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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Time seems to slow once more as Quintus casts haste upon the party. Their red pursuers no longer gaining, Val briefly entertains the notion that they may be able to make it to the safety of Alydar. Muun's anguished cry for the fallen princess dashes those hopes, however. Val turns to see Lucille on the field with the red phantasmal horses closing fast, growing smaller with every passing second. "Woah, there!" Val shouts at his mount, pulling on the reigns. "Woah!"

Ride Check:  1d20+5=11

Ever the accomplished city slicker, Val is some distance away before he manages to bring his horse to a stop and turn it in the proper direction.
((The bad guys are 400 feet away from the princess at the start of the round. By the time all of you have finished your turn, they will be where the Princess is.

Bringing your horse around will accomplish the same thing as stopping as far as the rules are concerned, so the same DCs apply.

Since Val didn't make the 15 DC, he is a full 400 feet away by the time he stops, meaning that his horse will need to do a full-round Run action just to get to where the princess is next round.

Also Mike M, don't forget about Jack))


((How close together or spread apart are the pursuers? It affects my choice between using dispel, or two types of walls.))
((How close together or spread apart are the pursuers? It affects my choice between using dispel, or two types of walls.))

((Oops, sorry I missed that question. By the time they get to the Princess, they're in a 30 foot spread, with about 5 feet separating each from the next. You'll have to spend your entire round stopping/coming around with the horse, so unless you want to end up like 600 feet away from the princess before stopping, you won't be able to use Psionics this round. But I guess that is an option if you want to go that route))
Quintus dimension doors next to Lucille and prepares himself for some quick spell casting next round.

Arcana: (1d20+26=32)

((How close are these guys? If possible i'd like to cast a quicken confusion on at least some of the incoming enemies, and then cast mass fly on myself an Lucille and attempt to gtfo.))
((How close are these guys? If possible i'd like to cast a quicken confusion on at least some of the incoming enemies, and then cast mass fly on myself an Lucille and attempt to gtfo.))

Your rod is Lesser and only works with level 3 spells or less. Confusion is 4th level and Mass Fly is 5th.

That said... By the time you appear next to her, the horses are all right up on you, though you notice that two of the apparently rider-less ones have slowed down considerably. The other four are charging forward to meet the party.

Lucille looks entirely unharmed, without a scratch on her, though she does seem a little disoriented from her tumble. Her clothes are also a little torn.


((Wait...I've got something that should happen before the riders get that close.))

Avalyra automatically turns her head towards Quintus as she hears him utter a coarse epithet that she somehow understands. But as the wizard hastens the party with their steeds, she has to focus fully on staying mounted, until a sharp voice cutting the air grabs her attention.

As Muun's scream echoes through her ears, she turns to see Lucille sprawled on the ground. But before she can even begin to consciously consider the fallen princess behind her, a strangely familiar instinct takes control. She instantly blinks out of sight, leaving her steed riderless.

Swift: Dimension Hop (augment 2, 20ft range), Psionics check: 1D20+23 => 25 (vs DC 30)

Accompanied by a peculiar sound, she reappears closer to the princess, but her momentum causes her to lose her footing and crash hard into the ground. Ignoring the pain, she immediately looks up and points with a finger, attempting to unweave the magic around their oncoming assailants, wincing again as she strains her abilities to their limits.

Standard: Dispel Psionics, area (enlarge power to reach up to 460 ft, augment 2, overchannel 1)
Overchannel damage: 1D8 => 3
Dispel checks vs steeds:
1D20+14 => 17
1D20+14 => 32
1D20+14 => 30
1D20+14 => 32
1D20+14 => 21
1D20+14 => 18
Dispel checks vs riders:
1D20+14 => 21
1D20+14 => 20
1D20+14 => 34
1D20+14 => 32
1D20+14 => 32
1D20+14 => 22
((the steeds do count separately for an area dispel, right?))

Move: stand up

Keeping an eye on the incoming attackers, she starts to struggle back to her feet, and gradually comes to her senses. What the heck am I doing? Why am I reacting this way?

Mike M

Nick N
((No time for a write up now, but Jack rolled a 43 on his jump check, so he's 50 feet from the princess and standing.))
((Everyone start your next post with a Perception check. Remember this value, and check out this link for questions about invisible creatures http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_invisible&alpha=

One of the visible riders uses a previously-Readied action to Counterspell Avalyra's Dispel Psionics. Due to the not-quite-compatible nature of magic and psionics, the counterspell doesn't work 100%; one of the Steeds is dispelled and the Greater Invisibility effect on its rider drops.

One visible rider castsFeeblemind on Quintus. DC 19 Will save, and you get a -4 to the save due to the spell's nature.

The other visible rider holds his action.

The Invisible Rider in front of Avalyra throws a Shuriken at her. Avalyra, that's a 28 vs Flat Footed AC. You take 26 damage. Since this one is still riding the horse, you know what square it's in without needing to use your Perception check.

Quintus and Avalyra, if you made a 13 on your Perception check, you hear one of the other invisible riders jump off of its horse and land very close to Lucille, and you at least know what square it's in. Tarkus and Jack will need an 18 to be able to tell from where you are. Val is right out.

