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QuickTransit emulater might allow Xbox 2 backwards compatibility



The company?s breakthrough hardware virtualization technology is unique because it provides 100% functionality, transparent interactive and graphics performance, near-native computational performance, and allows virtually any processor/operating system pair to be supported.

Apparently they have six PC manufacturers already signed up to use the software. One of them could be Microsoft, but I doubt it. Still, this would be pretty amazing if their software is as good as they're saying.

A Silicon Valley startup claims to have cracked one of most elusive goals of the software industry: a near-universal emulator that allows software developed for one platform to run on any other, with almost no performance hit.

Transitive Corp. of Los Gatos, California, claims its QuickTransit software allows applications to run "transparently" on multiple hardware platforms, including Macs, PCs, and numerous servers and mainframes.

The company claimed QuickTransit eliminates the need to port software from one platform to another. Software applications written for one platform will run on almost any other, without any modifications to the underlying program.

For example, Wiederhold said QuickTransit will allow the next-generation Xbox (which will have a Mac-like PowerPC chip) to run first-generation Xbox software (which was written for an Intel chip).


Gold Member
Not unless Xbox and Xbos2 are both running Linux:

Operating system call mapping from any Unix/Linux-like operating system or any mainframe operating system to any Unix/Linux-like operating system is supported.


MS already owns a company that can do the emulation, J. Allard said Xbox 2 would be powerful enough to emulate Xbox, and it's obvious from petitions and forum rantings that Xbox owners want b/c. I would be shocked if MS didn't make Xenon backwards compatible.

Also, MS put out this statement after Gamesindustry.biz supposedly broke the news on no b/c...

“Recent stories in the press about future Xbox products are nothing more than pulp fiction. Microsoft hasn’t made any announcements regarding the next generation, so it’s far too early to speculate about specifics, including backward compatibility. In fact, this media conjecture is irresponsible. The credibility of any publication willing to compromise fact in favor of a catchy headline must be questioned. Xbox fans are smart enough to distinguish truth from sensational reporting.”


Gold Member
It should be pretty clear by now that Xenon won't be backward compatible. If MS downplaying bc is not enough of a clue, you should realize that there is no way short of putting an Xbox inside Xenon to achieve bc. No software emulator will be able to run a game on a different processor and a different gpu at any reasonable framerate. MS might support some kind of bc for games that use DirectX exclusively, but it will still require recompiling, so it won't have any pratical value.


they call me "Man Gravy".
this whole QuickTransit business strikes me as a bit fishy. 100% emulation?

For reference - this is like an alchemist claiming he's found the formula to transmute lead into gold. It just doesn't seem feasible.


This sounds just like a dynamic-recompilation emulator, with passthroughs for OS APIs.

Not sure there's anything really new here, though the web site is full of PR hype...


pcostabel said:
It should be pretty clear by now that Xenon won't be backward compatible. If MS downplaying bc is not enough of a clue, you should realize that there is no way short of putting an Xbox inside Xenon to achieve bc. No software emulator will be able to run a game on a different processor and a different gpu at any reasonable framerate. MS might support some kind of bc for games that use DirectX exclusively, but it will still require recompiling, so it won't have any pratical value.

... and Nintendo downplays online gaming, but I fully expect them to have online gaming next gen. Xenon is powerful enough to emulate Xbox.


Gas Guzzler
pcostabel said:
It should be pretty clear by now that Xenon won't be backward compatible. If MS downplaying bc is not enough of a clue, you should realize that there is no way short of putting an Xbox inside Xenon to achieve bc. No software emulator will be able to run a game on a different processor and a different gpu at any reasonable framerate. MS might support some kind of bc for games that use DirectX exclusively, but it will still require recompiling, so it won't have any pratical value.

I really want Xbox2 to be backwards compatible. It seems pretty clear most Xbox owners on the net want the same thing, and my feeling is that the casuals and soccer moms that are so important for market saturation really like backwards compatibility as well.

But IAWTP. So many high level MS people talking about BC as worthless really points to no BC in Xbox2. Especially since we all know that while BC through Emulation is possible but probably really expensive and time consuming.

It's too bad because BC is a great feature.


