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Random thoughts.


I just realised that as of today I have the most money that I've ever owned in my entire life. I am by no means rich or have an amazing paying job and while it is a lot of money it's also not a lot. I know it could all be gone real fucking fast but still it's crazy to think that.
Dean Norris Reaction GIF by CBS


Made an appointment for the city garbage disposal (to lazy to look it up but it basically picks up big stuff like couches and so forth) to pick up an old couch (getting a relative new hand me down from my uncle), a dining table and an old ikea closet.

First possible date June 9th. We pick up the new couch the 15th. That's 6 days.

I've been meaning to hire a carpet cleaner so this seems like the perfect timing to at least do the living room and hallway.
Need to do some research where to hire one etc but i hope it'll work out. It's been on my mind for quite some time.


Made an appointment for the city garbage disposal (to lazy to look it up but it basically picks up big stuff like couches and so forth) to pick up an old couch (getting a relative new hand me down from my uncle), a dining table and an old ikea closet.

First possible date June 9th. We pick up the new couch the 15th. That's 6 days.

I've been meaning to hire a carpet cleaner so this seems like the perfect timing to at least do the living room and hallway.
Need to do some research where to hire one etc but i hope it'll work out. It's been on my mind for quite some time.
A lot of times you can rent a carpet cleaner, it's easy to maneuver and kinda fun when you get the hang of it! Pick a day and just go for it, you got this!


A lot of times you can rent a carpet cleaner, it's easy to maneuver and kinda fun when you get the hang of it! Pick a day and just go for it, you got this!

Yeah we have lots of places te rent and I don't mind cleaning haha.

It's very neccessary after 13 years haha.

Thanks for your words of encouragement!


Gold Member
I've been meaning to hire a carpet cleaner so this seems like the perfect timing to at least do the living room and hallway.
Need to do some research where to hire one etc but i hope it'll work out. It's been on my mind for quite some time.
A lot of times you can rent a carpet cleaner, it's easy to maneuver and kinda fun when you get the hang of it! Pick a day and just go for it, you got this!
I rented one from a grocery store 15 year years ago at my old condo. Was I think $30/day + you got to buy a bottle of rug shampoo. Easy as hell. You just got to vaccuum first to clean the easy stuff, then do it, and then let it dry.

Just note these things are a bit bulky and grimey, so do whatever you need to do to prevent it marking up your car.


Having one of those days where I feel like I have too much stuff and it's suffocating.

It started after my mom passed in 2015 and I had to go through all her belongings, which made me evaluate how much stuff I had in my own life. It then really ramped up in 2020 when our mortgage company played their coronavirus loophole games to foreclose on our property and we had to get rid of most of what we owned. Now I regularly have episodes where I'm afraid we may be pushed out again and the amount of stuff I - well, we - have causes anxiety.

I've spent a chunk of the day today going through things and asking if or why I need them.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Sounds like a pretty polite way of saying it.


"I have to wash my hair that day."
My friend's brother once took a liking to me as a mentor or something and leeched on me in a most unpleasant way.
Like that parasite little fish just sticking to a shark's belly you know?

To get rid of him when he phoned me I decided I would just tell him "Dude I'm in the shower I'll call you back" whatever the time.
10 AM, 3 PM, 9PM...

He finally got the message after 6 or 7 calls.

Thinking back on it I should've just told him to piss off 😄
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Someone created a thread about the new animated Spider-verse movie -- movie sounds good -- look forward to seeing it. Inspired by the feedback in the thread, I immediately check out the Kermode review (wasn't in a Kermoder & Mayo kinda mood yet this week, so had put off watching their most recent reviews). He starts comparing it to other "multiverse" movies, and of course, the recognition of all of the recent influx of these types of movies -- including my personal favorite, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once -- comes to mind. Heck, I just watched a few others recently myself, more favorites being the first two Guardians of the Galaxy.

The thought springs into my mind: multiverse? No, not really. Because everyone's doing it, like they always do. It's basically us (the human race) doing what we always do -- turning a great idea into a fad because there's money to be made.

Now, let me be clear, in the event a creepy-crawly or five creep in here to lash out at this post before fully reading it and/or contemplating it, I'm not trying to shine a negative light on this idea. I'm simply pointing it out because I find it interesting. It's kind of a conundrum to me. It is everything, everywhere, all at once, but it isn't. The idea itself, to me, is kind of a Mandala effect, constantly animating into (or out of) itself. Horrible and reassuring at the same time.


Was using Google's metronome to try and determine a viable tempo for the next tune I wanna work on. I notice an icon of an African-American woman in the top-left. I know Google likes to celebrate certain people and events from time to time. Scroll over it, it says the name of Willi Ninja. Never heard of her. Google that, it's a dude who used to dance, and considered "the godfather of voguing." Don't know what voguing is, Google that, it's a type of dance. Read all of these articles. Interesting stuff, and surprisingly, in my older age, I've started to have fond appreciation of dancing. No more than a passing interest, but I've added video clips to my Youtube song videos. It seems to express a lot of things I didn't notice.

Just so funny how something so peripheral can lead a person down a path of thought. :messenger_grinning_sweat: This is how psychosis begins. I know because I've been there before. I still have all my medals to show for it.


I was sitting here dreading the process of renewing my wife’s SSDI benefits as her 3 year recertification is coming up. All this worry and the document is literally six questions long. :LOL:

- Have you been able to work?
- Have you gone to school or work training?
- Has your doctor said you can work?
- Is your condition better, the same, or worse?
- When’s the last time you saw your doctor?
- When’s the last time you were hospitalized?

K thanks, we’ll let you know.

Don’t even need a doctor’s input on it. Apparently this is the form they send to people they don’t expect to get better. Hopefully because she’s over 50 now they put her on the 5-7 year renewal cycle.


In My Opinion, people need Eudaimonia more then the need happiness.

Eudaimonia is often translated from Greek simply as 'happiness'—but that can be very misleading. The word 'happy', which is related to 'happen' and 'perhaps', derives from the Norse happ for 'chance', 'fortune', or 'luck'. From Irish to Greek, most European words for 'happy' originally meant something like 'lucky'—one exception being Welsh, in which it originally meant 'wise'. Another word for 'happy' or 'fortunate' in Old English is gesælig, which, over the centuries, morphed into our 'silly'.

Eudaimonia, in contrast, is anything but silly. It has nothing to do with chance and fortune and everything to do with thought and design. Compared to happiness, it is a much deeper, fuller, and richer concept, sometimes articulated in terms of flourishing or living a life that is worthwhile, fulfilling, and elevating.

All the major philosophical schools in antiquity regarded eudaimonia as the highest good, often even the very aim and purpose of philosophy, although the various schools, such as the Cynics, the Stoics, and the Epicureans, may have conceived of it in somewhat different terms. What can be said is that, unlike happiness, eudaimonia is not an emotion but a state of being, or even, especially for Aristotle, a state of doing.


Anchorman is still funny as fuck. Haven't seen it in a decade or so and while some characters and scenes don't really do it for me I haven't laughed so much in a long ass time watching a comedy.

And wow.. Christina Applegate is breathtakingly gorgeous
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