The last invisible rider throws a shuriken at Tarkus, hitting a 29 vs Flat Footed AC and dealing 25 damage. It's also still on the horse, so you know what square it's in.))

Quintus and Avalyra's quick thinking allows them to put up a line of defense against the incoming assailants. Avalyra's attempt to strip them of their enchantments is met by a rather surprised spellcaster, who was clearly not expecting to have to deal with a caster other than Quintus. He waves his hand, and a clash of magicks ensues, creating a weird, multicolored bubble of energy that pops just as soon as it forms and mostly cancelling out its effects... but not entirely. One of the red phantasmal horses vanishes and its rider, previously invisible, tumbles hard to the ground, a few hundred feet out.

This does not stop the rest of them from pressing on, though. They obviously came prepared for the party, too, as one attempts to render Quintus incapable of casting arcane magic. The other seems to be holding out, likely with the intention to counter another spell.

The three remaining invisible riders begin their assault on the party. One pelts Avalyra with a shuriken; she doesn't see it coming and it strikes a particularly vulnerable spot on her neck. Another hurls one across the field at Tarkus, nailing him in a joint in his armor. The other pretty obviously dismounts its horse, landing somewhere near Lucille, though it may be difficult to pinpoint him with any accuracy. The horse itself immediately begins to slow down and loses all sense of urgency.

((Begin Next Round. For those still mounted, remember that your horse's speed is 100 feet. Val's is 400 feet away, so he'll need to do a Run as a Full Action just to make it to the front line.

This was a very difficult writeup due to all the things going on, so if I missed something or if something is confusing, my bad. We'll take care of it as it becomes apparent.

Also, DeadPhoenix might already be out of town. If he doesn't make a post by tomorrow night or so, I'll take his turn for him.

Battle map:

Perception: 1D20+11 => [ 3 ] +11 = 14
((I actually rolled a 20 earlier, but then i lost the link due to shenanigans and was unable to post :/))
Will: 1D20+15-4 => [ 5 ] +15-4 = 16
Quintus just kinda stands around not really sure what to do, except follow the pretty ladies and fruitless attack anyone who tries to attack them.
Perception: 1D20+11 => [ 3 ] +11 = 14
((I actually rolled a 20 earlier, but then i lost the link due to shenanigans and was unable to post :/))
Will: 1D20+15-4 => [ 5 ] +15-4 = 16
Quintus just kinda stands around not really sure what to do, except follow the pretty ladies and fruitless attack anyone who tries to attack them.

((I normally try not to give roleplay guidance, but I will point out that Feeblemind allows for you to try and protect your friends, so you could at least attempt to get Lucille out of harm's way, for example, or you could go full-defensive and get in the way of some of the bad guys))


((I'm only posting part of my turn because I'd like to know if Avalyra gets successfully counterspelled before doing the rest.))

1D20+22 => 29 #perception check

Avalyra is quite surprised as one of the hostile wizards counters her power, and finds herself mesmerized by the shimmering sphere that forms between them. Her attention elsewhere, she doesn't notice a fast moving projectile that appears out of nowhere and embeds itself into her neck, eliciting a shrill cry of pain that rings through the air. In the back of her mind, she can feel that her psicrystal is close to breaking. Immediately, a ferocious survival instinct takes control, and she takes a step back, attempting to wrap herself in a bubble of distorted time.

Free: 5-foot step backwards, away from the nearest opponent (the one near Lucille?)
Swift: Temporal Acceleration (overchannel 1 to boost manifester level to 14 to make it slightly harder to counterspell)
1D8 => 1 #overchannel damage
1D20+23 => 38 #(vs dc 21) concentration check, manifest defensively
((The guy holding his action doesn't have anything prepared that could counter that. I read the description and it was a little confusing, so just to make sure I understand it correctly: This power lets you take two standard actions this round, right? Whatever it does, it is successfully cast, and you can proceed))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Don't forget we are still hasted as well))

"Urgh!" the half-orc grunts in pain and surprise as the spinning shard of metal embeds itself in his shoulder. Squinting his eyes against the dust kicked up by the turmoil, he tears out the flimsey weapon, tossing it to the ground. Summoning up his fortitude, the warrior concentrates as best he can on gripping his mount with his legs as he sits upright. "Hrah! Hrah!" Urging the phantom horse to gallop forward, he rides toward their attackers with haste.

Once in range he cuts in front of the band of his struggling companions. He turns his head momentarily to spy Muun and the others scrambling to make a stand. Fury welling up from within his chest, Tarkus turns to stare at the outriders and spits upon the ground.

'Let us see them hide from this...!['/i]

He takes a deep breath and roars a fierce challenge, weapon raised high.


[Intimidating Shout DC 19 not to attack Tarkus]

((Whether or not this succeeds, should Tarkus be attacked by a ranged weapon, he whispers Mayaheine's name, transforming his equipped greataxe of Eranthul into her divine shield as an immediate action raising his AC to 29 including haste.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Shit, GAF was down all day for me, and I'm on the road all day tomorrow for a wedding that I need to spend the rest of the night getting ready for. If Lunarian wants to make my turn for me if I don't get back in time to make a post, Val will spend his turn trying to get back to the rest of the party. I would say Jack would use Greater Invisibility on himself since he's got that prepared, but I have a suspicion he'd just get counterspelled. So instead, he'd bust out his composite longbow +3 and see if he can detect where the invisible rider is, otherwise target the one that cast Feeblemind on Quintus.

