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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((With apologies to anyone who might have other ideas, in the interests of moving things along I'm going to assume that everyone approaches the gate together in order to make it inside. If you really want to, you can specify that you're going against that plan, but so far we know that at least Val-in-disguise, Jack-as-himself(?) and Tarkus-as-himself are going up there))

As the party approaches the gate, there's a very similar reaction from the archers on the wall. They keep a keen eye attached, but they aren't hostile.

"Who goes there? Are you lot friend or foe to the Children of Chaos?" This time there's a tinge of fear in his voice as he recognizes the formidability of the party members.

After the party responds by affirming their desire to join the ranks of the group (or some other plausible excuse), the portcullis is raised and the party passes through, but this time the elf on the wall gives different instructions.

"You might wanna go see the Boss himself. I prob'ly shouldn't be sayin' this, but your lot are way outta our league. I think the Boss'll wanna take a gander at you himself. He's tourin' the camp right now, last I saw. Big red tattoo on his face; ya can't miss 'em."
((oh crap, should Quintus be with the party? Assuming they didn't take to long, he should have plenty of time left on his alter self spell(2 hours and 30 minutes total for that spell right now)... showing up as his elf self will be suspicious, but showing up as Quintus would probably be worse.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Perhaps you can attempt tomill about in the background inconspicuously when we meet with Betrand?))

Nodding, Tarkus resigns to Val's judgement to travel as a group instead of splitting apart. Just before they ride out, he hesitates momentarily before mounting his horse which he has named Coal. Though he has spent considerable time apart from the horse since the party's inter-dimensional travel and Quintus development of teleportation magicks, he nonetheless was relieved to see it well upon his return and would not be pleased to have it seized by the rebels.

The warrior casts a sidelong glance to Muun, wondering how it must have felt to lose his owl to the time stream after death...

He reassures himself by the intentions of the group to act without hesitation. With a stern look upon his face he intones "We make our move by nightfall, regardless of what happen." as much to the others as to himself and his horse. As the ride for the keep he maintains a stern and rigorous posture, but makes no secret of his glances to size up the fortification and strength of those around him.

"Who goes there? Are you lot friend or foe to the Children of Chaos?"

Tarkus yells out a reply, his voice clear and loud. "We stand as ally to those who align against Arm of Vecna, usurpers to throne." He makes eye contact with Val and speaks to him quietly as they are in the shadow of the keep, waiting for the bridge to lower. "Once we inside, you take lead." Although he metaphorically passes the reigns to Val for diplomacy, he is still eager to see the strength of the commander of this group for himself.

Once inside, he finds a place for his horse and gives him a handful of oats and a reassuring pat.
((Alright, it might be best for Muun to continue monitoring outside activities and the training camp where he's already hidden and I cannot think of a useful role that Val or Tarkus wouldn't be better for inside.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val, Jack and Tarkus going in makes sense since they can't do much at range, but maybe Avalyra stays outside in case we need a psi construct to draw them out or something?))
((Not sure where Zynx is, so let's assume that Avalyra does the thing closest to the last action she tried to take, which would mean she entered the rebel camp along with Tarkus, Val, and Jack, and move along from there))

Edit: ((carry on then))


As Val whispers his objections, Avalyra turns to face him, eyes blazing. "So you and your robot friend refuse me your aid. Very well, proceed with your obviously superior course of action. Just don't expect my help when your plan crashes and burns. And you know nothing, boy." She emphasizes that last word, obviously irritated by the manner in which he addressed her. "My mind is not feeble like yours; it is shielded from detection and influence."

As she turns to walk away, she places the red crystal into Tarkus' hands, whispering into his ear. "This will allow you to channel a small amount of my power to reshape things. For example, if you needed to quickly transform a section of the wall into dust to create a new opening, just imagine that happening while holding onto this. It has enough power to function twice." With her instruction delivered, she walks off to stew alone.

But as the others proceed to the gate and enter the fort, she finds that she still feels concerned with their well-being, despite what she just said, and her still smouldering anger at the way Val simply dismissed her rather simple request. When the trio join Quintus inside the fort's four walls, she has her psicrystal keep tabs on them, as well.

