I'm not exaggerating... I didn't win a single game all weekend. Seriously, 20 something games in a row - lost. And I'm on talking teams where we're coordinating and everything. Arg. Kinda sucks - figured we'd win something by chance by now...
EDIT: That came off not how I intended... I'm still loving the game, and think I'm doing pretty well - as are all the folks on my team. Having a blast. Easily my favorite shooter in the last four or five years, for sure.
That said, it desperately needs some netcode fixes if I'm going to love it long term. I have a 55MBdown/15MB/up connection and hover around a 40-60ms ping; along with an ASUS Swift monitor. And there have been at *least* ten or eleven times where I shoot someone around a corner, and unload... but I die. Check the kill cam, and from their perspective, they're a solid two or three feet AROUND the corner.
Also, is anyone able to tell me some secrets to getting the sound right? On my soundblaster card with decent headphones, I can easily hear position of enemy steps in games like CS, BF, and CoD. But here, the steps always just seem to be "on me," and not to the left, right, front, or behind. Is the game intentionally making it difficult to discern, or are my settings fucked?