bitch I'm taking calls.
As the four gathered orc heroes stand back from their huddle, Tarkus nods. "We shall stand against the tides of darkness." The self-appointed Warband Commanders separate to see to their tasks.
Mind Commander Reeta:
The burly half-orc grins, her sharp white teeth flashing before the crowded masses. She laughs with a savage glee, before donning her black metal helm set with a purple feather plume. Blessed with a mind as tough as her hide, the female half-orc from the arena held a fierce and tactical intellect. What's more, she got on surprisingly well with Barog. Their chemistry would prove essential in the battle to come.
As Reeta gathers the forces of the warband into rank, Barog barks at two orcs dragging a set of massive clay jugs. "SOMETHING NEED DOING, THIS WAY!"
Body Commander Barog:
Moving from person to person, Barog sets each jar before his subject and dips his hands deep into the swirling liquids inside. With one color to each hand, he splashes tribal designs onto the faces and bodies of all present. As he steps back from painting red around Tarkus eyes and black around his neck and head, he laughs in response to Tarkus question. "Black and crimson. Black from the ashes we come and leave in our wake. Crimson for the blood we make and blood we take!"
Soul Commander Martok:
As the others rush to finish preparations, Martok accepts his face paint with a solemn nod. Though primarily a merchant, the fighting spirit was far from lost on him. He grunts as he ties a ceremonial set of worn leather war drums securely to his chest. The instrument of war secured onto its leather harness, Martok slams his hands against them in rhythm. The pound of each drum reverberates clearly and powerfully through the ears and hearts of all present.
Track 1
"We must attend soon. The golden one's shelter wanes and the ancient one wakes."
Martok's finger points to the shimmering dome which covers the makeshift army brought to the battlefield by Sarm & the celestials. It can be seen to flicker and fade, the glow of the barrier giving way to the dark clouds above. Further afield, Emrakul's tentacles thrash, his body undergoing a transformation of some kind as the ground begins to shake.
Stepping forth, the three commanders of mind, body and soul stand behind Tarkus in a semi-circle as the half-orc addresses the assembled warband in all their painted glory.
"Throm'-Ka. Aka'magosh, Hra kal Trk'hsk!
"Gol'Kosh, mag'har mog cha."
"Lok-Regar, tunar gar'mak un Dae'mon!"
"Toa Ogar tok'shana..."
"Nagran o Oshu'Gan, Lak'na await!"
"Targoth ogar Gruumsh, Lok'tar vadnor ashar!"
"Lok-Narash, chkra o chkras! Nada Lohn'goron ashar!"
Track 2
The assembled horde erupts in to a fierce battlecry that shakes the very foundations of the crumbling earth. As they prepare to march forward the cacophony of their roar is cut short as a severed tendril slams against the shimmering barrier, shattering their temporary sanctuary completely. Watching as a pegasus knight swoops over his head to zap the flailing appendage into ash, Tarkus yells to the group. "The others have begun their strike! SKIRMISHERS! CHARGE!"
Barog is the first to strike, throwing a spear with all his might into one of many fiendish, lidless eyes that float around the battlefield. As it explodes into purple blood and gore, the orcs around him cheer and are incensed. Each of Barogs subsequent victories embolden his champions as they strike at Emrakuls tentacles and birthed abominations, their savage strength dominating the battlefield.
Moving forward with his own band of agile warriors, Tarkus response crew is successful in quickly forcing the attention of the enemy. A creeping feeling in the back of Tarkus mind tells him they are only successful in holding Emrakul's minions interest because Emrakul himself still holds a connection to his mind...a remnant perhaps from when his memories were stolen earlier. Roaring in fury, he banishes such thoughts with the splattering of body and blood of his enemy. Roaring, he leads a charge towards an armored slug creature. Parrying the strike of one of its claws, he leaps forward and with a mighty cleave rends the creature in two.
As the rest of his orcs move out to engage the creature in its dying throes, Tarkus rushes toward Reeta as she calls his name. She waves him over to the dirt mound where she has laid out a rough cloth map of the terrain using Barogs ink. You look pleased with yourself, brother. Perhaps you do not see what I see.
Her finger taps a black sphere near the red diamond that depicts Emrakul. There is our real target. Your comrades already engage with three others. Looking up from the map, there turns out to be a horrid perversion of existence Floating in a putrid cloud, what appears to barely resemble a humanoid head screams, its shout painful and piercing. Suspended by some foul magicks and bleeding tentacles, gleaming spikes line the gaping maw of its mouth, black foam gushing forth from within. A purple glow emanates from the otherwise empty sockets where the eyes should be.
