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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Quintus listens to the informant, and once he is finished, he asks "Thanks for the info, but... who are you and why should we trust you?"
Muun swiftly turns around towards the strange creature still a man, and naturally assumes caution. Depite the discomfort, he's forced to admit to Quintis "His lies give us more to be prepared for than the truthful nothings of that bloody job description. How would you have known such valuable intel anyhow? Are you some scout?"
The small man smirks. "I make it my business to know things I'm not supposed to. Can't tell you who I am - at least not out in the open like this -, but I am on your side. Be on the lookout during the wedding, by the way; I have a feeling the party's gonna get crashed."

He turns around and nonchalantly starts walking away. He turns his head and says, "Tell Kaff I said the glasses suit him."

As he gets further away, he seems to suddenly vanish into a fairly thin crowd. If you don't make a DC 30 Perception check, you lose sight of him entirely.


Avalyra feels an inner urge to pull away, but resists. Still, she isn't sure she can accept the girl's words at face value, and looks critically over the girl, hoping for some clues. "If what you're saying is true," she responds, then pauses. "I'm still not sure how I can help you. Where do you plan to go if you manage to escape?"

((Sorry, it's not easy for me to roll now - I'd like a craft/weaving check to see if her clothes' quality matches what a princess might wear, and perhaps a perception check for other clues.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val looks down at the documents and cooly shuffles through them again as he lets the verbal tirade from the various planning committee members wash over him. Everything he thinks might be useful, he sorts into his left hand, those documents that he deems of no value into his right.

Looking back up at the committee, he interrupts them all once more. "Yes, what would a cleric know? Not much at all, you have the right of it. Unless of course said cleric served as a logistics officer in the military before being called into the service of Heironeous and had to oversee operations far more vast and complex than a wedding, even a royal one. Clearly you are the masters of your art, I'm sure a wedding consisting only of a recital by the children's choir will be the envy of the nation. Apologies for interrupting."

Bluff check:  1d20+33=39

Val tosses the papers in his right hand across the surface of the table, the individual sheets gliding across each other in a cascade that threatens to careen off the far edge. While the committee members instinctively scramble to prevent their documents from sliding off the table onto the floor, the ones in Val's left hand disappear up his sleeve.

Thievery check:  1d20+24=41
The girl's clothes are certainly right in line with what a princess would wear. Her room is also one of the most lavish and indulgent setups that Avalyra has ever seen. It's obvious that most of the items were brought in recently; the room isn't normally furnished like this. The bed is enormous and draped with fine silk sheets, and has its own canopy; the dressers are made of beautifully polished oak, and lined with gold trim; a massive portable wardrobe is filled to the brim with equally extravagant dresses and other garments.

Just as a way to dispel any doubt, Avalyra might venture a casting of Detect Psionics to get a more decisive read on the situation.

She finds that while everything in the room is most certainly authentic and expensive to befit a princess, there's nothing particularly magical in this room, with one exception.

The Princess herself seems to be emitting a very powerful magical aura that is comparable in intensity to the magical artifacts that the men she's been traveling with are carrying around.

As Avalyra remembers that tidbit of information, suddenly she starts to wonder what a junior cleric of Heironeous would be doing, traveling the countryside with a group of men carrying artifacts of the gods, and why she would be carrying an artifact of Pelor. She then remembers implanting herself with a Suggestion to believe that she's a cleric of Heironeous.

And just like that, in a puff of logic, the Implanted Suggestion goes away, and Avalyra remembers the actual reason that she's here.

"Well you see," the Princess answers, "I don't think you can help me. But that's okay, because..." She hesitates a moment, but ultimately shrugs. "...There are people coming to rescue me. I don't know who they are or how they're going to do it, but they managed to get a message to me that I should be ready to go when I get 'the signal'. I don't know what that signal is, but when I heard the commotion outside, I thought THAT was the signal, and that's why I barged out of here like that."


Val easily pockets anything he might want from the stack, and gauges the table's reactions. He has a feeling that they believe them, but that they don't particularly care.

