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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Disappointment wells with Val's breast as he feels his errant brother's bizarre silver skin absorb most of the force of his blow. Still, there appears to be a fresh coat of blood on the tip of his rapier (though he would grant that it's difficult to discern given that he's been positively awash in it today), so he knows he has struck a damaging blow, albeit a small one.

Watching Valentino utilize a facsimile of the powers of the Hand of Vecna, understanding dawns in Val's mind. If his brother has absorbed the powers of the artifacts, then it stands to reason he is also employing the properties of the Armor of Falling Leaves.

Which of course means they just need to keep hitting him...

"An impressive trick," Val admits as he uses his gracile blade and augmented strength to parry and bat away Valentino's metallic limbs, performing the dance of a trained fencer to remain out of the direct line of fire of the alien arm cannon. "Do you know what the supreme irony is? I lusted after the Monocle from the start, while you never gave thought to its potential. To think of the knowledge I could have extracted from it in all the time you left it ignored..."

With a clang of metal upon metal, the brothers spin apart momentarily, before rushing back together to re-engage. Val blocks a vicious chop born of some foreign martial art with the flat of his blade, sending a cascade of sparks to the floor. Both siblings put the full force of their divine strength into the struggle, each trying to overwhelm the other.

"We were far from common criminals, Valentino," Val grunts as he leans forward. "We were heirs to a legacy. Our father took you in, gave you a name, taught you our art. He saw the potential for greatness in you, but you never did anything but spit in his face in return. You could have left and followed your own path at anytime, no one would have begrudged you for it. You were loved anyway, gods damn you, by Valentine more than anyone. And look what you did to her, you inhuman monster!"

Without warning, Val suddenly twists at the waist, ceasing his resistance to Valentino's pressing advance. As his brother stumbles past, Val capitalizes on his advantage and strikes again.

((Dodge bonus on Valentino, not sure if Tarkus is in position to afford Improved Flanking bonus or not, adjust accordingly.))

Attack 1:  1d20+25=37
Damage:  1d6+19=21

Attack 2:  1d20+20=37
Damage:  1d6+19=23

Attack 3:  1d20+15=32
Damage:  1d6+19=23

Haste Attack: 1d20+25=44
Confirming critical:  1d20+25=32
Damage:  2d6+38=49 + 3 Strength damage

((Val's gone beast mode.))
((Valentino activates the Shield's powers to block Val's third attack, but all the rest hit, as does Tarkus's. He also takes the Dexterity and Strength damage normally.

He activates Pelor's powers to nullify all of his ability damage and penalties, and uses his Move action to activate Set's powers to try and hypnotize Val for a turn. DC 25 Will save to resist.

Jack goes Full Attack on Tarkus. First attack: 34 vs AC, which will be 21 damage. Second attack: 28 vs AC. If that hits, it will deal 22 damage. Third attack is 21 vs AC and probably misses. I'm assuming Quintus dropped Jack out of Haste Mode, so there's no haste attack or bonus.))

"You have quite the penchant for rewriting history, dear brother," says Valentino, with an odd mix of amusement and anger. "He was never my father. The only reason he took me in was because he wanted my sister and her talents, and couldn't have one without the other. But really, he used all of us to his own selfish ends. We were nothing more than tools in his toolbox. I'm surprised you never caught on; apart from me, you were the most clever of us by far. GYAH!" he yelps, as Val's rapier finds purchase... multiple times. He attempts to use the powers of Tarkus's shield, but is only able to blunt the force of one attack, and Val is certain he tore a few key muscles in his brother's body.

Muun takes advantage of the opening with a searing arrow to the throat; only Valentino's armor saves him. Tarkus and Quintus pile on with their own special brands of pain, but Valentino merely grins.

He turns to the half-Orc. "You say these powers come with a price, my dim-witted friend? If that's so, then my armor affords me a rather steep discount. Take Ssssssssset, for example. By far the most intrusive of all the gods' artifacts, correct? Well, I don't even have to hear him prattle on if I don't want to, and can take full advantage of his powers. I was just kidding with the pronunciation, by the way; don't get your hopes up."