Spotted the bugger sprouting during yer speech Reeta continues. Tarkus grows pale as he watches several warriors dissolve in the black foam, their bones frozen into twisted black statues in the ground. Reeta laughs, clapping him on the back. Methink you talk too much for half-orc blood, brother!
Track 3
Before he can reply, she draws a longsword and raises a blue shield high above her head. A strike of lightning comes down from the clouds overhead and hits the shield, surrounding it with a static glow of electricity. Now the real fight shall begin! Sporting a devilish smile, Reeta rushes towards where Barog stands with his champions.
Together they lead a charge straight for the beast, while Martoks song-hastened warriors continue to march the long way around. The beat of the drum emboldens those around the wise orc, and they tear their own path towards where they hope to flank the head of beast. Chanting a song of battle the entire unit breaks out in a song, their voices piercing the den of battle. Rakula, undio, garrosh serra vencido!
Calling the last of the orc forces forward, Tarkus raises his axe Perun and points it toward where a division of Ruby Keep soldiers has been pinned. TO BATTLE! he roars, running alongside them to cut a path of destruction through the Eldrazi menace.
Ears ringing and eyes covered in paint, sweat and blood, Tarkus drags himself through the charred earth, dirt and dust. Pulling himself up onto a rock, he coughs uncontrollably. "Raaargh!" Fear gripping his mind, he spits in his hand and checks the liquid in his palm with nervous eyes. It is bloody, but there is no purple matter or movement. Momentary relief floods through him as he tries to regain his bearings by recalling what has just occurred.
Track 4
Reeta & Barogs headlong charge was more successful than they had planned. Too successful. Fearlessly climbing the tentacles of the beast itself, Barog found that it could not spray the black foam at those nearest to it without harming itself. By channeling the thunder of her enchanted shield against creature, Reeta & her ranged forces were able to tear into the beast long enough for Barogs champions to venture close. By the time Martoks hastened warriors joined the fray the floating head of Emrakul was already grounded.
That was when it happened. Before the final blow was struck, the creature tore open a portal in time, a rend in the very fabric of reality. Those who were sucked within simply disappeared, lost into whatever abyss it had opened. Others around it were slowed, or frozen entirely. Tarkus himself pushed through, towards the swelling and engorged forehead of the creature. With a final decisive blow, the engorged portion of the creature ruptured, the head exploding and spraying all those around with a dark and purple goo.
Though the portal was gone and the creature moved no more, the screams it left in its wake were far, far worse. The goo somehow affected those it touched, sloughing the skin of its victims. Those affected fell to the ground in agony before their remaining bone and flesh were twisted into some hideous abomination that had to be put down by their own allies. It began when the whites of your eyes turned black, or your blood or spit began to squirm with parasites.
This was what Tarkus had feared, but what had not come to pass. At least not yet
Track 5
Dragging Martoks body, Tarkus finally collapses on the hill where their assault first began. To him it is a miracle the four had survived at all, though some may not live to see their fruits of their victory. They had taken down one head and aided in the defeat of another, but the price was dear. A mere seven of the forty-four who had pledged against Emrakul remained. Though only a few lives in the face of existence, all were heroes without parallel in Tarkus eyes.
Martoks drums lay torn and broken, the orc himself unconscious, breathing was shallow and uneven. The shaman attending to him would not answer when Tarkus asked if he would yet live. Nearby Barog roared in pain as he clutched the stump where his right arm used to be. Still alive, but weighed by the knowledge that only one of his champions yet lived. The rest were claimed, most by brutal deaths at the hands of their brothers after the infected substance had transformed their bodies.
Tarkus sits up and unstraps his gauntlets. Though her helm had been torn off and her face was covered in blood, Reeta was still thinking, moving quickly to burn and cauterize Barogs wound. Tarkus prays the others have not paid as gruesome a price, though he can both see and hear the battle wages on in the distance. As they wait for news and healing from the other groups, Tarkus pries his cracked breastplate from his chest, tossing it aside. He instructs the remaining two able-bodied orcs to watch over the other commanders.
Hefting Perun, he walks bare chested into the ash and fog, to re-unite with his friends and set an end to this war, once and for all.
