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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Quintus unsure of what Jack is talking about for a moment, then it hits him "The Treaty?" I pulls it out shows it to Jack, "I really should have given this thing a closer look..."

Mike M

Nick N
Val drops the fangs with a startled shout and looks at his fingers as though they have bitten him. Laying the haversack on the floor, he mutters, "I forgot that our dearly departed friend Set is the talkative sort," as he toes the fangs back into the sack.

Considering Tarkus' taking his new nom de plume for a test drive, he offers some critique. "No need to reinvent the wheel. We're trying to sell ourselves as a Legion operative and a band of hired mercenaries, I don't think the affectations of cultured society are warranted. Just be yourself, only more... Mercenary-y.

"Which brings us to Jack being incapable of deception. Never have words pained me so deeply to hear, gods it must be like living without your limbs or something. How set in stone is that particular parameter?"
As Jack performs some sort of incomprehensible analysis on the mysterious document, he answers Val's question. "It is not in my nature to to misrepresent myself; thus the idea never occurs to me. However, if given specific instructions to be deceptive, I will follow through, though I cannot guarantee the efficacy of such an endeavor."

A few moments later, "I believe this document contains enough energy to suit our needs. It may be difficult to acquire a suitable means of siphoning and directing that energy toward our purpose, given the unusual nature of this energy source, but I believe we are making progress overall."

At this point, Ivor comes in. His face is only mildly red, and he seems to have calmed down a lot. "I need my office," he says mildly. "You guys can stay here in our headquarters for a few days, but unless you decide to join us in the resistance, I'm sorry but there's no room for you to stay any longer than that. If you DO decide to join, let me know; I've got a mission lined up that would suit your lot very well."

On the way out, Jack directs Val to another, more public and significantly more cramped, workspace where he can complete his work on the documents.
After Ivor passes by and leaves, Muun waits until he can speak without being heard by the resistance, "I personally don't see much point in risking our lives if we're just going to undo any effort we put into helping these guys out by going back in time. What do you think?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Holy crap I didn't even think of that out of character, but I guess it would make sense for Tarkus himself to make that kind of logic blunder as well so I'm gonna roll with it))

Tarkus squints in confusion at Muun's comment. Struggling to understand the concept of time travel he eventually consents to a higher logic."Maybe ...but still think...maybe get help more in time travel task by at least trying to help...while still stuck here." Stumbling a bit over his own words he consigns himself to a brooding silence, slightly embarrassed at his misunderstand and slightly confused on how to move forward in their task.

Mike M

Nick N
"I'm inclined to agree with Muun," Val says, pausing to hold up one of his forgeries in process to the lamp to examine. "It's... Difficult to put aside the plight of our friends, but whether they understand it or not, the greatest help we can give them is to set things right so that this future never comes to pass in the first place."

Blowing on the ink to hasten the drying, he placed the sheet back down on his desk and continues his painstakingly slow strokes of the quill. "That said, who can say how long we'll be here. Helping Ivor and Arianna in their efforts may make out own objectives easier to obtain. The more eyes of the Legion we can put out, the more freely we can operate without their observation.

"So in short, let's see what Ivor wants. It may even be a paying gig."
"I think you're right. If nothing else working with them should provide us with additional resources to find what we need. Though there may be an issue if at some point our goals require us to disobey orders or something... hopefully we can work something out."
Ivor is very pleasantly surprised at the party's willingness to hear what he needs. "To be honest, I thought I'd lost you to some hare-brained scheme. Glad to see you comin' to your senses. The plan's simple, really," he says. "We're gonna blow up their eastern barracks.

"The less boots on the ground that the enemy has, the better. So, we're gonna use one of my home made bombs. There probably ought to be some kind of distraction, to draw attention away from the barracks. You can figure that out, I guess. So, what do you say?"

It's very clear to the party how poorly thought out this "plan" is, even to the least-strategically-inclined among them.

Mike M

Nick N
Val closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Well, what you are proposing, Ivor, is an objective, not really a plan unto itself. Let's do a thought exercise about this.

"First, your proposed distraction would need to be something big enough to empty the Legion's barracks. We're in the seat of their power, their numbers must be considerable. Anything that would accomplish this task would be less a 'distraction' and more of a legitimate full scale insurrection.

