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Radio silence since April for Rocksteady's Suicide Squad

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Its been 6+ months and not a peep. How much of an overhaul do you think we're getting here? Does each character now use their proper weaponry? Are they getting rid of those purple weak points? Does anyone even give a shit anymore?

And now with the rumored Elden DLC to be released on the same week it's like this game was doomed to fail from its very conception.

I was never on board to begin with as I think that whole crew of characters is stupid and not my thing. However, I miss those PS360 days of Rocksteady. I yearn for em.

Hell, at this point Id be more excited if they just took whatever resources they had and gave us an Arkham Knight remaster instead.


I imagine they are desperately trying to retool it into something anyone would actually want to play......I'm sure that will go well.
Yeah, exactly what I'm thinking. They're probably pulling a Gotham Knights where they acknowledge the slap back, and are just readjusting whatever they can to make it more like what people would be happier with. But it's not gonna be enough, at all. This game will not do well.
Its been 6+ months and not a peep. How much of an overhaul do you think we're getting here? Does each character now use their proper weaponry? Are they getting rid of those purple weak points? Does anyone even give a shit anymore?

And now with the rumored Elden DLC to be released on the same week it's like this game was doomed to fail from its very conception.

I was never on board to begin with as I think that whole crew of characters is stupid and not my thing. However, I miss those PS360 days of Rocksteady. I yearn for em.

Hell, at this point Id be more excited if they just took whatever resources they had and gave us an Arkham Knight remaster instead.
I predict barely any overhaul at all. You can't change the entire nature of a game of that scale and so many years in development. They're just staying quiet until closer to launch, because most of the feedback on it will be negative, especially in gaming circles. They're going to ship a game that's unpopular before it even comes out, and they know it. But, it's either cancel it entirely, or release a steaming pile of crap and hope to make a little bit of money from the people who don't pay attention to reviews.

It is really unfortunate, given Rocksteady's pedigree. But that was a looooong time ago, now.
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This reminded a video I saw about Vale's strategy of play testing every game from the very beginning to understand what players think, do and expect from the game

Suicide Squad Kills the justice league does not seem to have done that
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Even at 80% I'd feel dirty buying it. It still isnt 60fps right? And Im not even a stickler for framerates but man what a bummer that is.
I don't even care about the FPS, honestly. I just think the overall campaign turned out to be trash, the world was barren and uninteresting to explore, and despite not being designed to be an MMO-like game, somehow all the systems felt like it was. What a dumpster fire! 🤷‍♂️


sad stan marsh GIF by South Park


This game is going to crash and burn. The initial reveal looked absolutely horrible. Moreso than Gotham Knights.

The game looked downright ugly, its fascinating this is the game Rocksteady, responsible for the Arkham Trilogy, worked on for so many years. And just shooting weak points, lol.

They never learn. They haven't seen what happened to Avengers and many others? Avengers looked better than this.
I care in the sense that the more co-op games the better. I had a decent enough time with Gotham Knights, I think I'd love it more if it had Rocksteady's touch; so if they can give me an Arkham-ish game with decent-to-good controls in a co-op enviroment that is fun to move around in...I'm game.

Not gonna hold my breath for it, but I'll keep optimistic enthusiasm until they've shown me something that I outright hate. They haven't done that yet, so here's hoping.

Season 7 Nbc GIF by The Office
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Gonna risk a guess it has some heavy development trouples. I mean, who would guess Gaas are not as easy to make as the black suits think they are? No wonder theres very few sucessfull Gaas and a lot of failed ones.

Would risk too that if they decide launch it will be in terrible shape, with alot of missing stuff, no content and hundreds AI generated broken promisses.
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This game probably has a budget of 200M-300M before marketing

They’re sending it out to die then either rocksteady gets closed or they’re back on Batman or MAYBE. MAYBE. A AAA Superman. More likely another Arkham game

Did you see the video that got the whole internet to dunk on them? Even the devs seemed so uncomfortable/awkward trying to hype it up. They know it’s a piece of shit. They’d rather be doing a solo Batman/Superman/Aquaman game or something.

Go to their Glassdoor and filter by most recent and scroll through the years since Arkham Knight came out. Very grim very bleak picture at rocksteady


Completely forgot this thing existed. I dropped Gotham Knights midway through cause I just didn't enjoy it as much as the Arkham games. Not really aching for another one of those.


Gold Member
This game is going to crash and burn. The initial reveal looked absolutely horrible. Moreso than Gotham Knights.

The game looked downright ugly, its fascinating this is the game Rocksteady, responsible for the Arkham Trilogy, worked on for so many years. And just shooting weak points, lol.

They never learn. They haven't seen what happened to Avengers and many others? Avengers looked better than this.
Superhero movies = big money

GAAS = big money

Superhero GAAS video game = guaranteed winner with fantastic ROI across 5 years!

All you video game makers should be more realistic and stop chasing the COD, FIFA or Fortnite dream. Make games you're good at. Not what other people make.
Crazy. The last game they made was a Batman VR game in 2016, while the last mainstream game was Batman Arkham Knight in 2015. Arkham Knight was 8 years ago.
I’m mystified WB Montreal is still operating after GK flopped

But they’ve never been the A lister. The golden boys. Like rocksteady. You think they’ll get shut down after suicide squad bombs or simply put back on Batman


I imagine they are desperately trying to retool it into something anyone would actually want to play......I'm sure that will go well.
FWIW many games don't figure out their gameplay loop till the last stretch of development, GoW18 literally didn't figure out how they wanted the combat to be till 6 months before launch.

They might be able to pull something off but it'll be a damn miracle, god bless em because I don't know who else will.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Does anyone even care about the Suicide Squad? They don't even have any super powers. Guardians is a better group of heroes, a great game and that game didn't do that well. I don't see how SS will sell well at all. Looked like a worse version of The Avengers without the super powers.

That GOTG was one of the biggest surprises in gaming Ive had in years. Wound up being in my top 5 for 2021. Such a fanfuckingtastic game.

After playing it I remember thinking "Yeah, if BioWare doesnt do party member writing and communication like this then that next Mass Effect is screwed."

And now look where BioWare is :messenger_grimmacing_
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8 years of development. Considering the huge cost of launching, they have to be wondering what the lesser evil it. No way it recoups. Probably better to just trash it and make a new Batman game that people want.
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