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Raw after WM |OT| Suplex City Bitch!


Bryon reaching for that brass ring :D...dude trying to outshine Joey Styles with doing commentary by himself.


Let's not drink the kool-aid. Part timers do more damage then good to the business. They should strive to put together the best roster every night. Your argument is like saying Lebron shouldn't play every game because it wouldn't be special.

Wrestling isn't like basketball.

Part-timers do far more good than bad because watching the same matches and combinations of matches, which is inevitable thing with so many hours of show to fill a month, kills the hype.

Brock's matches have ALL been special in the last three years because of his part time status.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Who is this on Commentary??? Keep in mind this is most likely the only raw I will watch of the year. I do keep it on as background noise usually though.




Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Damn how Rhodes has fallen, I know they wanna do this whole Miz angle, but really...

Bring back Phantom of the Opera Cody.


Let's not drink the kool-aid. Part timers do more damage then good to the business. They should strive to put together the best roster every night. Your argument is like saying Lebron shouldn't play every game because it wouldn't be special.

You are thinking part timers like rock. Who shows up at WM31 to build a match for WM32. Same thing he did with Cena, showed up a full year before their match to just say next year.

Brock is a legit beast, no one on the current roster can touch him, look at him. Rather him show up for the big matches where he puts his all into it then show up everyweek to put on a 3 minute match that is terrible.

Lebron doesn't play every game alone, he has a team. Can not compare.
She's not.

I said it the other day, but her and Triple H are awful authorian heels compared to Vince. There is no pay off with them. They always win.

She's got good and bad moments, I think. The problem is in wrestling every single problem is solved with violence and I think people get frustrated cos Stephanie puts herself in the old Vince role, but she can't physically get her comeuppance like Vince always did, so that leads to comments about her always winning and putting herself over.

In contrast, she did get her comeuppance last year around Summerslam and it was a good storyline for her. If they built up the Women's division with the new influx of talent coming in later this year, then Steph could get physically involved with all of that and, while still being the main authority figure, can at least not like, be out there saying she owns Brock Lesnar's ass and stuff like that.
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