Not his biggest fan, but LevelCap has a video covering what is fixed in the new patch, which is supposed to launch within 1-2 weeks.
Big one: "Pawn rotation latency" bug is being fixed. This is the difference being player action vs server perception vs other players' perception and probably accounts for a lot of the cheap kills, especially when you're inexplicably killed when using the shield.
Also, from Ubi:
Great news! I've not been addicted to an online shooter like this in a long time and it's awesome to see that it's not left to die. Ubisoft has a great game with a lot of future potential here if they can keep the support up.
Id consider operator ability more important than anything else. I have had instances where Rooks extra armor plating has let me soak up an extra shot which was the difference between me getting one kill and dying as opposed to getting two kills and living w/ next to no health left. So id say it matters, but it's not the most important factor when choosing an operator. You need to pick an OP that suits the skill of you as a player and whether it affects the team in positive way overall.![]()
ok so here are some stats men were able to gather. 1,2 and 3 are levels of armor. damage reduction is almost non-excistant for less then 20 meters. I wonder why there's damage drop at all in a game like this but whatever Ubi... I mean look at this - AR does 3 shot kills no matter what armor one has if you shoot good enough. Well I guess its time to unlock operators without armor for it doesn't really matter.