He turns to Val again and gazes directly into his eyes, attempting to lull him into complacency for a few precious seconds.

"And Pelor. If I were holding the actual rod, I'd have to be a worshipper of the god in order to make use of his gifts. A rather self- important stipulation, if I do say so myself. But when his soul is contained in the vessel I've constructed?" A white light shimmers over Valentino. "I couldn't be in better shape. Look behind you Tarkus! It's... Oh, I believe I'm too late."

Jack's sword tears into the unsuspecting warrior, and he shows no signs of staying his blade.

"Tarkus, please accept my apologies. I cannot control my actions. I will make reparations to you if we both emerge from this encounter alive."

Valentino laughs. "You know, I was going to make you stop talking, but you're rather amusing. By all means, continue making jokes, robot!"
"Ahh... but you see Valentino, there is another drawback to the relics, one I'm sad to say I haven't noticed until now. You can become dependent on their power. Blinding you to your own weaknesses. Truly, this was the folly of all the previous relic holders, one that so far, we have been able to avoid." With a quick wave of his hand, the wizards summons a bunch of sparkly junk to appear all over Valentino and Jack, then he puts away the quicken spell rod and pulls out a tiny sword from his spell pouch. "You are a smart man, something I can appreciate, but you are weak and no matter how powerful that suit you are wearing may be with the relics powers, it is all wasted on the likes of you!" Quintus then swings the tiny sword in the air and a second later, Valentino finds a magical floating sword swinging at his face.

((Quintus cast glitterdust DC 20 will save to not be blinded(sculpted unless he can somehow hit both Jack and Valentino with the normal version) and Mage's Sword))

Mage's Sword(Attack;Damage): (1d20+15+8+3=34, 4d6+3=20)

"For us? The relics are just one of many tools available to us. You? You're just a tool."
Full Attack, Rapid Shot, Haste Attack (1d20+7+4+14-1=43, 1d20+7+4+14-1=39, 1d20+7+4+14-1=32, 1d20+7+4+9-1=37, 1d20+7+7=25) - ((I forgot to add Quintis' Heroic Bonus (either that or I didn't have room anyway), but I'm pretty sure all but the last one hit if AC 32 is the goal))

Damage Rolls (1d10+3+4+1d6=19, 1d10+3+4+1d6=13, 1d10+3+4+1d6=16, 1d10+3+4+1d6=11) - ((This doesn't include favored enemy bonuses, which I always forget but I am pretty sure Valentino is a human so that would be +4 damage to each hit.))

Muun, for a short time, had struggled to penetrate the strange armor of the foe the party is facing. It is daunting, and nearly terrifies him into hopelessness until suddenly a voice in his head rings...


An arrow drives into Valentino's neck, and Muun becomes getting lost in his mind.

Don't worry about what people think of killing! Just do what is right!

He then continues to rapidly impale Valentino in the only spot which he would be vulnerable.. His face. For the first time in his life, doing trick shots has become more beneficial than hitting the obvious target...

After he fires, he continues along the lines of what Quintis talks about, "And now because you've absorbed all of the dieties into contact within yourself... When we kill you.. you will have to answer to every single one of them."

Mike M

Nick N
((Does Jack even have a third attack at level 12? Also Avalyra had the rod, but if she's out I suppose it makes sense someone else would snag it.))
((My bad on making the 3rd attack then. I always assume full bab progression when I don't know, which is probably a bad idea.

Avalyra is still somewhere in the compound. She came with you guys but hasn't made it to the lab. The device has a bigger range than just the room you're in.

Valentino is human, so the Favored Enemy bonus applies.

Glitter dust seems to have no effect on Valentino, and Jack rolled a natural 20 on his save so he's not blinded either.))

Mike M

Nick N
Will check:  1d20+5=6

Val is about to let fly with a pithy retort about which of the two quarreling siblings is in fact engaging in revisionist history. While he would doubtlessly spend far more words on such statements, piling on the subtext, inuendo, allegations, and implications, it would perhaps still be boiled down a more succient form of "No, you."

