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Rate anime shows currently being fansubbed/just finished here...

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I will check out anything I haven't seen which gets a B or better from someone else. No need to explain if you don't want to, just grade it :p

Full Metal Alchemist - Awesome show that blends action, humor, drama with a very interesting plot and cool characters. I've seen up to ep 37 and I give it an A-

Naruto - It has its moments but honestly I'm bored by 3 out of every 5 eps. The fight scenes are usually good but I've seen up to ep 89 and it just has that "dragging-on" (As if every 2 eps should really be one) feeling in almost every ep. Still, it's DBZ for folks with an attention span and the story arcs aren't anywhere as ridiculous. Because there are quite a few "OMG, that was awesome" eps I give it a B

Gantz - Saw the first season (11 eps) and I really liked it a lot in the beginning but the goofy aliens kind of ruined it for me. I didn't even really have a problem with the censoring cos my favorite eps were the ones where they were in the real world. Maybe season 2 can change my mind but I say it's a C at this point.

Koi Kaze - The best of the recent ones IMO. The subject matter is pretty "Eh...?" but I think the story and characters are better than most of the crap out there. If you go in with an open mind, you'll probably like this by the end. Even if you hate it (which you won't), you'll love the soundtrack :p I saw all 13 eps. A

Samurai Champloo - I've seen 4 eps and fighting aside, this show blows so far. A classic example of style over substance. Why am I not surprised that this is by the Cowboy Bebop folks? lol My opinion could change but right now it's C-

Midori No Hibi - I saw all 13 eps of this and liked it quite a bit. The 2 or 3 filler eps were a bit lame but overall the show was pretty funny and had cool characters. I wish it was longer B-

Aishiteruze Baby - What's worse than a crappy anime? A crappy one that makes no sense. Are we really supposed to believe that Yuzuyo is 5? The funny thing is this anime has waaay more cringe-worthy moments than Koi Kaze o_O Add the fact that Yuzoyo is anoying as hell and I don't think I can take anymore of this (seen 12 eps). I do like the music though. D+

Bakuretsu Tenshi - Saw 6 eps. One word....awful. D-

Monster - Starts off slow but after ep 5, you'll be hooked. Good characters and a crazy plot. I think it'd catch more folks attention if the art was more "modern" but still it's intriguing stuff so far. B+

Mars Daybreak - Everything about this show just screams average but I really dig the ending song so maybe that's why I keep watching lol C
Great idea for a thread, I hope many people contribute.

I'm almost not watching anything lately, except Naturo, but I haven't seen past ep 80.


One Piece - Well, this was an obvious one wasn't it? If you haven't had the opportunity to check out the other threads based upon it, I'm not going to talk at great length about it (as I could go on for paragraphs). Yeah, its a shonen anime with all the usual stuff - lots of fighting, lengthy story arcs, emphasis on friendship/bravery/etc. but its all of that in combination with what makes it ORIGINAL that just launches it in the stratosphere where it can lord over all other anime from high atop its throne as the absolute best. OK, so maybe some people won't like it THAT much, but there are plenty that do and they have good reason for it. To be completely honest, while I've seen some people who may not care for it, I've rarely seen someone outright HATE this series. It has a great theme, great ensemble cast, some of the most unique character/enemy/location designs. Instead of the stories just being a means to waste time between one fight and another, they are most often engaging with a great deal of true, emotional impact. There is some filler here and there, usually between the major arcs, some of which can be pretty boring, but still more entertaining than filler from other series. The art may look a teensy bit dated at first, but its really just Eiichiro Oda's art style. He doesn't really use a lot of the "smooth-shading" computer-colored look that most commercial anime does these days. That's not to say they don't use computers, but that it just doesn't LOOK heavily manufactured like a lot of what's out there. I was in love with the series from the beginning, but admittedly, it does take awhile for some people to get into it (the Arlong Arc a little ways in seems to be the measuring stick - if you don't like it by then, you probably won't like it after that). The music is good, the fighting is entertaining (fights can be longish, but you never really get bored, and they're still nothing compared to DBZ - to be honest I don't know how long Naruto fights usually take in comparison). I'm not really sure what else to say about it, except that CHOPPER ROOOOOOOOLLLLZZZZZZZZ!!!!111!11

What do I give it? A++++++

Also if you haven't seen Hikaru no Go yet, that's also really nifty. Go isn't nearly as boring as it looks and characterizations are TOP NOTCH.