Jack's sheet for reference if needed. I just realized that I never updated Val's sheet with the last level up, but since he's just riding the horse all the way back because he sucks at riding, that shouldn't matter I think.))


((Temporal Acceleration is like Time Stop, but not as good: Avalyra gets 1 extra round to do stuff, but during that round, she can't directly affect anyone else while they're frozen in time, and she is "shaken" afterwards.))

As the world slows down around her, Avalyra gives a brief sigh of relief. But there's no time to waste, so she immediately begins to gather ectoplasm from the Astral Plane, pushing herself beyond her limits, shaping it into a fearsome creature she's seen depicted in art. As she finishes her task, assembling a large, ectoplasmic construction among the assaulting riders, the world around her returns to normal speed, leaving her a little disoriented. Immediately her ears are assaulted by Tarkus' ferocious roar, and she's heartened to see him rush forwards. She directs her new creation to attack the rider that's holding back from acting, and it instantly attempts to pull its target into a crushing grip in its shimmering arms.

Taking a short moment to focus, she proceeds to manipulate the surfaces of her skin, and her crystal, improving resistance to damage and sensitivity.

(T.A.) Full-Round: Astral Construct (overchannel 2, augment 7 x 2pp, menu choices: constrict, blindsight) - Create an 8th level astral construct (plus improved grab, constrict, and blindsight) right next to the rider that's holding back his action.
3D8 => 17 #overchannel damage

Avalyra Free: direct the construct to attack

((I hope I didn't mess up this grappling stuff))
Astral Construct: Full-Attack the rider that's holding back his action (with improved grab/constrict):
1D20+25 => 41 #attack 1
1D8+14 => 16 #attack 1 damage
1D20+30 => 31 #grapple check 1 (natural 1 failure?)
1D8+14 => 15 #constrict damage 1 (ignore I guess?)
1D20+25 => 31 #attack 2, if necessary (guess it is necessary?)
1D20+30 => 36 #grapple check 2
1D8+14 => 19 #attack 2 or improved grab damage
1D8+14 => 22 #constrict damage 2

Avalyra Move: Gain Psionic Focus
Avalyra Standard: Vigor (augment 7) Linked Power to Touchsight (both shared with psicrystal)

((Touchsight doesn't take effect until next round; Avalyra is also shaken until the start of next round: -2 attack, damage, saves, skill/ability checks))
((I normally try not to give roleplay guidance, but I will point out that Feeblemind allows for you to try and protect your friends, so you could at least attempt to get Lucille out of harm's way, for example, or you could go full-defensive and get in the way of some of the bad guys))

((Good point.))
Quintus, not quite aware they can actually fly right now, tries to pick up Lucillie and get her away from the bad horsies coming after them.
Perception: 1d20+15=29

Muun is forced to get up from his prone position, having been unable to land properly despite his potential to. He gets ready to focus on any other attacks that might come his way if he wasn't already hit while getting up.

((Total Defense this round. Should have 22 AC while defending.))

((I had an incident in the forum Pathfinder game I'm in where I tried to force an AoO by tripping my opponent, but he used an Acrobatics check to get out of the way before standing up. I wanted to use the same trick here but I can't figure out in the 3.5 SRD where it says I could be able to move while prone.))
((Muun, I'm not sure where that might be either. Under the Tumble skill, it provides for standing up as a free action by getting a 35 check, but I couldn't find anything about tumbling to another square. Maybe they added that in for Pathfinder.

Jack can tell where the dismounted ninja is and fires at him, hitting and dealing 7 damage.

Val charges ahead, finally getting lined up with the rest of the party.

Quintus tries to pick up Lucille, but she's sort of frozen with fear, so he drags her back and away from the front line of battle.

The rider with a held action doesn't fight the construct's grapple; instead, he uses the held action to cast Dimension Door, teleporting to the other side of the field.

He then fails his Will save from Intimidating Shout. So, for his next turn, he casts Channeled Sound Blast as a full-round action, hitting Tarkus, Tarkus's horse, Avalyra, Val, Val's horse, and the Construct. Fortitude save DC 19. A failed save means 54 damage; a passed save means 27 damage.

This means Tarkus's and Val's horses vanish (since they died from damage). To save time, I will roll their Tumble skills to avoid falling over. Tarkus rolls a Natural 1 and falls prone (no additional damage); Val rolls an 11, so he can land on his feet.

All three Ninjas failed their save vs Tarkus's Intimidating Shout, so they all go after him:

The dismounted Ninja 5-foot-steps adjacent to Tarkus and attacks. First attack is a 23 and misses. Second attack is a natural 20. He does not confirm the critical (15 to hit), but he does hit normally for 30 damage (this is including a Sneak Attack-like ability that Ninjas have, in case anyone was wondering why these guys are hitting so hard).

The two mounted Ninjas take full-round actions to dismount their horses, landing adjacent to Tarkus. He can tell where they are, but anyone else will need to make a DC 18 Perception check to be able to pinpoint which square they're in.