In addition to the emulation difficulties and perhaps licensing issues with Nvidia, there are little problems, like transferring save data from Xbox1 to Xenon, transferring patches and DLC, and possibly controller issues, if Xenon is going with a different controller design.

All these little inconveniences (which Sony doesn't have to worry about with PS 1-2 and likely with PS 3) also add up to make BC less attractive to MS.


I say this is BS.

Software emulation with almost zero percent hit?

Hell no.

Would be breakthru but I am not buying it in a second.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Not that I disagree, I would just like to point out ...

Fatghost28 said:
In addition to the emulation difficulties and perhaps licensing issues with Nvidia, there are little problems, like transferring save data from Xbox1 to Xenon,

There ARE memory cards for xbox (or did you forget?), as well as the rumor that xbox live! will add a large amount of storage on-line for players to upload / share saved content (like save games and replays). I hardly see how this is an issue with xbox more than it is with any other system. And, I've forgotten, but wasn't it not possible to use a memcard on both PS1 and PS2 (or something along those lines)? This is hardly an issue that would be specific to MS.

Fatghost28 said:
transferring patches and DLC,

Again, why is this more of a problem for MS? All of this stuff will be on-line, assuming the xbox gamertag stays the same across both systems (something I doubt will change), there's no real issue here (unless they completely remove a hard drive ...)

Fatghost28 said:
and possibly controller issues, if Xenon is going with a different controller design.

I thought it was pretty much confirmed to be a very similar design, if not exactly the same.

I mean, asides from licensing problems with nvidia and potential problems with getting an emulator running on xbox, I think it's just as well suited to backwards compatability as any other system.


Gas Guzzler
Nerevar said:
Not that I disagree, I would just like to point out ...

There ARE memory cards for xbox (or did you forget?), as well as the rumor that xbox live! will add a large amount of storage on-line for players to upload / share saved content (like save games and replays). I hardly see how this is an issue with xbox more than it is with any other system. And, I've forgotten, but wasn't it not possible to use a memcard on both PS1 and PS2 (or something along those lines)? This is hardly an issue that would be specific to MS.

Xbox memory cards are worthless. Most of the highest profile titles don't even support them. I guess MS could come up with some sort of system link option where you transfer save data from Xbox to PC or to Xenon, but that is still a less easy solution compared to the straight memory card route.

Again, why is this more of a problem for MS? All of this stuff will be on-line, assuming the xbox gamertag stays the same across both systems (something I doubt will change), there's no real issue here (unless they completely remove a hard drive ...)

Yeah, except for people who don't want to keep their Xbox Live account when they move from Xbox to Xenon. Not really an issue except for the few games that have actual patches from Xbox Live to fix bugs in even single player mode (like CvS2 EO for example).

I thought it was pretty much confirmed to be a very similar design, if not exactly the same.

I thought the latest rumors were that MS was getting rid of the white and black buttons altogether. If these buttons are not replaced on the Xenon controller, there could be some issues with games that use those buttons.

I mean, asides from licensing problems with nvidia and potential problems with getting an emulator running on xbox, I think it's just as well suited to backwards compatability as any other system.

Yeah, they're minor inconveniences, but they are there, and Sony and Nintendo don't have to deal with them, so it is worth notice. It's another set of challenges MS needs to overcome to get BC into Xenon.

Again, I really hope MS gets BC into Xenon. With enough money and expertise thrown at this problem, MS could get it done. It remains to be seen if MS thinks it will be worth while to make that commitment though.
If Xenon is indeed powerful enough to emulate Xbox, then it's just a matter of tweaking the software on MS's end in order to ensure that the emulator supports as many games as possible. If they did in fact go the emulation route they could easily tie it into Xbox Live to enable emulator updates and support patches to make the transition that much easier.


Gold Member
Another reason MS does not care about bc is because they have no interest in keeping the Xbox alive. BC would push developers to keep making Xbox games and keep consumers from switching to Xenon, not something MS wants.


pcostabel said:
Another reason MS does not care about bc is because they have no interest in keeping the Xbox alive. BC would push developers to keep making Xbox games and keep consumers from switching to Xenon, not something MS wants.

Now your just talking out your ass... I didn't notice any developers being forced to develop games for PS1 after PS2 came out. The problem with Xbox is not the software, but the cost of the hardware.