"But suppose we accomplish that. We --by which I mean I-- have invested considerable effort in establishing cover identities. Damned good ones, too. This course of action would almost certainly burn them, and furthermore tip the Legion off to our presence.

"But put that aside and suppose further we succeed in destroying the barracks, what does it accomplish? A short term reduction in their forces followed by a long term, potentially permanent build up? Increased scrutiny and redoubled efforts to root out the resistance?"

Val shakes his head. "I hate to be the barer of bad news," he concludes, "but I think this would net only the slightest temporary gain while coming at a very dear price."

((EDIT: At long last, Val has a picture. The spectacles are kind of a shit Photoshopping job, but my skills are limited :( ))
Ivor turns beet red, probably from some mixture of embarrassment and anger. He glares at Val and says, "Well, that's all I have planned. Sorry I'm not a brilliant tactician like you are; I never asked for this, you know. All I'm really good at is staying hidden and making potions and bombs. Sometimes disabling a trap or two."

As he speaks, he calms down, though he is still somewhat demoralized. "You can help me or not. Or if you want to come up with your own plan, that's fine too. I'm not too proud to admit that even though I'm good at leeping us alive, when it comes to actually attacking the Legion, I have no idea what I'm doing."
((This may or may not be necessary, but I feel compelled to point out that the variety of paths I've presented to you at this point was intentional. You guys have been a little railroaded since Sigil (and especially in Ravenloft), and now you're out in the sand box, so to speak. You don't necessarily have to follow every single lead in order to advance the plot. Do whatever your characters would do. Just a little FYI))
Quintus says "...On second thought I think I'll just focus on researching the stuff we need to get back to our time. You guys have fun though." then looks for a quiet place to begin his work.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Weighing in on the discussion of an operation for the Resistance, Tarkus must nod his head sternly in agreement with Val. While eager to finally participate in a knowledge based discussion he actually understands, he is cautious to not upset the already high tensions. Clearing his throat he tries to present his take in as respectful a manner as he can manage.

"Such action of now...may only damage cause..."

Tarkus closes his eyes in a crunched facial expression as he thinks deeply a moment on how to illustrate his reasoning. "In Scagland wars, city of Pelegrad heavily controlled state...very Legion-like. Fighting in Storm Crow merc regiment, command always telling us image equally important as action." He gives Ivor a serious look. "Destruct of barracks like to benefit Legion...given excuse to label Resistance badly, scare common folk to distrust."

Crossing his arms he dispels with the lecture and returns with a look of hope. "Presence back in home plane not go unnoticed for all time. Our path like to put us in opposition with Legion...still like to know more of mysterious leader...not to forget of Rand. Promise you both to meet justice of axe should our paths cross."

"Best can think of long term is deliver intel or supply to region we head to. Or contact local force who support Resistance to offer assist there. Operation within city maybe more danger than help...presence here for long may attract too much heat."
Ivor takes Tarkus's lecture in stride, having already heard a similar diatribe from Val. His ears perk up when he hears Rand's name. "Going to pay Rand a visit, eh? If you're going to Emerald Bay, then there may be something you can do for me. I have a large shipment of potions that need to be delivered, and it's looking like my normal courier to that area has been lost. They're all in a Bag of Holding, so it won't be much of a burden to lug around. These are to go to the leader of the Emerald Bay resistance cell, who goes by the code name Half Moon. I am Full Moon, by the way.

"It's also likely that Half Moon will have some information for me. If he needs you to perform a Sending, I have a scroll you can use." Ivor gets to work gathering some things, and before long he has a small Bag of Holding full of unlabeled, color-coded potions and a scroll ready to go for you.

"I don't think there's any big hurry, so don't feel pressured to go straight there, but if you find yourselves in Emerald Bay then it would be a great help if you can deliver this. Thank you."

((Quintus, you can roll Arcana to determine how well you're able to puzzle out Jack's information in a way that makes sense to a wizard))

Mike M

Nick N
"Where we go will likely depend largely on what Jack and Quintus can put together about getting us back to our point of origin. If we're successful, hopefully we'll be able to stop the Legion in one fell swoop and negate this nightmare outright.

"To that end though, any intel about events between our departure and arrival that we could bring back with us would doubtlessly be a valued asset. Likewise, anything relevant to the current lay of the land would be of use as well. Would hate to be outed just because I didn't know some street had been renamed five years ago or something similarly trivial..."
By discussing the theory of time travel at length, over the next day and a half Quintus begins to get a better understanding of the problem and how to solve it, in the context of latent magical energies - something he is a great deal more well-versed in than he is with science.