((The red crystal is a soul-imbued crystal shard infused with 22pp and the power Greater Fabricate. The holder can activate the crystal as a standard action to manifest Greater Fabricate as if he were a 14th level psion, consuming pp from the crystal. Since greater fabricate requires 11pp, the crystal can be used twice.))
Muun turns to look at Tarkus, though doesn't understand the thoughts behind the silence. Celia just sits on the boy's head and remains silent as she helps keep on guard with her little armor and little spear.

In observation of the spat between Avalrya and Val, he states, "Well, I guess if his plan inevitably does fail, at least you won't be in the middle of it happening.."

((Sorry I haven't been RPing as much, this is obviously more of a mission for everyone else.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val’s smile doesn’t reach the corner of his eyes. “At least you have the sensibility to recognize my stratagems as superior,” the gentlemen thief says with faux cheer as he stirs a small container of rubber tree extract with perhaps a bit too much vigor. As the amnesiac psion storms away to confer in whispered words with Tarkus, Val props his signal mirror on a rock and applies the concoction he’s been agitating to his face, crafting a latticework of false scars across his face. Combing a bit of dye through his hair with his fingers is sufficient to both alter the color and to slick it back against his head. It is a simple, rudimentary disguise, but should be sufficient to fool all but those most familiar with his true face. ((Disguise check necessary?))

As the trio of the mechanical humanoid, mounted half-orc, and “battle scarred warrior” leave the tree line and make their way to the gate, Val sets his jaw and scowls an expression that is not entirely acting. “It would have been better if everyone came at once,” he mutters to his companions, “but this is still preferable than positing that three independent parties should happen upon this fort looking to join up within a single day.

Val casts a sideways glance at Tarkus. “Mind your girlfriend, Tarkus. The longer we keep company with her, the more we see what she’s capable of… the more I’m sure that her kind exterior is only the result of having forgotten her true nature. A nature that neither she nor we have knowledge of. That’s an unknown variable, and I am not terribly fond of those, as I’m sure you’re aware. She’s a potential liability”

The disgruntled con artist falls silent for a moment as he sets his eyes on the fortress. “Plus she called me feeble minded. The nerve of that bitch to insult an intellect as towering as my own,” he grumbles.


Inside the fortress, Val huddles around Tarkus’s horse as the half-orc ties up his steed. Surveying the motley lot that Bertrand has assembled under his banner, he estimates that there is not one amongst them that he would not be able to take on in a fight. Granted, he’s been through a prolonged trial by fire ever since quitting his home in Ruby Keep that has allowed for the accumulation of quite an obscene number of notches on his belt, but this lot has fended off offenses launched by armed and trained soldiers that had made a life’s work out of the art of combat.

“I have a hypothesis,” Val says quietly to Tarkus and Jack. “I think that this mask –tattoo, whatever form it may take-- has the capability to bestow some degree of temporary combat expertise to those minds under its thrall.” Val throws his arm wide to encompass the filthy rabble. “They don’t seem like much, but if we fail to take Bertrand by surprise and put an end to this quickly, we may find ourselves in the middle of a hostile army of capable warriors.”


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus accepts Avalyra's gift cautiously, his eyebrow raised in curiosity as she explains the glowing crystal's power. Closing his hand around the stone, he nods.

Upon parting he offers his thanks. "Am grateful. Take care to stay near Muun. He have my trust."
- - -

As the trio prepare to enter the fortress, Tarkus dismounts and responds to Val's implications on the ride over. Stepping close, he looks down on the man and coldly replies in a low tone. "Understand you calculate all odds....but could have said same for you in early days, Kaff."

Pausing, the half-orc thaws slightly, a frown appearing alongside a vein in his forehead visibly irritated by the interpersonal drama. "Trusted Sarm in those day to catch if any deception threaten group safety. But after a time, come to trust you."

He relaxes his stance and looks the rogue in the eyes. "Will not...force you to respect another. This can only be earned. But she is battle proven. Only ask you give time to build trust to her."

He shakes his head as if clearing cobwebs from his mind. "Bigger fish to fry."

- - -

The half-orc stares vigilantly across the camp as Val outlines his observations. Clearing his throat, he points over toward a group of sparring rebels, mentioning that is where Quintus last communicated his whereabouts. "Contact with Quin as we make approach to Betrand. He can relay messages to Muun." Checking the straps on his shield once more, he prepares to confront the commander, wearer of this Mask of Hextor.

