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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Tarkus will need a Move action to actually take off the boots. He can hand them to Jack or Muun as a free action if he does, though. This is relevant in the event that Tarkus fails his will save versus Slow.

It seems that my latest post is at the bottom of the previous page. Make sure and check that out, because we're in Round 2 now))
Will save: (1d20+17=31)

Removing the rope, Quintus says "Perhaps you didn't spend enough time," as he tosses the rope to Muun (if this somehow won't work, I'll dimension door or teleport it over)"A polymorph spell would have melded the artifacts into my body, making them impossible to remove, at least until I successfully. That's transmutation 101."

((Yep, making fun of the god currently controlling my body. Really making good use of that 27 int.))
((The reason I figured it was a good idea even if he succeeded at his save is because then we could spread out like Jack suggested. Plus Tarkus knows Avalrya best out of us.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus begins to unstrap and pull the relic boots from his feet when he is hit with the rippling of magical slow. His arms begin to addle as he feels a dread leech of pull his body like a thousand weights upon his very bones. Growling, the half-orc grits his teeth, straining with each muscle and every fiber of his being to burst free of its influence.

Will Save vs Slow

1d20+13 → [16,13] = (29)

Tearing free from the effects he completely removes the boots and hands them off to Muun. Without wasting any further time he dashes towards Avalyra and Val. He resists the urge to tear open her satchel himself, instead crouching to her level and looking her in the eyes. He delivers a desperate plea at the end of all things as the armies of gods living and dead, known and unknown continue to marshal in the skies.

"Still call you comrade. Not know your past...but does not matter if you fight for good!"
Muun quickly turns away from Quintis as the spell's effect tries to overtake him. His thoughts become slow for a moment, but then the cloak that he wears begins to glow for a moment, and then he begins to speed up again. He turns and kneels down at Tarkus' feet to grasp his boots, "Just get to Avalrya! I'll pull off the boots as you move!"

With the combined movements they manage to get the boots off quickly, and he immediately works on putting them onto Lucille.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Since taking them is a free action, don't forget to use your other to put the rope on. Also we need the fangs! Does Val still have them?))

EDIT: ((Yeah the rope or cord or w/e is the belt, Quintus threw it to Muun on his turn))

Mike M

Nick N
((The Fangs are in Val's bag. Do the boots free Lucile from her paralysis this turn? That would change Val's actions if it does.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val Will save vs. Slow:  1d20+6=21
Jack Will save vs. Slow:  1d20+4=15

Val Fortitude save vs. Negative Energy:  1d20+11=17

((That reduces Val to 19HP, which actually kind of works out well for this next part...))

Val feels the power of Hextor surge through him once more, though at this point he's not exactly sure how he will be able to apply the effects in a useful manner. It's not as though he has any desire to attack Quintus, and even if he did, Val doubts he would be able to do anything of note to Vecna himself.

His thought process is interrupted as Vecna turns what Val assumes to be but a mere fraction of the dark god's power upon him. The pain is blinding, it feels as though he is being torn apart at a molecular level. He survives the assault though, and abandons his Avalyra to stagger toward Lucille, black flames guttering on his armor, consuming his life force rather than the leather itself. He had hoped to pry the rod from Avalyra if he could not rest her to action, but now he has a more overriding concern.

The distance between Avalyra and Lucille is a short one, but as a man facing a march to his final execution, it seems to stretch on forever. He has an inordinate amount of time to realize how very wrongly he had judged so many things over his life. Up until this very moment, he never stopped believing that some other manner of transferring the tattoo to Lucille would present itself, that it would not require this last step.

"Jack," he says, falling to his knees before the princess, darkness creeping in around the edges of his vision. "The Fangs... Take the Fangs..." Val extends his hands toward Jack, holding the sculpted bone teeth in his palm. Jack nods wordlessly, taking them from Val and placing them in the mouth of the Lucille, her paralysis not quite having waned enough to do it herself.

"Lucille," Val says, turning his gaze toward the princess --was she glowing slightly, or is his vision failing as his life ebbs from him? "Lucille, you have to listen to me, the Mask can only be passed to the person who defeats the previous owner. You have to kill me before Vecna does. Do you hear me, Lucille? You have to kill me."

Val closes his eyes so as best to not see it coming. He only hopes he need not spend too much time in Hextor's domain before his friends can bring him back to this plane. Presuming that it's a possibility at all.

((Val used his actions to move and take out the relic, passing it to Jack would be a free action, Jack used his one action to give it to Lucille))
((Music to go along with Val's turn (I imagine him moving in slow motion as he scrambles across the battlefield): http://youtu.be/1xRCjjiTR7I

Music for this post: http://youtu.be/PNv1OA_2ty0 ))

Lucille looks upon Val with sadness. There is a deep wisdom in her eyes that wasn't there before.

