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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups

There may be some issue with the RFN subscription feed, specifically for iTunes users. (Not sure if Apple's iOS Podcast app is affected... I avoid it like the plague.) We are looking into it. Parts 1 and 2 of the telethon recording should be out for all RFN subscribers, but if you're not getting the feed update and would like to hear them right away, there are direct download links on the telethon page:



Episode 314: I was going to make a joke about the episode number, but that would be a spoiler for one of the games on the menu this week.
Episode 314: Three Heads Tall said:
We're not exactly fresh off an exhausting but exceedingly successful telethon (recordings are trickling out and should be fully posted soon), but the RFN crew is glad to be back to the usual schedule, and Nate rejoins us this week. We recorded this one just a couple of days before the Wii U launch, and the excitement is palpable. Still, there's a lot to discuss around other topics such as 3DS, and Jonny gets it going with his impressions of Paper Mario: Sticker Star. For his first New Business in three weeks, James elects to start with the long-awaited Zone of the Enders HD Collection, along with its pack-in demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. He also catches up with Shinobi, the difficult but stylish ninja game released last year for 3DS. Guillaume expertly picks up the torch with Shinobi III, a Genesis classic that you can find on Wii Virtual Console and various Sega compilations. He also finds closure on a frustrating trek through Persona 3 Portable. Nate bats clean-up with his thoughts on a pair of brand-new 3DS releases, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (the sequel to 999) and Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.

Even though we hadn't yet played our own Wii U systems and games as of this recording, it looms large over Listener Mail. The first direct reference comes with a request to assess the real meaning of Wii U's undeniable third-party support at launch, and whether this level of interest from third-party developers and publish might evaporate once Sony and Microsoft launch their next consoles. Next up is a comment on the recent spate of big-name game directors/producers leaving their companies -- and how Nintendo has managed to avoid this phenomenon. Finally, we look at a Japanese commercial in which Nintendo refers to the "Super Wii". Find out what the team thinks of this name and whether it reveals anything about the company's branding strategy. Please keep this part of the show going strong; send in your own email!

If you still haven't heard the long-lost Drunkcast featuring Karl's "Red Velvet" story, and you are of a particularly strong constitution, it can now be downloaded here thanks to many generous donors at the telethon. Also, you may want to get started on The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask pretty soon, as it's a long game, and we're planning to do the live RetroActive around January. The best ways to play are on N64 or Wii Virtual Console; the GameCube compilation version may be okay if you're tolerant of emulation bugs. Look for more details on this special event in the coming weeks! And next time you hear from us, it will be the year 1 A.W.U. -- anno Wii U.

Time: 2'03"55
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
RSS feeds: Work again! Guillaume is awesome.
Drunkcast: Not safe for wor... humanity.


Jonny and James were on fire during Listener Mail! Did Nate leave the podcast after New Business?
Or was he a victim of Gui's editing?


Jonny and James were on fire during Listener Mail! Did Nate leave the podcast after New Business?
Or was he a victim of Gui's editing?
They're so well attuned to each other that it must feel like a faux pas to start talking before the others do, taking turns.


Episode 315: With live system updates!
For this special Thanksgiving episode, we recorded a bit early and did one long segment. The subject, of course, is Wii U. Jonny's launch system was broken, and James got his just hours before the show, but we have the power trio of Guillaume, Billy, and first-timer Ariel to deliver the goods. They dish out tons of impressions for Mario, Nintendo Land, Miiverse, and the whole setup process. Ariel also praises the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, while Billy tries to explain Chasing Aurora, and Guillaume marvels at Nano Assault Neo.

We want to hear about your own experiences with Wii U, so please email the show with your stories and questions about the new system. Also, be sure to check out the RFN-themed Mafia game in the forums! See you next week when things get back to quasi-normal, and maybe Jonny will have his system by then.

Time: 1'28"43
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Jonny's luck with systems: Nonexistant.
Yes, although I didn't have enough time to play any games to do normal impressions. It's more of a grab bag of general thoughts on Wii U, plus a big piece on Power of Illusion for 3DS. But James and Jared have tons of Wii U games to discuss.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm behind many episodes, so maybe I haven't listened to it yet, but has there been any discussion of Kingdom Hearts 3D on the podcast? From the 7 hours I've played of it so far I'd say it's very under-appreciated.


I ended up trading KH3D in for LBP Vita back in September, without having played it, because it was one-for-one. I thought the demo had some jank to it, but I'm still intending to re-buy it at some point. The Flowmotion stuff seemed neat.