"I wish to approach first, but will not speak, only observe. You can weave story from there."
As Val, Tarkus, and Jack begin to leave, he takes a moment to inform Avalrya, "His 'superior stratagem' got us into a fight with a gigantic snake with no means of magic whatsoever. Even our weapons became ordinary..."

Muun is still upset.
((I'll take care of the Disguise check and will let you know if it becomes relevant))

Wandering through the compound, the trio of warriors can tell almost right away that they're drawing far more attention than they'd wanted to. Far and away the most badass warriors in the camp, everyone else can't help but stare and point in admiration, no matter where the party goes.

They are able to join up with Quintus, who is still in his elven guise, without incident, but not long after that, the tattoo'd Bertrand makes an appearance.

"I accept your challenge," he says loudly and defiantly, enough so that everyone in visual range hears him. "I will gladly take each of you on, one at a time, until I am the last man standing. Let no one say that Supreme Commander Percival Bertrand will back away from a challenge to his authority!"

The spectators at first seem confused, and then a light applause starts up, and gradually ramps up into cheers, as an area is cleared out between Bertrand and the party.

"As the recipient of the challenge, I reserve the right to choose the order of my opponents. My first victim will be you, battle-scarred warrior!" He unsheathes his greatsword and points it directly at Val. He is about thirty feet away.
((The whole compound is out in the open. There are buildings within the walls, but there is no roof above the walls or anything. They've been out in the open ever since they entered the gate))
The wanna-be elf looks to Val and thinks Well, its actually kind of a tempting request. If you can take him out in a one on one fight, we could easily avoid a mess with all these people... perhaps we would be willing to give you some time to prepare? We might able to give you some stuff to help. to everyone in the telepathic link.
Muun telepathically responds to Quintis and the others If we want to take him out in a single round, then we need Tarkus to do it. The leader's relic is probably giving him strength and that Axe will do best to match it.

He'll try to gauge how much closer he'll need to be to have Bertrand in range of his bow.
Muun telepathically responds to Quintis and the others If we want to take him out in a single round, then we need Tarkus to do it. The leader's relic is probably giving him strength and that Axe will do best to match it.

He'll try to gauge how much closer he'll need to be to have Bertrand in range of his bow.

Muun is outside of the camp, so the walls are obstructing the view of anything inside the camp. Muun could potentially try to snipe some of the guards on top of the walls and climb up there himself, but that would require a series of skill checks and attack rolls, including Climb, Stealth, Perception, and attack rolls. It should be pretty easy to hit the guys on the wall if desired, though.

Mike M

Nick N
I can personally guarantee that he will not play fair Val shares with everyone as he rotates his arm about at the shoulder as though loosening up his muscles. That mask almost certainly grants an insurmountable advantage of some sort over any normal combatant, we just don't know what it is. Tarkus' has the best chance since he's wielding a divine armament himself, but... ah hell, stalling for time.

"I didn't realize there was an audition to sign up," Val proclaims loudly as his gaze sweeps across the assembly of Bertrand's followers. "Makes sense, but I probably wouldn't characterize it as a challenge, myself. Me and my friends here, we aren't exactly the sort that harbors the ambition for command, savvy? More content to be the muscle than the brains, you know what I mean? Ever since the Boss got pinched and did his dance from the gallows, we've been in search of a new outfit to sign on to. You've been making waves, got our attention. Thought we'd come check it out."

The disguised swashbuckler pivots on his heel to address the crowd directly. "Though if we be wanting to make a proper sport of things, it don't hardly seem fair to have a go at it as soon as we walk through the gate. As you can see, we've only got the one horse between us, and I'm plum tuckered out from marching all day. Now the half-orc or the metal man would probably be in prime shape to throw down with you right this minute, but if you insist on facing me first, would you be willing to consider a postponement until tomorrow so that I might recouperate? I believe dawn or high noon are the customary times these sort of things are handled."

((Republic of Thieves comes out 10/08/13! Nobody read it so you don't see how I totally rip off Locke Lemora :())
As the number of spectators begins to grow and the cheers/chanting persist, Bertrand lowers his weapon slightly and approaches, speaking to the party quietly enough that the crowd won't hear.

"You understand I can't let you stay here," he explains. "This camp is full of imbeciles and weaklings. You've been here all of ten minutes and already they're looking up to you. It's a direct affront to my authority here whether you're trying or not. If you don't want to fight, this is your one chance to walk away with your lives. I..."

