face.

With renewed urgency, Val throws himself back into trying to free himself, but the stone is as implacable as ever and refuses to set his leg free. The vampire is nearly upon him now, crawling up the tile that pins him to the floor. Val ceases trying to move the tile and instead attempts to draw his rapier. He doesn't see much hope of being able to defeat the creature, even in its weakened state, but at least he won't go out without a fight.

Val's thoughts on his mortality are put on hold, however, as the vampire's back unexpectedly sprouts a wooden stake. The undead creature makes one final, feeble grasp in Val's direction before the light goes out of it's eyes and it lies still forever. Following the stake up, Val sees that it's actually the pointed end of a staff, grasped by a gray, wizened hand emerging from a dark cloak of tattered rags. Not quite sure of what to make of this development, Val's grip on his rapier remains as tight as ever. "I don't suppose you've just spared my life so that you might take it for yourself, have you?" he inquires.

The figure poles the vampire's corpose off the stone, steps upon it with a foot as wizened and gray as the hand-- with a few incredibly unsightly growths blooming like mushrooms upon the skin-- and yanks the staff free. Throwing back the hood, Val's savior reveals herself to be the single most hideously ugly crone that he has ever borne witness to, her skin blooming lesions like mushrooms. They may actually be fungus of some sort, for all he can tell. Leaning on her staff, she eyes him for a moment. "You're not from around here." It's not a question. The inside of her mouth is red, too red, as though it were composed of the flesh from a different fungus than her exterior.

"No." The crone doesn't seem to think the impetus is on her to drive the conversation any further, so Val continues. "I left my friends up in the cathedral in a heap of trouble, I'd very much appreciate any assistance in getting back up there."

"A cathedral now, is it?" the woman asks, driving her staff under the edge of the stone that pinned Val's leg. "I haven't been up there in... I'm not sure I've ever been up there. Stands to reason that I must have at some point though, doesn't it?" Using some rubble as a fulcrum, she pushes down on her staff and lifts the tile just enough for Val to scramble free. "I think I still might remember the way though. Come along now," the crone said as she vanished into the shadows outside the meager beam of faint light that shone through the hole the collapse had made.

"Er, uh... ma'am? I'm afraid I've lost sight of you," Val called after her. He heard the faint rustling of robes and the sloshing of liquid as a green orb of light flared into existence a few paces in front of him, clutched in the hand of the old crone who was standing in a vaulted archway leading into what appeared to be a tunnel.

"Can't see in the dark, can you?" she said with a pitying smile, pressing the glowing orb into his hands. Looking down, Val saw that it was actually a round bottle full of some luminous fluid. "Just shake it up real good if it starts to go dim on you, it should last a good long while," she instructed as she passed through the archway. Val followed unhesitatingly.

"How... how long have you been down here?" Val asked, as his escort navigated what turned out to be a catacomb of long, featureless corridors that all looked the same to him.

"Who can say?" she replied. "That thing that was bothering you before, are they still in charge? I can remember maybe two cycles before that. Always happens eventually, someone comes along, gets complacent, then when they're not looking... Welp, guess they had a good run. Happens to everyone sooner or later. It'll happen to your lot too, though you'll probalby long dead and forgotten by that point. It's just the way of the world."

Though everything looked uniform, Val could at least tell that they were heading up a gradual incline. "So why do you stay down here?" he asked by way of making conversation.

The crone just chuckled in reply. "It's where I'm supposed to be. I don't have too many more days left in me. I'm not going to die today, mind you, but it's coming. And it happens down here, so why not get a head start on things and get nice and comfortable before the end comes?" This reply perplexed Val considerably, but before he could ask for clarification, the crone spoke up once more as she pulled up short before what appeared to be a featureless wall. "Ah, here we are."

"It's a wall," Val said flatly, suddenly concerned about the exact quality of the guidence he was currently recieving. The crone just chuckled once more and pressed her hand against the edge of one of the giant blocks of stone. The stone pivoted effortlessly and silently upon its central axis, revealing a doorway and the din of chaos. Holding the glowing bottle aloft, Val stepped into the room beyond, and found the rest of his companions attempting to barricade a wooden door. Withered, clawed hands were grasping at them through the gaps.

"Val!" Tarkus boomed, his attention drawn by the sudden green light in the room. "You not dead!"

"Not currently," Val responded, "but from the looks of things none of us seem far from it."

The crone just smiled up at him and patted him on the arm. "These things bothering you and your friends, son? Don't you worry about that, I can take care of that for you. Go ahead and open the door, dearies."

In concert, Suvne, Sarm, Quintus, and Tarkus looked at the mushroom crone as though she were mad, then to Val for further instructions. Val could only shrug. "I haven't got any better ideas," he said.

Weapons at the ready, Tarkus does a three count before everyone falls back from the door and takes up position behind the mysterious crone. Within moments, the door splinters open, and a pack of vampires spill into the room. Calm as can be, the old woman simply lifts her hand, palm outward, and shines a focused beam of sunlight upon the unrushing horde. Their screams of desparation turn to cries of pain and horror, but are cut short as they are nearly instantanously reduced to a swirling cloud of ashes. The cathedral is silent once more. Smiling contently, the strange little old woman shuffled forward up the stairway beyond the door, everyone else following in her wake.

Exiting the cathedral, they encountered no more vampires. Looking in the direction of the part of the city glowing with the light of Pelor, the old woman shielded her eyes and pursed her lips. "Well, that's new. I hope someone shuts that thing off soon, some of us are trying to get some sleep."

Returning her bottle of glowing fluid to her, Val thanks her for coming to their aid. "I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have gotten out of that alive if it weren't for you," he says.

"Think nothing of it," she responded, tucking the bottle away in her robes. "It's nice to get out and do things. No sense in just waiting around doing nothing while waiting for the end to come. Now you kids run along home now, and try not to get into anymore trouble."


The return trip to the Palace of the Sun is uneventful, and the party has the satisfaction of reporting the destruction of a large quanity of vampires for their effort. When Val makes inquiries about the nature of the strange mushroom woman, however, no one has any idea to what he could be referring. Some questions just don't have answers, he reflects to himself as he readies himself for bed.