"You sit there and you thump your bible and it didn't get you nowhere! You talk about your Psalms, you talk about your John 3:16, well RFN 316 says I just WiiUd your ass!"
Episode 316: Ninjabread Opus said:
Though you're hearing this show at least two weeks after the Wii U launch, it's the first episode in which all of us have the new system. James primes the coverage with a few thoughts on Nintendo Land (as a solo game), indifference to Mighty Switch Force HD, and surprised enjoyment of Scribblenauts Unlimited (which also prompts a quick reference to 5th Cell's forgotten DS game, Lock's Quest). Jared keeps it up with a quick recap of the recent NWR live stream from Neal's abode (archive here), mixed impressions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and confused praise for Little Inferno. Jonny finally got his back his console a couple days before recording and has some random thoughts on setup and interface, including a test drive of the video chat service with Billy. The game Jonny spent the most time with, unfortunately, is the dreadfully limp Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion on 3DS. Luckily, we have Guillaume to raise our spirits with his love for the free, "classic" NSMB2 levels, as well as Ys 7, Falcom's brilliant action-RPG for PSP and PC.

In Listener Mail, we combine a pair of dismayed letters to introduce a lengthy discussion of the Wii U's technical prowess and how it may affect third-party support in years to come. We also get a humorous point of clarification from James Charlton on the recent "Super Wii" commercial/debate. We're always looking for intriguing emails to put on the show, so please send yours today! Also, be sure to subscribe to the NWR Exclusives channel on YouTube to keep up with all of Jared's great work as video producer!

Time: 2'01"27
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
I regret: Nothing.


Fantastic episode! I absolutely loved this week's Listener Mail segment and couldn't agree more with what was said about WiiU's potential future. Are there any plans to bring Greg back as a guest in the near future? It'd be really interesting to hear his thoughts, too.


Haven't listened in years but fired it up today after noticing the thread last week.

1. How dare you not like Locks Quest.

2. A podcast for adults shouldn't feature so much incessant cackling. God damn! When you talk about Sega maybe mute his mic?

3. I absolutely love that you guys still do chapters. I've listened to pretty much everything out there at least once and this always stood out. So great.


James laughing at Sonic Racing stuff is kind of annoying. The online does work. Just needs more people playing.
Having edited that segment, I know for a fact that all four of us were laughing about the game's bugs, incl. Jared as he was describing them. James laughed the hardest and has a naturally loud laugh, so he sounds more prominent in the mix. I actually deamplified him in those parts, but blame me if it's still too loud.

I wonder if people are just defensive of the game because they like it? I am certainly interested in it, once the patch is released. Doesn't mean I can't laugh at the horrible bugs that shipped.


nice episode. like always, those 2 letters got me thinking.

I think you should revisit the discussion about wiiu CPU specs sometime in the near future. with the, somewhat new, rumors out about the ps4 having a A10 and the 720s durango also being clocked very low makes it seem very clearly to me that cpus won't play an important role this generation. looks more like gpgpu would be the way to go now.
I also think it doesn't get brought forward enough in the "media" but it should be logical to conclude that the wiiu hardware is forced to run engines and code from last generation that's certainly not made with a more gpu centric system in mind.
I also wouldn't make much sense for the other 2 to go with a strong processor again when gpgpu clearly gets you a much better performance for less cost (AI, physics,..). Which is why I'd say that wiiu hardware will be much closer technical wise to ps4/720 than ps360. even if the specs are lower, at least the base would be more similar i.e. weak cpu but strong gpu.
To conclude: I think the wiiu would greatly benefit from ps4/720 launching sooner rather than later.
just a few thoughts on that. please correct me if I am wrong


I dunno just saying it isn't as bad as you guys made it sound.There are bugs, but it hasn't really soured my time with it.

I should clarify ive only played single player and online I haven't tried the party mode


Having edited that segment, I know for a fact that all four of us were laughing about the game's bugs, incl. Jared as he was describing them. James laughed the hardest and has a naturally loud laugh, so he sounds more prominent in the mix. I actually deamplified him in those parts, but blame me if it's still too loud.

I wonder if people are just defensive of the game because they like it? I am certainly interested in it, once the patch is released. Doesn't mean I can't laugh at the horrible bugs that shipped.

I have no interest in the game whatsoever. It's probably utter garbage. I am defensive of my eardrums however.


I have no interest in the game whatsoever. It's probably utter garbage. I am defensive of my eardrums however.