His eyes lock with Val's as he speaks, and he stops talking suddenly. His eyes narrow and he peers closer at Val's face. "Wait... is that....?"

((Val's Disguise check: 31. Bertrand's Perception check: 33.))

He takes another step closer and a sneer of distaste overtakes his features. "I can't believe it," he growls. "You... you are the reason my uncle wouldn't allow me to marry the princess! If it weren't for you, I'd be king by now!"

Even though his face is already red with the mystical tattoo, you can still almost see his cheeks flush with anger. He raises his sword and glares at Tarkus and Jack; Quintus, despite being nearby, doesn't even register on his radar due to his unassuming magical disguise.

"This is between me and your friend here. Either of you try to interfere, and I guarantee that you will be swarmed by my minions. They may not amount to much alone, but I'm sure you realize that you won't be able to take on all of them at once."

He then raises his voice again so that everyone can hear. "Excellent! Let the contest begin!"

He looks at Val with a bloodlust that's almost supernatural, and prepares to attack.

((Val, roll initiative and take your turn. Bertrand is close enough for you to do a full attack without having to even move right now.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I love how these things always blow up in my face. At least if Val dies, I've got something on tap.

Maestro, if you please.))

A smirk plays on Val's lips as he tightens the straps on his new buckler. "Ah, yes," he muses, "I remember you now. You're that fellow leading the escort back to the Keep from the Seminary. My, don't you have a memory for faces? Truthfully, I had hoped you perished in the ambush."

As though a thought suddenly occurred to him, Val glances up and to the side, tapping his finger on his lips. "Oh that's right, there was an ambush now, wasn't there? Seems to me that's more to blame for any reprimand you may have received than anything I may have done. I seem to recall my participation was limited to being tied up in the back of the wagon while armed men were trying to kill us all."

Nobody get involved unless you are sure to land the killing blow, Val shares over the telepathic link. If the Fangs or Hand are anything to judge by, the Mask will lose its sway over their minds with the expiration of the host, which should halt their attack.

I hope.

Val raises his rapier in salute. "En guarde!"

Initiative:  1d20+5=6

Attack 1:  1d20+22=27
Damage:  1d6+17=18

Attack 2:  1d20+17=29
Damage:  1d6+17=21

Attack 3:  1d20+12=21
Damage:  1d6+17=23

((Well this is off to a stellar start. Declaring my +2 dodge bonus on Bertrand because I just remembered that was a thing.))
((He got a 21 on Initiative so he went first.

First attack: 27 to hit. Misses.

Second attack: 16 to hit. Miss.))

Bertrand clumsily heaves the greatsword in two wide arcs in Val's general direction; the savvy swashbuckler easily ducks and sidesteps them in turn.

Val retaliates with three quick stabs of the rapier - stabs which Bertrand has no hope of avoiding. They easily pierce his armor, and to Val's surprise and bewilderment, the tattooed man crumples like a rag doll as blood gushes from the three gory wounds.

"I..." he gurgles, "...You...."

Bertrand promptly dies.

The moment that the last breath of life escapes him, the tattoo fades from his face, and suddenly Val feels as though a knife is carving deeply into his face. The pain is staggering, and he screams in surprise, falling to his knees and clutching to his face.

Tarkus, Jack, and Quintus see the red tattoo inscribing itself relentlessly into Val's face. The whole process takes about a minute, and when it's all over, the pain gradually subsides, and Val suddenly feels.... different.

He immediately notices that he feels stronger and even more confident than usual. He also feels strangely detached from his own morality, though he is self aware enough to realize that there's an outside force affecting his mentality.

He also immediately feels a sense of superiority over the people in the camp, as though it is his place to tell them what to do.

The surrounding crowd cheers, and seems to immediately accept Val as their new Supreme Commander.

((Val gets +4 to Strength and +4 to Charisma, which stacks with any other item enhancements he's currently getting. He also gets the Leadership feat, but that's redundant with the Leadership feat he already has. Also, he feels tempted by an outside force to act Chaotic Neutral, though he is not necessarily forced to do so))


bitch I'm taking calls.
As recognition dawns upon the sneering man, a bead of sweat drips down Tarkus' forehead in anticipation.

'He actually see past disguise!?'

Despite the warnings of the enraged leader, he prepares himself to intervene should the worst occur. As Val's words go unheeded and the enemy's greatsword closes the gap, the warrior grits his teeth when suddenly...

