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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

"Just tell us how haggard and wrinkled she was and we'll have an idea. Also tell us if she came off as a mystal type, typical of older persons and what kind of weapons this half orc brute had."
"Well she had sort-of-gray hair, but wasn't too wrinkled. And the half-orc... I don't know exactly; that was months ago. I just remember that he was big and scary, and likely as not, armed to the teeth."

After listening to what Tarkus has to say, Rubio nods. "Well I wasn't on bad terms with the cultists before, but now that I spilled the beans about their scheme and my pendant is no longer on my person, I think skipping town sounds like a fine idea. Good luck to the rest of you; I'll be taking off now." With that, Rubio turns on his heel and runs away as fast as his tiny gnome legs can carry him, and the party has nowhere to go but their hotel.


Back at the hotel, as the others fill Avalyra in on Rubio's answers, her emotions flare up once again. "I told you that banks couldn't be trusted!" She turns to look pointedly at Quintus. "And you were saying that the bank was a victim just like you! Peh!"

She sits quietly for awhile, still steaming, when suddenly the expression on her face changes. "Wait. There's got to be another angle here. Why would this Vecna group go through all this trouble to set up such a complicated scheme just to ruin your reputation? And don't forget the three hundred thousand gold they paid out. There are many simpler and cheaper ways to go about things if they simply wanted to discredit you."

"Hmm," she mutters. Her voice is now contemplative as she considers various scenarios. "Setting you up as a debtor allows the authorities to move against you; to put you in jail. But certainly they can't expect that to shut you down completely, can they? If they're able to control such powerful organizations, it would make more sense to just have you killed. So what if that isn't really their objective after all? This Rubio fellow, despite his expertise, was a weak link in their scheme. From what you've told me about this cult, they would be ruthless enough to eliminate him the moment he was no longer necessary. Yet there he was, a free gnome, enjoying the spoils of his deeds."

Suddenly she looks up, directly into the others' eyes. "Hey. Didn't you guys say that this group is also trying to obtain the same artifacts that we're after?"
"The are... or were. They appear to be under new management now and are more worried about increasing their influence then actually getting the artifacts."
Muun doesn't do anything particularly interesting during the gathering at the hotel, guile being less necessary for the time being. In addition to what Quintis had just said, he is reminded of particular events that happened so many years in the future, which have now become his past, and thus responds to Avalrya, "How do you feel about the rulers of this land? Because they're going to be the cultists soon and the bank will be the least of everyone's worries."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus listens intently as the young woman discusses her feelings regarding banking and finance. Interjecting he grunts in agreement with her general tone. "Not safe to trust many authority while cult pull string from shadows." He half-orc ruminates on the value of money briefly stating "Never find much worth in gold...wealth not change status for most half-orc."

Unable to piece together the threads Avalyra is weaving regarding the true purpose of Rubio's scam, Tarkus simply shrugs his shoulders. "True goal lie in artifact of gods, yes. But much time has passed since last on trail of remaining pieces."

Clearing his throat he stands from the table and moves to spread the party's old map of the kingdom as they have explored it, onto the oaken table. "Rubio not tell us much. Only hint at larger conspiracy by Arm of Vecna..." He scratches his chin and takes a swig of ale before continuing. "Also mention old woman & half-orc bodyguard..."

The warrior grunts in a defeated manner, looking to the others for ideas.

"Quintus' fake debt still trouble. Not know where to start for new relic either."

Mike M

Nick N
Val sits in an upholstered armchair in the corner, a gold coin of the realm glinting in the lamplight as it repeatedly dances over his knuckles while he indulges in apprentice-level routines designed to refine one’s dexterity and nimbleness of fingers. It’s mostly the sort of thing that thieves do when they’re still cutting purses and lifting jewelry for an ill-gotten living, but while Val has long since graduated to bigger and better things, there’s still comfort to be found in routine.

Plus he has the satisfaction that with the newfound knowledge that there was in fact no ten million gold coin bounty to be had, and that the three hundred thousand that Rubio did have was flitted away as gold so often is, this coin won’t be slipping through his fingers.

