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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I love chocolate rabbits, and I just love colorful, fun things in general. I guess that's why I'm a Nintendo fan. =D
I feel you there kitty. I like colourful things too... And Nintendo. <3

Shame I didn't have any sweets this Easter though. :(

I did eat an awesome Californian burger meal with thick, crispy bacon. Oh and Ben and Jerry's ice cream after that.

But still, no chocolate rabbits or other sweets.

I do not know how will I survive.
So I've been playing New Super Mario Bros Wii again these last couple of days.... pretty great game actually. It's no SMB3 or SMW, but still loads of fun.

At times, it rises to those levels of pure glee. I submit, for instance, the vertical scrolling level with the mega-giant screw thwomp things. Additionally, the bonus item hunts are pretty challenging and actually unlock stuff instead of just patting the player on the head.

Also, the level editor is pretty cool, and once in a blue moon there are Nintendo-quality user-generated levels that crop up.


I've noticed a trend with Mortal Kombat themed GAF accounts.

Kano on the Phone
Johnny Cage in the Shower
Liu Kang Baking A Pie

I bet Sonya in my Bed is next.


NSMB Wii from world 5 onwards is premium quality Nintendo.

I've noticed a trend with Mortal Kombat themed GAF accounts.

Kano on the Phone
Johnny Cage in the Shower
Liu Kang Baking A Pie

I bet Sonya in my Bed is next.

I'd have Sonya in my bed. Y'knowwhaimean?


Reluctant Member
Blondes are pretty meh.

Things are going crazy at home while I'm away. My mom quit her job and my dad found one (he is retired so he doesn't actually need to work. I guess he was bored.) Soon they will be tearing stairs out of their house and who knows what else. I'll come back to find they've blown their whole house up.
Well, tell us about it!

Have you ever heard of StoryCorps? It's basically a not-for-profit that goes around recording people's anecdotes and life stories simply for posterity's sake.

I kinda...want to do a nerdy version of that. Perhaps without the national bus tour. Just get people on Skype, record them talking about a particular theme (more in the anecdote sense than the discussion sense) such as "When was the last time a piece of media has affected you emotionally/affected your life outside of it?" and edit it all together in to a This American Life-style show.

Robert Ashley's A Life Well Wasted comes really close to this, but A) he hasn't made a new one in almost a year and B) at some point he started getting crazy with sound editing and did things like made dubstep songs out of interviews. Mine will be more, well, NPRish. But about entertainment things.


The Cryptarch's Bane
you commit that down Alberto!

By the way it looks like your webcam is lost to the ether. I'm really sorry, thanks for sending it anyway :(*


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's okay, sometimes I pretend I have it and I smile and roll my eyes at people on the internet even though they can't see me
Fuck this fucking report fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

It sounds that something is mildly troubling you. Don't hold back now.

I just made a visual representation of a database schema for my distributed systems class. We're going to make a multi-site car dealership where each dealer site has its own database, as does the warehouse, and they all connect together and such. Group projects are balls, but I really feel that I'm starting to get a feel for this.
I've rediscovered The Freelance Astronauts, so I'm using them as a distraction.

Which is both good and bad. Good because now I don't have to pay full attention to the report, bad because I'm not paying full attention to the report.

I've rediscovered The Freelance Astronauts, so I'm using them as a distraction.

Which is both good and bad. Good because now I don't have to pay full attention to the report, bad because I'm not paying full attention to the report.


Do the report! Fun is more fun if you do it after succeeding in an important task!


this is operation cyber-dave?


Sí. Tengo una cita 5:30 am

Ja. Ich habe einen Termin 5:30 Uhr

Kyllä. Minulla 5:30 am nimittäminen

&#1497;&#1488;. &#1488;&#1497;&#1498; &#1492;&#1488;&#1464;&#1489;&#1503; &#1488;&#1463; 05:30 &#1488;&#1463;&#1508;&#1468;&#1493;&#1497;&#1504;&#1496;&#1502;&#1488;&#1463;&#1504;&#1496;


The Cryptarch's Bane

Sí. Tengo una cita 5:30 am

Ja. Ich habe einen Termin 5:30 Uhr

Kyllä. Minulla 5:30 am nimittäminen

&#1497;&#1488;. &#1488;&#1497;&#1498; &#1492;&#1488;&#1464;&#1489;&#1503; &#1488;&#1463; 05:30 &#1488;&#1463;&#1508;&#1468;&#1493;&#1497;&#1504;&#1496;&#1502;&#1488;&#1463;&#1504;&#1496;
So they already implanted the language-processing circuit.

Appreciate the Spanish, I'd have been lost without it.
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