Mind Commander Reeta:

The burly half-orc grins, her sharp white teeth flashing before the crowded masses. She laughs with a savage glee, before donning her black metal helm set with a purple feather plume. Blessed with a mind as tough as her hide, the female half-orc from the arena held a fierce and tactical intellect. What's more, she got on surprisingly well with Barog. Their chemistry would prove essential in the battle to come.
As Reeta gathers the forces of the warband into rank, Barog barks at two orcs dragging a set of massive clay jugs. "SOMETHING NEED DOING, THIS WAY!"
Body Commander Barog:

Moving from person to person, Barog sets each jar before his subject and dips his hands deep into the swirling liquids inside. With one color to each hand, he splashes tribal designs onto the faces and bodies of all present. As he steps back from painting red around Tarkus eyes and black around his neck and head, he laughs in response to Tarkus question. "Black and crimson. Black from the ashes we come and leave in our wake. Crimson for the blood we make and blood we take!"
Soul Commander Martok:

As the others rush to finish preparations, Martok accepts his face paint with a solemn nod. Though primarily a merchant, the fighting spirit was far from lost on him. He grunts as he ties a ceremonial set of worn leather war drums securely to his chest. The instrument of war secured onto its leather harness, Martok slams his hands against them in rhythm. The pound of each drum reverberates clearly and powerfully through the ears and hearts of all present.
Track 1
"We must attend soon. The golden one's shelter wanes and the ancient one wakes."
Martok's finger points to the shimmering dome which covers the makeshift army brought to the battlefield by Sarm & the celestials. It can be seen to flicker and fade, the glow of the barrier giving way to the dark clouds above. Further afield, Emrakul's tentacles thrash, his body undergoing a transformation of some kind as the ground begins to shake.
Stepping forth, the three commanders of mind, body and soul stand behind Tarkus in a semi-circle as the half-orc addresses the assembled warband in all their painted glory.
"Throm'-Ka. Aka'magosh, Hra kal Trk'hsk!
Well met. Blessing to all who attend, for the blood we soon shed!
"Gol'Kosh, mag'har mog cha."
By my axe, the uncorrupted stand tall.
"Lok-Regar, tunar gar'mak un Dae'mon!"
By our order, we shall bring anguish to the Demon!
"Toa Ogar tok'shana..."
Though many deaths will come...
"Nagran o Oshu'Gan, Lak'na await!"
The domain of winds and mountain of spirits, the lands of our people, await!
"Targoth ogar Gruumsh, Lok'tar vadnor ashar!"
Now Gruumsh has fallen, we bring a new strength of our own!
"Lok-Narash, chkra o chkras! Nada Lohn'goron ashar!"
Arm yourselves, brothers and sisters, for they shall sing tales of the glory of our battle!
Track 2
The assembled horde erupts in to a fierce battlecry that shakes the very foundations of the crumbling earth. As they prepare to march forward the cacophony of their roar is cut short as a severed tendril slams against the shimmering barrier, shattering their temporary sanctuary completely. Watching as a pegasus knight swoops over his head to zap the flailing appendage into ash, Tarkus yells to the group. "The others have begun their strike! SKIRMISHERS! CHARGE!"
Barog is the first to strike, throwing a spear with all his might into one of many fiendish, lidless eyes that float around the battlefield. As it explodes into purple blood and gore, the orcs around him cheer and are incensed. Each of Barogs subsequent victories embolden his champions as they strike at Emrakuls tentacles and birthed abominations, their savage strength dominating the battlefield.
Moving forward with his own band of agile warriors, Tarkus response crew is successful in quickly forcing the attention of the enemy. A creeping feeling in the back of Tarkus mind tells him they are only successful in holding Emrakul's minions interest because Emrakul himself still holds a connection to his mind...a remnant perhaps from when his memories were stolen earlier. Roaring in fury, he banishes such thoughts with the splattering of body and blood of his enemy. Roaring, he leads a charge towards an armored slug creature. Parrying the strike of one of its claws, he leaps forward and with a mighty cleave rends the creature in two.
As the rest of his orcs move out to engage the creature in its dying throes, Tarkus rushes toward Reeta as she calls his name. She waves him over to the dirt mound where she has laid out a rough cloth map of the terrain using Barogs ink. You look pleased with yourself, brother. Perhaps you do not see what I see.