For one thing, the spell that is needed is Plane Shift, which is not currently available to Quintus except to cast through a scroll (or by getting a Cleric to cast it for him, since it's easier for Clerics). When focused through the lens of these "chroniton" particles, as Jack described them, Quintus is pretty sure that he could manipulate the spell to bring everyone back to their original timeline.

In addition, he believes he's come up with a means of extracting the energy from the Treaty and converting it into a more useful form. Quintus is familiar with a specialized class of mage called the "Incantatrix." These incantatrixes, at the peak of their training, gain the ability to siphon power out of a magical item and use it for their own ends. Although it would take way too long for Quintus to try and become an incantatrix himself, he knows that the Emerald Bay Academy used to have a degree for that field, so it's entirely possible that there may be a fully-trained Incantatrix or two on that side of the continent.

No amount of explaining on Jack's part is able to help Quintus understand what exactly a chroniton particle is, aside from the fact that it is importance to time travel; hopefully, that won't become an issue at the very least until the underwater monastery is revisited and Jack can perform more of his analyses.

While Quintus is figuring all of this out, Jack manages to pester some idle resistance members into helping Tarkus and Muun update their map, and loading them up with useful information about the current landscape of the continent; meanwhile, Val finishes up his carefully-crafted forgeries.

By the end of it, the party is fully prepared to go in any number of directions; the only question is which one they decide to take first.

Mike M

Nick N
((I've massively trolled us all.))
((No prob:

1. Find and isolate cleric of Vecna
2. Recruit him for a "secret mission"
3. Tell him the Legion's ascent is because of a causality loop caused by us bringing critical information to the past.
4. Dump him when we get there, maybe kick him through Ith's portal to Sigil

Ta da!))
((With the updated information on the world's geography, does that include knowledge of how much Emerald Bay might have shrunken or grown within that time?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'm imagining all kinds of time paradoxes inadvertently happening...like encountering Ith and him stealing the inert Rod of Pelor, haha.))

Tarkus thanks the aides for the updated information and gives Ivor a casual salute. "Seems we march for Emerald Bay once again...interesting to see how warrior and mage student clan change in 20 year."
Muun studies the maps presented to him, his imagination unreliably imagining the foreign lands to look like dark places of Ravenloft that happen to have the geographical features. Only Emerald Bay or any other shore line place gives him the visual of the awkward blue tinted water that looks so off to him.

"Wasn't this the place you say was your last destination before going to Ravenloft?" He asks, trying to clarify based on what was told before, "The former group member and two relics you left behind? That couldn't have turned out well over part of a lifetime."
According to the map, Emerald Bay is approximately the same size as the party remembers it. The biggest change that you can gather from talking to the people who updated your information is that there is now a much heavier emphasis on militarism in the school curriculum, and a certain percentage of young men and women are "drafted" into the college, where they are trained and indoctrinated into the Legion.

Exiting the compound is much less convoluted than it was to enter it. You are directed to a room with a drawn symbol on the floor, and upon standing still on top of the symbol, you are automatically transported to a remote, isolated alleyway.

Now that you have some leeway and are not in as much of a hurry, it's easier to take in more of your new surroundings. Things seem rather bleak here; the people look either scared, hopeless, or both, and their handicapped fashions are aesthetically offensive to those who might care about such things.

One of the first new buildings you pass on your way out of town that you didn't notice before is a church. Above its doorway is a depiction of an open-wide left hand with an eye squarely situated in the middle of its palm. It's not hard to figure out that this is a church made to worship Vecna.

Toward the new center of town, you pass the entrance to a large complex that appears to be mostly underground. Judging by the nearby barracks and the extra-heavy contingent of nearby guards who are checking the papers of everyone who even passes near the building (you are keeping enough distance to avoid this), it seems reasonable to assume that that is the center of government here in town, and is likely the home of the Praetor.

At the western gate, it becomes clear to you that it's much harder to leave town inconspicuously than it is to enter. There is a line of people waiting to have their papers checked - a line that is being watched very carefully by men up on top of the city walls. With the party's master forged documents in hand, they have no problems, but it would be impossible to make it through otherwise.