"Fabulous, so a military cleric thinks he knows something about planning a wedding celebration. You realize we were all appointed to this station by the Chancellor himself, right? Come back when you can say the same," one of the younger men says dismissively, and they begin conversing with each other again.

Val now has a complete layout of the entire cathedral, with room assignments and other potentially useful labels. He also has a complete list of every single person involved in the wedding, from the performers to the service workers to the priest who's set to perform the ceremony. ((If there's some other type of document you wanted to pocket, it's probably there too))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Quin I can give you 6000 gold if you need it to purchase some of that stuff if we decide to check out the fort. Given that it sounds like a relic is in play I definitely think we should.))

Observing Quintus meticulously counting out several copper pieces from his pouch, Tarkus saunters over and plants a hefty sack of gold coins onto the counter of the scroll shop. The warrior has no particular love of currency, preferring himself more fluid forms of power such as reputation and respect. He remarks plainly "Gold no use unless spent."

Raising his eyebrow as the voice of a mysterious stranger pipes up with suspiciously insightful information about their aims, the fighter turns around to look upon the man. The plain figure smirks mischievously and while his information borders on vital, Tarkus powers of deduction fail to pick up on anything noteworthy about his appearance.

Tarkus hunches his shoulders and squints as the witty and imperceptible man disappears into the smallest of crowds. Barely able to keep track of Val himself, the half-orc's powers of perception are similarly no match for the mysterious stranger's dexterity. He wonders aloud at the information they have been given. "True rebellion even for our time? Maybe another Fire-no brother...?"

Scratching his chin he grunts in agreement with the ranger's words. "Now I am certain fort must be sought soon. Should inform others, but question arise...leave some here in Keep or risk leave wedding rescue behind?"
Muun keeps his eye on the man, but manages to blink at the most unfortunate timing, leaving the man lost within the waves of people. Despite that, he can't think of any reason to give chase anyway, "We're going to have to talk with Val and have him tell us what in the world is going on."
Quintus will take that 6k gold and buy that permanency scroll and prepare to copy it into his spell book right away... now to figure out how the spell that works without XP. Also, he is now dirt poor again, but w/e, it will pay for itself in time(I hope).

"I personally have no plans to go into that fort with anything less then full force. We have 5 days to deal with the wedding, that gives us plenty of time to deal with the fort, that's why I got all these damn scrolls."
((Quintus, you may want to rethink the Permanency idea. Since we're not using XP, I'm defaulting to Pathfinder rules for any spell that has an XP requirement in 3.5. For some spells they just ignore the XP cost entirely, but for others - like Permanency - they replace it with a GP cost. You can google "pathfinder permanency" to find the appropriate entry; some of that stuff is kind of expensive. Telepathic Bond, for example, costs 12.5k))
((ehh... true enough, though there are plenty of other options I was hoping to pick up, that are a bit cheaper, like darkvision, arcane sight and see invisible to name a few. but if you really don't think it'll be worth it, i can pick something else up(or nothing and let tarkus have his money back)))
((I'm not saying it wouldn't be worth it, I'm just saying that you wouldn't be able to afford it right now if the scroll alone would bankrupt you. Permanency is always good to have as an option))


Although the evidence around her is pretty conclusive, Avalyra decides to use one final method to verify the girl's story. As Avalyra tries to draw on the power of Heironeous to detect magic around her, she instead feels a strange surge in her mind, which certainly is unexpected. But even more of a surprise are the magical auras that she sees, and finally enough details come together for her to remember who she is and what she's doing here.

Avalyra blinks as her normal personality resurfaces into her consciousness after being buried by her earlier mental command. It was like waking from a lucid dream in which she had no control, except it was no dream at all. Whoa...I don't think I'm going to do that to myself ever again. And...is that what it's like for those who I influence? She finds herself feeling a bit guilty, even though she believes she has always been judicious in using that power. As she continues to mull over what has become an ethical issue in her mind, she's interrupted by the Princess's response, which quickly brings her back to the current situation.