Gantz B+

Midori No Hibi ( Biggest Surprise) A

Tenjou Tenge B

Bakuretsu Tenshi C-


Shaura No Toki C-

Naruto A

Mars Daybreak (Only seen 2 eps)

Monster (only seen 4 eps)

Samurai Champloo (not enough eps to rate)

Seven Samurai ( same as champloo)
I have only seen 2 or 3 episodes One Piece, and I didn't really feel like watching more, especially considering the length of the show.


anime - anime seen upto - (grade) why

Ai Baby - 12 - (A-) Kippei owns, Kororo's hot and Yuzuyu's cute as hell. Nice story to boot.

BakuTen - 10 - (C+) I hate story but like the action, art and characters.

Crusade - 24 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

Alchemist - 36 - (B) It's an overrated anime. It's good but not great.

Gantz - 9 - (B+) Doesn't compare to the manga but it still owns.

GitS 2nd gig - 10 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

Koi Kaze - 10 - (C+) Quite boring but I keep watching it I don't know why.

Kurau - 1 - (B+) Not much I can say with only one ep seen.

Kyou Kara Maou - 5 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

Macross Zero - 4 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

Daybreak - 10 - (C+) Bones let me down on this one. =\

Midori - 8 - (B+) It's preety funny but nothing you haven't seen before.

Monster - 9 - (A) Like I said a while back, must watch.

Naruto - 89 - (A-) I like it a lot but kinda slow right now.

One Piece - 102 - (A+) I love this anime a lot and I thank you know who for not giving up on it. :)

Paranoia Agent - 8 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

Samurai 7 - 2 - (B-) It looks really good but I already know the story on this one.

Champloo - 3 - (A) Love it but the main story arc has yet to be fully unravelled.

Ten Ten - 10 - (B+) I don't like the art as much as the manga but the action is there.

Twin Spica - 6 -
(F) Because I don't want Konex to check it out.*

*and later bash it (see Bebop/Champloo) ;)


Cloudy said:
Samurai Champloo - I've seen 4 eps and fighting aside, this show blows so far. A classic example of style over substance. Why am I not surprised that this is by the Cowboy Bebop folks? lol My opinion could change but right now it's C- C



Naruto - A good overall series but much like dragon ball it's attention to explanation and character ego's makes it drag along at times. Best watched in groups of 3- 5 episodes at a time. ~A-~ I've seen all the episodes and read the manga.

One Piece - like naruto only even slower paced and a bit more predictable. However the main characters in this swashbuckling anime keep things interesting , it's an adventure and you go along for the ride with them. Plus Luffy D monkey is voiced by Kuririn from dragon ball Z. seen up to 96, read through the end of alabastor

Shinkon Gattai Goddaner - This is honestly my favorite anime right now, it's a 70's style giant robot show filled to the brim with fanservice both with it's robots and its top heavy women. 1-17

Tenjou Tenge - somewhat generic fluff. A school filled with martial artists, no clear protagonist and lots of fighting that goes on with a bit of fanservice here and there. It has a very unique themesong though. I only watched 1 episode

Samurai Champloo - This show seems pretty good, nice animation very stylish but it almost seems to be a one trick pony. Relying on its aesthetics instead of characters and story. I only watched 1 episode

UFO princess Valkyrie - The story of a possible future for earth where aliens from all over travel between planets, yet the tokyo represented here isnt' much different from the modern day tokyo. Except with aliens. It's alot like oh my goddess though oddly, it centers around a high school student running a bathhouse with his sister when a princess who ran away from planet Valkyrie crashes into the bathhouse. The protagonist is pretty much killed becuase of this so the princess splits her soul with him to keep him alive. This causes her to revert to being a small child. From then on the show is basically about how adorable a child the princess is ... something that is almost borderline disturbing if it were not for the abundant fanservice of adults and somewhat adult humour injected into the series. I've seen the first and second season.