Traveling westward, the party sees that the Worm Woods (north of the path they're traveling) appear to be completely unmolested, and look identical to how they were when the party last entered them.

On the other hand, the Shifter Woods to the south have been barricaded off. Thick wooden posts, flush with each other, line the southern border of the path, cutting off access to those woods. Occasional signs warn of danger on the other side of the fence.

Over the course of the day, the party encounters three Legion patrol groups. Each of them ask to see the papers of the party, and each time the encounter goes without incident.

It starts to get dark, meaning that the party might want to find some place to sleep.

((Muun, give me a Survival roll and let me know what sort of campsite you're looking for. Also, cue campfire scene))

Mike M

Nick N
Val sits heavily upon a log by the campfire. "Gods, if only there were some other option than to return to Emerald Bay. Didn't Ivor say that Rand was using it as a home base? Rand, the commander of the Legion? Rand, the practitioner of arts so dark he was condemned to the worst hell of imprisonment I've ever witnessed? Who we subsequently betrayed for our own gain, who would be one of the few handful of people to recognize us? That Rand?"

Sighing heavily, Val kneads his furrowed brow. "That said, I don't see any other option. Quintus needs this spell, and we need a--what was it called? An Incantrix? Possibly a cleric as well, if Quintus can't obtain the scroll? Gods, what are the odds that Rand hasn't commenced a purge of all but the most loyal magic users? The Academy is probably a veritable production line of cranking out new acolytes and military officers. Turning assets, that's a touchy business..."

Rolling out his bedroll upon the ground, he adds with a hopeful note, "But maybe we'll find that bloody magic axe. We could use some good fortune for a change.

"Pardon my presumption, but Jack and Tarkus, since you require the least sleep, I trust you can work out watch rotations? Actually, Jack, do you require any rest at all to... I don't know, wind your gears or whatever mechanism keeps you moving?"

((I'm imagining all kinds of time paradoxes inadvertently happening...like encountering Ith and him stealing the inert Rod of Pelor, haha.))
((Find axe's hiding spot in the future. Travel back in time to hiding spot in the past. Double the holy relic axes!))
"My power matrix is designed around a highly efficient fusion core which only requires replacement approximately every twenty years, and my memory banks are on a constant rotational track which allows data maintenance to be performed in the background at all times.

"In other words, I do not require rest or nourishment. I am glad to act as nightwatchman, alongside Tarkus if he chooses to join me."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Looking over at Shifter Wood during their travel Tarkus wonders aloud what lies within the dark forest. "Is boarded now...by Legion? Enemy of enemy is friend...maybe place to find answers in future."

After setting up camp and putting things in order Tarkus agrees to share the watch with Jack. "Rest should rest, encounter with Rand forces will challenge us greatly ."
That evening, as Tarkus and Jack vigilantly patrol the perimeter of their campsite ((still go ahead and make that Survival roll, Muun; it could be relevant for what happens after this conversation)), Jack decides to strike up a conversation with the half-orc who does not entirely trust him yet.

"Tarkus," he says, "I have a great deal of questions about you and your culture, and I must confess that I do not know where to begin. You appear to have an aptitude for battlefield tactics, as observed during your disagreement with Captain Ivor in his office. This is something of which I have little to no knowledge. Did your training come primarily from experience, or have you taken a more academic approach?

"I am also quite curious about your experiences as a half-orc, living in a society that often appears to incite conflict between the two halves of your heritage. Did you know your parents as a child? If so, which of them was a greater influence toward you? How did your experiences growing up shape you into the man of conviction you seem to be today? I am also interested to hear how you won over Commander Arianna; during my time at Resistance Headquarters, on multiple occasions I witnessed firsthand her propensity toward extreme prejudice against orcs, and yet I detected no such sentiment toward you, despite your heritage."

As Jack looks at Tarkus patiently, awaiting a reply, the crickets in the surrounding wilderness chirp loudly. Muun's owl companion can be heard occasionally "Hoo"-ing as he scouts nearby, hunting for prey.

((Tarkus, make a Perception roll at the beginning or at the end of your next post please. Mike M, you can make one for Jack as well))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((ultimate shame: rolled a natural 1 on perception check...))