“Let us examine what we do know,” Val says as the coin travels up the knuckles of his right hand. “Fact: The largest financial institution in Ruby Keep has a record that it dispensed ten million gold pieces on loan to Rubio and Quintus. Fact: We know that this loan never actually existed, which means either the books have been cooked, or the money really is missing and the loan is the cover story. Either way, it would require the involvement of someone quite high up the ladder to pull off.”

The coin descends down the knuckles of Val’s left hand as he contemplates. “Right now, I am inclined to believe that the money is likely missing from the coffers of the bank. The activities that the Arm has been engaged in up until now do not come cheaply, and they would need to secure funding from somewhere. By placing someone in the upper echelons of the bank’s hierarchy, they’ve essentially turned the safest place in the kingdom to keep your money into their own private piggy bank. The fact that they’ve pinned their pilfering on Quintus strikes me as almost incidental; they needed a patsy, we were making their lives difficult, here was an opportunity to make our lives difficult in return. Killing two birds with one stone, as it were.”

A second coin appears in Val’s right hand, the act of seeming to have passed the coin between his hands merely another exercise in concealment and revealing. He increases the tempo that the coins fly across the backs of his fingers, each one heading in the opposite direction as the other. “I would propose Ruby Keep be our next stop. We had some indication that a relic was hidden there, and if we’re to entertain any notion of clearing this mess up, we won’t be able to do it remotely. In the meantime, being outside the good graces of the law is a nuisance, but scarcely the end of the world. Ruby Keep is the largest city on the continent, as you may recall. Positively bursting at the seams with its population. Easiest place in the world to hide in plain sight in, just consider dying your hair and not using your real name for a while.”

Val catches each coin in the hollow between his thumb and forefinger as he makes a fist. With the characteristic “ting” of a coin being flipped, both coins seemingly vanish into midair as Val extends his hands with fingers splayed, rotating at the wrist to show the back of his hand and palm to demonstrate that he is no longer holding them. “Or maybe I’m just speculating out of my arse.”
With the prospect of an entirely new angle of attack from the enemy looming over them, the party turns in for the night, with the probable exceptions of Tarkus and Jack, who use their free time in an empty back alley, trading blows and exchanging fighting techniques.

Partway through the night, Avalyra is roused to consciousness against her will. She feels a cold, clammy hand gripping at her, and when she looks down, she finds the Hand of Vecna (not attached to Quintus) slowly trying to crawl up her bed sheet toward her head of its own volition.

((It's up to you guys how many rooms you have and who is in which room))
Muun sits in his own room, the ring he bought, much like Tarkus', keeping him awake and allowing him to keep himself less vulnerable to anything that might happen in the night. He sits on a bed, keeping a lamp on while he looks over various maps of the world he now lives in. He occasionally glances out the window to look over the night sky, finding even it to glimmer in the fog-less environment.


Even though she's in her own room, Avalyra decides to lie in bed, like a human would. The others have already been given ample evidence on how different she is, and it would be best not to further emphasize her Elan characteristics around them. Not used to meditating in this position, it takes some effort for Avalyra to focus, but eventually, her mind is able to proceed with her daily self-rejuvenation, restoring her energy for a new day.

Avalyra suddenly opens her eyes as a strange sensation disturbs her. Seeing the foreign object moving on her sheets, she shrieks loudly in surprise and fear, and immediately tries to push it away with the power of her mind.

Telekinetic Force

((The room's walls or door should be thin enough to allow loud sounds to travel through, right?))
The black, scaled, green-glowing gauntlet flies across the room and crashes into the wall, and its fingers stop moving.

Val, Muun, and Quintus all hear a shriek come from Avalyra's room. Quintus wakes to find that the Hand of Vecna is missing, and his door is very slightly cracked.
Muun quickly darts from his seated position, grabbing his bow and nearly fumbling with the doorknob. Drawing an arrow with the assumption of an intruder, he makes his way to the other room and shoves the cracked door open, looking around with the artow pulled, "Are you alright!? What's going on?"
Quintus quickly jumps outta his bed and follows the shriek to Avalyra's room, where his see's the Hand on the floor and says "What the hell? I don't know what you were thinking, but trust me, messing with the hand is NOT a good idea." then walks over to pick it up.

Mike M

Nick N
Without the benefit of magic rings that curtail the need for food and sleep, Val is fast asleep when Avalyra's scream penetrates his dreams.

