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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


Oh and also James is the best and anyone who stops listening to the podcast because of him isn't a bro. At least, not my bro.

His opinions are fine, his jokes are kinda flat, but it's more so he doesn't understand how a group conversation works. He's constantly talking over people the entire time. No one else notices this? I picked up on it right away.
I don't think any of us have played the two DS Crystal Chronicles games. I mentioned that I never knew anyone who was into them. It's too bad, because otherwise, I might have taken a dip to try the multiplayer.


Please never stop thinking this.

Which is good. I don't want them being mouth pieces for Nintendo. However there is a difference between talking points and actual information. Knowing the difference is key and what was in question was information and having that information before discussion not slogans, etc.


His opinions are fine, his jokes are kinda flat, but it's more so he doesn't understand how a group conversation works. He's constantly talking over people the entire time. No one else notices this? I picked up on it right away.

Agree with you 100%. I can't listen to this podcast anymore because I can't take him.


His opinions are fine, his jokes are kinda flat, but it's more so he doesn't understand how a group conversation works. He's constantly talking over people the entire time. No one else notices this? I picked up on it right away.

I've listened to a few shows and he was grading for sure. But the talking over everyone to get his point across or throw in what I'm sure he thinks is a hilarious joke is pretty much where I'm giving up.


His opinions are fine, his jokes are kinda flat, but it's more so he doesn't understand how a group conversation works. He's constantly talking over people the entire time. No one else notices this? I picked up on it right away.

Talking over people is just something that happens in podcast when the host can't see each other I think. Just something I've come to accept will happen. The episode where they were in the studio didn't have any of that from what I recall because they could see when one wanted to start talking, etc. At least I think this is the issue. IGN's podcast don't have this issue overall because everyone is normally in the same room. I think James also is pretty insistent about making a point and I'm glad though because I think pretty often if not all the time the point he's trying to make happens to be very good and insightful. He'll do that when the conversation goes in a certain direction. There have been times where he's really quiet and I figure it's simply because he doesn't have anything to add or one of the other host is making a very solid argument. I guess that's why it doesn't bother me when he does it or I don't notice it being a problem.


Neo Member
You know, I edit the show and I just don't notice James talking over people. And when it happens, I try to fix it.

If anything, in this last episode, he got talked over. A lot.


If anything, I find it to be Johnny who tries to dominate the conversation. But he acts as the emcee and host of RFN, so that's to be expected.

This isn't a knock on Johnny btw.


I don't think any of us have played the two DS Crystal Chronicles games. I mentioned that I never knew anyone who was into them. It's too bad, because otherwise, I might have taken a dip to try the multiplayer.

The great thing about them is that you don't have to play it in Multiplayer. In fact, the SP aspect of it is different from MP component where they introduce new barriers and challenge the more people you had on your team. You could also switch characters on the fly which helped alot, especially if you needed healing or just to initiate a battle. The AI while can be dumb, held their own and was just an enjoyable ride in SP
I say this as someone who played the whole game in SP only.


While that's technically true, stuff like the crap you have to go through to catch a Feebas, a female Combee or a Munchlax is so esoteric, transferring from a GBA cart may in some cases actually be easier. Let legendary Pokémon and the starters be the great white whale, but for goodness' sake, there has to be a better way to get the rest.

None of those Pokemon are easier to catch in older gens. They actually added spots where you can catch Feebas 100% of the time in ORAS which is a huge improvement over R/S. And you can totally just breed for female Combee and Munchlax pretty easily.
Yeah, I talk a ton and kinda have to. Listen to any given episode of Box Office Poison to hear something closer to my natural conversation style, especially when I'm reviewing a movie along with other people (so there's plenty of back-and-forth). I still talk a lot, though. That has proven difficult to turn off, once I learned to turn it on.


Yeah, with the inclusion of internet trading, you can pretty much complete the pokedex with just one copy of any of the 3DS games. That was one point where I was talking back to the podcast.


The great thing about them is that you don't have to play it in Multiplayer. In fact, the SP aspect of it is different from MP component where they introduce new barriers and challenge the more people you had on your team. You could also switch characters on the fly which helped alot, especially if you needed healing or just to initiate a battle. The AI while can be dumb, held their own and was just an enjoyable ride in SP
I say this as someone who played the whole game in SP only.

I've got a copy of one of the DS games in my mailbox right now, bought largely in response to the feedback we received from our conversation. Not 100% sure when it will come up. Probably post-E3.


I've got a copy of one of the DS games in my mailbox right now, bought largely in response to the feedback we received from our conversation. Not 100% sure when it will come up. Probably post-E3.