Everything ends before it even begins. In a blur, Val appears to weave inside both reaching strikes and drop the self-proclaimed commander like a sack of potatoes. Blood still glistening on the rogue's blade, Tarkus sees the light in Betrand's eyes fade before he even hits the ground...along with the crimson fist tattoo'd upon his face.

Surprised but somewhat relieved, the half-orc marches forward to congratulate Val on the decisive victory.

"Underestimate your brutal swiftness. Did y-"

Tarkus is cut off as Val crumples to the ground letting out an agonizing scream and clutching his face. Upon his countenance an ethereal force appears to carve out the same blood red tattoo previously fashioned upon Betrand's face.

An imaging of a swaying snake flashing through his mind, Tarkus turns rapidly to elf-Quintus, yelling in alarm.

"Tell others to come! We not know what relic is capable of..."

Mike M

Nick N

There is only pain. Blinding, crippling agony as a phantom knife carves into Val's face, the blade carving deeper than flesh. Deeper than bone. There is a man screaming like an animal in the slaughter house, and Val is dimly aware that it is his own voice.

As though in the distance, Val thinks he can almost hear the sound of someone giggling hysterically at his plight.

Without warning, awareness snaps back into place. There is no lessening or gradual reduction of the pain, just sudden abatement. Val involuntarily gasps for air as he sits up straight, running his hand gingerly over the tattoo he cannot see but knows he wears.

Pulling himself up from the ground, Val marvels how not only has the pain subsided, but that he actually feels more potent than ever before. It's difficult to describe, but he feels... Magnified. As though the divine mark has amplified his innate talents. Bertrand doubtlessly felt these same benefits, but he was an incompetent fool. In Val, the mask has found its true home.

Extending his hands before him, Val squeezes his fists open and shut, the leather of his gloves creaking from the unusual strain of the strength coursing through his fingers now. "Marvelous," he mutters to himself, "simply marvelous."

There is something jabbing him in his pocket. Val fishes out the malfunctioning compass he picked up in the desolate future of Southport and frowns at it. The glass dome has broken in his writhing, the needle that never quite pointed north bent beyond function. With a shrug, he unceremoniously drops the useless navigational tool on Bertrand's corpse. "Someone dispose of this," he commands no one in particular, "But keep the head, I believe our deposed leader had a bounty on him."

Turning to his teammates, Val grins broadly and rubs his hands together gleefully. "That went well, I think!"
((Nice touch. Iseewhatyoudidthere.jpg))

Three of the nearby minions scurry to the body of Bertrand and carry it out of sight, as most of the rest spontaneously break out into celebration, producing canteens of mead, ale, and various other alcohols. A squat, middle-aged fellow approaches Val. "M'Lord," he says, "I was Lord Bertrand's steward and personal assistant. If it please ye, I would be honored to resume my duties under your command. I'm sure the rest of the staff in your personal residence feels the same."
During the time the danger escalated and subsequently, Val's cover was blown, Muun says aloud, "We might need to go in! Now's a good time while they are..." He then winces, any thoughts of pain that might be spoken through the telepathy noticed by him, "Val? What's going on? Val!?"
Don't worry Muun, Val is okay and now has a new tattoo, and what appears to be an entire, very poorly trained and outfitted, army under his control. I think it's okay for you to come in now.


With Tarkus's assurance, Avalyra stays near Muun as the others enter the fort, but she says nothing to the ranger. She pays close attention to the situation with her psicrystal as the trio are welcomed into the fort, and tenses as they are confronted by Bertrand.

As a crowd gathers around and the commander confronts Val, she's wondering whether or not to intervene, but decides against it for now. Let him deal with his own problems, that unhelpful jerk. I would've handled it before anyone even noticed a thing. Still quietly seething, she's caught off guard as combat suddenly breaks out, and finishes.

That's it? she wonders as Bertrand is easily cut down, not immediately noticing Val's affliction. But soon his reaction is unmissaable and she finds herself concerned, then horrified as the tattoo transfers to his face, despite her current animosity towards him. "Val, are you okay?" she asks over their telepathic link.

But as quickly as it starts, Val's pain seems to subside. In fact, it seems to Avalyra that he's rather happy with the new arrangement. She's initially a bit confused as Val gives an order, but when the enthralled begin to pledge to serve him, her fury quickly returns.