The answer the Princess provides doesn't make her comfortable. "You don't know who these rescuers are supposed to be, and yet you want to go with them? Do you even know what they want from you when they rescue you? It might be worse fate than even this forced marriage."

Avalyra takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "You know, I could...well, my companions and I could get you out of here, but I have no idea what we'd do afterwards. Where would you go, what would you do to avoid being recaptured? How would you live your life?" Avalyra intentionally pauses a moment before continuing. "But all of that doesn't matter anyways, since you really should have no reason to trust me, just like how you really should have no reason to trust the unknown rescuers that you've mentioned." She's silent again as she thinks, trying to reconcile the Princess's plight with her current quest. "You do know that you radiate a powerful magic aura, right? If you're willing to tell me why, I might have a better idea on what to do."

Even before the Princess has a chance to answer, Avalyra is already moving. First she palms her psicrystal from her pocket, and directs it to sneak outside, then try to find the others, temporarily imparting it with power for an additional edge to find Quintus. At the same time, she eyes the Princess carefully and begins to mentally weave together an outfit similar to the ones she saw on the way in.

Psicrystal Stealth 1D20+26 => 39
Detect Psionics on Psicrystal
Psicrystal Perception 1D20+18 => 20
Minor Creation, Psionic, Craft(Weaving) 1D20+21 => 23

((If you want more options for Quintus in a very, very, very, very, very extreme way, why not grab limited wish? Ehehehehe. It actually lets you cast permanency too.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val shrugs as the committee refuses his offer of help. "Suit yourself," he says, but it goes largely unheard as the members fall upon themselves with their petty bickering and squabbling. Having secured his objective, he retreats from the table rather than try and insert himself into the midst of a group that is already hostile and agitated. Even if he had succeeded, there'd be little to gain at this point.

Val heads back into the main space of the cathedral and makes his way to the children's choir. As he draws near, he notes that Avalyra is absent. Muttering to himself that there's no need to panic just yet, he surveils the main level of cathedral in search of her.

When he still fails to catch sight of her, he whispers to himself, "Alright, there may be some slight occasion for panic now..."
Lucille's eyes widen as Avalyra undergoes a spontaneous personality shift before her eyes, and they widen further as she watches a complete outfit spin out of thin air around her. "Ah...." she stutters, eventually finding her voice again, "I haven't thought far enough ahead to know what comes next exactly," she admits. "All I know is that I want to see the world, and if I stay here and let them marry me off to that jag-off they picked out for me, that's never going to happen.

"I trust you more than those other people I've never met, so I'd rather go with you, but one way or another, someone is getting me out of here. And I do like this disguise idea, but I'm pretty sure that the guard has already taken up his spot right outside my door again, so it might be a little tricky to escape right now, considering that there's no window in this room. That's not by accident, either; I've escaped out of windows before. They're on to me.

"As for that magic aura, yeah I know about it. The thing about me is, I can't get hurt. Seriously. I'm completely indestructible. It... sort of runs in the family." In a surreal moment for Avalyra, Lucille casually strides to the decked-out vanity in her room, finds a razor laying in a basket, displays its extreme sharpness by slicing off a tiny piece of her golden hair, and then proceeds to slice all over her arm, throat, and face. No marks appear anywhere, and there is no question that the girl is slicing as hard as she possibly can. "See what I mean?"

As for the psi crystal, it obeys Avalyra's instructions and manages to shimmy underneath the door, then proceeds to fly down the stairs. It easily locates Val, and makes itself obvious to him by flying directly in front of his eyes and stopping there.

It lingers long enough to notify Avalyra telepathically that it found Val, then awaits further instructions. If Avalyra has no further instructions, it whizzes away and finds a path outside and begins to search for the others.

((Avalyra, it may be helpful if you describe what your Psicrystal looks like in a little side blurb))


"You want to see the world." Avalyra deadpans in response, staring back at the Lucille. She is suddenly angry that the Princess's first and foremost concern is such a worthless trifle, but as she considers how the Princess has been isolated for most of her life, she calms down a bit. Avalyra finds it harder to fault such views, with the sheltered and unnatural upbringing, and it's only natural that being invulnerable changes one's priorities. Being invulnerable would be rather nice, Avalyra starts to idly think to herself, but then something occurs to her. Wait, isn't Muun always bugging me that physical combat is an ever-present danger? An invulnerable ally would be pretty valuable...

