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'Star Wars' Star Protests Innocence Over Drunk-Driving
Star Wars R2-D2 actor Kenny Baker is challenging charges of drunk-driving - claiming his asthma prevented him from agreeing to the breath test to determine the alcohol in his body. The 70-year-old vertically challenged actor, who played the robot in the 1977 movie, is relying on blood tests to clear him of reckless driving after he was stopped by police as he drove his Maroon Mercedes in Lancashire, England, on December 17. Baker ended up being locked up for two hours until a doctor had carried out a blood test - after his asthma prevented him from blowing into the test bag. He says, "The police said they'd had reports from other motorists that I was veering all over the road. I had gone for a drink after the show (Speed Dating), but only had one glass of wine. I am certain the tests will come back clear."