Speaking of being terribly drunk, you know you've had one hell of a night when you wake up pantless in the gutter somewhere.
Speaking of being terribly drunk, you know you've had one hell of a night when you wake up pantless in the gutter somewhere.
on top of a roof gutter? or regular street kind?
So I've been miserable ever since dying my hair? D:
Hmm... interesting question my friend.
Waking up pantless on top of a roof gutter I imagine would take some doing, especially if really drunk. It would be like a whole mystery to unravel. How did you get up there? And how the fuck do you get back down again?
it would make for a more interesting story....
"Better eat your Wheatley's"
Yeah. It would be like an adventure weekend.![]()
yea! with a mystery and things you don't remember....we could call it the hang--...wait.
Further proof I should not be a blonde.
I swear you're having a whole completely different conversation with yourself. What is this Wheatley's business?
Explain yourself, sir!
You look fine in those pics.
Am I missing something?
I would call it the Magical Mystery Tour.
Edit: Dave explain this 'Wheatley's' thing to me. And lissar, show picture that isn't just a mass of hair. lol
I like your dress though lissar.
You look like you're about to spin round and attack someone in this pic
You look fine in those pics.
Am I missing something?
I've just been thinking about Portal 2's bumbling idiot robot a lot lately and wanted to express that in parody.
Blonde is awful.
I'm not saying she doesn't look fine in her pictures. My point was, they're mainly pictures from behind
Considering these pics are probably 7 years old, I can't get any new ones. I just wanted to show my blonde hair since I never could find any good pics of it before.
Okay. You know, I wouldn't actually call that blonde. It looks kind of 'mousy' to me.
Fair hair.
I'm sorry, it's just the truth.
Nope, I'm actually very VERY blonde. The pics were funny looking because I had been trying to get the brown dye out of my hair.
I am so blonde I get COMMENTS from hair stylists.
I had cat ears.
I had cat ears.
Nope, it was a cat.
I told you.
It's the only blonde costume pic I have.
Nope. :O You're wrong.
How about not.
For one: please don't go searching for old pics of me.