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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately


I'll add you.

Last night I realized how OP shotguns and shields can be. First, I got sniped by a shotgun. I'm finding some of the shotguns have insane range. I'm not kidding when I say "sniped", the defender was up on a roof way off in the distance and managed to kill me. The replay was insane. Shields should be modified too....if you take a shotty at point blank range, you shouldn't be able to just walk through it unharmed.

Bandit's shotgun has crazy range, and it seems that even 1 pellet can headshot you, i'm not completly sure tho, but if this is the case that would explain some moments.
They do have a lot of spread so at medium to long ranges a shotgun can feel sometimes like a nerf gun.

I like 1 headshot kills, but for shotguns it should be more then one pellet if that is not already the case.

Such a fun game, i'm even having fun with randoms, sometimes teams coordinate without even speaking.

I unlocked Smoke yesterday, what a fun and troll operator.
Today i spotted the attackers breaking one of the doors on the airplane, i throwed a smoke bomb through the hole and bam, 3 dead since they couldn't get out of the platfomr fast enough. And the smoke works as defense too since you can't see through it.

The secondary machine gun that Sledge and Smoke have is pretty good too but is balanced by the ammo total and clip size.
Man, how do you beat that bomb diffuse situation on realistic? Get swarmed by enemies too fast for me to reload and you die in one or two shots.


the same gang also said on multiple occasion that the "shared bonus" feature of the season pass was creating pressure for people to buy it, which is the most ridiculous criticism of a nice feature Ive heard in a looong time.

This has to be the dumbest criticism I've heard against the game. I've played the game for 20 hours, all with a mic and with people I either knew or just met, and no one has ever mentioned the boosters, aside from a few people saying 'what a fucking waste of money'.

I have not felt at any point held back by micro transactions. Even the Season Pass holds little value for me, as I don't give a shit about skins and I can wait a week before spending renown on Operators. I think it's good thing you do't have access to all the Operators immediately, as it makes you learn and appreciate their individual skill set. For example, I used to think Twitch was absolute dogshit, but after spending a bit of time with her I realise she's only kind of shit. Which I wouldn't have done, if I didn't have some sort of investment in her.


This has to be the dumbest criticism I've heard against the game. I've played the game for 20 hours, all with a mic and with people I either knew or just met, and no one has ever mentioned the boosters, aside from a few people saying 'what a fucking waste of money'.

I have not felt at any point held back by micro transactions. Even the Season Pass holds little value for me, as I don't give a shit about skins and I can wait a week before spending renown on Operators. I think it's good thing you do't have access to all the Operators immediately, as it makes you learn and appreciate their individual skill set. For example, I used to think Twitch was absolute dogshit, but after spending a bit of time with her I realise she's only kind of shit. Which I wouldn't have done, if I didn't have some sort of investment in her.

If anything, even boosters are made in a cool way.
If anyone has a booster on your team, everyone renown is boosted by 10 % with a cumulative cap of 90% if everyone has them. This encourages the whole team to win. So i can't see how anyone woould have a problem with them unless they wanted to be inflamatory about it.

On a side note, i just saw Super Bunnyhop review, it's pretty well made aside of some coments about vegas that could bother some fans.

Here's the link https://youtu.be/b8AQtI4iTD0


I'm not big on shooters usually, and I suck at them, but this is my favorite shooter this year by far.

Sad to see so many people, including the gaming press, dismissing the game because it has Microtransaction and lacks a single player mode.

I mean, for fuck's sake, Austin Walker never even noticed that weapons can be modded, and dinged the game for having nothing but characters and skins to spend renown on. (During their QL)

Counter-Strike: GO is a multiplayer only game. Price? $16.99 CAD
R6: Siege is trying to get on the eSports scene and can be compared to GO. Price? $79.99 CAD for 1/100 (I'm generous) of the players. Game should be $29.99 really, at this price it's pretty insulting knowing how the netcode is and little features there are.


Counter-Strike: GO is a multiplayer only game. Price? $16.99 CAD
R6: Siege is trying to get on the eSports scene and can be compared to GO. Price? $79.99 CAD for 1/100 (I'm generous) of the players. Game should be $29.99 really, at this price it's pretty insulting knowing how the netcode is and little features there are.

I agree that it's too expensive at 60$us, but I paid 50$ CAD for it, and that was fine IMO.


I agree that it's too expensive at 60$us, but I paid 50$ CAD for it, and that was fine IMO.
Yea game is too pricey man. Got it for free with 970, and I love it. However, for a multiplayer game that's shit the bed online half the time $30 would of been a good price.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Counter-Strike: GO is a multiplayer only game. Price? $16.99 CAD
R6: Siege is trying to get on the eSports scene and can be compared to GO. Price? $79.99 CAD for 1/100 (I'm generous) of the players. Game should be $29.99 really, at this price it's pretty insulting knowing how the netcode is and little features there are.