His verbal riposte of the suitable calibur to reduce grown men to sobbing messes locked and loaded, it unfortunately falls out of his mind entirely as he suddenly catches notice of the pattern of glowing lights on the device mounted on Valentino's chest. It's a familiar sensation, the way these colors seemingly expand beyond Valentino's device, indeed the way they expand beyond the room itself. Beyond the complex. Beyond the world itself.

Val is adrift in a void of flashing lights, some aspect of his reptile brain screaming some half formed alarm about danger. But that's silly. There's no danger out here. There's nothing but the lights...


bitch I'm taking calls.
After he fires, he continues along the lines of what Quintis talks about, "And now because you've absorbed all of the deities into contact within yourself... When we kill you.. you will have to answer to every single one of them."
"We have seen it in death. I relish thought of snake staking claim to your soul."

Tarkus' mirth is interrupted as Jack's greatsword hacks into his shoulder and side. He grunts in pain as two large wounds are torn into his torso. Letting out a haggard laugh, he responds with bravado "Now regret our spar...your body know my weak points."

The fighter takes a five-foot step to position Valentino between them and renews his assault. "Already spend too much time dealing with your puppets in present and in future. High time to cleave skull of their master."

Full attack vs Valentino
Attack 1: 1d20+20+1 → [9,20,1] = (30)
Attack 2: 1d20+20+1 → [5,20,1,-5] = (21)
Attack 3: 1d20+20+1 → [13,20,1,-10] = (24)
Haste Attack: 1d20+20+1 → [16,20,1] = (37)
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4245225/"]Damage[/URL]:1d12+9+1 → [7,9,1] = (17)
((Valentino goes Full Attack on Valgar: 41 on first attack, 36 on second; third and fourth attacks miss. First attack deals 24 damage; second attack deals 29.

Jack five-steps in pursuit of Tarkus and uses his first attack to swing: natural 20, with a 31 to confirm a critical. Tarkus takes 45 damage. Jack follows it up with a Grapple attempt on his second attack. 30 to touch will hit, but his grapple check was only an 18. So if you meet or beat an 18, you avoid the grapple))

Valentino sneers disdainfully at the party. "Really? 'True power lies within'? That's the best you can come up with? Nine Hells, Valgar, it appears I'll have to keep you lucid just to avoid being bored to death. For all your faults, at least you're a formidable conversationalist. Next thing you know, they'll be telling me that the power of love conquers all."

He reshapes the cannon on his arm into a very large axe, and begins hacking at Val. "Of course, one need not be uninjured to remain lucid..."

Jack pursues Tarkus and hacks at him again, this time hitting a particularly sensitive spot, and follows up by clumsily attempting to bear hug him. This time he declines to offer commentary.

Muun's arrows strike true, prompting Valentino to grunt in frustration. "STOP that!" he commands, but there are no abilities being used to actually enforce it.

((Round 4))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Frustrated by his failure to find consecutive purchase in the powered-up Fierno's armor, Tarkus is further agitated by his enemy's incessant use of devious attacks. 'Always made a fool...' So focused upon Valentino, his agitation proves his undoing. As the half-orc springs back to swing once more, Jack moves into his blind spot.


His plated shoulders shudder, the metal screeching in protest as Jack withdraws his greatsword from deep within plate and flesh. Tarkus groans in pain as the crimson gash in his body begins to leak down his leg. He struggles to keep his balance as a large amount of blood begins to pool beneath him.

With a pained expression in his eyes, the fighter takes a shuddering breath before yelling in defiance as he finally turns his axe against his Warforged companion.

AoO v Jack
1d20+20+1 → [2,20,1] = (23) ((Dunno if that hits))
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4245383/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9+1 → [11,9,1] = (21)

Opposed Grapple Check:
1d20+20+1 → [10,20,1] = (31)

Full Attack v Jack
Attack 1: 1d20+20+1 → [11,20,1] = (32) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4245415/"]
Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9+1 → [6,9,1] = (16)
Attack 2: 1d20+20+1 → [5,20,1,-5] = (21) X
Attack 3: 1d20+20+1 → [1,20,1,-10] = (12) X
Haste Attack: 1d20+20+1 → [15,20,1] = (36) 
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4245415/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+9+1 → [2,9,1] = (12)
((Does dazed count as helpless for the purposes of a coup de grace?))