"Alright," Avalyra declares, "Let me try to contact my companions to see if they're up for it. By the way, are you immune to other hazards as well? Such as fire, or lightning?" She's still thinking furiously, trying to decide whether or not to ask the Lucille about the Chalice itself. Unless this girl has been stringing Avalyra along the whole time, she seems to be someone most concerned about her own fate, and perhaps less of a risk in compromising Avalyra's mission? But one couldn't be sure...

As Avalyra continues to wrestle with the merits of each choice, she's interrupted by a mental nudge. Telepathically linking with her psicrystal once more, she instantly knows that it has found Val, and begins to communicate through it.

Val notices a tiny, dull blue faceted crystal, which would be entirely unremarkable if it were not floating in the air in front of him, bobbing up and down furiously, apparently trying to get its attention. Soon, he hears a voice directly in his mind.

Hey Val, it's Avalyra. I bumped into the Princess, who wants out of a forced marriage, and I, uh, sorta suggested that we could help her escape. I didn't promise that that we would, of course, but it seems another group is also coming soon to crash the party as well. And apparently, she's invulnerable. Anyways, I'm trying to round up the others so we can decide together on what to do now. I'm still not sure whether or not I should ask her about the Chalice.
"Nothing hurts me," she replies. "I've been stabbed, slashed, burned, electrocuted, frozen, smashed with a hammer, I've jumped out of windows... I even tried drowning myself once, but I got too scared and couldn't follow through. As far as I can tell, nothing hurts me. And I don't feel pain either. I figure if there's anything out there that actually CAN hurt me, only the gods know what it is, because I sure don't."

Mike M

Nick N
Val's search for Avalyra is brought to an end when her levitating crystal finds him instead. Her voice broadcasting into his mind is not unlike his previous experiences with Quintus' telepathy spell, so he has enough experience with the sensation to not be taken by surprise.

Well that is an interesting piece of knowledge indeed. Hang on for a second...

Val discretely ducks into a secluded alcove out of sight and peruses the documents he pilfered from the planning committee.

Are you with the Princess in her room right now? I have her room assignment, and I think this column of names and times is the guard rotation. I think we have the means between us to smuggle her out if we need to, but I don't know where we could hide her after that. Plus they would almost certainly call off the wedding, and we may lose our chance to get access to the chalice...

((In looking up stuff about Heironeous to make Val's dialog sound legitimate, I totally inadvertently spoiled myself on this part : /))


Avalyra closes her eyes to focus on answering Val's query. I am with the princess right now, and it does look like it's her room here. You have a good point, disrupting the wedding might cost us a key opportunity. Do you mind grabbing my crystal and letting it lead you around as it tries to find the others? I think it'd be best to see if they have any other suggestions.

Avalyra turns her attention back to the Princess, and looks over her carefully once more, thinking carefully. Unless she has been playing me this entire time, I don't think she'll turn me in if I ask about the Chalice. After all, she seems to care mostly about getting free. Her story seems plausible, being a trapped princess. And, it's not everyday you run into someone impervious to harm...Why do I feel jealous?

Coming to a decision, Avalyra walks closer to the Princess and asks quietly, "Would you know anything about where the Chaclice of Heironeous is being kept?"

((I'm having some computer issues, but I'll try to keep posting.))
Lucille's eyes light up. "It's me! I'M the Chalice of Heironeous! That's what you're here to find? That's great! That means you HAVE to take me with you!" She celebrates in muted tones, to make sure that the guard on the other side of the door won't hear.

"That's why I'm indestructible. I mean, no one's ever sat me down and outright told me, but I put it together by the time I was about ten years old. I kept hearing older people talking, thinking I wouldn't hear, and they'd sometimes refer to a "Chalice". It didn't take too long before I realized they were talking about me.

"So, when do we leave?"