"I know. I'm sorry, Val." She seamlessly transforms the shield into its alternate form and raises the axe overhead with both hands.

With only the slightest beat of hesitation that nonetheless speaks volumes about how much she regrets having to do it, Lucille brings the mystical blade down onto Val's skull, killing him quickly and painlessly.

As he sinks lifelessly to the ground, seemingly in slow motion, the tattoo fades from his face. Unlike last time, no marks appear upon Lucille's face; there is merely a transfer of energy, and the process is complete.

Avalyra seems to get partially snapped out of it by Tarkus. She pulls the Rod of Pelor out of her satchel and shoves it into Tarkus's hands without speaking.

"NO!" Vecna shouts, caught off guard by how ineffective his Slow spell turned out to be ((as was the DM)). "I command you all to stop immediately!"

((Vecna casts Mass Hold Person on Tarkus, Muun, Jack, and Lucille. DC 22 Will save, or you are frozen in place.

Quintus's DC to be able to act goes up to 25 this round.

Val can use this round to tell the story of his death and journey through the Astral Sea, if he'd like.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Heh, I had a lengthy writeup for Val's adventures in the afterlife prepared, but given some plot twists since, I need to do serious revisions.))
((The Dispel works on Jack and Muun, but fails to nullify the hold on Tarkus. Basically this means that Tarkus is the only one who still needs to roll a saving throw; everyone else is good))

Mike M

Nick N
((Does the Dispel remove the Slow status as well? I think Jack was the only one nailed by that.

Though really we're so damned close to wrapping it up, it might not matter.))
Just as Muun picks up the Belt of Ao, he is frozen in place like a statue, forced to watch Lucille and Val agree to conspire his final moments on this plane, forced to watch Lucille begin to walk the same path he does, a path where peace cannot be found; a path that can never be walked back from.

Val's death seems to almost not have happened, the swift motion and the soundless collapse bring a sense of vertigo to the mind, a sense of confusion. Muun doesn't even realize that he is now free of Vecna's hold on his body because of how shaken he is.

Drifting to his knees once more, his voice trembles, "I-is this what it's like to lose a friend..?" He had only known Val for a short time, but only now does he realize how horrible it is to see him die. He had lived his life avoiding companionship knowing that his friends would inevitably die. At least if he died alone he wouldn't abandon anyone.

Having seen Lucille deliver the kill, he thinks of how he tried to stray her from the path, but seeing her true destiny, he says, "I think I realize now.. A hero is only as good as his or her destiny. Heroes don't get to choose who they can or cannot kill.. They don't get to choose when they die.. They just.. are..."

Streams run down the boy's face, but now they are simply stains on a determined face, the same that hides all emotion, as he wraps the Belt around the girl.
((Great story, Mike. I'm going to move things along, in the interest of trying as hard as possible to finish everything up before November, since I know at least one of us is going to try and participate in NaNoWriMo. Sorry to cut you off, Jackben.))

As the axe connects to Val's head, producing a sickening crunch as his skull is penetrated by the supernaturally-sharp edge, Avalyra grows pale. In a flash, she snaps back to full cognizance, and she charges directly at the perished swashbuckler, not even stopping to stand up first.


"NO!" she cries, "I won't lose anyone else!"

The mysterious psion straddles Val's corpse and leans over his head, placing her hands on his cheeks. She closes her eyes, and the two of them are surrounded by a soft, glowing, purple energy.

"Come on, Val... your soul hasn't been gone that long..." she whispers quietly, focusing intently on the task at hand.

"Curious. I am detecting a spike in both psionic and arcane energy signatures in the area surrounding Valgar and Avalyra. I was not aware that such a combination was possible," Jack says, but his observations fall on deaf ears.

With a mighty inhale, Valgar abruptly flings his eyes open to see Avalyra's face hovering uncomfortably close to his. He also feels an excruciating pain at the top of his head, and becomes acutely aware that his brain is still exposed on the other side of his skull.

"I need some help over here, Jack!" Avalyra shouts, her eyes still closed.

The android complies. He immediately kneels down and showers Val with a soothing beam of artificially-produced divine energy, which repairs Val's brain, skull, and the skin around it. Once this happens, Avalyra relaxes, and the purple glow disappears; she gets up and begins to brush herself off.

Meanwhile, Vecna's last-ditch effort to prevent Lucille from getting all the relics is thwarted by some quick thinking by Quintus. As Avalyra and Jack work together to effectively resurrect Val from the dead, Muun hurriedly ties Ao's belt around Lucille's waist, and she strides to the temporarily-frozen Tarkus, acquiring the Rod of Pelor.

