She's not.
I said it the other day, but her and Triple H are awful authorian heels compared to Vince. There is no pay off with them. They always win.
She's got good and bad moments, I think. The problem is in wrestling every single problem is solved with violence and I think people get frustrated cos Stephanie puts herself in the old Vince role, but she can't physically get her comeuppance like Vince always did, so that leads to comments about her always winning and putting herself over.
In contrast, she did get her comeuppance last year around Summerslam and it was a good storyline for her. If they built up the Women's division with the new influx of talent coming in later this year, then Steph could get physically involved with all of that and, while still being the main authority figure, can at least not like, be out there saying she owns Brock Lesnar's ass and stuff like that.