I honestly can't think of much else I've watched .
Nobody *really* takes Konex's opinion seriously anyway.

One Piece (A+): Awesome, hilarious, great action. Good stuff.
Full Metal Alchemist (A-): I love how quickly it can turn from light-hearted to gritty and disturbing. Some great characters (Greed)
Samurai Champloo (Unrated): Not enough seen to rate, but it looks like it'll get really interesting.
Samurai 7 (Unrated): Looks like it'll become interesting soon enough, first episode seemed ok.
Naruto (C): Cool premise/characters ruined with shit-tastic pacing.


adelgary said:
I have only seen 2 or 3 episodes One Piece, and I didn't really feel like watching more, especially considering the length of the show.

You make me sad. :(

One Piece >>>> lots of stuff.

+1 Zorro.



I'll give some short reviews.

Full Metal Alchemist: I got hooked on the show from the first episode. Comedy is well placed, and it has some great characters both main and side. I liked the manga's version of Wrath, however. Overall: A+

BakuTen: I would say a little bit more than average, some of the characters seem a bit generic, but you do get to see inside there heads every now and then. Enough to get to watch on TV should it ever come to Adult Swim, not enough to go and buy the DVDs to. Overall: B-

Naruto: A good shounen with good characters and fights. I am suprised that there has not been any filler arcs to stall for time while the manga goes on ahead. Overall: B+

Gantz: An okay anime, but the manga is a hell of a lot better. The anime had some oddly edited scenes, to the point you don't know what happened. Overall: C+

Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak: The main character rocks, he can fight on land, under water in mecha called an RB, and also is a good cook! I like the side character the interactions Gram (The main character) has with other characters, namely Vess. Overall: B+

One Piece: Great show with great fights. Damn you 4kids. Overall: A-

Madlax: An anime that is kinda slow. The character do get there development, but it seems like things happen in little bits at a time. I like that, but others may not. Overall: B+

Shura no Toki: A show about the masters of a fighting style known as Mutsu Enmei-ryuu. It spans 3 generations each with there own story. Supposed to be a sidestory to the manga, but you do not have to read the manga to understand the show. Makes me wish I could read the manga. Overall: B+


adelgary said:
I have only seen 2 or 3 episodes One Piece, and I didn't really feel like watching more, especially considering the length of the show.

So why not just watch a little at a time?



Any thoughts on Paranoia Agent?

I'm watching lots of old anime right now so I'm just d/ling fansubs and keeping them for later. Paranoia Agent is only one episode away from finishing-- yet no one here seems to care...?

EDIT: well anyone besides Mugen. He gave it an A so that's one good review. :p
Paranoia Agent - Just started watching, it's pretty interesting. Depending where it goes, and how it ends, it might end up being a A for me. B+

Fullmetal Alchemist - Probably the best showing going. A-

Shura no Toki - Unbeatable hero, helps the helpless, beats ups bad guys. Nothing special, but I like it. B+

Samurai Champloo - I like what I've seen so far. A

This Ugly and Beautiful World - I'm easy to please, but this is crap. Utter crap. D

Bakuretsu Tenshi - There's probably a decent story here, but I'm too bored to keep up. C

zarkand said:
Makes me wish I could read the manga.

A group just started translating the manga. My understanding is it's 30+ volumes, they'll be at it a while.


FMA is getting worse by the eps. i cant find one character that i like and the art style is ugly. overrated show.

best anime currently showing that i like are One Piece and Hunter X Hunter. Naruto anime is ok, but the manga kills it. and btw, Naruto rips off alot from HxH.
Chrono said:

Any thoughts on Paranoia Agent?

I'm watching lots of old anime right now so I'm just d/ling fansubs and keeping them for later. Paranoia Agent is only one episode away from finishing-- yet no one here seems to care...?

More like "duh, its good, why do we even need to say so?" or something to that effect.

Paranoia Agent is by Satoshi Kon - the brain behind Millenium Actress, Perfect Blue, and Tokyo Godfathers.