((No. He can't do anything, but he is still defending himself. Doesn't even get penalties to AC or anything like that.
BTW would Quintus have any idea if the mind control effect or w/e on Jack can be dispelled?))
((Turning undead appears to be a supernatural ability so i don't think it can be dispelled... could be suppress with an antimagic field though, but that ain't happening))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I like how you say "let's" like it was a group decision last time, Mike. I probably should have tried a grapple with Tarkus instead of a full attack, he has such a high strength and attack roll he probably could have pulled it off. Next turn perhaps.))
((I should have tried a grapple with Tarkus instead of a full attack, he has such a high strength and attack roll he probably could have pulled it off. Next turn perhaps.))

((Actually... I my try that myself and maybe valentino too if he's in- never mind he's probably got freedom of movement. I'll just stick with Jack.))
((Generally Damage Reduction doesn't apply to magical spells... but he could have elemental resistance, maybe even regen from somewhere? Though I think it would have been mentioned.))
((This guy is a Big Bad Almost-Last-Boss, designed to fight an entire party by himself. He has a TON of HP. You guys have dealt over 300 damage to him, and that's after Damage Reduction is factored in. He also has some degree of regeneration (more like Fast Healing), but it's at the molecular level so it's really only noticeable when you smack the crap out of him, like on those two big-damage spells))
Big Bad Almost-Last-Boss
(( ⊙▃⊙ ))

Muun answers the command with swift defiance, "Stop what? Killing is all I know to do. You know I nearly killed Val's brother once because I thought he was our enemy. Looks like I am going to do it for real this time."

Full Attack, Rapid Shot, Haste (1d20+7+4+14-1=28, 1d20+7+4+14-1=41, 1d20+7+4+14-1=35, 1d20+7+4+9-1=22, 1d20+7+7=19) - ((With Quintis' buff, the first three hit))
Damage Rolls (1d10+3+4+1d6=19, 1d10+3+4+1d6=15, 1d10+3+4+1d6=13) ((I forgot to add favored enemy bonuses again))
((Its easy to lose track of whose turn it is when there's side discussion, so just in case there's any confusion, Val still has to take his turn this round))

Mike M

Nick N
Val’s attention to the present situation is restored when the blade of Valentino’s metamorphosing axe hand bites into his flesh, causing him to drop his sword. He’s shocked enough by the sudden restoration of his cognitive functions that he fails to evade Valentino’s follow up attack, but catches on swiftly enough to deftly sidestep the third strike, the mark of Hextor granting him strength enough to deflect the fourth with a balled fist. He follows this up with a powerful back-handed bitch-slap, striking with enough force that a faint echo of impacted flesh reverberates through the chamber, Valentino’s face now sporting the relief image of Val’s signet ring in a mirror parody of the swashbuckler’s own tattoo, a reversed F nested in a broad V.

“I’ve never been much for the power of love,” Val opines as he uses the toe of his boot to kick the grip of his rapier back up into his open hand. “Today I’m more of a booster for the power of wrathful vengeance. Though truth be told, I’m having a bit of difficulty trying to parse out how much of that is my own sentiment and how much of that is the undue influence of having a piece of god of slaughter bound to my soul. Cest le vie.”

