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Random thoughts.



Edit: its fucking true! Why did I doubt you
Believe it... I guess Sarah and Freddie got married and are still together. Jennifer well.... it happens to us all I guess.




When did people legit start picking up their dog's shit? When I was a kid I was stepping in dog shit every other week. Thinking about it still pisses me off. Out back with a toothpick and hose getting all that shit out. My dad yelling at me for tracking shit into his house lol. People would just let their dog's shit everywhere like fuck it. Nowadays don't let me catch you letting your dog shit without picking it up or face my wraith.
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When did people legit start picking up their dog's shit? When I was a kid I was stepping in dog shit every other week. Thinking about it still pisses me off. Out back with a toothpick and hose getting all that shit out. My dad yelling at me for tracking shit into his house lol. People would just let their dog's shit everywhere like fuck it. Nowadays don't let me catch you letting your dog shit without picking it up or face my wraith.
What kind of caveman walks around the house with shoes worn outside? Absolutely disgusting.
See even this guy takes his shoes off
maybe war is god
Nature is God. Of all the worshipped deities over the centuries and millenia, ranging from Abrahamic, ancient, lost and modern religions, not one 'God' has been proven, scientifically and undeniably, to exist, let alone create miracles.

Nature on the other hand, she makes her own rules and them breaks them to show off. "all things must die... Except the immortal jelly fish" "Ohh here's a chameleon that, even if blind, can perfectly match the surface its on"

Which brings me to my random though: what would happen if you put a chameleon on a mirror?


If you're born deaf, what language do you think in?

Fun fact: some people have an internal narrative and some don't

As in, some people's thoughts are like sentences they "hear", and some people just have abstract non-verbal thoughts, and have to consciously verbalize them



Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If your body is dirty and soap is clean do you get dirty from touching the soap or do you dirty the soap?
You dirty the soap. Soap is generally not an anti-microbial. What it does is break down fats and oils that microbes cling to on your skin. My microbiology teacher in college was actually so against soap that has added antibiotic properties that she imported soap without it from France all the time. All it does is kill extremely minimal, low level microbes, and promotes their adaption into super-strains of bacteria that are resistant to it. It's the same effect as taking an antibiotics prescription from your doctor but not finishing the entire dose. You kill the weakest bacteria, and the strong ones remain, then the strong ones multiply and the strain is stronger.

So yeah, you make the soap dirty.

Even strong cleaning chemicals are not magic. They generally have to sit on a surface for 10 minutes or longer to actually work. People who just spray something on a counter and wipe aren't even using it correctly. Lysol for example lyses cells by creating holes in - or complete destruction of cell walls, causing fluid imbalance and cell death, but it's not instantaneous.
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I don't have an internal monologue. I also more or less can't picture things (only for a tiny fraction of a second). Like if you ask me to picture a beach, I know what a beach looks like but I can't hold that image in my mind. Music is no problem for me though.
So when you go to shake-off late at night and get a little bit of pee on the outside of your pajama pants, you dokt internally cuss yourself out?


So when you go to shake-off late at night and get a little bit of pee on the outside of your pajama pants, you dokt internally cuss yourself out?
lol, I have that feeling but I don't literally hear a voice.

If I "picture" where something is, or how to get there, I also don't visualize it, I just kind of know where it is. Maybe it's weird to most people, I dunno, for example I could barely describe to you how my sister looks because I can't picture her, but of course I would never mistake her for someone else because I know what what she looks like. The most I could say is her hair is dark blonde shoulder shoulder length, I couldn't tell you anything about her facial features.
I made a sandpit for the kids, it will cost me around 270 euro to fill this with sand. 15kg bags are 18 euro each.

I gave serious thought about driving to the beach and taking sand from there



Why do you call someone who you don't trust a snake? What's up with snakes? Is it because they reproduce spontaneously and have no female and male organs? You see where I'm going with this? How can you trust a guy who can literally go fuck himself?
Is that the reason why we call people snakes?


Gold Member
Why do you call someone who you don't trust a snake? What's up with snakes? Is it because they reproduce spontaneously and have no female and male organs? You see where I'm going with this? How can you trust a guy who can literally go fuck himself?
Is that the reason why we call people snakes?

The snake that trolled Eve and tricked her into eating the apple from Gods sacred apple tree and thus, banishing humanity from paradise
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My wife and kids have gone to the country side for the next couple weeks and i will go on Friday. Before she left she made a big pan of meat to make spaghetti with, she said there was enough for two days if i ate big dinners.

i managed to get that down last night without pasta and now my farts smell like meat



My wife and kids have gone to the country side for the next couple weeks and i will go on Friday. Before she left she made a big pan of meat to make spaghetti with, she said there was enough for two days if i ate big dinners.

i managed to get that down last night without pasta and now my farts smell like meat

It looks like you fucked up the nonstick pan with your spoon as well. I feel genuine sympathy for your wife
It looks like you fucked up the nonstick pan with your spoon as well. I feel genuine sympathy for your wife
well it looks like you should shut the fuck up and rate my eggs

i used the same spoon out of spite but upon closer inspection yes i have fucked her pan....good thing is she wont be back in the apartment until summer is over so i have time to replace it or maybe buy her a new one as a "surprise"



well it looks like you should shut the fuck up and rate my eggs

i used the same spoon out of spite but upon closer inspection yes i have fucked her pan....good thing is she wont be back in the apartment until summer is over so i have time to replace it or maybe buy her a new one as a "surprise"

The yolks look more orange than what I’m used to but seems like you did a good job timing them. It’s not easy to get hard boiled eggs to that texture unless you know what you’re doing


°Temp. member
This year has been such a nightmare. I wonder how long until things go back to normal... if ever?


Gold Member
well it looks like you should shut the fuck up and rate my eggs

i used the same spoon out of spite but upon closer inspection yes i have fucked her pan....good thing is she wont be back in the apartment until summer is over so i have time to replace it or maybe buy her a new one as a "surprise"


Grass fed eggs ??? Those yolks look like freaking oranges I want some my cheapas$ eggs are always faded yellow
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