Vecna scoffs. "You fools may have doomed us all. If we come out of this alive, I will be back for you." He then leaves Quintus's body entirely.

Lucille erupts into a column of pure divine energy, and a mild shockwave disperses, once again making everyone temporarily lose their balance.


Far off in the distance, three impossibly vast figures begin to materialize. At first it's hard to make out their details because they rapidly blink in and out of existence, but as the seconds tick away, gradually they blink less and less. Soon, they have fully and completely entered the plane of Primaria.



The three of them are all in a row, the first and third standing, and the second airborne. They are all at least a few miles in the distance, but it's hard to determine exactly how far. Each one is well over a mile tall, and somehow the party automatically knows their names.


The harbingers of destruction; the avatars of nothingness. These are the Eldrazi, who normally exist outside the normal bounds of time and space. Now they have manifested in the physical realm, omnipresent and unrelenting. They have already inserted their tendrils into every facet of this world - physically, mentally, metaphysically. The very fabric of reality seems feeble and insignificant in their wake; indeed, the very world itself seems to be glitching, as random fragments of matter are spontaneously appearing and disappearing all around them....

The gods' armies immediately spring to action. Angels, dragons, demons, griffins; soldiers of all shapes and sizes converge on the single greatest threat that the multiverse has ever known. Millions of combatants surge forth in one great, unifying effort to expunge this blight on reality from existence.

The column of light that had been surrounding Lucille dies down, and she stands, reborn ((I'm imagining this picture, except with blonde hair))

She gives Muun the briefest moment of eye contact and a slight nod before taking to the skies in the direction of the Eldrazi, fully prepared to meet her destiny.

((More stuff is going to happen, but I'm pausing here to allow for reactions from the characters, since that's a lot to take in))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's return to the world of the living is heralded by the spasmodic arching of his back and agonal intake of breath as his diaphragm resumes functioning. Wild-eyed and frantic in his momentary confusion, his fingers claw at Jack's armored shoulders. "Gods, what took you so long? Is it over? Did we win?"

Eventually the gears of Val's mind intermesh and resume normal cognitive reasoning. He remembers the briefing on how the passage of time in the Astral Sea was not concurrent with the material plane, how additional measures were taken to prolong his stay further so that he be granted adequate time to complete his mission. From Val's perspective, he's been gone for months, but to everyone else it has been but a moment.

Which means things are much as he left them.

Val gapes in stupefied awe at the battle being waged between the eldritch horrors of the Eldrazi and the armies of the gods. Looking down at the rapier in his hand, it seems comically impotent and useless.

"You should have left me dead," he mutters.
((Oh yeah.... you guys can use this as a pit stop to drink potions, or make other preparations before the next encounter. Obviously there's not time for a rest, though.

I don't remember how Jack's healing ability works off the top of my head, but we'll say he used it once in order to get Val to wake up, so Val has however many HP that would leave him with.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Apologies for not posting sooner, trying to get some new projects going at my job and decided to actually do some work for a change instead of simply browsing GAF all day. Mike, that was truly your magnum opus.))

Unable to shake the god of secret's magic for a second time, ripples of dark energy sweep over the fighter's plated limbs and lock his body in place. Grunting in protest, he is unable to move anything but his eyes. Even Quintus' own magic is rebuffed, sharp electricity of Vecna's magic snapping against the glow of the archmage's Dispel, keeping Tarkus trapped a statue. Eyes wide in horror, he stands a mute witness to Valgar's end by the very axe-blade he so oft wielded against their enemies.

Every one of the rogue's jokes, boastful lies, whining complaints and witty retorts bubbles into Tarkus’ mind at once. Each plan, masterfully conducted or gone slightly or majorly awry played a part in bringing them all this far. Where would they be without the cynical, self-important master thief who stepped up to lead them in Sarm’s wake? Each and every scene replays in his head until the sickening crunch drives them violently from his mind.

A burning and smothering sorrow travels down the warrior’s throat, smoldering in Tarkus’ heart as he watches the rogue crumple to the ground. In his silent prison, he closes his eyes and shakes with emotion.

’Another commander…no, comrade, gone. If what I fight for is what must be sacrificed to fulfill fate, do not know if I am truly strong enough to face destiny...'