"VAL! RELEASE THESE PEOPLE FROM THEIR MENTAL BONDAGE IMMEDIATELY!" Even though her words are transmitted to the others without sound, the full force of her emotions is clearly palpable.

((I think everyone understands the situation, but just to avoid any misunderstanding, I'd like to note that I'm not trying to force a PvP, but given everything that's transpired, there's absolutely no way Avalyra will tolerate simply replacing one mental tyrant with another.))
Also, he feels tempted by an outside force to act Chaotic Neutral, though he is not necessarily forced to do so
((Why do I have the feeling that if I was still playing Sarm that Bertrand would have obviously picked the guy he saw and not the guy it actually was?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
As Val straightens up and begins to speak normally, Tarkus' aprehension subsides. He watches quietly as Bertram's corpse is dragged away by the cheering rabble. Though the half-orc is no stranger to tribal challenges resulting in leadership change, he can't help but feel there is something off by the way the rag tag band have so quickly switched allegiance. Uncertainty lingers at the edges of his voice as he observes the celebrating force.

"All these people still here...under control of relic?"

The immediate danger gone and having seemingly secured another relic, Tarkus is moved to depart.

Mike M

Nick N
((Why do I have the feeling that if I was still playing Sarm that Bertrand would have obviously picked the guy he saw and not the guy it actually was?))

((Nah, Val would have considered that and had Sarm in disguise, or stay behind or something.))

I’m not entirely certain that I can, Val responds to Avalyra’s demand. I’m not actively holding them in thrall to my knowledge. It’s more like… the Mask is a beacon that draws the loyalty of lesser minds. You can’t shut it off, it just attracts those yearning for subservience, longing to be commanded by their superior.

Besides, I’m not entirely sure of the wisdom of immediately cutting them loose anyway. Thanks to Bertrand and whomever came before, these pitiful wretches stand in open rebellion against the throne. They probably lack proper provisions to make a go of things here, they’ve no means to return to their homes, and they’re certain to perish when the Keep next decides to send a detachment this way. Now you might as well come inside, we have much to discuss in how to divest ourselves of our unwanted asset.
Muun and Avalyra are both able to enter the compound with no trouble at all, and soon everyone is present to discuss the situation, and can even find privacy if desired.

((I will also note here that there are no forthcoming plot hooks. It will be up to you guys to figure out where the final relic is located. The information is out there if you look for it in the right places, and at least one of you already knows where it is, even if you don't realize it yet))

Mike M

Nick N
Val does not even deign to wait for Muun and Avalyra to arrive before he sets about the task of winding down the occupation of the fort. In truth, it was difficult to think of it in terms other than it being his fort, since this sorry lot could scarcely be said to be worthy of laying claim to a even a sharecrop, but Val was going to be magnanimous about it. Let the commoners have a piece of his rightful spoils as victor, it’s not as though there’s anything of value to be had here.

But still, it doesn’t hurt to make certain…

Val snaps his fingers and points. “You there, steward,” he addresses the squat man who had approached him after his flawless victory. Val can’t remember his name, exactly. Did he ever know it? No matter, he doubts that he will have need to call him by it. “I will be requiring a great deal of information, I trust you will be able to delegate accordingly?” he asks of the man. Without even waiting for a reply, Val begins a self-guided tour of the compound, walking at a leisurely pace with his hands clasped behind his back as he dictates his requirements to the furiously scribbling steward.

“I will be needing an inventory of our food supplies and sundries, as well as a separate accounting of the material goods and assets we have in our possession. Also, a detailed roster of our residents here will need to be provided to Jack –he’s the one made of metal, he’s got quite the mind for analysis—we’ll need to know names, places of origins, and occupations. I presume Bertrand maintained an officer’s hall of some sort? My companions and I will take our evening meal there as we discuss our next move, please send whomever has been present at this compound the longest to us for an interview. I have need to know what has occurred here prior to my arrival from the perspective of those that witnessed it.”
The mess hall of the compound is in the northeast corner, and there is a dining table reserved for the Commander with enough room for the party to sit and have a surprisingly nice meal, all things considered; roasted venison is served alongside a variety of vegetables, all seasoned by a chef who must know what he's doing.