The other spell-caster passed his Will Save vs Intimidating Shout, so this time he's going to hold his action.))

Val makes his horse charge back toward battle, though he's not having a whole lot of luck controlling it, and just barely makes it back in line with the rest of the party in time to witness Avalyra do something extraordinary, seemingly moving at a breakneck speed and creating a psionically-infused artificial lifeform out of thin air.

"Fascinating," Jack utters from across the battlefield, making a mental note to examine its operating systems, should he have the chance to do so. In the meantime, he is able to spot the recently-dismounted invisible figure due to his advanced visual sensors and fires off an arrow that hits right on the money, giving Quintus the opening he needs to drag Avalyra out of the heart of danger.

Avalyra's mystical monstrosity takes the wizard by surprise, snatching him up and putting the squeeze on him. The wizard hits his Panic Button by teleporting strategically so that he'll be able to hit Tarkus and Avalyra. By the time he reappears, he discovers that Val has also ventured into the blast area of what he'd intended to do - a happy coincidence. The air all around his targets seems to ripple and reverberate, and they all feel a tremendous pressure on their ear drums as a horrible, low bassy sound tries to tear them apart, vanquishing the phantasmal horses in the process and sending Tarkus tumbling to the ground.

The other invisible figures dismount from their horses next to Tarkus as the one who is already there takes advantage by performing a double-attack on him. Tarkus is able to dodge the first swing, but can't avoid the second as it maneuvers around his shield and digs into his armor.

((Begin Next Round. The dismounted horses are irrelevant so I took them off the map))

Attack Roll (d20 + Dex + BAB + Enh. Bonus + Haste): 1d20+4+13+4+1=25, 1d20+4+13+4+1=40, 1d20+4+8+4+1=28, 1d20+4+3+4+1=17
Damage Rolls (d10 + Str. Bonus + Enh. Bonus + d6 Fire): 1d10+3+4+1d6=19, 1d10+3+4+1d6=21, 1d10+3+4+1d6=19, 1d10+3+4+1d6=21

Muun assesses the threats in the distance, and feels a slight shockwave from a spell cast. Reacting, he pulls out his bow with full intention to kill the spellcasters, singling them out one by one. He starts with the closest one that's on foot.. and if he somehow downs him prematurely, will move on to the next spellcaster target.

((Forgot to use Rapid Shot and only remembered after I did those rolls, but w/e.))


((Hey, since it affects others, I'm going to post my immediate action reaction to the sound blast right away.))

1D20+5 => 11 #fort save

Immediate Action: Damp Power (Augmented) - So the sound blast damage should be reduced to ~10 for all of us, half on a save. (And the horses survive with 2hp??)

((Can the astral construct reach the caster with 1 move action? Otherwise, is it within 55 ft of Avalyra?))
The other mage sees Avalyra attempting to buffer the sonic assault, and immediately springs to action, unleashing his held action to cast Dispel Magic in an attempt to cancel out the surge of psionic energy threatening to protect Avalyra.

Dispel Magic Check (at a -2 penalty due to trying to interact with Psionics): 25, versus a DC 24

The counterspell works, leaving the party unprotected against the deadly sound waves.

((Make sure to spend the 4 Power Points. Also, if you could find a spot for a running count of remaining Power Points on your character sheet, that'd be helpful. Even if it's just in the inventory or something.

Also... well played. Economy of actions FTW.

One more thing: Muun just killed the mage who cast the soundwave thing.

Oh and another one more thing: The construct can reach the mounted caster, yes. He is also within 55 feet of Avalyra. The other caster just died))


((The myth-weaver sheet already has a place to track pp, and I've been using it diligently. It's to the left of the spell/power list, above the currency box. Avalyra has 64 pp left. Sheet here if anyone else is interested.

Also, does the sound blast separately damage the psicrystal in her pocket?))

1D20+5 => 18 #astral construct fort save ((does construct immunity apply against the channeled sound blast? Things like energy wall specify "damage to creatures and objects" but sound blast only says "foes"? actually, does saving for half count as requiring a save? I'm completely not sure here. I'll assume it takes damage normally for now.))

Avalyra looks on as her ectoplasmic creation begins to attack, only to see its target disappear out of sight. As she tries to see where the caster has gone, she is assaulted by the sound and vibrations of an intense sonic barrage. She reacts automatically, beginning to emit a golden glow as her mind works to minimize the damage of the intruding magic, but her manifestation is suddenly cut off, and she experiences the full power of incoming waves of sound.

It takes a moment for her to recover from the deafening roar and intense reverberations, but when she surveys the battlefield, she sees Muun's barrage felling the enemy caster. For reasons she can't explain, she immediately feels a urge directing her to neutralize the remaining arcanist, but as she looks over to her construct to direct it to attack, she senses the invisible ninjas surrounding Tarkus, about to attack, and she remembers the promise they made to each other. Fighting against the strange, yet familiar instinct within her, she shifts her focus, aiming to dispel the magicks that keep the ninjas hidden from the naked eye, and directs her construct to join the fray, while she withdraws herself from the front line.

