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Random thoughts.

IDK ever since my mom died a few months ago I'm more willing to call people out on bullshit like I did in my 20s. My whole mother's side of my family is dead. :(


Mr Hyde

I just bought new headphones. Sennheiser HD 400-s. Very comfortable, fits all around the ears so its blocking outside noise, with superb sound and a built in microphone so I can take calls while still listening to music on Spotify. They are also very good for gaming. My last headphones I had lasted over 20 years so I hope these new ones can pull off something similar. I like gadgets and tech that are built to last.
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Kev Kev


Mr Hyde

I don't have much of a sweet tooth but tonight I felt like buying some candy and watch some movies and play some games, to celebrate my 4 weeks of vacation that began yesterday. But after I ate it I've been feeling absolute dog shit. Been sweating buckets, I'm hot, almost feverish, and my stomach is having a world war 3 party inside.

Fucking hell. Great start on the vacation. I wonder if I got poisoned. Picking loose sweets like that is fucking disgusting and unhygienic when I think about it. Never again. I'm done with quick sugar rushes.


In Proton beam therapy, why can't the relationship between Hounsfield units in a CT and Proton Stopping Power not be formulated as a function? And why is there water-equivalent path length as another form of measurement of proton radiation dosage?

Cutty Flam

Birdo Birdo you’ve been a part of the Mario universe since the NES, yet you’ve never starred in a single video game...

how do you get pregnant, and how do you have so many eggs? why is giving birth so easy for you, and why you do you use your unborn children as ammunition?


Birdo Birdo you’ve been a part of the Mario universe since the NES, yet you’ve never starred in a single video game...

how do you get pregnant, and how do you have so many eggs? why is giving birth so easy for you, and why you do you use your unborn children as ammunition?

Nintendo erased me, and the eggs are not fertilized.

I'm not actually Birdo. I'm just a guy in a Birdo costume.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Should I get the protagonist in my screenplay to eat his own arm to escape the prison he's been locked in (He's chained to a wall)

He is being guarded by two biped polar bears who are carrying giant morning stars, so the smell of the blood might set them off?

Or since this is a screen play, would watching a man eat his own arm to escape be too over the top for the general audience?
Why did rabbits evolve the need to eat their own poo to be able to digest food properly?

My pet rabbit always looks so bloody unhappy when he has to do it...


Gold Member
I finally tasted the famous rubia gallega meat on my client meat restaurant, next time i'm gonna try the sashi freygaard and the freygaard choco.
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I want you all to be more polite, more loving and more understanding starting today.

You're an amazing person and you can really make a difference in people's lives just by being kind and offering a thoughtful smile. Don't let hurt and jaded people dictate how you interact with the world. Assume positive intent and be willing to listen. Don't be scared to be great.
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