Couldn't agree more on the eardrums, couldn't disagree more on the game itself. Its single player modes are light-years beyond anything that Mario Kart has ever done, and I haven't had any problems with online multiplayer. I hope it doesn't get overlooked by RFN fans due to the last episode.
"Nintendo handhelds usually have a four-year lifespan."

What about the Game Boy (1989-1998)? The DS (2004-2011)? And that's just until their successors released; both systems still had games being released after that.

"Nintendo never has good third-party support in the fifth year."

What about the DS. RFN's beloved Henry Hatsworth, among other games, was released after the DS's fifth year.

"Henry Hatsworth is one of the best DS games!"

No, it isn't. DreamRift has always been a hack fraud mediocre developer masquerading as a good one by making games that pluck at overly nostalgic hardcore gamers' heartstrings.


"No, it isn't. DreamRift has always been a hack fraud mediocre developer masquerading as a good one by making games that pluck at overly nostalgic hardcore gamers' heartstrings.

Henry Hatsworth was absolutely great. It was paced horrible and the chalanginig spike was stupid, but the game itself was innovative and charming.

OMG Aero

Couldn't agree more on the eardrums, couldn't disagree more on the game itself. Its single player modes are light-years beyond anything that Mario Kart has ever done, and I haven't had any problems with online multiplayer. I hope it doesn't get overlooked by RFN fans due to the last episode.
It's also worth noting that as far as I'm aware it's only the Wii U version that has all the fucked up bugs.
The 360 and PS3 versions are fine.


Finally listened to Red Velvet.

For most of it, I was just saying "WTF" to myself, but then the punchline happened... dear god


Episode 317: Lost audio? We're kicking it old school this evening.
Our buddy TYP stops in this week to help us catch up on the biggest Nintendo game of the fall, New Super Mario Bros U. We're all positive on the game, though there is some debate over just how momentous this release could be. He also provides some Nintendo Land anecdotes and highlights a forgotten 3DS Virtual Console game, Balloon Kid. Having finally completed all the setup and transfers for his Wii U, Jonny finally delves into Assassin's Creed 3 and also revisits Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Guillaume would have talked about Little Inferno and Trine 2, if his audio for this segment hadn't been lost. So just imagine that he likes both of those games.

We got a bit carried away with all the new games in that first segment, so James was bumped into part two, kicking off the latter half with his long-awaited impressions of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. Is it possible to finish a game twice and feel like you've only scratched the surface? Apparently so! From there, we tackle a couple of current events. The first is the noble demise of Nintendo Power, the official magazine for Nintendo games in North America since 1988. Not every fan was into the magazine, but those of us who grew up obsessing over every page have good reason to feel wistful. Finally, we present an overview of the Nintendo Direct announcements (mostly release dates and delays) and discuss the state of Nintendo's lineup for early 2013. Here's a good summary of that outlook:

(Original link in show page. It's worth it - O)

Be sure to check out TYP's latest episode of the awesome Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition, rate and review both of our podcasts on iTunes, and send in your questions and ideas for the next Listener Mail! Also, don't forget that the Live RetroActive is coming up in just a few weeks, so it's a good time to start playing through Majora's Mask, especially if it's your first time. Thanks for listening!

Time: 1'49"45
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Manly tears: Almost.


I guess I can make MM my holiday project. It's the one 3D Zelda I haven't gotten to. It'll be the GC version though, sadly.


you guys should probably watch the european nintendo direct too if you gonna talk about that, because luigis mansion was actually announced during the european direct for march. animal crossing was confirmed too btw...
I think you should make Guillaume watch the european one because he is french anyway, kinda. there is no point in 3+ people watching the same information.
That's fair. I shouldn't have even brought up Europe since I didn't have a good list of what was detailed in that version of the Direct.


Episode 318: Was up so early I forgot to post it!
Episode 318: Don't Shit On The Fish Farmer said:
It's been a couple of years since Nathan Mustafa shut down the Newscast and stepped away from the site, but we've always been fans and are fortunate to have him return as a guest for this week's RFN. You might recall that Nate is a veteran of iOS game reviews, a skill that factors into this episode at a few different points. But Guillaume has the honor/duty of going first in New Business, since we lost his audio for this segment last time. You'll hear his strong defense of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U (a chorus joined by Jonny as well), plus a very positive take on Matsuno's Crimson Shroud, a very cheap and unusual RPG just released for the 3DS eShop. James follows up on Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward to answer our curious questions about how this sequel takes advantage of the 3DS platform. Nathan reminds us that Harvest Moon is alive and well on Nintendo's current handheld, but he has no love for the recent iOS port of Mutant Mudds. An exacting 2D platformer with virtual buttons... what could go wrong? He also discusses New Super Mario Bros. U and wonders if anyone else is having so much trouble with the game's difficulty. Jonny cleans up the segment with his early impressions of Rocksmith, the game-like real guitar trainer, and his thoughts on a recently acquired copy of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy further cement the heavy 3DS emphasis of this week's New Business.