((Went looking through sourcebooks for something for Val to encounter, happened upon a Bruja in the 2nd edition creatures of darkness book, went with it because I liked the idea of him finding something helpful when originally I was just going to have him kill a big baddie))
((Replying to say I enjoyed that, and also so the thread shows up as having a new post for those who saw Mike M's post before the story was edited in (this happened to me). I am going to go look up Brujas now, because I'm curious))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That was excellent, Mike. Really enjoyed that story-telling and the Bruja lore behind it. Still working on my bit but I will post it today as soon as its finished. Been listening to classic Castlevania tracks while I write to get in the mood.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Music 1, Music 2))

“Bring a vampire around, people start discovering religion.”

Tarkus snaps his book shut and spins around to face the leathery voice. An old man in a beaten gray cloak, his tan and wrinkled hands gripping a gnarled staff, speaks to him in a quiet voice.

“No need for alarm…I simply noticed you were browsing our collection.” He reaches a hand out and Tarkus gives him the heavy tome he was reading. “Spiritual hymns and rituals of warding? Hmm, I would not take you for the scholarly type.”

Tarkus frowns and moves to leave the private library of the Illuminary, already fearing he has outstayed his welcome.

“Not so fast” the man places his staff before Tarkus feet and gestures towards seats near the hearth at the center of the library. “Stay awhile and listen.” Tarkus narrows his eyes in skepticism but complies, his curiosity piqued to hear what this elder sage has to say as they both take a seat.

Stroking the wisps of cloudlike hair on his chin, the old man examines the tome in his lap, patting it lovingly for a moment before hefting it unceremoniously into the fire. “Wha-“ Tarkus moves to stand as embers sprout up to begin devouring the cover of the book. “It is lost my friend, let it go” the sage intones, and sure enough, the old pages are quickly turned to fuel as the hearth greedily consumes it whole.

“I regret to waste archived words of any kind but at times it must be done. The book you held is not one of a kind but one of many, one often copied from the writings of another, each more or less derived from the same source.” The sage procures a long, black pipe from inside of his robe and snaps his fingers, lighting it via some kind of magicks unknown to the half-orc. Taking a long draw, the elder puffs out a cloud of exotic scent, letting the smoke hang in the air a moment before continuing.

“Each tome of its kind perpetuates a dangerous form of misinformation regarding the creatures of darkness and places its reader in grave danger. In other words…” he takes another draw and looks Tarkus in the eyes. “They are comforting lies.”

Perhaps seeing some turmoil upon Tarkus face, the man looks apologetic and reaches out a hand. “My nights are sleepless as of late, and I see my manner has suffered. My name is Declan Kain.” Tarkus accepts his hand in a light shake and offers his own introduction.


“A man of few words I see. Tarkus, I came to this land many years ago, lost in my own pursuit to return to my birth plane.” Sitting up and beginning to pace the room, Declan continues to speak, pausing only to exhale smoke regularly with a wheeze, like the chimney of a bellows.

“Regrettably, I could do nothing to prevent the suffering which devastated the human population of Ravenloft. Surviving with a meager resistance, it would appear now that our greatest hopes have come to pass in the reclamation of this fortress thanks to Ith and the light of Pelor.”

Tarkus coughs as some of the smoke wafts before his nostrils and fills his lungs with a strange, feathery sensation. Confused as to there being another who questions the longevity of the Illuminary’s plans the half-orc ventures a tentative question.

“Would appear…?”

The tone of his voice becoming authoritative and strong, Declan replies, his voice filled with admonishment.

“Vampires and their ilk cannot be warded off by mere prayers and songs. They represent beings whom the gods you know have forsaken…they serve darker powers. Even the light of this instrument of Pelor himself only serves to repel the struggling outcasts of the Vampire caste.”

Quieting down, Declan leans close to fix Tarkus with a wavering stare, his sleepless, weathered green eyes appearing bloodshot and worn. “And rest assured…the vampires you have slain so far are nothing but the remnants of those cast out from this place. The true dark lords of Ravenloft are much more careful, cunning and powerful than any you have encountered thus far.”

Shuffling back, the old man collapses into his seat, appearing several degrees more exhausted than he was moments ago. “Any illusion of safety here is short-lived. I fear the masters of Ravenloft will not abide by such an incursion and this fortress is shining like a beacon for the minions of darkness all around to see.”

Taking a final, shuddering draw of his pipe, Declan exhales slowly and extinguishes the embers with his thumb before replacing it in the folds of his cloak. “There is no conquering victory here, you see? This is about survival. And surviving in a land of darkness may require more sacrifices than you are comfortable to make…”

Closing his eyes and becoming still, the old man does not move for a long time and the embers of the hearth grow low.

Moving to leave, Tarkus illusions of leaving the man in his sleep are broken as he feels the rap of a staff upon his boot once more. “I will find a way out eventually. But if you want to survive long enough to escape and help the others, take this.” The man places what appears to be a small, stained journal into Tarkus hands.

“Some of the pages stick together at times…better you not question why.”

Looking upon the journal he makes out the title written in an elegant inked handwriting.

An inquirty on the vampiric

Tarkus struggles to find his words before managing grumbled thanks. “Will not forget your words.”

As he walks away, Declan’s voice calls to him one last time. “If you choose to not forget, remember this above all: Hold your soul strong, a stone against the tide of evil. Do not be ruled by terror, nor fall under the sway of hate. Stand strong against destruction and you shall find the path…”

- - -

'Three hundreds forty-one, three hundreds forty-two, three hundreds forty-three…'

His breath haggard and sweat dripping from his face, Tarkus moves with a measured chaos. As it always does, his mind becomes still, a clear pool of water amidst his physical struggle. Determined, the cobwebs of his slumber are rushed away by the familiar burn of his morning regiment. The piston movements of his arms in pushing up from the ground reaching their climax, his muscles coming alive in their strain, he cycles down his speed and concentrates on focusing his mind toward more pressing demands.

Suvne’s determined voice echoes in his thoughts, followed by Sarm’s measured clarification.

“It is a sacred task. Many were once human.”

The Paladin’s earnest face in his mind is replaced by Sarm nodding reverently.

“Whether they were born into this world bathed in the illumination of Pelor or as creatures of a dark purpose, from the darkness they now dwell we must deliver them into the light.”