Sword back in hand, Val locks steel again in his dogged attempts to take down Valentino. “You are unworthy of the name, Tino!” Val shouts, invoking a name that had not seen used since the metal-clad man’s induction into the Fierno clan as he attempts to stab his adversary through the chest.
Attack 1:  1d20+25=38
Damage:  1d6+19=20
“I take back what was given to you! You are stricken from the records, you are dead to us, it as though you never were!” he continues, twisting his wrist to reposition and try again.
Attack 2:  1d20+20=31
Damage:  1d6+19=25
“Oh, I know you don’t think you care about such trivialities. In your mind, it’s not as though you were using the name anyway,” Val says as he takes aim at the lung and thrusts his sword.
Attack 3:  1d20+15=30
Damage:  1d6+19=24
“But that’s because you haven’t thought it through. You will die here, anonymous and alone. Your identity of Valentino Fierno is forfeit, no one will ever know of you, who you were, or what you tried to accomplish here. As far as the world will know, your corpse is nothing but another nameless flunky of a failed uprising in the service of Vecna. You may not value the name as I do, but at least when I shuffle off this mortal coil, I shall do so knowing that the world will always remember Val fucking Fierno!”
Haste Attack:  1d20+25=43
Confirming critical:  1d20+25=33
Damage:  2d6+38=47 + 3 STR damage
((Pretty sure second and third don’t connect unless Valentino’s suffering some penalty still that I don’t know about, but damn, another clutch haste attack crit. Go Val, go!))
Val's final thrust of the rapier manages to penetrate straight through the armor, and suddenly it begins behaving erratically and changing colors at random, though Valentino doesn't notice at first.

"Valgar, do you realize what this armor does? It absorbs the souls of gods. Look at my face. Do you see how little I care that the Fiernos have seen it fit to disown me? Do you really think I'm going to stop here? No, of course not. With the power of nine deific aspects at my command, I will soon make my way to the Astral Sea, where I can begin to siphon power straight from the source. Gods, after all, are naught but a power supply to me. And you are naught but ants under my magnifying glass. I... Wait, what?"

The armor continues to malfunction. Blue arcs of electricity leap around it, and holes form and are filled in at random all over Valentino's body.

"No... not now! Not like this! I've got to...." He desperately tries to form his axe-hand into a cannon again, but instead the metal itself liquifies and dribbles unceremoniously to the floor, leaving his hand exposed. There's a miniature explosion somewhere within the armor's mechanisms, and without fanfare, the suit loses its structural integrity entirely, melting away into nothing. Trails of magical energy seep from Valentino back into the Holy Relics, and they regain their powers; Quintus observes one of the trails leading to the desk that Valentino had pointed out earlier.

All that's left is a scrawny little teenager, wearing nothing but underpants and suddenly looking very afraid.

"I... I surrender," he says meekly.

"I seem to have regained autonomy," Jack announces, immediately backing out of his combat stance and assessing the damage to both himself and Tarkus. "I believe I can assist in repairing the injuries I have caused," he offers the half-orc.

At this precise moment, Avalyra enters the room. "Sorry, I got sort of held up by this weird, giant undead.... thing that chased me for a good fifteen minutes before I finally found a way to take it down. What did I miss? Who's this kid?"
Ironically, this successfully convinces Muun to stop shooting. He looks over to Avalrya, "Is Celia out there? Can you tell her that we seem to be safe in here again?"

He moves over with the arrow pulled on his bow, in case the scrawny figure attempts to try anything funny. Eyeing the fear and the cowardace, he states, "I've never seen anybody manage to act so pathetic since I left my fear inducing home world."

He can start to feel the leaves of his armor come alive again. Surely Celia will be pleased that he recovered Ehlonna's portion of her soul.

EDIT: ((I have a wand of CMW still (with plenty of charges). I can help get the party back up to speed after Jack uses his abilities.))

EDIT 2: ((Actually, since we're coming up to the end and Jack's repairs are more useful than my wand, how about I just blow the charges on the wand? It's not like I can't get another with how little money we have.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Dude, we just earned a million bucks. Plus Jack's healing ability is pretty "meh" as I've discovered just about all of the magical abilities of a Factotum to be. But I guess that's how you balance a character class that's literally supposed to be able to do just about anything.))

Val gazes down upon the pitiful form of the boy that at one point he had called brother. The architect of the demise of their shared family, the root cause of immense pain and suffering. He had long known that Valen-- Tino, he reminded himself. Valentino Fierno does not exist any longer-- had harbored great ambition, but Val had always thought it was energy that could be constructively directed. He never dreamed in even his darkest nightmares that he would ever do something like this.

"He used to be my brother," Val answers Avalyra, his voice flat and devoid of emotion. "Now he's just the asshole who killed my sister." He delivers a savage kick to the scrawny bastard's abdomen, and he's dimly aware that he thinks he may have felt something rupture or otherwise break. But he cannot bring himself to care; the place in his heart that would feel pity or remorse has been crowded out by his overabundance of rage and recrimination.