((Since Avalyra is having computer issues, if Val is able to post first, then assume that she fills him in on this important development before he does or says anything else))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's jaw goes agape as his eyes involuntarily drift upward to the approximate position of the princess's room -- or perhaps it could be more accurately described as a cell at this point.

He snatches the floating blue crystal out of the air and stares at it, as though this might somehow make the transmission of his thoughts more clear than they are already. The princess is the Chalice? How the bloody hells is that supposed to work? Nevermind, it scarcely matters at this point.

On a level of thought that doesn't broadcast to Avalyra, Val ponders the situation, studying the maps of the floor containing the princess and trying to cross reference it to any information about the patrol routes and rotation of shifts that he might find in the material he pilfered from the planning committee. Planning something this hasty and off the cuff goes against his normally cautious nature, but Val recognizes that they're not likely to be presented with an opportunity even this ideal any time soon.

Avalyra, listen to me, he thinks when he has completed his hasty research on the layout of the floor above. I need to know precisely what sort of effects you can manage on the guard outside the princess's door. Like the steward at the docks in Southport. If we can get you out of there with the princess, I have something that we can use to hide her identity. Then hopefully we can just walk out the front door, or maybe she can jump out a window and we can meet her around front or something, I don't know.

We'll need to rendezvous with the others as soon as possible though. If she is the Chalice, they will have means of detecting her location, we need to get her out of the city immediately, probably need to keep her moving randomly until we secure the final few relics. But for that, we need Quintus and his teleportation spell.

Val is already trying to work out the logistics. Valerie commands a great deal of respect in Alydar, that might be the best first stop. But then they would need to find other safehouses, someone to transport her... Would Rubio's amulet work, or would Lucille's innate power as a living relic be too much for it to handle? So many questions, but not many could afford to wait.


Avalyra is taken aback by Lucille's response. And a bit skeptical - all the relics she knows of are magic items, not living beings. Still, she relays the news to Val, and listens to his response.

Getting out of here with her shouldn't be a major problem, but you're right, if she can be magically tracked, that could be an issue. Still, I'm not entirely convinced that she's actually the Chalice. I really want to talk to the others about all of this, especially Quintus. Maybe he will know more? Because if we rush her away without the real Chalice, it could make things difficult for us.

Avalyra directs her psicrystal to resume its search for her other companions, but not to move too quickly, in case Val decides to follow.

She turns to address Lucille. "If you are the Chalice, we will certainly take you with us. But I certainly didn't expect the Chalice to be a person. How can I be sure that we aren't making a mistake?"
The psicrystal complies, gently prying itself out of Val's grasp and making its way out of the Cathedral without being noticed; it's Val's choice whether he wishes to follow it out or stay put.

Either way, once outside, the crystal has no trouble making its way to Tarkus, Quintus, Muun, and Jack, who are gathered around and/or sitting on a bench very close to the cathedral, anxiously waiting for news from their undercover companions.

They are all taken by surprise when the Crystal makes its presence known, though some may not actually be aware of it until Avalyra's telepathic voice speaks into their heads.

Avalyra explains the situation briefly but in detail, ensuring that now the entire party knows what's happening, and petitions their opinions, in particular Quintus's.

Due to the fact that you happened to do a major project in one of your classes at the Academy on the lore and legend behind Heironeous and his followers ((aka, you rolled a Natural 20 earlier)), the idea that the Chalice could be a living being actually makes a lot of sense in the context of some of the stories, even though you can't recall it ever being stated outright.
"Hmm... That would actually make a lot of sense for Heironeous. But if that is the case, the Arm already knows and hiding her will be troublesome with that Lens of theirs... Of course we really don't have an option, so I'll just have to find a way to stop an all powerful artifact from finding us, should be no problem."
There is genuine uncertain tone in his voice at the realization that they're taking a girl with them and she is apparently a goddess relic while he concurs with Quintis, "So I take it whatever we do with this... girl artifact?.. we should keep moving."

