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Rainbow Six -- Last Gen vs. This Gen


I had mentioned before that I'm purchasing The Tom Clancy Classic Trilogy for the father of my godson, Barry. I'm also giving him my XBOX with PGR.

Anyhow... He has a PlayStation with Rainbow Six and he's absolutely in love with the game. He says the graphics get the job done and the gameplay is great.
My question is, will he notice a significant improvement from that title to Rainbow Six 3 on the XBOX? Obviously the graphics will be better, but is the gameplay in Single Player more fun and more polished?

Also, how do you think a guy who loves Rainbow Six will like Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon?


Rainbow Six is the best squad based shooter going; and it's the most popular game on XBL (pre-Halo) if he's into online gaming. Freedom Fighters would be a good cheap pick up. SWAT isn't bad.

With respect to Ghost Recon, I would wait for GR2, which looks to be a huge improvement over the first game. It should be out in the next month or so.
Rainbow 6 3 is much more polished. Guns on screen, better animation, more options in navigating your environments. A risk with anyone who plays too much of any one game is that he may not like the sequel simply because it can take some time to learn the new environments and challenges.

If you like one near-future military/strategy/action game, there's a good chance you'll like them all. Splinter Cell can be frustrating though, and Ghost Recon is an aquired taste.


Rhindle said:
Rainbow Six is the best squad based shooter going; and it's the most popular game on XBL (pre-Halo) if he's into online gaming. Freedom Fighters would be a good cheap pick up. SWAT isn't bad.

With respect to Ghost Recon, I would wait for GR2, which looks to be a huge improvement over the first game. It should be out in the next month or so.

I'm getting the classic Trilogy though, so I can hold out for GH2.
I figure this will be a good introduction to the XBOX for him. Give him the franchise he's familiar with in updated form.

Freedom Fighters wasn't a very good game IMO, so I don't think that's an option.

And yes, he reproduced.
Take a look at his kiddo... this is the day he was born.
olimario said:
I had mentioned before that I'm purchasing The Tom Clancy Classic Trilogy for the father of my godson, Barry. I'm also giving him my XBOX with PGR.

Anyhow... He has a PlayStation with Rainbow Six and he's absolutely in love with the game. He says the graphics get the job done and the gameplay is great.
My question is, will he notice a significant improvement from that title to Rainbow Six 3 on the XBOX? Obviously the graphics will be better, but is the gameplay in Single Player more fun and more polished?

Also, how do you think a guy who loves Rainbow Six will like Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon?

Assuming the Playstation port of Rainbow Six is identical to the PC version, then he will notice a difference in the gameplay. Namely, the first RS was much more simulation whereas RS3 on the Xbox is more acadey. You can take a whole lot more punishment in a firefight than you could in the first RS. You can be a bit more gunho about going into rooms and such.

Personally I do think it's more fun though. It's not so arcade-ish that it's like Doom. You still have to be careful because a lot of the missions are pretty long and there's no health packs or anything. But it's also not so frustrating where you have to start over because you took a bullet or two after just barely peaking around a corner and a bad guy just happened to be looking in your direction.

The nicest thing about RS3 is that you don't have to do that tedious mapping for the teammates. If you have a headset, you can tell them what to do on the spot. It's limited in a lot of ways but it's a hell of a lot better than just having them go about a pre-planned pathway. (I hated doing that in the original)

If they liked Rainbow Six, they'll probably like Splinter Cell. I think of it as a MGS with more realistic scenarios and equipment.


The Shadow said:
Assuming the Playstation port of Rainbow Six is identical to the PC version, then he will notice a difference in the gameplay. Namely, the first RS was much more simulation whereas RS3 on the Xbox is more acadey. You can take a whole lot more punishment in a firefight than you could in the first RS. You can be a bit more gunho about going into rooms and such.

Personally I do think it's more fun though. It's not so arcade-ish that it's like Doom. You still have to be careful because a lot of the missions are pretty long and there's no health packs or anything. But it's also not so frustrating where you have to start over because you took a bullet or two after just barely peaking around a corner and a bad guy just happened to be looking in your direction.

The nicest thing about RS3 is that you don't have to do that tedious mapping for the teammates. If you have a headset, you can tell them what to do on the spot. It's limited in a lot of ways but it's a hell of a lot better than just having them go about a pre-planned pathway. (I hated doing that in the original)

If they liked Rainbow Six, they'll probably like Splinter Cell. I think of it as a MGS with more realistic scenarios and equipment.

Thanks for the breakdown, Shadow. Gives me a GREAT feel for the difference in the two.
Really appreciate it.

Now, you said assuming the PSX version was like the PC version. I think the PSX version scored a 3.5 at IGN while the PC one got a 9.4. eek!

way more

olimario said:
I had mentioned before that I'm purchasing The Tom Clancy Classic Trilogy for the father of my godson, Barry. I'm also giving him my XBOX with PGR.

Anyhow... He has a PlayStation with Rainbow Six and he's absolutely in love with the game. He says the graphics get the job done and the gameplay is great.
My question is, will he notice a significant improvement from that title to Rainbow Six 3 on the XBOX? Obviously the graphics will be better, but is the gameplay in Single Player more fun and more polished?

Also, how do you think a guy who loves Rainbow Six will like Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon?

Rainbow 6 3 is radically different from the PSX version. I believe the PSX game was a port of the PC so it would include one shot kills, planning, squads, and open environments.


Is there a good title on the XBOX that features the same type of game style as the original Rainbow Six?
A good FPS with one shot kills, open environments, etc... ?
Rainbow Six 3 for the Xbox is actually a rather different game since it's not really a port of Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield for PC. The pre-planning elements have been taken away, the levels all modified or redone to become completely linear, enemies locations are preset, and the weapon damage has been changed to be far more forgiving. It's still a good game, but rather different than the PC games (and their ports).

Musashi Wins!

olimario said:
Is there a good title on the XBOX that features the same type of game style as the original Rainbow Six?
A good FPS with one shot kills, open environments, etc... ?

He'll actually find the gameplay of Ghost Recon much more similar in scope. But I bet he likes Rainbow Six as well. The truth is, if he loves that shitty port of RSix on PS1, he'll be thanking you forever for these games haha.

way more

I would suggest Ghost Recon, much more open and there is squad planning, it was called "Rainbow 6 with the gloves off," when it came out.. My only gripe is that when you take a sqaud (in the console version) the game becomes to easy. The urban environments in that game rock to no end.
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