Reflecting on the past few days, Tarkus is mindful of the mistakes they have made while recalling the sub headers in Declan’s journal.

No melee without implements of the light or the instrument of final delivery

His mind flashes back to the conflict in the cathedral. Tarkus recalls his widened eyes as his foe continued to claw towards him with a fierce, unholy strength despite the loss of torso and half its skull being smashed in. 'They fight more fierce and determined than strongest zombie'

He remembers the flurry of Val’s strikes, his rapier cutting a dervish through the hordes, often cutting down the same vampires again and again as the group was overwhelmed. Fresh in his mind is the realization that they were only saved by the providence of a stranger, their fates had she not intervened something best left unquestioned.

- - -

Those lost to darkness cannot be redeemed…for they carry the unholy power of their masters

Recollecting another encounter that began at the behest of the townsfolk, Tarkus slowly moves into a sitting position while his body cools off.

As the group had ventured out the next morning, they were beseeched by a young woman to find her family. They had gone missing merely a few hours before whilst scavenging near the outskirts of the Rod’s light.

“Please sires, it’s not been long, theys was a tough lot, theys may be barricaded against the blighters only waiting for rescue!”

Though Val appeared skeptical, Suvne looked genuinely moved by their plight and a contemplative Sarm placed a reassuring hand upon the shoulder of the crying woman while Quintus stuck his tongue out and made a cut-throat gesture that was fortunately unseen by the townsfolk.

Reluctant but resigned in their task, they found the family, not as vampires but no longer amongst the living…

Split into two teams, Quintus, Val and Tarkus cover one side of the dilapidated hospital while Sarm and Suvne cover the other. Hearing his name, Tarkus motions to Quintus and they both rush over to find Val. Pointing to a pile of broken wooden splinters covering the door to a room, he makes a kicking motion. Tarkus nods, kicking them down to allow entry.

Inside the ramshackle building are several prone figures. Quintus closes his eyes and begins to concentrate, focusing on contacting Sarm and Suvne using his magicks. Eerily laid out on the dirt floor inside, the bodies are lined up straight and still almost “Like doll...” Tarkus mutters unsteadily. Covering his nose at the putrid smell Tarkus walks forward as Val comments in an investigative manner.

“No sign of struggles besides the barricaded door...oh Gods…perhaps the mother, father and younger brother she spoke of...” Looking closer they are not the hideously decayed corpses Tarkus expected. However their flesh is nonetheless gray and sunken upon the bone like a wrinkled grape left too long upon the vine. The skin around their faces is covered in dark lines that cross and intersect around their eyes.

“Looks like black veins…”As he leans down to examine the boy closer, Quintus finally enters the building.

“They’ll be here soo-“

Upon seeing the bodies he immediately pulls out his spellbook, the looks of alarm clear even upon his unliving face. As the eyes of the boy spring open Quintus finally yells out his warning simultaneously:


- - -

The servants of darkness have many tricks and magicks of the night

Shivering as much at the thought of how they had to destroy the enslaved family as at the feeling of the cold water he is splashing over his body, Tarkus begins to don his armor when he brushes against a broken strap, remembering that it was torn off by his own hand.

- - -

Turning the corridor of another broken Keep, Val speaks to the group, a hushed but comforting break against the silence. “I overheard the Illuminary speaking to one of his aides after we left…he said a displaced matron stalks these parts…”

Walking further, their everlasting torches flicker a steady light upon a broken statue of which only the plaque is now discernible. Quintus reads it carefully.

“She was a countess in her time, cruel and unforgiving…bathed in the blood of 100 virgins…buried alive…Pfft, whatever.” The undead mage continues along the path, the light of his torch licking briefly against the moss covered statue before plunging it once more into darkness.

As it would come to pass, the group would not make off so lightly with the Countess. They found firsthand that the hypnotic charm of a Vampiress is a powerful thing, something which may even convince a stalwart Half-Orc warrior to surrender willingly and remove his armor, the only thing between himself and the fangs of a dark hunger.
- - -

Mindful of how close he came to becoming claimed by the very darkness they were set upon defeating, Tarkus clears his head of the memory. Eventually the group was able to subdue the vampiress but could not destroy her body with magicked fire or decapitate her and stuff her mouth with holy wafers as they had done to so many before.

No. Had to drag her body, staked in the heart, back toward light of Pelor. And once Countess body crossed threshold…

Shaking his head, Tarkus attempts to filter the piercing scream of the burning Countess from his ears.

“Tarkus. It’s time”

His reverie interrupted, Tarkus nods and leaves his room with the cleric to join the others.
- - -

Placing each piece into place, Tarkus briefs the others amidst breakfast as they prepare to head out once more.

“Slaying foe is only beginning. Need to ALL carry implement of weakness, only way to ensure vampire stay down.” He hands each member two carved wooden stakes. “Never too many.”

Pulling out a sheet of parchment, Tarkus begins to drawn diagrams next to the map of the area. “We need lure foe out on our terms. Too often we are surrounded or drawn into danger. By stalking and use of garlics and holy water, we can set traps for our quarry to push them into bottlenecks.”

He crosses his arms and continues. “Most of all, we must not let guard down against leaders of vampire packs.” Frowning, he reaches up to rub the bandaged wound on his neck. “We all know why. But we must find new ways how.”

Slapping Declan's haggard journal down upon the table he nods. “Believe we can face threat but we must arm ourselves like we never have before. Because now our task not just about saving townsfolk or escaping Ravenloft. We are in a fight for survival, and less answers we know, more dangerous it become.”
((Some excellent lengthy posts I won't be able to live up to. I've been really busy yesterday but eventually started writing mine, but I don't think it'll be as detailed and thought out as your posts.))
((I'm about 70% finished with my post, it's practically a short story at this point. I'm gonna try to get it finished so that I can focus on other things.))
Ravenloft is a sad, lonely closet overstuffed carelessly with the most exaggerated fears taken form. Over the past couple of Ravenloft's dayless and nightless cycles, the closet was opened, and the inventory should have nearly crushed the person that opened it, but instead cleanup was performed, digging a space of cleanliness within the storage. However; this news does not travel fast, especially among the competitive seeking to win the few tokens that they can manage around the land which a sun has appeared.

