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Random thoughts.

Im a pretty bug star wars fan, I always buy or play any game that comes out, even mobile.

I have been playing one mobile game for years now, it has guilds, you need discord to organise etc.

A couple years back the guild I was in folded and me and a couple players ended up in the same new guild. Because of this me and one guy just started chatting on discord. We would chat every day, share screen shots etc. We knew each other's full names and stories.

One say this guy never logged in which was weird, after a couple days i started to message him a lot(you would get kicked from guilds after a few days inactive) he never replied.

After two weeks out of curiosity I started Google his name and the state he lived in, I found a news article about a guy with the same name being killed while changing his ex wifes tire on the side of the road.

I was pretty bummed out about it, we never spoke on the phone or shared photos of ourselves but I felt like I really knew him.

This morning I checked my ally list and saw how long its been 926 days and 20 hours. A weird feeling as I will never know for sure if he died
Idk if it helps at all, but you're not alone in that bud.

Whatever that's worth. I've lived alone for 5 years now and just simple things like rearranging furniture or time management is such a burden at times.

In a sense we're one of many facing similar circumstances. How could we possibly be alone then?
I actually kind of like doing things around the house. Keeps me busy and makes me feel like am a responsible adult
If the universe if infinite

and infinity means everything is possible

does that mean the universe both has a God and doesn't have a God?


How hot is a flame?

Can the temperature be so hot that a flame can't happen? Because my BBQ goes from flames, to no-flames and the no-flames stage is well hot.

Are there people on Mercury going "My God, Roger, it's so cold out, that it might start flaming"




Modern metal is completely unrecognizable as metal to me. It's gotten so edgelord-ish.

I don't tell people I like this genre anymore because then they're like "oh yeah I love bladefetuskill and 2cannibal4u" or whatever cringe shit it means now.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
Blockbuster still existed in places when GTA V released.

I don't know why, but that it just crazy to think about. I even remember there being a midnight release in the UK.

I won't lie, I miss just walking through Blockbuster and getting lost searching for a movie. Netflix doesn't have the same appeal, despite being much more convenient.

Cutty Flam

Let’s say I managed to bring back Mahatma Gandhi -

What would happen if I bounced off the ropes, closelined him out of the ring, but instead of Gandhi hitting the ground I accidentally triggered a portal somehow and he ended up in an infinite cylindrical vortex of fish swimming contently in chocolate sauce?

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
I have cared more for my character on The Sims than about my own life. Anyone else? I guess it is a game where you can achieve everything.

I remember when I was heavy in to The Sims 3, I just wanted to get home to continue improving my Sim and his story. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


Some scientific papers almost read like parody

Moiré superlattices - periodic orbital overlaps and lattice-reconstruction between sites of high atomic registry in vertically-stacked 2D layered materials - are quantum-active interfaces where non-trivial quantum phases on novel phenomena can emerge from geometric arrangements of 2D materials, which are not intrinsic to the parent materials.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
It is crazy how quickly video games have grown in graphics. I look at PS2 and it feels like so long ago, but it honestly isn't. I remember thinking games like San Andreas looked amazing. I just find it really impressive how far they have come.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
Life would be easier if I didn't have to worry about getting enough sleep at night.

Getting in my bed should be the easiest part of the day. Yet it brings me some of the most stress.


Neo Member
Lockdowns are simply boring me to death. Especially now that I am in another country. Enjoying the weather/food/family but can't do much. Probably the worst time to travel. Hoping the lockdowns are eased over time.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
...that feeling when you badly want to punch a disrespectful co-worker but can't.. Yet.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
I always wonder how my life would have panned out differently if I lived with my mom and not my dad. Different school, new friends, new place.

Anyone else with seperated parents think about this? My upbringing was great, and I love both my parents but just wonder how different things would have been. I have a feeling I wouldn't be on GAF today if I lived with my mom as my dad was really what got me in to gaming.

Just kind of makes my brain go wild.


I find the idea of nonverbal forms of human communication so fascinating. Things like body language, facial expressions, expressive gestures, or even speaking with hands.

It's something we do everyday that's so ingrained, we've been doing it longer than we've had verbal or written language.
It's one thing that really reminds that me that we are also animals.
I wonder how much of it is instinctual vs learnt?
I wonder if we shared any with other human species.
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Do you guys ever have problems going to sleep because of existential crises that doesn't enter your brain until you're laying in bed with all of your electronics and distractions missing? The only thing that helps comfort me is to watch some sort of documentary about the cosmos and realize exactly how insignificant not only I am, but earth, and everything that everybody deals with on a day to day basis.


Do you guys ever have problems going to sleep because of existential crises that doesn't enter your brain until you're laying in bed with all of your electronics and distractions missing? The only thing that helps comfort me is to watch some sort of documentary about the cosmos and realize exactly how insignificant not only I am, but earth, and everything that everybody deals with on a day to day basis.
Watching videos about astronomy or cosmology are oddly soothing for me as well. I'd imagine there are many other people that would also agree. I wonder why that is?

There's just something about cosmic structures & cosmic scales that makes one feel grounded.

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Cutty Flam

Last night, for some reason I dreamed about Squall from FFVIII

It made no sense, I know nothing about this character. But for some reason my mind kept reiterating some vague theme that I wasn’t able to grasp
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