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Question regarding GT3 and Simulation steering/tires

I remember someone mentioned in the last Forza thread in reply to someone arguing that GT3 is not a sim at all, that they must not have tried playing with the Logitech FF wheel and with simulation steering/tires. After testing this out, I have to agree - you definitely can't play the game the same way like that. When playing GT3 without these on, it is a lot more arcade-like.

For example, with sim steering/tires you have to drive FR cars a lot differently. In the regular game, as you approach a corner, you brake until you're at the right speed, steer into the corner, and once you reach the apex, go full throttle. I was in for surprise when I tried that with sim steering/tires. If you go full throttle out of a turn with a FR car and that setup, you'll lose control, spin and hit the wall. It took me probably 40-60 minutes just to get used to it. Then I tried MR and 4WD and the story was very similar - with GT3 configured normally the only differences with the car really come down to differing degrees of oversteer/understeer, but after turning on the simulation settings it's a whole different story, and a lot more fun in my opinion.

Anyway, here's my question: although I managed to figure out how to run laps with an FR car and not spin and hit the wall the most of the time, as soon as I started doing races with sim tires, the CPU controlled cars would always catch up with me big time in the turns and no matter what I did, I couldn't win races. I'm wondering if this is because a) while I can run a lap without losing control, I'm not carrying my speed very well and still need to learn more on how to drive FR with those settings or b) even if I use sim tires in the races, the computer doesn't so they get a huge advantage in regards to cornering.

Does anyone know which is most likely? I've resorted to playing with sim steering and just using the regular GT3 tires, and now I'm having no issues winning whatsoever, but it feels a lot more forgiving than with the sim tires on. While it's still fun, I like the "if you take the corner too aggressively, you will spin, hit the wall and likely lose the race" style of play. It makes things a lot more challenging and I'm having more fun that way. Any help would be appreciated.


AI doesn't use SIM tires. Up your HP to make the race closer, but then you'll have a harder time controlling the car.

For a great challenge on GT3, go to arcade mode-->hard-->pick the Sylvia and it'll be a hell of a race between you and the Toyota MR:S.


I'm not sure what properties the sim tires have...

but they're not the tires that go onto a sports car. If anything they should be more akin to road car tires.
gtmax said:
AI doesn't use SIM tires. Up your HP to make the race closer, but then you'll have a harder time controlling the car.

For a great challenge on GT3, go to arcade mode-->hard-->pick the Sylvia and it'll be a hell of a race between you and the Toyota MR:S.

That's what I figured..

Oh well, hopefully GT4 addresses that issue

Zaptruder said:
I'm not sure what properties the sim tires have...

but they're not the tires that go onto a sports car. If anything they should be more akin to road car tires.

I thought that according to the game, sim tires are supposed to simulate real life high performance tires.

I just went back and checked - it says they simulate real life tires, but I could have sworn I read somewhere in the game they simulated high performance tires. I guess not; oh well. It's still fun if you're messing around in run and setting and do some test laps that way :)

Thanks for the help, guys
AlphaSnake said:
It was me who made the comment. Glad you enjoyed it.

You're right, I remember now

Yeah, thanks for the info - I just wish I could play all the races in the game that way

Oh, well - it's still a funass game. I think out of all the games in my library for all 3 consoles, it's the one I always come back to

Looking forward to GT4 and Forza


having played the bmw gt4 demo i can assure you that gt4's physics are alot more sim like then any of the previous gt games.
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