The steward works closely with Jack to compile a list of names and occupations (there are 114 names total; about half are self-identified as soldiers, and the rest fill various support roles, such as tailor, smith, chef, steward, et cetera), once he fetches the oldest man in camp. A comprehensive list of supplies is also created; these people are very well equipped, and could probably last a long winter here without need of replenishment, even with this many people. The camp has approximately 150,000 gold on hand in the treasury. There are no magic items, but plenty of mundane weapons and armor of all kinds.

"I've been followin' 'round the wearer o' the mask fer decades, I 'spose," the old man toothlessly explains, as the main dish is served. "Lost count o' how many there've been. None of 'em never last too long.

"Lesse... 'fore you, there was Lord Betrand, then 'fore him was Lord Fitz. He was the one who found this old abandoned fort in the middle o' the woods and holed us up here. O'er time, more n' more people found there way here, and I reckon 'fore too long the Keep got wind that we was here. Bertrand came with his Ruby Keep folks n' cleaned us out right good, and then when he killed Lord Fitz, he got the Mask n' decided he'd stay here himself. Lots o' the men he came with stayed with 'em, and the rest was killed. Then you came, and I reckon you know the rest."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus meets Muun and Avalyra at the gate. "Situation change. Seem they are ally and now see Val as commander." He looks to both for their reaction before switching his own mind on to military matters by touring the grounds of the fort.

He observes as intently as possible the rebel's current organization and attempts to discern details of how the troops are organized. Following behind Val & his procession while examining the inner grounds, he thinks of any changes that can be implemented and mulls over the tattoo'd man's new found role.

'If are to continue to defy corrupt throne, will need direction and improvement. But will mask allow Val to journey away without consequence?'

The half-orc pauses by the sparring grounds and watches a while as soldiers practice their dodge, parry and ripostes with various weapons. Joining in wordlessly, he tries his arm against one of the practice dummies, having not had time since reclaiming his bastard sword to practice one-handed combat.

Meeting the party for dinner and discussion of their next move, he presents his opinion as well as his ideas for improving the state of the keep and organization of the troops. Taking a deep drink of ale he clears his throat before offering his conclusion.

"Another force standing against Vecna is advantage to efforts. Especially one this close to Keep. Question remain...how to maintain while also seeking final relic?"

Mike M

Nick N
“Tomorrow, I’ll call an assembly of the peons dwelling here and grant them their agency,” Val announces to the party. “They can choose to remain or depart as they choose, but in either event, I think it’s important that I not remain. The Arm or by proxy the Keep is likely to keep sending people to claim the Mask, and I’d prefer not to be bothered commanding a half-assed militia to fend them off. If I leave, the effect may dissipate and these people can return to their miserable lives free of service to me. “

Val finishes his meal and wordlessly holds his plate out. A nameless bus boy appears and spirits it away from his hand. “We should be prepared though for the phenomenon to repeat itself no matter where we go, however. It’s a curious sensation you know, being the host to a fraction of divinity,” Val expounds. “It’s as though the quarters of my mind has been upgraded to a two bedroom suite, and while the other occupant may be absent, I know what their opinion would be on any given topic.”

A shadow falls over Val’s face as he leans forward to perch his elbows on the oaken table’s surface and rest his chin behind the intertwined knuckles of his hands. “The impression I get from this other occupant is… curious. From what Quintus shared with us about his knowledge of Hextor, I would expect to be overcome with tyrannical impulses and the power to exercise them. But instead I feel as though there is a capricious egotist stowing away in my subconscious. Yes, Avalyra, I realize that in your short time with us that might not appear to be a difference from my usual state of affairs, but I assure you this is… different.”

Val leans back again in his seat and idly begins spinning one of his kukri daggers on the table. “That gets me thinking. The primary effect of the Mask--as near as I can determine--is that it makes me more… well, more me. I seem to just be all around better at all the things I do. Bertrand was a sorry fool; he had these same advantages, but they were ill suited to him. For me, though, it fits like a glove. As though I was always the intended recipient, the destined host for it. With the Mask, I feel as though it and I are two parts of a singular entity made whole.”