A group just started translating the manga. My understanding is it's 30+ volumes, they'll be at it a while.

The only group I saw doing anything Shura was a group called we hate manga, and was doing Shura no Mon, about Mutsu Tsukumo , which I think is the sequel to Shura no Toki, about Mutsu Yakumo.

Also they only have two chapters to download on their site and this is well kinda of embarrassing but, I can't use IRC; at all. I tried to download some manga from a site once using an FAQ, it confused me to no end; half the time I was thinking I was going to get banned from the channel for using some forbidden command or crash the channel somehow. I even know that I couldn't do something like that, but for some reason it was in the back of my mind.


Hunter x Hunter is cool. The only bad thing is the mangaka is taking so long with the manga. I think HXH manga started before Naruto did and has only now reached 217. I also heard the mangaka was taking a month off.
I just wonder how long he is going to with the chimera ant arc. Gon can't use Nen, Killua is going to leave in a month and it seems like the King is stronger than anyone that they brought into NGL. I really want to see this arc animated, since the artwork in the manga when downhill. I am talking really bad.


Naruto - A ~ great series that finally stopped using recapathons. If you love the manga, you'll love the anime tenfold.

Full Metal Alchemst - A++ ~ The best currently running series. Action, emotion, comedey, it's all there.

Mars Daybreak - B ~ Average story, but great animation and an overall sense of great character design

Madlax - C ~ Same 'ol Bee Train story, but it's interesting enough to keep on watching it.

Bakuretsu Tenshi - C+ ~ Tons of action, and an improving plot, but marred by too many cliches.

Kyou Kara Maoh - C+ ~ Good comedy, but the shonen theme is a bit too much sometimes (The pirates, dear lord....)

Monster - A ~ Great story, animation and overall sense of quality. Incredibly enriching themes.

Samurai Champloo - B ~ Great animation/music but the plot seems to be missing... That's hurts it right now.

Samurai 7 - C ~ Crappiness all-around, but it does show some promise

Shura no Toki - B+ ~ If you like real historical references and nicely played out samuarai fights, then this one's for you.

Tenjo Tenge - B+ ~ Best OP of all the current shows, great action, but the plot is sucking ass right now. We need more fanservice :)

Kurau Phantom Memory - A ~ Great animation, music. Only 2 eps out so far, needs to mature but shows amazing promise.


Full Metal Alchemist (A) - This is the best show that I've seen since X.
Naruto (B) - Quite enjoyable, the show has some great characters (Rock Lee, Shikamaru), but some of the storylines aren't all that great. I've fallen behind a ways on the anime.
Macross Zero (B) - Purely for the amazing battles. Forget about the plot, please!
Paranoia Agent (B) - I've only seen the first episode, but it's certainly caught my interest. Just need to find time to watch more.
Samurai Champloo (C) - The fights are nice, but not good enough for me to excuse the complete lack of any story or character development so far. Hopefully it'll improve.
Baruretsu Tenshi (D) - Only reason this show doesn't get an F is because it's so terrible that it made me laugh quite a bit.

I still need to get around to checking out Monster.
Samurai Champloo (B) - Only because I can't really make out where the show is going yet. Once that starts coming together it should be an A.

Aishiteruze Baby (B+) - I didn't really expect much from this but it's turned out to be really good so far. It's pretty episodic at times but seems to make some progress to the main plot in most eps.

Shura no Toki (C) - Stopped watching after Episode 8. I just lost interest in it completely, but the first 7 eps were really good so i'll give it a C.

Midori no Hibi (B) - Great show..I still don't know about the ending though.
I kinda wanted Seiji to end up with Ayase.

Monster (B) - Slow paced at first, but once it picked up I was hooked.

Paranoia Agent (A+) - Top notch in every way.

I'm watching Kurau Phantom Memory too, but its way too early to judge.