The fairy sitting on his shoulder soon flutters towards the crystal in the air, barely larger than the crystal itself, asking, "Is this what everybody was sitting around for? It's very pretty."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Watching the relic float before them, the warrior is momentarily transfixed as Avalyra's voice echoes in his head. He snaps out of his gaze as the situation becomes more and more clear though not nearly as crystal as the gem before them.

"If girl is relic, need move out of city quickly as possible." Tarkus turns to Quintus. "Can teleport with her maybe?" The warrior ponders a moment before continuing. "Problem with person relic, have to keep her around all time to ensure safety...yet put in danger if around us when we seek other relic."


Avalyra listens intently as the others chime in with their thoughts. Quintus, does that mean you're positive that this Princess can be the Chalice? Well, I'm going to get moving. I'll try not to draw any attention, but if I do...I might need some help. I wish I knew how this cathedral was laid out...

Avalyra retrieves a flask (Unguent of Timelessness) from a pocket, and applies a portion of its contents to cover the outfit she just created, just to be sure it won't disappear at some inopportune time. "Lucille, would you change into this outfit, just in case?" she asks quietly. "I can handle the guard outside the door, but we don't know who we might run into. Would you know where to go if we could get past that guard?"
"I have never read anything that flat out said a person could be the chalice, but reliable information on the artifacts is hard to come by to say the least, and everything I know about Heironeous suggests that a person being the chalice is not only possible, but likely."
Lucille nods eagerly. "Yeah, I know this place pretty well. It won't be difficult; it's just around the corner, and we go straight until we hit the stairs." She changes into the new outfit relatively quickly and looks at Avalyra. "How do I look?"


Avalyra nods. "Looks good. I'm just going to send the guard a minute into the future, so don't be surprised when he disappears. After that, you lead the way."

As noiselessly as she can, she moves to the door and carefully opens it. If she sees the guard with his back towards her, as she hopes, she focuses her concentration on the guard and the threads of time around him, attempting to send him forward in time.

Time Hop, Will DC 21

((If Avalyra finds herself face to face with the guard instead, resort to using implanted suggestion.))
Avalyra manages to just barely crack the door enough to get a line of sight on the guard without actually getting his attention, and pops him temporarily out of the time stream. She and Lucille scurry out of the room.

When the two of them are halfway down the hallway, ready to turn the corner, they hear a voice call from behind them.

"You there! What are you doing up here? You know the rules - second floor's off limits! Hey, wait a second... HEY! GET BACK HERE!"

It seems that the guard managed to overcome the effects of Time Hop far quicker than Avalyra had anticipated, and he apparently was not at all fooled by the Princess's disguise. He breaks into a run toward the pair.


Val, who has been lurking just far enough from the staircase to avoid suspicion, hears a commotion upstairs, including the call for backup. He sees two Ruby Keep guardsmen approaching the staircase; everyone else has stopped what they're doing and seems to be frozen in place.

((Here's the mechanical explanation for what just happened. The guard rolled a 15 on his Will Save, so he vanished. On his first round after vanishing, he rolled a 14 on his Wisdom check as outlined in the Time Hop ability. On the second round, he rolled a 16 and popped back in place. This is only 12 seconds after he first disappeared, so there wasn't quite enough time to get too far away.

Once he returned, he saw Avalyra and Lucille in their costumes heading out. I rolled Avalyra's Disguise check for her to make Lucille unrecognizable; she got a 13. The guard got a 17 on his Perception roll, so he realized it was the Princess despite the costume.

Avalyra and Lucille can make it to the top of the staircase if they do a double-move. Val could get halfway up the stairs in a move, or a double-move could get him to the top.

Go ahead and roll initiative, even though it's not totally clear whether this will turn into combat yet.

Oh and Avalyra is able to telepathically describe what's happening through her crystal as a free action if she wants))

Mike M

Nick N
((Can Val take a double action and still activate the Mask of Lies, and is there any possibility of him doing so without being detected?))
((Activating the Mask is a standard action, so no to the first question. As to the second, you can roll a Stealth check. Most of the room is looking up and toward the stairs, so at the very least, you have a reasonable shot at it))

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative:  1d20+5= 21
Stealth check:  1d20+7=25
((Hope that does it, 'cause that's almost as good as it possibly gets))

Val hears the commotion upstairs. Seeing the guards approach, he ducks behind a pillar and activates the Mask of Lies. Hoping that no one has noticed that a cleric disappeared and was replaced by a guardsman with the same face, he ascends the stairs to render assistance.