Thats good to hear. While the games require patients, since the first few levels are boring, the more challenging the dungeons got, the more enjoyable just playing the damn game was.

you might hate the game because of dumb AI, especially on later stages
Just beat the sixth dungeon, City in the Sky. The layout and flow of this dungeon is amazingly well done and (provided you don't accidentally hit 'A' and let go of the chain before activating the fan outside the main room) the moment when the dungeon all comes together is the moment you know you have a great game on your hands.

I've just now reached the Palace of Twilight. It's a little odd wandering around in twilight without being a wolf.

I've run out of things to buy with rupees and every chest I'm opening on the overworld seems to be a 100 rupee one. Why is the wallet limit so low? I have the biggest wallet and I'm having to leave all these chests unopened or put on the magic armour and wait.


I've run out of things to buy with rupees and every chest I'm opening on the overworld seems to be a 100 rupee one. Why is the wallet limit so low? I have the biggest wallet and I'm having to leave all these chests unopened or put on the magic armour and wait.

Go dump your wallet into the town fund in Kakariko. That's how I managed it.


Haha, I like how I was all, "The Testfire went great, why are you guys so nervous?" last week.

...So I, uh, retract my previous comment.

(Oh, Nintendo, why do you keep doing this?)


Haha, I like how I was all, "The Testfire went great, why are you guys so nervous?" last week.

...So I, uh, retract my previous comment.

(Oh, Nintendo, why do you keep doing this?)

I just got back into the country and forgot about the testfire. So did Nintendo apparently, so I guess we all make mistakes.


So there's not a show this week because of travel and editor unavailability, but feed subscribers got an update and I'm spreading the word:

Next Saturday (May 30) will be the live Twilight Princess Retroactive. Bookmark this page and head over on Saturday at 12 ET / 9 PT / 1700 GMT.
A live Retroactive? Awesome.

Beat Zant. That boss fight wasn't as intense as I remember, but it was definitely crazier than I recall. It wasn't so much a boss rush as it was a series of callbacks, maybe a summary of how far you've come.

Then I went straight over to the Cave of Ordeals, but got called away just as I had unlocked the fairies in Lanaryu.

That's a crappy incentive to keep going, by the way. I imagine I'll have to do the whole thing over if I want the reward at the very bottom. Better be worth it.
I decided that going through the Cave of Ordeals again would be too much of a hassle and decided to just finish up the game. The final dungeon is pretty good, though small like the Palace of Twilight,so it's a kind of tease. I honestly would have preferred to forgo it and combine the two into one more big dungeon somehow.

The boss sequence was as epic as I remember it being, though I have a feeling the fight with Beast Ganon was tweaked somewhat in the Nintendo Selects version (the one I'm playing). I remember a bit when the teleporting portals would appear all of a sudden and Ganon just charged through them at turbo speed for you to goat wrangle him. I only had to do that as Wolf Link, but he wasn't nearly as fast as I remember.

I might be remembering wrong, though.

The end credits are satisfying and a great little tour on what all the characters are doing. The Yetis especially are adorable with the shot of the mansion and a heart floating out of it.

One thing I did note was that there seems to be a disconnect between Midna's voice and her human form. I get that they wanted a contrast with her imp form, but I expect a woman of that height and build to have a deeper voice than the tittering mischievous girl you hear when Midna speaks. It's probably due to the voice acting being geared to how Midna looks for the majority of the game, so I can't complain, but it could have been fixed by making Midna shorter and less muscular.

Or maybe it's a cultural thing with Japan.
Hey GAF, there's a cool addition to Saturday's live show that you may not have heard about yet, especially if you aren't following the show on Twitter or Facebook. Details were just added to the live event article.

Quick version: you could be selected to freestyle the Now Playing feature with Jon Lindemann himself. We are pretty excited about how awesome/stupid this will be.


Quick version: you could be selected to freestyle the Now Playing feature with Jon Lindemann himself. We are pretty excited about how awesome/stupid this will be.

Apparently no Sucker MCs wanted to step up to the plate, so Now Playing was done by the four of us in traditional fashion. Maybe next time.


Apparently no Sucker MCs wanted to step up to the plate, so Now Playing was done by the four of us in traditional fashion. Maybe next time.
I totally would have submitted something had I known in advance and had more time to record/prepare (also if I wasn't traveling all day during the actual live show :p)

Any idea when the archive will go up so I can download it? Can't wait to give it a listen! Hope it went well for you guys.


Really looking forward to this! Only played through Twilight Princess for the first time recently so will be interested to hear your thoughts.

OMG Aero

I didn't listen live because RFN is my commuting podcast, but I hope there is ample discussion of Twilight Princess' weird baby person.


I also missed the live stream, so this'll be a godsend. And ooh, Splatoon.
Episode 431 "NOT TAKE MIRROR!" said:
We decided to do this entire episode as a live event -- special thanks to everyone who could join for that, by the way! It has all the segments and features you'd expect, but all performed live. You'll also hear our special 8-bit theme song by Perry Burkum, now in higher quality! We hope to keep using this version hereafter for all RetroActive features.

