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Ratchet & Clank:UYA preorder demo impressions

Damn! That Ratchet & Clank Demo is sweet!

Picked it up after work today.

It's got:
Two missions
Split screen multiplayer (2 or 4 players)
Quark Mini Game
The Clank Casino Movie
Multiplayer Online movie

The missions are nice size. You get to use the:

Plasma whip - This just kicks so much butt.
The Sniper rifle thingy
The Infector
A scattershot gun
A standard rifle whose bullets richochet
A laser beam reflector (for puzzles)

As always, the graphics are top-notch especially the plasma whip. The controls fit like a glove as always. And, at least, to me, the weapons targeting and control seem a lot tighter. You can use a simple rifle from a long distance and still have very good accuracy. They felt quite better than they did in the online demo to me.

I can definitely see this getting a 10/10. I had both of the previous demos for R&C and neither of them really got me excited for the game or really were indicitative of how good the actual games were. If that's true for this demo, then watch out, cause the game just feels superb.

Insomniac are good folk in my book :D


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Hey, choirboy, get out there and preach the word to the heathens who don't know any better! :p
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