CSGO isn't on consoles.

Different competitive set.


CSGO isn't on consoles.

Different competitive set.

Not just that, but R6S has some pretty high production value. The sound and type of destruction are pretty advanced for one. I really don't think they are comparable on the price they could go for, if anything, R6S is a miracle to exist in it's current form, because i asume that it needed some steep budget.

That said, the game obviously could have used a lower price point to increase player base, but then again, wich game wouldn't?


The number of people killing their own team is a little ridiculous. I had much more fun tonight as I am still kinda learning the game but that was a huge turnoff.


How sad it is when I've come across younger kids, at the most middle school age, acting more mature than 20 year olds.

R6 community is weird lol.


The number of people killing their own team is a little ridiculous. I had much more fun tonight as I am still kinda learning the game but that was a huge turnoff.

I don't know if some just act dumb, but i have stumbled with some low level individuals that start doing the most stupid shit ever.

I really apreciate the fast nature of the rounds since i can shrug bad matches with no problem because of it.
It's not like when i'm playing something like League of Legends, were a bad match is like 30 minutes agonizing unless you give up the match.


Did they silence sound you make when disabling the bomb? More than a few times have I seen people smashing the case but couldn't hear anything.
I spent 30 dollars on the game so I'm happy. Slightly upset I didn't buy an Nvidia code pre launch when they were going for 20 dollars which is the price I got Unity at.


Haven't notice that, you might be right. O.O

Hopefully it's just a glitch. If it was design choice that is really stupid.

Let me be able to hear Thermite yell out A REALLY BIG FUCKING HOLE HERE but I can't hear an operator smashing the shit out of a briefcase.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
How sad it is when I've come across younger kids, at the most middle school age, acting more mature than 20 year olds.

R6 community is weird lol.

that could be a good thing however, a new generation of gamers not douche bags like when they play cod


Tonight was another great night for entertaining things I never knew could happen. The defenders were preparing for us in "hostage" game mode, so they placed barbed wire all around the hostage. Smart plan! But then their Bandit came along and put down his battery, thinking it'll damage us if we try to get to the hostage. It downed and killed the hostage before the round started! God this game is so much fun!


Tonight was another great night for entertaining things I never knew could happen. The defenders were preparing for us in "hostage" game mode, so they placed barbed wire all around the hostage. Smart plan! But then their Bandit came along and put down his battery, thinking it'll damage us if we try to get to the hostage. It downed and killed the hostage before the round started! God this game is so much fun!

I've done that! and to kill the hostage with it you have to be very unaware of the siituation, it takes forever.

That makes your tale a lot more hilarious now that i think about it :V
What kind of dumbass thought this type of vote to kick system works? Me and one of my friends just got kicked for absolutely no reason in a ranked game. I was 5 and 0 and he had 3 kills. They did nothing the whole time and on the last round they decided to kick us.

It should allow you to be kicked after a certain amount of damage is dealt to your team, not whenever they want.

To add more saltiness, now we gotta wait 15 minutes lol
It should allow you to be kicked after a certain amount of damage is dealt to your team, not whenever they want.

How it is currently is fine to me, if it worked on a damage threshold then me and my friends wouldn't have been able to kick the 12 year old who when he wasn't squeaking and calling everyone fuckboy was hotmiccing his techno music throughout the game.


How it is currently is fine to me, if it worked on a damage threshold then me and my friends wouldn't have been able to kick the 12 year old who when he wasn't squeaking and calling everyone fuckboy was hotmiccing his techno music throughout the game.

Yeah most games let you kick as long as you have a majority of votes. Not saying "clutch or kick" is fair, but it happens.
How it is currently is fine to me, if it worked on a damage threshold then me and my friends wouldn't have been able to kick the 12 year old who when he wasn't squeaking and calling everyone fuckboy was hotmiccing his techno music throughout the game.

Could have just muted him and it would have solved your problem.
Yeah most games let you kick as long as you have a majority of votes. Not saying "clutch or kick" is fair, but it happens.

We were 4 people, including me and my friend. Two of them voted and we got booted that's not majority.

Edit: sorry if my tone seemed abrasive it wasn't intentional


Just saw a guy get kicked because he picked the character someone else wanted to play as. I love this game, but playing with randoms is such a crapshoot.
I meant more in terms of date, it is Mid December now, lol

I should try the multiplayer at some point I suppose, all of my game time in the beta and now in the full game is Terrorist Hunt as that's what I've always played in the Rainbow Six games.