Okay, I'm leaving the room with the Princess. Avalyra mentally keeps a running commentary for the others outside as she gets moving. We're past the guard, now heading down a hall...Yikes!

Avalyra freezes as she hears the guard shout after her. Oh no! What should I do? Her mind races, searching for a way out of the situation, when she's suddenly inspired, having been around Val for some time. She turns around, her hands on her hips. "Kidnapped?" she says indignantly to the guard. "You idiot. Did you forget that Lucille was to be fitted for the special veil today? With all the commotion you're making, you're going to spoil the surprise at the wedding."

She feels a slight pang of regret as she looks him in the eyes and forces a thought into his mind. She then turns around again and begins to walk away. "Come now, Lucille."

Suggestion, Implanted Will DC 22 - She's right, you realize that you forgot about the secret fitting and screwed up. Now you need to cover up the secret fitting so you don't ruin the surprise and get into trouble.

((Welp, too bad elite skillz with making clothes doesn't translate into much when creating disguises.))

Initiative => 1D20+4 => 14
Muun had panicked, unable to believe what he was seeing. He quickly swipes what must have looked looked like a mosquito to the others and immediately opens a pouch sewn onto his quiver to stuff the tiny thing in there to deny it time of day..

He must have done this with incredible agility since the others continue conversing with the crystal as if nothing happened.

He tries to get his mind back on track. It isn't until there is a pause in communication that he realizes something is amiss calls out "Avalrya? What's going on?"

Mike M

Nick N
((What is this fairy thing from KittenMaster's past couple posts? Did I miss something, or is this the introduction to a replacement for the owl we left behind in the future?))
((As to the fairy, that's an in-character conversation that you guys can have. All I'll say is that it will be his new animal companion, and I OK'd it))

The guard that was pursuing Avalyra and Lucille stops suddenly and crinkles his brow in confusion. He simply stands there, clearly at a loss for what to do.

Lucille takes that opportunity to bolt forward, but she stops in her tracks at the top of the stairs and stops abruptly. Avalyra hurries to try and catch up to her, but even before she gets there, she can see three more guardsmen ascending the staircase.

"Princess," one of them says sternly and loudly. Another one spots Avalyra. "You! Who goes there?!"


Avalyra gives a little sigh of relief as her mind trick seems to have worked on the guard, but her moment of calm is interrupted by Lucille bursting away in the opposite direction, along with Muun's voice of concern.

Um, we ran into a guard, but it's okay for now. she hurriedly replies through her psicrystal before jogging to catch up with Lucille. Her heart sinks as she sees three more guards down the stairs. Oh no! More guards. She mentally reports to the others. I don't think we can get out of here without attracting undue attention. Taking a moment to look over the guards, she wonders if she should just wall them off and run, when she recognizes one of their faces(*). Hoping that he can catch on quickly to help continue the charade, she grabs Lucille's wrist and admonishes her.

"Princess, stop trying to run away. You're wasting time when we should be getting the final pieces of your ensemble fitted."

a cleric disappeared and was replaced by a guardsman with the same face

Mike M

Nick N
"Guardsman" Val wastes no time in catching on. "The fitting, of course!" he exclaims, striking his forehead with the heel of his palm. "I don't know how the members of the planning committee manage to get anything accomplished, the way they keep revising the itinerary every time one turns around. That sorry lot couldn't plan their exit from a wet paper sack."

Moving to the head of the trio, he extends his hand to Avalyra and says, "I apologize for any confusion, Cleric, but the princess cannot be allowed out of her chambers without escort by a member of the Royal Guard. It's protocol, I'm sure you understand. That said, we should probably get a move on before we inadvertently cause any further delays in the schedule today."