He bursts into her room, half dressed and pointing his sheathed rapier at the four corners of the space. "What is it? What's going on?" he shouts.

Satisfied that there's no immediate threat, he makes to sheath his sword, only to discover there is no scabbard at his side. Settling for simply holding it in place, he squints at the inanimate for of the Hand of Vecna lying on the ground. "I'm not wearing my glasses, but is that the Hand?"


Avalyra is quite relieved as the animated gauntlet is forced away and her companions rush in, but her speech remains incoherent. "That...thing...moving..." she gasps, pointing a finger at the now motionless invader.

Her mind still reeling, she doesn't really absorb what the others are saying to her, but as she clearly sees Quintus reclaiming the gauntlet from the floor, her fear instantly transforms into anger. She quickly out of bed and stands up, facing him. "You, Quintus," she demands, her voice as sharp as steel. "Explain yourself. Why did your thing," she bites out the word, "come into my room and paw at me?" She's visibly shaking with fury.
Muun circles around with his bow still readied in case the hand decides to come alive again, looking over at the fallen gauntlet that apparently attacked of its own volition. Being a relic of a god of his old homeworld, he completely believes it, "From what I was told it's an object of pure evil and climbing into girls' beds to perform unspeakable act is exactly what a lot of evil creatures love to do. Quintis, be careful."
When Quintus grabs the gauntlet, it remains motionless and has no reaction, other than the ever-present faint green glow.

A faint voice whispers into your head. Return to me, my dear. I want you by my side once more...
"I didn't do anything, I was asleep. Anyways, I've had this thing for a long time now, never have I seen it move on its own, not even on my command... I've never attempted it before, but normally the glove is a permanent fixture if you aren't properly protected, so it wouldn't be very useful. And seriously Muun? I don't know what Vecna could possibly want from her, but I think its safe to say its not that." Quintus says, as he puts the Hand back on.
Muun sparks a quick response to Quintis' assertion, clearly a bit peeved that he wasn't taken seriously enough just now, "I am from fucking Ravenloft. I disagree on matters of thinking it's safe to assume anything of evil beings. It's clear now that the Hand is willing to act against us on its own, find a way to keep it in check when you have to sleep."

Mike M

Nick N
"I would concur, discovering that the Hand is capable of animating on its own warrants taking precautions at night.

"In the meantime, has anyone thought to simply ask Vecna what he wants? He's been the only god to deign it worth his time to overtly communicate with us, as distasteful as that may be..."


When Quintus protests his innocence, Avalyra looks him in the eye, not sure if she should believe him. But she quickly realizes that even if he is lying, there's nothing she can do about it right now. As her impotent rage slowly fades, she starts to pay attention to the others' discussion, and gradually becomes flabbergasted at how lightly some of them seem to be taking this incident. She's about to interject into the conversation when her eyes go wide and her mouth gapes open, leaving her staring blankly at a wall.

The voice in her consciousness catches her completely off guard, and the response she forms in her mind is rushed and frantic. What is this? Who are you?
Quintus says "Sure, let me ask the god of secrets to tell me his secret plan." leaves to get his vest of PfE, comes back and then slips on the Hand. Then sees Ava's strange reaction "...What's wrong now?"

'So Vecna, what IS the deal with the girl?'
The voice is clearer now, as though her invitation for it to reply somehow strengthened it. My my, Pelor really did a number on you, didn't he? I could tell you who I am, but it would be much easier to simply show you. Why don't you put on the gauntlet, and we can have a proper reunion?

Quintus is met with stony silence. Vecna does not seem to want to talk right now.

((Tarkus, I know I kind of left your character out in the cold; sorry about that. If you want to engineer his chance reentry into the scene, you're welcome to))
When Quintis draws attention towards Avalrya's behavior, he looks behind him to watch her gaze towards the wall. After a moment of studying her stiffness, he finally asks, "Avalrya, is something taking effect over you?"


Shock transforms into horror as Avalyra
realizes that the voice in her head and the sinister gauntlet are one and the same
. She stares at the gauntlet now in Quintus's hands. "No," she mutters, holding her head in her hands. "No, no, no, no, no." She doesn't know what to do, only that she has to get away, as far as possible.