Last I recall, they said this week is when its coming in a big forum post.

There's plenty of people using mics out there whether it be in gaf discord group or in casual matchmaking. The multiplayer is where I've spent like 90% of my time in this. I've barely touched Terrorist Hunt.
Just saw a guy get kicked because he picked the character someone else wanted to play as. I love this game, but playing with randoms is such a crapshoot.

Some guy just kicked someone else because he gave away his position. The dude was running with 2 others so they all joined up and did it. I dunno I think from now on I'm gonna roll with 2 others in ranked so we're always majority.


I have never seen anyone got kicked without reason. Yes, there are people who get kicked because they leave open mic and it produces a lot of noise. I have even initiated kick vote for someone who did not turn off his mic even after requests to do so. It is annoying to others if there are constant static noise through out the playtime.
Also I have seen kicks out of game because someone is messing around and not contributing to teamplay (even in ranked games ppl sometimes play 4 against 5 and even win than deal with someone who ruin their tactics by running in enemy territory and get killed there and leave defuser). Even I got kicked once for such dumb move and I don't blame them for that because I know now it was really dumb and we lost round because of that.


I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of center objective mode added. We know new modes are coming.

I hope they introduce a new mode that rotates Secure Objetive/Hostage/Bomb Defuse (example Round 1 and 2 are Hostage, Round 3 and 4 are Bomb Defuse and Round 5 is Secure objetive).

And an added twist one team can't use a operator more than once. So if Teammate A uses Fuze on Round 1 of Hostage, that team can't use him again. Use every operator on Round 1-4, and the entire team could only use recruits on round 5 if it's needed.

It would probably piss off some people with few operators unlocked but at the same time it would add an extra layer of strategy and reward the teams that plan well. Also maybe it would teach people not to use Fuze on Hostage...


I have never seen anyone got kicked without reason. Yes, there are people who get kicked because they leave open mic and it produces a lot of noise. I have even initiated kick vote for someone who did not turn off his mic even after requests to do so. It is annoying to others if there are constant static noise through out the playtime.
Also I have seen kicks out of game because someone is messing around and not contributing to teamplay (even in ranked games ppl sometimes play 4 against 5 and even win than deal with someone who ruin their tactics by running in enemy territory and get killed there and leave defuser). Even I got kicked once for such dumb move and I don't blame them for that because I know now it was really dumb and we lost round because of that.

Why didnt you just mute him?

Kicking system can be silly when people are dicks about everything.

People slip up, and choke in video games. It happens to everybody. I wouldn't kick tbh. I'd only do it if you're TK or deliberately making the game a buzzkill for everyone else (like trapping you in a corner and spinning around in circles and we both end up getting killed by the enemy).


Some guy just kicked someone else because he gave away his position. The dude was running with 2 others so they all joined up and did it. I dunno I think from now on I'm gonna roll with 2 others in ranked so we're always majority.
I was once kicked because I clutched 3 rounds in a row for our team. The match was on Hereford Base and first round were down 2v5 on defense and the attackers plant the bomb, I killed all 5 and right as I'm disarming it my teammate kills me so he can disarm the bomb. Pissed I vote to kick but it was only me and one other friend playing together so we play on. Next round the guy team kills me and we lose the round. Next round I team kill him and we win the round on a 2v4 with me and my friend clutching it. Next round he team kills me and my friend and we lose yet again. So now its 2-2 final round to win the match as defenders. Me and my friend rush to kill him and he kills my friend but I managed to kill him with no health loss. My final two teammates die 30 seconds into the match were down 1v5 so I camp on the third floor while the bomb on the first floor. So I take my time and get it down to a 1v2 just as the final 2 plant the bomb. I throw a stun inside kill one and headshot the last guy to clucth it... Or so I think because as soon as I go to disarm the bomb, you have been removed from match! One of the most infuriating moments I've ever had in gaming. I had something like 15 kills that game I was so upset. I tried to record it but only managed to get the kick screen. My friend was dying laughing at the whole ordeal but I surely wasn't haha.


I have never seen anyone got kicked without reason. Yes, there are people who get kicked because they leave open mic and it produces a lot of noise. I have even initiated kick vote for someone who did not turn off his mic even after requests to do so. It is annoying to others if there are constant static noise through out the playtime.
Also I have seen kicks out of game because someone is messing around and not contributing to teamplay (even in ranked games ppl sometimes play 4 against 5 and even win than deal with someone who ruin their tactics by running in enemy territory and get killed there and leave defuser). Even I got kicked once for such dumb move and I don't blame them for that because I know now it was really dumb and we lost round because of that.