Xbox memory cards are worthless. Most of the highest profile titles don't even support them. I guess MS could come up with some sort of system link option where you transfer save data from Xbox to PC or to Xenon, but that is still a less easy solution compared to the straight memory card route.

Transferring data isn't going to be an issue. Most Xbox games DO support memory card transfer. It's irrelevant because when my old Xbox eventually dies, the data is gone anyway. Which is worse?


Gas Guzzler
jedimike said:
Now your just talking out your ass... I didn't notice any developers being forced to develop games for PS1 after PS2 came out. The problem with Xbox is not the software, but the cost of the hardware.

I agree. BC is good for developers and encourages consumers to adopt Xenon because they can trade in old hardware for the new hardware and carry forward their existing library and still enjoy older, cheaper titles from the previous generation.

Transferring data isn't going to be an issue. Most Xbox games DO support memory card transfer. It's irrelevant because when my old Xbox eventually dies, the data is gone anyway. Which is worse?

It is going to be an issue. KoTOR, Ninja Gaiden and the DOA games right off the bat do not support memory cards. Those are pretty high profile titles. Many smaller titles (PD Orta, Fatal Frame) also don't support memory cards. How will consumers transfer their saves to Xenon, if Xenon can play Xbox1 games? It's something that MS would have to address, even if only to say "Sorry, you can't transfer the data for those games" to all Xenon customers.
I bet MS rereleases there biggest hits as 'Classics' for $19.99 including halo 1&2, kotor, ninja gaiden and RSC2 for xenon... A way to make a lil extra dough on your system launch. they will port them over and sell at a budget price with maybe some extras.. like halo 2 deluxe edition. or director's cut.


Gas Guzzler
Scottlarock said:
I bet MS rereleases there biggest hits as 'Classics' for $19.99 including halo 1&2, kotor, ninja gaiden and RSC2 for xenon... A way to make a lil extra dough on your system launch. they will port them over and sell at a budget price with maybe some extras.. like halo 2 deluxe edition. or director's cut.

Meh. They'd be better off just making Xenon BC with Xbox and selling the actual Xbox games at budget price or Xenon. Same effect, but better from a customer perspective. I'd imagine a lot of Xbox owners would be pissed if Xenon didn't play Xbox games but MS released a GH line up for Xenon composed of slightly updated Xbox1 titles.
it depends on how much it would cost to make xenon BC compatitble...porting it might be easier and cheaper then selling a xenon with extra chips that are BC compatible...I highly doubt you could make it BC by software alone. and people that already have the game (say halo 1&2) would have to rebuy them.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Fatghost28 said:
It is going to be an issue. KoTOR, Ninja Gaiden and the DOA games right off the bat do not support memory cards. Those are pretty high profile titles. Many smaller titles (PD Orta, Fatal Frame) also don't support memory cards. How will consumers transfer their saves to Xenon, if Xenon can play Xbox1 games? It's something that MS would have to address, even if only to say "Sorry, you can't transfer the data for those games" to all Xenon customers.

Um, I may be mistaken on this issue, but can't you transfer data from the xbox HDD to the memory card through the dashboard? I'm 99% sure I've done this for a bunch of games to transfer data from one xbox to another. The problem comes up in certain games (ex: Morrowind) where the data is too big to fit on a single memory card. I'm going to look this up, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Just because you can't natively save a game to a memory card doesn't mean the data can't be transferred with one.


Gas Guzzler
The Team Ninja games are actually locked out of the memory card.

Other stuff like KoTOR can be transferred to a memory card that is big enough IIRC, but you need to go to the trouble of formatting a USB key and buying a USB->Xbox adapter to use it.

There isn't any official solution to transfer the data of these games, and the Team Ninja stuff in particular is locked out anyway.
with a mod you can transfer almost every save, except xbl content... though certain gamesaves, like burnout 2, need re-signing

and a 100% emu with no performance hit? yeah.. right..


Gas Guzzler
The Faceless Master said:
with a mod you can transfer almost every save, except xbl content... though certain gamesaves, like burnout 2, need re-signing

Yeah, but that doesn't solve the problem.
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