Stuff I am watching right now (if I dont like a show, I quit... so I like all these):

One Piece -- been there since the beginning, A+ in my book
Aishiteruze Baby -- best typical shoujo in quite some time; a very solid A
Kaleido Star -- great animation and a fun little story, B+
Monster -- by the end of the show, people will be talking about it in very short lists of best anime ever, A+
Initial D Fourth Stage -- big fan of this series and this is basically improving on all of the previous incarnations in every fashion, A
Paranoia Agent -- probably the best original anime of the year -- very, very easy A+
Keroro Gunsou -- thanks for reminding me to list this one Lyte Edge, this is another solid A. The ED is like the funniest ever. AFRO GUNSOU!

I've only seen the first ep of Champloo since I am waiting on Anime-Kraze to release more.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Cloudy said:
Samurai Champloo - I've seen 4 eps and fighting aside, this show blows so far. A classic example of style over substance. Why am I not surprised that this is by the Cowboy Bebop folks? lol My opinion could change but right now it's C-

Aishiteruze Baby - What's worse than a crappy anime? A crappy one that makes no sense. Are we really supposed to believe that Yuzuyo is 5? The funny thing is this anime has waaay more cringe-worthy moments than Koi Kaze o_O Add the fact that Yuzoyo is anoying as hell and I don't think I can take anymore of this (seen 12 eps). I do like the music though. D+

Bakuretsu Tenshi - Saw 6 eps. One word....awful. D-

Yeah, so I know this is Konex and all, but I'm really scratching my head over your ratings, particularly the Aishiteruze Baby score. Did you watch like five minutes of each episode or something? :p It's a great series; CLEARLY not one for you, but I don't see how the hell you're giving it that low score. I do wish that Kippei got to bitch slap Yuzuyu's mom, though. She deserves it. >:^)

Samurai Champloo has been great so far, and Bakuretsu Tenshi is also pretty cool from what I've seen of it. But whatever. :)

Besides these shows, I've also seen all of Midori No Hibi (was great until the last few episodes, then it sort of dragged in the ending, and certain characters just seemed to "disappear" from the cast entirely, but I see this as the series just being too short.).

I have also been watching Shinkon Gattai Godanner, which is old school mech action, with ecchi camera angles/costumes for all the females. I have the newly released PS2 game on the way to me right now; it's supposed to play like Tech Romancer!

Waiting for more Keroro Gunso!! WHERE IS EPISODE FOUR?

Also got the first 10 eps of Tenjo Tenge, but I'd rather just read the manga; it's just not as good from what I've seen (which is usually the case with anime adaptions, but Oh! Great's art is not faithfully replicated here, and that's really all this shallow series has going for it). Plus if I want my perverted fan service martial arts action anime, there's always Ikkitousen, which totally PWNS Tenjo in that department.

Finally, I found the first few episodes of a show called "Daphne In The Brilliant Blue," but it's been licensed so I can't get any more. :\ Seemed fairly interesting, with more incredibly ecchi outfits for the girls once again. :p

And I have the first season of Gravion waiting to be watched, as well as GITSComplex. Why the hell is it so hard to find season two?
Lyte Edge said:
Samurai Champloo has been great so far...

I find it enjoyable, but not on the "must buy" list that Geneon/Pioneer thinks it warrants (7 disc release starting in January). The core story really isn't there yet, and the cool fight scenes and hiphop editing only gets me so far.

Besides these shows, I've also seen all of Midori No Hibi (was great until the last few episodes, then it sort of dragged in the ending, and certain characters just seemed to "disappear" from the cast entirely, but I see this as the series just being too short.).

It's the result of the studio buying the manga rights too early. Instead of trying to be completely accurate to the manga (at what, 65-70 chapters right now?) they just animated select episodes and made up their own ending.

For what it is, though, I think the show is more uniformly funny than GTO. The episode with the doll festival is probably the single funniest anime episode I've seen.

Also got the first 10 eps of Tenjo Tenge, but I'd rather just read the manga;

Pretty much. Censored (for obvious reasons), but even with 26 eps, the manga is still ongoing so the anime's fate is sealed.

as well as GITSComplex. Why the hell is it so hard to find season two?