Standard: Dispel Psionics, area (overchannel 1, augment 2) - try to get all 3 invisible ninjas in the burst without hitting Tarkus, otherwise, settle for the 2 farther away from the construct.
(Manifest defensively if it would provoke aoo.)

1D8 => 6 #overchannel damage
1D20+14 => 23 #dispel check
1D20+14 => 22 #dispel check
1D20+14 => 28 #dispel check

Free: Direct the Astral Construct to act as follows:
If at least one ninja remains invisible, pick the invisible ninja closest to itself as its target. (It has blindsight.) If none are invisible, pick the ninja closest to itself as its target.
Then, if possible, 5-foot step and full-attack (10 foot reach) its chosen target. If not possible, move and attack once. Try to grapple with improved grab/constrict in either case.

1D20+25 => 26 #attack 1 (way to fail!)
1D8+14 => 20 #damage 1 if hit
1D20+30 => 34 #grapple check 1 if hit
1D8+14 => 21 #constrict damage 1 if successfully grapple
1D20+25 => 35 #attack 2 if applicable
1D8+14 => 19 #attack or improved grab damage 2 if applicable
1D20+30 => 45 #grapple check 2 if applicable
1D8+14 => 15 #constrict damage 2 if applicable

Move: move 60 45 feet southwest

((Btw, I just remembered that nobody took Rubio's cloak of resistance +3...and Quintus failed his save by 3.))

((Edit: Do Tarkus' boots help him stay up? And how long does the intimidating shout last? Heh, sorry, I've got like 4 different questions in this post.))
((already have a cloak of resist +2, plus a vest of protection from evil(sadly it only stops compulsion effects that give the caster control of the target...) so it wouldn't have saved me... still wouldn't mind the +1 though))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Shout lasts until targets fall unconscious or are attacked by someone else, only works as long as they are able to attack with directly endangering themselves i.e. not running through fire or things like that))

Tarkus grimaces as the blast of sound washes over his body, sending him tumbling to the ground. Able to find his footing thanks to his boots, he nonetheless feels a painful rippling through his muscles that leaves a lingering sound in his ears.

Fort Save vs Channeled Sound Blast
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4187362/"]1d20+13 → [14,13] = (27)[/URL]

Holding steady against the wave, the half-orc manages to pull through the worst of it through physical determination. He comes to his senses just in time to face a double attack by one of the surrounding foes. As the ninja steps forward to strike he grunts in protest as a blade manages to stab underneath his shield, tearing a gash into his side.

Bloodied and bruised, the fighter doubles up on his efforts to shield against the coming storm of swords by standing defensively, concentrating all his energy into holding his shield steady.

((Evoking Total Defense for this round, HP: 49, AC: 33))

Mike M

Nick N
Val arrives at the scene of the battle and manages to wrest enough control of his horse to compel it to stop when he draws up alongside Avalyra and Tarkus. He stares slack-jawed at the ectoplasmic monstrosity that Avalyra has constructed from otherworldly matter and nightmares. Distracted in this manner, he’s caught off guard as a sonic assault that he doesn’t hear so much as feel resonates through the ground beneath his feet.

The violent, rapid vibration consumes him, his vision blurred as his eyeballs rattle around in their sockets. He’s dimly aware that he’s on the ground now, his horse having been reduced to lingering tendrils of blue vapor before even that much was torn asunder at the microscopic level. Val can see that Avalyra is attempting… something… but the rider remaining on the phantom steed intervenes, and Avalyra’s efforts have no effect. The sonic assault continues unabated, and it feels to Val as though his very innards are going to be torn apart…
Fortitude save:  1d20+10=28
The agony comes to an abrupt end, and Val’s vision is restored. He sees the caster clawing at the air around the shaft of an arrow that she has sprouted from her throat, her life’s blood gushing forth from the entry wound at an alarming rate before she slumps to the ground and stirs no more. Val feels the pain from her attack, but has mercifully been spared taking any further damage. He dares a curt nod in Muun’s direction before turning back to the battle at hand.

Tarkus is obviously under attack, but Val can’t see who the beleaguered half-orc is fighting, as he hunkers down beneath his shield to weather the storm of unseen blows…
Perception check: 1d20+9=25
…he can, however, see the grass being trampled underfoot and is able to determine the approximate location of three assailants. Shining new rapier in hand, he tries not to think too hard about how the last fight against an unseen opponent went. At least there are no crocodiles here to eat him, he thinks to himself…

((It looooks like Val can take a five foot step and take a full round action on the invisible ninja directly in front of him? If not, then it’ll just be a single attack.))
Val Full Attack:
Attack 1:  1d20+21=25
Damage: 1d6+14=15

Attack 2:  1d20+16= 19
Damage:  1d6+14=20

Attack 3:  1d20+11=25
Damage:  1d6+14=20

Haste Attack:  1d20+21=26
Damage:  1d6+14=20
((Attack rolls were pretty meh, but that was a lucky set of damage rolls if any of it connects…))

Jack witnesses’ Muun’s seemingly effortless felling of the caster and nods approvingly. “A sound tactic,” he commends. “Adjusting targeting priorities accordingly,” he intones as his pivots his upper torso slightly to his right and draws a bead on the magic user still mounted atop their phantom steed. The string of his longbow twangs with the mechanical beat of a metronome as he methodically targets and lets fly a trio of arrows

