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Question: do you discuss/read about games more than you play them?


rollin' in the gutter
Definately. Should change soon once i get Paper Mario, though. It's because i'm broke and it doesn't cost anything to post here.


I seem to be a mix of deadlifter and Guileless. Before GAF I played way more than I read/posted about games, but when I ran out of games because of no moneys I was bored stupid. Now, though, I play a little less than I used to, but when I run out of games I can still game vicariously through you guys. I tend to read about game theory more than individual games themselves, but.


Pretty much. Get this, I've been too lazy to hook up the machine to play videogames. Nothing nicer than looking at pretty pictures online though. Actually, I hate getting overly immersed in game worlds because once I'm off the game, the real world starts to suck.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Not even remotely close.

Spend maybe 10 minutes on this forum a day, compared to hours actually playing stuff.


Tag of Excellence
No I spend the most toiling over my art and family. While I do love posting on the forums playing games is my main priority and I'm proud to say I spend MUCH more time on that than posting my amazing and ultra cool opinions.


Chili Con Carnage!
definitely yes.

Does depend on the recent releases though, i dont hang around here if i have something i actually want to do.

/me checks post count

Hmmm, i need a new hobby.
Yeah. I don't have much time to play games anymore, but I still like to know what's going on in the gaming world. GAF keeps me informed!


Unconfirmed Member
Yes. But that's just the nature of things. Almost everyone I know in London works in the industry so we talk about games all the time. That's the irony in being a real games obsessive...


Unconfirmed Member
Things talked about in order:

1. Games
2. Girls/sex
3. Cars
4. Bitching (general)
5. Drinking
6. Eating/cooking



That changed when I got a job, dammit I have no time, I barely get half an hour of GAF in a day. All my gaming time is pushed to weekends now and so that time is lost for Gaffing as well. This sucks!

Though it is nice having money for a change.

Work's give me a bit of time to check out GAF (mostly) and then I get home and do it all over again.

and when I get home and when I game; I need quality gaming or I get really PISSED OFF at stupid crap in games.


Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
and when I get home and when I game; I need quality gaming or I get really PISSED OFF at stupid crap in games.

I love you man


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
For the past 3 years...yes. The ratio is pretty bad, like 3:1. I know I read and talk about games way more than I play them, I've just gotten use to it.
Yep definately.

I really think part of the problem is having far too many great games to play these days. Back in the N64 days when a major game came out every so often I'd play it to death until the next game came out. These days owning a GameCube and an Xbox just means I far too many games to play. Only just got an Xbox so I have to play through Halo, just finished playing through Half Life for the first time, want to play James Bond Everything or Nothing, Donkey Konga, Paper Mario 2, Burnout 3, etc. It's just ridiculous!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
On a day to day basis, yes. Overall, probably closer to even. I just play in long short bursts. I won't play a game for a week or two but then I'll play something new for a full weekend or something.
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