Suddenly, she bolts out the door, then out of the hotel itself, and is soon running outside in the darkness, entirely unaware of where she's headed. So consumed is her focus on simply escaping, she barely even notices passing by a blur of bodies and the clanging of blades as she charges down a dark alley.

As she continues to flee in the night, she falls back on the only lifeline her perturbed mind can think of, and begins the slow process of reaching out telepathically to the only person she trusts about her plight. Luna...help!

Correspond (d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/correspond.htm)
Muun practically has to dodge the saddened woman charging out the room, her sudden expression of denial over something unknown to him leaving him lacking in any relatable empathy.

Taking a breath, he says, "We're supposed to leave her alone, right? If she doesn't come back by afternoon, or Tarkus doesn't find her.. I'll go look for her."
Dodge, swing, parry, duck, jump....

Tarkus is finding Jack to be an extremely competent sparring opponent, as the robot is successfully keeping him on his heels and hardly affording him an opening. As Tarkus scrambles to block a brutal overhead blow with the wooden practice sword, he braces for another impact and finds that it never comes.

"Tarkus," Jack says curiously, "It appears that our newest companion has exited the inn and is retreating rapidly."

When Tarkus turns his head, he sees Avalyra fleeing down the street, clearly disturbed by something.


The reply comes almost immediately, and her voice is soothing and calm. "I'm here, child. What has disturbed you so? How can I help?" ((Consider it already completed and don't worry about the full ten minute casting time right now. This is an on-the-spot ruling that won't necessarily carry through for the next casting))


Avalyra collapses in relief as
she feels Luna's gentle response in her mind
. Now haphazardly sitting with her back against a wall, she continues to breathe heavily. Her mind still racing, she struggles to collect her thoughts.

The words in her mind are still somewhat jumbled as she forms her agitated reply. Luna! I...I was in my meditative rest when that green glowing gauntlet thing moved by itself towards me so I telekinetically pushed it away then it spoke to my mind! It said something about a reunion and Pelor and told me to put it on and I freaked out and ran away and I don't know what to do and I'm scared and alone...
"You are not alone, dear. You can trust the ones you're with; they will lead you on the right path. The voice that spoke to you is Vecna - the evil God of Secrets - but he has no power over you here on this plane. He is the sworn enemy of Pelor, so if you wish for additional protection against Vecna's charms, you can always turn to the God of the Sun to keep away the darkness. As long as you wield the Rod of Pelor, Vecna will be unable to bother you."


Avalyra is not entirely reassured by Luna's words. Vecna has no power here? But that gauntlet seems to affect Quintus somehow and I have a feeling something bad will happen if I ever touch it or if it touches me and it was moving towards me by itself what if it tries again and I don't notice it in time?
Luna is silent for just a beat longer than you might expect; it seems that she is thinking about her reply. "I... I did not know that the Hand had the ability to move on its own. I meant that it has no power over you if you don't let it in - which means you should never, ever touch it. Wielding the Rod of Pelor should prevent the Hand from approaching you on its own.

"Forgive me, Child; I wish I knew more to reassure you. We are dealing with forces that are in some ways far beyond any mortal's understanding. I know you're afraid now, but there are times when each of us must strengthen our resolve and carry the burdens that are placed upon us. In those times, we must lean on those who share those burdens and let them help us see it through."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus takes a deep breath in and slowly out as he wipes off the sweat collected on his forehead with the back of his hand. He looks back toward where their disturbed companion has come in anticipation of some horrible creature, but see's nothing even as the yellowy glow of his pupils allows him to see much further in the dark than the average eye.

"Something happen...check inn, will go after 'lyra" the half-orc grunts in reply to Jack, as he quickly ties his practice sword onto his belt and charges after her.

"LYRA!" the warrior calls after her, less in nickname but in attempt to more easily pronounce her name. His muscles taut and blood warm from the recent activity, he does not find it difficult to march after her but as he rushes alongside the darkened buildings his mind begins to question himself. He realizes he knows little about their newest companion, from her heritage to some of the strange powers the others have mentioned she possesses.

'May be others under attack and she retreat to safety' he furrows his brow as he is torn on whether he should have gone back to the inn or not. 'May be warforge would of know better how talk to running lady' he ponders, the sour memory of the last time he attempted to help a fleeing girl bubbling in his thoughts.