Lips, dry and crackled like the pain and prickling of a thornbush find relief in the oozing of warm, living liquid gushing from the firm neck penetrated by fangs that are supposed to belong to a wild animal that would eat this very same prey. A wriggling can be felt within arm's grip, but the difference in strength is massive, leaving the victim helpless.

The vampire ungrips the coyote from his vice, bite marks revealing themselves where fur has been shaven off. Within the shelter of the abandoned shack and the darkness, he hands his prize over to his next younger brother of his group, sharing the drained and slowly dying breed, gloating at being the first to catch the howling flower. For some reason, they were among the few vampires to prowl that night, greatly compensating for the greatly reduced prey as of the recent light.

In their man-made shelter, the air outside of the windows move slowly and visably, brightened considerably by the harsh density of its wetness. The vampire kin discuss within these confines their plans, which quickly breaks down unproductively into wild bets and predictions over the outcome of the hunt. The wild squawking and escalating anger are hushed with a finger from the eldest of the three vampires. He directs his eyes to the window, where the flickering of flames enhance the clarity of the air outside. A toothy grin is formed... Finally! Foolish mortals to consume wandering outside of the light.

The vampire leads his younger brothers out from their ragged, torn shelter, bringing themselves into cool, heavy air that makes the breaths heavy and soundful. Eyes envision the darkness, seeking out that which are practically daring to throw themselves in his maw. His right arm commands his next younger to seek another path before he and his youngest travel out to where he remembers the light.

The thick fog consumes every sight they turn to, and the moist mud of the swampland gulps every step made, staining pristine white feet with an awful gunk. No concern is thought for the middle kin, the splitting up intended as a misdirection to allow him to get the first spoils. The screeching and screaming of his brother's hoarse, ragged voice forces his gaze back, pupils dilating to the sound of agony in the distance. He and his partner, climb like large cats into the trees, leaping the branches to gain great distances within fraction of seconds, the need to know of his brother's fate and knowing that there will be the culprit nearby overtaking their desire to stalk.

They gaze down from the branches, the scene of the death revealing technique that typical mortals could not think to do. Black tentacles, formless like light, had claimed every limb and head of the hapless stalker, and cruely forced his chest through a tree stump shattered by a powerful blow leaving the rest of the tree toppled over, the near lifeless heart pulled from its containment and left impaled by the acute rendering. With a silent fury, the vampire drops down and huffs as a bull would in flight response to the sight.

With a quick turn, the vampire is suddenly left alone, his remaining kin completely disappeared. More heavy huffing as the pressure increases and his mind fogged with confusion and despair over the outcomes. With only a moment's pause, muffled sounds in the distance then give him direction in the lost wilderness. Without hesitation, he begins to stalk quickly to the forest, unwilling to cower from mortals. It isn't long before the sounds he heard finds him his remaining kin, slumped against a tree he can see from behind. Quick steps are taken, and an arm pulls the lifeless body to see a stake forced into the chest, along with several cuts and punctures acting as acts of offense and descecration against what he has known his brother to look like.

Before the vampire can let himself release a screeching roar his sight catches a sihouetted figure walking between the trees in the mist ahead. With a loud hiss, the vampire sets aside his fallen to begin slowly creeping toward the figure. Meeting the intersection, he turns face the moving shadow disappearing in the distance, the pace of its steps very brisk and seeming to carry a great urgency and importance in its motivation even behind the curtain of a draping. Again, the vampire takes chase, eager to see the face of a mortal capable of doing what had been done tonight.

Feet splash noisily into a small pond, their footing sinking into the slurping mush of the mud below. The feet stop, paused by the reaction of the vampire seeing the man in question, draped in offensively white colors that stand out even in the darkness. A man who is turned towards him and knelt down with his palms carefully placed with little disturbance on the very surface of the water. It isn't until it becomes apparent that the water is beginning to glimmer, becoming a pristine so fine that it is beyond being clear, but polished like diamond and the fog of mud and dirt escaping from the man that he is able to watch the head lift slowly, revealing a dark face colored like a bronze statue carrying light in his eyes, an expression so stiff and contempt like judge thrusting the the hammer upon him swiftly simply for existing, as it is with any mortal that thinks of him.

The fog around his legs flee from the cling to him, terrified of the very pond itself now. The dry, rotting legs begin to cook, steam rising from the waters with a massively painful burning sensation that he feels. His feet give in, and the vampire falls over, the pain of the water burning him like fire leaving him screeching and writhing like an insect that has been tortured by a playful, cruel child. The man watches for a moment, before turning around and walking out of the glimmering pond and away from the vampire, at the same brisk pace that he had been walking before, as if what had just been done was simply routine.

The vampire, whose skin is beginning to ember with fire, becomes enraged by the insulting guesture even admist the torture. He begins splashing himself through the water, grasping desperately at anything, anything at all to help pull him through and give him chase. He shrieks and screams in pain and anger as he splashes through the water, unable to stand himself to move properly.

Just as he begins to near the other side of the pond, his foot catches on a branch in the mud, pulling his entire self into the water, setting alit his face and bringing pain to every inch of his body. The water begins to enter inside through the muffled screaming underwater, bringing himself to feel on fire even inside. He feels the constant sensation of being burned in a bonfire, as a creature that cannot be destroyed in such a way.

The vampire eventually manages to pull himself with great overcoming of weakness out of the water, groaning wearily with dulled senses and loss of feeling. Any mortal would have been ended if they had tried to escape a fire, but as a vampire, he can live even through the worst of nightmares that can be dreamed up by the bored and sadistic. With his being grounded and wounded, even a man such as that which simply walked away would be safely gone now, but the vampire's anger at the atrocities done to him and his brothers do not allow him to give up and rest, he must crawl, grasping at the dirt to pull himself slowly and painfully with rugged nature scratching at burned skin.