I don't think you should be kicked for screwing up. That just alienates new players and creates toxicity. If someone is tk'ing, idling or otherwise trying to ruin the game, then kick them. But players shouldn't be punished for fucking up.

I'm talking about casual mode, btw. Ranked I can understand.
I have never seen anyone got kicked without reason. Yes, there are people who get kicked because they leave open mic and it produces a lot of noise. I have even initiated kick vote for someone who did not turn off his mic even after requests to do so. It is annoying to others if there are constant static noise through out the playtime.
Also I have seen kicks out of game because someone is messing around and not contributing to teamplay (even in ranked games ppl sometimes play 4 against 5 and even win than deal with someone who ruin their tactics by running in enemy territory and get killed there and leave defuser). Even I got kicked once for such dumb move and I don't blame them for that because I know now it was really dumb and we lost round because of that.

Me and a friend got kicked for literally no reason, we we're the only ones with mics and we were coordinating with each other. I Had 5 kills and 0 deaths he had 4 kills and 2 deaths, we were on the last round. I get kicked and then he gets kicked right after. If they aren't on the mics and coordinating with us it's not our fault if we did something that displeased them. I think they were just pissed we were getting a bunch of kills while they did nothing.

I was once kicked because I clutched 3 rounds in a row for our team. The match was on Hereford Base and first round were down 2v5 on defense and the attackers plant the bomb, I killed all 5 and right as I'm disarming it my teammate kills me so he can disarm the bomb. Pissed I vote to kick but it was only me and one other friend playing together so we play on. Next round the guy team kills me and we lose the round. Next round I team kill him and we win the round on a 2v4 with me and my friend clutching it. Next round he team kills me and my friend and we lose yet again. So now its 2-2 final round to win the match as defenders. Me and my friend rush to kill him and he kills my friend but I managed to kill him with no health loss. My final two teammates die 30 seconds into the match were down 1v5 so I camp on the third floor while the bomb on the first floor. So I take my time and get it down to a 1v2 just as the final 2 plant the bomb. I throw a stun inside kill one and headshot the last guy to clucth it... Or so I think because as soon as I go to disarm the bomb, you have been removed from match! One of the most infuriating moments I've ever had in gaming. I had something like 15 kills that game I was so upset. I tried to record it but only managed to get the kick screen. My friend was dying laughing at the whole ordeal but I surely wasn't haha.

See shit like this just shows how people can abuse the system.


I personally believe it could go both ways (ranked and casual). Too many times have I seen people get kicked because they did something stupid because they were in the moment thinking it was the right thing to do, while we were all spectating.

It really can be annoying how everybody critiques you when you're the last one alive on your team. Like bro, STFU and watch me work lol. Why couldn't you do all that shit while you were alive???

I got kicked when I was basically leading my team in ranked, both kill wise, and objective. Long story short, clock was counting down and I had to contest the objective. I didn't see a trip mine and vaulted through the door. Very stupid on my part for not checking the floor, sure. But kicking me? When I'm the one that basically carried the team and is TRYING to win? Lol come on now. People choke.

And they were in a party chat, came out to tell me I'm a dumbass then got booted. Smh.


Yes, system can be abused but that kind of kick system is almost in every mp game. I don't think we will see any change in that. What I actually would love to see is reputation system that people can vote they like to play with that person or not. That kind of system helps to see who is in general dick or who just slipped and made mistake.
I don't know why someone kicks someone who get kills and wins games. I feel sometimes bad I don't kill and get bad k/d radio but I will never kick someone who gives me wins. I can't understand the reason of that kind of kicks.


Yes, system can be abused but that kind of kick system is almost in every mp game. I don't think we will see any change in that. What I actually would love to see is reputation system that people can vote they like to play with that person or not. That kind of system helps to see who is in general dick or who just slipped and made mistake.
I don't know why someone kicks someone who get kills and wins games. I feel sometimes bad I don't kill and get bad k/d radio but I will never kick someone who gives me wins. I can't understand the reason of that kind of kicks.

Yeah a reputation system could help. But the whole booting thing just leaves me salty about that part of the R6 community. Lol.

Worst part is getting a 15 min wait time, and I'd also imagine it counts as a loss on your record for getting kicked out by dicks.
Problem is with the team sizes as they are (which is great) it means just a few people can 'team up' to kick people unnecessarily. However you definitely need a vote kick option in a game like this where an asshole can just TK or deliberately grief and ruin the game for everyone since the matches are so small, it's not like one dude goofing off in the corner of a giant 64 player map.

There isn't really a good solution here other than play with at least 2 friends to avoid it.
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