Jack full round attack:
Attack 1:  1d20+15=32
Damage:  1d8+5=8

Attack 2:  1d20+10=20
Damage:  1d8+5=13

Haste Attack:  1d20+15=34
Damage:  1d8+5=13
He sees the caster clawing at the air around the shaft of an arrow that she has sprouted from her throat, her life’s blood gushing forth from the entry wound at an alarming rate before she slumps to the ground and stirs no more.
The corpse now smoulders gently like a dying campfire, hints of smoke puffing from the nose and mouth as the fire enhanced arrows cook the caster from inside.
((As near as I can tell, the Psicrystal is immune to the Channeled Sound Blast. However, if you choose to split the damage with it, it's still going to take the full amount that you assigned to it.

Avalyra was able to get all three Ninjas in the burst, but the Dispel only works against one of them.

Only Val's last attack hits; the first landed on the wrong side of the 50% miss chance, the second missed due to not hitting AC, the third because of the miss chance.

The Astral Construct misses with its first attack and hits with its second, grabbing one of the remaining invisible ninjas and constricting him.

The mounted caster takes out a rod and casts a Maximized Disintegrate at the Astral Construct. Since the results are important for the rest of my turn, I'm going to roll the Construct's fortitude save:

3 + 5 = 8; the Construct fails its save and takes 168 damage. It's destroyed, and the ninja falls from its grip.

Ninja's Tumble check to land safely: 26

Two Ninjas go full-attack versus Tarkus with a bladed melee weapon.

Visible Ninja: First attack is a natural 1; second attack is a 23 vs AC. Failure.

Invisible Ninja that didn't just get Grappled: First Attack 22 vs AC; second attack 20 vs AC. Failure.

Invisible Ninja that had just been attacked by Val and then Grappled, goes full-attack versus Val: First Attack 35 vs AC. Val takes 29 damage. Second Attack: 24 vs AC. Val takes another 25 damage.))

Avalyra still hasn't quite gotten the hang of nullifying magical effects with her psionic abilities, and is only able to render one of the ninjas visible. He is wearing a light outfit with almost no real protection, and a hood which has a facemask attached. He is also wielding a katana, so it seems reasonable that that's what the other two are also carrying.

Val attempts to stab at the nearest possible target, but although figuring out where it's standing was relatively easy, actually connecting blows on it is another matter. The target deftly avoids most of Val's strikes, but he does manage land the final attack.

The hulking astral beast seeks to finish the job, scooping the Ninja easily into its arms and squeezing; that advantage is short-lived, as the remaining spell-slinger, after enduring two direct hits from Jack's bow (the second one missed), produces a magical rod from his robe and points it directly at the golem. The creature evaporates into dust like a fine mist, and the ninja wastes no time retaliating versus Val, landing a brutal succession of strikes. that leaves the swashbuckler falling unconscious to the ground.

The other two ninjas seem ignorant to what's happening, singlemindedly focused on killing Tarkus... and failing spectacularly.

Further down the field, Quintus continues dragging a shell-shocked Lucille away from battle. Even in his stupefied state, he notices that there is some kind of tangible attraction between the Hand of Vecna and the girl; every time he lets go to readjust his grip, he finds that it takes just a little bit more effort than it should to pull away (though it's not particularly difficult, even still).

((Begin Next Round))

Mike M

Nick N
((Wait, Val's unconscious? He has 105 HP and made the fortitude save on the sonic attack thing, so 105-27-29-25 should leave him with 24 HP

Also, I presume Jack's attack was successful then?))
Muun glances over to Lucille as she's dragged closer, "Celia, check on her for me, I am a tad busy trying to save us all." Celia nods and flies towards the destination. Back to his firing, he says to Jack, "Archery is about the best a non-spellcaster can do to deal with them."

He continues firing, first on Jack's chosen target and then if he finishes off the remaining spellcaster, he will fire against... Whatever kind of assassin that is.. seriously what kind of warrior is that? Muun would be the last person to know about Eastern-style cultures in Primaria even in his trip through death.

First Attack + Haste + Rapid Shot Rolls (d20 + Dex + BAB - 2 + Enh + Haste), 2nd attack threatens crit: 1d20+4+11+4+1=26, 1d20+4+11+4+1=40, 1d20+4+11+4+1=37

Crit Confirm: 1d20+4+11+4+1=26
Crit Damage: 1d10+3+4+1d6=15

Other Two Attacks: 1d20+4+6+4+1=17, 1d20+4+1+4+1=27
Damage Rolls (d10 + Str. Bonus + Enh. + d6 Fire): 1d10+3+4+1d6=15, 1d10+3+4+1d6=19, 1d10+3+4+1d6=21, 1d10+3+4+1d6=16, 1d10+3+4+1d6=22

As the fairy flies over she calls out, "Hey! Are you okay! Muun doesn't know how to be compassionate so he has to send me to do it for him."