The half-orc's painful thoughts are interrupted by Vecna spitting his bitter threat in farewell. Strength returned to his limbs, he rushes to Valgar's side. Standing behind Avalyra, the hope beyond hope materializes in a miracle before his very eyes. As the newly arisen trickster is restored by Jack, Tarkus grips him tightly by the shoulders. Meaning to speak, the warrior finds his voice devoid of the ability to form words. Shutting his jaw tightly against his stammer, he simply nods, seeing in the man's eyes a look of wisdom and depth carried only by those who have experienced the Astral Sea.

- - -

They are unlike anything he has ever seen before, not in the worst of his moments in the swamps of Ravenloft, not in his darkest and most blighted nightmare. That such unseen, unheard and unfelt horrors would have a name he already knows, strikes a dread fear into the core of Tarkus’ soul.

“You should have left me dead.”

Val’s tireless cynicism pulls the warrior out of his fear long enough to witness Lucille fly off to do battle with three heralds of the void. As each army tears through the sky to meet the trio of destruction, Tarkus eyes fall upon the tragedy playing out on a much smaller scale. The traditionally stoic ranger’s tear stained face appears to look not upon the Eldrazi so much as the fading figure of the princess disappearing into the sky.

Gritting his teeth, Tarkus digs into his haversack and retrieves a plated pair of boots and two bottles of Cure Serious wounds and a Potion of Heroism. He shoves the potions into Valgar’s hands and begins to suit up into the boots himself. “Drink up. Death itself may cease to exist if we do not move."

Once his feet are snug and secure in his boots, Tarkus looks to Avalyra and Jack. "Your crystal can see above treeline? Jack, can coordinate with her to track best path to..." he hesitates to use their names despite his knowledge "our enemy?"

Turning to the archmage he asks Quintus if Vecna is completely gone before pointing to the titans battling in the sky. "You know of any thing they weak to?"

Finally, he stops and approaches Muun cautiously. Handing the ranger a potion of heroism, he simply stands next to him in silent respect for a moment before speaking.

"We have all seized our fate. Erasing those...things…is all that stands between us and fulfilling our destiny.”

((3 Potions of Cure Serious should heal 111 HP out of combat, potion of heroism gives +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls, saves and skill checks for 4.5 hours))
((Guys, just let me use my Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. 2d8 + 2 is good for out of battle healing, but not for spending a turn on in battle when we take hundreds of damage now. We need to save our good healing abilities for in-battle.))
They haven't even started yet and they are already down a man and he can't even blame Vecna for it... then suddenly Avalyra finally steps up and joins the party, bringing Val back from the dead. Quintus knew there was a reason they kept her around. He holds his cheers for now though, expecting things to only get worse. Not to surprisingly, whats something dangerous actually shows up, Vecna takes his leave, so that their little group can face these monstrosities alone... well, they have a little help from the army of angels and demons and... whatever Lucille is now. Really regretting not being able to find a way too safely combine the relics powers himself, that looks awesome.

Tarkus then speaks up, ending the wizards inner monologue, and he responds "Yeah, Vecna left to go save his own ass, probably hiding in a bunker with the other gods who aren't here. As for what those things are, unless the gods I just insulted see fit to give me some divine inspiration, we are gonna have to play this one by ear... Fortunately! Our friend Gray Matter here is really good at that. On occasion." and passes a potion of Protect from Evil to Val as he says that, "This is no use to me, but perhaps you can figure something out." He then pulls out a potion of heroism and downs it. Heading back over to Tarkus, he gives him a pat on the back, granting him the effects of Greater Heroism and says "After all the crap we've been through, we're not gonna let a couple of jerks with tentacles scare us. We even got some help, lets just hope they don't get in our way."

Walking out in front of the group, Quintus pulls out a rod of Quicken magic and waves it around. "Tonight, we show everyone in all the known planes, and more important, the ones outside of them, why no one fucks with Primaria."

The wizards also hopes Ava isn't reading his mind, least she discover him repeating the phrase 'We are so dead' to himself.

((i hope this battle begins soon because greater heroism is only minute per level(though 17 minutes will probably do the job anwyays)))
Muun can only stand and watch as Lucille's eyes turn away from him and venture into the future which he is not allowed to follow. His mind can only think of his own instructor, his personal hero leaving that one final day and turning her back on him, only to never return from duty that fateful moment. The boy then had stood alone, feeling abandoned. All of these feelings that he thought he had overcome are starting to return to him...

But quickly subside as he feels the mighty presence stand beside him. Today is different, he was not abandoned. He was left in good care this time with allies that are like family to him. Drawing his bow finally, the deadly archer responds to the towering hero, "It's not our destiny. It's Lucille's. But whatever happens, we're going to be in it together. I chose to stand with you back when, and not even death has made me want to leave. I have learned that conflict exists even between living beings. I have learned the horrors of killing another man... but evil has made a grave mistake today." The bow in his hand then lights one of the arrows he has alit, "Evil chose not to be human today."