Snatching the still-spinning dagger, Val waves his hands in the air and the weapon vanishes, stowed up his sleeve once again. “Which, I wager, is precisely how Bertrand felt when he seized the Mask from Fitz, and how Fitz felt when he obtained it from the host before him. Think about it, how on earth could I have defeated Bertrand so easily if he was wielding even the partial power of a god of war? To hear the old man tell the history of the Mask, I get the impression that it may be a bit more than an inert piece of a god’s essence as most of the other relics have been. I almost think… I think it might be some sort of trap. Right now, I feel positively flush with power, brimming with confidence, and I suspect I will continue to do so until the Mask decides it’s bored with me and craves a new host, at which point it will suddenly deny me its power at the most crucial moment. Much as I believe it did for Bertrand.”

Closing his eyes, the newly branded swashbuckler shakes his head. “None of this makes a damned lick of sense. I feel like I’ve inadvertently been caught up in the prank of a deranged child. What game is Hextor playing at here?”

Speculation about the nature of the mask having concluded, Val moves on to the business of next moves. “We’ve struck decisive blows to the Arm, I suspect at this point they realize their best gambit is to consolidate themselves in the keep and use the Monocle as bait. The Keep is immense though, no telling where they may have it squirreled away. I can think of someone who might know, however. I’d be most interested in talking to this doppelganger of my alter ego. Most interested indeed…”

I’m almost certain I know where the Monocle is, and I don’t think it’s at Ruby Keep : P
Unbidden, a voice speaks directly into your mind, in a manner not unlike the occasion where you bargained with Vecna for the identity of the brother who betrayed you.

While the means of communication is similar, however, the voice itself is not. Whereas Vecna's voice was a secretive, mysterious whisper that left its listener feeling vaguely uneasy, this is a rich, thick, deep voice with a sinister air of menace that is liable to chill you to the bone, even with your newfound confidence.

"I wouldn't be so quick to distrust the gifts I've bestowed upon you, Valgar Fierno," the god intones. "Though you are correct that there is a certain... price that comes along with them. A price that will be paid in blood - whether your blood or someone else's, is for you to decide. But the point is, the choice is yours, and I can promise you that if you were to lose the powers I've granted to you, it will be solely by your own doing.

"But I'm getting ahead of myself. Introductions are in order. I am Hextor, half-brother to Heironeous and god of tyranny. You'll find that I'm far more talkative than many of the other 'gods', if you can call them that, whose essences your minions carry with them. Save, perhaps for Set," and he snickers a bit after he mentions the name, "But I don't blame you for allowing his ramblings to fall on deaf ears.

"I'll let you return to your little pow-wow, but before I do, let me offer a word of advice. Forget this whole silly business with the Treaty of Worms. Use my gifts to conquer your world and rule it with an iron fist. Mold it into your image the way that only a true Fierno can. Vecna's goons are on the ropes - far more than you realize - and now is the time to strike. Crush your enemies before you, and subjugate the rest.

"You are not wrong that this mask was made for you. Bertrand was a fool, as were all others before him. You, however, have potential.

"It's up to you how you use it."
Having made himself inside now, Muun remains quiet for a few moments while listening to Val speculate and become carried away with his new found power to call people peons which seemingly is enough to convince them to do him favors. Celia meanwhile has no intention of letting herself get bossed around by Val.

The old man's story is interesting. It is the classic tale of arrogance and repeated history. It's practically a self-fulfilling prophecy written on the very title page. It seems obvious to Muun with his cynical mindset, "This means that you're next, Val."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus nods grimly. "Glad I did not inherit such relic..." The fighter thinks upon his own carried divine items as he chews a piece of jerky. "Hm. Warrior relic I carry seem satisfied by constant battle." He frowns slightly at his afterlife memory of meeting Eryanthul. "Boot never spoken but likely pleased by many miles we travel...at least hope so."
"Hmm... Well if you want to talk, I think we will have to sneak into Ruby Keep once again. I get the feeling it just became a lot harder to pull off, so perhaps we should just go the more direct approach. Keep the people busy with you, which will certainly provide ways to acquire information, while some of us search for it under cover? No doubt your presence now will prove to be quite the distraction."


((I don't know what to post. Given all the buildup about choice and freedom, and that Avalyra was one step from simply flashing in and destroying Bertrand, consequences be damned, I don't see how she would go along with what Val's doing. She wouldn't even have entered the fort when Val takes over as the new commander.))
((Yeah, a bit at a loss myself, both because of
and because ironically my previous character would have an idea on where to go next, while Muun is pretty clueless.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val just tells everyone he's leaving and they're free to do as they please, and we just skip to everyone returning to the rally point at Alydar?))
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