With an attempt to pull himself up with his back beginning to lift into the air, he is soon thrust back into the earth by a blunt force that had stepped onto him. With a low moaning hiss, the vampire slowly rolls himself over to observe this new occurrence. An armored figure looms over him, a lady who wears a hauntingly beautiful and refined face that even the nymphs would envy. Memories begin to flood in of times which he had tempted naive young girls with promises of passion and lust, laying a trap of desire only for her life to end so that his hunger would, but not this time. No, not this time. The only positive note that can be made is that such beauty would be the last thing he sees in his existence, as a wooden spear made to act as a stake thrusts into his chest, teaching him a reality he wishes he had realized sooner: he had lived to hunt the prey, but today he was the one that was hunted.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That was brilliant, KM. I never would have thought to write from the perspective of the vampire. Also sweet idea to use a holy water attack in such a way, that would definitely screw up a vampire in the best kind of way.))
((Hey DeadPhoenix, are you still around? I'm assuming you're waiting to go after KittenMaster, but I'm just making sure. Thanks))

((yeah, just been busy this weekend(i actually have a pathfinder session coming up in less then two hours) I know what i want to do, just need to flesh it out and probably read the other guys stuff which are freaking huge and kinda intimidating(that's what she said(no she didn't(yes she did))). I'll try to get something done tonight, maybe tomorrow(assuming nothing comes up) for sure though, sorry for taking so long))
((yeah, just been busy this weekend(i actually have a pathfinder session coming up in less then two hours) I know what i want to do, just need to flesh it out and probably read the other guys stuff which are freaking huge and kinda intimidating(that's what she said(no she didn't(yes she did))). I'll try to get something done tonight, maybe tomorrow(assuming nothing comes up) for sure though, sorry for taking so long))

((This post is tied for my favorite non-RP part of this entire thread, along with Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.

Good luck, dude. If you can get something in before like 9pm EST tomorrow then we'll be fine. These stories have been worth the wait))
((bah! computer fuck up and i lost everything i had(which admittedly was very little)... oh well, i'm kinda out of it lately so i'll just do some cliff notes version or something(though tbh i didn't have all that much planned in the first place) so we can get moving again))

Over a few days or whatever, Quintus comes up with a plan to infiltrate the vampires, using his 'condition' and his unholy artifact to gain their trust. Hopefully if successful they would be able to lure a large number of vampires into a trap. He spends quite a bit of time trying to learn how to fool people with Val and talking with Sarm about ways his divine magic would be helpful in various parts of his plan. But of course, even the best laid plans of mice and men go awry... While the initial part of the infiltration seemed to go well enough, it isn't long before someone is able to recognize him, perhaps it was someone who got away or maybe they had some kinda of connection with one of their victims, who knows? Either way his plan had failed... at least plan A. Thankfully he was prepared for this, and with a little magic(transformed into a giant monsters, threw some fireballs around, all that good stuff) and a lotta help from his friends(who had been keeping track of him with telepathic bond and keeping out of sight with other abilities) there were able to take done yet another vampire nest. Not nearly the score they were hoping for, but I suppose every little bit helps?
((Well done all around, you guys. I am impressed.))

For two weeks, the party embraces their new, temporary career as vampire hunters, and are met with a reasonable amount of success. They also gain a fair bit of notoriety; though Ith honors their request not to make them out to be heroes, word travels quickly, and the people of Immol soon begin to regard them as champions of justice.

The party learns quite a bit about Ith, Immol and vampire society during their time here. Some of the tidbits of note include:

-Ith seems to be an all-around good person. He does splurge a bit on his diet when compared to the majority of the population, but it's nowhere near as extravagant as it first appeared during that initial meeting, and he seems to genuinely care for the well-being of his people. He also does not seem to have much interest in actual leadership, instead preferring to spend his time working with the Rod of Pelor. His research seems to be progressing, albeit slowly; during these two weeks, the globe of light has expanded approximately five feet in all directions.

-The Rod of Pelor itself is protected behind a Prismatic Sphere, made permanent; Ith seems to have created some special enchantment that allows him (and only him) to pass through the sphere unmolested. It is extraordinarily unlikely that anyone could make it through and successfully resist every layer of the sphere, including the party members (who, save for Ith, are by far the most powerful humans in the city).

-Because Ith is so wrapped up in magical engineering, the leadership duties are being handled almost exclusively by his steward, Rald. Rald is a highly skilled administrator who is adept at putting people to work according to their strengths, but he is not a very charismatic fellow; in fact, there seems to be no one filling that role as the face of the government at this point in time.

-The plight of the people is actually improving noticeably, even during this short time. Fewer people are going hungry; everyone seems to be slowly getting healthier and fuller. People are adjusting to this new way of life.

-Vampires are overall Neutral Evil, but on an individual basis they tend to follow a pattern. The younger a vampire is, the more he tends toward Chaotic Evil; as vampires mature and their powers and abilities grow, they typically shift more and more toward the lawful side. Thus far, the party has only encountered one truly Lawful vampire - the Countess. All of the others have been either Chaotic or Neutral thus far.


The party is currently on one of their routine excursions outside the boundaries of Pelor's Salvation (which is the name that the locals have assigned to the globe of light). Lately it has become more tricky to track down vampires; after the party's success so far, it seems that there are far fewer willing to engage. On this particular day, Tarkus believes he may have found a trail, and so the party slinks carefully down a seemingly-deserted street in a tight circle formation, mindful of any and all dangers.

Movement is spotted down an alley. Tarkus grunts and points, and the party shifts to pursuit-mode, loosening the circle somewhat while picking up speed.

Ahead, Tarkus catches sight of the figure - undoubtedly a young vampire, judging by the rough-spun look of him and the tatters of his clothing. The party is gaining on him. He turns a corner, and the party follows....

...And they find themselves in an unexpectedly open area in between a few buildings, with four figures looking directly at them. The young vampire they followed has already scurried past them, and off into another alley; it seems the party has fallen into a trap.

The figures are vampires, but they are a significant departure from what the party has been dealing with up to this point. All four are dressed in fine clothing; there is a certain measured wisdom in their eyes. One stands out from the rest; the other three are standing further back than him. He wears a velvet cape of deep crimson, fastened around a metal collar that seems to be a part of his regal ensemble. One word that might spring to mind to describe him is 'dignified'; everyone in the party is immediately aware that this is a very powerful vampire - significantly moreso than the Countess.

Though all of these vampires are on alert, they are not taking a threatening posture. Their leader speaks. "So, you are the humans who have been slaughtering my people," he says with a measured hint of contempt in his voice. "Be glad that I need you, else we would be meeting under very different circumstances." He takes a few steps forward, while still keeping his distance.