Nonetheless the conflicted warrior marches on until suddenly he passes by an alley where movement catches his eye. Tarkus hastily skids to a stop and with trepidation takes a few tentative steps toward the alley to peek at the flan girl curled up against the wall.

The fighter quietly attempts to call her name as best he can. "Aeva...lye...rah?"

Mike M

Nick N
Val witnesses Avalyra's seemingly unprompted flight in terror from the room. Sighing heavily, he runs to his own room to suit up before following her into the night. "Muun," he calls as he runs down the hall, "you're already equipped, think you can follow her trail until Quintus and I can meet up?"
Muun answers, a bit begrudgingly, "I was going to be a bit respectful and let her have her moment, and letting her handle herself since this city is relatively safe compared to what I know. If you still insist.."


At first, Avalyra finds Luna's encouragement a bit hollow, but she slowly realizes the wisdom in the headmistress's words. She had to find her own way, with her own strength, and learn to trust her companions a bit more. "Okay, I'll do my best."

But just as she's about to break the mental connection, she remembers a very significant detail. "Wait. If touching Vecna's gauntlet can grant it power over you...Quintus wears it all the time!" She had never been comfortable with the wizard's brusque manner, but this was a much bigger deal. But as she waits for Luna's reply, a figure appears at the edge of her vision.

She looks up as the half-orc calls her name. She's still quite unsure how to interact with him, being both unfamiliar with him and unused to half-orcs in general, but she reminds herself that his actions have been honorable, at least from what she's seen so far. "Hi, Tarkus," she replies, as she slowly rises from the floor. "You came looking for me?"
With the streets so empty, Muun has very little trouble tracking Avalyra's path through the city, despite not actually keeping visual contact with her. In a matter of minutes, he sees that she's stopped running, and that Tarkus is speaking to her just up ahead.

"I share your concerns for the young wizard as well, Dear. I strongly disagree with his decision to wear the wretched thing, but unless you care to try and convince him otherwise, I'm afraid nothing can be done about it. My only advice in that matter is to let your opinion be known."
Muun apparently decided to go ahead without arguing with Val any further. As he approaches the alleyway which he somehow figured he would find herself in since the party already made it a place they go to, the ranger shrugs with his palms raised and his head shaking as he approaches them both and says, "I knew I didn't need to worry. The only reason I came is because Val wanted me to track you down, but I see Tarkus already has that covered."


Avalyra tenses as she notices someone else approaching, but relaxes as she recognizes Muun. But then she suddenly closes her eyes, looking as if she was straining to listen to some distance sound.

"Um...so do I hold onto the Rod of Pelor all the time with my hands? I think the others have been trying to keep it out of plain sight." As she waits for an answer to her question, she idly looks around, and it abruptly occurs to her that she's been talking to Luna in the middle of the night. "Oh! Did I wake you up or interrupt something? I'm sorry..."

She opens her eyes again and looks at the others in the night. Now in a more stable state of mind, she realizes that Muun must have tracked her down all the way from the inn, so she apologizes. "Muun. Sorry that you had to come all this way for me." She pauses, considering if she should reveal more, but ultimately decides to proceed. "I was already very tense after Vecna's gauntlet climbed onto my bed. But after all of you came into the room, it spoke to my mind, telling me to put it on! I really freaked out, and well..." her voice trails off for a moment.
Muun scratches the back of his head at the way she said that he did it for her, "It's not like I have anything better to do.."

When she explains the Hand's desire for her to put it on, he asks, "Why?" Before she can answer, he speculates, "Does Vecna think you would make an actual worshipper or something? I know Quintis is just using the Hand for his own ends and Vecna probably doesn't appreciate that."

Crossing his arms, he suggests, "If that's the case, then I recommend not doing it, because if you die with the Hand of Vecna on... I doubt you'll like the afterlife if Vecna is who you'll visit."

((It's probably time to re-draw my avatar soon.))
Alone with Val, Quintus asks "What do you think she isn't telling us? If the Hand really did go after her, there has to be a really good reason... well, not good, but important. I don't think Vecna is interested in screwing with us for fun."


As Muun poses his theory, something flashes through Avalyra's eyes. "You might be onto something here," she replies, the words coming out slowly. She takes a breath before continuing. "You've probably noticed that I don't like talking about my past. That's because...I don't remember any of it. The only thing I remember is...well it's not important. But the way that gauntlet, well, Vecna talked to me." Her voice shrinks down to a whisper. "It seemed like it knew me somehow."

