There’s probably not a single game on the N64 that received so much unrightful slander as Castlevania (1999). Coming out just under a year after the template-setting Symphony of the Night, the internet hivemind, greatly helped by Koji Igarashi himself, created the meme that Castlevania on the N64 sucks, is a bad game, and a bunch of diarrhea donkey farts by doo-doo-brained developers.
Which is a load of crap, and it’s time we set the record straight.
00:00 Act 1: Bloodlines
06:01 Sponsor
07:23 Act 2: Apocalypse & Rebirth
20:08 Act 3: Vampire Killer
32:32 Act 4: Legacy of Darkness: Demon Castles, Demon’s Souls
42:27 Act 5: Bloody Tears for Simon’s Quest