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The Cryptarch's Bane
About freaking time.
It's a bad thing :( Romney can start his general election campaign a couple months early instead of having Santorum nipping at his ankles and having to turn around with a rolled up newspaper every once in a while. :-/

I'm nervous about this election cycle. America gets so ugly and trite when a presidential vote is coming up. And our voting system is so outrageously bad I risk shattering my faith in my fellow man every four years.


The most important thing is for Santorum supporters to have as little validation as possible. The best thing for everyone was to get him out as fast as possible.
Santorum is an odd duck. Everyone thinks he can make a good run in 2016, but the problem is that he is essentially only popular because of who he's not, rather than who he is.

Barring something catastrophic, I think the electorate's attention spans are such that we are going to see executive branch party switches every eight years like clockwork. So Santorum may stand a good chance in 2016 of actually becoming President, but more likely it's going to be Rubio.

Which, honestly, isn't a whole ton better.
Obama/Santorum 2020.

I would really prefer if they went back to the old way of voting, where the second place guy became Vice President. It's a good thing when your number two is capable of voicing his disagreement with your actions. If anything, that's something I managed to learn from Hackman and Denzel.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I would really prefer if they went back to the old way of voting, where the second place guy became Vice President. It's a good thing when your number two is capable of voicing his disagreement with your actions. If anything, that's something I managed to learn from Hackman and Denzel.
Ah the good old days.
I would really prefer if they went back to the old way of voting, where the second place guy became Vice President. It's a good thing when your number two is capable of voicing his disagreement with your actions. If anything, that's something I managed to learn from Hackman and Denzel.

Well, we stopped doing that because it didn't work.

With the way party lines are divided now, it would extra not work. At worst, they'd be an active block to things the administration wants to do. At best, they'd be tied to the other party's administration and never be able to run themselves.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh, yeah. There's absolutely no way it would work.

Although if we adopted the alternative vote and eliminated gerrymandering, making the #2 VP might be worth considering again
There's a reasonable argument to be made that, in non-deadlocked congress terms, the First Lady has more power and influence than the Vice President.

There's an old (possibly apocryphal) story about Calvin Coolidge. When he was VP, vice presidents lived in the Willard Hotel if they didn't want to give up their home residences but could not technically live in both the states they're from and the District of Columbia.

So, one day there's a fire at the hotel and the firemen evacuate everyone. Coolidge, in his pajamas and needing a coat, told the fireman he's going back inside. The fireman says no.

Coolidge gets angry, says he's the vice-president, and demands to be let in. The fireman steps aside.

Five feet from the door, the fireman grabs him by the shoulder and says "Wait, what are you the Vice-president of?" Coolidge answers him, the vice-president of the United States.

"Oh," said the fireman. "Then you have to leave. I thought you were the vice-president of the hotel."

VPs get no respect.


Congrats on all the good luck there, kiddo.
Well thank you kitty.

Did you btw ever get or buy that webcam?

But of course. You were the one I modeled that phrase after. =)

You are making me blush darling. ^__^

Oh, and I just want to remind everyone in the midst of these blonde/redhead and all that other type of talk that bald is, in fact, beautiful.
My best friend's dad brainwashed me to believe all that when I was a mere child. You would like him.

Conga-rats Sade!

Blondes are demon spawn.

I'm sticking to my story.
Thanks cutie.

And I, like every other Finn that I know, was a blond on my early years before I started to evolve at a tender age (I think I was four or five).

My genes naturally decided they don't want to belong to a blonde... So I don't really count right?
I, like every other Finn that I know, was a blond on my early years before I started to evolve at a tender age (I think I was four or five).

My genes naturally decided they don't want to belong to a blonde... So I don't really count right?

I was blonde as a kid too


Looks like I finally got full-time employment.

Not the best pay, but I can make do with it. My savings had been running dangerously low. Now I'll actually get to put some money away before grad school.
Looks like I finally got full-time employment.

Not the best pay, but I can make do with it. My savings had been running dangerously low. Now I'll actually get to put some money away before grad school.

Congratulations and I salute you for planning ahead! I know some people who would go on a shopping spree at this point.


I might make a few small purchases after I get my first check, but I'm definitely not planning to splurge. Just a few things I've been doing without for awhile.
Hey guys! I'm using you for research!

If someone asked you if you had any funny anecdotes concerning a game or movie or book or TV show (not necessarily about those things but like "We were buying a video game and this happened,") do you think you'd have a lot of these?


