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Random thoughts.

(1/3)+(1/3)+(1/3) is 0.99999999... not actually 1. But 0.9999 and 1 represent the same fucking number.

Chinese food is the best ever. The amount of flavors and variety of ingredients is fucking bonkers, beats any another countries dishes.

Why my cat is always fucking up my sofa and slapping my phone every time I record him? That little shit




Most things in life become non linear at an advanced level, where the stakes are higher and the conclusions more volatile, and follow a model that alternates between success/genius and failure/disaster with little middle ground.

Consider someone with X IQ points, who believes a certain hypothesis. If he had X + 2 IQ points, he would be able to see some reasons why it was wrong. But if he had X + 4 IQ points, he'd be able to argue those reasons why it was wrong were themselves wrong. Every little increase in IQ provides another set of "no, wait a minute, that's wrong" realizations about the previous conclusion.

Similarly, having a certain IQ level might grant one just enough access to certain advanced ideas and the ability to entertain them, but not the ability to actually pursue them adequately.

This is why you have very high IQ people spouting complete idiocy about things that functionally retarded people have solved with little effort. They're a few IQ points short of making their genius idea work, resulting in incredibly, disastrously stupid conclusions that a 90 IQ guy can immediately see as wrong. The show Frasier is mostly based on this concept.

Similarly, things that are bad at a low level also alternate between good and bad at an advanced enough level. People that are remarkably ugly to the normal person are often selected as models and are again considered beautiful because they're selected on purpose by (alleged) geniuses who are trying to mix things up and impress their "advanced" peers just by being deliberate. But they are just 1 alternation away from being considered ugly again. Imagine the next trend being a return to classical beauty, or something even more deliberate, like bald women with hairy bodies or whatever. Then those ugly models' careers are over and you will never see them again. If you see a washed up uggo drowning his or her sorrows at a bar, you know what happened. "I was a top model" he or she may lament.

There is currently a thread about some extremely average looking Emma Roberts. The obsession with her is likely because she's slightly off from the typical celebrity, in a way that if considered deliberately, makes her boringness interesting to the people affected with this bias. "She's so average it makes it so she's not average" think those afflicted with this illness. They'll alternate back soon enough when they get bored of being "deliberate."
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Random thought from last night, while thinking about Keanu Reeves acting, which lead to rethinking the story of the Matrix:

Neo from the the Matrix isn't "The One", but rather Agent Smith and Neo are both The One and Neo didn't defeat Smith, but accepted him.

Smith is a virus and viruses are created, which means Smith had to have been created by someone from one of the past Zions, to end the War between man and machine.

This wouldn't have just ended the war. It would have also most likely ended human life as well, as the majority of people relied on the machines to live.

As for Neo accepting Smith, instead of beating him; Neo represents the one doorway to salvation and Smith is the key to opening the door.

Kev Kev

Idk if it helps at all, but you're not alone in that bud.

Whatever that's worth. I've lived alone for 5 years now and just simple things like rearranging furniture or time management is such a burden at times.

In a sense we're one of many facing similar circumstances. How could we possibly be alone then?
thanks man


Most things in life become non linear at an advanced level, where the stakes are higher and the conclusions more volatile, and follow a model that alternates between success/genius and failure/disaster with little middle ground.

Consider someone with X IQ points, who believes a certain hypothesis. If he had X + 2 IQ points, he would be able to see some reasons why it was wrong. But if he had X + 4 IQ points, he'd be able to argue those reasons why it was wrong were themselves wrong. Every little increase in IQ provides another set of "no, wait a minute, that's wrong" realizations about the previous conclusion.

Similarly, having a certain IQ level might grant one just enough access to certain advanced ideas and the ability to entertain them, but not the ability to actually pursue them adequately.

This is why you have very high IQ people spouting complete idiocy about things that functionally retarded people have solved with little effort. They're a few IQ points short of making their genius idea work, resulting in incredibly, disastrously stupid conclusions that a 90 IQ guy can immediately see as wrong. The show Frasier is mostly based on this concept.

Similarly, things that are bad at a low level also alternate between good and bad at an advanced enough level. People that are remarkably ugly to the normal person are often selected as models and are again considered beautiful because they're selected on purpose by (alleged) geniuses who are trying to mix things up and impress their "advanced" peers just by being deliberate. But they are just 1 alternation away from being considered ugly again. Imagine the next trend being a return to classical beauty, or something even more deliberate, like bald women with hairy bodies or whatever. Then those ugly models' careers are over and you will never see them again. If you see a washed up uggo drowning his or her sorrows at a bar, you know what happened. "I was a top model" he or she may lament.

There is currently a thread about some extremely average looking Emma Roberts. The obsession with her is likely because she's slightly off from the typical celebrity, in a way that if considered deliberately, makes her boringness interesting to the people affected with this bias. "She's so average it makes it so she's not average" think those afflicted with this illness. They'll alternate back soon enough when they get bored of being "deliberate."

I've recently thought about what IQ truly represents.

I've theorized that maybe IQ represents ones ability to understand and make sense of situations.

Of course, just because someone has high IQ doesn't mean they will be able to compete against someone with lower IQ, who specializes in a field, different from their own.

I like to think the world is full of high IQ people, who for various reasons don't get to flourish.


Unconfirmed Member
The Neverending Story is on tv.
I should get myself a luck dragon.

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watching a woman fuck shit up on a stage I thought about women in general... mens reckless nature has brought many advancemente, even through stupidity. I am fearful of a future where mens stupidity is curtailed.

edit: I a word.
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If you come across spontaneous sex, the kind it happens at the end of a workday in an office, stick to missionary or her on top of you. And for God sake, wait until you are both freshly showered to eat that behind.


Gold Member
I have lotr on tv and for years and I mean years maybe more than a decade I thought hugo weaving was gay ! just read that he has a wife who he has been with for 36 years and has children. guess I got him confused with Gandalf


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
To a dog, dog food is just food.



If sloths use the same tree to take a shit all their life, how to they decide which one to use? I mean if they get that attached to it, it must be some serious consideration behind picking one, but they must also do it when they are very young. So how do they decide?!

Sloths are fascinating creatures.
There are actually 3 Hobbit movies and not just 2. I must have not paid attention or cared but i just realised that there was 3 of those fucking things. My memory basically has it as, Galdalf gathers the team, the goblin thing, waking the dragon, the dragon burns the town and dies, the dwarves get ready to fight the elves then they fight the other things on ice.

how is that shit 3 movies?


Neighbours from Hell
Closing cardboard boxes, usually ones that contain food, that have those protruding little tabs on the interior are fucking annoying as hell when the sides of the lids hit them and don't close right.

You get this a lot in pie boxes and pizza boxes. I lose patience very quickly and just smash it down with my fist and toss it in the fridge.



yay English.
What letter in the word scent is silent the S or C ?

More random brain farts

Every time you clean something you make something else dirty :pie_thinking:
Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of a bottle or tube :pie_thinking:
If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin? :pie_thinking:
If a nursing mother had her nipples pierced would the milk come out of all three holes? :pie_thinking:


Is it weird that somewhere deep down, I feel unfulfilled because I haven't had a big Aussie bird fart in my face?

Also how long do spiders live?


Poopy-di scoop
Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
Poop, poop
Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop
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