Mike M

Nick N
Strapping on the last of his armor and affixing his rapier to his belt, Val considers Quintus' observation. "That is a very good question. Apparently Vecna's been keeping his ability to animate the Hand close to his chest. He is the god of secrets and all, but still in order to gamble revealing that particular bit of knowledge, he must have wagered that he had something considerable to gain, most considerable indeed. Avalyra's amnesia must be quite the secret for it to excite Vecna so much."
Already Muun is considerably not happy with the revelation, though he won't state why flat out. Avalrya just became a walking liability, especially after the betrayals of former party members that happened in the future. He asks in an suddenly serious tone, as if he already expects the answer he's about to get "And how desperate are you to find out how well you are known?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
As his pounding heart rate slows to a dull but steady beat, Tarkus kneels on the ground next to Avalyra as she speaks. As his breathing steadies, he listens intently but makes no attempt to speak just yet other than nodding once at the young woman's question. As she rises, so does he. He opens his mouth to speak when he hears footsteps coming toward them. He places a hand on the hilt of his weapon, tensing until the subject finally rounds the corner.

As the serious face of their ranger friend steps out of the darkness, the half-orc finally speaks up. "Ah. Who could of been as quick to pick up trail 'sides you, Muun?" he says in an amused tone. The relief in his voice and body are palpable as his muscles relax and his alarmed eyebrows are likewise disarmed.

As Muun describes the situation at hand, Tarkus reacts with a mix of relief and puzzlement. "Attacked by relic...?" As the culprit becomes clear, a look of disgust washes over the warrior's face as turns toward Avalyra. "Vecna...not to be trusted." He says as he spits at the name of the god of secrets. He crosses his arms.

"Quintus wear relic in bargain for power, but only safe, as Muun say, 'cus magick armor protect him. Maybe need new magick item to stop from moving."

As the ranger theorizes with her about the purpose of his involvement, Tarkus can only think to input regarding her worries and her past. "We all have things in past we not like to remember. Many might like ability to forget." He pauses to think. "Past is past. Important, but not always determine future." He nods before attempting to allay her worries about Vecna.

"Vecna play mind tricks often. God of secrets love control, and he try to control many with secret or promise of power. But truth is...he have no power in mortal realm without willing slave and fooled puppet." He briefly describes his experience in the Astral Sea and his discussion with the Raven Queen.

"Part of why gathering relic is to crush puppets and end evil of Vecna cult."

Tarkus offers his hand to her.

"And as long as I breathe, will not allow a comrade to fall to these things."
"I don't claim to know the exact mechanisms by which the gods operate, but it seems to me that as long as you keep the Rod of Pelor on your person - even if it's simply in your pocket, for example -, Vecna will not be able to affect you. And please, do not concern yourself with my sleep schedule. I sent you out on this quest, and therefore your well-being is at least partially my responsibility. I am here if you need me."


It's obvious by the way Muun's expression changes that he isn't happy with Avalyra's disclosure. Should I have kept quiet? she thinks to herself, but there is no way to take it back now. She's not comfortable with the way he's looking at her, almost as if he was sizing her up as a potential enemy. Ah! I need to stop being so paranoid!

But Tarkus' response is quite different. As Tarkus offers a hand towards her, Avalyra reflexively extends her hand in response, but then stops. This was no ordinary handshake; it was a pledge of lifelong camaraderie. As she considers the full implications of the gesture, she looks him right in the eyes. It's a watershed moment as she comes to the conclusion that Tarkus is someone she can trust, someone she can depend on. She reaches up to grip his much larger hand with her own, then clasps over it with her other hand as well, and shakes, gently. "Thank you, Tarkus." Her voice is solemn. "I will also do the best I can on your behalf."

As the handshake ends, there is a contemplative look on her face. It's a momentous occasion for her, to have found another person she can trust completely, but her ruminations are interrupted by
a voice in her head. It takes a second for her to refocus on her conversation with Luna, but her mood has been transformed nonetheless. Thank you, Luna, for your insight. I feel a lot better now."
Avalyra looks a bit distracted, but she now sports a genuine smile.
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