Distracted with his thoughts on the task ahead, Tarkus goes through the motions of his patrol before returning to sit near the campfire in reflection. Still as a stone, the silence of his brooding is broken by Jack's barrage of inquiry. At first somewhat disturbed by the onslaught of questions, he begins to loosen as he realizes this is simply his way of communicating. Though he is still somewhat unnerved by the mechanical man, he feels a sense of security and anonymity, not unlike that felt when he used to speak to his helmet in the long hours alone in a trench.

After much silence he gives the metal man his account.


"Never known Orc culture or parent. Raised by dwarf slavers in desert region far from here across the sea. Eventually escape to become farm hand for humans...they teach me to read and write enough. Rest I learn after joining Storm Crow mercenaries. Learned much of battle tactic from campaigns and training with unit." He shakes his head and pokes a sapling into the fire. "Had to leave for bad reason." He gives Jack a sidelong glance before continuing.

"Also learn some from time in Emerald Bay." Stiffening a bit in response to questions about his experience as a half-orc, he stands up to stretch a while before he returns to his seated position near the fire. "Had much success in time of war. Time of peace, not so much..."

Looking up at the stars he sighs. "Cannot speak for what motivate hatred or acceptance in Ari-anna or other. But have reason to hope. Twenty year ago in Ruby keep, met another that gave reason to hope for better future for half-orc people."

"Personally do not think of it often. For me it has most been another hurdle in survival. Half-orc not often look nice, talk well nor think best. But fight...many ask to fight and protect once they know Tarkus better. Fighting for others cement place in this world. It is all I know..."
Survival: 1d20+15=19

The night sky mostly leaves Muun awake, at least for awhile. The sudden change to an environment that is much more familiar to him leaves him unsure of when he is supposed to sleep. Unlike his homeworld, the air is much clearer, and the sky has an ambiance to it that glows with a hint of color as the day ends.

Muun directs his group towards a tree that his owl has perched at. He asks Tarkus to break off parts of a tree that he can, suggesting that he go for smaller branches that are easier to obtain and would burn more easily. Once that is done, he would find a spot where the grass is sparse and try to build a ring out of rocks the best he can with whatever ones he can find, and then build and start the camp fire with his flint and steel from there.

He unrolls his bed roll with his bag as a "pillow". He is used to being on his own so he does not bring a tent, which he would if they had a form of transport of some sort to carry it in. He doesn't feel it's too much of a hassle that night, as long as it does not rain.

Finally, he instructs his owl to scout around, both where they were coming from and towards where they are going, to give an extra pair of eyes scouting while everyone sleeps.
Jack considers Tarkus's response for a long time. "Humanoid emotions are difficult for me to understand," he says in a surprisingly sincere manner. "I was designed by my creator with two primary functions: to gather information and recount that information as required, and to protect those who I serve. But when you say 'Protect', based on the miniscule fluctuation in your tone I infer that this involves more than simply shielding others from danger. For you there appears to be an emotional connection attached to it, with which I cannot identify."

He pauses again, looking out into the dark, wooded wilderness. Tarkus could almost swear that he's sensing a bit of wistfulness coming from the android, but it might just be the peaceful setting playing tricks with him.

"You say that you find your place in this world by fighting to protect those who rely on you. I have sometimes wondered, even during my limited existence, what it is to find one's place in this world, particularly for a sentient machine such as myself. Is my place limited by the functions I was programmed to perform, or is it possible that one day, I may find additional meaning in the things I do? Is it possible for an android to aspire?"

He lets the question hang in the air for a while, ultimately leaving it unanswered.

As the night wears in, Tarkus finds himself distracted by something. Maybe he is ruminating too hard on the philosophical questions posed by Jack; maybe there is a pebble in his boot that he hasn't yet realized is bothering him. Regardless, he is almost certainly not fully alert when suddenly he is pushed hard - nearly tackled - by Jack. Mere fractions of a second later, an arrow whizzes by, straight through where Tarkus had been standing. An ominous "thud" accompanies its impact into a tree a bit further back, as the arrow finds itself nearly half-buried in the trunk.

"It appears that we have company. I suggest you find cover," the android says urgently, ducking behind another nearby tree.

((Tarkus and Jack, roll initiative and take a combat turn. You are in a wooded area; about twenty feet behind you, the rest of the party is sound asleep at camp.

Tarkus is laying prone after having been pushed over. He only knows the general direction the arrow came from, and can't see the assailant; he/she must be hiding behind something.

