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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Clinical Depression.
I am pretty sure depression changes your brain structure due to the plastic nature of our brains.
I should have studied neuroscience.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Crazy. Crazy crazy crazy. Divorce, death, nursing homes, drugs, psychotherapy. I don't think I've even logged into gaf since around the time I last posted. Missed you guys.

Just saw Tence got his well-deserved tag :D

edit: I suppose I should clarify that I have not become a divorced ghost haunting a nursing home.
Whelp. Pretty sure the spayed cat we brought home a couple weeks ago is pregnant.
Dude you can't catch a break.

Welcome back, and may the winds of chaos find fortune for you shortly.
Thanks guys. It's not a big problem...yet. We are gonna keep her no matter what - she's family now! - but she's itty bitty, so we are a bit worried about the whole birthing thing.

It was kinda funny comparing notes with my wife on the peculiar changes in appearance and behavior we've both been noticing since she first came home...then taking those oddities to a website describing indications of feline pregnancy. It was like running down a checklist. ;p

Leeloo Madison Mewltipass isn't a very dignified name for a mother, though. We might have to change it back to Madison.

Not freaking out too much 'til we hit the vet tomorrow and confirm it...but I'm sure. It's obvious.

Welcome back, and may the winds of chaos find fortune for you shortly.

Thanks! They owe me dammit! ;)
I don't know what to do... I keep telling people I'm really busy, and they keep saying 'well what about tomorrow then?" I feel terrible saying no over and over, but I'm really really busy. And this one girl is trying to get a detailed plan of my week out of me. =/ I need to study!

Whelp. Pretty sure the spayed cat we brought home a couple weeks ago is pregnant.

You can sell the kittens for money :D

... and have a house full of adorableness in the meantime.
Even when I wake up at 6:30 in the morning, I still end up leaving my house late.

Godamnit internet.


Also you all need to stop being American. OR organise some US-GAF UK holiday or something.

I'd go gay for Mark Webber.


I'd ask you to draw me an avatar but there's only one day left of the month...

So I'm up trying to write four essays in one go. Three down, one more to go with two other assignments due at 9 AM. At first I was going to reward myself for finishing by going to free pancake day at IHOP but looks like I won't make it.

I was really looking forward to free pancakes...


I'd ask you to draw me an avatar but there's only one day left of the month...

So I'm up trying to write four essays in one go. Three down, one more to go with two other assignments due at 9 AM. At first I was going to reward myself for finishing by going to free pancake day at IHOP but looks like I won't make it.

I was really looking forward to free pancakes...

Just send me a pic to me my pm, I'll make you one.
I so do not miss school. I don't understand how people get to 40 or 50 and suddenly develop an urge to go back. Not this guy, I tells ya. Not gonna happen.
I so do not miss school. I don't understand how people get to 40 or 50 and suddenly develop an urge to go back. Not this guy, I tells ya. Not gonna happen.

But going back at 40 has all the downsides to school (hectic life, no free time, no sleep) with none of the benefits (living out of your parents pockets, doing whatever you like with no concerns about money, youthful optimism about all the potential roads your life could take). They do tend to have a better appreciation for the knowledge though.


Yeah, I don't completely see why anyone would want to go back, but as much as I complain I'm really loving it and learning so much even if it can be a pain so maybe I can see the appeal...

And even though I did not get pancakes I got a Tence avatar so win! :D


I so do not miss school.

I remember asking my mum when I could leave school and she said, "in 11 years time". It seemed like a lifetime to me then. Of course it just flies by. I never really liked school, but I did miss it once I had left. You don't realise how easy you have it when you're in school.

In the same way, I think back to all those summer holidays playing out with all my friends. Everything was like a new experience to you. I remember we used to go out on our bikes sometimes and ride miles away from where we lived. It was like an adventure to us. We found an apple orchard the once and it was 'amazing!' (lol). Everything is amazing when you're a kid.

"did you see that hot air balloon?"

"yeah it was amazing!"

You see the world in such an innocent way. Everything is black and white. I have to say I miss growing up. I miss the lack of responsibility and the perspective you see the world in as a child.

Of course I am looking at it with rose tinted glasses on. There are other sides of growing up that are just ugh!


I miss highschool a bit, especially the latter years (16-18). It was all about booze and girls. I had lots of friends I'd meet in school every day, so that was awesome too.
However sitting there untill 3 or 4 o'clock listening to boring lectures was not fun at all... and the exams weren't fun either.
Somehow it seem you only remember the good stuff, not the bad.

I really miss university, especially the early years (19-21). It was all about booze, drugs, girls and travelling.
I almost never had a day that I hated going there. It was all good, and even the exams I could handle.


I miss highschool a bit, especially the latter years (16-18). It was all about booze and girls. I had lots of friends I'd meet in school every day, so that was awesome too.
However sitting there untill 3 or 4 o'clock listening to boring lectures was not fun at all... and the exams weren't fun either.
Somehow it seem you only remember the good stuff, not the bad.

I really miss university, especially the early years (19-21). It was all about booze, drugs, girls and travelling.
I almost never had a day that I hated going there. It was all good, and even the exams I could handle.

Yeah. Certain days were alright depending on the lessons you had for that day. When you have really boring lessons the day just drags on. It's sort of different once you get to certain age and easier to handle. I think it is because you have more freedom.

I think it was just growing up in general that I miss. I still think those are the best days of your life. Of course that's not to say you won't have amazing days throughout your life, it is just the perspective you view the world in.


Yeah. Certain days were alright depending on the lessons you had for that day. When you have really boring lessons the day just drags on. It's sort of different once you get to certain age and easier to handle. I think it is because you have more freedom.

That's why I liked University better. When it was a nice hot day, we'd just say: Fuck class... time for beer!

I think it was just growing up in general that I miss. I still think those are the best days of your life. Of course that's not to say you won't have amazing days throughout your life, it is just the perspective you view the world in.

Yeah, almost no responsibilities, and every experience is something really new.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I miss the days before the grudging, idealism-crushing weight of the realization that I am in fact "an adult."
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