Pulling out the Happy Stick, Muun lets Val walk to him, "I wish you had stayed dead. I started to cry manly tears for you. I made a promise, remember? If I died, I am taking you all with me. I would hope you do the same for me."

((I have two wands, one fully charged and another with 41 charges. The healing for the less charged one would be 21 hit points of recovery for each use.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Seems like good "Heroes rallying for the final battle" music. I guess Val is Flash?))

Val feels his splitting headache ((yuk yuk)) abate as Muun's rod works at maximum capacity to knit his sundered flesh back together, stowing Tarkus's potion in the haversack so that they may be available as needed. He's suddenly acutely aware that he misses Sarm.

Taking Quintus's and Tarkus's potions, he holds them aloft. "Cheers!" he beams gaily before guzzling them down in quick succession. "Ah," he sighs in satisfaction as he wipes his mouth. "I've already died once today, and I pissed off entirely too many gods while I was out, so let's try not to let that happen again, hm?"

Jack stares at the horizon --or would, if it were possible to see through the battle, calculating his odds and probabilities. He starts radiating a glowing blue vapor that seems to condense and hover an inch above the surface of his armor. Drawing his sword, he starts to flicker in and out of sight, as though he can't decide what plane of existence he resides in. "The chances of our success are minute," he advises. "I calculate a probability of zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero--"

"We didn't come all this way," Val interrupts, "to sit on the sidelines and let a little girl fight our battles for us." Striding to the edge of the clearing, Val activates his own ring of blinking, flickering in the same manner as Jack. Banging his rapier on his buckler, Val assume's a fencer's salute. "En guarde!"

((Jack using Shield and Mage Armor, Val drinking Potions of Heroism and Protect From Evil))

((Every time I read the story of Val in the Astral Sea, I see new mistakes : ( I did not proofread it very well post-revision after I changed a bunch of stuff...))

As the party begins to move, they witness from afar the first counter-attack of the three Titans. Each of them simultaneously emit a pulse from all directions that completely vaporizes every living thing within a hundred feet of them; the reverberations of that pulse carry outward and cause an erratic rumbling of the terrain that doesn't really stop.

Immediately more troops swoop in to fill the void left by those that were destroyed; just as quickly there is another pulse of annihilation, obliterating them just the same.

After the fourth iteration of this pattern, every member of the party suddenly feels Emrakul looking directly at them, and through them, and within them, simultaneously. The creature has no eyes, yet there is a sense of complete and unavoidable violation of the mental, the physical, and the spiritual.

This doesn't deter the party from continuing, though, and they surge forward. After a few more yards of progress, six humanoid figures spontaneously appear in their path, just as they exit the Worm Woods.

The Six Fiends


The sixth is a female figure that looks uncannily similar to Avalyra, but she's slightly taller, human rather than Elan, and is wearing a frightening purple dress, decorated with skulls, bones, and various other disembodied parts.

The real Avalyra scowls. "I need to take care of that one alone," she says solemnly, and breaks off from the rest of the group; her doppelganger obliges, and follows her to duel elsewhere.

The five remaining figures are real. They are not illusions, but they look markedly different than the men and woman that the party remembers. It's as though they've been brought here from alternate realities, summoned forth by the Eldrazi to keep the party distracted (or possibly to just outright kill them).

These twisted versions of the party's former allies have no honor and no virtue. In their eyes can be seen a menacing glimmer of cruelty, and it's clear that there will be no reasoning with these perversions.

"Well now, Kaff!" Ivor says, and his voice is unhinged, "Looks like we get to settle our score after all!" There is an unsettling, reckless abandon to his mannerisms; he is strapped with various weapons, any of which he could easily access, like knives, a crossbow, and a number of bottles and vials filled with varying liquids.

Suvne, who is wearing black angular armor and a necklace made of human fingers, sports an evil grin. "You'll all be slaughtered in the name of Lord Sarm." She brandishes an obsidian longsword.

Sarm, though still dark-skinned, is markedly larger than his Pelor-worshiping counterpart. Jowls hang from his cheeks, and he wears fine linens of exquisite craftsmanship. He carries a golden, diamond-encrusted scepter. "Yes, Suvne, bring these fools to their knees and honor me in your service."

This version of Evaneth seems to have fully embraced his monk side, and says nothing; he merely cracks his knuckles and enters a battle stance.

Bones, who is feral, dirty, in deep camouflage. and almost difficult to recognize through his face paint, simply strings up his bow and prepares to fire.

((The five of them are standing in a line, with about 5 feet separating one from the next.