Pretty simple:
a. It's licensed
b. It's easily the hardest title to translate.
c. Only two eps are aired in Japan per month.
Ghost in the Shell SAC A

Full Metal Alchemist A

Naruto B+ (It will get better soon, if you read the manga you know which awesome events will come)

Samurai Champloo B (so far, its hard to rate after just 5 episodes)

Madlax C

Tenjou Tenge C (The manga is a lot better than the animated series)

Kenran Butoh Sai - The Mars Daybreak B- (I like the series but the plot seems to be mediocre...)

Last Exile A- (Ok, it is a bit older, but I want to rate anything that I watched in the last months)

And I still have the following things to watch...

Planetes 1-26
One Piece 1-104 (I don't know how I should find enough spare time for this monster...)


Gravion isn`t as hard to translate as it is a bad mecha series. Not even the major giant robot fans that are fansubbers want to touch it (I`m not touching it and N-Bomb of Anime-in-Action doesn`t like it either IIRC).


OH and Mars Daybreak isn`t too shabby. A solid B maybe a B-.
Shouta said:
Gravion isn`t as hard to translate as it is a bad mecha series.

I guess I wasn't clear enough in the post - I was referring to Stand Alone Complex (which he also mentioned). Gravion is child's play by comparison when it comes to translation complexity.
I must give a score for a single anime right now. Gilgamesh, definite A+ from what I've seen so far (I'm on 20) every episode has a surprise, plenty of unexpected plot twists make it far from predictable. The story has yet to bore and caught my attention right from the start while other animes failed to do such a thing as of late for me. While it's not always full of "action" the story itself is quite intense and never seems to drag on. I hope more people pick up the DVDs since after such a long wait, it finally got licensed.


Chili Con Carnage!
Tenjou Tenge:
Good characters who all have a role to play (No filler), 'some' truly beautiful artwork, a story that makes sense, even though it probably shouldn't. It starts off as just a high school where fights are encouraged, but when you get deeper theres a hell of a lot more going on (Prophecy, Romance, Experiementation (the bad kind), Demons (havent got to the demons in the anime yet)). Only thing that really peeves me about it is the fan service, every episode so far has at least some, for me it really stops it being an Anime i can recommend to my friends (without looking like some hentai lovin' wierdo), the manga was the same though so :-/.
As a lot of people will point out, the manga is a hell of a lot better, id recommend anyone to give that a look as the art is fantastic all the way through, but manga is always better than the anime so thats no biggie.

Grade B+

Samurai Champloo:
As other people have pointed out, its too early to tell..

Thats all ive had time to watch so far. Thanks for all the recommendations though, im gonna check some of this stuff out.


Unconfirmed Member
One Piece: A+

Naruto: A

Samurai Champloo: ? - Currently it's at about a B+/A- overall, but considering I would rate Bebop even lower after only 4 episodes, I think things are looking good for Champloo so far.

Paranoia Agent: A

Monster: A+ - It's SO. WELL. WRITTEN. Good writing in an anime. Un-friggin-believable.

Mars Daybreak: C - Generic in every sense. Stopped watching after 4 or 5 episodes.

Full Metal Alchemist: A-/A - Still only on episode 20 or so. Damn this busted laptop.

As you can see, I tend to only watch stuff I like. What a novel concept.

Sanji > anime.
This is, indeed, fact.


One Piece: A+ - I love One Piece! I hope it goes on forever.

Full Metal Alchemist: A+ - Awesome.

Planetes: A+ - I love the characters, story, and animation style.

GITS: SAC 2nd GIG: A - So much better than first season action and animation wise. I only wish LMF would sub them faster.

Gantz: B+ - only because most of the characters are pussies. Hopefully they'll grow some balls next stage. Other than that it's a pretty interesting show.

Midori No Hibi: A+ - This year's big surprise. When i first heard about the show I was like WTF?

Monster: A - Great story and characters. A nice change from the typical anime.

Paranoia Agent: B+ - Really weird anime. I love the animation style though.

Macross Zero: B+/A- High production value plus I'm a macross junkie. I only wished they didn't take so long to release the episodes.

Samurai Champloo: B+ - So far so good. I like the character designs.