Her finger taps a black sphere near the red diamond that depicts Emrakul. There is our real target. Your comrades already engage with three others. Looking up from the map, there turns out to be a horrid perversion of existence Floating in a putrid cloud, what appears to barely resemble a humanoid head screams, its shout painful and piercing. Suspended by some foul magicks and bleeding tentacles, gleaming spikes line the gaping maw of its mouth, black foam gushing forth from within. A purple glow emanates from the otherwise empty sockets where the eyes should be.
Spotted the bugger sprouting during yer speech Reeta continues. Tarkus grows pale as he watches several warriors dissolve in the black foam, their bones frozen into twisted black statues in the ground. Reeta laughs, clapping him on the back. Methink you talk too much for half-orc blood, brother!
Track 3
Before he can reply, she draws a longsword and raises a blue shield high above her head. A strike of lightning comes down from the clouds overhead and hits the shield, surrounding it with a static glow of electricity. Now the real fight shall begin! Sporting a devilish smile, Reeta rushes towards where Barog stands with his champions.
Together they lead a charge straight for the beast, while Martoks song-hastened warriors continue to march the long way around. The beat of the drum emboldens those around the wise orc, and they tear their own path towards where they hope to flank the head of beast. Chanting a song of battle the entire unit breaks out in a song, their voices piercing the den of battle. Rakula, undio, garrosh serra vencido!
Calling the last of the orc forces forward, Tarkus raises his axe Perun and points it toward where a division of Ruby Keep soldiers has been pinned. TO BATTLE! he roars, running alongside them to cut a path of destruction through the Eldrazi menace.
Ears ringing and eyes covered in paint, sweat and blood, Tarkus drags himself through the charred earth, dirt and dust. Pulling himself up onto a rock, he coughs uncontrollably. "Raaargh!" Fear gripping his mind, he spits in his hand and checks the liquid in his palm with nervous eyes. It is bloody, but there is no purple matter or movement. Momentary relief floods through him as he tries to regain his bearings by recalling what has just occurred.
Track 4
Reeta & Barogs headlong charge was more successful than they had planned. Too successful. Fearlessly climbing the tentacles of the beast itself, Barog found that it could not spray the black foam at those nearest to it without harming itself. By channeling the thunder of her enchanted shield against creature, Reeta & her ranged forces were able to tear into the beast long enough for Barogs champions to venture close. By the time Martoks hastened warriors joined the fray the floating head of Emrakul was already grounded.
That was when it happened. Before the final blow was struck, the creature tore open a portal in time, a rend in the very fabric of reality. Those who were sucked within simply disappeared, lost into whatever abyss it had opened. Others around it were slowed, or frozen entirely. Tarkus himself pushed through, towards the swelling and engorged forehead of the creature. With a final decisive blow, the engorged portion of the creature ruptured, the head exploding and spraying all those around with a dark and purple goo.
Though the portal was gone and the creature moved no more, the screams it left in its wake were far, far worse. The goo somehow affected those it touched, sloughing the skin of its victims. Those affected fell to the ground in agony before their remaining bone and flesh were twisted into some hideous abomination that had to be put down by their own allies. It began when the whites of your eyes turned black, or your blood or spit began to squirm with parasites.
This was what Tarkus had feared, but what had not come to pass. At least not yet
Track 5
Dragging Martoks body, Tarkus finally collapses on the hill where their assault first began. To him it is a miracle the four had survived at all, though some may not live to see their fruits of their victory. They had taken down one head and aided in the defeat of another, but the price was dear. A mere seven of the forty-four who had pledged against Emrakul remained. Though only a few lives in the face of existence, all were heroes without parallel in Tarkus eyes.
Martoks drums lay torn and broken, the orc himself unconscious, breathing was shallow and uneven. The shaman attending to him would not answer when Tarkus asked if he would yet live. Nearby Barog roared in pain as he clutched the stump where his right arm used to be. Still alive, but weighed by the knowledge that only one of his champions yet lived. The rest were claimed, most by brutal deaths at the hands of their brothers after the infected substance had transformed their bodies.
Tarkus sits up and unstraps his gauntlets. Though her helm had been torn off and her face was covered in blood, Reeta was still thinking, moving quickly to burn and cauterize Barogs wound. Tarkus prays the others have not paid as gruesome a price, though he can both see and hear the battle wages on in the distance. As they wait for news and healing from the other groups, Tarkus pries his cracked breastplate from his chest, tossing it aside. He instructs the remaining two able-bodied orcs to watch over the other commanders.
Hefting Perun, he walks bare chested into the ash and fog, to re-unite with his friends and set an end to this war, once and for all.