Roll Initiative and begin battle. If anyone beats a 20, you guys will go first (and they rolled pretty poorly, fyi). If not, then they will go first and it's possible that some of your turns might not work, but we'll cover that if it comes up. For now, just take your turn normally and it'll be sorted out later))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Initiative: 1d20+6 → [16,6] = (22)

Incensed with a white hot fury at the perverse alternative realities of one of his most respected friends, Tarkus rushes forward to put an end to this sight before it can even begin to manifest against them. With Perun in hand the warrior grips its enchanted hilt tightly and charges forward, swinging the axe in a sweeping arc towards at the torso of evil Sarm.

Attack vs Nega Sarm
1d20+31+4 → [20,31,4] = (55)

Crit confirm: 1d20+31+4 → [1,31,4] = (36)

Regular Damage + 2d8 Holy: 1d12+20.5+2d8 → [1,20.5,5,2] = (28.5)

((Assuming Sarm is evil here, if not remove the 7 holy damage so 21.5))
Init: (1d20+10=11)
((thank you tarkus))

"Heh. Are they trying to slow us down! They are actually afraid of us! Hahaha!" The archmage crackles as he casts a quickened haste on his friends(preferably before Tarkus charges in hopefully) and slow on the nega party(DC 21 will).
((INTERRUPT: Evil Sarm uses a feat to expend a Turning attempt in order to try to counterspell Haste as a swift action.

Caster level check: 13 on the die + caster level + bonuses = 33, which will successfully counter Haste.

Will saves vs Slow:

Sarm: 19 on the die + 21 = 40
Suvne: 18 on the die + 23 = 41
Bones: 19 on the die (uh... wow) + 14 = 33
Ivor: 4 on the die + 12 = 16, so Ivor is slowed
Evaneth: 8 + 22 = 30

I'll incorporate the flavor text behind this into my writeup for the bad guys' turns.

For clarity's sake: Val, Jack, and Muun still need to go this round, and they are NOT hasted))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oh shit, I totally didn’t level up beyond HP. I don’t think I even added equipment, argh. Lemme take care of that… Anyone else going to retroactively forego the ring of blinking beyond Tarkus and presumably Avalyra? The more potions, the better...

Alright, I’ve updated the character sheets. With Jack using Shield and Mage Armor, he has an additional +8 bonus to AC.))

“Kaff?” Val says questioningly as he reaches into his pouch and remove the Ioun Stone his brother Valdemar gifted him. “What do you mean ‘Kaff?’” Released from his grasp, the rosy crystal begins a slow orbit around his head, and Val finds that he has an inexplicable hunch as to what Ivor might do next. “We went over this, Ivor, you were there when I revealed myself and my intentions.” Drawing his rapier, he approaches the dwarf who has clearly been driven mad. “In Ruby Keep 'Val Fierno' is a legendary name, probably a generation of two from being considered a minor godling or something by the street folk,” he begins to narrate from rote. “To hear them tell it, Val Fierno is some ageless shape changer of immense power, able to—“

Val’s progress is halted by Jack’s arm across his chest. “Valgar, I believe it would be unwise for you to engage this opponent. His statements would indicate that he is familiar with your fighting techniques, while you are unfamiliar with this particular incarnation of Ivor Fireheart. He would hold the advantage.”

“Are we certain it’s not some illusion?” Val asks. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve encountered foes impersonating familiar faces that got the details wrong.”

“These are corporeal beings,” Jack confirms, “apparently drawn from alternate versions of our own plane of existence to impede our progress. This would seem to confirm the Tegmark multiverse hypothesis, and would also indicate that the Eldrazi incursion is a nexus point between infinite planes of existence, happening colocally in every possible universe simultaneously. It is a fascinating phenomenon to observe first hand.”

“Why go through the trouble?” Val questions. “What hope have we against something like that?”

“I would expect because they know something that we do not, and are willing to intercede personally in our affairs to prevent our success.”

“Are… are you saying that they’re afraid of us?”

“I am saying that they are exercising rational caution. Warning, I predict with a 98.678% certainty that Ivor Fireheart is about to attack.” True to Jack’s prediction, Ivor lunges forward with a lunatic grin, but his blow passes through Val with no effect as the swashbuckler shifts to the ethereal plane at an opportune moment.

“Jack, let us trade dance partners. You take care of this twisted version of our friend Ivor, I will go for…” Val does a quick visual scan of the field of combatants, but does not find any particular foe to his liking. “Oh hells, I’m going for Suvne.”

Jack rushes towards the mad dwarf, aiming a swing of his greatsword toward Ivor’s midsection in the hopes of doing as much damage to his malign equipment as much as to his body.

