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Random thoughts.

mango drank

It's possible that we're not the ones who are conscious, and instead it's the universe that's conscious, or that it has some sort of "consciousness field" that interacts with living creatures. And so basically the universe is experiencing us. Kind of like the way we use our tongues to taste different flavors of candy. The invisible cosmic tongue of the universe "tastes" different flavors of consciousness in all us meatbags, all at once. When we die, it's like removing a piece of candy from your tongue--the taste is gone. There's no life after death, in the same way there's no taste after the source of that taste has been removed.

Wait ... unless there's an aftertaste.

I just blew my own mind.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the coolest show ever.

Deftones are the coolest band ever.

PS1 is the coolest console ever.


Unconfirmed Member
It's possible that we're not the ones who are conscious, and instead it's the universe that's conscious, or that it has some sort of "consciousness field" that interacts with living creatures. And so basically the universe is experiencing us. Kind of like the way we use our tongues to taste different flavors of candy. The invisible cosmic tongue of the universe "tastes" different flavors of consciousness in all us meatbags, all at once. When we die, it's like removing a piece of candy from your tongue--the taste is gone. There's no life after death, in the same way there's no taste after the source of that taste has been removed.

Wait ... unless there's an aftertaste.

I just blew my own mind.
What about regurgitation???


I wonder where the spiderbro is that I mistakenly stepped on believing it was one of those sluggish flies I had over the summer. Stepped on it purposefully with a sock on, felt it being rather big between my toes, pulled the foot off and apologised profusely. He scurried away.

Miss you spiderbro.
Will we see the end of the Long Peace in our lifetime? What kind of warfare will be involved in a WWIII? What will the world be like when/if the US is no longer the dominant superpower?

Will we ever move past the internet/smartphones? If so, what will be the replacement? Will humans ever be locally exclusive again in their existence again?
Why are boobs still so controversial.
I genuinely don't understand.

It's a true mystery.
Babies can suck on them but adults can't so much as look at them; it's not fair, goddamnit!

Order a bunch of crap on Amazon at once

You can have xmas every 2 days that way. Being an adult rules

Until that bill arrives.
I've spent 10s of 1000s on Amazon since the pandemic began. Thanks, Covid.


Neo Member
Greek democracy was succeeded by the Roman republic which was succeeded by the Empire which was succeeded by a bunch of other kingdoms and empires.
Me just now...after cooking BBQ last night and trying to remember if I turned the gas bottle off.



It bothers me more than it should that Modern Family uses all the 4th wall breaking documentary stuff without ever providing a rationale for it. My girlfriend is like who cares it's just a tv show, I'm like YEAH BUT WHO IS INTERVIEWING THEM


Every problem and every dream I have right now could be solved with about 300 grand. My dreams don't even make it half way to a million bucks.

I see people driving cars that cost more than the sum total of all my dreams every day.


Gold Member
In the Popeye cartoons, Popeye eats spinach to get strength. Normally he squeezes the spinach straight from a sealed can. Which makes wonder how strong is Popeye before he eats the spinach?


Gold Member
I think I need to get a small cheap LED tv. I like having the TV on for some background noise sometimes also when I fall asleep and I don't think I should be using my plasma for that lol :messenger_grinning_smiling:


I'm totally about to become the creepy old dude who hoards CRT displays and yells at kids for stepping on his grass accidentally.
Do they ever respond to you with "are you sure?"

Nein. However I have been thinking about a lot of a woman from work.

I'm allowed to have one simp moment on this forum okay. Keep an open mind.

We hit it off immediately, same age and I love talking to her. I seek her out to talk to and she has at times seeked me out. I've noticed her intrigue has grown. Typical shitty bf shit with her.

In my mind things are clear but who knows.



Gold Member
Well the ultra fast 1 gb connection is finally available in my city, already asked for the free upgrade.

Now i have really zero problem with small hard disks inside consolles and pc, i will probably download 100gb in a couple of minutes.

Blistering fast™
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Jellyfish don't have a heart or brain.
Their mouth and anus is the same thing.
There are species of jellyfish that are biologically immortal.

Just why and how do these things exist, and how can they be alive? With no heart or brain, can they be considered animals even? Just what the hell are these things?!

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're criminal, mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you.

What if Earth is like one of those uncontacted tribes in South America, like the whole Galaxy knows we're here but they've agreed not to contact us until we figure it out for ourselves.
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It really is pretty amazing how so many nuclear power plants were built in the U.S during the 70s and 80s with so many still operational. (Some of them over 50 years old)

edit: From a pure logistics standpoint. How they did it is baffling considering building a nuclear power plant is such a massive undertaking.
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Asbestos was considered safe for decades and tons of stuff now is considered safe that will likely be found to be dangerous in 30 years.

The end of humanity will probably occur after we "trust the science" so hard we destroy the Earth doing something incredibly stupid in a way that is obvious to the uneducated, but "complex and nuanced" to the intellectual.


- We know that if we abuse people hard enough, they turn out to be criminals.

- We know that many amoral factors, such as nutritional factors, physiological diseases, infections, things like histamines can cause criminal behavior.

- We pretend prison is for separating harmful people from society and rehabilitation but then we act like Roman Coliseum spectators when reading about a criminal.

- It is currently a legal principle that convincing someone to commit a crime is in itself criminal; therefore, should not those who influenced people who turn out to be criminals be prosecuted? And did not those people also get influenced by others? How far back should we go?

- We educate people so they turn out well. This implies that inadequate education would result in them not turning out well and this is borne out by research. Education is an external factor that is out of one's control for most of his life.

I conclude that the vast majority of criminals are not genuinely evil and there is a chance that even an amoral factor could have significantly altered their fate. If we had access to realistic simulations, I bet if we could go back in time and mess with random variables, like someone's name, we would observe a certain percentage of them have completely different outcomes in life.

Evil actions are still evil, but even not-evil people are capable of them, and true evil people are the rare ones who fully understand what they are doing and decide to do it anyway.

This is consistent with a basic view of Christianity and one of the reasons why one must love even his enemy. But this is easier said than done and I will surely not be able to live up to this standard.

For an alleged right wing tyrant I guess lean left on these matters (theoretically left, not what passes for the left nowadays).
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I expect even a simplistic diagnostic AI to be far superior to 99% of doctors.

A more effective diagnostic AI should be completely based on the literature and use a heuristical model for assessing research credibility, and not be at all based on the algorithms real doctors use in practice.


We should identify a new set of fallacies. For example:

- Symmetry bias: a lot of people think being balanced means saying "on one hand... on the other hand..." and assume a priori that both arguments have an equal standing and balance just means juggling with them in front of people. Symmetry is actually a rare exception and should not be assumed nor does it make a good starting point. Instead, one should start with one of the sides and support it or attempt to disprove the other; and people should not cheer for boring "balanced" people who do not actually have a principled position. The "voice of reason" should have an actual point.

- Appeal to maturity: most people short circuit and refuse to see the underlying argument if it is, on its face, presented immaturely. e.g. "Sure this woman is a plagiarist and fraud, but did those other guys who are not you have to make fun of her nose? I'm going to ignore your points because of that."

There are plenty more where that came from but I am groggy and must return to work and I've spammed the thread enough with my random ideas. :(
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