Jack is standing and has cover behind a tree. He also knows the general direction of the assailant, and he also can't see him currently.

Perception DC 35 (he rolled high on his check)
You spot a dark, diminutive elf with brownish skin crouching behind a bush. He seems to be wearing a piece of "armor" made of actual leaves that look curiously fresh and alive. Next to him is a creature that looks somewhere north of a dog and south of a wolf, with fur that blends in exceptionally well with the foliage.
((BTW Lunarian, my owl rolled a total of 16 HP based on the extra hit die Muun's Ranger level / 2 gives it.))

((Also, is it possible to make a perception check to wake up from the commotion being made?))
((Yes you can, actually. It will be a DC 22 Perception. If you make the check, you wake up, and can roll initiative, and then you'll have to make a separate check if you want to try and spot the assailant (as per the spoilered text in my previous post).

If Tarkus or Jack decide to call out to wake the party, everyone wakes up automatically. I just don't know whether they'll decide to do that or not.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Initiative: 1d20+6 = 1, 6 = 7

Tarkus turns over with a heaving grunt and attempts an army crawl towards the cover of a nearby tree.

Perception: 1d20 = 7
Unable to see what direction his assailant has come from, he decides against further action yet and instead yells to the sleeping group to warn them.


((I've angered the spirit of Gygax somehow, that's two natural 1s in the span of one day.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Neither Val nor Jack have modifiers high enough to make that perception check. Bleh.))

Jack initiative check:  1d20+4=15
Val initiative check:  1d20+5=22

Val is jolted to wakefulness by Tarkus' shouted warning and instinctively clambers over the log upon which he had previously been sitting not hours before to crouch behind it for cover. A moment later, his brain finishes processing the information and catches him up on the situation.

"How many and from where?" he shouts back.

Jack answers back, "My sensory arrays are unable to determine the number of assailants or their positions, but we can know with certainty that at least one of them is armed with projectile weaponry. Caution would be advised."

"Splendid!" Val replies sarcastically. "Why is this always happening when I'm trying to sleep?"

Shouting into the darkness at their unseen assailant(s), Val makes a proposition. "Attention out there! I'm going to presume that you have absolutely no idea who you are fucking with here, and inform you that your one and only chance of taking us out was to maximize the element of surprise, which is now forfeit. You have no hope of defeating all of us, any small victories you may take upon us tonight will ultimately be pyrrhic ones. Fortunately, I am feeling most magnanimous tonight and am willing to make you the following offer: Surrender unconditionally, and you have my word as a gentleman that no harm will befall you. Continue this assault, and I shall permit my mechanized companion to perform one of his trademark vivisections on you to further his ongoing quest to discover what it means to be human. You have one minute."

Jack's metallic face lacks the articulation to form what would be recognizable as human expressions, but one might think that it almost looks confused. "I have never--" he begins before being cutoff by Val rapidly waving his hand edgewise across his own throat.

"Yes, he has never passed up an opportunity for a vivisection! Quite the expert at keeping them alive through nearly the very end, has it down to a science he does. Very nasty stuff. Thirty seconds!"

((Well, I was going to do a Diplomacy check, but it kind of wandered into Intimidation, maybe Bluff? Rolling for all of it, pick whichever's appropriate:))

Diplomacy check:  1d20+20=39
Bluff check:  1d20+31=44
Intimidate:  1d20+7=9

((Fuck you, Intimidate roll :mad:))

((Holding off on actions pending outcome of Diplomabluffidate attempt))
((Mystery opponent casts Entangle on the entire party. DC 17 Reflex save. If you fail, you're... entangled, as described in the link to the spell (half movement, can't run or charge, penalty to attack rolls and AC. DC 20 Strength check or DC 20 Escape check as a standard action to break free). If you pass, or if you break free, you're still at half movement as long as you stay within 40 feet of the campsite))

Suddenly a writhing mass of sticky, barbed vines sprouts spontaneously from the ground, attempting to wrap themselves around the party's limbs and making it much more difficult to move around.

"Vivisect this, blowhard!" a voice calls out from just over there. Tarkus (thanks to his darkvision) sees a diminutive, dark-skinned elf - no taller than 5 feet, certainly - emerge from behind a bush. The man (maybe boy?) takes off in the direction opposite to the party; he seems to be joined by a creature that looks like a cross between a wolf and a dog that's nearly as big as he is. Side by side, they are rapidly getting further away while the party struggles to get untangled from the magically-grown brush.
((Question: does freedom of movement affect entangle?))

