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RE4 delay semi official


Um, that pretty much sums it up. Dunno what I can say without getting in trouble, so I'm just keeping my mouth shut.


o_O @_@ O_o
I'd blather on how it's a good thing that RE4 has been delayed, because it'll get lost in the shuffle, and I've personally got an impossibly huge backlog anyways (including 2 RE games), and yadda yadda yadda yadda...

But this is Sales-Age where the almighty buck in the corporate pocket is of more interest than one's personal interest.

Nothing wrong with that mind you, I wouldn't be here otherwise.

In any case, my post isn't about that, it concerns:

Kobun Heat said:
dark10x said:
NO no no...

o_O is the new standard.
...and everything that followed.

Hear me/Read this now, because I won't repeat myself:

All emoticons are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator (whoever that may be) with certain unalienable quirks...

It gets long-winded from there.

And I am the authority on this. Check the tag. :p


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, how did I forget my old standby?


This will be the last time I use this... unless RE4 bombs =P
I'm not disappointed if the game does get delayed as it would be overshadowed by GTA:SA and Halo 2 for sure. The game really looks like it deserves to be noticed, and it will easier to for it to gain hype when released in the beginning of next year.


From Gamespy...

Earlier today, various news outlets picked up on the fact that online retailers such as Amazon.com, EBGames and Gamestop had updated their game listings for Resident Evil 4 by changing the release date from 2004 to early 2005.

We contacted Capcom to verify whether or not there was an actual delay, and the official word is: "Capcom has always officially stated winter as the release date and nothing has changed. We have never given a specific date."

Announced almost 3 years ago, Resident Evil 4 will further probe the carnage-filled complications caused by the zombie-spawning T Virus and its creator, the sinister Umbrella Corporation.


From Gamespot..

RUMOR #5: Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7 have been delayed until 2005.

Source: Product pages on EBGames.com and GameStop.com.

The official story: "We have not made any announcements regarding the exact release dates or months for these products. Both of these are still considered 'Winter.'"--Capcom USA spokesperson.

What we heard: The product pages went up. The forums started a-hoppin'. The e-mails went out. The official denial came in. The tired reporter shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, and moved on....

Bogus or not bogus?: Who knows.


This is fine with me. It gives Capcom more time to develop and perfect the game, gives me more time to play the other big fall releases and is a lot easier on my wallet.


Killer 7 is definately a 2005 title for even Nintendo's own website has it listed as such. Plus the fact that it still hasn't been shown in playable form makes said delay kind of a certainty.


This is fine with me. It gives Capcom more time to develop and perfect the game, gives me more time to play the other big fall releases and is a lot easier on my wallet.
Same. I think even those who only own a GC will get by fine. Several big games still. Throw a bunch more mandatory PS2 releases into the mix and I'm in serious trouble. I plan on taking four courses in the Fall semester, too.


DSN2K said:
GameCube 2004 .....

Only if you're not interested in the rest of the GC lineup. I can't believe with the stuff that is coming in November alone people have to complain. Some of you were probably going to pass on the game for something else anyway.


RE4 is one of my most wanted games this year.

I see this a good news though, dont want anything to distract me when Halo 2 is out. So it looks like I'll just be picking up Tales for GC this year.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Meh, I don't care when it comes out, just as long as it kicks ass when I finally buy it. There's Paper Mario, Star Fox and Metroid Prime 2 this fall anyway. That's more than enough for the limited gaming time I have.


drohne said:
I know you're joking and all, but GameCube's already amassing a pretty decent 2005 lineup actually...

-Advance Wars: Under Fire (Nintendo/Kuju)
-Dead Rush (Activision/Luxoflux)
-Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (Nintendo)
-Fire Emblem (Nintendo/Intelligent Systems)
-Geist (Nintendo/n-Space)
-Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Girls (Natsume/Marucome)
-HomeLand (Chun Soft) if it gets picked up
-Killer 7 (Capcom)
-Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
-Mario Party 6 (Nintendo/Hudson)
-Mario Tennis (Nintendo/Camelot)
-Odama (Nintendo/Vivarium)
-Resident Evil 4 (Capcom)
-StarCraft: Ghost (VU/Blizzard/Swingin' Ape)
-TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (EA/Free Radical)
-Unity (Lionhead/LamaSoft)
-Viewtiful Joe 2 (Capcom/Clover)
-Virtua Quest (Sega/AM2)


Sucks at viral marketing

Who was the twit that first posted this picture? The dipsh** didn't notice that he's jump INto the building?


jarrod said:
I know you're joking and all, but GameCube's already amassing a pretty decent 2005 lineup actually...

-Advance Wars: Under Fire (Nintendo/Kuju)
-Dead Rush (Activision/Luxoflux)
-Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (Nintendo)
-Fire Emblem (Nintendo/Intelligent Systems)
-Geist (Nintendo/n-Space)
-Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Girls (Natsume/Marucome)
-HomeLand (Chun Soft) if it gets picked up
-Killer 7 (Capcom)
-Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
-Mario Party 6 (Nintendo/Hudson)
-Mario Tennis (Nintendo/Camelot)
-Odama (Nintendo/Vivarium)
-Resident Evil 4 (Capcom)
-StarCraft: Ghost (VU/Blizzard/Swingin' Ape)
-TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (EA/Free Radical)
-Unity (Lionhead/LamaSoft)
-Viewtiful Joe 2 (Capcom/Clover)
-Virtua Quest (Sega/AM2)

I though Virtua Quest was October 04 and Mario Party 6 was still December 04, or have 2005 dates been confirmed...


First Half 2005 has some very big name games coming out on Xbox as well, as well as some big EA games. Is it for certain that the Gamecube won't get tossed in the mix again after this holiday?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't know, I can only assume Nintendo are allowing them to tinker with the game until tehy think it's the right time to release it. The N64 game only took 9 months and we saw the first Mario Tennis scans years ago.

Hang on, I'll find out how long ago...

2 years and 4 months ago.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah, so does Nintendo's site, but since then Gamestop, EB and IGN all have it listed for a specific date this December.

I figure it might have been moved in preperation for the RE4 delay. Or it's just a mistake.
Though this sucks for Nintendo (because now MP2 will be the only GC game I buy for the entire year), it's somewhat good news overall, considering that Halo 2, MP2, MGS3, Fable, Jade Empire, PoP2, and probably some other stuff I'm not remembering, will be out this year. I'll be busy enough.


Well for awhile it looked like Mario tennis was an online game, and that could explain it takes so damn long for this game, but since it's confirmed to not be online I dunno. Camelot been busy with other games?
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