Bluff Check=1d20+33=52
((Christ, it's like "why do I bother rolling on bluff checks anymore?"))
Quintus, unaware of what is happening inside right now says "Do you need a distraction? I think I have an idea, and it won't even involve blowing stuff up this time, though I suspect it won't work for too long..." He then turns to Muun, "Not really, the time for this, but I gotta know, whats the deal with the fairy?"
The other two guards exchange skeptical glances, but Val is so thoroughly convincing that they assume that the protocols have changed, and they allow him to escort Avalyra and Lucille out. Thanks to her outfit, no one else gives her a second glance, and they're able to exit the Cathedral before anyone realizes that something is amiss.

Tarkus, Quintus, Muun, and Jack see the trio exit the cathedral, and are able to wave them over; the party has now reunited.

Lucille is so giddy that she can barely contain herself, but when she sees Muun her eyes widen and she calms down considerably, merely gazing into his dark eyes intently. "Hi," she says shyly, and smiles.

The girl looks like she's about seventeen - only two years Muun's junior. She has a very pretty face and is lean; her hair is long and blond, and her skin is fair. Tarkus recognizes her pretty quickly as the girl that petitioned for his help the last time the party was in Ruby Keep, but so far she's been ogling at Muun too much to recognize Tarkus.
"Ah. Hello princess... Excuse me, over here miss... Ahem. Anyways, as luck would have it, I do have a way out of here," Quintus says as he pulls out several scrolls of phantom steed, "But we will need to hide your identity I imagine, so a quick question, does your invinciblity provide you any kind of resistance to magical effects, ones not harmful to you at least?"
The pouch on his quiver violently protrudes and changes shape like a kitten trying to escape a bag while Muun stands keeping serious as the situation seemed to have turned dire for Avalrya and his growing impatience becoming apparently, "Damn it! Is it bad enough that we may have to do something?" Quintis then echos the same sentiment with suggesting ideas on what he could do, and then suddenly is asked about the fairy. A little distrought, Muun responds with a stress in his voice, "I-I don't know, okay?"

Once the others exit the cathedral, Muun is a bit relieved, but there is still the question of the fairy that had suddenly appeared with him from nowhere. Trying to think of an explanation, he watches the others approach their waiting spot, as the princess in particular approaches though, his heart nearly skips a beat and he's forced to do a double take, the blonde beauty very similar to the magical form adopted by the vampire in his earlier life. It's like the gods know something about him he doesn't and are taunting him at this point. He blinks, seeming oddly shy and timid himself under the study of her gaze, "Err, ah, hi there."

A small figure finally begins to break free from under the flap of the pouch, coughing slightly, "That was rude, Muun!"
"I don't think so," Lucille says in reply to Quintus's question, without looking away from Muun. "My name's Lucille. You have a pet fairy? That's so cool."

"Actually," Jack speaks up, after being relatively quiet so far today, "It is my understanding that most fairies prefer temperate climates, and generally dislike the cold. Though it appears that this particular fairy is capable of speaking, and therefore may be able to confirm or refute that assumption herself."

The android then turns to Quintus. "Analysis indicates that the streets in town do not currently have sufficient clearance for a pack of phantom horses to ride safely. It is also likely that doing so would attract unwanted attention, given the circumstances. I recommend we refrain from summoning steeds until we are safely outside of city limits."
"Yes, I figured as much Jack, which is why we will want to get her outside as quickly as possible without anyone seeing her. Thankfully I am prepared for just such an occasion. Val? Which way is the fastest way out of the city? And do you think a flying creature could make in there in less then 15 minutes? If not you know a good place nearby we could hide out with a princess for a while?" While asking, Quintus get closer to Lucille, while also making a few strange movements with his hand and pulling something out of a small sack he carries with him, with his other hand "Excuse me princess... This won't hurt a bit." he says, proceeding to reach over and tap Lucille with a finger, hopefully transforming her into an owl... that looks very similar to Muun's old companion. "Keep it mind this won't last very long so don't go flying off on you own, as tempting as it may be."
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