Oh wow, I forgot about that. Tarkus can move normally and is unaffected. Since he's hasted, he can catch up to the elf immediately this round, though if he wants to attack then he'll have to perform a Charge.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would it be possible to move into range to grapple or am I limited to a charge only if I want to make an offense of any kind?))
((After consulting the rules, it appears that yes, you can grapple as part of a charge.

You get a +2 to your Melee Touch Attack.

Reminder for how grappling works: Make a Melee Touch Attack, which is your Base Attack Bonus + your Strength modifier (and in this case, an additional +2 for charging). The opponent has a chance to make an Opportunity Attack on you; if he succeeds, your grapple attempt fails.

If he misses his Opportunity Attack and you succeed on your Touch Attack, you proceed to the actual Opposed Grapple.

The opposed grapple check is a d20 plus your Base Attack Bonus plus your Strength modifier. The opponent can oppose this with either his own Grapple check or an Escape Artist check. If you win the opposed check, you have him grappled; if the opponent wins, he is free to go.

I just rolled his Opportunity Attack and he got an 18 versus AC, so he misses you. Go ahead and roll both of your checks))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Spotting an elven figure retreating into the night, Tarkus springs into action. He calls out to the others what he sees as his muscles propel him forward like a tightly wound spring bursting into motion. "An elf and wolf!"

Haste quickening his steps he rushes forward, Fharlanghn's boots allowing him to tear through the entangling vines with supernatural ease. As he closes the distance he reaches out in attempt to grip the dark-skinned assassin in a crushing hold.

Touch Attack: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4031457/"]1d20+20 → [7,20] = (27)[/URL]

Opposed Grapple: [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4031459/"]1d20+18 → [7,18] = (25)[/URL]

Mike M

Nick N
Jack Reflex save:  1d20+11=18
Val Reflex save: 1d20+11=31

Val nimbly dances about, avoiding the grasping bramble vines seeking to ensnare them while Jack simply grinds those sprouting at his feet beneath his heel.

"Watch out for she-bears," Val grumbles.

"I calculate that the correlation coefficient of the presence of female ursus specimens and the use of entangling magical effects is approximately zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero seven five. Such an encounter is unlikely."

"Fascinating," Val says sardonically as he starts picking his way through the thorns in the direction of the assailant's voice, Jack working his way alongside him. "I think it's safe to say our mystery man in the woods has opted not to surrender, is your... deference to humanoids going interfere with your usefulness in a fight?"

"Negatory," Jack says in the sternest tone Val has yet heard from him, drawing a weapon from his back that telescopes and expands into a greatsword. For the first time, Val considers that a being of Jack's stature and construction may have initially been designated for combat, and that his inquisitive nature might actually be an aftermarket modification. "Interaction protocols are subordinate to my self preservation directives. I am familiar with one hundred eighty-nine forms of martial combat alone, my defeat is highly improbable."

"Impressive," Val says honestly, hacking at brambles with his rapier. "How many fights have you been in?"




"Well did you at least win?"

"The outcome is pending."

((So all that is to say: Val and Jack draw their swords and move towards the edge of the affected area in the direction of the assailant.))

Is it Bones? I bet it's Bones. Or related.
"Impressive," Val says honestly, hacking at brambles with his rapier. "How many fights have you been in?"




"Well did you at least win?"

"The outcome is pending."

Lurker note: This is AWESOME RP. Tarkus has pretty much been my fav. character in the adventure so far, but I like the cut of this young robot's jib. Love the interaction between him and the rest of the characters so far.
Reflex saving throw: 1d20+11=18

Muun quickly looks down at the feeling of vines threatening to wrap around his legs. He quickly does a roll to get away, at the same time draws his bow and immediately points it towards the assailant.

((I'm gonna wait to see if it's a confirmed grapple first, because according to Improved Precise Shot the target is automatically hit if he's in a grapple.))

Lurker note: This is AWESOME RP. Tarkus has pretty much been my fav. character in the adventure so far, but I like the cut of this young robot's jib. Love the interaction between him and the rest of the characters so far.
((Yes. Getting rid of the Leadership feat was a good decision on my part.))
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