"I am Vlad. It appears that I am the acting leader of my people, after what happened to those who lived in Castle Immol. Listen and listen well: I know you want the Rod of Pelor. I am prepared to hand it to you on a silver platter. I will pardon you of the crimes you have committed against my people and send you on your way. There is only one thing you must do for me."

Vlad reaches into his pocket and produces a vial of liquid. "This will erect a Heightened Anti-Magic Field when you shatter it. This field will be strong enough to negate the Prismatic Sphere encasing the Rod of Pelor, and it will also nullify Ith's magical abilities. If you surprise him with it, this should be sufficient to overpower him and take the Rod back. When you do, you will leave this city with your relic in hand, and you will never return.

"I would much prefer it to be this way, but if you refuse to do as I ask, an army of Devils from another continent will find its way here to take this city back and claim the Rod for themselves. When this comes to pass, your lives will be forfeit.

"Obviously this option is extremely costly to me - both in terms of monies paid to the Devils in exchange for their services, and in terms of human lives that will no doubt be lost during the invasion; Devils do not value the well-being of humans as we vampires do. This is why I prefer that you do as I ask."

He looks at each member of the party in turn, to try and read their faces. "Do we have an agreement?"

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Val rubs his chin in studious contemplation as he considers Vlad's offer. "Seems to me," he says after a moment, "that the deal you're proposing is perhaps not so sweet as it seems. We get Sarm's weapon back and safe passage out of the city, but what then? We've been told there can be no escape from this place, is it your intent that we just wander the land until some horror happens upon us and our luck fails us at last? So really you're only offering us a choice on time tables on our demise, only in one instance our modicum of borrowed time comes at the cost of massive betrayal."

A wolfish grin spreads across the criminal's face. "In other words, what else do you have to offer?"
A glimmer of hatred flashes across Vlad's eyes, but he keeps it under control. "An astute observation," he admits. "I am also prepared to provide you with safe passage to Vecna's stronghold here in Ravenloft, where he wishes to grant you an audience in person, and discuss the terms of your return to your home plane. However, make no mistake - Vecna is an associate of ours, but we are not beholden to him, nor are the Devils. If you refuse our offer, you will NOT be afforded divine protection."

hears a voice in his head that has been absent for a while, but it's definitely Vecna. "He is telling the truth. I may be willing to help you, but first you need to get the Rod back. Whether that's by listening to the vampire or by doing it your own way is not my concern, of course."
Sarm somehow manages to look like a disappointed child, unable to consider any other possibility, looking between the party members, Sarm says to them, and doesn't care if Vlad hears, "So it has come to this... a scenario crafted so finely that there is no possible way to save the townspeople.."

He looks to Vlad, "I know why you do not care to punish us, you know that whatever outcome we choose, it will fall upon our conscience."

Once Vecna is mentioned, he responds, "So Vecna himself lives on this plane.." He doesn't know if he can be ready to meet Vecna, his greatest enemy, especially knowing that it will undoubtedly be a trap.
Vlad smiles sheepishly and offers a slight shrug-and-nod at Sarm's point about weighing on the conscience. "If you do not feel guilt at the vampiric genocide you are already well on your way toward committing, then yes, this form of guilt is an adequate replacement. I hope it weighs on you until your only recourse is to take your own life, and then in the afterlife I hope you find no respite as it continues to eat into your souls.

"As for Vecna, he certainly has a presence here, though I do not know whether it is accurate to say that he lives here."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus observes the proceedings with a silent fury, distracting his distaste for the brazen attitude of the elegant vampire by pushing himself to maintain vigilance, prepared to defend the group if need be by keeping a watchful eye while the others are discussing. Speaking to no one in particular he says "Given choice, would rather accept death than slavery. But for now, accept offer. That is my council."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would have posted the Tarkus eyes picture but I feel like it's in danger of becoming overused. I need to find some more flavor pictures to spice up the lighter text posts))

As the party appears gripped in indecision or likely outright in their refusal to approach the loathsome figure of Vlad, Tarkus pushes down the burning compulsion to meet the nobleman vampire with steel and instead steps forward to accept the vial of liquid. Muscles bulging with restraint, he meets the vampire's gaze with silence, the constraints of the greater good and the safety of the rest of the party weighing heavily upon his mind and holding back any potential response besides a reluctant nod of his head.
"It appears that you are a fair bit more taciturn than I have heard from my contacts, Reyneel," Vlad says to Val, and then he turns his attention to Tarkus, handing over the vial. "You have three days to find an opportune moment to make your move. When the city is ours, I will meet you in the room where you took the Rod, and your transportation will be arranged shortly thereafter.

"If the light is still in place after that time, I will assume you've failed to deliver on your bargain, and I will contact my Devil-born associates to proceed with Plan B. Good luck to you."

That last line is delivered not without irony, and then Vlad and his cronies disappear into the shadows.

The walk back to the castle is uneventful, apart from the near-constant gratitude of the people you pass on the way once you get back into the light.

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On the way back, Val confers quietly with his companions. "It would seem that Ith has a mole in his organization. Perhaps someone who has suffered a crisis of confidence in the Illuminary's ability to carry his plan through to completion and is seeking a soft landing when it all crashes down? The real question then is what do we do with this knowledge..."
A very worried Suvne speaks up after some time of silent rumination. "We're not really going to do as he says, a...are we?" she asks, the uncertainty plain on her face.

"I... I just don't know... what is the greater good here?" She looks to Tarkus. "Lord Tarkus, you said back there that death is preferable to slavery. I am fortunate enough to have experienced neither, but... I've gathered from listening to you these past months that you used to be a... a slave. Is it true? Would you really rather die than to be enslaved again?"

Though she keeps her attention focused on Tarkus, she also periodically looks to Sarm to try and gauge his expression. She seems to have ignored Val's observation about the mole, though it doesn't seem like it was intentional.
((Sorry, was waiting to see if Quintis was gonna chime in, I guess he's busy.))

Sarm tilts his ear slightly to hear what Val says, and whispers back without turning his gaze away from Vlad, "There will be no 'soft landing' for this mole, in my opinion. I do not think action against a contact would do significance now for Ith."