"Detain him," he asks no one in particular as he steps away. "I fear I may kill him if I remain within striking distance, and by no means can we afford to not keep him restrained." Val begins rummaging through the drawers in search of the Monocle the deposed leader of the Vecna cult had said would be here. "Don't bother with rope," he says almost as an after thought, "he's easily my equal at slipping bonds. If I had to choose, I might suggest hobbling him, perhaps?"

Conflicting emotions roil within him. What is he supposed to do now? Submit him to the King's justice? Val shakes his head. No, that was out of the question. The entire Val Fierno clan would be laid bare before the law enforcement mechanism of the throne. True, grievous damage has been done, but it is not yet irreparable. He would be starting over from near square one, but he would be able to rebuild.

But Val can't bring himself to kill him either. Not like this. Not now that he's surrendered, lying there helpless and almost naked. The tattoo Val bears on his face has tainted his soul far more than he initially suspected, but he still retains enough of his former self to know that he is no murderer.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Val suspects that the Monocle will provide some intelligence-expanding benefit, perhaps allow him to see another way out of this. Maybe even counteract the Mask's dire influence. He could use some divine insight right about now.
Val does find the Monocle of Ioun in one of the cluttered drawers in Tino's desk. Other than being particularly shiny and equipped with a sturdy strap to keep it fastened to the face, it otherwise appears to be an ordinary monocle.

When Val fastens it to his face and looks through it (requiring the removal of the Mask of Lies, for what it's worth), he finds that he can see everything significantly more clearly and with a crispness and definition he's never before experienced.

He also does feel a fair bit smarter, with a greater ability to learn and retain knowledge, but unfortunately he is not suddenly awash with inspiration or ideas on how to deal with his ex-brother. Ioun herself does not seem particularly talkative, apparently opting to take a non-intervention stance similar to Fharlangh. Either that, or she just doesn't like Val; it's impossible to tell.

Hextor, on the other hand, is quite clear, and rather vocal, about his stance on the matter. He's not saying anything that Val doesn't already know, though.

((The Monocle grants True Seeing, and it gives a +4 untyped bonus to Intelligence that stacks with other intelligence-boosting items. It also allows the casting of Discern Location at will.))

Celia returns to Muun's shoulder, the relief plain in her body language. "That was really scary," she chirps. "I've never seen magic armor like that before. Are you sure he doesn't have anymore left? If he can steal Ehlonna's powers, he's gotta be pretty dangerous."

((Not sure when the best time is to make this clear, but I need to give you as PCs a warning that your characters should not know. As soon as all of you gather in the same room with Lucille with all of the artifacts in your possession, that's the Point of No Return. So, you'll want to take care of any unfinished business before that happens.

Until that time, there won't be any more combat unless you really go out of your way to seek it out. Because of that, you probably don't need to worry too hard about how you get to any particular place, as long as it's on this plane. So, if Val wants to go to Ruby Keep for example, he can just start a particular post as though he's already traveled there. Same for if Quintus wants to go to Emerald Bay, etc.

Basically, you guys are in the "We have the airship and have the option to do a bunch of sidequests, but can go to the last stage at any time" stage of the game, except you don't literally have an airship.

Also, Zynx, if you come back during this part then like I said before, you are welcome to join back in at any time. I'm going to keep that window open for as long as I can))
((Quintis, you know what to do.))

Muun is almost ready to make the kill himself, but eases his bow and shakes his head. After Celia returns, he responds, "He was... but not anymore. As it turns out, he's weaker than us all, and I don't kill the weak." He then adds, "I'm sure Ehlonna will have her own opinion on what had happened today."

Mike M

Nick N
((Hrm, we probably better not delay that much in moving on to the last fight then, given that Val has a time limit before he has to start killing people))
"I could turn him into a newt... Until we come up with a more suitable solution anyways. And I'm gonna have to check out the lens. If it did this much for him... I gotta see what it might be able to teach me!"