Jack Attack:  1d20+20=38
Damage:  2d6+15=21
Percentage to hit: 95
((My understanding is that blink only has a 20% failure rate))

Val strides towards Suvne, and finds that the Ioun Stone seems to give him a bit of insight into her actions as well. “My lady!” he calls to gain her attention. “Shall we dance?” Without waiting for reply, he lunges as though to strike, baiting a parrying blow from the dark paladin. Instead, he twists at the last moment and diverts his blade to act as leverage to pry her longsword from her hand.

Val Improved Disarm Attempt:
Attack:  1d20+28=41
Percentage to hit:  73

((INTERRUPT: Evil Sarm uses a feat to expend a Turning attempt in order to try to counterspell Haste as a swift action.
((Remember, we divvied up nauseating poisons! Casters always fuck our shit up!))
((If Muun wanted one then he got one, yeah. I think each party member got one vial if I recall correctly.

Tarkus already beat the 20 on initiative so you all go first regardless. If it had actually beena tie though, it's based on who has the highest dexterity))

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative (1d20+7=20) ((How does that work?))

((I should clarify with Val and the DM, Muun has a Blink ring, right? Also, Val who all took the vials? I never bothered ot make arrows from them since I think people wanted to use them.))
((I had gold enough to buy everyone a ring, so yeah, Muun's got one. As for the vials, to my recollection Muun got them from the first ninja, but since it would only good for the next couple shots and there was a risk of the user poisoning themselves, it wasn't used. Then after the second attack, we had enough for everyone to be packing on in case of emergency.))
((Ah, so everyone should have one vial each?

Also, Clerics, unlike Wizards have very good Fortification saves (being bulky and tanky casters is kinda the appeal) so trying that trick might not work too well either way.))
Full Attack w/ Rapid Shot (BAB, -2 Rapid Shot Penalty, +2 Morale) (1d20+13+2=16, 1d20+13+2=30, 1d20+8+2=28, 1d20+3+2=17) ((I forgot to add my Dex and Enhancement Bonus again, that's actually 27, 41, 39, and 28))
Percentage Rolls (1d100=39, 1d100=78, 1d100=22, 1d100=91) ((Fourth misses))
Damage Rolls (3 Str, 4 Enhancement, 1d6 Fire) (1d10+3+4+1d6=14, 1d10+3+4+1d6=13, 1d10+3+4+1d6=10)

Muun silently holds up his bow in return, deciding that along with everyone else, chooses Bones as the most fitting opponent for himself to fight. The bane of existence taken form must have heard his little snide comment on how evil chose to present himself today.. instead they only managed to present itself as a mockery of man which is not good enough to dampen Muun's killing mood.

The vile perversions of the human body that he sees before him are not unlike what tends to happen to a man when he gets turned to darkness or become the undead.. except at least Vampires still look deceptively similar to humans. These people before him make no effort to hide their true nature, only making it easier to focus.
((Suvne rolls a 38 on her Opposed Attack Roll, dropping her weapon.

Tarkus's critical is NOT confirmed; 36 misses Sarm's AC.

Jack misses Ivor due to the 20% miss chance. When rolling percentage dice, a low roll is good for the one rolling and a high roll is bad for the one rolling.

Muun, your first attack misses because of AC. Please list your Fire damage separately from the arrows, because there's Fire Resistance at play in this battle. For this round I'll average it out to 3 per hit.

Sarm five-steps away from Tarkus and casts Recitation. He and Suvne get +3 to Attack and Saving Throws; Bones, Ivor, and Evaneth get +2 to same; all party members get -2 to attack and saving throws.

Suvne uses a Move action to pick up her sword and attacks Val, using Smite Good against him. 55 vs AC and 40%. Val takes 31 damage.

Ivor Tumbles away from Jack and moves away, ducking behind a tree to drop out of sight and hide.

Evaneth moves to Muun and attempts to initiate a Grapple (he has Improved Grapple, so there is no Opportunity Attack). 38 vs Touch AC; 22%. Grapple check: 33.

Bones uses Multishot against Quintus, firing four arrows at once. 34 vs AC and 13% will hit for 13 damage; 39 vs AC and 90% will miss; 28 vs AC and 57% will miss; 40 vs AC and 87% will miss. Bones then uses a Move Action to get cover behind a different tree than Ivor ducked behind. Bones is NOT trying to hide, though.))

Pandemonium erupts as the two parties clash. Tarkus makes the first overture, powering forward and tearing ferociously into the gluttonous cleric; though his aim is true, Sarm's armor is far more effective than the half-orc expected, blunting much (but not all) of the impact. Sarm reacts by stepping back and chanting a profane prayer, creating an aura of menace around the battlefield which emboldens his allies and makes it difficult for the party to focus.