((Meanwhile, in another PBP universe my Urban Barbarian missed the only attack he gets per turn and it's so cringeworthy to watch the Gnomish Monk do 2 damage per standard action hit.))
((I must have looked at an outdated version of the character sheet then, sorry. If that's the case then Val is still up and awake.

Also Jack hit on the first and third attacks. Second one missed. I edited a little blurb into the flavor text because I forgot to actually mention it at first, but I counted it in the HP totals))

Mike M

Nick N
((Went to update Val's character sheet, only because I'm using my work laptop with its outdated browser that I can't upgrade, it won't let me into it. And suddenly I remember why I didn't update it last time... Will have to take care of that when I get home.))

((Can Val take a five foot step to the visible ninja and go full round on him?))


((ThLunarian, I had an idea: Can Avalyra use Telekinetic Force to gather some dirt and dust from the ground and plaster it over an invisible ninja to make him more visible? Perhaps with a ranged touch attack?

P.S. Quintus get: Metamagic Rod of Maximize!))
((Sarm had a Rod of Maximize once that I never got around to using.

I really should have reasoned with ThLunarian to have his equipment drop to the floor when he became the sun.))
((Val: Yeah, that's fine.

Avalyra: No, mainly because the power description specifies that you have to target one object at a time. Gathering a signficant-enough mound of dust (especially considering that there isn't exactly a pile to scoop from) seems outside of the spell's capabilities.

Muun killed the spellcaster on the horse, and the visible ninja is still alive but in bad shape, because Muun's last three attacks all hit him. I think that bow may be overpowered, lol))


A sudden sense of frustration fills Avalyra as she sees her power only have partial effect. I used to be better at this. That perplexing thought comes unbidden into her mind, but she doesn't understand why. But she has no time to mull over the conflicting notions in her consciousness, as she sees a green beam lance towards her astral construct, instantly transforming it into dust. Now she's unsure which threat to tackle next, but then a salvo of burning projectiles slam into the remaining caster, turning him into a smouldering corpse, and the thick tension she feels begins to fade away.

Looking towards the remaining scene of battle in front of her with Val and Tarkus engaged in close combat, she points a finger forwards, propelling a small bubble of frigid energy into the fray.

Standard: Energy Stun, cold - hit the two invisible ninjas without hitting allies
1D6+1 => 5 #energy stun damage (Fort DC 20 for half damage, and if fail that save, Will DC 20 or be stunned 1 round)

Move: Gain Psionic Focus

((How far away is the rider whose steed was dispelled at the beginning?))

Mike M

Nick N
Jack nods in approval as Muun fells the second spell caster and sticks a few arrows in the ninja that has been rendered visible. "I believe my presence here is surplus to requirements. Valgar and Tarkus have sustained injuries and are in need of support, I am moving into position."

Dropping his longbow ((Or putting it away, if that still counts as a free action. Don't let Jack forget to pick that up when he's done!)), Jack draws his integrated longsword and marches off in the direction of Val and Tarkus.

Val's attempts to strike his invisible assailant are mostly fruitless, but on his last blow he feels the resistance of flesh and the distal third of his sword vanishes from sight. The blood is visible enough as he withdraws it though, but it scarcely does him any good as he is completely unable to parry or fend off his opponent's riposte.

He sees the visible member of the trio pulling out Muun's arrows from smoldering wounds and tries to place where their long, thin swords and unarmored fighting style might hail from. He needs to live long enough to survive the fight to find out though, and just the two blows he's recieved have cut deeply enough that he doubts that he will weather another.

Mercifully, Avalyra's stunning attack buys him time to beat a tactical retreat, heading in the direction of Jack.

"Valgar, you are in need of medical assistance," the android intones as Valgar hunkers down behind him.

"I don't suppose you have any on hand, do you?" Val coughs, turning a frown at the blood he has spattered on his glove for the effort.

"I believe I may be able to recalibrate my self-repair diagonstics to augment your own natural healing process. It would not be enough to fully restore you to a completely undamaged state, but it should be sufficient too--"

"Yes, I'll have one of those then. Thank you, Jack."

The glowing blue light of Jack activating the power source that fuels his metaphysical abilities traces the outlines of Jack's construction once more as it travels down his arm to the hand placed upon Val, restoring some measure of health to the wounded swashbuckler. He then assumes a ready posture, gripping his sword in both hands and facing the Tarkus, Avalyra, and the remaining ninjas. "We may reengage whenever you are ready, Valgar."

((Opportunistic Piety restores 25hp to Val, hopefully Jack is now threatening any squares that the ninjas would need to pass through to attack Val without going out of their way to avoid him.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus quietly shores up his fortitude against the flowing strikes of the masked men, his mind a rock amidst tumultuous seas, his body armored and unyielding. By focusing on defensive measures the warrior is able to bully his way into a protected position. Stepping closely inside the range of their attacks, he is able to force the lithe and cunning blades of his foes to land only superfluous strikes that nick and scrape harmlessly against his shield and platemail.

As the whistle of arrows pierce his hearing and flames light up the sky, the half-orc grits his teeth and prepares to mount another defense...when suddenly he is offered a moment of respite as his opponents appear to have been dazed by a chilling supernatural attack of unknown origin.

