((mmm... sweet sweet hp roll 1D4+2 => [ 4 ] +2 = 6. picked up spell pen so sr is slightly less of a bitch. though I am disappointed to see that i need level 7 spells before i can take acrhmage, or i could have gotten next level... they might as well had made the skill reqs 16 instead of 15 if they were gonna do that.))
((I agree that that's stupid, so I'm going to overrule that. You can take Archmage next level if you want to.))
As Val tries to piece together what happened here, Muun struggles to make sense of this strange new world, and Quitus revels in his newly regained humanity, Tarkus keeps a watchful eye on the surroundings.
It's a good thing, too. "Company," he says, pointing northward.
On a path leading toward the abandoned Southport, five men on horseback approach at a steady pace. They are looking directly at the party. Equipped in green-adorned leather armor and donning sheathed longswords, four are young-ish humans and one is a full-blooded, green-skinned orc, who lingers at the rear of the group.
"Morning," the man in front greets the party. "What brings you folks all the way out here? You're pretty far from home. I'm going to need to see your papers. All of you. Both your identification and your permits to carry the weapons you're holding."
He glances at Muun. "And sir, you'll need to produce your raptor license and registration as well. That's a dangerous bird of prey you have on your shoulder there."
He holds his hand out expectantly.