Yeah, so I know this is Konex and all, but I'm really scratching my head over your ratings, particularly the Aishiteruze Baby score. Did you watch like five minutes of each episode or something? :p It's a great series; CLEARLY not one for you, but I don't see how the hell you're giving it that low score.

I've watched every ep (to completion) including 13. Anyone who reads my posts knows I like Shoujo-ish stuff as much as the next guy but A-Baby is just bad IMO. For example, Chiyo from Azumanaga = cute and funny. Yuzuyu = annoying as hell and I'm not surprised her mom dumped her ass :p Even Kippei gets on my nerves for some reason. The only character I like in the show is Kokoro and I'm just watching to see how it ends at this point since I've seen so much. o_O

And I still have the following things to watch...

Planetes 1-26

A Everyone should see it :D
The only negative thing about Ai Baby right now is
they won't bring back Kippei's crazy stalker. :) She was mean at first but i'd like to see her come back.


SSX, don't you dislike:

the awful crying noise Yuzuyu makes? Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah >_<
the ridiculousness of Yuzuyu being 5?
the uninteresting episode plots?
the one or two cringe scenes every ep when Kippei and Yuzuyu do a slow-mo hug?

I guess it's just not for me :p
" the awful crying noise Yuzuyu makes? Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah >_<
the ridiculousness of Yuzuyu being 5?"

Nope. She's voiced by a 9 year old so she just sounds like a little kid crying.

" the uninteresting episode plots?"

Every pe has entertained me, although some can be a bit slow.

"the one or two cringe scenes every ep when Kippei and Yuzuyu do a slow-mo hug?"

What's so cringe worthy about that? Parents hug their kids alot and right now Kippei sees Yuzuyu as his kid.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Crazymoogle said:
It's the result of the studio buying the manga rights too early. Instead of trying to be completely accurate to the manga (at what, 65-70 chapters right now?) they just animated select episodes and made up their own ending.

For what it is, though, I think the show is more uniformly funny than GTO. The episode with the doll festival is probably the single funniest anime episode I've seen.

I didn't know that the manga series was still running; that makes the last batch of episodes seem THAT much worse now. I wouldn't compare this series to GTO (different kind of humor) anyway, but GTO spanks it all over. :D

Are there any sites with torrents of the Midori No Hibi manga out there? Even just scans, sans English, would be fine.

Crazymoogle said:
Pretty simple:
a. It's licensed
b. It's easily the hardest title to translate.
c. Only two eps are aired in Japan per month.

Didn't know it only airs twice a month. I guess maybe the fansubs aren't as behind as I thought then? I can get up to episode 5. The translation issues certainly make sense, too. I know my Japanese needs a hell of a lot of improvement, but damn, anything related to Shirow, ESPECIALLY GITS, would be hard to grasp. The guy even makes up his own facts in his comics! :)


Samurai Champloo was pretty cool, although i'm not a big hiphop fan so the style and music kind've unnerved me. I guess their creators checked out some american pop culture and were fascinated by it enough to come up with something as crazy as that show. The anachronisms are great!

Oh yeah the only anime i'm seriously following right now is Paranoia Agent. I kind've lost interest in everything else I was watching or they finished. The only show I really want to see that is out is Koi Kaze, but I have no idea where to DL it. Oh and more texhnolyze but I lost the link for it.


Alright, basing on reviews so far...

- proves FMA is overrated as hell. How can people like an anime where when it gets to the climax (or ANY good part), it just suddenly slows down and ends with Al, Ed or Winry FUCKING CRYING. Instead of Al or Ed beating the snot out of everyone. Though the last few eps has been AMAZING but like I said, only a VERY few eps are B and above. Everything else is C. =\

- Ai Baby = Aishiteruze Baby :). And yes, it rocks just like everyone said in this thread. By far better than any other anime this season other than Champloo and Monster. Yes, it's better than Gantz. ;) And yes, Yuzuyu owns alloyou! I like the comedic overtones but sad undertones of the anime. Tragic but great.

- I was a bit harsh on Koi Kaze but I still think it's very average. It pales in comparison to Twin Spica which is a bit similar in tone. (ie. Everyday life anime kinda deal) Speakin of Twin Spica, when is A-F gonna release the rest? or is 12th episode the last?