Having seen the stupified look upon Quin's face, Tarkus can only speculate upon its origin. '"Ava not to be underestimated." He dares a glance around the field to notice the enemy number whittled down significantly. Returning his gaze to the dark-clothed, agile assassins before him, Tarkus pulls a vial from his belt and guzzles its contents, the creeping warmth and restorative powers working wonders upon his bleeding upper-body.

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4189235/"]3d8+13 → [4,7,8,13] = (32)[/URL]

Satisfied with his healing, Tarkus throws the vial to the ground, crushing it underfoot. The relic shield he wields glowing before transforming into the Greataxe of Eraythul. He yells out a guttural promise to quench its bloody thirst in short order.

((potion as move action via house rules, standard action to switch shield to greataxe, AC is 23))
((Invisi-Ninjas are stunned.

Visible Ninja uses a Swift Action to activate his class ability that gives him Concealment for a round (50% miss chance to hit him). He uses a Move Action to put poison on a shuriken.

He uses a Standard Action to attack Avalyra with the shuriken. 29 vs AC should hit. Take 3 damage. No, that's not a typo.

Avalyra, make a DC 24 Fortitude save. If you fail, you are Nauseated.

Tarkus takes an Opportunity Attack on the ninja (since he just made a ranged attack while adjacent to Tarkus). 27 vs AC hits, and it's enough to take the Ninja out (Tarkus can leave him still breathing if he likes, or can easily finish him off; his choice). ))

With most of the enemy temporarily incapacitated, the only visible ninja sees the writing on the wall and falls back on his emergency backup plan. He produces a tiny vial of cloudly, purple liquid and daintily breaks it over a throwing star, making sure that every sharpened corner is covered with the stuff. He then hurls it across the field at Avalyra, causing a superficial gash on her face and introducing the poison into her system.

Tarkus takes advantage of the Ninja's lapse in concentration on him, scoring a brutal hit with Erythnul's Greataxe and causing him to crumple to the ground.

((Begin next round. The invisible ninjas adjacent to Tarkus have just recovered from their Stunned condition.))

Mike M

Nick N
Emboldened by the defeat of the visible ninja and the magic users and partially restored by Jack's mechanical equivalence to healing magics, Val steps out from behind the protective stature of his android companion.

"Quickly, Jack," he asks, "have you ever witnessed tandem swimming?"


"Really? It was quite popular for a summer in Ruby Keep a few years back."

"I am not familiar with the exact units of measurement that would constitute 'a few years back,' but even in this time period I have not yet been constructed in my timeline of origin. Ergo, it is impossible for me to be familiar with--."

"Nevermind, just... swing your sword where I stick mine!"

Their strategy decided (after a fashion), Val and Jack both run forward to engage the concealed ninja that had previously been fighting Val. Val adopts a proper fencing pose and drives his sword with perfect form, a triumphant shout escaping his lips involuntarily. Jack follows suit, heaving his sword above his head and bringing it down in a crushing arc in an attempt to cleave his invisible foe in twain.

Val attack:
Attack: 1d20+21=41
Rolling to confirm crit:  1d20+21=41
Concealment roll:  1d100=88
Damage: 2d6+28=33
((Jesus, that's a clutch roll if I ever saw one))

Jack attack:
Attack:  1d20+19=37
Concealment roll:  1d100=22
((Aw poo.))


1D20+7 => 13

Avalyra starts to relax as something inside her tells her that the battle is going their way, but then she notices the ninja preparing something nasty with a shuriken in his hand. Uh-oh! That looks dangerous! Her eyes widen as she watches him deftly fling the ninja star her way. She tries to get out of the way, but it's too fast, and the only thing she can do is steel herself for its impact.

As the projectile hits her cheek, she starts to feel uncomfortable, but still tries to focus on the threats to her team. She remembers the one rider that tumbled far away earlier, and strains to retrieve her psicrystal from her pocket. Ignoring the numerous hairline fractures along the crystal's surface, she desperately imparts into it a single command, and it takes off, searching for any sign of their last enemy.

Immediate: Elan Resilience (2pp)
Move: Retrieve psicrystal from pocket (and release it after giving it the command to look for the last ninja starting from where she last saw it)

1D20+18 => 31 #psicrystal perception
1D20+26 => 32 #psicrystal stealth


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hearing another thrown shard whistle past him to his allies behind, Tarkus turns and cleaves the clever ninja into the ground. He leaves this fallen foe with a tenuous grasp upon his life as he turns to wreak havoc upon one of the remaining invisible enemies. Taking full advantage of his hasted limbs, he hacks forward into the area occupied by his attackers, hoping to score a hit in his hail of attacks.

Attack Rolls v Ninja
A1: 1d20 + 25 → [17], [25] = (42)
A2: 1d20 → [13], [25], [-5] = (33)
A3: 1d20 → [2], [25], [-10] = (17)
Haste Attack: 1d20 → [15], [25] = (40)

Damage v Ninja
1d12+15 → [2,15] = (17)
1d12+15 → [8,15] = (23)
1d12+15 → [9,15] = (24)
1d12+15 → [8,15] = (23)
Concealment Rolls
1d100 → [12] = (12)
1d100 → [39] = (39)
1d100 → [74] = (74)
1d100 → [23] = (23)
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