((also... only have one side quest for Quintus in mind. Gotta find that guy I turned into a zombie slave in Sigil, but I kinda need someone who can use the Rod for that I think.))
((You'll need to shell out the cash for a Plane Shift spell so you can actually get back, but yes, that should be doable. Describe all the steps that you plan on taking to actually pull this off though, because it will take a little bit of doing.

I forgot to mention this as well: Everyone gain a level. Kind of a swift advancement from the last level up, but I'm okay with it since it'll be the last Ding of the campaign. That'll bring Jack up to 13 and everyone else up to 15.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus lowers his weapon and leans against one of the laboratory tables for support. Relief floods over him in an awesome wave as the megolomaniacal 'Tino' collapses into a stammering teenager. He looks at Quintus with a grim expression. "Turn him into something unpleasant."

As Muun and Jack approach to tend to various wounds, he thanks them both and apologises to Jack for turning his weapon against him in self defense. "Your combat much improved since our last spar." Bundling up the spoils from the keep, he considers where next to go but comes up at a loss.

Mike M

Nick N
((Quick clarification, does Val need to kill something *sentient* each day to stave off the bloodlust, or something *sapient*?))
((Quick clarification, does Val need to kill something *sentient* each day to stave off the bloodlust, or something *sapient*?))

((I'm not sure of the distinction, so I'll say this. Anything that's approximately the intellectual equivalent of a human. If this item somehow existed on regular Earth, I would just say "human", but here we have stuff like elves, dwarves, etc. Basically, things that can talk, as a rule of thumb.

And since Quintus's sidequest has the potential to take a few days, there's potential for your penalties to stack up, so I'll give you the progression. The day you kill, you have +4 bonuses. The day after that, it's only +2. The next day, no bonus. The next day, it's a -2 penalty. The day after that, it's -4, and that's the max. And of course, each day the bloodlust worsens, but that's more roleplay than mechanical.))
((Since we have a million dollars, does this mean the final boss expects us to be munchkin'd out in gear?))

((That's a pretty safe bet. It's also to help offset the fact that as far as you're aware, you're going to lose the benefits of all your relics pretty soon, on account of giving them to Lucille))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I don't want to clog up the thread but looks like we could do with some major optimisation at this point. Ill definitely be needing a new weapon and armor for Tarkus. What's the spilt gold wise? I don't mind pitching in my share for someone else as long as Tarkus can get a new weapon and armor upgrade.))
((Can we run some knowledge checks on what we might know that may help us decide what new equipment may be best suitable for the last fight?))
((Can we run some knowledge checks on what we might know that may help us decide what new equipment may be best suitable for the last fight?))

((Neither you as players nor any of your characters have the slightest idea what's going to happen when the artifacts are combined. Your characters aren't even certain that there's going to be a battle at all. I would go for a general "good stuff" strategy if I were you))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val can upgrade to maxed out Dex gloves, Con amulet, rapier, and buckler for 88,200 gold w/ the discount at Alydar (Actually less when he trades in current gear), maybe throw in a Ring of Protection +5 at 21,600 to boot. Jack would be similar cost, but I haven't crunched the numbers.

I'm not at all familiar with wondrous items, so I have no idea what else would be a good choice. Ring of Blinking looks promising, if allowed.))
((Turns out when split, this budget is tighter than expected.

I am thinking of getting:

Cloak of Resistance +5 - 25,000 (22,500)
Ring of Freedom of Movement - 40,000, (36,000)
Amulet of Health +6 - 36,000 (32,400)
MIthral Shirt, Spell Resistance 19 - 25,000 GP + 1100 GP (or 49,000 + 1100 if I can figure out how to get +2)
EDIT: +5 Mithral Shirt - 25,000 GP (22,500)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 4,500 (4050)

That's 131,600 (117,450) or 155,600 (I haven't factored in the Alydar discount yet))
((I consulted some percentage dice. You can't get a Ring of Blinking on this plane. You'd need to go to Sigil to find one. Except for the spell resistant armor, the stuff that Muun wants all seems pretty standard, and he can find it without leaving Alydar. In order to get the spell resistant stuff he would have to go to Ruby Keep (meaning, no discount).))
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