Quintus attempts to give his own party a boost, but to his complete surprise, when he casts Haste, an unholy symbol around Sarm's neck glows a blackish-purple color, and neutralizes the arcane energies released by the Haste spell. "Your heresy will not go unpunished, wizard," Sarm warns him from across the battlefield.

Rather than be baited by his apparent nemesis, Val instead opts to pick on the girl, successfully poking the fearsome black longsword out of Suvne's hand.

Unfortunately for Val, Suvne is every bit as well trained as her Pelor-devout counterpart, catching the sword before it even lands and whirling around to slice into the swashbuckler without missing a beat. Val feels a supernatural malignance radiating from the blade. "I'll not be hobbled so easily, you lawless renegade," she grumbles.

Muun unleashes a rapid succession of enchanted arrows at Bones. The first is successfully dodged; the next two graze the elf, but don't appear to burn him at all; the fourth phases out of reality at an inopportune time and misses him entirely.

The silent monk Evaneth blindsides Muun, sauntering up and attempting to put him in a great big bear-hug. Bones, seeing that his previous target now has his hands full, takes aim at Quintus, letting four arrows fly at once; however, Quintus's etherealness manages to save him three out of four times, and he only suffers a glancing blow from one of them. Bones ducks behind cover, trying to make it more difficult for anyone to counterattack him.

Ivor, having been the only one afflicted by Quintus's Slow spell, braces for impact as the android barrels toward him, and grins maniacally when Jack's longsword passes right through him. "Gotta run! Ta-ta for now, you overgrown rust-bucket!" Ivor scampers away, retreating from sight behind another tree, presumably to regroup.

((Everyone make a Perception check to see if you can spot Ivor, DC 45. A Natural 20 will spot him regardless, so you should still roll even if your bonus wouldn't cover it. Begin Round 2.

The brown circles are trees.
Perception: (1d20+11=17)

Quintus points and a quickened ball of quickened fire explodes near Sarm, trying to get as many enemies in range for it as possible(aim for Eva over Bones if I have to chose one), using his Mastery of Shaping to avoid his allies, and repeating that process as he faces his palm outward covering the battlefield with prismatic spray.

Fireball(DC 20); Miss chance(if it applies): (10d6=48, 1d100=74)

P. Spray: (1d8=6, 1d8=1, 1d8=6, 1d8=2, 1d8=7)
Eva 6 Indigo: Insane, as insanity spell (DC 24 Will negates)
Sarm 1 Red: 20 points fire damage (DC 24 Reflex half)
Sauve 6 Indigo: Insane, as insanity spell (DC 24 Will negates)
Bones 2 Orange: 40 points acid damage (DC 24 Reflex half)
Ivor 7(if he is actually somehow in range)Violet: Sent to another plane (DC 24 Will negates)

Miss chance for P. Spray if it applies: (1d100=93)
((...Personally I always went with low rolls being fails in my games. Oh well.))
((Just to confirm, Prismatic Spray has no effect due to the 93% roll.

Fireball saves:

Sarm: d20 + 10 = 25. Sarm takes 24 damage.
Bones: d20 + 22 = 33. Bones takes no damage thanks to Evasion.
Suvne: d20 + 16 = 33. Suvne takes 24 damage.
Evaneth: d20 + 19 = 34. Evaneth takes no damage thanks to Evasion.

Ivor is out of range.

Also Quintus, take 4 more damage because I forgot to factor in Bones's Favored Enemy bonus on the one hit he scored))

Mike M

Nick N
((Val and Jack didn't make the Perception check, but I'll hold off in case anyone rolls a natural 20 and can point Ivor out))
((Muun bought a ring of Freedom of Movement for this very reason, and is wearing it and the Ring of Blinking for this battle. Evaneth's grapple should fail right?))
((Muun bought a ring of Freedom of Movement for this very reason, and is wearing it and the Ring of Blinking for this battle. Evaneth's grapple should fail right?))

((Oh. Okay, then yes, the grapple automatically fails. I wasn't even considering that you had that ring, which I guess is fine, because Evaneth wouldn't have known either))

Mike M

Nick N
((I missed it before, but blinking counts as attacking as an invisible creature, so we get +2 to our attack rolls and opponents are denied their Dex bonus to AC. Doesn't affect Val and Jack's attack, not sure how it would have changed Muun's.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Tarkus rolled only 15 on his perception check. Horrible night to have a blink ring so far. But I've got a plan to deal with Sarm at least.))
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