Coreda what's going on with this one the face is kinda... smudgey? Also it still faces the wrong way. Also what's over the shoulder? Wearing a quiver of arrows or something?
I don't love it D:
0/0 you won GAF. That's a perfect score Brakke.
Coreda what's going on with this one the face is kinda... smudgey? Also it still faces the wrong way. Also what's over the shoulder? Wearing a quiver of arrows or something?
I don't love it D:
Black background makes it look awkward imo, but still good, 7/10
I'm not a fan of the anime avatar but the penis hat is funny. 7/10
She's done it some crazy colours recently:Blonde doesn't look half bad either.
Feeling a good 7.5/10 today.8/10, I miss the shades.
(I get the joke but still...)
She's done it some crazy colours recently:
Yo, that's sick.
that's hideous lol8/10, I miss the shades.
(I get the joke but still...)
She's done it some crazy colours recently:
7/10. Don't know it but it looks interesting.good transparency and a nice face, 4/5
that's hideous lol
Making GAF great again, one america at a time. 8.7/107/10. Don't know it but it looks interesting.
I would give it 7/10.
No idea who that is but I appreciate the confidence
I think I rated this already, but time for a second opinion.I like it. Kind of reminds me of MF DOOM. 8/10
I think I rated this already, but time for a second opinion.
7.5/10. Milk is good, personified milk is unique.
pretty good Zero(?) shot, hadoukamehameha aside. A little on the small side, 7.5/10
ARGH out of 10Yeah, no idea what it is, but I dig the doom vibes. 73/100
ARGH out of 10
it's causing my eyes to bleed
what the heck is it anyway?
7/10It is what it is, man.
Also, 8/10. One for each eye!
EDIT: OH SNAP. No idea what it is. I kind of dig the jelly hair though. 8/10 too.
Interesting. Looks like my old CRT TV having a fit and not working right. It's one of a kind for sure.
I don't know who that's supposed to be, but it's good art, so 8/10
I's reminding me of something but cant remember. Like from an old anime something.
I like it, 9/10.
Creepy Dr Doom! I like the art! 10/10
7/10, it's a Mio!
Anime, but classy. I dig it. 7/10, what's it from?
Eye seizure legit, 8/10. My avatar is from Psycho-Pass
Ready for your SFV debut. I dig it.Dig the malevolent face/mask.
yo wtf that looks lewd
Smug Ganondorf! The transparency needs some work though.6/10
It's not appealing to me, but to each their own.