Reluctant Member
You can see "PHSSTHP" in big letters near the top. Google search for that leads to a correction of spelling to "Phssthpok" and links to the book, as well copies of the book blurb which sort of lines up with what the back cover might actually be saying.

I felt like putting on my Holmes hat for this one, just in case Lissar never actually knew what book she was reading and has always wanted to rediscover it.

Well, I didn't know! I always figured if I wanted to know I could go flip through my father's books. He hasn't really bought too many more since that time. He likes to read old sci-fi and nothing but that, so he just constantly reads the same books. He has read them so many times pages have started falling out. When they do, he just says, "One less page I have to read! Hooray!" He knows the whole story anyway.

Thanks cutie.

And I, like every other Finn that I know, was a blond on my early years before I started to evolve at a tender age (I think I was four or five).

My genes naturally decided they don't want to belong to a blonde... So I don't really count right?

I wish this were me. :| Unfortunately my blondeness was never temporary, unlike EVERYONE ELSE IN MY FAMILY WHO WAS BLONDE.

Hey guys! I'm using you for research!

If someone asked you if you had any funny anecdotes concerning a game or movie or book or TV show (not necessarily about those things but like "We were buying a video game and this happened,") do you think you'd have a lot of these?

Off the top of my head it's kind of difficult. If you had a topic and used key words/phrases to prompt something I probably could think of lots of things.
This is the problem! I feel like I'm on the cusp of a good idea here but I can't bridge the gap to something doable.

One of my favorite This American Life stories is about a girl who did not know what World War II was until she finished college. So she talked about how she would do improv and then totally just make up characters to cover up this lack of knowledge.

And this kind of thing would be amazing and entertaining but there's no way to limit it to entertainment things without it losing basically all value. The stakes are just inherently lower.

Like, I didn't know there was a run button in RE4 until the mansion part. That's a funny one-line post, but as an anecdote, it falls sort of flat.


So I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3, and I'm just not finding the fun.

It's kind of weird, because the game got like unanimous praise. I don't think it's shit or anything. Just overwhelmingly mediocre.


So I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3, and I'm just not finding the fun.

It's kind of weird, because the game got like unanimous praise. I don't think it's shit or anything. Just overwhelmingly mediocre.

I've never found the fun in any MGS to be honest :O


Reluctant Member
Pff. I don't even know who you are little girl. Go away!

It's better that way, then you don't know what's coming to you. She'll eat you then explode.

SA: Well, if you look at it from other angles then I think it could be quite interesting. Not just about games and game playing itself (though you could have that too) but about the gaming community and relationships involved in gaming.

For example, I could tell many stories about being a woman in this hobby. People like to say that being a girl into games isn't special, but neither is it EQUAL to the experience a guy would have in the community. I have a few stories about that (I've blogged quite a few of them.)

Also, parents and gaming. I remember lots of stories from when we would play adventure games together.

Also the role of gaming in other various kinds of relationships could be interesting. :eek: I have stories about gaming with boyfriends. Also, of two best friends who originally loved games together, but one decided she wasn't into them anymore and the other continued to grow in her love for them. How gaming has affected our friendship...


Hey guys! I'm using you for research!

If someone asked you if you had any funny anecdotes concerning a game or movie or book or TV show (not necessarily about those things but like "We were buying a video game and this happened,") do you think you'd have a lot of these?

I feel you'd have to lead with a slightly more specific question if you want to get a good story, rather than just ask people to tell you anything. Or, if you're asking for funny stories? Only ask funny people D:

Also, what Lissar said. Why limit it to funny stories? Unless her suggestions are too Games Journalism for you.
Wow I am terrible at draw something.

And I, like every other Finn that I know, was a blond on my early years before I started to evolve at a tender age (I think I was four or five).

My genes naturally decided they don't want to belong to a blonde... So I don't really count right?

My hair's getting darker too :( It used to be blonde and now its at that awkward not-a-colour stage.

Whenever I think of MGS I think of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKIiUsbOO24

so funny.


My hair's getting darker too :( It used to be blonde and now its at that awkward not-a-colour stage.

I'd still consider you blonde.

However I have the same as you. It gets darker. My hair used to be really really blond, almost platinum... and now it almost brown.


Hey guys! I'm using you for research!

If someone asked you if you had any funny anecdotes concerning a game or movie or book or TV show (not necessarily about those things but like "We were buying a video game and this happened,") do you think you'd have a lot of these?

Probably not. One because I have poor memory, and also because I rarely shop offline anymore.
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