Can some one edit this so Clowns are holding that useless shit head of 343 ?
Hive mind mentality stop it guys the single player was good and even great sometimes
GOTY though? That 600 vote by the sounds of it was made up ofHive mind mentality stop it guys the single player was good and even great sometimes
Hive mind mentality stop it guys the single player was good and even great sometimes
GOTY though? That 600 vote by the sounds of it was made up ofadamsapple &
Negotiator101 voting 300 times each lol
The best SP campaign this generation, at least in terms of game play. Folks may have their issues with how it discarded previous narrative but that's a different matter.
Eh.....I'd say the opinion that is the "best SP campaign this generation" in gameplay is held by a very small minority such as yourself. Obviously you are free to have that opinion, but let's not frame it as if it is the consensus.
Neogaf will never live that down
Far Cry 1,2,3
Dishonored series
Doom series
Quake series
Halo 1,2,3, ODST, Reach
Cyberpunk 2077
Titanfall 1,2
System Shock
Borderlands series
Bioshock series
Wolfenstein series
Early Call of Duty
Probably missing a few. Those are all considered pretty great
They are great FPS campaigns. But we’re getting away from the original comment I replied to.
When people are listing best single player games they’re saying Mario, Zelda, God of War, Last of Us, etc…not those games.
Unless that person meant in the context of FPS genre. In that case I misunderstood.
Your reply was talking about FPS games and suggesting Halo Infinite isn't in the "best single player"conversation because FPS in general are not. That is not necessarily true. Half-life 2 is consistently in the conversation for best single player games ever. The question then becomes how big of a list are we talking about. Top 10? Top 100? In either case, the campaigns of the games I listed are typically going to make it into the conversation before Halo Infinite except for diehard Halo fans.
They even did a horrible job at the GAAS part, as months and months would go by between updates. By the time Infinite started to receive a steady flow of updates, the vast majority of the player base had left for good, as 343 missed the window to keep a large player base and have a successful GAAS game.Campaign was good at launch but they diched out as soon they made launch....there was so much potential to update game with new biomes & story but no.....they updated multiplayer with GASS shit, fucking Clowns.
Bonnie Ross had years and years of incompetence, spaning multiple releases. Bonnie comes across to the public as a very likable person and in the begining, it seemed like the fan base wanted to like her, but after multiple failures and Microsoft PR letting the fan base know that she was a female, it became obvious that the only reason she wasn't being replaced, was because she was female. Microsoft bet their biggest franchise on her multiple times and she failed each time, although I thought Halo 4 was solid, the most feature complete at launch and had the best post launch support out of the 343 Halo games.When people claim “there are no misogynists on Neogaf,” this post - and the others like it right here - are the proof to the contrary.
No, it’s not the gameplay.
It’s not the artwork.
It’s not the level design.
It’s not the management.
It’s not the engine.
It’s not the story.
It’s not the characterisations.
It’s not the graphical fidelity.
It’s not the publicity.
No… it was the woman.
“Nothing else matters.”
And as for people who claim there are no Xbox shills on Neogaf… well, boy, that sure doesn’t seem like the case either, does it?
Neogaf will never live that down
Pretty obvious that a few overzealous GAF members were spamming the voting mechanism that was in place back then. Voting was brought in house to prevent that very thing from happening going forward.
343 leadership behind the scenes:
Microsoft culture at its finest. Throw money at it.Plus counting that money Phil just kept handing them
People would be shocked at the figure Ybarra threw out one night the tab had gotten close to
It was ok. 6/10 for me. The open world aspect was neat, and the story was leagues better than 5. Also I liked the banished as a covie replacement (but Im one of the few people that actually likes halo wars)Hive mind mentality stop it guys the single player was good and even great sometimes
Tbf halo 2 wasnt designed around being a gaas, the multiplayer was tacked on and was an accidental success. Bungie dug deep into that one and made the decision to split it into two games (since halo 3 wasn’t originally planned)I honestly enjoyed the campaign. Enjoyed it way more then the last game.
Idk, there were a few scenes I really enjoyed between chief and cortana. I am surprised there was no expansion to the campaign.
Also, hearing mismanagement occurring in the gaming industry is par for the course anymore. Hell, the behind the scenes of Halo 2 showed mismanagement back then.
When people claim “there are no misogynists on Neogaf,” this post - and the others like it right here - are the proof to the contrary.
No… it was the woman.
“Nothing else matters.”
And as for people who claim there are no Xbox shills on Neogaf… well, boy, that sure doesn’t seem like the case either, does it?
Agreed on all fronts - the game is just fun to play. They just need to iterate on the open world and make it better (I do not care about the story, never have)Story: trash
World design: lacking (everything looked the same)
Open world elements: generic (hey here’s the same handful of open world objectives you’ve seen a thousand times, do them again and again in this game too)
Core gameplay: phenomenal. They created a top notch open world sandbox for you to play in.
I chalk most of Infinites issues up to development hell. I have high hopes for a legitimate sequel with a quality dev cycle.
Dishonored, Prey, Bioshock, Titanfall 2, Metro Exodus, Wolfenstein, System Shock .. There are plenty to pick from for single-player potential goats depending on preference. Admittedly, most developers of the genre aren't chasing the single-player demo though, so it's almost always an afterthought comparatively, but there's still plenty. And even some really potential bangers on the horizon, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 could be amazing if it's given the love and attention the series needs.Yeah, from 1998. What else you got?
You see people bringing up any modern FPS when discussing greatest single player games?
Matt Booty
looking at her face i see some kamala harris in thereWhat matters is that a brave and stunning woman was put in charge to lead one of the most famouns franchises in gaming.
Doesn't matter if the game was a sucess or not, that wasn't the point.
I liked the campaign a lot too, but I could tell there was one big problem with it’s development: Whoever designed all of the boss fights in tiny open arenas felt like they were developing them for a first person 1v1 melee system that didn’t exist.Hive mind mentality stop it guys the single player was good and even great sometimes
Just for the gameplay and the fact the game (really really) sticks to the basics of Halo in terms of sandbox/enemies it's more enjoyable not only than Halo 5 but also than the borefest that is Halo 4 campaign, no cap.
I can only imagine with dread how it is to have someone like that as a boss…bonnie ross , the franchise destroyer
The campaign and mp was good. It was fun to play. But I just didn’t care for any of the new mp content. Just couldn’t hold me in. After the first 4 months i believe. I was done. Hadn’t look back and don’t care too I guess. But I had fun as hell playing it when I did.
Halo 5 gets way too much hate. Halo 4 by far was the worst of any of all the halos.It remains the only Halo campaign I've never finished - and that includes the abomination that was Halo 5. The open world was simply disastrous to Halo's tight gameplay loop and should never have made it past prototyping.
See, if firefight would had been out. I would maybe still longer and maybe it could had hook me to stay more idk.It's better and I can't get enough Firefight mode now, I don't know why it took so long to update the game though. They really had a window to grab everyone and lost it.
Was literally a copy/paste building and all you did was clear them. The story was atrocious, and the characters were bland and boring.The campaign was great. It won Neogaf's GOTY based on how good it was, not the multiplayer.