Looking to Suvne, the only certainy about his actions comes to him through the memory of her being used to speak to him. Being told to take back what is Pelor's. But that does not satisfy him, even to the end the Rod of Pelor is a material object sought by many, if it were not for the chosen mission it has, he would wish for it to be well guarded by the Seminary still.

Taking a huge breath, Sarm states to Suvne, "Sometimes the greater good is paved with the failure to do such good." He then walks towards her and lowers his voice so that only she can hear, "I will tell you what I intend to do once we leave this trap and we retrieve the Rod, and I will want you to listen well."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus grips the vial of liquid tightly before he stows it into a pocket on his belt and turns slowly back to the group as Vlad utters his ultimatums. Thinking on the nobleman vampire's words he boils with anger: 'If choice was between delivering damned to oblivion or innocent, would choose your kind every time...'

Shaking his head, he is silent for much of the walk back before Suvne addresses him.
A very worried Suvne speaks up after some time of silent rumination. "We're not really going to do as he says, a...are we?" she asks, the uncertainty plain on her face.

"I... I just don't know... what is the greater good here?" She looks to Tarkus. "Lord Tarkus, you said back there that death is preferable to slavery. I am fortunate enough to have experienced neither, but... I've gathered from listening to you these past months that you used to be a... a slave. Is it true? Would you really rather die than to be enslaved again?"

Though she keeps her attention focused on Tarkus, she also periodically looks to Sarm to try and gauge his expression. She seems to have ignored Val's observation about the mole, though it doesn't seem like it was intentional.
Tarkus pauses, eyes set under a furrowed brow and fixed upon an uncertain object ahead of them.

"Think greater good...is survival of all realms..." Screwing up his face in pain at the horribly unfeeling thought of sacrificing lives even in the face of greater good, he closes his eyes before continuing.

"Used to be slave, and escaped...but not 'till after long time. By time escaped, was willing to die rather continue as slave." Clearing his throat, he turns to Suvne with a look of sadness having replaced his indeterminate stare.

"Cannot say what choice for people of Raven world..." retrieving the vial from his belt Tarkus looks down upon the swirling contents, his own mind opaque and clouded with thought. "But making choice for them is not freedom...cannot hold head with pride if we deceive or abandon common peoples. Realize truth for this now after fight in demon bar..."

"Better or worse, feel we must audience with Ith."

Remembering Vlad's words about leaving the realm, a spontaneous thought shatters the half-orc's reverent sadness and replaces his contenance with a look of spite. Tarkus spits on the ground and growls. "And will NEVER trust Vecna. Deliver all recovered artifact and only opposition to his Cult straight to fortress? MADNESS! To even think such a thing after what has become of Quintus..."

Tarkus balls his hands into fists, gripping themselves so hard as to cause his knuckles to turn white, shaking with anger.

"Do not forget who enemy all along has been!"
As Tarkus finishes speaking, Quintus - to his own surprise - begins to laugh.

A sinister cackle, the sound immediately deflates any resolve that Tarkus's heroic declaration may have inspired in the party. Quintus himself begins to realize that he has lost control of his body.

The rest of the party sees a smug confidence and terrible power in Quintus and an entirely different set of eyes; they are immediately aware that this is a different person.

"I'm afraid you have it all wrong, Tarkus," Quintus's body says, and somehow the voice sounds familiar to Val, Quintus, and Sarm. "I have been nothing but a boon to your friends, ever since we first met in the Wormwoods. I did reveal the locations of a number of the artifacts, after all." A sly smile appears on his face.

"And you may not realize this, my dim-witted half-orc friend, but this entire realm is my own personal playground. If it suited my fancy, I could already have plucked you clean of your relics and done away with you; it makes no difference whether you're here in the middle of nowhere or in the very heart of my fortress. I invited you so that I may show you some hospitality before sending you back home, but if you'd rather not accept then it seems that I must come to you.

"So here is the deal. You will recover the Rod of Pelor, and then I will perform the miracle necessary to bring you back to Primaria - that's how the rest of the multiverse refers to your home world, of course. I don't care whether or not you do as the vampire says; I don't care about the fate of the humans in this town - save for your group, of course. Yes, even you, my poor, angry, simple-minded errand boy." Vecna uses Quintus's bone hand to pinch Tarkus's cheek.

"Now, I have time to take questions from all of you, especially given that this rendezvous is happening a bit ahead of schedule, and things are not moving as quickly in the Astral Sea as I'd anticipated; besides, truth be told I've been looking forward to this meeting for quite some time. Quintus, I know you can hear me; you are free to use your own body to speak outloud."

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Val's jaw momentarily goes slack at the sudden and unexpected change that has swept over Quintus. He recovers quickly though, as being taken by surprise and being unable to adapt is a good way to get killed quickly in his vocation.

"Wait, since the Wormwood forest? Are we to believe that you were the old man in the... er... in the stump? What could you possibly have to gain by playing us against your cult of followers? The artifacts would already be assembled if not for both parties working against one another..."
"Vecna!" the Cleric booms, "I cannot allow myself to take this meeting with pleasure, even if you have been helping us and your motivations are greater than yourself. Whatever we decide to do, you will continue to remain my greatest enemy afterward." He knows deep down that he would most likely falter quickly if he challenged Vecna in a fight, but he doesn't back down his words regardless. "Why do you wish us to return to Primaria? Surely we would be best off dead to you."
"Yes, that was me. It pains me to inform you that 'Woody' is in fact certifiably insane one hundred percent of the time, and has been for years," says Vecna. "Of course I couldn't have told you that it was actually me at the time; there is no way you would have trusted me. Plus there's the fact that I AM the God of Secrets, after all." He seems to relish in the fact that he successfully deceived you.

"And I am not so sure I agree with your assessment, Valgar. Even now, the location of a few of the relics eludes me, due to my limited ability to interact with your world. My original intent was to spur a "friendly" competition between yourselves and my followers, in the hopes that both sides would be more motivated to assemble the relics. Once all ten had been acquired, there would be a final showdown, where the victor would finally assemble them, and then.... Well, that comes later, of course.

"Unfortunately," and he sighs as he says this, "The leader of 'my' cult has become drunk with power, and has abandoned the mission of assembling the relics. He is merely using my name to further his own ends, and I can do nothing about it from here. That is where you five come in. You will have to both retrieve the relics currently in his possession and assemble the rest, if you wish to save the multiverse.