New Business includes fresh impressions (our first in two weeks) of Stretchmo, Sonic Boom, Grand Theft Auto 5, and oh yes, Splatoon! After an awkward Now Playing promo (sadly, in prose), we return for the main event. This RetroActive turns out to be one of our best ever, with tremendous participation in the forum thread and a few questions from the live event audience as well. All four of the RFN guys played a whole lot of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (all for at least the second time through), and it proves to be a very rich topic indeed. It's probably impossible to discuss every single aspect of this long and complex game, but we covered a lot of bases in a roundtable that itself lasted over two hours!

We're planning for annual E3 predictions next week, and there may be time for Listener Mail too, so ask us about Chibi-Robo or tell us your story from the Nintendo World Championship qualifiers -- your path to become part of the podcast is right here. Also, don't forget to keep up with those darned Famicast guys over in their own podcast page, where you can find every episode from Japan and subscribe to get new ones every two weeks!

Time: 3'23"19
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Also check out: James and myself getting super-fiscal on the latest episode of Connectivity.


Fun episode.

Thought Gui's take on the almost paradoxical nature of Splatoon's online was interesting. The lack of map rotation is really frustrating sometimes, how it'll just spit out the same map over and over and over again. My first time playing online, it gave me Blackbelly Skatepark 5 times in a row. Let out an audible sigh after awhile. But then when the match actually starts, the annoyance strangely goes away. I think it's because the environment changes so radically between games... Sometimes it's an even push-pull going on in the center. Sometimes you're just dominating the other team and running up the score. Sometimes you're completely on the defense and trying to break through their wall. The games are so brief that there's definitely the "just one more match" dynamic too. It'll be interesting to see if it'll ultimately get stale after awhile, or if the expansion of maps and game modes will keep things fresh. Rotating 3 maps at a time would definitely help.

Also really enjoyed you guys' take on the tone and characters of Twilight Princess. The game has always felt kind of melancholy and wistful to me, but I had never thought of it as being post-apocalyptic. We're all kinda used to Kakariko village being that smaller, almost suburban town in Hyrule. And then seeing it so abandoned and ravaged in Twilight Princess is pretty striking.

The Malo stuff was great. Always thought that kid was creepy, with how cold and business-like he speaks (also, his design). But, as mentioned on the show, he's kinda the only guy who actually gets it and is straightforward about stuff. Maybe the straight man comes off as creepy when everyone around him acts like a total weirdo all the time?


It's worse than it sounds because the levels were all screwy. Our recording situation basically had my mic input being mixed with the skype call containing the three of them. It was hard to dial in nice balanced audio. Worse, the Yeti got knocked out of alignment during my flight a week or so ago so I'm dialing it back in. I think the gain on the mic is still too high but since every program process input somewhat differently I can't say for sure.

I feel really bad about it.
Just had a listen and was surprised that I still got quoted. I didn't feel like I was saying anything that everyone else hadn't already said.

I didn't really see the world of Twilight Princess as post-apocalyptic really, but rather post decline. Twilight Princess seems to me what Hyrule might look like after the Great Depression. Everything is still kind of there, but it's crumbling and the energy that built the place is just kind of lost now. Think of what used to happen to small towns when the railroad bypassed them.

*Zelda timeline trigger warning*

As a guy who owns both a Japanese and English language copy of Hyrule Historia, you guys totally flubbed the timeline position of the game and I was like "Come on!" for about two minutes there. To be fair, the deliberate vagueness about connections between games in this series is what spawned the fevered timeline speculation for years before HH came out and the confusion you guys displayed is exactly the sort of thing that comes out of it. Of course, a mind that thirsts for order just abhors this kind of unanswered question and the existence of HH is a godsend even if the "official" timeline isn't always internally consistent.

Four Swords Adventures, for instance, while clearly drawing entire locations from A Link to the Past wholesale and providing a plausible origin story for ALttP Ganon, has been retconned as a sequel to Twilight Princess. There are elements cribbed from FSA in Twilight Princess (mirrors, a spreading darkness that covers the world of light etc.), so it still kinda works. My thinking is that FSA was originally intended to provide a new origin story for the older (pre-1997) games because OoT had confused the link (ha) to ALttP, but that this idea was scrapped during development.

I don't expect anyone but the nerdiest of Zelda nerds to care though.


Will listen tonight but I'm guessing James is responsible for Sonic Boom being up there in new business. You're a true glutton for punishment.


As a guy who owns both a Japanese and English language copy of Hyrule Historia, you guys totally flubbed the timeline position of the game and I was like "Come on!" for about two minutes there..

I actually did look this up during the show but the topic switched before I had a chance to interject with a clarification. It's in the Majora's Mask timeline.
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