We recently put out a call for fresh Listener Mail through social media, and many of you responded with great ideas for the show. The latest batch of questions take us through the Android-based Ouya console, sharing Nintendo Network IDs (see list below), brainstorming Pikmin 3, Nintendo's odd approach to downloadable games, and how to push for Mass Effect Trilogy on Wii U. Send in your own questions for next time! Don't forget to keep playing Majora's Mask, and look out for a special, abbreviated holiday episode next week, followed by a rare vacation for the RFN crew before we return in the new year with lots more Nintendo talk, our top games of 2012, the live RetroActive, and maybe even a certain bald guy.

You can follow (and try to friend, space permitting) the RFN crew + Nate on Nintendo Network with these IDs:

Jonny - JonnyNWR
James - zCrimm
Guillaume - Pandareus
Lindy - (TBD - He doesn't have Wii U yet.)
Nathan - Greybrick

Also, visit this forum thread to find many other NWR staff members and fellow fans.

Time: 2'02"28
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Laughing: Held. (We think.)


Yay nice to hear GUI and Jonny's Sonic impressions. Also really awesome that there hasn't been any cackling so far.

Is there a list of their NNIDs so we can follow them on Miiverse? Also I got to talk to Karl Castaneda for a school project and he is awesome.


Cool, they're doing a Retro Active for the greatest game ever made, Majora's Mask!

I finished a 3 heart run of MM earlier this year, so I think I'm good. Looking forward to the discussion.

Majora's Mask should have won game of the decade! ;)


Episode 319: Wait... I'm three hundred miles from home and an RFN drops?
Episode 319 "Do Not Disturb The Red Balls" said:
Guillaume had less time to edit this week before we all head out for holiday travels, so the whole show is New Business! Here's a list of games that will blow your mind:

Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros. U, Street Fighter X Mega Man, Bit.Trip presents Runner 2, The Last Story, Little Inferno, Rayman Legends, Dress to Play: Cute Witches!, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.

We'll be back in 2013 with your Listener Mail, a Live RetroActive all about Majora's Mask, our Top Games of 2012, and..... Jon Lindemann???

Time: 1'24"05
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
GAF can't render accurately: Blinking text (seriously).


Episode 320: A warmup for a massive show next week.
Episode 320 "Twas The Night Before Jonmas" said:
We're back from a week off with lots of games that got played over the holiday break. Jon is coming back (for good) in the next episode, so it's good that we had this chance to run through a lot of games before he helps kick off a very active content schedule in January that includes predictions, our Top 5 lists for 2012, and the Live RetroActive for Majora's Mask.

For this week, it's a pretty simple show with New Business and Listener Mail. James finally gets into his dream game, Crimson Shroud, continuing the epic reversal of critical consensus since the Japanese version was originally panned. He also shares some fun anecdotes from Universe Sandbox, a galactic simulation available on PC. Gui discovers the multiplayer side (a.k.a. the good side) of Nintendo Land, as well as the multiplayer side (a.k.a. the bad side) of New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS. Jonny revels in the portable sequel to Fluidity and revisits one of his first-ever portable game purchases, Wario Land 2.

Listener Mail is relatively brief this time around. First up is a frustrated listener's concern about Nintendo hardware losing its legendary robustness. Next, we discuss why the Wii U eShop hasn't had a new digital-only game released in over two months, and whether that could be ominous. The last question is about The Last Story and how it might inform future Zelda games. All great topics, thanks to our wonderful audience who keep sending meaty emails -- won't you join in the fun? Maybe you could submit your own Top 5 list for 2012, and we'll read a few when we cover our own in a couple of weeks.

There's a lot going on in the next few weeks, but don't forget to keep playing Majora's Mask (hey, it's pretty long) to get ready for the live show coming up later this month. It's ten bucks on Wii Virtual Console, so no excuses!

Time: 1'28"22
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Screw: The Obsidian Daphne


Yay, Jon's back next week! Sounds like a good episode, looking forward to hearing what Jonny thinks of Fluidity.
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