"Sarm, I believe that answers your question as well. And while I'm sure that you feel very strongly about me, rest assured that if not for this whole business with the Relics and the Eldrazi, you would barely be a blip on my radar. Excuse the anachronism." He winks ((at the camera)).
"I care not for your assessment of my influence. I do want to know how you will know a 'final battle' will take place. Or is that another one of your secrets that you boast?"
"If both sides sought to assemble the relics, then eventually all ten would be accounted for. From there it would be inevitable for the two groups to clash, in an effort to acquire the rest of the ten. In this way, no matter who won, the relics would be assembled. There is no divination at play here; it's simple logic. But then again, in my experience, followers of the Sun God have never been particularly concerned with logic, so I suppose it's understandable."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus flinches only slightly at the touch of the undead hand from Vecna-As-Quintus. His face growing dark as the blood rushes to his head, he struggles to remain calm as Vecna quickly details how they have been played from the beginning. Opening his mouth to bark angrily in reply, he is unable to find words and merely ends up grumbling, even more frustrated at his inability to fully comprehend what has occurred. What he does understand infuriates him.

While Vecna replies to Sarm, Tarkus begins to pace.

"Puppets...somehow always puppets. Plots be damned!" He grabs Quintus by the shoulders and shakes him vigorously. "How many more die for your games? How we even know realms truly in peril? God of secrets, your twisted word worth less than dirt." He lets go of Quintus and roars in frustration before quieting down.

"May be pawns to you...but one day you will taste this bitterness..." He turns to the others with a defeated look. "Will go where you go, as not led me wrong so far. But don't forget sacrifice of many that led us here."
Vecna takes Tarkus's angry display in stride, allowing him to finish speaking before replying. "Tarkus, do you remember the goat that you had following you around back in Iron Hill? You knew it was a lesser creature, and you used it for your own purposes, but you bore no ill will toward it, correct? This is how I feel about the five of you, to some extent. You ARE lesser creatures than I; that is a simple fact of life. You would do well to accept that you will always be pawns of higher beings - me, Gruumsh, Pelor, it makes no difference. This is the way of things; this has always been the way of things; this will always BE the way of things, just as that goat will always be at the whim of you more intelligent life forms."

"Lessons in the natural order aside, however, make no mistake - I want the planes to implode even less than you do. You have no idea how much chaos this whole affair has created all over the place. The Astral Sea is currently in a multifaceted war between no less than six factions (sometimes more and sometimes less); as I speak, I am simultaneously in my TRUE home, prepared to weather an assault by the combined forces of Bahamut and Heironeous. I am also sending aid to the last bastion of my followers in Faerun, who are under siege by Ao's forces. This is in addition to the myriad prayers I am currently answering from planes you haven't even heard of, and monitoring the situation in Sigil now that a full-scale rebellion against the Lady of Pain has begun and Pelor's angels have declared war on Gruumsh's demons.

"So you see, this is more than just a game to me. I have a real stake in how things turn out, and am dealing with more than you can likely comprehend - especially with that tiny half-orc brain of yours. My manipulation of your group is my way of bringing order to things, and you are a fool if you believe that this is to your detriment."
"First off, fuck you Vecna, you giant omnipresent asshole and fuck me for not seeing this coming especially after that whole thing with the fangs. Second, I know you don't care about those people, but if you agree to help us get them out of this hell hole, we will have a much easier time getting the rod and Ith could very well prove to be a powerful ally in our search for finding the rest of the relics. That way, everyone wins. Hell, even the vampires get there city back."
The rest of the party watches bemusedly as Quintus seems to carry on a conversation with himself.

"Your temper tantrums notwithstanding, you may not be aware how much of an effort it is to remove mortals from this plane, even for gods such as myself. Those who created it saw to that. If I were to indulge your fantasy, it would put my own well-being at serious risk. I reiterate that even as I speak to you here, my very home is under siege by formidable, if misguided, armies, and beyond that, half the multiverse is at war. I do not have TIME to be whisking a paltry group of malnourished, inconsequential humans out of harm's way. Take it up with the Sun God, or better yet, Bahamut - he's the one leading the attack against me in the Astral Sea. Anything that might distract him could only be advantageous to me.

"You five will deal with this situation here, and then I will remove the five of you from Ravenloft, and only the five of you. Ith is far too wrapped up in his own affairs to be capable of dealing with the current crisis; I should think you've learned that by now. That's the end of this discussion.

"And I do believe I've spent enough time here. Silly me, thinking I would receive some gratitude for as much as I've helped, and will continue to help, your party. Now you really ought to get moving; Vlad gave you three days before he sends in the cavalry.

"Oh, and one more thing. Decide amongst yourselves where you'd like to end up in your home plane. I'll know when you've come to a consensus, and that's where you'll end up after you retrieve the Rod."

And just like that, Vecna's presence leaves Quintus's body, and the wizard finds that he has full control of his faculties once more.
Sarm's nostrils flare after Vecna leaves, giving his attention back to the rest of the party. "It seems we do not have much choice." He directs his voice to Val, Quintis, Tarkus, and Suvne all, "I have morals that come from my god, Pelor, but they do not extend to having control over the lives of you four. At the very least, I shouldn't force you to stay in Ravenloft. Val, you have someone you must look after. Tarkus, you have freedom that you must share. Quintis, you have parents that wish to see you again and great aspirations to achieve. And Suvne, you are still young and have already seen much in your life, but you still have the potential to do even more great than you already have." And what he then says about himself, is simple and direct, "And I... must speak to Ith."

Mike M

Nick N
a full-scale rebellion against the Lady of Pain has begun
((Bwa ga ha ha ha ha!))

"Yes," agrees Val, "we all need to have a talk with Ith. If I might make a suggestion, perhaps we shouldn't disclose any information about the vial Vlad gave us. Though when I say 'perhaps,' I really mean 'absolutely.' If Ith can't be reasoned with, then it may be our only means of last resort."

Val looks between Sarm and Suvne, eyes resting on Suvne when he speaks once more. "I know my prioritizing self-preservation has been something of an affront to your beliefs lately, but I see no way to save these people, short of Pelor deciding to take a more active role in evacuating them."
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