- Midori no Hibi is funny but from where I am now, episode 8, it's really becoming Chobits 2. Though still enjoyable, I just don't like how it 'might' end since the manga is still going.

- Oh, I forgot my impressions of Initial D 4th but I give it a B+. I liked it more than 2nd and 3rd stage already but 1st stage is still the best of all stages IMO.

- And finally, One Piece does rox the hizout. If I have to watch only one fansub anime, then this will be it. I love this anime to death. But I just don't see it being as popular as Naruto when it's all said and done. Especially having 4kids bringing it over. =\


needs to show more effort.
One Piece: I watched like 30 episodes of it, got bored, not gonna watch anymore. C

Samurai Champloo: The first episode was awesome. Gone downhill a little bit since then but still decent. It needs a story and bad guys that push the main characters more. A

Monster. incredible story and characterization thus far. I was skeptical at first but now I'm hooked. A

Naruto: I still watch it but it has gone down hill a lot ever since the tournament. Used to be an A but now its a B-

Full Metal Alchemist: I've on like 28, so way way behind. I should watch more. Its ok. Nothing great but entertaining nonetheless. B

Shura no Toki: It has its ups and downs. I'm getting back into it since there should be some good fights coming up. There was a great fight between Musashi and... the main character whose name escapes me. But there really hasn't been much since that episode. B+

Last Exile: Great story, great music, great characters. Awesome. A

7 Samurai: only 2 episodes thus far right? might be ok, who the hell knows. Thus far, C

then there is the crap I've seen.

Aishiteruze Baby, This ugly and Beautiful World, Midori no Hibi, Planetes, Gantz, Paranoia Agent, Mars Daybreak, Tengo Tenge, Madlax, Bakuretsu Tenshi, all get F's


Paranoia Agent - (B+) Nice flow throughout the series, can't wait for the finale.

Ghost in the Shell - 2nd Gig (B+) I love this series, still like the 1st season since laughing man arc was really good.

Samurai Champloo - (n/a) Main story hasn't really been shown yet, great action and decent artstyle and music. Overall entertaining.

Samurai 7 (n/a) - only two episodes seen already know the basic plot, beautiful art with some over the top action sequences. I don't really like the logic of mecha as the bandits just seems too "out there". I probably like it more than Samurai Champloo just because visually its more entertaining.

Shura no Toki (B) - I like this series although I don't like how it switches from one arc to another, that means you'll never really get to know the characters well enough.

Kyou Kara Maou (B) - Hilarious take on "another world type" story. Has alot of the "yaoi/gay" theme to it but damn its funny.

Kenran Butoh Sai - Mars Daybreak (B) - The characters and light hearted mood is very good, the story is weak because its on and off.

Full Metal Alchemist (A) - Excellent series has a nice flow in regards to story and action.

One Piece (B+) - Nice anime but very long and drawn out, pacing is slow man just like Naruto at times. I'm not really holding any hope for the fansub to catch up to where the manga is its like years away. I like long series but when it goes over 100+ its seems like there will never be a conclusion :p

Naruto (B) - Same issues with One Piece that is very drawn out with slow pacing. Characters are ok and the action is either very good or bad depending on animators doing it.

Tenjou Tenge(C+) - Manga is just better, the artstyle is just phenomenal blown away at how good it is, I like it more than Naruto. Anime is like average compared to the manga, and looking at its current time slot in Japan I doubt they will continue after the flashback arc.

Gantz(F) - I can't stand a censored anime after two episodes I just quit. I'll wait for the uncensored DVDs thank you. Manga is nice.
"Paranoia Agent - (B+) Nice flow throughout the series, can't wait for the finale."

Can't believe there's only 1 ep left. :( I wonder what Kon's working on now?


needs to show more effort.
can someone give me a spoilerific description of paranoia agent? Using spoiler black bars of course. I watched the first 3-4 episodes and it just seemed like nothing interesting was ever gonna happen but everyone seems to like it. So I wanna know what is it that makes everyone like it so much but not badly enough to watch an anime I don't like just to find out. =\
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